The Clinton New Era, 1888-05-25, Page 8i - (.1 INTON NEW ERA. iE LARGEST AND BEST. NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. ***** j * ***C******RP One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR • AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. ex ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN * EMPLOYED x: NEW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW OaNADiENTs,FINE PAPERS, FIN E INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. Business Circulars --A SPECIALTP— NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. OUR SAMPLES—Oa Are SEE sale by Worthington and Comb ;wee S lr � . ' io LIVER �\ 1.-.b PfLi< . J •1 W4RJ;f OP JJL1144T•1Q•N6. 4L1f!AIYS 4 Ali D#. P EIWE'Si PE,i&?f%/ sT8, on 412T, E Blifall-COATED P.T,%.L$. Heins entirely vegetable, they op- erate without disturbance to the 6ystem, diet, or occupation. Put up in glasa vials, hermeti- c la>tF.ative Always ly rativee,aorapurgative, these little 'Pellets give the most perfect sstiataet ion, SICK HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indigestion. Bilious Attache, and all derangoments of the atom- soh and bowls are Walnut. it relievedand; permanetly oared bio the use of Dr. Pierces Pleasant Par save relict*, In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action upon the system is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence. Sold by druggists, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. 500 REQ is offered by the manufactur- ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh $' Chronic Remedy, for a case of a' Chronic Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure. SYIIIPTOMS, OF CATABBH.—Dull 'heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from' :ils-head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, Purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak, watery, and inflamed; there is ringing in the ears. deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are im- paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a backing cough and gen- eral debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re- sult in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by' physicians. By its mild, soothing,and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rmedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh "cold in the head," Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. "Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prot. W. RAMSNER, the famous mesmerist, of Ithaca N. Y. writes: "Some ten years ago I Buffered untold agony froth chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said I must die. My case was such a bad one, that every day,towards sun- set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. Ry the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." THOMAS .7. BURRING, Esq., 2909 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I was a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck- ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." Three Bottles Care Catarrh. ELI RoaBINS. Runyan P. 0.. Columbia Co., Pa., says: "My daughter had catarrh when she was five years old, very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- cured a bottle for her, and soon saw that it helped her; a third bottle effected a perma- nent cure. She is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." 320 -ACRE FARMFO R SALE ' . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: 320 acres of first-class farming land, suitable for wheat or any other kind of crop, situated in Southern Manitoba. just north of Pilot Mound, about eight miles from South Western C. P. Rail- way and less than half a mile from W School and Post Office; title perfect. Will.Iiot ell if not sold before April ,,.,1st. TIIs, $500 down, balance in three annual instalments, with interest at fi per cent. This is a bargain worth looking after. Full particulars given at NEW ERA OFFICE, or MANNING k, M SCOTT'S, Clinton, Ont: Ladies Only The complexion is often rei.dered nn• si.thtly by,i'imples. Liver Spots and Yel- nwness, These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr ChaQe's Liver C'nre purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet recipes, hints ami snegesti. ns on how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists rITA ILORIl\T G- NEW GOODS AN INDIAN SN l,IK1~i .131 • More to be dreaded than even the r'attlesualge is the terrible t;obra of India, for the i easen that not only is death swift and Cer- tain after its bite, but the reptile glides into the houses and lies in wait for his victims in their bed chambers and bath rooms. Some time since a party of English sold- iers were gaily playing cards in the guard -room of a barracks in India, when one of them, named llfaxy suddenly grew as still and rigid as a statue. "Play away, Maxy! what are you about?" impatiently demand- ed Churchill. 'Hush!" replied Maxy turning pale. "What's the matter?" asked another, about to start up. 