The Clinton New Era, 1888-06-01, Page 2,�I7.r,rr 1• 'r- . .. ,....... ; : ' 1 ., .,:^„ ,car z. "`#l
.�,, � ,w. , .. •" 'sang '7?c'ia".
' .. I'I.V - _ i , dlJ'„NI7_1,_ 18.- - ,
exceetlict5ly nttt row eopolle. U Willi
"" II(alie I' hp( 1 I)a )loft tx1QgQ to I
..... _.. .... ..... ..... .... ....,.
$il'„' is no empty far frorn
It ' EarthTrembled.,
�� t'T
not tile 1'1ggl.Dg wilicb so onall.agcied
cloy there !i k ve..1
`I do. if be
004-epthil of be art I� ,do liontil• yQ•w
SmallRumnngood mortgageaecurity,
his tire. .Aa hti rose 'tttu;urde the
yQu wall patielt't lye
heroin ennrous� tita's t)1 lifo >"ati tttt�
r g.
i • r-.-
oul•fac@ iiia bevel Ht itch the pole
will l}Qan (choly,, 1 have taken steps
till(( Witte; and ,Illy K,uiltl(Ilf+lit�: 1Fi'e
\with which the Ilegro was aeellstotu--
to find Out apeedily•"
el7i>vit'd by file Ilttiigs Ott
' wwill
Author of 11 He. Felt it, Love with his i
tt'itw," 1/ Opeutug t heNtohs
ell to I,lw1t<-bit ioKt around, in the
O t "
God,' tie triercifti}' , ' I dont
rq'ogt ,l, T hive bluff lkiexsit.' Itnd
Bair," lit -i. •
shallow water, till i the blow was sa
see how [curl (olio survive if he is
tutjilst to you, and I ail. pill- f'ur-
-- I
Sttllltlitlg that 110 (lilt ILC 14101.0 than
givela.eas. You have'T,^acouqu,*re.,0 toy
instinctively cling w the object
Juile"sti.tiyficit that. George was
Incyu.dice offs((). .rG not iniagiue
Deter for a mole@tit, h,>tweVer, I
which t►ad Liu,, It sustyincd
in the fiesil, fol owed biro to his q
tat a Southern than and a CtRufed ;
i did Sir liou,htun take his, ti„iy I
Lis el•t.ight, but in the tlind-lasiled
roow, and aided him in exchanging
orate soldier cannot appreciate such
• eyes troth (iodine, w},u,ut\w that lie.
waves and darkness, Ito and his
his wet clothes for dry ones, mean-
liable magnanimity.
I was in the stress of the owergeucy, i
support .vele unseen. .
while answered the young man's
” Yours in eternal respect, and,.
�: rnaintui:ned' his bad cumpusurat leer- !
The tide \i'us, rtu,uiu;, oat Swiftly,
rapid .( questions.
I t I
4, 4 11
bratitudN, IiUGII BUDINL.
f,rctdy. Only a soldier whose uert'es i
and he uud the pule had been H4�ept
Touched to the eery soul by tile I
mercy oroupled t,y Ur f ew, e, Mivertdtrect
C liuta 1i.
had peen ste@led it, battle could
well astern, whilu }ludiue looked
asuottlit of his fltbei s frantic gra@f, j
As lie 6uislled it Mara entered,
have looked upon the half-d@lnented '
at the spot where they .thought he
Geor-e's thoughts centered on him
and. was astonished lit his appear-
1„an iw quietly, for lie presented a '
had st n:—a { otut from which the
but hu asked, h,1 i pend,(• to
auce. The haggard face, seacaed
terril1) spectacle. .Hie white ha1'r,-
tre,ro's 'frmitic wall-sttukes were
1fr Bodine,"
with suffering, that she had. looked
wits tlishgvelled, and his eyes L:td'
r.Apitlly .•,king them.. i
"Dulluo, Matto, Goge. '(false .
upon but a fowilri.oments before,WAV,
Lilt,. ferocity of ,t liuness rubbed of
�'ualtu his
(Iradu,,,iiw Ucur-o's eluti"ILd s ,.,t S '
Ilou�,htou run up de stairs, lilt dt '
'till iguted. Anguish of soul was
flu lou e1 expressed, but rather
•her voung. natheluii at
Lleill•Cd, and at last lie tecalled all
took it, it routs. lieu I heer`3
g '
lil,v as lie hewed+ agai:l-- .
that loid occurred : fir too iate,how,
!olid talkiut :til soul( lie conte rounin
gladnCS6, And flip, 1nIprCHB Of t10H@
• C.11se ),far alt uulvilvrl t tet• ; ,-err,
fat• his Voice to lot) ll;.lnl. Ile i
out all kilt of bl)lie like, an --he gasp,
divine impulses Ai hick lead nien to
Ntt.h 111('11 .is y,l(1 +ire N-C1se thin it ;,houto
t two or three time5,but soon '
•llonie.' w ill' Klin in de ltct'tiS4�,
acknowledge theii wrong and f
pest rlt'livo, A, :t 1„In•I W.t, the,('
nit euuugh Blond uu %our t4:fnd. f
INCU"IIized that IIe, e'iled vete lust
it, th,, dashing twtuts and healing
an S,In ,it•II)e a, it CIO tlovll wits ,iff-
ter 'it,:. Ih a-tve dell,stur lead•
ltlake 1•eli,tratlon. the 6trong
light his a'hitta hair was likes halo,
Ile, silVed yule, why CC11141U'C volt ,10 i
wilul. sic, fill' frulu 111V111g waV to
+llld hla 111t11inO119 eyes tOCedell the
sonluthin� to Valu hili( '!" !
