HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-05-18, Page 8lintontu� • FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1855. LOCAL NOTICES. 500 bunches No, 1 Cedar and Pine Shingles at greatly reduced price at J. TWITCHELLS Car Fencing Wire, all kinds, Binding cord, Alabastine. R. M. RACEY, Clinton. 300 BUSHELS OF SEED POTATOES FOR Bale. T. WATSON, Huron Street rued Store, Clinton. MONEY TO LOAN, at 6 per cent, interest payable yearly. Charges moderate. CHAS. A. HARTT Clinton. 51 Eggs taken in exchange for goods at CHRIS. DICKSON'S Book Store, Clinton. Full Stock of Cut Nails, Best Coal Oil 15e per gal., 12i. two gal. and over. It. M. RACEY. Entirely New Designs in paper hangings that are cheap and effective. W. COOPER, Beaver Block Store, Clinton. r .DR. PItOC'DFOOT, Oculist and Aurist, of Montreal, will be at the Commercial Hotel Clinton, on the 17th, 18th and 19th of May when he can be consulted for any disease • or operation upon the Eye, Ear, Throat, or Nose Ma lough, of Dungannon, as eagerly For further information apply to Dr. Worth- seeking the position, and in the'South ington.__ Riding a. Mr Cameron has been .press- Aeloinei r.. -The other day as a son of Mr John Leslie was walking bee bind a bone he stumbled and fell, the horse stepping ou his band, which was so cut teat it bad to be stitched up. APPEALS.—The assessors have done their work so satisfactorily that very few appeals have been entered against the Assessment Roll for this year,and the Court of Revision will, therefore, have au easy task before it. A MARKET DAY.—A special meet. log of council was held on Monday evening, when a by-law appointing a market day, and making certain pro- visions therefor, was passed. The day selected as the first market day, will be Saturda , the 2nd of June,aud RAILWAY MATTES. At a meeting held on Friday even' tug last, presided over by Mr John Ransford, the delegates who accom- panied the deputation to Ottawa and Montreal, the week previous, made their report. Mr Manning gaveafull account, which was very attentively listened to. Mr Doherty added a few explanatory words, and afterwards a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to these gentlemen for their services. Perhaps the position of affairs can be best summarized as follows :-- That the C P R authorities have stated that the Company intend to commence the projected railway at an early date, and probably this year, a that the townspeople rod the route will be determined by it ie to be ho P dthe trade and bonus inducements that generally will give their patronage can be offered by the municipalities' and assistance in making the expert- The Government have agreed, so ment a success. The sum of $75 was far as the promise of the Minister of also granted by the council board to Railways binds them, to favorably the Agricultural Society. consider the request 'for a subsidy, INSPECTORS.—When the Inspectors and that if no subsidies be granted under the Scott Act had unpleasant this session, the matter will undoubt- duties to perform it was bard work to I edly be taken up next session. What get the positions filled, but now that the Minister actually said can be best the duties under the Crooks Act are ascertained from his own words. not likely to be dif itlult or unpleasant, After hearing the arguments of the seakers in favor of the Governments any number of would-be inspectors su,isidy being granted, Mr Hope said crop up. In the West Riding, Mr that he was fully convinced by the I statements made that the proposed line of railway was necessary in the developmeiat of the trade of the im- portant section of contry through which it would pass ; that it had been and still was the policy of the Gov- erment to, aid the construction of just such needed lines of railway, and that if any railway subsidies at all were given' this road would certainly re- ceive the usual subsidy. He was,how- ever, but one member of the Govern= ment.and it would be necessary for him to submit the matter to his col- eagues. He also intimated that the mister of Finance had urged the ecessity of the Government exercis- ng the most rigid economy in ex. en dit Urea. That Messrs Porter and McMillan, l.Ps., are heartily in sympathy with he effort to secure C P R connection or this part of Huron. Mr McMillan akes the ground that he should only e expected to support the demand or a subsidy, if the municipalities of lis Riding, such as McKillonSea- orth, Tuckersmith and Hul'rett are erved. Mr Porter has given his as - Little Local Items. surance that he will do his utmost to Miss Emma Reeve is visiting meet the wishes of the town of Clinton. friends in Toronto. HARDWARE. Just received a fres[ supply of Barb•and other Fence wire, Steel nails, Tarred aikflBuild- ing paper, Carpet felt, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, and all kinds of Builders' Hardware. We have a large stock of th •shove goods and are oft+erin them .at very low prices. Rave troughing and all kinds of tit work a specialty. Tinware a reduced prices. 