'If you value my life, sit quiet!' .said Maxy in a thrilling whisper. We exchanged looks. 'Remain quiet! I have a cobra coiling round my leg.' Our first impulse was to rush away, but poor Maxy implored us not to do so. His countenance assumed a livid hue; the words seemed to leave his mouth with- .4slt..that feature. altering its posi- tion, so fearful was he lest the slightest movement should alarm the serpent and hasten its fatal. bite. We were in an agony •little less than his own during the scene. 'I•Ie is coiling round!'murmured Maxy. 'I feel him tighter. For mercy's sake call for some•imilk! Let it be placed on the ground near me! Let some be spilt on the floor.' Churchill cautiously gave the order and a servant slipped out of the room. 'Don't stir boys! This can't last long'. My fate will soon be decid- ed,' whispered Ataxy. 'I have a wife and Children in England; let them know I died blessing them.' • The milk was brought and carefully put down; a few drops were sprinkeled on the floor, and the affrighted servants drew back Again Maxy spoke: 'No, no, it has no effect! Ho is clasping tighter; he has uncoiled his upper fold. I dare not look down, but I am sure he is about to draw back and give the bite. O Lord, pardon me ! Ho has un- done another !bid and loosens himself. ('tar he be going to some one else ?" We involuntarily started. '' For the love of heaven, don't stir, or•I'm a dead man ! He still loosens, and seems to he falling oft." At that moment poor Maxey ventured to look down. The snake had unwound himself and was making for the milk. " I am saved ! saved !" cried Maxey, leaping froth his chair, and falling senseless into the arms of one of his servants. In an- other instant the snake was killed, and our poor friend, t..vre dead than alive, was carried to his 00m. But lie never recovered from the shock. Brave and fear- less on the field of' battle, he was frightened int" an carly.gray. by a serpent. That are all right in quality anti style and away down in price. ANY P.801\T wanting something nice 'in this line should call and examine', my stock as it is new ant' the latest s'vles. A J. IIOLLOWAY, riscllerbs 0141 Stand OPPOSITE THE POST OFFIt'E. (USD )N. I y %oxon's NEW STEEL HOSIER DRILL • BEAUTY'S , DOWER. where grace and be:%oty most abound, True happiness will oft be found, Where ruby lips and glowing cheek The gift of ruggid health bespeak, The artist, Nature's nobleman, Will risk the treasure of his art, Depicting, deftly as he can, The lines engraver) on his heart. • Fair maiden, may life's richest joy Spread her bright mantle over thee ; May years but gently with you toy, And pleasures sweet, without alloy, With fairest blossoms cover. thee ; But should, perchance, thy beauty fade, Thou can'st call quickly to thy aid Our Golden Medical Discovery. Remember that Pierce's Golden —ytnNcrAcrrrFat Medical Discovery is a sure cure for all skin eruptions and diseases of the NOXON 'BROS. AI:1si"hA•CT1'Iti\ti C't i , INC i:I. t11.L• blend. • for Infants andChildren. ,eCaatortaissowell adapted tocbildrenthat Castor!, cures Colic. Constipation, t recommend itassuperior toany prescript! oa Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H. A Asoasa, M. D., Hills "Kea W Worms, gives sleep, awl promotes di- n. 11180. Wool 6t., Brooklyn, N. Y. Without rola rlous medication. Tam Czs'rAUR COMPANY, , i Murray street, N. }' 111111111.11111111111111.1111.1111111111111. '`1154.. L, fit. 1 ..,,.., • , , , Y.. .,y ,„i•.t: �y 1Ra.. • 1 _ �1 �;lw"'1. The only:drill made in which the depth of the hates can be instantly chang- cleto suit varying conditions of the soil without stepping the team. The on - v drill made which will sow all kinds of grant even; can Le changed from drilling to broadcasting in less than one minute', tint,-. \}'hen used with broad cast teeth it will do work equal to t:ny enitivator. rhe only drill made which commences to sow the instant the horses start. Handiest, lightest, strongest and simplest drill mann fbc ii 'l. Ex:I n rte the new steel hosier drill and he satisfied that it is the be -t drill made. For sale by RICHARL) A RAKER, CLisTos, sole agent fur the firm. May be seen at (.auley's black- smith shop. Clinton, Also, for sale, Binders, Mowers, Cultivators. &c. The Great Clearing Sale — Thirty days more. Heavy diseoill;t for (ill to riln off old 'tock to make room! for „New. -I1 "I;trt iul'- iw9t nl•t}ll-UfYL4:-t-t-lav,._...1..,.