HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-08, Page 4FRID .L JUI!t]3: 8,1888. PERTU NEWS. 'ttra:!Fie:1 Id as a floating debt of (oval' p31,UJO, MA a debenture G of over ,,.350,0001 • r Henry Stark, who is mov- ii11; to Iowa, has sold his property, on the Logan road to Mr S. Han- cock. I.r Walter Thomson has decid- ed on the immediate erection of an elevator at the Mitchell sta- tion;capable of storing from 40,000 to 60,0000 bushels of grain. Last March Mr James Hodge, just outside of Mitchell, lost a fine heavy draught mare, and her twin colts. On Tuesday,, we under- stand, that the gentleman lost 1ta- other mare in foaling, but the colt is still living. Mr J. Boyd Rutherford, former- ly of Millbarlk, and for Horny years reeve of Mornington, has been selected by the Conservatives of Rockwood, Manitoba, as their candidate at tho coming election of a now parliament for that Pro- vince. It is reported that Mr Hicks, of llsborne, will enter an action for aamages against rho township councils of Blanshard and Us - f IVU 9,,T TUE BOY IS WORM'.. I 40 not know what you, thitek of the woman's crusade, but jet me say ns a W01 tie who stoutl in side of it that th'a womanhood o1' this nation never laid r.uch It tri- bute at the fent t't' its manhood ;is they did in the woman's crusade. If you want to tied out what tt boy is worth go and ask his mother. By the time she gods into the jaws of death to give him birth, and then puts into hire hor days of love and her nights of care, and) he stands before her strong and clean, and tall at twenty-one, she can tell what he is worth from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet; and when the legalized dram shop takes hold of him and tears him down fibro by fibre, and puts oaths on- the lips that she used to kiss, and -crushes` out his mother's hopes, it is no wonder she makes an outcry. If you want to know what a home is worth go and ask a loving woman who h• s kept herself as pure as God's lilies from her marriage day, when, with a groat shine in her eycs,she puts herself over into the hands of one man,for bettor or COP worse, for richer or for pnot•o1•,unti1 life's end. And when the dram shop with its fearful curse ,crosses the threshold of tho home they built together and takes down her borne, for injuries sustained by strong tower of hope, stone by Mrs llicla,caused by being thrown I :stone, and degrades the father of flIOltl a rig at the bridge at the her children, it is no wonder wo- o town lino. man makes outcry.-3Lrs T. IL. Mr James Fisher, Q. C., Winni- Lathrop. peg, a former Stratfordite, has been nominated in the Liberal in- terest for Russel, in the Manitoba local elections. R. H. Myers, also There was a bridal couple coming from Stratford, is the favorite in on the Bay City train ',the other Liberal candidate in North Min- day, and the passengers in that par - titular car were on the grin most nodose, says a correspondent. ! of the time over their antics. The About two weeks ago a fine bride had got the man she loved, three-year-old trotting stallion, and didn't care a copper who saw owned by Dr Day, of Fullerton' her pillow her head on his shoulder. who hadiithe animal in training Thebridegroom had got a farm by Mr..hitzsimonr, oi' St. Marys, with his wife and if he wished to broke one of its legs while ho was feed her with gum -drops or squeeze being exercised. The result of her hand whose business was itt which was the uuim tl had to be A little old man, dried up and bare - killed. headed, sat directly in front of the We are sorry to learn o(' a back couple, and he looked around so accident which happened to .11Lr often that the young husband tin�l- George Adams, of Logan. While ly explsined— Mr Adams was in the act of defy "We're just married." int; a post with a largo sledge e,I knowed it all the hammer, the head of the hammer chuckled bald -head. came oft' and struck him ou 1110 "And we Can't help it, head, and almost fracture(! his know." skull. :lir Adams is now under ''No, you can't --I'll be darned if the care of his family physician CAN'T GET TOO MUCH. time," you expected to recover. you kin!" and is "I litesume it all- seems very silly to an old roan like yon," con- tinued the husband. "Does it! Does itreackled the old fellow as be hobbled around. Wall you bet your life she dosen't. I've been right theie three times over The five-year old daughter of Mr B. Rosenbergo, of I3lanshard, was,pluying in the yard of her fii- ther's 'residence, 011 Sunday after- noon, when a horse entered the same, and she undertook to drive it out. The animal iia turning and now I'm on my way to Canada round struck out furiously with to marry a fourth. You orter see both hind feet, and struck the lit- tle girl on the right temple, in- denting