HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-05-11, Page 6PSI REMENDO IN ...•.JklienlBoys Hats • r --WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT - 35 cts, worth $1. Ladies who are wanting New and Stylish Prints, at the lowest possible V prices, should see 'our large stock. We are selling 121 and 15 cent PRINTS for 8 and 12 cents. All choice patterns. SEERSUCKEES.—We are clearing out a large lot at 10c, usual price 12 1-2 cents. Our 75c Color'd Silk Plushes (In all the leading colors) is splendid value and should be seen. We are also showing special value in Black and CordCashmeres, from 30c.. to $1,25 per yard. NSPECTION INVITED . ..4 (v.:, ,-. ;:', .,....,_ - ,, / . , - ..,:„ c,. • 6--, '; <.• ., JACKSON SR to4, 3e Pt 9 New Wall Papers. -Rat fail to see our assortment of PAPERS. • They are all new and ENTIRELY DIFFERENT and SUPERIOR to anything we have ever shown. We have everything from a 5 cent Brown Back to a 75 cent Gilt. Elord.srs and Ceiling Decorations. Window. She.des. Express Waggons IN"COOPER, -- Beaver Block -HEADOUARTERS FOR Around the County. John Clennan, 8th con., of Mor- ris,bas skipped out to Uncle Sam's domain, so tt is said. The . population of Wingham this year is given as 2,079 au in- crease of 140 over last year. ,Donald McKay, an old Zorra boy, has had the honor of being re-elected a Senator for the State of Oregon. Brussels needs good preachers as well as Toronto. ---Brussels Pest [Is this an indirect drive at the editor of theBudgitt. Mr J. Martin and his brother. - in -law Mr R. 'Murdock, of the 2nd line Tuckersmith, have rented a .farm of 200 acres in Stanley. Last Tuesday Hartwell Sperain jr., 16th con., ofGrey had themis- fortune to break his leg while as- sisting at a raising on his own farm. Mr A. Carlton,of East Wawa - nosh, left for Chicago on Saturday last and expects to tiling the stal- lion back with hid. that he was defrauded out of sometime ago. The little son of David Clark 14th con. of Grey, died very sud- denly last Sunday morning with- out anything particular being the matter as far as could be found out. T" Secret Blemthlack Tea Our Which is giving great satisfaction. Every farmer should have a ,--Caddy. Highest Price paid tbr produce. S. PALLISER & CO., MONTREAL LIVESTOCK MARKET The arrivals of fat cattle are large,but a considerable number are destined for the British markets. Prices without material change. The best are from 4/e to 5c. Other kinds lower. Reburn, of St. Ann's, shipped seven Jersey cattle last week to the United States. They cost $3.700 here. Sheep are in active demand at 5c to 51e, with the wool still on them. Spring lambs not so plenti• fe, at from 63 to $5 50. The horse trade is active. During the past week there were shipped to the United States 219 horses, costing $24,758,50, or an average of 5114 05. The highest priced lot was eleven horses which cost $1,650, TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Riiheiptd en Tuesday were light, being only 20 loads, including three loads of hogs. Last week's receiAs,1,141 cattle 110 sheep and lambs and 1,044 hogs. Demand, for butchers' eattifi was quite active and supplies were not sufficient. Prices were firm at an advance of 53 to $4 a head on a week ago, with holders firm at advance. Good to choice steers and heifers sold readily at 41 to Sc per 1b; medium at 4c. and' common at 31c. Export cattle were in fair demand and prices were rather stiff at $5 to $5.25 for good to ohoicesteers and heifers. Stock - ots in good demand. Supply light and prices higher. A oar was made np, averaging 1,000 lbs, at about 4o per lb. Sheep and lambs were scarce. Only 55 kepi offered, These were bought up at David Maxwell, '7th con. ,of Mor- ris, is laid up with broken ribs, having fallen down in the barn. His brother James is waiting on him and he is doing quite well for an old man. Mr J Anderson has been engag- ed as teacher for the remainder of the year in the Lower Wingam school from the first of May. Miss Kate Eadie has resigned on ac- count. of poor health. Two children at Wingham hamed Chittick, aged about six and eight years, were poisoned a few days ago by eating some herb they gathered in a bush. One of them died, but the other is in a fair way to recovery. Rev. Dr Griffith, who