8 milk panty for $1.00. HARLAND BROS Clinton. ingbi claims.If theGovernment want to put good men into these places, it will re -appoint both Messrs Sprague and Paisley, its ause better cannot be NOTICE. DR. APPLETON has return ed and resumed the practie of his profession. Clinton, April 14th, 1888. IAtVll Flo °pito. SETTLED.—The suit of Thompson vs Smith, which was to have come up at the last Division Court, but was adjourned owing to the illness of the defendant, has been amicably settled out of court. MONEY LOST.—On Monday after- noon last Mrs James Ross had the misfortune to lose a $10 bill some- where on Albert St., and on Sunday evening Mr P. Cantelon lost $17, which he was carrying loosely in his pocket. SUDDEN DEPARTURE. --A young man named David Denison, who has been employed in town for seine time, took a sudden departure on Monday morning. He had managed to get ahead of several parties to the extent of about $50, and was treasurer of the lacrosse club, which is a loser to a small extent by his departure. DIED IN MANIroBA.—Word was received here on Tuesday that Mr Henry Washington, (son of Mr John Washjjington, of Goderich,) had died near Fairburn, Manitoba, of inflam• mation• of the b,wels. Deceased formerly resided in East Wawanosh, and was married -to a Miss Scrima- geour, of that township. It was saht id d not imily that the body was being brou Goderich for interment. We d learn whether he leaves any : or not. THE COLD SPELL.—The " cool wave" which has prevailed in the greater part of North America since Saturday may be regarded as the May " cold spell," which is berated this year: It generally reaches this lo- cality about the 9th. There was a slight fall of snow on Monday night. Itis not expected that the cold will do serious damage, to the crops,though it may cause farmers some delay. They, as well as the citizen popula- tion', may take comfort in the reflec- tion that the periodical cool spell from May 9th to May 15th is the last relic of winter. 'At least we hope it is. NOT GUILTY.—On Friday after- noon last a ball game was in progress at Seaforth, and one of the players found when the game was through that a $75 gold watch bad in some way been lost from his vest, which hung on a fence near by. It so hap- pened that three Clinton boys—Mul- loy, Taylor and Larsoom, were watch- ing the game, and as they were strangers 'in Seaforth, suspicion fell on them and they were taken in charge until the next morning, but as there was no evidence whatever that they were guilty of the theft,they were released. ART. --An art exhibition has been in progress at Toronto for about ten days, and in its comments tbereof,the Globe, of Tuesday thus alludes to a sketch by a well known lady of Clin- ton :—" In 237 (the pictures go by numbers) is a change from landscapes and flowers, the work of a rising artist, Miss Clara H. Mountcastle, a clever study of dead birds, called ' Spoils of the Sable. " When it is known that nothing but the very best work in art is admitted to the ex- hibition, this town may feel proud that it has an artist whose work is worthy of a place with that of the best artists., MR W.Irving, of Cambridge,Mass., is home on a short visit. Mit and Mrs Brigham, of Torqnto, are here visiting friends. Miss Fanny Homan, of Saginaw, is visiting friends in town. Miss L. Halls, of Goderich, is the guest of Mrs W. Robertson. MESSRS Tewsley and Fleming have been released from, jail on bail. Tile trees, although they staid all winter,are just beginning to leaf now. Da Dowsley, though not able to be out, is recovering from his recent ill- ness. MESSRS T. Colborne and W. Fisher •are nursing hands that have felons thereon. MR A. A. Bennett, of Toronto, is here for a few days among his old friends. Dr. Washington and wife, of Tor- onto, are the guests of Mrs. Washing- ton, town. MR Geo.Acheson and wife,of Gode• rich, spent Sunday in town,the guests of Mrs Hodgens. MissEs Bella Fraser and Mason, of Bluevale, were visiting friends in town last week. MR Harry Porter has recovered sufficiently from his late illness, to be able to resume work. The School Board are asking for tenders for the erection of additional school accommodation, THE street watering cart has al- ready made its appearance ; this is pretty early in the season. MR E. Keefer and wife are attend- ing the golden wedding of an uncle of Mrs Keefer's, at Fonthill. MASTER Norman