the skull. She remained unconscious for twenty four hours, but at last report was doing well and some hopes of her recovery are now entertained. Backache, stitches in the side, inflation and soreness of the bow- el,:, aretsy mptoms of a disordered state of the digestive and assimilf- tive0rgans,whreh can be corrected by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The number of domestic cigars manufactured in Canada as regis- tered in the Department of Inland Revenue amounted last year to 85,587,505, or ab„ut 18 for every man, woman and child in Canada. Of these Montreal made 40,000,- 000, Hamilton nearly 7;000,000 and Toronto pearly 6,000,000. • "I know 'tis a sin to But I'm bent on the notion, 1'11 throw myself into The deep, briny ocean.” is the .mental exclamation of many a sufferer from headache, indigestion,con- stipationrtorpid liber, etc. The use of Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, however, would transform these unfortunates, and cause them to sing— me a week hence. I'll bug and squeeze and fondle at the rate of forty miles an hour, and darn the skunk that laffa at me! Silly! %Vhy children, its parrydise biled right down."—Detroit Free Press. RAG r %Ti BERS OF P ► IMS. `I'kb•'e are hi Riria 1.11 ire Ili U1 80, ' 000 prople who in Ike their living out of rag gathering ,"id kill owing it the :Ish bi:,: of the et'', and rtntlIV m a•rl a+11 1 ,"•e• d••I11•mlenr. d3• rectly on the rat business. They are organized and knit roger her like any co-operativr or indust: Lit socie- ty, and are divided into two grt at classes of workers—diurnal and nocturnal. The nocturnal breed begin to ply their work at about 1lo'clock. They may be seen going from street to street carrying a huge basket on their back, and with a lantern in one hand and an iron hook called a crochet in the other. They walk smutty along the gutter, looking keenly about their --feet, azul •now and then pick up something with the crochet and pitch it into the hotte or basket. They stop at (Wel', dust -box, and, after ransacking it to their heart's content, proceed to the next. The weaker and younger members of the fraternity work at home. The rag•gatherers have regular heats on the sheets. When a cheitl'tluier wishes to re- tire he sells' the good -will of his I,ii Si11(:S' to his RUQi?eS4Or 1iefoie he gives up his medal. 1';Lery master- chei(fo.nii•r has a nunlher of pickers attached to hila. lfe pays them by piper -work The tinily earnings of the craft vary firm 25 to 40 cents.—You t li's foul I anion. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Don't Wait Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and gray before giving the attention needed to preserve its beauty and vitality. Keep on your toilet -table a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor—the only dressing you require for the hair—arid use a little, daily, to preserve the natural color and prevent baldness. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes : "Several months ago "my hair commenced falling out, and in a few weeks my head was almost bald. I 'tried many remedies, but they did no good. 1 finally bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the contents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recom- mend your preparation as the best hair - restorer in the world." "My hair was faded and dry," writes Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; " but after using a:bottle of flyer's IIair Vigor it became black and glossy." Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Pimples and Blotches, So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and neck, may be entirely removed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the hest and safest Alterative and Blood -Puri (ter ever discovered. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggiete; $1; six bottlee for $5. C61) TUB NE ERA, THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. k• �k ***********i. '\$-One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. But my spirit shall wander Through gay coral bowers And frisk with the mermaids. It shall, by the powers ! An interesting case, which has been in court fir a year, has just been decided by Chief Justice Armour. A lady leacher in Ram- say township •suspended a boy for mtsconertuct— disobedience-- until be offered an apology. She was b a(L e l by the trustees, and the 'old man' backed the boy by ap- plying for a mandamus to compel his admittanac'e, The ,judge dis- missed the applieation, ordering the 'old man" to pay all the costs and giving him some good advice, Ile (the judge) thought the teach. er and trustees were right, and that in the interests of the boy the father ,ought to have had him acknowledge he was wrong in what he dirt and go