The Clinton New Era, 1888-06-01, Page 4A PR*D.A.Y, JUNE 1, 1888. f F,x.(.letective iNTAegele was son- ' tensed at lionttreal tote!' years in DES;I+IRVEP OFFICIAI. RE the-peniLep tiit)tw. ,. l:UGVITI,Q I.- Premier (ireel' way and Treasur- et• Jones, of Manitoba, were bun• 'fill, 1 oveaNMF(NNTE±toltNA'rto» i, , queted at Mordcl. un'1'hurstltty. I +1:1sr, l'oWDgR8—� Roxnu 01 41 i The tuilure of :: Now York firm ct.tl.1.Y 1EroliTED PURE. tea; eau,c,l by th.t negli;gemei or the ofilee buy to i, lit a letter. Ile .;"10 reports of the Government 1 stopped to 1,l ty a gatii t ni.n•- ,.nysts, as mado public feel► tone to time in the official re- I Probably the youngest butt lporta of the Commissioner of 111• president hi the world is J. M. and Revenue, form useful sub- Bailey, ir., who at the age of 28 jects fo'• , udy. A great deal of attention k devoted to the exam- ination ut' b:(Icir►g powders, and very properly so, fin• they are articles of general use, and many of theta being so grossly adultor- :tted all. possible information should be. given to enable con- sumers to distinguish between good and bad. A large number of these articles have been analyzed, the samples being collected from dealers in all sections of the Dominion. Tho impurities found were principtelly alum and lime, both- unwhole- some. Tho alum is used instead of cream of tartar because of its low coat. The lisle, both tartrate and sulphate ,being found, was present from the use of inl- properly refined cream of tartar. Joseph Everett, a young man aged 18, vaskil1ed at Chatham' by a team he was driving rtuoting away, throwing him out laud kil- ling idle iusl•latly. \1' Ili, 1•Iospeler reei He 1 the t'ejilcney 01 1110 %V111ip.', C'uu- .er.\.; 1'xIlion e;i11,.0110 .lid ii..I 11111,4.4. v 141 u1,1•n,i1iia 10 1111' I,ila•ral e:nr'lina1es :u Ibe .114 11. 1.. \I'lItmnd, of Now York, poises,ose the highe,I-pt'lc- ed piano and the costlie-t billard yeius has been placed at the heed of table on this continent. The the Minnehaha National Bank of Immo, the case of which wtis de - Sioux City. signed by Alma Madeina, cost $46,000, and the billiard table re - Mr E. J. Davis, Liberal, teas presume an investment of te..26,- elected by acclamation in North 000. York, De Forrest, the Conserva- tive nofniuoo declined to 133-e:11 furter, 110 buy P"'"11, - run. This °tote:0n was fur the ('r, who has been astoniehin:,• eur- Local. gregation5 iu Indiana :aril Ken- tuek ' by his e`oquent azul learn. Il011. Charles Drury, the New i eel demon -5 is 0111 ' 11 ye8r•6 ul(1 Agriculture, and and dre-4cs in �;nieke •bucl(e1r• P4o1. Fletelter, et' the Ottawa Ex- a plaited Clouse, a jaunty little porimenta Farm, will make ad•' hat. and high buttoned shoes cern- dresses at the Farmer'a Institute pletes his attire. In manyres- Kingstou, on Jn1l0 15tH. peets be looks like an ordinary. Glasgow will soon he the second schoolboy . city of the United Kingdom. Its Nowtonbruok 1lotlwni-1 4114)1(11 boun.hu•i'�s are to be extended so as • woe' totally (lo+troyed by Tire on to include a number of populous \Ve(lacs(lay. The 'milieu,: was subut b.in towns; lutd it 01 estimated valued at $7,000. The lei, is that it will then hl"r have a 114'iul) pal 1iall,y. c•uvered by' itl,uraeec. Minister of b :lrr t , The analysts found and report- of nclu'ly 800,000. ' e(i the !loyal Baking powder to In chronic disa,s'e3, nl ••lioinei shoul+.I be restoring, and not dei>ili- rating, in their action. 'The won- derful strengthening and curative effects, realized from rho use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, sustain the re- putation of this remedy as the nr•)st popular blood purifier. `,They ha% e a plague of crickets in Alge, ia. 