1' �Ir Houghton, l (till tly. 1
,ani'., L, euconru ,ed }liwa with i
the ito{,e that hi, etfult to rescue
lla.ilx3 dee a',i, (. ur,•.t u,,l:1c`l
"Ood uud the spiritual in the man,
as the are manifested onlyin the
world have.perilled even the Iiwe",.l:lit
4,114 those vi -ho had been .with I
Ili, desk iuitl wrote: -
best alis( supreme mom@its Of life.
ai' i
You have vtptualty p)urderul
her had nut been in vain, Puiuting
the pule tow:, d, the City li,his, tie
••t.'ArTAtx DOIANr. S ,--- It
H4 handed :liars the letter.
1Nlied'she had read it she looked at.
Lin(, sir. Dill you not say that .if I
tried to i nake prose,- by striking
may rclievo you of tiurile. nftilal
anxiety to learn that I escaped, arilhim
with tear•dimaled eyes, olid
he had the trace of a gentleman in
out with his feet, but was soon con
that I ant well and at home, �I Y
said, It is what I sbould hale ex-
his anatomy ho would leave you
and ones alone'? lie would rather
vineed that. lie was exhausting him.
self to little Ilin pose•, fur both wind
fatliet is very ill, and absolute quiet
petted you.”
:after dismissingor
drown than go ostiole with yoR."
and foie )veru against pini lie
f.I:OlIGl: HUL%GH'I'U\."
to the parlor, and, taking the girl's
. Elia cootd not mAip hearing his
tbeiefore let hiui,t•lf float, hotline to
hand again, began, God bless you
.. 1oud, hansh words, and het• long,
be picked up by some Vessel, of, at
'Then lie addressed a lint' to the
have You have stood b n rite, er-
pwaillog cry waa•tleir echo.
the worst, to lan,l at Tuft Sumter,
editor of the daily paper: -- .,
st t
have sustained rhe, In itis to to
At this instNnt lies Bodine burst
which tie. doeuied to be the nearest
rible emergency of my life. There
into the ruoln, and her slender fora)
point of •safety. Befuro very long
-- tumors of art accident in the
Were features in this ordeal which
led to dilate. until a conscious-
lie heard the throbbing Ot a steamer's
ha t or a d my beth dr caned
t _n of g °
it seemed impossible for me to en -
• - - - -- - :
nebs of her e.w IC40 filled the apart•
engine, alit( s,on her lights pierced
clay have reached you. This mute
dura which I could not have en-
lucnt. (ler 1'acu was more than
theio011l. I'll get near enough to
is evidence that I am safe and well.
doled but for your sympathy and
Stern• It Woo file CCnlmaildllr0 ex-
mAke his condition known without
I will. esteem it a favor if nu men•
the justice you have done me in
pression of a high-born woman rolls-
being run down, was now his aim. I
tion is made of the affair,"
your thoughts. Ob, blots do not
' ed to the full extent of au unusually
She seeiued to be coiling directly
let the err again. You know I love
strong nature. Her (lark eyes had
towards hiln,und he tbanked heaven
Des fitehin • Sant with these two
You fondly, but your happiness
must be first, now at►d always. In
an overniasteting fire, and her
withered cheeks were red with b'.00tl
that the wind wets dying } out so th•it
his voice might be heard.
missives he held himself in readi-
Iva h to make you wife, let
direct from tier Learti,
As soon as he thought the steam•
ness for tate surnmons to his father's
ane be sure that I am securing your
"Liston to rhe, sir,"' she said, im-
err was within hailing distance lie
Dr Devoe, in his elt'orts to save
happiness even mo ve than my
u. ,
perionsly, and stop your ravinb
, „ ,
began to shoat Ship ahay. No
his patient from any more nervous
. ' w Do not forget for another instant
heed was taken until the bout seem-
shocks, administered another seda•
At that moment she was exalted
that you are a man, and that there
ed almost upon him, and he swam,
tive, an(T then talked quietly of the
by an enthusiasm felt tob0 divine. In
are women'in this house whom you
with his• bole, desperately to the
probability of George's escape,
her deep sympathy her heart was
are wounding with your brutal
left to avoid her. Then iuflatiug
The old man's mind was far from
tender towards him. She Lad just
words. You, yourself, in every
his fangs, he shouted, "Hell), if You
clear, and in his half 'dreamy state
seen him put has old proud self un-
truth will commit murder, it you
are men and not devils?"
was inclined to believe what was
(ler his feet, as he acknowledged
do not become sane. Did eon not
"Hallo there: flan overboard?'
said to him. Then the physician
heroic action in one whom she had
hear that cry? fit response to tan-
"I should say so," thunderedl
pretended to hear the return of his
thought incapable of it. Could she
guage that is like a bludgeon. flow
Houghton. "Slow up, and throw I
ruessenger, and went out for a few
fail this loved 'end tbonored friend,
are you worse off than I, who have
uiu a rope."
moments. When he came back he
when a wronged Northern, boy had
lost husband, sons, all? Have you
The wheels were reversed at once.
saw llr Houghton's ey(M dilating
counted his life as nought to savo
not said to your boy as cruel .things
A man 'near the bow seized a coil of
with feat and hope.
him? f
as Captain Bodine has said! This
rope, and yelled. "Where are you?'