quietly back to school. Ladies Only The complexion is often retdered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- owness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blond. Dr Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole sycitem. See recipe book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists Mrs, T. S. Moulton, of Hampton Fall), N.H., was attraeted by the notion of two robins in her front yard.. They would fly and almost strike her, and then go to an -ar- bor vitas, tree in the hedge, then back to her again. When the tree was examined a nest was found with young birds, and a large speckled adder eating the young birds. Tho adder was kill- ed, tut he had eaten all bet ono of the yonn; birds. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. ONLY ,-: COMPETENT :-; WORKMEN x EMPLOYED New BETTERS', NEW BORDERS Naw 0x.Aa'Er•rs,FINE PAPERS, FINE 1shs. NOVEL. COM ETNA 11 5•,. Business Circulars ---A NP Et'IAI.IY-- NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC.. w -SLE OUR SAMPLES:We ] tt 1' ('IIs§R.1! .., 1 ?.1..., k�liilll P' ,1,1,1P1:rj 1}� jl jEiij l e _ ' t 1l:.1•"anl;:siy, r'�°i.ti. ei;::;r,l:;enntll:a.,ri:,;i,luhi1,l11.k I1ei i n 1` 11 II IE for Infants and Children. "CastoriaiepoweUad#Lpted$oohldreatj st .CLAM* woo Collo. COPdlpatton, t recommend ft ta. superivet4 any prescription sour Btomuoh, Durres a., ]ructation, known t o me." I L A. Mca*a, M. A., _'"ggeeotIworms, Chet! aleop, anti promotes dt- 11180. Oxford BG, i13xuoklya, N. Y. W1$l s $ l4tue1Qua medloodonn. EVERYT Tam CENTAUR. COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. 'e NI 000 NEW DRY GOODS, t . New BOOTS SHOES, NEW - GROCERIES. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing rernedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience, Thousands of testimo- nials,received from patients and from physi- cians who have tested it in the more 'aggra- cated and obstinate cases which had bathed their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended ass "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful invigorating tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and its appendages in. particular. For overworked, worn-out, run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "chop -girls," house- keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. T'ierce's Favorite Prescription as the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, • favorite Prescription" is une- qualed and is invaluable in allaying and sub- duing .nervous excitability, irritability, ex- haustion. prostration, hystc rin, spasms end other distressing, a.,•r ruse symptoms com- monly a:te edam I.:eel 1.. , t inrnd end organic disease el the n•.. -.•r. it :neiuoce rcill ehing sleep and 1'clier•r; r:1.l....; L.uxicty end de - Fir. Pierces. Fest' gene Prescription is a l t 11lu..te L e:dir►nc, carefully con;;. .; i .1 by :.'1 <rl,or•;, nc0,1 1:iid 81118[0! .w:, nod r ::in, 1 to tr(,ntuu•e delicate vcgctable in its compoel: ex end 11.11, sly l:nrrnloes in its effect, et t:n r..eti' c / i rho system. For mor!.:,• cr•'t, i ht, • .I ,u:, from whatever esus „ereer, w't•a : et 6th indigestion, dys- pep.. r1 kindred syinl.t•.n.s, ire use, in small dose,. t: ,ll pr"vea . _; tee lu ud. "1 :.erne Pre tee. Ieaposl- tirc c u -e for the : act complicated and ob- ,tir,:.r . e„s-.e cf 1 •u • ..ri 1r •t,, e:veessit'e flowing, pair,!..', ::.•.,.G'::::.•:,::., i.c.i:ntural suppressions, i»'nlai•ct:a,,•.r !'nllinp' et the womb, weak back, Sone;;) tvcak::::nc•,” a ❑tc••re rsion retroversion, bearing -down 9r nr.a1! !:t6, dimple congestion, fn8ammntion and ulre•ralion of the womb, in- flammation, pale Led t, nderness in ovarlea, accompanied with internal heat." As a regulator and promoter of func- tional action. at that critical period of change from stir' hood to womanhood Favorite Pre- scription" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, end cnu produce only good results. It le equally efficacious Find valuable in its effects When taken for those dlsordere and derange- ments incident to that later and most critical period, known ,is " The Change of Life." as Favorite Prescription'',when taken fn connection with the use oDr. Pierce's Holden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver, kidney and Bladder disenaes. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from tbo system. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from The ffiauuz facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every ease, or money will be relkinded. This guaran- tee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles ((100 doses! $1.00, or rix bottles for $5.00. For large illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper -covered), send ten cents WoAddress, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 603 ?!ret•, ft., BUFFALO! N. V Having just bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to ,sell goods as low as any rospectable boil, a in the Dominion. Any t ne wanting good goods at lowestpriceswill save neon C}' l y (a]]irg on me. I always keepgoodStaple (' e • t l d will not be undersold by any one in the trade. BUTTER and Eoc;s taken in exchange for goods. A call respectfully solicited, x1x H. PLUMSTEEL, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE• NEWTONS Harness & Grocery Det. Still in the 14'ront After thanking my many customers for past favors, 1 beg to announce to the gener• al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAT' as the Cheap- est. I am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal .Soap, 12 BAITS. F01i 25 CENTS; No, 1 Electric Soap, 'FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low' pikes. COAL OIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. I have un hand A full stock of Field and Garden Seals Of the very hest quality and at lowest possible fignres ' A full Stock of FLOUII and FEED always on hand at Mill prices FIRST CTASS POTATOES NOW ON IIAND, I have a few sets of White and Colored t'RO,:KERY and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices that will astonish the closest buyers. HARNESS in13rstock ofharness is complete all branches, such as Trunks, VALISES, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, IIALTERS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere. All Kinds Grain and Farm Produce taken the same as cash. GES. NEWTON, - - LONDES.BORO ILO? Trade - 1V f: BPD T) IN1't11:\I T111: PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF • GR OCERI E yY our Grote ies From 'hornas Cooper ,i 'on • WE HAVE TUE LARG1EST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS. SORTED STOCK OF 0 '` 0 C M ..Gti I s In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we wartrint everything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK- ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand al Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. Thos COO:P-E-R Sr. SO ()LINTON. Is complete in all its branches: \Ve guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than he cheapest, quality considered. In SUGAR$, wears as low as any in town CANNED GOODS' in great variety. , PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of alt rods. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCKERY—special inducements in Tea and Dinner Sete. x x X A-AN'G-US, 99 ALBEIR,T cads. Seeds ! Change of Business Field and Garden seeds 11111L11111111111111111111111111L11 Tho •Eodcrsig.,:d begs to notify the people of Citntc r and eicit.ity that he has bought ah. HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried 011 by W. L Newton, .And that he is prepared to furnisl. Harness, Collars,Whips, Trunks,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specis attention is directed to my stock of Liaier BARN ESS, which 1 will make a specialty OF ALL KINDS AND OF THE VERY BEST -------t'QUALITY AT _ .Aw. DC7. I B', Clinton, The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my custemere,I hope to merit a Lair share of patronage. Give me a all before purchasing else- where. REM NI BEER T11 E STAN D—OPPOS1TE THE MA II RET G-3330. A, SHAR• AN' �•� --.gym Tl�c Celobraiod ARGUS Spoeiaclos & Evr lasses 'I'l(E PEST IN 1;USE MB. LAURANCE'S Spectacles noes Eyeglasses at Cost CALEDON IA Mineral Water Aerated. JA31FS I3. t.:340y1�L131i:. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. CLINTON, ONT. CENTRAL GROCER P. ROB'S old Stt'tnd. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o GROCERIES,CROCKERY,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, be is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERYWBEK SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST., FANCY ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat- terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, great variety. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE A.WORT:HINC3-TON,Ciinton Z'�.t�. I L..C� Z�,►I N Gr NEW GOODS That are all right in quality and style and away down in price. A1\TY 1' P1SO T wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock as it is new ane the latest s'.yles. A .1. 11040 WAY, Fischer's Old Stand, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. The Great Clearing Sale e10 ON Thirty days more. Heavy discount fir Cash to run off old Ltock to make room for ,New. A lot our own Manufacture. Good value. A lot of new FIIRNITIIRE Coming in. Now is the time to buy at J. ' 0. ST E VEIN-SON"'S FURNITURE STORE. - ---- — OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. subscribe for the NEW ERA now !