HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-01, Page 6ID We are prepared for the lot Weather with a splendid range of PARASO WHITE AND COLORED Airplllt* Ihs'CAunty+ Major E. Crockett, formerly of the 18tti Batt., _ amiltotl, wish cowmand No 1 Ort., 43rd Batt. (Goderich) at the annual drill to be held in Stratford in the month of June. In attempting to shoot a calf with a revolver, Mr. Manning, a Stephen township farmer, put a ball through his own hand and into the body of a young English immigrant who was assisting him. The calf escaped. Mr. Frank Cornish, of the 6th con., Usborne, bad a two -hundred. doller mare stolen from his stable on Monday night. On the same evening Mr. Samuel Hicks, jun. of the 2nd con., south, had a new top buggy, now set of harness, whip, knee rug, and other articles stolen from his driving shed. As Mrs. R. Casemore, an elder- ly lady from the Township of Mor- ris, with her son, were driving through the streets of W ingham on ✓ S L I N S, LAWNS Friday, the horse ran away. Mrs. Casemore was thrown violently to the ground, both her arms were broken and her head badly cut. Lees & IE' l o u n e i n cj s ' she is in a eritieal cods tion. The son was only slightly hurt. a George Billings, a resident of Brussels, was found drowned on Friday morning iu the River Mait- QQyy�� �1 land,opposite Vanstone's flouring Mill S' and Ohid's Straw 11ats.. ) mill. He was fishing from a pi or a high bank and had been seized with a fit, which he was in the habit of taking, and fell into water three feet deep. Tho family of Mr. Richard Fritz - ley, of Saltford, and also that of Mr. Robert Thompson, of Goder- ich, were shocked last Wednesday at receiving the news of the death of Mrs. Adam Thompson, in Chi- cago, after a short illness. The lady is a daughter of Mr. Richard Fritzley, and her husband a son of M:•. Thompson, both of whom aro well known in this vicinity Her fdeath at the age of 18 years is a Black shock to both relatives and friends alike, it being only some four months since she left here to re- side permanently in Chicago. IN PARASOLS we are showing a line of Satin at $1, worth $1,50. Best value in town. IN MUSLINS we have a full range from 5 c. IN LACES we can stock of over 50 pieces, in are selling at lowest prices IN STRAW HATS all sizes, all shapes and all suit everyone. We have a White and Cream, which we ve have an immense variety, prices. T. JACKSON, SR HOWE'S NEW —COLOSSAL- 11111oao ��as Mexican&Wild West EXPOSITION. A CONGREGATION OF THE MIGHTY MONARCHS OF THE WORLD'S ATHLETES. InCIinlon 'uno4 MONDAY Mexican and Indian .Aerial and Gymnastic Artists, whose .daring flights in mid air, whose 1\rowes and herculean strength have stamp - cd them the wonders of a wonderful face. A herd of Equine Wonders, my broken steeds, marvellous and clas- sically educated Canines. COWBOYS and their daring feats on unbroken awl backing Bronclios O INDIANS in their Sun an War dances. The Finest Mexican and Wild West Show on earth. Once seen never to be forgotten. A living realistic picture of the Wildest Scene of Wild Life on the boundless prairie of the Wild West. Don't Miss the Street Parade. The beatandaccomplished beautiful accoutl hshc(1 Mlle Lota, the human cornet, in hor startling teeth trapeze and other as- tounding performances. A van- guard of musical talent, and 9. gene- TAI array of the World's Wonders. 25c. ADMISSION TO ALL. MONDAY,JUNE 4, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The creditors of MAR(IARET COLCLODOn, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of March, A.D., 1888, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid, on or before the fourth day of June next, to Messrs C. and J. Ridout, Clinton P.O. executors of the last will and testament of the said Margaret Colclough, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if ally) held by them, and imme- diately after the fourth day of June next, the assets of the said Margaret Colclough will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished, as above required, and the executors will not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. CHARLES RIDOUT, ]Executors.. JOHN RIDOUT, j Dated this 4th day of April, A,D„ 1888. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the under- signed, as manufacturers of Organs in the Town of Clinton, and carried on under the firm naule and style of W. DOHERTY R CO. has this day been dissolved by mutual con- sent, All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to William Doherty at the office of the late firm, and'all claims against the said partnership are to ha presented to the said William Doherty, by whoih the sabre will be settled. The business heretofore carried on by the said firm will henceforth be carried on by W. Doherty, at Clinton aforesaid, under the sauce firm name of \t'. Doherty & Co, W. DOHERTY. J. GIJJBINGS. HORACEAFOSTER (_� ri CLINTON. �aK�N POWD!R Absolutely Pure. y This powder never varies. A marvel of p , .y strength and wholesomeness, Moro economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short wlght, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Revel. BARIxe Pawrnt Oa. 104 WPI! Street, New York. All the novelties of a bear hunt we"o vividly realized lastThursday evening on the farm of Wm. Link - later, 18th consession of East Wa- wanosh, and caused quite an ex• citement while it lasted. Laban Walters was the first to sight his bearship as ho was going across to Linklater's about half past seven in the evening. The meeting was Gudden and unexpected, as Bruin was making his way quite Leisure- ly from Mr. Linklater's bush to that of Mr. Anderson, and crossed the path just a few yards in front of young Walters. The bear stopped when he saw Walters, who thinkirw it not advisable to venture on, turned and jumped ov- er the nearest fence. Bruin then continued his journey southward. Walters started for Linklater's to got a gun and the Linklator boys, too. Ire could baldly make thein believe he had seen such an anim- al. They had no caps for the gun, so that weapon was useless. They thought they would like to got a look at 'him, anyway, and so started in the direction which his bearship had taken. On coming to the top of a hill they found the bear had caught a sheep from Mr. Linklater's flock and was busy at his supper. On seeing them, he let go the sheep and sped to the bush. The boys had by this timo procured caps. for the gun, .and, adding two more to their number, and a dog, started after consider- able delay, in puusuit of Bruin, 0110 carrying a good stout stick, another a monkey -wrench and two tcg's gun.bear 0l 1 the But the had lather much of a start on them. They 'followed him about a mile and a half, -the dog being quite close to him sometimes. Dark- ness carne on and stopped further prit'suit that night. 5o. they turned their footsteps homeward, feeling satisfied with having chas- ed a genuine grizzly - The market for Canadian cattle in Great Britain is slow, and prices are poor. Canadian cheese holds up well in the London markets. IIon. ArthurTurcotkto (Liberal), the new A ttoi'ney--General for the Province of Quebec, was elected (el Friday to represent Three Iliv- el.s County- in the Local Leislat- ure sly n majority of 20.2 (1\'ci' 11, Oliver. An 'analysis of the salt rock rec- ently discovered in Ifutchinson county, linnras, sho\V4 that it i + of \vondcrfnl purity, being 90.77 per rent. sodium ( hloritle nfpnl'e salt, It will be the slaking of tine city of Hutchinson.. The English Liberals won a splendid victory in Southampton yesterday, their candidate, NIr. Evans, being elected to the Ilouse of Commons by a lenge majority. The vacancy was caused by -the resignation of Sir J. Conlmercll, Conservative, who represented the constituency for a number of years. The victory- is spoken of by the press as the worst blow'ithe Salis- bury ministry have sustained since the general election and the Liber- als are greatly encouraged. The government opened. the constitu- ency while Mr. Evans was absent in New York, but that gentleman m e news ca on hearing the hof al l n ad- dress to the electors, and his wile and r nC son tookcharge (p 1 e f thecan- vass, t� dll vass, with the result already known. Mr. Evans arrived home just in time to hear the news of his triumph. The home Rule Cause is marching on and must win. ■ RASTF,, JUST OPELU'EI? OUT rie-ase,American Prints New Designs and Colorings. See Our 5 411c 8 co/0 Prints New SEERSUCKERS from 8 cents up Grand value in Cottons, Skirtings, Cottonades, &c,. 5per cant. off for Cash. JOHN WIBEMAN Manager. Estate J. IiOECENS TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. There were thirty-two loads of stock on the local market Tuesday morning. There was only a fair general demand. Prices -remain -about the same.