accepted the pastorate of a church in Phli- adelphia, has -decided to return to Canada. He has applied to Rev. Dr Poits,President of thedToronto Conference, for re -admission to the Methodist ministry. of Canada. His desire to return is largely bas- ed on his wife's ill-heaith. ThreeToronto gentlemen spent the Sabbath before Inst in Brussels and attended Melville church as delegates from their congregation to ascertain how Rev. John Ross 'B,A.,would suit thein as a pastel. The rev, gentleman was uncon- scious of their mission but gave his usual practical gospel dis- course. $7 to $9 per head, as to weight and quality. Spring lambs in demand at $3 to $5.50 per head. Calves steady. Supply of choice light ; prices firm. Medium qualities sold mostly at $4 to $5 per head. CLINTON MA RKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 11, 1888. Wheat, pring, • • 0 85 a 0 SO Wheat, white and red • 0 85 a 0 90 - 0 40 a 0 42 - 0 65 a 0 70 0 60 a 0 01 • 2 00 a 2 25 • 0 50 a 0 70 0 17 it 0 17 0 10 A 0 10 6 75 a 7 00 • 8 00 a 8 50 Sheep pelts • 0 50 a0 75 Lamb skins • . 0 60 a 0 80 Hides, • - • 5 00 a o 80 Oats Barley Peas Flour, per owl - Potatoes Butter • Eggs Pork • Hay • What we may expect.—Young onions.—House cleaning in full blast.—People to commence find- ing fault with the "terrible hot weather." --Bad colds after, the sudden change in the weather—A busy time for masons, bricklayers and .caperters.—May flowers.—A boom in garden parties.Ice cream to come to the front. The regular monthly meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual In surance Co. was held in the court- room Dungannon on Tuosday,May 1st. There was a good attendance and considerable • business was transacted. Several applications for. policies were presented. Mr. Wm. McArthur, the 'general dep- uty postmaster, actedassecretary in the absence of Mr j. M. Roberts through il,lness. Jos. Waster and. Alex. Rober- ton of Hullett started home from Blyth on Tuesday evening with.a land roller in the waggon. The tongue of the roller was pointing skyward& and as they turned on the boundary it caught on.- the telegraph wire which hangs rath- er slack where it crosses the" road. there. The horses made a sudden plunge and 'ran. away, pitching Webster and his companion with the roller 'into • the' ditch. The waggon and roller were both somewhat damaged and the men pn8iderably bruised. Before be- ing stopped the horses broke down a telegraph pole and tore the har- ness to pieces. The farms of MrAlexander Mc- Donald in Tuckersmith havelbeen disposed of. The' homestead farm being lot 1 on the 3rd concession, L. E. S.t, has been purchased by Mr Andrew Buchanan for the sum of $0500. -This farm contains 100 aeres,has on it a fine new bfick house and good out buildings and is an excellent farm. The other furm, beinglot 2, on tbe same con. was purchased by Mr John Tra- quair for $3,600. This farm is also composed of 100 acres and has no buildings on it,but there are about forty acres of valuable standing timber, and twenty acres under fall wheat. --gEAFORTI3 MARKETS SEAPORTH, May 11, 1888. Wheat, spring, - $0 85 a 0 89. Red and white 0 85 a 89 - 030 a 037 - 0 60 a 0 60 - 0 60 a 0 70 • 0 16 a 0 17 0 9 a 0 11 050 a 065 6 50 a 700 • 200 a 250 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for Now Btu every Thursday " Blyth, May 11, 1888. Fall wheat, re,d, per bash, . 84 a 89 Fall " . new . 84 a 89 Oats . • , 38 a 40 Barley . 60 a 70 Peas . . . 58 a 60 Potatoes, per bus . . 60 a 70 Eggs per doz . 1610 18 Butter,rolls . • . *Cheese . • . . 1 a 15 Lard , . . . 10 a 12 Flour per °Wt. . . 2 00 2 10 Hogs,. . . : 6 25 700 ;111.,r,T111. ''‘Pui.1$1,1111118111118118111111.11111111111M11111,11,""" state Late 3. HAVE JUST OPENED OUT ne Case American Prints New Designs and Colorings. See Our 5 &a pent Prints. New SEERSUCKERS from 8 cents up Grand value in Cottons, Shirtings, Cottonades, &c. 5 per cent. off for Cash. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. !state J. ECCICIENS A meeting of the board. of di- rectors of the McKillop Mutual Life Insusance Co., was held on Friday last. At this meeting a resolution was passed that in fut- ure risks would be taken on isol- ated towNand village property in addition to farm property. On Tuesdaylast a. meeting of_ the Wroxeter Presbyterian con- gregation was held to confer with a deputation from Maitland Pres- bytery on the matter of the re- signation of Rev. Mr Brown,which was laid before the meeting of Presbytery. The meeting was an harmonious one, and a resolution was unanimously carried agreeing to make Mr Brown a retiring al- lowance of $200 a year. A feeling of deep regret is general through t out the congregation emit ill health and increasing years have compell- ed their 'esteemed pastor to retire from active ministerial work. OARRIAGE FOR SALE.- A FIRST-CLASS second - hand Pheaton. Apply at NEW ERA office, ap-20.t-f. TDEDDLING WAGON FOR SALE CHEAP, Suitable for two horses. MRS. W. MAR- TIN, Clinton. may -1,t -f GOOD BRICK COTTAGE TO RENT.— Townsend street, large enough for good- sized family. Hard and soft water, etc. C. E. HOVEY, Clinton. HORSE FOR SALE.— A GOOD, STRONG working horse, just the thing for a farm- er, will be sold cheap. Apply at the NEW ERA oftice,Clinton, T01' BUGGY.—FOR SALE A SINGLE top buggy, nearly new,will he sold cheap. JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. J J. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cole lege, Telegraphic messages promptly at fended to, Office —Londesborough, Ont. Oats, - Peas, Barley, Butter, Eggs, - Potatoes, - Pork, - • Flour per ewt • SeedBARLEY .Just received from BELLEVILLE, a car of choice ay Quinte Barley, MONEY TO LEND — ON GOOD MORT- .01 GAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. MoTAGGART. Dlinton, Feb. 24, 1888. BOARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER:4E1-AM be accommodated with good board and comfortable rooms; about three minutes' walk from the post office, Townsend 'atreet MRS. VanTASMs. For sale by R. IRWIN, za,.e STANDARD ELEVATOR,CLINTON BULL FOR SERVICE. — SUBSCRIBER keeps for service, at his farm, base line, Goderich township, a thoro'bred Durham Bull. Terms, 81 at time of service, with privilege of returning, if necessary. A. TYNDALL, Proprietor. BOARDERS WANTEO,,Two or three young men can be accommodated with comfortable rooms and board, at reasonable rates. House only two minutes walk from the post office. MR. S. HARTT, Victoria -at, almost directly opposite the residence of Mayor Whitehead. apr-20-1m. ,UMBER I LUMBER! LUMBER THE 1-4 subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16th concession of Goderich Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and Soft Elm Lumber, Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty, Highest cash prim!! paid for first lass Saw Logs. E. BUTT. Clinton, Jan. 25, 1888, PROPERTIES FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR -SALE. — THAT CON- Veniently situated lot and commodious house on Rattenbury Street, near Albert, at present occupied by myself. The house is 2 storeys and in good repair, with nine rooms and woodshed, first-class cellar, hard and soft water, also good stabling on the prem- ises. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. Possession given immediately. THOS ST ANBURY, Clinton, April 24, 1888. tf Head Office, 215 Yonge St., Toronto. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. — THE us Washington, M.D.L.C.P,S 0 undersigned offers for sale the house II I and lot on Rattenbury Street. at present oc- Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon, eluded by Mr D. Molloy. The lot is one- quarter of an acre, with frame house, stable Rattenbury House, Clinton, and good well thereon. Also, the pump fac- tory situated on the adjoining lot. Will be On Monday, May 14th. ULLETT COURT OF REVISION.—NO- AA tic° is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Mullett, in the County of Huron, for the pur- pose of hearing appeals against the Assess- ment roll for the year 1888, of said township and revising said roll, will be held at the vil- lage Of Londesboro, in the said township, on SATURDAY the 26th Day of May, 1888, at ten o'clock a. m. JAS. BRAITHWAITE, Township Clerk's office, Township Clerk, Mullett, 1st May, 1888. -IONTRANCE EXAMINATION.