(crake courage my friend," he
Never had Ler Spirit of self sacri-
son of yowls was too noble, too b(-
Here, cried Houghton, splash-
sou}. ',Great joys aro dangerous as
fico so asserted itself before. Iu-
erous, too lofty for either of you or
ing the water with his hands.
well as great sorrows. You u,ust
deod, it no louger seemed to be
us to understand in our damnable
•prejudice• and blind hate. Come I
The rope flew with a boatulan'a'
aim; and George it, and,
bo -calm for your son's sake as well
self-sacrifice, as site gave him her
hand - "fife offs:rs me
as for your own. He has Lseaned
and said,
with rite," and, seizing his hand, site
with sailor -like dexterity, fastened
as I told you he might, and will see
nothing better than to beekilne your I
• dragged him to whereEllalay white
the enol around his body under his
you when you wttr_t, you feel strong
wife. .
as death. "There," she resumed, in
arms. Then laying hold of it also
IIe drew Li -r close to his breast,
the same impetuous yet clear-cut
cried from the water almost under
"Now, nowt"
but at this toucli of het sacred per -
tones, "is as pure aa(lgood ,t girl as
the whet(, "Pull."
A moment later the father's arms
sun, something deep in her woman's
ever God -created, Was loving her
a crime? Go home, and ask God to
In a moment or two he was on
deet: and besieged with questions.
were about his boy. "With gentle,
nature shrunk and protested. Even
at that moment she was. compelled
soothing words and endearing terms
forgive. you, to take you where your
swamped in the squall," he
George calmed the sobs of tho aged
to Tearn that the heart is mote put -
son is in His good time. That poor
replied briefly. I kept afloat On a
man whose stern eves had been so
ent than the mind, even though it
child is the real victim. Unless
pole until you picked me tip. 'There
I r,naccustonled to teats. At last Le
be kindled by the strongest and
you are mad indeed you will ask
Ler forgiveness, and go quietly
was another boat that I am anxious
about. I'll go up to the pilothouse
! sleept, holding his son's hand,
most unselfish. enthusiasm. Only
the deep and subtle principle of
4 • away•"
and keep a weather -eye open."
The clerk was dismissed with
I cordial thanks ; Goorge and the
love, could have given to that em-
• The old man trembled like a leaf,
. Well, you're a cool one, said
I physician watched unweariAdly, for
brace unalloyed repose. Never -
• swayed too and fro'• between his
i'the latter said that evervtbing de-
theless she hall said what she be-
' tierce conflicting emotions, and then
"I've been in the Oster 1@nil
! pended on the patient's condition
lievod true, "Life had nothing bet-
left the house as quickly as, he had
enough to get cool. N ould you
when he awoke'.
ter for her.
enteiecd it. As he did so Ella cal-
mind lending me a overcoat Or some
As Ella slept quietly, Bodine in-
. led after Lim feebly, but her' voice
wrap?" And lie escaped from the
sisted7•that DLtra should retire, say -
was unheard.
gathering crowd to the pilot house,
ing, 111. and old Hannah can do all
. The clerk and the colored Waiter
The vessel proved to be a little
l In 'Mrs Bodine's humbler borne
that is required." • •
stood at the door and received Mr
Hough ton%tottering form, "Horne,"
steamer which plied between the ill-
lands down the harbor and the cit y'
there was another patient who also
Bat you noes} rest wore than I "
Y ,
be gasped.
"That was young Boughton," said
had found such respite as anodynes
P y
can brink.. Ella's fair face had b@
•• protested.
`INo. -Gladness has banished
, In renewed dread they bore him
to his,zarriage,' which Sam drove
one of the passengers. tt
---him( said another. 1t s
come like the purest marble in
slsep from my eyes, and I must he
4 r
tit Ella s side when she wakes.
. rapidly • away. By the time he
reached his residenco he wits in al-
a pity he and his old money -griper
dad both the bot-
whiteness, but the hot cola had
ceased to flow, and the bosom which I
;Mara was "lad' to obs for no
6 y''
most fainting condition, and,
of .a are not at
had heaved convulsively with an-
divine cshileration had come tober.
She was not strong and a reaction
r i
Wail Jaa'1'ied to tits I)edl The waiter
\1 rat )ed it, the C'x ptuirt's great-
l F 1 b
uish was now so still l'that the (lire
b" e
seemed scarcely to. breath at illi•
- • ' g.. wassetting
approrchlnb erhaaston s
who also acted in the capacity of a
valet at times, gave the old 'man
coat, George was as comfortable as
his anxieties would permit. No
Vaptdin Bodine, blocs and Old HRR•
in. .
In tile dawnof the following day
stimulants, as he said to the clerk,
sign of life was a •on the dark wat-
b P
!lab were the watchers. Mara. now,
for the first time obserled how
)silo began t•o stir uneasily in her
F "Go for llr Devoe: Satn dribe you,
Bring 'im wid you quick."
b Y q
ars. When , the boat - made her
landing' be slipped out o his coat
b) PP f '
tvbite the veteran's iron -grey hair
sleep to moan and sigh. Vo' eel
I' g grief g y.
the unspent force of her was
The old man at last lav still,
leaped, ashore, ands' -walking and
Lad become. IIe had sown old ill
a night, rather in an hour. The
re -asserting itself, as the berambince
breathing beavily,aud half-conscious
1 malting till extinctive struggle
Y o gg
running alternately, Horn, reached
his fathei's house, . I
lines o£ hi vface were graven deep;
effocts of anodynes passed from her
brain. Her father motioned 1-Iannah
for existence. The shock Of his
Opening the door with his latch
1116 troubled eyes WGrO Sllhkeli, giv-
ing a peculiarly Laggard expression
to leave the appartment, and then
passion and the weight of an im-
key, he stumbled on Jube, the
to his counteuancb.
took Ella's band. At last she opened
measurable los- had been almost
waiter, who backed arca from him
' Y
Her heart was full of gentleness
.tor eyes, and looked at him in a
beyond endurance to a luau of his
with something liku a yell of feat•;
and sympathy towards Lint, and of
dazed, troubled way. " (>L !" she
a e ,and of his volcanic nature, Elis
believing that his °ung fngste.r had
b young
this be 'was assured from tinuo to
moaned, 11 I've had Buell dreadfai
physician m -as so)n tit his side, and
come buck in ghostly guise.
time by her elorltwnt glances.
dreams, Have I Leen ill."