'Their clatd bodies tinny be found oa the glound in some places to the depth of a foot, and railway trains have been stopped by them. The only way to stop the advancing swarms of Caese insects is to dig it be pare, free from alum, lime and phosphatic acid, and of high 1 avonieg strength. A complete analysis would undoubtedly have shown no baking powder except the Royal entirely' free from sono of' these objectionable in- gredients. This we presume, ac- counts for lack of lea•: ening pow- er• in the other powders, as some- times complained of by the cook, and for the bitter taste in the biscuits so frequently complained of by- ourselves. Ilut aside from the inferiority XX r of the work done by these pew- long and deep trench and (•tett on dorsi, the physicians assure us the most distant side a fence of that lisle and 818111 taken into oleo), The advancinginsects strike the system are injurious. Their against the cloth,fall into the trench physiological effects are indigos- and are covered with lime. The tion, dyspepsia or worse evils. Algerian authorities have already The question naturally arises, spent 700,000 francs in destroying why do these cheap baking pow• them and contemplate spending a cler makers flee these things? rnillion francs more. Alum is three cents a pound, lime Twenty-five years ago a boy iu still cheaper, while ereOln of tar - lar is thirty-five or lura'. Thu Cressville was sent to a store for a 1'0850115 for the chemical purity quart of molasses. Instead of per - of the Royal Beide, Powder were forming the errand, he put the recently given in the New 1-ork pitcher under a stoue step and went Times, in an interesting dcsc;rip- to feu. For years he was nlourn('il (1011 of a new method 1'(11• refining as dead, but last week he returned :tr•g o1s, or crude cream of tartar. home, and before reaching his pa It seems that it is only under renis bons() he thought of the this process that (4408 1 of tartar pitcher. The stone steps were still can be freed from the lime natur- al to it and rendered chemically pure, that the patents and plant tin• this cost the ]loyal Baking Powderd:ompany about halt' a million dollars, and that they maintain exclusive control of the. fights. This official recognition of the purity and value of the Royal- 13alting Powder by the Govern- ment will add to the already wide popularity of' that article, and de- servedly so. This' Baking .Pow- der is now USCd, to the exclusion of all others, by ,tike United States Government, its advertise- ments for supplies calling for it by name, as the 'continued tests of the official chemists show it to be much higher in strength and purer in quality than any, other brand. NEWS NOTES. A woman in Iiedell county died last week from having drank tea in which a e;pider had been boiled. —Wilmington (N. C.) Messen- ger. Mr Noyes, of Stretford, is suing Le Monde newSpaptee for $10,000, 'for having called him an Orang.e- rnan and 0 Freemason. The discovery has been made that Queen Victoria uses, when travelling„trunks, that are old- fashioned, shabby grid unworthy nt' her exalted position. The preliminaries are being ar- ranged for the construction of a branch of the Northern Pacific railway running into Manitoba in the neighborhood of Boissevain. A vessel saiiel from Boston this week carrying 1,400 packages of New England eum, which is the largest cargo of that kind ever whipped from that port for the African coast. There were no mis- sionaries on board. A Chicago police justice h:ts made a funny legal blunder. lie built a fine house on another marl's lot, and the man will neither buy it nor let him remove it. The there, and when lie reached under for the pitcher he was surer ised to 0(4 11 find it—gone. It never happened kiln that way before. — [Nurris'own who Herald. ted Heil r( hints had Ne\wtonbrook is a small village about nine miles 11,11.1 11 el' 'fors onto. The reeineoee of Nev. \\' ti. JlrKoy, at, Waldron, ark., was destroyed by lire on \\'cdnesnay. Ilis brother -in -lave, John Smith, was arrested ou the charge of ar- son and place! in • j'lil. Senti- ment rmi high against hits. and he wets tal:oll from jail :out twice strung up, but taken down again whoa (•oulcrcounsel preveilcd,cun.i taken back to jail. A 5eriun5 fire the result o1' tire ('1'a('kel's, u('(•t1I.l't•d at Selby, ell 1'11ui.eday, dosh'uy111;(' Jas. li lr'n's Hotel, the private resiaen( 0 of \loser, \'anl)aron and Anderson, the two, churches, English :anti Methodist; 11.1el im's homes, ear. rube and lla('lcan►ith shop. Total los, $?,000; .$1,500 insurance, While Win. Skinner and John Grove \\;otic prarti•sin, rifle shoot - in;; in 1Ile yard in the rear of Grove's residence, Montreal, on Tuesday, Grove's %vile (411111' out of 1110 house awl t'1'H(ln•ked to Sl.'nnef that i11 14(14)11 1het' he would likely 1cc111 (4 a ',o41>i shut. Sl:irin(:r who had the 1•ifle in his hand and \veil, silting 'All :1 e14111', turned 1111001 to ,poulc t„ ber, \upon the riot+ 1W4•11101111V went off, the bullet stall:be,Mis prove 10 forehead aver the left ere, 1g her inst:lutly. 5 inner is 24 yell's ul' fage, i, distro0. vitt grim'. Ile \went to the 'st• police station and ;;ave ell' lip. tirowe :8101 his \vire )nlv lawn mar 1 d 1\w1) \•(:11'S. Attempts were made Saturday night to burn St. Vincent's or-. plias asylum at San Rafael, Cal., and they were renewed Tuesday night and Thursday morning. The asylum has within its walls six hundred orphans. The -fife in each case, appeared to have been .started by one on more of'. the children of the building. One boy has confessed to have aided in starting the fires. From the partial 0 ,nfession made, it. would seem that the boys simply tried to burn the building in order to escape. The seeding of wheat in North Dakota has been completed under the most favorable auspices. The weather this year could not have been more propitious or lithe -.soi in better condition. The acreage along the Northern Pacific rail• road will be 25 per cent. greater than that of last yenta while. in North Dakota proper it will be at Toast 50 per cent, more. Oats, in consequence of' the large in• vestment in stock -raising, will be. nearly double that of last year. The acreage of potatoes and other roots and vegetables will be pinch greater than in the past.' 'A unique agreement between an Oxford firmer and his wife .has just come to light during a private examination at the Court House. T1)e !farmer, wanted to execute a mortgage to the Huron it Erie Society. His wife at first refused to"be a party to the bar- gain, but finally compromised on the husband signing an agreement that in case he got drunk or ab- sented himself from home 2.4 hours at a stretch while the mort- gage was in 14e0 the farm was to beton'): the sole property of the wife. ling to 1'000111 :rdvil'es from Africa, the son of one of too icings, knokn as Grand Jack, hav- ing died, human victims wore bar• surveyor got the \Frog line, and baronely sacrificed in honor' of the owner of the property wasn't the occasion. , "Pass" water was saying a word. given them—a poisonous liquor Thomas Carey, of Chicago, a —and when under its influence young man, while intoxicated, on April 8, shot and killed for amuse- ment a Chinaman named Moy Ni Ting. Ino was sentenced to serve fifty years in the peniten- tiary. Ilow often it is that what seen our mis fortunes turn out to be the best of good luck, -'l Toron- to merchant had a cargos of 67,- 000 bushels of No 1 Manitoba !lard hung up in tho ice last win- ter at McKay's Harbor in Lake Superior. It is just getting out now, and, is worth eighteen cents a bushel more than when it was frozen in. Profit from the-tran- eaction .$12,000, and no elevator charges to pay. 1 standing reward of $500 for a 04450 Children Cr for I of nasal catarrh, no matter how Karl, Cry or of how ;one standine which they they are pitched Into the surf'. When the bodies are carried ashore by the waves they are cut with knives, men, 'women and children joining in the Wittman work. The chief of the tribe flies the British flag,. and the captain of a t a Ming vessel remonstrated with 1,"11 in vain. --..a-- DON'T READ TtIIS FOR t :400. For many years, through nearly every newspaper in the land, the proprietors of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly ro• sponsible, financially, as any one can easily ascertain by proper en- quiry, have offered, in good faith, at Pitcher's Castoria. cermet Noe • • D A dol.; i:•ll 1.0 WI I in 14(1(811, M (Y• referr' ig I'1 the ItilIllig 04 1Vm. Murphy, n weulih_,• heel and cat- tle owner,' tit his Inteicnlla by rob• bcrs, says that 1',4,11 after 11m kik ling a lot of soldiers aril police 01)1)'ured seven of the robbers. The party then surfed lie. the .fudge ol'the lawn of JI]'0dietio11, b:lt as tI•inl.e ere I',n,•,'osl money and :tae not elw (y•s satisl'aetory, so\•e11 1'1 i -chars. wore gi\'ell the s10111 \waw to,jnstice by 1110 "ley de In0.,•H," that is 1Il(y were alletve;l to try ani! ('�(•t(pc. 111111 in this effort .j4,':• I'rcenont \vere all Shot ne:a.1. In YloNleo when any 000'1I•ies 1" 1 l'fll'' arl officer has the Held. 111111 ou tIle S1)11.. c The POPULAR Y - GOODS ? xov�E, LON, D ESBOROUGH. X — We are showing a Large -and Well -assorted stock of Gents' Ready-m'ade Suits Boys' Ready made Suits, Child's Ready made Suits,, \'.' I N 1:, \\ 4) `'I I;N A ND SONG," but the •_41971(1. 1,1' I11.'sc is, WO - n1011. • \Vine is 8 luuel(et'," and 1 ,:=01.A.• a. ,'' I 111 "s4/4/1111 bot\coan(ll 11';91 irui Ii) tVer\' net i\•e {powerend sell them, 1 ,1 lie human t,.in/l wbeln io good ben!. h. Ilut I when :(Iiii: oei with 11i•.e:t:•e you will tied ti)•'n;ara :a:tl i!ai'„ coquet- ' tiele erg,.- :eel 11.1,11, 16, I,le;i.Se. 11'ol' 1111 ' I• ,1.1 r 11411:4:1.1141,A, sir l: hoad:u•In".• 14': v,,11:1 t i; nes, 110s.,p4•tl11,1i• 1 1,.t r'li"lllaco• 111k:14(•.: P'P°' ''' 11 l')1\'ia " fe• 111:110 twe:ll':li f,i11(efdi.e94es, l,e•111;r,: 4,. .1.1 , l), 1'11:•00'4 I"aw4li'141' I'r•'-er{Ir :11'1 I- ail" :re:lt world 1'.41:"; 1'•'rll."i P. (It is Absurd Gent's SKIFF and Soft Hats, For people to expect a cure for Indiges. tion, unless they refrain from eating what is unwholesome ; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar- saparilla. Thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth street, South Boston, writes : "My hus- band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited." A Confirmed D yspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin at., Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and, by its use, was entirely cured. Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of High street, Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, so that she could not eat substantial food, became very weak, and was unable to care for her family. Neither the medicines prescribed by 1 physicians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of Dyspens:a, helped, her, until she commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, "Three bottles of this medicine," she writes, "cured me." �..�Yf� 4 AYAAMA.J11.. PfIRPABZD fry Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; sir bottles, $i. Worth It a bottle. Dress Goods and Trim- nziri��, Gloves• and Hos- iery, Prints, Seersuckers and. Ginghams. Best Quality foods Lowest Prices. T. L. OUIM 1--4,TTE, LONDFSEORO Calbick Reith .7.'1'IIE LEADING UNDERTAKERS k. 11 EMBALMERS cLzlv7ov In. our line of undertaking' we fear no competition, as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, an(1 as Funeral .Directors, we are hound to give satisfaction. A call re- spectfully solicited. no Rank rulitaro store, Ube CL TNPON CALBICK & REITH Notice. Families wishing to be called upon for orders will be promptly waited upon, if they will intimate their desire, and all goods imme- diately delivered. S. PALLISER & GO. NEXT TO TOWN HALL. New ; 'Furniture : Stock Opened out in ELLIOTTir3 BLOCS, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY 13OUK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR 'SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANI'. A i:EN1•:16&I. ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FUI:Pi( TURF, Al REASONABLE PRIM. .I()S. CELI DL I,Y. Family Grocaries. ADAMS' Emporium. 