—THE l EX- -1.14amination for admission of pupils to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the County will be held in Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham on the 4th, 5th, and 6th days of July,commencing at 1:30 p. in. on Wednesday the 4th. All candidates who intend to write will send their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the 24th of May, specifying at what place they wish to write. A fee of fifty cents will be required from each pupil. This will be paid to the Presiding Ex- aminer on the first day of examination. D. alACG MALLOCIL may-1.3ins. Insp. P. S.,,N. Huron. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The creditors of MARGARET COLCLOL'OR, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of March, A.D., 1888, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid, on or before the fourth day of ,Tune next, to Messrs C. and J. Ridout, Clinton P.O. executors of the last will and testament of the said Margaret Colelough, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities if any) held by them, and imme- diately after the fourth day of June next, the assets of the said Margaret Colelough will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished, as above required, and the executors will not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. CHARLES RIDOUT,).., e.Xeell tors. JOHN RIDOUT, Dated this 4th day of April, A.D.. 1888. flOUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS, V1886. Second and third class non-profes- ,sional examinations at the Collegiate Insti- tutes and High Schools in the county, on Tuesday, 3rd July, at 8:40 a.M. First C., July 10th, at 8:40 a. in. Candidates who wish to a rite at either Clinton or Seafortu must no- tify D. H. MALLOCH, Esq,, S. Inspector, Clinton p. o., not later than the 21st of May, stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at Goderich, must notify Joins' E. Tom, Esq., P. S. Inspector, Goderich p.o., at the same date. The notice must be accompanied by a fee of $5, or$10 if the candidate applies for the 1st class as well as 2nd class examinations. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the fee accompanies it. Head Masters of the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools will please send the' applications Of their can- didates to the Inspector of the division in which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated. Forms of application may be had from the Secretary. PETER ADAMSON, SEC'Y B. EMI'S.. Goderich, April 10th, 1888. • V ALESME1tT WANTED. Permanent posi- tions guaranteed with SALARY and c/rrENSES PAID. Any determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, in- cluding many fast -selling specialties. Outfit free. Address at once, (Name this paper). BROWN BROTHERS. Nurserymen, - - - Rochester, N. Y. a p-2';',2na. o 0. II.0 THE PRIPINCLE m. ?a 3 rn 2 MEDICATED. COLD sold onvery reasonable terms, as the owner wishes to dispose of it. Particu:a2r7stfon ap- plication to. MR. JAMES TWITCHELL, Clinton. a (LIPLENTHD DWELLING AND PROPERTY Permanent cures. FOR SALE.—Subscriber wishing to move west, offers for sale the property now oceu- Mrs, John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh Fled by him, being lots 993 Rattenbury St., and Consumption. and 675 Huron St. On the place is a good John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh. frame cottage, with stone foundation all Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston. Out,, Broneho-Con- Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, et:, permanently cured, A few prominent Testimonials of rotod, hard and soft water, stable and goo bearing orchard. Easy terms. HENRY BENNETT, Clinton. -PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN CLINTON. 1 The undersigned has been instructed by his brother to offer for sale on very reason- bl terms the followin properties in the sumption. Mr. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh,Thead and throat. READ W. H. STORRy'd ORIGINAL TESTIMONIAL Catarrh Throat Cured. Town of Clinton: —1st, T e property at pre. Listen to W. Storey, Esq., of the firm of W aont occupied by Mr James Walker, on the H. Storey and Son, Actcn, Glove Mannfacturers south side of Huron Street, consisting of two also President Manufacturers' Association of With is erected a frame house, sta. We, and other outbuildings. 