HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-01, Page 7• 011/10/IMMONOMMONOMMINIMNIiiiiiMBOMMON;WOManig flintenKtwOta rRIPAY, JUNE 1, 1888. LOOAL NOTICES. For tile Best value iu Baby Carriapos go to JAMES TWITCHELL. neanooa Lumber for sale, ineh board% Seantlin and Joist, apply to GORDON PM - /MN or to W... PERRIN. Car reiicing Wire, all kinds, . Binding cord, Alabastine. R. 1L RAVEY, Clinton. Eggs taken in exchange for goods at CHRIS. DICKSON'S Book Store, Clinton. Full Stock of Cut Nails, Beat Coal 011 150 per gal., 124two galand over.. DLRACEY. HARDWARE. Just received a fresh supply of Barb and other Fence wire, Steel nails, Tarred and Build- ing paper, Carpet felt, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, and all kinds of Builders' Hardware. We have a large stock of the above goods and are. offering them at very low prices. Bave- troughing and all kinds of tin work a specialty. Tinware at reduced prices. 8 milk pans for 81;00. HARLAND BROS, Clinton. NOTICE - POIXTRY 'PUT Wor" sell has gathered 02 egg e from his first prate pea of (six brown Leghorn hens, is three months. ACCIDENT. -00 Tueaday, while a nephew of Mr A. McAllister wee ativifig a load cif prats through a gateway, he was caught and wedged between the load and the gate -post, being rendered insensible for a few minute. Medical assistance was °i - ed in, when it was found that his in- juries were only slight, MeagETDAY.—Our readers should bear in mind that Saturday is the day fixed for market day. We hope to see farmers take advantage of the occasion also, and by the united co- operation of town and country peo ple, a regular market day may be es- tablished. Fanners bring your pro- duce to town in the mormng. Towns- people go to the market and make your purchases at the same time. OCULIST OPERATIONS.Robt. Cook, of the 2nd con. of Hullett, who has been troubled with her eyes for some time, recently underwent an operation whereby one eye was en- tirely removed. This was done to save the sight of the other, and we are glad.to know that the operation proved successful. Mr C. Mason, of town, also underwent an operation for the removal of a cataract, but he is not progressing as favorably as is desired ; still, his complete recovery. is looked for. Goon CATTLE. — McLean .Bros. hi ed a ear load of good cattle on Tux frnit.proepeeta.. are anlcudid. Mr 711rrel4ter hes WPM 400 aere in. fax this year. AEogstw, pine have been theealvas !ion of the country. Mr Johan, horse buyer, is here looking_for 'horses. M.C. W.0, Searle spent Sunday with friends near Mitchel}. Miss Spencer, of Parle, is visiting her slater, Mra. J. O. Detior. MR Sharman rejoices in the posses- sion of a rew harness maker. Mn W. Robb and wife,of Seafortb, were visiting relatives here this week. Mr A. Dodaworth hs confined to the house by an affection of the spine. DR. APPLETON has return ed and resumed the practice of his profession. Clinton, April 14th, 1888. Z.0,101 govito. OPENED AGAIN.—We are pleased to know that Mr Jno. Robertson has made arrangements to continue in businsss, and has re -opened his store. MARE DIED.-AFA. mare belonging to Mr Chas. Avery, of the London 'road, accidentally bad a stick run into it the other day,causing death shortly after. As it was with foal, the loss will be considerable. A STRAIGHT POINTER.—We are requested to say that if the man -who promised to leave one dollar and sixty cents with agent G. T. R. for his fare from London to Clinton;does not pay up this week bis name will be published. gm Business 1 Mas .John Scott left here to join her husband at Chicage, on Monday. Da C. Hoare, of Strat'iroy, is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs J. P. Tb- dell. Geo.Gordon has bought a small lot bekw the station from Harland Bros. THE wite of Mr D. B. Kennedy is Buttering from an attack of bron- chitis. Mr W. J. Paisley bas bought the house and lot of Mrs Noble, on North Street. THE regular meeting of the town council will be, held next Monday evening. Mks Neal, of Plattsville, was this week on a visit to her father, Mr G Gilchrist. A SMALL dog belonging to Mr J. Robertson was poisoned on Wednes- Acting on the advice of my physicians in Edinburgh and Clinton, I have resolved to go out of bushiest', unless my, health improves satis- factorily. I will sell my large stock of goods at very Low Prices. IN -:- THE :-: SAME :-: OLD :-: SPOT READY TO DO BATTLE WITH ANYTHING ON THE STREET. Monday last. They we.re purchased day alght. from the following partici!, and. their Mr Alex. Weir has moved into the weights are as follows :—G. itaituDy, Hullett, 2 head -1380 and 1560 ; T. McKay, Tackeismith, 3 head -1480, 1630, 1300; Amos Fisher, Colborne, 4 head -1440, 1430, 1780, 