'with sumo dugruu of Snccest tut
b , I
1, Shut tl p, you fool :" said George
Mrs Bodine was being carnal for
" Yes, Ella dear,very ill, Imt yon
forth all Lis skill to rally his ex.
sG ,'lily'. Don't you know me !
h} hies Bunter, for site Ives ill i l
{1'e better' now. The ww-st it \w(,1 1
}IaliBte(l ,patient. Ile lit last Nut,-
coeded in pioducim,, a Curtain de-
" O Lawd, Lawd 1 Coll ain't rt
4 pooh, Illarse Goge?"
i tLc 1c -action from (lel' StfOn� 1'xU1Lr'
0`.•(`1•.' I
X11)Cllr' 4,t at.1laNr yo.'I brie;( `vatcll-
gro0 of letblir!-;•y', which, In benitn'lb•
i1 I'll box your cols ill :t wi.V Il,itt'
nient and Unwonted exertion, (
Ij.Ut ft:tY }l0ul'S halt ,n981`tl aC}i('el I
1 I ..
illy nil lllgllt'�•'
ilia tho bixin, brongltt respite rion,
I will convince you—"
there lva5 aria;; lit the 41unr, :�I1 i
" Thais to w'ury little thing to lir,,
montal a,.uy.
I4be iolpre,iuu of Tludilly and all
.1t this moment I?r'1)evue caro,
hastily from the sick roum, anti met
except L:1'a looked 1 i,1,,,r
1 1 t . cloth other '
She lily fl a fury worount,,
tho utLc,r- with turn that young
(:eer}ty on tLc ti+ii . "Thank'
with sksu tlocl (.)-(-,. Whitt did this I
late. suloulons portgrid ? (tura rose
.silent -r
will th(rl I( -•,till to sob "Uh i re-
b '
11oughtut Incl brew (irowned was
lraturul an l-thoost ihewitaMo. They
God '" ezclaime,l, ill(,, physician,
"you have escal-ic:ii, 1 %tution, now,
to go to the duos but mitil it 6iient
° '
lrerliker all now. Il.e's dear(, (told(,
liad suvii Liu) disappvar bF,neatlt the
cwitioli. You inimt not -show your-
csturc the captain rrstraiuett 1:, r
1nvid wont down himEelf,
11 h,l,, a,.. "aid hl r fatly, taking
..° w;4trr, :till( that wns the ]list Cint
self to your fatilt•l till I give per•
11 Who i,i thi." front F' he il.,l(t 1,
her Lands fron, her face, " I du Lot
watt acus or lio:iid- Tho hontu)at;'s
Oxplailatiun that tic: young man
alis -ion."
" I1n-s he heard ? Is Le Very ill..+'
1, vi he took the,lottet from) ail.
brlim-L tic• is dead. Tb,le is, r@-
that he cstttped—that lit' %V.i,i
had uu auto ruttnlaled it, the rigging
Ccorgo f„iced, in (deep anxiety.
I'Llm g \ • ,
y0ifna , Id160 }IOttf�httlit.
Ile ain't drownd no m,'n I b.."
I l.i tied lip by a steamer, ,
of the suuk0l, vessel seemed the
" les, but 110'11 collie through
11 Thank (.rod.`0acuhttc•d L'udim
I ,81,(' sat lip instantly, as if all her
only way of aecuunting for the fact
that he (lit] lilt rise ArTain
all right, now that you are alive.
I've had it) JAM
with such fervor .Lar t,e a ai h(•ar,l
strel: th had returned, and, with
and strike
slu of artiall
P Y partially.
in the morns R1,oVc.
I iter blue a •es dilating thlOUgh her
y g b
out for his own boat. The words
Ile was tulll that you had been
14 Yes'" said Stant ,1 I r(ekon Ifu'
t0AI-8, exclaimed, 11 Oh, papa, don't
of31' I lunghton, recalling that final
drowned. 6„ change your clothes,
le one ter yank." Sim had imbuled
keel, tilt oil the rack of suspense !
Helltetwu of (iodine's, which had
and be I•e.dy when I leant you.
the impression that Bodinu ha'i left
( i es me life l ,v tci}ing ole that he
rlostloyoll 1;evrgCs hope and mode
him fuel that }to could not approlteh
}few did yell f•.icape, I"
" Pickeil il{, by the stemner IFire•
ilia yeltla master t0 drown,
" 1 cel bilin, ho is afiwe. flu Lis
Flht again, L id greatly augmented
fly,* I)i(1 they escape?-• •I mean lir
%Vbit is it ?" VA!"gI(Ivd Nlara
ower• tlic barti,ter:,.
w: itten to m0 and I have Answored
i• , , .an'. The
the 6tt,1 � dlstrc,.3. 1110 .Lon ht
Bodine Itn(1 his party."