—But- chars' cattle were in fairly liberal sup- ply. Local demif;nd was good but there was no buying on Eastern account, re- ports from there being of an unfavor- able character. Trade in export cattle was dull. Offerings were fair, but de- mand had a weak tendency, owing to slow reports from Liverpool and Lon- don. Prices ruled a shade easier. Steers and heifers ruled at $4.75 to $5.- 25, with bulls at $4 to $4.75 per cwt. All the offerings we re not sold. Sheep are in lighter supply this week and a better feeling prevails in the market,but without any improvement in values. Sales were 17 head,140 lbs, at $6.50, and 1.4 head, 140 lbs, at $li. Spring lambs are slow of sale. Prices are still too high for a good consumptive demand. Offerings are not large, but at present prices they are more than sufficient for the demand, Some .of the butchers carried over stock from last week. Sales were mostly at $4 per head for an average weight of 60 lbs. Crops and Market notes, Peterboro' dealers are importing potatoes from Quebec by the carload. It is stated that last year's barley harvest in Prance was much below the average. The area planted to corn in the Unit- ed btates this year will undoubtedly ex- ceed that of any former year. During April Great•Britain imported 20,909, oxen and bulls. The number of sheep and lambs received was 81,538. Trade this week in horses, on the Toronto market, is not so good as it has been lately, the demand for horses of all descriptions being very quiet, Prices also are lower, Live stock exported from Montreal to Great Britain for the week ending May 26, 1888, was 3,367 head; reported by R. Bickerdike; live Stock insurance agent and secretary of the Dominion Live Stock Association. Speaking of crops in Perth,111r Hales, a cattle dealer who has been over a good part of that country, says that the re- cent rains have been of very great bene- fit. The fall wheat, spring crops and grass are coming on nicely. Between Toronto and Stratford he thinks the prospect is above the average. In some places the fall wheat is looking excep- • tionally well. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon, Thursday, May 31, 1888. Wheat, spring, • - 0 95 a 1 00 Wheat, white and red • 0 95 a 1 00 Oats - • - 050a050 Barley Peas - Flour, perjewt • - Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork - Hay Sheep pelts Lamb skins Hides, - - 065a070 O 6:5 a 065 • 200a 225 -050a070 O 16 a01ii 011 a013 6 75 a 7 00 800a850 - 050a075 - 060a080 • 500a550 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for NEW Ens every Thursday Blyth, May 31, 1888, Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 90 a 95 Fall new . 95 a 95 Oats 38 a 42 Barley . 00 a 70 Peas . 58 a 60 Potatoes, per bus . 60 a 70 Eggs per doz 11 a 11 Butter,rolls . . 16 'a 10 Cheese 15 - a 15 Lard . . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. . .. 2 00 2 10 Hogs, , . . 6 25 7 00 SEA FORTH MARKETS SEAFORTR, May 31, ISSS. I Wheat, spring, • 40 0.; a 1. 00 Rea ani white - • a' 0 115 a 1 00 Oats, • - • • 0 t'• a 0 411 Peas, • 0 00 it 0 65 I Barley, • 0 00 a 0 70 Butter, • • Il 1 5 a 0 10 Eggs, • 0 :1 a 0 11 Potatoes, •0 .>0 a 0 65 Pork, - (> 50 a 7 00 Flour per cwt • - 2 00 it. 2 50 pmemItiNo w'A(;0N FOlt S\LT•; ('ill:.\P. Suitable for two hors( s. MRS. W. 51:\!I - TIN, Clinton. mny-1.t-f JJ. WALKER, VETERINARY Sl•RC.EON (graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- iege. Telegraphic messages promptly at !ended to. 011lco —Londesborough, Ont. HOUSE TO RENT — Thet conveniently situated frame Cottage two doors west of the Methodist Chnreh, Rattenbury Street, at present occupied by the undersigned. MRH, \V ATTERSON, Clinton. •111 BJ.,COGY FOR SALE. — UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, Che/Ip, ft top buggy, a.1 - moat new, Armstrong Improved Eurekn gent, h en F umba11's 1 n se at R 1 Carriage Shop, may 6 1. Clinton. W. W. SPARLING, 1HO1tOBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SER- vitt+,—Subscriber keeps for service, on lot 34, Rh concession of Hullett, n T'hnrobrerl Durham Bull of good pedigree. 'forms, :C•1, with privilege of returning if neenssery, w'. le, hlrllR. jt, UTICE.—THE COUNCIL LL 01' THE COIL• potiArtoN of the County of Huron will moot in the Court House, in the Town of Ciodorich onTuesday, theR h (lay of June next, PETER ADAJISON, Co. Clerk, May 21st, 1888, 21 . - BOARDERS WANTED. —Ttwo or three young men can be accommodated with comfortable rooms and board, at reasonable rates. House only two minutes walk from the goat office, MR. 5. HARTT, Victoria-st. almost directly opposite the residence of Mayor Whitehead. 