1240 ; G. Lyons, Hullett, 2 head -2680; A. Monteith,Tuckersmith, 5 head -1300, 1390, 1510, 1340, 1230; W. Sheppard, base line, 2 head -1220, 1650. It will be seen that these show a good average, but the one in Mr Fisher's lot weighing 1780 lbs. was one of the best animals that ever left this place. house on King street, just vacated by Mr John Scott. Mr John Foster and bride, of Wing - ham spent several days last week witiirelatives here. Miss Ferran, who has been home for several days,returned to Ingersoll, on Monday afternoon. ALWAYS remember we sell CHEAP ; we give you GOOD GOODS, and will not be undersold by anyone. See what we have to offer in CHEAP PRINTS. See what we can show you in DRESS GOODS. Cheap Corsets, FALL WHEAT.— Two gentlemen who have travelled pretty well over the northern sections of the county, inform us that the fall wheat, not withstanding the late rains, looks very poor indeed,and will not be half a crop. One gentleman said that it looked better in the township of Grey than anywhere else in the county. On the other hand a gentleman from Stanley told us he hadn't plowed up a grain, and had as fine a field of fall wheat as any one wished to look upon. This, however, is exceptional, but if anyone wishes to see a couple of fields of as fine looking wheat as could be desired, they have but to visit the Ransford or Fair farms, near town, and will see wheat that cannot 'be surpassed in Canada. DIED 1 MANITOBA.—Word was received here last week of the death of Mr John joslin, jr., (son of J. Joslin, Virden, Man.,) brother of Mrs :Nines Moore. No particulars were stated, but as he was subject to fits, it is presumed that he died while in one of these. MORE THAN ANNOYING, — The other day' while a steer was being weighed here it escaped from the scales just before its weight was secured, and ran home a distance of two miles. After a hard chase it was brought back, and that run lust cost its owner fifty pounds shrinkage. Mn E.T.Holmes has returned from Deseronto, and taken his old position in the NEW ERA Office. The 33rd Battalion will go bite camp at Stratford this year, instead of London, as heretofore. CLINTON has fourteen trains pass- ing through it daily, and is the only place in the county so situated. MR Robt.Gale, of Sa.Cloud, Minn., (formerly with Tisdall & Gate,) was here for a short visit last week. A WORD OF ADVICE,—We have an excellent Board for the manage- ment of the Collegiate Instituto, and we would like to give them a pointer ,if they will not consider it officious. The Institute has a record that is un- surpassed in the Province the town people have contributed liber- ally towards its progress, and they, have a right to expect that the merits of the Institute should be made known "where it will do most good," in order to get the very best returns. Now $50 or $100 spent in judicious advertisieg, in papers located within a reasonable radius of the town, would, in our opinion, be money well spent. The Board want to get all the pupils that the Institute will at • comodate, and the best method to do this, is to "push" the school by ad- vertising. Get half a dozen engrav- ings of the building made, gentlemen, and try this. We will guarantee the townspeople will back you in the un- dertaking. EXAmiNATIONS.—At the forthcom• ing examinations 57 will write here for 3rd class certificates, 36 for 2nds., 12 for first C, and several for -Uni- versity work. At Seaforth 17 write for 2nds, and 98 for, 3rds, For the entrance examinations about 100 candidates will write at each place. • FISHING.—011 the 24th four young men from London came up on the morning train, hired a rig and drove out to a " trout creek" in the country, intending to fish all day and return by the evening train. Their day's experience was that they caught four small Ash,one of the men fell into the water and had to lie on •the banks of the creek until his clothes dried. EGGS.—Mr D. Cantelon is now prepared to buy all the hen fruit that comes along. He made his first shipment— to Montreal— last week. flow's this? There's no duty on eggs, yet the Canadian market is the' best.