,1 Young IIoughton e:,c.,l:cd after
it, tits way tha. of would a•i:,li."
Y y
once lodged. cunld not be hanishad
• " Yet anti, as far a4 i elan make
till • --Herr, my t„u), is a dullltr,
S'h'- threw her arms about his
that the youth, in his wounded
out, leftycu tC drown.”Wait
a fvlV n,iuut(ts, far I 11) ly nigh
nick in ail enlbr'a^_e• that was nitllost
, print; iniglit Lave silently choseli to
Adon the phybiciar, retunwd ltr
to -send an tlnsa•er,"
cor,.ulsivP, an,] then 8ai(IC back cix-
brilveevery dauger in order to"prove
I'Ioughten aeuSCA a littic,at(I necked,
rho gas was buruingdimly in the
that, ho Inas fa "gentleman," and the
it What is the inxtter ? is (teorge
pallor. Turning it up, lie rear( tits
Now, Ltia darling, for all out
he would " k;ave them alone," even
ill Vl -
brie f missile, and rece;nizod from
sakes yGn moist l(eep quiet and coal•
at the�cost of his life. (ills rCsttlt
i�0, he's bPttt 1.
its tGf.0 that the I"CYn plat( fitill
prn, tl ;" ant] bo (gave bel' it little of
of It,a hargh words wdS crushing t0
The old man closc�l ](ilei cr(;i, and
had in mind the v^ters,n's fortitel,
the StrO1I nOl,t'1(dlhlCflt which tl1f
Bodin, slid t0 escape rrom its in.
at lost said dreamily, " Yes, lie's
attitnlde towards kiln, dfh ,Pl 4(,wn
1'h-vii;k6an loam ordored.
toletable weight Ile tried to onter•
bettor, better off in heaven."
and wrote tilpidly• -
Irv(` a lona time she lay still with
tain the hope that freorge hard foend
11 Houghton," said the doctor
a smile upon her lips. In her f(whle'
settle way of attainirg safety, as yet
kindly, i1 I've jest heard that a man
" 1IR CICORt1E, HuL'1cl1TON, —
nea:i one happy thought sufficed
was picked up by the steamer run-
HONORED Sin,—At this late hour,
" Ile is not dwo !"
I'he young man had not been
ning between the city and the Is.
and with your eoacLman waiting, I
At last a faint color stolo into lie,
drug ued,.. although ho had bad an
- lands, I don't give up hope yet,"
• must he brief. My toren, 4Ii°no^cd,
chcct,a. wiel Phe asked, " What 'Ii,'
l9iir,a _p I . ,
you wIite, ItopgI" Sea woadoni
E. (PrR,a1 but , rilaa rttd by Otte ulgryolw
Ito repeated his letter ullpolit 0 1ux44tlon Ttllxa w�io aro. in 4604QX; Wo.
verbiltim. "ilu AA4Y wlto Ock, we g11va bar OrNtorla, fable. xfrk that MAP too 4one while living at Ltgtpe
abR41A st Pncgtpntj• their a0tireaa to fallen &
.a, T'ibst was eut.ugh, lialla," b]la hl?a 114! W�'h Childs((', 4ri,04 tog ollpt,lrftt, Co.;, Ppprtlaull,,40-1440" mud racPlee flee, Rall It -
Hilt. ►)rt a s'(tl f 1, 1?'lF4R�h�tlg4ttp4eTfL(a4,ttblAtgH WQp4tvrub fotm,atiP4 boar 4kbf3raex, o(all age" cau4ari.
d , h sigh U ,l alit•f: It was : trout So to 4g pS+ 4t1Y sill( 4p, lards wllarerever
vet•y'gOblo i11 K011 Lti Wr,te ill that �l4Q�al-Ohg4410thowc04�atgoR Way live, 916:, r#t+darted (too. Capital nut
„ . , required'':. 0,0vejoildli Over 850 in a aingl4
wily. 1 day at tttia il4tlr, 4 4ul voed.
it rfla Ilrllu,it Wats tiiluplti jllati{(i." o � , ,• - .
Site {have. (rills al bal0to which DENTIST, COATS BLOCK. ls�tr4. �1T*�01V9
warmed t}a heart. ill 11 i little - GENERAL 011418 IN TINWARE.
while she ttpnin spokes, "flu olid � K E F, F E it. -a -
rest, palia. I fetil that T c in steep IHURON STREET, CLINTfJZIt-
again 01111, thank God! th•luk G .d! CHARGES MODERATE - OLINTON. Repairag of all kinds promptly attended to at
His sten is rising uu it new ilea vt a Ul\rION SEI t1VING PARLOR. _ reasonable rates. A trial sollcittid.
-R-•-- -_ -- -
and it new earth."
Kissing hci' fondly, hvl`N ILLEtt NUHSEltY
father t 11OOtNG done very neat mad to suit
halted itway. ' ( )Ill Ilauuah resumed every perepn. - — .
he• watch, but w.t, soon relieved by JOHN EADER, SmFth'sBlock. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TUEE.,
1� hen George read (•u )tuin Ito- BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST
George I _ TIIS LATTBn or WII WII \TB AIANS A ,iPEClAllfr.
dine's lcttvr the night grt•w l,n)in. Tile Chntnn Brannh Bible society alive for ---
nus about (fids. lie had riot ex- STOat R Albei Streeet nflnerasso•tmauiue LiI:GE STOCK ON HAND.
petted tiny •such acknowledgment. Bibles auttTestaments.
tiVlth Chat'aCCHI'1SttC r,tOdeSt lip ha(l Tas'rAAutNTS FROM Bets. UPWARL R Ti oso sold st Ina` en al trees and shrubbery wi
Y Blili•P:S roost 26ote UPWARDa, y. prices, and those w•antiu
underrated his Own action,. And Ile 0)ME ANDSua, DR WORTHINGTON, De- allYthlne in this connection will cavo moue
had given iil)dine credit for the de- ilository. - --.-.. - -.- 1)urchasulg here,
gree of manhood possessed Ly him. • J. T. %VlLKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST . Orders Gg Mail well be promptly altevil
Iudbe,), he had almost feared that 1 --- ell to. Address,
i Ue a rd pr c process
vorightforthe county for JOHN STEWART, Benmillor.
both other and daughter ,l ]gitt be the Hurd Preueae of adrntmaterluKcheHli•
umb:trrassed And burdonle(1 by a, °ally pure Nitru2nn Monoxide, which is the
safest and treat system yet discovered for -
swise of Obligation, whose only effect the painless extruotiuu of teeth. Charges
inoderatol,aatWfactiticouguarauteed. Office, THE MERCHANTS
would l:e to make them miserable. ELLIOTT'S BLOC( 1`uu r Banco's Wailer t
Generous himself, he was deeply _ _- _- -._ . __ . I-
I COIIaCtlog aSSOCIat1011
touched en dere proud man's aha°- ROBERT DOWNS
lute surrender, and be at ante all- t — o F a e N A D A
prec]:lted the fine nature which had . CLINTON, olillce, Hamilton, one.
been revealed by the lett@r. ESTABLISHED 1884.
11 Now," he reasoned, 11 as fat•Aa. Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Sap Is an Association of business and profession,,
11111111111 Dog ht use. Agent for tide auto and sten, having for its object the
tier far her is concerned, the way is 11PP110ation of the A3 FISHER PATENT AUTOMATIC
open for me to seek Ella's love by BUILEa CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS turnishod COLLECTION Or DEBTS;,.
1 slid applied oil short notice And to prevent its members making bad de
patient and devoted -aktellti0l+s --• by furnishing them with lists of parties who
shall at least have the chanc4 which Beflers, Engines. and all kinds► of' not pay.
Malehtnery repaired eapedlttonaly
was itu ossible when I could not and In a satlef eetory manner.
p Merchants and others having accounts to collet
approach tier at all. After this ex- ,, andwlshing to become members, by remitting
}�eribnee t believe that m own dear Farm Implements manufactured and repaired. $7 b our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will receive
y Steam and Water Pipes furnished slid put in y return mail, full particulars, certificate
father will be softened, and he led position. Dry Kilns acted up on appltcatIon. of membership, &c.
to see holy much better 'are happi _ Charges moderate._ J.B.HlLLS&CO.,Managers, Hamiltou
ness and schemes content than ambitious Clinton Post Office Time Table Or to JA .T1so.lrsoN, Agent, Clinton
Mails are due for delivery and close for doRpatch ._ _ .._.___ _.— _-.. __•_
But bar Houghton wns destined at the Clinton Posy Office as fellows:— •
to disappoint his son. He awoke +_. — ___ _- - I -CLURB _1- DUB
7QC feeble in bAdv, olid not very
Toronto, Strat•
Y y ford, Seatorth, Grand(
clear in mind. His one growing Trunk east and interme• 1
diato otlloes ......... .. 6.30 a. Ili. L. 1). tit
desire was to get away front Charles Toronto, Stratford, sea- 1
fon. " I d V forth. T. and S. east.... 1,55 p.nt. 8 n.n1 J Ce �f EYENSON, Ont C el a'19h t0 100k On Goderich Hohnesville and
that accursed harbor again," he re- Grand tfrunk west .. 1 1) 8 a.m
Goderich. ................ 8.45 p.m. 2.40 pant . , , ,
peated over and over. Hamilton, Toronto, ...... 4.15 p.m. 10.10a,m —THE LEADIN(a---
ti We must humor hits in every Londnu, L., H & B. south a.m. pan. S.M. p.m
and Intermediate offices 7.35 4.1510,107.W UNDERTAKER
way possible,"Dr Devoe said to Blyth, Wingharo, lilncnr•
George, "and as soon as lie is strong (line, Lucknorv, r ,e a&H
north, and interntedlate,1 lit. p M. a.hl. p m
enough you must take Lith North." ofiigea....,.. .. ... I'iiso 6,15 a.255.05 --AND—
George's heart sank at these s Friday.... lueaday. midi 5 a0 1), In. 5.30 p.m
words, and • others which. his father Britishmalis,blonday,Wei!-j 0 a m • EMBALMER.
nes yy Thursday ... (1.30
constantly reiterated. Money Orders Issued and Deposits reoeived from
"I wish to get Sway from this one dollar upwards.
Office fours from 8, to 7 p•111• A FULL I,LNI OF
city, George," he would say feebly. Savings Bank and Money Order Office close pp,
"I will go anywhere, only to be at 6.30 p.m. tJoliFl\'J C'i�'h>iTS (tie
away from this town and its people. T110MAS TAI It, 1'o�tuwgter. I 11 1, t CAS' l l��,l ,
Oil, love it d such a warning ! This Cli,- -' Aug. x687.
is no place for you or me. Its peo- - —cc - ®' - --
ple are aliens. They destroyed one W I _,
of my boa und'the have near( FUNERALS 4 4 FURNISHED
Y/ Y Y
Prost you your life, as well as your= On the shortest notice and at
happiness and success in life. Oh, U. reasonable rates. The best
that terrible old wountn, with her .�1•- E'atbulming hluid used .
tongue of fire! She looked and Z 11111111111101® U)
talked like an accusing fiend. I . LL! i
waneto go away from it all, andle
�Idendid llearst'.
Zforget it x11,—that such a plat@ and � � .A _
people exist. Help me got strong,D bd
doctor, and then Georgo and T will CD ALBERwr
go, as Lot fled from Sodom." ® OPPOSITE, ,,sigiviiiiiiiiii1mosoneivim 10
TO BE CON'W N uhn. I ® M W
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for i _ .._ _ �. fes-''
_ Lodciao Roller mi11L
Iftaitsolonal eudl adder (Eards
)VI ' 1
A>\.I�_cr & f,coTT
Barristers,. Solicitors,
CONI'L•'YA\+'Etta, .f C,
0innill tasioners for Outarioand Manitob;l.
B.111ght. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, ;
OtIlee over J Jacksons Stare, Clinton. ,
— -__ _.. _._ .. _ .- •-----•-.
�� theuudersigned at the Library kuru(:•,
$50,000 to Loan at 6 per cent.
NVhy pay others 7, 8, 'J and 10 pet
cent, when you call get money from uc
at fi per c.
First-class loans & per cent. Larg(
loans 5 per cont.
TERMS made to snit borrowor,. re'
garding payment and .period of loan
Apply te,
After being thoroughly overhauled and re-fitte i
with NEW MACHINERY of the most approve,'. '
splendid kiade theaemm ills are now d runnhr-
order, and will not be surpassed in the quality "d I
the work clone, by any nliil hl the eountra.
Special Attention givlea to GRISTiNG
Satisfaction guaranteed. Part 10. wautinz Ar,) -
thin,ehatever in this line will find A to tie.,
interest to give ugacall.
E. HUBER, Prol,rieV,r'
. . . __ _ . ---" I
RICH LY Itexartlod aretbosewbo rout
oris mud thin act; they will tilt';
honorable employment that will not take
them from their homes and families. Tire
profits are large and sure for every industr'i-
of s eraon ,n u h •o u de nd a s now
Residence at Digs R. K. iteid's,corner I -' ' ---' '- -' .. '
Df Huron and,Oran,ge streets,
t p a y as la a r .
malting several hundred dollars a mouth, It
p [ �
�'lle � >lson Bank,
r ds, Orson li mato rk per t,e.v
and upwards, w>ilo is willing to Rork. Either
a deasy upwards,
undersigged, at:resideuoe or drug store. i Itt^•orp,,r,te't u; Act of Psrllament, 1835,
,,ex.young or old; capital not needed,westatt
you Everything new. No special ability
_. __^._._ .... CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000,
required; you, reader.can do as well as any
ono Write to us at O11oe for full pat•ttcul9�rs, ,
SmallRumnngood mortgageaecurity,
which we mail free. Address Stinson & Co.,
1'ortiand, Maine.
moderate rate of interest. H HALE,Clintin t
us:ecxs oil Oilttarto street, Clinton, o \,
osittt S•;n liab Clhurr Fin r� c 11
r q U t auce b_ silts
THOSIAS WORKMASt,........Pre,ldent.
f. ft.• R. MOLSON. . vice -Pres,
F. WOLFERSTAN THOJIAS General pian:, •u'
' s
.. _
gate, .1 ho, .i (l;eeounted, Collections ailadp,Drgf,
iAsusdi, Sterling and
I {fall tC IIi� estIll 11t (Vy
14B. PROUDFOOT,CIViLL•'NOTNEFR ld at ca )1 A'•
Provincialau(1 DoniiniotiLandtinrve),- ^.4zagn Lougk! still sold a! lolre+t
T14.4 C'o,o?panj1 Loin;it
lir, ATehiteet awl Draughtsniar,, PF.RRIN current rates,
id j .11w,+; n;
I �,1X,•,ri. .S••'tRrelt� a! Lou•": l;at•a•Pl
FLOCK, Clinton. ; 1%'or--t at t l,er cent atlor,o l •„i L 1 „•i••.
%,fleet•: "..
JJ'' St, Murray Block, ! ••.tc
I 'rl
two doors east of M aW:rdnce, to farnicrs on thc,r -,n non,
Hudi;ens'entrancn. P.4•R,denreoppoaftnS, I wi�b„nu or mare endnr4 r+. K•, u,ort;.,�4 r„•
(• t . ,• , Y;
; 1.lultz ..1, ,1:� - ! LLCtf.tSt.0
Army narraeks, Hunin 8t, (":rtnr., e11hc,` , 1'.i,rai a. ,ur.t1.
I --
ltpure, 6 u m W d p m. ir. C. 11R1:'t\ Ell., )lana,, r,
' ,Q, `'I ti Ci 5 B �i �i .fi liPl ? XC"rI,
_ . _ . ,. t .., : inI Is— U:iutnu
3i /, r!h•r J )+,a• C.'rk" 1111, rr•at AU, -wed
TIt,VPn:e fur th(, ('t1:InX$*(ot Util•Un. �alP4 } I
�ttelidedanvnhero tnthncuuuly' lit i-it-
N„Ilatilt' r • 4.1+, l:,'+itiencli Alh„rt '^'1'X•(1 ' t••1
0 alae. �csIlk�
' i
(l,14 tbop 1,,11,a
, --'(Tinto,,,
Gi/i': -r •1. 1,kL,rl':$,'l ;,r,•R1,'N,n„,A
• ,.,1�
,� , • ,ffi.IC1 I It1 , v. t1,
Dj'�R ,STAN) I'RY, 4;RAlWATR OP 'rill.) I
i (;od • ,.t,•, •. •,;h tor: Af \vaor.u.
Holictl Dc park nletit, of vwtor4,t tent-'
v.. twfy, Toronto, formerly of the Hoq;.:talo
and U,I)ensarl`•I, N,•w Vorl Corotier for , .liftCr ti;e p; \rresL teat at ti,C• late
Fire Xns'urance.
the County of Ifuroo, Bayficill., Ont.
fair in Clinton, it waa Universally ail-
_.—_.. .. -witted
WLiJAAMI- B. A, pt. 1)., GRADU.
that Na i1EkFEi.1' AND E,t:,V
•.t l.,,., ,,,nifr
i A' . ,- "t 1,r-j,.,rt) ,•„r••d v
I rite•,. n
';r,t-c:4•• ,. IiQ\tl,:. •.
Art, of rot'(futo Univrt•9ity'; memberot
the Collego of Pit vaic;an a
:4 and surgeons,
EA% ov TE, the EXCELSIOR wasf
tl,'ftF.NW. SIA . , T. Co. LISL LOATS
Out, ovi,tes Rt<9In1iNC)a tine huuso torr
away ahead of all ethers, and destined
mercy oroupled t,y Ur f ew, e, Mivertdtrect
C liuta 1i.
to be the popular instrument 1 f the
, A1.90 by till rail lfrw= over the GRAND TRUNK
I and CANADA PACIFIC to ail• point on that
day. This, along with the fact that a
I,,,r, Winnipe:t, Brtindorf, &e.,'Daknta, Kansas,
t�I: W0RTrllvi;rori, -- PITYAICLAN,
special prize was awarded it, certainly
I ,)r an.- 1. 1tit reached by rail,lon; or foreii,n.
,+,,•Brun, Acconcher, Licentiate of tit(,—
Colleg,, of Physielaup, and snraonns of
speaks voIon,es for the instalments,
C r.. •. , s,, In"" h "re I"u l;, tiv, an)
Lower C,anad,4. Rnd Provincial Licentiate
and parties purehapir,g should see the
.• Nl en4,
and Coroner tor the County (if Huron. Of-
fr.ieandreRldenre,—The bnfidtoq fnrrnor;y
Ex,,F.LBI tIt before buying elsewhere.
y g'
i ' --
oecnpied hyMr`rhwatUts, IluronSWet.
11 l l Cl.Tai ill,
lel. r1.1103(.Ily�i N, Clinton.
._. .._._....__
Factory three dnvra west r f bInP,.y's
- .
I PutnpShop, RattenburySt., Clinton•
' 4r"11IYTUIV -
__ _
Ff. 1(° Fut,'... M. D , ; tv. (}olio, AJ.D , i, ii.
L.R,(,J1,, P;lnibilrgl., CP„Pldluburgh,i` 1:
:mumbo; I{ R., Edinburgh, Li-
j �
1 a
Plan n Mill
L16.0g., P;
WeratiMe of rhe Mvt,
wtfery, Edinburgh.
Oftlee at Dracedold
{ oe-ntlahn of the Mid-
wite y,Ediu. USReo,ou
enrnorof Ontario and
Watch Hock !A akar
--ANf1, - '
William fats., Clinton,
Rnotn+, Town
I JE«VEt LEFT, &,.. -
I ',
D R Y K I L N_'
library and Heading
1111.11• down a6nlrR, About 2,400 volnmop
In Library Cnri all the Leading NewR•,
OPPOSITE Tlir Slim, P:T my,`.%': t' ,.r•' .
IYhOrA lilt tteepa '
TIfR,•4i'n.•iCRfRFit -}L\ ING JVNT Ct,AI,.
eLnrpio vnd (wiliilfcA h;a neiv PJarinp,
and Port o/ltcals of tho day on the
its„1., ;CFa)'.ti_011t e1
: M,1 machinery of the Int, qt fn:rmvod
table. Menlberatiip ticket $1 por annum, j watQiss= Clocks, �
Open front 2 to r, 1) IH , and frow 7 to 0 p. r ewallory,
Applications for rueniberolhip received 1 Nverware.
s anw Prepar.'dto attend U aH nrJ,.rs hi his
Gnil Th the .00,t Prem Ptard aati4f,"Jorvmanner
anti At rent• ,r,able rates, would
oy t11e Llbrarian in the room.
Lit, alcao return
thanks to ail %% 11.1 ( b1
- I w11wh wP will sol; lit reanon;t'4'r rates,
pntre nize,:ll,gt ot 1)ofore
they w re bun,^ t stir, and nnw it ins in a het•
ter pmjt'.n to oveont,i orlcr•t re,s.dtt1o•i%1v
teals conAdcnt Ile Can 11:\' sal',if Rotil4o to
We can make arewgoodloansfrompricatn Repalringo, every dt•Rnriltibn promptly
fundn at low rales an(t moderato exl)cnW. I att(tnted to, and NII Wnr lc warranted.
i FACTORp_,,' r,
ar Ltr 1?t arodl Ta'au
Terni%w4detoRu;tilutrowers• ,i, irll)Dl,F:(•ONnF,
Ral".•n,1,f"ir,. , .i:
MANN, No & $(_,()TT, t"Intrn Clinton,Nov. 199%