8pr410-Im. i l'ONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MOJIT- ALL cants, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. MoTAGGAI;T. Winton, Feb. 24, 1.888. BOARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN be accommodated with good board .and comfortable rooms; about three minutes' -walk from the post office, Townsend -street MRS. VanTASEL, LUMBER I LUMBER I LUMBER! THE his Mi ll, 1615 concession of d Goderich Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, Rook and Soft Elm Lumber, Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest cash price paid for first lass Saw Logs. E. WUTT. Clinton, Jan. 25, 1888. ENTRANCE EXAMINAT10N,—THEIEX- aniinatiou for admission of pupils to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the County will be held in Clinton, Seaforth and Wiugham on the 4th, 5th, and 5th days of July,conunencing at 1;30 p. m. on Wednesday the 4th, Ail candidates who intend to write will send their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the 24th of May, specifying at what place they wish to write. A fee of fifty cents will be required from each pupil. This will be paid to the Presiding Ex- aminer on tho first day of examination. D. MAC&, MALLOCH, may-1,8ins. Insp. P, S., N. Huron, PROPERTIES FOR SALE ' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,—A fraise house and lot on Albert Street north.— The lot is one-quarter of an acre. Will be sold very cheap. Apply to MRS. WHITT, or C. A. HARTT, Minton, Q' 1 9 'fl w ILL BUY THE IIOUSR AfrD ww1 Lotowued by the undersigned, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St„ Clinton. Hard and soft water and good sta- ble. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO. CALLANDER,24 Stanly St., London South PIIOPERTY FOR SALE,—SUBSCRIBER offers for sale an acre of land situated at Alma, on the Huron'Road, three,gnarters of which is set out with bearing Apple, Plum and Pear trees, and Red, White and Black Currant and Gooseberry bushes, and on the lot is a email Frame House, good stable and barn and good spring water. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Situate 5 miles from Clinton, and 33 from Seaforth. For particu- lars apply on the premises, or to Seaforth post office. MARGARET DENEVEN, 1* PIIOPERTIES FOR SALE IN CLINTON, The undersigned has been instructed by bis brother to offer for sale on very reason- able terms, the following '1/ffoperties in the Town of Clinton: -1st, The property at pre - seat occupied by Mr James Walker, on the south side of Huron Street, consisting of two lots, on which is erected a frame house, sta- ble, and other outbuildings. 2iid, A house and lot at the terminus of Rattenbury St. ard, The store and lot on Victoria St., now occupied by Mr J. 13. Crosson. Full particu- lars on application, H. IL. WALKER, Clin- ton. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—THAT 1 splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Goderich town- ship, situated i] miles from 'Ilolmesville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam, with a nevorfailing spring creek running.through the place; also good wells, There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the best sugar bushes in the county ; also two frame. barns; one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with roam for ten horses, also•two good bearing orchards, being about six acres in all; two good log houses. About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold on reasoliable teruls, or rented to good tenant. ALEX BADOUR, Holniesville Pest Office. G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gradu- ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Office over ,Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Post Office, Clinton, Will visit every Thursday at Dixon's Hotel Bcucetield, fbxini 8 to 10.30 5,111•, Varna from 11 a.m. to 1 p.111., Swart's Hotel, hayfield, froin 2 pan, Q1rr Night bell answered' 1.y ...... _ I cgfllop Mutual Insurance 'Co. T:' 'NEiLANS,. HARLOCK (.ENER,1L AGENT. Isolated town and village property, as well as farm buildings and stock, insured. Insur- 500e8 effected against stock that may be killed by lightning, It you want insurance drop a 05,151 to the above aridre•ss. Dr, Washiuoitotes NEXT VISIT Throat anil Lung Surgeon, • J )1• TORONTO Will beat the Raitrnbury Dugs JUNE 13- \1'111 arrive on noon (rein from tioderich and remain only 011 kid 0 o'clock p. ni. t Chronic 'Bronchitis Cured. An Engli,h Church Clergyman speaks, Rectory, Cornwall, Ont, Da w'Avnsarex,— In::1R Sts,—t 8111 glad to he able to Inform yon that my dnnghter fs quite well again, As this is the second time she has been cured of grave 1>rench'al b•nubles under your tree/in/nit, when the usual remedies failed. L write to express 1111' gratitude, Please accept my sincere thank,. Yours truly, C. II, PETTiT, ntigAess TREATi:n.