— News -Record. [Is it? The Empire of Tuesday gives the fol- lowing quotations:— Montreal, eggs, 14c. Nen York. eggs, 16. Wall Papers, Window Shades Spring Rollers, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Baskets, Walking Sticks ase Balls & Bats. A new steam engine for Sprung's saw mill, Hullett, arsived here from the Waterous Works, Brantford, on Monday. THE improvements being made to one of Mr Bowers' houses on Huron street will add very much to its ap- pearance. SOME person entered the house of Mr J. McGarva, one day last week, and stole Mrs McGarva's gold watch and chain. MR Herbert Stowe leaves this week for Montreal, where he takes a. 1306 - tion in the bank of British North America. The principal business to be trans- acted next week at'the meeting ofthe County Council, will he the work of equalization. Mr Alex. McKenzie has 'raised the roof' of his house, and is putting up a second storey ; Mr W, Cooper is doing the work. THERE are no less than twelve White Bronze monuments in the cemetery here, the last one being erected this week, to the memory of the late W, Garvie. We understand that Dr Reeve has to find another office, the premises now occupied by him having been rented by M. McTaggart, Esq., to be used as a private office. MEsses Beattie & Ross recently sold their matched black team to Dr Mackenzie, of Wingharn, for a good figure, and purchased another team of the same kind, at Ingersoll. THE Court of Revision on Monday night reduced'the assessment on the Woollen Mill $700, Mr Graham hav- ing removed some of the machinesv they also remitted $1 -dog tax. MR J. T. Havill, of Galt, (formerly of the News -Record,) was last week the recipient of a handsome present from the Oddlellows of Galt, be being aboutto take up his residence in Detroit. .Messrs W. Doherty & Co. have receives an order from St. Petersburg Russia, for shipment of organs, which 'was translated for them into English, by Mr James Turnbull, of the Colleg- iate Institute. WE had a calf this week from Mr J. B. Oke, of Fairburn, Man., (for. merly of Colborne). It is more than likely that be will be accompanied on bis return by a young lady, as life companion. MR James Keane, for four yefirs connected with Fair's Mill, has sever- ed his connection therewith, owing to lack times, the mill having lately to run only part tirae, owing to the scarcity of wheat. ONE of the oldest subscribers on our list, Tom Simpson, of Brucefield, dropped in to see us on Monday; bard -shell Conservative that Le is, he looks anxiously for the weekly visite of the NEW ERA, MORE SCARED THAN H CRT.— When the London train arrived here on Tuesday morning, the usually jovial and easy-going conductor,John Bailey, rushed into the office in high dudgeon, and demanded that Supt. Tiffin be communicated with. 'The trouble was this :—At Hensall a number of Lutheran ministers,several of them accompanied by children,got on board. Some of the passengers then noticed that a couple of the, children had the measles, and John objected to their presence. The child- ren had caught the measles while at Zurich and were anxious to get to their home at Neustadt. Mr Bailey wanted to leave them off here, and asked the Superintendent for orders. In the meantime friends of the child- ren begged the conductor to take them along, as he had brought them so fay, and no answer being received from Mr Tiffin, the train proceeded on its way after half -an -hours delay. Mr Pattison asked the passengers it any of them were afraid to stayon the train, and no one so signifying, the children were allowed to proceed hotneward. CRUEL — A cruel report gained currency -this week concerning a re cent intsrment in the cemetery. It is hardly necessary to say that there was not a word of truth in the re- port, and the originators ot it, would have saved Some people pain, had they been more thoughtful. We have the very bolt of authority for saying, also, that the reports concern- ing the death of the individual in question had not the slightest foun- dation. ACQUITTEIL—The case against J. Tewsley came up for examination be- 1 fore Judge Doyle. on Tuesday last. A number of witnesses were examin- ed on both sides, but the Judge stat- ed that there was no evidence what- ever to show that Morrison had the money in his possession at the time the alleged robbery took place, nor was there any evidence to show that defendent wal'' concerned in the af- fair, and he accquitted him accord- s ingly. Low Priced HosiAry, Gloves and Parasols At Sacrificing Prices. ASK TO SEE' THEM. CheapW HITE COTTONS, Low Priced GREY COTTONS We want to reduce our stock by the first of July, and to do that we have to give bargains, and we're going to give you great bargains. Come and satisfy yourselves that we sell cheap ; we can convince you no other way. G E O 48 PAY & CO. Chris.Dickson,Clinton THEDRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON HOW Two Sewn's GOT LEFT. — Said Charlie to Joe, " on Thursday we'll go, out into Hullett for trout." So they hired a rig—a four-wheel .1 gig, and started to make their way out. They reached the place soon— an hour before noon,with an appetite keen' as a razor. Their horse they then tied, to a farmer's barnside, and to bim they said, " Gond day, sir." Spoke the farmer tsejoe—"into dinner we'll go,"—they needed no second