2nd. A house and lot at the terminus of Rattenbury St. 3rd, The store and lot on Victoria St., how occupied by Mr J. B. Crossen. Full particu- lars on application. H. It. WALKER, Clin- ton. "ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—THAT 1. splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Godericb town- ship, situated miles from Hoimeeville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam, with a neverfailing spring creek running through the place; also good.wells, There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the best sugar bushes in the county; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horses, alto two gtod bearing orchards, being about six acres in all; two good log houses, About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented to good tenant,, ALEX BADOUR, Holmesville Pest Office. QPLENDID PROPERTIES FOR SALE 10 Subscriber offers for sale the following able properties in the Town of Clinton, lote•105 and 106,Vietoria Street, quarter -acre each, with good frame house, barn, stable, bearing °reliant wells, &O. Also a double Souse and lot on Kirk Street, with hard and soft Water. Also lots 110, 111, 112 and 11.13, High Street, each one-quarter acre, more or lees. The property on Victoria Street will be sold on bloc or separately, if desired, and the same for the other properties, Also, will the household furniture. • WASHINGTON, 225 Yonge-st., Toronto, DeAR assure you I feel grateful for the radical cure you hive effected in my throat trot, - .e, and, though I islike having my name appear in connection wit the testimonial business, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affect- ed, as well as having a desire to recognize the re- sults of your treatment, I make a departure in this case. Prior to my acquaintance with you, I had suffered for two years from repeated at- tacks of catarrahal sore throat,and each succeed - lag attack being more prolonged and violent than the former. At these times I had violent fits of coughing, and would discharge large quantities of mucus. Feeling alarmed, I sought the best medical skill available, including a much -noted Specialtist, and took almost everything knoWn to medicine without experiencing a particle of relief. Last spring I went te Europe. The change did me good, but on my retuin the old trouble was renewed. Seeing you advertised Co visit this place. I thought I would consult you, although I confess with not much hope of receiving tiny benefit. However, I was favorably impressed with your candor, and resolved to give your treatment a trial. The result, I am happy to inform you, a complete cure mid one so marked in its character as to surprise myself and my friends. From the first your medicine seemed adapted to ny ease and save me relief. In two months I was entirely well, and have so continued during the most unfavorable season of the yeitrs ,,, You are at liberty to make what use you gene of this letter, and I shall be pleas- ed to ansWeriliny enquiries relative to my eerie. 1 Imam Ter truly, W. H. STORE?. The owner may be found at his son's rest- "t44.404 1901. be soldprivately, denoe, William Stimet, near the old woolen mill. E. CARTER, proprietor. ap-29,t-f. . CONSULTATION FEE. DETLOR & CO'Y Are showing this vt(eek, Lace Curtains, Parasols and Jerseys. At wonderfully low prices See their Durable and Relia- able makes of Kid Gloves, Every Pair Cuaran.teed. J. C. DETLOR & CO., ar_mrraw. Robertson's ofti stm. BIM all ZEE tMEM PRIES 12 Per Cent DISCOUNT On all CASH SALES for the next two months. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS & SHOES in stock, and as I don't want the goods, but do want the ,cash, I have decided to give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Months. As I carry the largest stock in the county, you can depend on getting anything in foot wear you want, or that can be got in any first-class establishment at less than wholesale prices. I can and will undersell any other,either any of Darwin's lost links, or any other shoddy dealer so town, and don't forget it. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON TAYLOR &SONS Our Specialties are The best goods in the market WE HAVE CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST talINE SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGGS 'TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTH.