HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-05-18, Page 41,• a \10N T IE LARGEST view .NND BEST NLWS t� YPAI � t� E R: IN TUE COUNTY. e.4. 4i: 4 4,4•4i**** ti; ft * * sill' One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO Doo CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. — >;: x •t< ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: \Voice iii. N EMP LO'tIi1) a't NEW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW ORNAMENT5,I'INE PAPERS, I'nN E INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS, Business Circulars -- A SPEt'I.,L'LY-^ NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. e1L'P. SAMPLES ilii: ` 1 I• r. '1 a llillil!UIlI(�{u1Nl:H"I a "'il Ifij ! lit _ ill Ili �1' tk iiF I'd, , Sit ,int Wiit1 iii 'PIM! Illithumsast•y±1Sr111i1filT illl The treatment of many thousands of cases ' of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids Rotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman'seculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. 'Thousands of testinto- t nials, received from patients and from apglqgrsai- - oewaod hobseindaitesn wthiehsod bellied their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Speciale for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful invigorating tonic, it imparts strengths to the whole system, and to the womb and its appendages in particular. For overworked, worn-out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," house- keepers, nursing mothers, and 'feeble women generally, Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled us an appetizing eordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, "Favorite l'reseriptloli" is une- qualed and is invaluable in allaying and sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing. nervous symptoms corn. moldy attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It indu,v's refreshing sleep and vol loves mental anxiety and de- spondency. {Dr. Pierre's Fay orate Proscription is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an expt'rlcuced and skillful physician, and lulapt;d to wuutan's delicate organization. It is purply vegetable in its iuutlin;iitioti and n-rfee±l;; hingeless in its oa'et•ts in any contlillon of the system'. For looming sickness. or u,: ei ', from whatever tausarising, tweak. :0na:11•11, indigestion, dys- p,yiski and kindred so iota rn,:r;, its use, in small .0—ye vert fru' nelal. 'i Vatvorite PrercriPlioll„ iv a potcl- live eta•, for :ILJ ilia,; rompljrated and ob. 'Hopi • .,.uses of L•urorrle•a, excessive flowing, pahaUtl r.t; uatruution, uonotlu'ul suppressions, l,rolap,oi.;, er fallen ,of rl:e womb, weak back, ' l'tiu1al.t Y'ilkiteis,• ant t'w 1•I;iinii, r1'troVel'ai0111, bearin;.;-'iglu a d••na,tl nous; Omani, congestion, inihttuuutti,in and •ul,•''rtttion or the womb, in- ilar111l1tlt1Ut1, pain hill h'ndel'rle5y ill V 'oulphlncd with "internal As a regulator and promoter of funs= tional action, at that critical period of change i'rJm girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite I't'e- C.riptiou •' is a perfectly sale remedial agent, ':ud eau produce Only good results. It is equally t tilt:acious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange- ments incident to that litter and most critical I:crlod, known as "The Change of Life. cc a•av-orite Prescription'', when taken in conii'iiIou with the use of Dr. Pierce's hoiden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of I)r. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver P11191, cures Liver, i idne3 and Bladder ladder diseases, 'Theftcombined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "kavorite Prescription» is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under tt positive guarantee, from the manu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran- tee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper. and faithfully carried out for many years. bo Largs r('ort l 0000 doses) $1.00, or six For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (100 pages, paper- overed), send ten cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main St.. BUFFALO. NOM NACRE FARMED R SALE :ki0 acres of lirst-class farming land, suitable for wheat or any other kind of crop, situated in Southern Manitoba, just north of Pilot Mound, about eight miles from South Western C. P. Rail- way and less ,than half a mile from School end Post Office ; title perfect. Will not sell if not sold before April 1st. Terms, $500 down, balance in three annual instalments, with interest at G per cent. This is a bargain worth ' looking after. Full particulars given at NEW ERA OFFICE, or MANNING IN SCOTT'S, Clinton, Ont. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Ladies Only 'l'he complexion is often rendered un sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel owness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and had blood, Dr Chase's Liver Cure purifies the Mood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet frecipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists THE COATING OF TRT; LORD.. Mr Moody recently closed one of hilt meetings iu which he had deeply tou3h- el his audience by a tvunderfullyafleut. lug portrayal of the haviour'e triumph over pain, sorrow and death, uttlntinat. lag iii fIis cooing, by reciting Miss ('rotor's beautiful poem, -Coming." Many of his audience were moved to tears. Mr. Moody's own eyes were wet, and he could scarcely speak fur emotion. The lines are as follows:— "It may be in the evening, When the work of the day is done, And you have time to sit in the twilight And watch the sinking sun, While the long bright day dies slowly Over the sea, And the hour grows quiet and holy trig' \Vith the thoughts of Me; When you hear the village children Passing along the, street, Among those thronging footsteps May come the sound of My feet; Therefore I tell you, Watch • By the lightjof the evening star, \\'hen the room is growing dusky As the clouds afar; Lst theldoor be on the latch In your home, ; For it uiay;be through the gloaming I will conte. NEW GOODS That are all right ill quality and style and away down price, r In "it may be when the midnight Is heavy upon the 'land, And the black waves lie dumbly Along the sand; When the moonless night draws close, And the lights are out in the house; When the fires burn low and red, And;:.}` e/watch is ticking loudly BesifiWble bed; Though you sleep,tired out,on your couch Still your heart must Wait and watch 1tijthe dark room, Fur it may be at midnight I will come. ANY PMIR,SON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock as it is flew ant' the latest styles. • A .1. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's Old Stant(, OPPOSITE THE • POST OFFICE, -CLINTON. • \ud the (Lege] answers sw e.e fly No%otI's NEW .STEEL HOSIER DRILL in my home,— —MANehACTuRED 11Y - "Only 'a few More shadows.. NOON BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., iNGI RSOLL. And he will come." "It may be at the cock -crow, When the night is saying sloh•ly In the sky, And the sea looks calm and holy, Waiting for the sun, Which draweth nigh; - \\'hen the mists are on the valleys slkatl- The river's chill, king .tea.,rw,•,vn.na....4+,1.4w•T .4.-..1rt. .-_,... r:,, :,,:. -.. for Infants and Children. "Castor's is so welladaptedtochildrentbat Castor's cures Colic, Constipation, C recommend it as superior to nay prescription Sour r chDieheEructation. aaowa to me" II. 4. Ascnsa, D. D., Womgcep, End pdl- 8eatioa, • 3o. Oxford t Brvo nKY Without ni fol Ctrlp u o estiO L THE CENTArR Chart tNy, Ti Murray SIrivt, EVERYTHING NEW NEW . DRY GOODS, New BOOTS •° SHOES, NEW — GROCERIES. Having just bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to sell goods as low as any respectable honks in the Ddminion. Any t ne wanting good goods at lowustpriceswill save mon c•y by calling on me. I always l eepgoodS taple Go l , ; 1 d Will not be undersold by any one in the trade, and Etais taken in exchange for goods. I'i[J'I'TEIt A calk respectfully solicited. X*X And My morning star is fading, failing Uthe hill; H. P L U M S T E E L, • `Behold,holdold, i say auto �•nn, Watch; • tc•h Let the alcor boon the latch in y01'1.11°1110; SEARLE'S_ BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE• TI, rile chill before the ilatwntint; Between night and morning. I may come. "It may he in the looming, \\'hen the sun is bright and strong, When the dew is glittering sharply Over the little la'tvn; When the waves are laughing Ionilly Along the°shore, And the little birds are singing sweetly About the door, With a long day's work 'before yon, Yon rise up with the sun, Anal the neighbors come in to Talk a lit. Of all that must be dune: atle But remember that I may berths next To come in at the door, To call you from your busy.wnrk For evermore; As you Work your heart must watch. For the door is on the latch In your room, And it may be in the morning I will come. • So I am watching quietly Every ,day, Whenever the sun shines brightly I rise and say,— "Surely it is the shining of Hit face," And look unto the gates of His high Beyond the sea, 'place For I know He is cooling shortly To summon me. And when a shadow falls across the - Of my room, !window Where I am working myappointed'task I lift my head to watch thedoor,and ask If he is' come; • ,f1,. 711 :7•10 1'. 14, The nnly(drlll made in which the depth of the holes can be instantly cha'hg- deto suit varying c'iuditi•nn if tiie'oil without stopping the team. The on - v drill made which will sow all kind= of grain even; clan be changed from drilling to broadcasting in less tlian "ne minute's time. When used with broad mitt teeth P. will 'in work elm; to any cultivator. fhe only drill made which commences to - li the instant the Lar°es start. Handiest, lightest, strongest and simplest drill manufactured. Examine the• new steel hosier drill and be satisticd that it the best drill made. For sale by RICHARD BAKER, CLINTON, sole agent for the firm. ' May be ~een at Gauley's black- smith shin. Clinton, Also. for sale, Plows, Rakes, Cultivators. Ate. Many lallies admire gray hair—on some other person—but few care to try its effects on their own charms. They need. not, since Ayer's Hair Vigor restores gray hair to its original color. Sold by druggists and per- fumers NEWTONS Harness & Grocery Dbt. • Still in the 14'1-011t 'Rai11*�•, • 'After thanking my many customers for past favors, I beg to announce to the gener- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CUIt.W as the Cheap. est. I am still offering No. I Cold Medal Soap, 12 BARS FOR 25 CENTS; No, I Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, anti other Brands at equally as low "sizes. t'CAI. Olt. AT T i.lE LOWEST PRICES.. l have tin hand BiiyY ourGrt (Ti e �sfrom Thomas Cooper & &m A full stock of Field mini Garden Seeds Of the very heat quality and at lowest possible figures A full Stock of FLO'l'ltand FEED always on hand at Mill prices FIRS'T•CLASS POTATOES' NOW' ON HAND. I have a few sets of \Vliite and Colored t'11O1'ICElt)' and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices that will astonish the closest buyers. liquor traffic ill St. Louis has, oil technical law points, for a long time defied the Missouri Statep Law for the observance of the Sahl,ath. A panic, has Veen Anseil by the Supreme Conrt4lc• th idin the' tlij law applies to S. Donis. 