—Catarrh of the Head and Throat, Catarrh, Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polvpus of the nose removed. Conte early. Consultation free, A few of the many cured by Dr Washington,v new method, i[ H itdrey, of StoreyBSon, manufacturers, Acton, Ont, also Pres'd Manufleturing As,, of Canada. permanently cured of Catarrh, by Dr Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe, Write him for particulars. Mrs John iilcKelvy, Rinjgston, Ont,, Catarrh and Consumption. JohnM Ke1v ' Kingston, On t' Catarrh. h. . s• A Hopping, Kingston, ( t, Broncho Con. invention. Mr D Scott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat. Mrs John Bertram, Harrodsmitti, Oi.t, Ca• tarrh, hend and throat. Miss Mary A Bombonrg, Centreville, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat, James Mathews, P Master, Actnn Ont. A E Fish, Gents Furnishings, Belleville, Ont cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phlppfn, Sandhurst P 0, Ont, (near Na- panee) of Catarrh head throat and lungs. Head office 215 Yonge Street, Toronto; Con• (tlltation Free. ( New Amlonrom ss Goods J. C. Detlor & Co's. New GREY DRESS PRINTS, New NUNS Cloth, in Pink, Blue and Biege. NewwB1ack Grenadine, New Crape Cloth, Two cases LADIES' . FIATS, latest New York Styles. Wonderful Value in Silk Gloves and Hosiery. J- C. DETLOR & CO., • OOTS: and :SHOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, 'Very Low for Cash. See my Mensa Bo yy sOr cket&LacY osseshoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL, FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK. BLOCK, . CLINTON ew Stationery 50,000 ENVELOPES, best quality and will be sold Cheap; 100 Gross CHALK CRAYONS, 50'Gross LEAD PENCILS {Crane's f1n st Lin- en NOTE PAPER in pads,Stfford & Stev- ens' INK, Strong TGGum LABELS. BLANK BOOKS, PENS and BLOTTING PAPER. NEW FANCY GOODS—A lot of nice SHELLS, RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, DOLLS, CARTAGES, FANCY BASKETS, I:IAMMOCKS, WALKING CANES, Ere. AT W COOPER, -- Beaver Block TAYLOR &SONS Our Specialties are The best goods in the market WE HAVE CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST 'FINE SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OF1' FOR CASA W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND .BLYTH. ALESME W A NT E D. 'Permanent ppnsi• tions guarentecd with SALARY rr a.41bXPRNVE9 PAID.ID. An i.� determined man can suoceod with us. Peculiar advantages 0Y t0 pCKinners. Stock complete, In- cluding -eluding ninnyfit•soilin specialties. Outfit rec. Address at once,Narne this paper) BROWN BROTHERS, Nurserymen, • - Rochester, N, Y. aP•27.•Lm.. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE.—THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR of the Town of Clinton heathy endorse the action taken in the matter of the early closing of the merchants, etc., fie they think it a step in the right direction, and will do all in their power to assist in carrying out the same, DY ORDER OF COMMITTEE, 001.0N'I'Y OF HURON EX.\MIINATIONs, RJIffl, Second and third r ss n unt sof es - arcus] examinations at the Collegiate Insti- tutes and High Schools 111 the county, 01. Tuesday, 3rd Jnly, nt a (0 5.10, First ('.. July 10th, at 8:40 a, 01. Candidates who a•isii to itrite at either Clinton or Senfol•tn trust nn• tify D. M. SLALLn 01, Esq,. P, 14. inspector, Clinton p. 0,, not later than the 21st of hhly, stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and thosewho wish to writeo at Goderich, Must notifyy,JoirN E. Tom, I:aq., P, S. inspector, Goderich p.n., atthe RAMC date. The notice Must be accompanied l>y a fee of N p os tor the lot 85, or 810 if the candidata n I 1 class as well as 2nd tins examinations, No name will bo forwarded to the Department tluless the fee accompanies it. Henri Masters of thoCollegiato Lnstltntoe and High Schools will please send the applicatiCMS of their can- didates to the Inspector pf the division in which the Collegiate institute or High School is situated, Fortis of npplication may be had from the Scrre•tary. PETER ADAIIISON, SE( 'v li. ti x31's, Goderich, April 10th, 1588 N'y 4