Fitzsimons, who has been confined to the house for five weeks by a broken leg, is now able to be out. Correspondents will oblige by mail- ing their copy as early as possible, on account of Thursday being the 24th,t (our day of publication). Miss Kate Rowell, who has been away from town for about a year, has returned, but isnot, we regret to say, much improved in health. \VE understand that the arbitration concerning Mr Corbett's insurance case; has been given in his favor. The amount thereof we did not learn.' Mn D. A. Forrester is erecting a large barn ou his Huron road farm. Mr D. Connell the frame work will do, and the •stonework is already through. MRs S. Fitzsimons, sr., has been seriously ill for several days, but is a little better. She is well up in years, and much sickness would go hard with her. A meeting will be held next Mon- day evening, at Jackson's ticket office, to re -organize the Clinton Cricket Club. All interested are expected to be present. AVERY & Nott's entire horse, Pincher, had a pretty bad attack of colic last week, which came near ending' its existence, but we under- stand that it is all right again. MRs Morris, of St. Thomas, (form• erly Miss Mountain, of Mullett,) was in town for a short time, on Wednes- day, being on her way to spend a couple of weeks with her relatives. UNDER date of N:ay 2nd, a Scot land, Dak., cortespondent thus refers to a former Huronrte, Mr Grant hav- ing resided on the base line for a number'of.,years :'—" The most noted social event of the season was the golden wedding.of Mr and Mrs Alex. Grant, which occurred at their resi- dence In ,this city, Monday evening, : About 106 guests •itete present. The bride and groom were presented with numerous and costly gifts suitable to the occasion, among them a gold - headed cane to Mr Grant and an elegant family bible Co Mrs Grant by the Masonic lodge. Also to Mr Grant a solid gold match chain by the Odd - fellows' lodge. The presentation speeches of Messrs l3ogart and Cham- berlain,on the part of their respective stycieties, were appropriate and ti uch• ing, to which the aged groom replied in broken accents." Ir Is reported that Mr James Irving, of Los Apgelos, Cal.,formerly rof Clinton, will shortly wed a young lady worth $20,000 in her own right. " Jim" has worked his way up in the world. Mn Tho,?. Chapman died at.Inger- soil, on Friday morning, after a short illness. Deceased wa's one of the oldest pioneers of that section. (He was the father-in-law of Miss Agnes Thompson, formerly of the Huron The Guelph Extension Company are determined to push matters as vigorously and fast as possible. The Company will shortly be reorganized, and the claims of the different muni- cipalities to positions on the Board of Directors will be considered and acted upon. A number of valuable suggestions were made by the delegates, which were duly considered, and will be acted upon as opportunity occurs. The popular Baird. Comedy Com- pany have billed the town for a week's engagement at the Town Hall, com- mencing on Monday night. The average attendance at Minton Public School, during the month of April, was 450. The largest average attendance in the history' of the school. The other day while at work in the Foundry, Mr Harry Ingram was struck on the head by a piece of wood which rendered him unconscious for some time. Local Church Chimes. ltev`J. Rough,•of Ailsa Craig,spent a short time here on Tuesday. It is expected that Mr Trotter- will preach in the Baptist church on Sun- day next. Rev Mr Touge, of Blyth, exchanged pulpits with the Rev Mr Sperling, on Sunday last. It is said that Rev W. W. Sperling will be sent by Conference to either Paisley or Fergus. MR A. H. Manning bas been se- lected to represent the Ontario St. Methodist church,at the May District Meeting. IT rs reported that Rev G.R. Turk, of Atlanta, (late of Goderich,) has been offered the pastorate of a Boston Congregational church, at $4000 a year. The official hoard of the North St. Methodist church, Goderich, have extended an invitation . to Rev Geo. Richardson, of Listowel, to become their pastor. Susannah Evans (Mrs. J. C. Peck) will deliver a lecture, entitled "The Duty of the Hour," in. Rattenburry Street Church, under the auspices of the Womens Christian Temperance Union. on the evening of Tuesday, May 22nd. Admission, 10 cents, It is a number of years since the Methodist Conference had as many important positions to fill as it will have on- the Goderich District this year. The supply of the churches of Clinton and Goderichalone will tax the judgment of the Stationing Com- mittee. Rev W. L. Newton preached in the Baptist church, on Sunday last, and in addition to the usual congre- gation in the evening, ;a number