'finis decision give' the authorities blower to cline all Stt- 10005, haseLall parley, theatres and beer gardens. The Prohibition• ists are oyeriuyinl at the victory, The brewers will tint give lip however, without at tight of some kind, There arc twenty-five i,i'c\Vvt'ies anal 3,000 saloons in the city, and the intitt'gttuin-t 1'n' next :untlay are ytrn'rny, The Police 'Imp] will swear '200 extra MO D ‘'E HAVE E '1' I I E LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS'! SORTED .STOCK O1+' • G- P1.0 C I I S wewarrant Our lowest, rl, prices and town. tt slowthe In oce area as } everything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAR- ING POWDER." Bast brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand of Manufacturets Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call, , HARNESS 1nbcrkanocfhesha, rsnuecsh Basecomplete VALISES, WHIPS; t'i[jRRY COMBS and BRUSHES, IIALTLRS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Called inspect my stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere, Ail Kinds. Grain and Farm° Produce taken the same as cash. • Tile (free t Cleaning Stile tri±ti t,'iaet the law' - - WILT. 1,0 'IN • n mirthful measures, warm and free. Thirty daysmore ' I sing, dear k I w anti sing foo thee � 13.it I think I would be performing I a greater service to you and your sex by singing, not ;in measured rythm Heavy discount tor Gash to run off old tock to lIIak(- room for New. A lot our o\V1t manufacture. Good value. A lot of new FUR114ITURE Coming 111. Now IIS the time to buy�"ttt L . C. ST-J1r1 Y .b: 11 TSOls 7S 1"IJRNiTl.lii; S'1'tnl;i;, - OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. i brit by setting out some strong truths in simple prose. If tyou or any of y lar female friends are suffering from vlcerationt, rtisplacereent5, bearing - down sen'atiens, or unnatural dis- charges, use Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, which is sure to eradicate these complainas in a short time. It is the only medicine for woman's pecuTar ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the tnanntacturers, that it will give satin• faction in every ease. or money will he refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and ihithuliy ear. ie -i nut for many years, t• GEC. NEWTON, - - LONDESBORO Thos COO PE R & SO CLINTON. ,'E BE 3r 'I't) 1\i t):III 'fillt l't.'i;1.1C 'THAT OUP, S•I'OCk Olt' Change of Business: 'tlt111111i} It LII Il I itlti. t, w 1,111 The 'iadersiga:d begs to notify the people of Clinton anti 4iciuitw that he baa. bought chi HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by V. L Deuton, .A ad that he is prepared to furnish „ Harness, Collars,Whips, Trunks,Vaiises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock of Lubar HAUSE,:,, which I will make a specialty REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . :By strict ateution to business, anti carefully studying the wants of my customers,I hope to merit a fair share of patronage, ('live me a call before purchasing else- where. REMMBEEII THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET G`r,ROCRIe 0-,3110. A c SI-TAP'1\11 A.N iSpectacles1,Eyg1a:ssos�� prat& Tip c� 'I'HIt hES'I' I\ 1'SFt Is complete in all its branches: We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than he cheapest, quality considered. In SUGARS, wears as low as atiy in ttiwn CANNED GOODS!( in gTeit variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds, All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town, ' CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea and' Rinner Sets. l"N. B, LAUR CE'S Spectacles and Eyeglasses at Cost,. CALEDON I A Mineral Water Aerated. J-A_i11T S i1. 1)(.)3113 CHEMIST AND DIU:TWIST. CLINTON, ONT. A. &N GUS, 99 ALBMZZT ST See ds. Seeds ! ti, CENTRAL GROCER I.•'. 13,,01313's 01d St The .subscribe" has bought ant the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o GROC.E RIES, CROCKE.RY'G LASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, lie is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. .R. WALKER, - CLINTON. Field and Garden seeds OF ALL' KINDS AND OF THE VERY BEST ---QUTALITTY AT Clinton, NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed House. a • SPFA' 1:1f..iTTENTI(.)N PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY A.IITI("LES, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat- terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY,great variety. EVERY'I'H,1NGAT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE A.AV Urc1- ,TT-1INGPT ON,Clinton GURNEY'S STANDARD STOVES & RANGES 09 y rys+� mF .iFrr� rr wr Int tl�i lin My tl {' Ac il� ,i�i'�as.��,il•,i sszrpstitiitii•Z.,( <{ The ORIGINAL WOOD COOK for sale by 211 the leading dealers. IP" sawt11=1111er.111.6. vosrnr Subscribe for the NEW ERA now I 4 , , 4.