invite. They sat themselves down,to a dinner done brown, and, left not so much as a bite. They tarried thus there, enjoying good fare, and forgot that they came out for fun. Atter- awhile to the trout brook, with fish line and nice book, they went on a straight, quick run. But while they bad waited some other bad baited his hook with a fine tempting fly. And bad caught all the trout there was thereabout—he had taken a god dozen or more. So Charlie and Joe, bank to Clinton must go, with email little fish,only four. But they wanted to buy,(and did certainly try,) the fine string the other one bad. Not a fish would ,he sell, so their counten• ance fell, and to town they came back feeling bad. WHERE ASSISTANCE IS LINDEsERv- to.—A man giving tbe name of McFee, and claiming to hail from Staffa, was around soliciting aid on Tuesday, claiming he was disabled owing to an injured leg, and he would hoist up hie pants and show a limb that looked as if it had been scalded. Ile was referred to the mayor, but seemed reluctant to meet him, and we are not surprised, for the mayor, charitable though he is, is not the one to give assistance to a man whose breath smelled so strong of liquor • that it would eearly knock one over A PLAIN Elisrr,—Say, friend, if you owe anything for this paper, re- mit it at once, for these reasons, we dish up all the news, and we need the money. You owe it, then pay it. If you don't want the paper, pay up add stop it. If you take It pay for it. We want you to take it, and if you oblige us in this, then pay up, or yon are only a clog in the wheel. We cannot afford, and do not ,want, to furnish you with our journal un - leas you pay for it. • Now then let us hear from you with n remittance of w hat you owe us. THE ladiea of the county connected with the Women's Christian Temper- ance L'nion are circulating a petition to be presented to the County Coun- cil next week, asking for the erection of a county poor house. Little Loeal Items. Ma Geo. Potts bas returned to Detroit. Mn John Oliver, of Chicago„ home on a visit, MRS S. Fitzsirnm ins, er., is now able to be out. A wedding of note takes place in town next week. HOWE'S circus, advertised to be here on tOs 4th inst., is favorably spoken of by the precis of the country. ONDERFUL1 'BARGAINS JACKSON'S Mr John Holmes, formerly operator at the G.T.R. here, accompanied by Mr J. S. Found, operator, left on Tuesday morning for St. Paul, both baying received positions on te St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha R.R. Mr Alex, McDonald, of Stratford, who was partially run over at the G. T. R. station, this spring, is in town on a visit to his sister, Mrs T. McCon- nell, having almost entirely recovered from the serious injuries he then re- ceived. THE NEW ERA recently prophe- cie3 that an additional partner would be added to the firm of Gunn & El- liott, and like all other prophetic forecasts from the same source, it bas turned out correct. On behalf ot the people of Clinton, we extend the band of greeting to the new member. ANYONE at the Grand Trunk sta- tion on Tuesday morning, after the arrival of the London train, would have thought himself suddenly trans- ported to a Grman colony, for noth- ing but German was spoken by n large Crowd who got off here, they beirg ministers who were returning from the Lutheran Conference at Zurich. • SUM1VIER FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE. OUR GREAT LINE OF PANTS AT - $2 00 OUR WONDERFUL SUITS AT - 7 00 OUR WONDERFUL SUITS AT - $10 00 OUR BOYS SCHOOL PANTS AT — 85 OUR GREAT CHILDREN§ SUITS AT 1 50 MILLINERY I —A FINE ASSORTMENT OF White Light Colored Hats FOR SUMMER WEAR: IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW TRIMMINGS. • -LADIES-:-: SUMMER VESTS - It will pay, and pay big to buy your clothing from us. We are the Cheapest House in the County for re- liable Clothing, We manufacture everything ourselves, and for fit, .make and price, we discount ordinary ready made clothing. We are .always pleased to show people through our est ablishment. ma.•••...•••••••••11111111111.11111111 JACKSON :-: BROS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, CILI111101447'. IN GAUZE, BALBRIGAN AND CASHMERE. Ladies' and Childrens Reversible Circulars IN BLACK ANI) BLUE AND SLING 'SLEEVE CAPE. LINE OF— Lawns Lawn Embroideries BARGAINS in COTTON, LISLE and SILK HOSIERY. LACE MITS in the latest styles and colorings. GLOVES in Kid,Lisle, Taf- feta and Silk. A SPECIAL JOB LIME or CHILDREN'S SAILOR HATS PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. SEE THEM. IMMENSE ASSORTMENT RELIABLE, TRUSTY, SERVICEABLE GOODS MARKED AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. iteesley's Great Millinery. Emporium,