().Oa value, A_lot of new FURIITITURE (.'0111111!;• ill, tlic' tint(' to buy lit tI. C. STE Ei Ni`SO tSr'S vela 'rl'i;r, 'rol;E;. - - - - Oi'1'OSI'rl'; TOWS HAiL. EVERYTHING NEW 000 NEW DRY GOODS,' New BOOTS d SHOES, NEW - GROCE RTES. Having just bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to sell goods as low as any rospectable home in the Dominion. Any t ne wanting good goods at lowestpluceswill save mon ey by calling on me. I always keepgoodS taple C t (1 ; r. d will not ' be undersold by any one in the trade. BUTTER and Errs taken in exchange for goods. A call respectfully solicited. x t x . H. PLUMSTEEL,, - SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE• \ ('incinnuti despatch says:— ( )ne of the strangest rases of aedi- dental death ever known, and said to be the only one of' its kind un record, .oc'c'urred herlon Tuos- day. The victim was Willie :Ruehrwein, aged 2S years. The little toddler;,went to a hydrant iii the yard, and standing on his toes, managed to close his Iips over the end of the nozzle of the Hydrant. Then he turned on the water to its• fullest extent. The child's lips scented glued to the nozzle with such cohesiveness tlint his little body hung suspend• ed from it. Tleanw'llile the stream of }tater fiirced itself' into his stomach and lungs, causing shill)• eat ion. Ilis dreadful predica- ment was witnessed by his mother wh",,when she attempted to lift him, found to her horror that. she e0111(1 not. Horror! srickett, she fairly wrenched her babe from the spout, the violent separation tearing the skin inside the month. A. stream of blood and water flowed Wont between his lips as lifted him in her arms. A phy- sician was summoned anti found the child beyond aid. The little fellow flied }within five minutes, having literally drowned out of water. The tltenr . :ulvaneeil that (Blains the most. credence is that the sudden rush of' }water paralyzed the muscles of tin' throat s" that the child e"uld not Open its mouth. When, by reason of it cold or "from nnvother cause,the secvetnt;} organs he&'ome dDrnntleretl. they may be stimulated to healt'ly action by the use of Ayer's Cat har- tic fills. Sold 1+y nil tie tiers hi medicine. NEWTONS . Harness & Grocery Det. Still in the 1+'ront Ranks. After thanking my many customers for past favors, I beg to announce to the getter- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAP as the Cheap- est. 1 am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Soap, 12 BARS FOR 25 CENTS; No. I Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low prices. COAL OIL AT THE LOWEST NIECES. I have on band A full stock of Field and Garden Seeds Of the very best quality and at lowest possible figures • . A full Stock of FLOUR and FEED always on hand at Mill prices FIRST•CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have a few sets of White and Colored CROCKERY and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices that will astonish the closest buyers. HARNESS 1 itly•atoek of harness is complete rn s?l branches, such as Trnnka, VALISES, WHIZ'S, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, HALTERS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere. All Kinds Grain and Farm Produce taken the same as cash. GEC. NEWTON, - LONDESBORO RING TrAle,) \VI';,RI;' To IXl"Ull\I THE 'PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF BuyY our Groceries Fkom G.R,ocER;zEs Thomas Cooper & Son WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS- SORTED STOCK OF �....A IR, O C .j;.. -t ..Gti I M 1+x,7 In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant. everything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK- ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. Is complete in all its branches. We guarantee our'TE.A,S to be cheaper than he cheapest, quality considered. In SUGARS, wears as loiv as any in town CANNED GOODS' in great variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea and Dinner Sets. X x x Thos COOPER & SOI CLINTON. A..ANGGT.TS, 99 cA.1.13EDD1RIT ST eeds. Seeds ! Field and Garden seed 0F ALL KINDS AND OF THE VERY BEST ---t L AL1Ti' Kr Change of Business I r l 111 The nndersigued begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he • has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried OH by IV. L Newton,. And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,Whlps, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock•of LIGHT HARNESS, which 1 will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my eustomers,1 hope to -merit a fair share of patronage. ' Give me a call before purchasing else- where. REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET • VT I B' .. Clinton, The Mamnoth Harddwo are, Stove and Seed H. G•MO. A , SHAR.M.AN The ColobralednTd EyeES Tglasses at � Eyeglasos LAURAN CE'S Svectacles and Eye glasses at ' Costr CALEDON I A Mineral Water Aerated. JAMT.S H. 3113E, CHEMIST AND DSIIGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. CENTRAL GROCER P. 11,013 'S old Stand. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb; consisting a GROCE,RIES,CROCKERY,GL-A.SSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to. offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders, • promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. ,R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY TN Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat- terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, great variety. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE A.WOPRTHINGTON,C3.int©n GURNEY'S �TA�TDA.RD STOVES &RANGES The ORIGINAL WOOD COOK for sale by all - the leading dealers. • Subscribe fr the NEW ERA now