1 )T J)i� 13(--YT,0. PAINTS PRINTS PRINTS A I'lll'a11 ANI) FUTL1., STOCK, \\'I11C1I INCLUDE- 1`11UITS. CitN 1)1 ES, IUI"S, e. —BESIDES A FULL STOCK OE— Choirs•` 7l'�i1I111113 (rofeeri(',..4., 11iIan, Crook('1'�- rind (- 1RP$ 'SV r1rt". Alt SPECIAL OFFEIt from Monday, May 26th, until further notice.— Having a large stock of PRINTS, and this being the season to use thele, I offer as follows: TO THE PURCHASER OF 12 YARDS OF ANY KIND, 1 WILL GIVE ONE YARD FREE, with 20 yards I will give 2 yards, with 80 yards will give 81 yards; with 40 yards will give 5 yards of same price. SOME OF THAT HANDSOME WALL PAPER LEFT YET Full supply of' all goods k3pt in geaeral store. While many are crying dull times and hard times, and some ars closing down, trade in this house has been brisk, because people know where to get the worth of their money 55 BARS OF SOAP FOR $I PRICES MA{1KEI) v PLAIN FIGURES. May 25th, "10.48. R. ADAMS. .l i l3ort-0117 —A CA1.1. l.11'Ct'ru.—. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. Spring Hats ,lust received, a consignment of 2 Targe cases of the Latest styles in std in soft. TLT Hips r Of English and American manufacture IN 'I`ll!: GENT'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 1 have a tine selection of American Ties, Collars, .fie. (►I' the very latest manufacture. GBO GI.f & GOW REMEMBER THE STAND — One door north of 1 he l ia•y Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. NewTailoiiug Establishment 'The nnd0)signed has opened outin the tailoring business itr the sl. lately occupied by Mr E. k'loody, and will keep a tine stock of English; Scotch & Canadian Tweeds,- French— _ .... Worsteds, and all the latest patterns of Pantings. Which Ile will guarantee to make up at the lowest possible Aril Workmanship of the' best quality, and a fit guaranteed oa no sal,•. A call solicited. T- SHEPHERD.. Albert ^t , C1th.to' . NEXT DOOR TO WATTS', DRUG STO'RA:., A -Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF AL AGES. DISE,SE$. OF MAID. M. V. 2,V3E1ON'S SPECI 'IC NO. TIME GREAT EIE„ ALTA IZE.rd'L N'Effit, 'Marvel of Healing, and Nohtnoor of Medicines, Cureast: the terrible eousepneuees of indiscretion, Exposure and Overwork. srCrt7 m i -i MI= L-ACanD -AIN= O1.1.7Z) MMS Who bre broken Clown from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 0, radiaal cure for nerve; debility, organic weaghneee, involuntary vital losses. eta eirOPToeto Fen Wilton No. 8 SnObnn 138 Bohn. --Want or energy, vertigo, want of parpol' dimness Of eight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidasee of conversatin desire410t solitude, lietlessnese and inability to fix the attention on 4 particular subfw eowarlae, deputation of spirits, githliness loss of memory, excitability of temper, apo nnbtorr cern,' er lose of the seminal hail-�tho result of self•abuse or marital excest—imps tens; iirnutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of rho heart, hysterio feeling•. 1 fomales'taembling, melancholy, disturbing rheums eta., are all symptoms of thisterrib Habit, o>ltentimes innocently acquired. In short. the spring of vital force having lost tendon, evert function wanes in consequeneo: scientific wr tersaud thesuporintendon". Of Maine eeylntno unite in ascribingto the etlocts of serf -abuse the great majority c. wasted, lives which come nnder ther notice). if you aro incompetent for the incisor., duties Of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No. 8offeraanescape fror.: tiro effects of early vice. 11 you aro advanced in years, No. 8 will give you fall vigor an. strength. It you are broken down, physically and morally, from early indiscretion, 4(1' result of ienoranee anal folly, send your addrosa and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. Lrinon' Treatise in Book Pone on Dieoases of Man.,' Sealed And nccuro from obsorvati,,... Address all cc►mm:maatt"ns toy 1lti. W. L.1it1ON, d'7 Wellington HCFA Toronto 8 nto *Min without wisdom tiers in a teat s aarsdhe. OCRE9 C(iARANi'EED. A Psrrnanent Cure. A Pleasant Cur(