of his old "House of Commons" cronies were among his listeners. All were repaid for their trouble, as he gave a good earnest sermon. "Lyn" has lost none of the drollery which char- acterized his earlier days,but is work" ing to a better purpose. At the close of the morning service in Willis chnrch last Sabbath, Messrs Geo. Swallow, J. C. Linklater, James Lindsay and Charles Avery, having been duly .elected to the office of elder in the congregation, were solemnly ordained to that office, Mr Stewart, officiating as Moderator of Session. Mr Stewart preached a ser- mon appropriate to the occasion de- fining the qualifications and duties of an elder. The sacramental services of flatten - bury St. church, on Sunday last,were largely attended, the levefeast being the best that has occurred for a long time, and a great many receiving sacrament at the close of the morning service. At -the official meeting on Monday, 1)i Williams was appointed as representative to the District Meet -1 road, Goderich township. j ' in.;: the membership of the church Tun West Riding Inspector has '•viii reported as 295, an increase over been notified to collect all fines for :de previous year. f he finances of violation of the Scott Act yet unpaid,+ the church are somewhat in arrears, and straighten up any matters per- ! and a p`' '•ial effort will be thade to tainin to the Act, preparatory to the raise what is nerdrd befcrn the end of the month. Mr ;1, Punter was added to the list of exharters. The board pat -ell a unanimous call to the Rev Geo. Richard on, of tis'owel, t', hecnnlepastor for nest year, te cancellation of the Police Magistrate's commission, which it is expected will be done as soon as the act ie legally annulled. 1)r Williams will still re- main a Police Maghatrate for the town. otirrng 13m Business Acting on the advice of my physicians in Edinburgh and Clinton, I have resolved to go out of business, unless my health improves satis- factorily. I will sell my large stock of goods at very Low Prices. 1 o..T Will Find It Will Pay TO SPIID OIIR ORHIAT SS GOODS STOCK. e show Great value in all lines Wall Papers, Window . shades Spring Rollers,' Baby Carriages, Wagons, Carts Basket- Walking Sticks ase Balls & Bats. Ch ris. Dickson,Clinton LOVELY SPRING ! der A GRAND SPECIAL in PRINTS for this week, something new. CRE- TONNES, we have a very large stock, A a Our Mantle Dopat'rnt: Always to the Front. PARASOLS, HOSIERY, and GLOVES, TOWELS, TOWELINGr, and TABLINGS, SEERSUCKERS,MUSLINS,CURTAINS, BLACK GOODS- a great variety, See our CASHMERES both black and colored We want to quote you our prices. We want you to see the goods. We allow no one to sell cheaper titan --:wedo:---- Always Good Goods and Low Prices at G E O E PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON NEW GOODS --: This week we.have opened out 2 cases of :-- New York Hats! .414 We have been ENJOYING ti lengthy spe1l.4 coot Weather, not exactly the kind we would order if we were in the confidence of the weather clerk, but it is ex iected that the 24th of May Will be tlhh advent of decent 'summer weather, .and the people of this section should be pre- pared for it. • As far as we are concerned, we are ready with a display of SUMMER CLOTHING that will astonish the shrewd clothing buyers of this county. Our $� god S10 Suit Are not equalled fol{ quality, make and finish, and for people who desire to economise during this year, it will pay to inspect our stock and get prices before spending one dollar in the Clothing line. IN OUR Children'sand Boy's Depa rt't We show some wonderful bargains that will be thorough- ly appreciated, if they arc inspected. We givo A MEDAL and FANCY KITE to all young sters who buy their C'lothino from us, J ACKSON BROTHERS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, CII..7C:'vrC$ per. In Ladies'&Children's BLACK, AND ALL THE LEADING COLORINGS. ALSO NEW IVIBBONS and TRIMMING GOODS, Our Great Specialty! IS MILLINERY, And this week we will show 2 Windows of New Hats, And such stylish shapes as the Signal, Theres.ine, Argo, and Fairmont. We 'will. have these styles trimmed and untrirrimed. Great Bargains in Kid Gloves SILK ,ITAFFETA AND LISLE Fine assortment of Hosiery in Cash- mere, Cotton, Lisle and Silk. We lay claim to patronage on the ground that we offer a larger range of superior styles and reliable qualities, At Money &tying - Prices, If we demonstrate to you that this claim is well founded, you will certainly be the gainer. If we fail to do so we neither ask nor expect your custom. With this under- standing we earnestly urge you to inspect our beautiful stoke, promising a cordial welcome anti careful atten- tion to your wants. 1teesley's Great Millinery Emporium, ,5