HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-05-11, Page 4A FRIDAY, MAX 11; 1fiB$J ' WORLD'RUUND .�>Al+
r'eoneumersprefer to buy :in•ad-PRII. �s
u , rated article of food because it
ea,. 'le had at a lower price, they en ) ,�
d. •, bled!), the right to do en, -rt arner s/�„7,LZ.l.' .�;I l!.' i L.
p nvtded the adulterants are not of a
character ipjurious to health. If
such articles are not talely sold as 1 Merit wins! In the past decade H. . Warner, wi ow -Is restored to health froul
pare, and the customer is not deceived an "incurable Kidney disease," by what is now known as Warner's Safe Cure,
as to their real character, the charac- and made a vow that he would spread its merits before the entire world of sof-
ter is not illegitimate ferere-has seen the .most signal proofs of the world's need of a
But the great danger in the traffic Scientific Kidney Specific. All nations recognize and welcome Warner's meth -
in adulterated tood arises from the cines as standards of the highest excellence, because its curative effects are
deception that is practiced by menu- Permanent -a sure proof of power and merit. Read a few of their volun-
facturers usually classing such goods tory testimonials. They speak in varied language, but tell a common story:
as pure. This is almost invariable
done when the adulterant is one that
is iujurious to health. For instance,
manufacturers of alum and lime bake
ing powders not only fail to inform
the public of the real character of the
goods but carefully conceal the fact
that they are mace from poisonous
articles. Most of these manufactures
thorough e.1Llo uncut of life
also claim that their articles are pure g y , lost strength; and was the per -
and wholesome, while some go fur- things to which I had been a stranger sonification of health and
they and proclaim boldly that they for six long years,"strength. "God bless the day I
are cream of tartar goods, or even the atook Warner's Safe Cure," he says.
genuine Royal Baking Powder itself. George Bicknell, editor Daily __
No consumer will buyalum baking
f Telegraph, irlelbourne, Ans.30the ,
powders knowingly, or it is well 'un- wrot reat Australian
of Daily seentary character Terrace, n. Biempto n, S. \V., . Nuthall, ni✓ondon,
derstood that they are detriin nt el to for 20 years developed unpleasaet gym. Eng.,who contracted Kidney and
health. The sale of lime and alum ptoms of illness of the liver and kidneys. Liver diseases in It:ulia, March 10,1887,
baking powders'as pure and whole- I used Warner's Safe Cure, which speed -
wrote that he "was at times prostrated
some articles is, therefore, criminal; ily,l'elievetl me of-• the--impleasant- with the most agonizing attacks from
and it is satisfactory to notice that symptoms, remedied my Dyspepsia, passage of Gravel.- I was firmly of the
bettered my appetite, increased my en- opinion that I should never recover
several persons engaged in such sale
have already been brought to justice joyment of life and work. It is a most my health, as the long residence in
in the courts. valuable medicine and I have no hesita- India had caused so much disease of
The official analysts have recently tion in recommending it. the Liver and Kidneys that 1 was be-
yond permanent help. In this despond -
been active in the pursuit of theseDr.'Gustav Webber, of Dessau, ing condition I began Warner's Safe
, dishonest articles. The baking pow- Duchy of Anhalt, Germany, May 80, Cure, and in eight months 1 fully re-
ders of several States have been care- 1887, writes: "For several years I have covered my health, and to -clay
fully and critically examined. The suffered with inflammation of the Kid- am in its full and perfect enjoyment,
officials are surprised at the large neys, Rheumatic Pains, etc., for which never having had a particle of
amount of lime end alum goods I go every summer to Carisbad, and find trouble since my remarkable recov-
found. It is a suggestive fact that no a little relief. To this suffering is add- ery. As this was five years ago I
baking powder except the Royal has ed a Diabetes Mellitus (sugar diabetes), can safely say that the wonderful
been found without either lime or which appears alternately with ;Rheu- cure was permanent and is all to
alum, and many contain both. Dr matisf With the using of the 15th be attributed to Warner's Safe Cure."
bottle Warner's Safe Cure 1 have ('Author of " Staff Corps Guide."1
Price's baking powder has been found
to contain nearly 12 per cent, of lime; completed my cure, for which I -__.-
Cleaveland's 11Ipercent of impurities; am greatly indebted to yon. My goner• 1)r• Wm. Edward Robson,
al the phosphate powders over 19 per ed,eall lrepeathas pwitlntthis r inclere Late Royal Navy, England, writes
cent of lime, gratitude."
my April 13, 1887, from New Eugham,
The chief service oflime is to add Stains, Eng.: "My attention was first
wen ht. It is true that lime, when called to Warner's Safe Cure about a
g •Ilfpv. Henry Plume, M. A., year ago, when a portion of my suffer•
subjected to heat snit's off a certain Archdeacon, Townsville, North ing tefrom Bright's Disease as cared
amount of carbonic acid !.as, but a
quick lime is left -a caustic of most Queensland, Oct. 15, 1887, writes: by its use. Since that time I have
niverful nature. A small quantity "During my long bush tours I have prescribed it in hundreds of eases,with
pcome across many wonderful cures ef- the most gratifying results, and I am
of dry lime upon the tongue, or in the fected by Warner's Safe Cure. For willing to acknowledge and commend
eye, produces painful effects; how fever, so prevalent in the bush, thus frankly the value of this great re-
much more serious must these effects it seems to be a certain cure. racily."
be on the delicate membranes of the From what I have seen on my last trip,
stomach, intestines and kidneys, I should never start on a journey with -
more particularly ,of infants and out my pack being furnished with a
children, and especially tthen the bottle."
lime is taken into the system day
after day, and with almost every
meal. This is said l•y phisicians to
one of the causes of indigestion, dys-
pepsia, and those painful diseases of
the kidneys now so prevalent. .
Adulteration with lime is quite as
much to he dreaded as with alum,
which has heretofore received the
most emphatic condemnation from
food analysts, phisycians and chem-
ists, for the reason that while alum
may be partially disolved by the
heat of baking it is impossible to de-
stroy or change the nature of the
lime sathat the m tire amount of the
lime in baking powder passes, with
all its injuries properties, into the I -
stomach. anon of the whole Dominion
The large profits from the menu- i since the Macdonald Admistration
facture of lime and alum baking pow- `came last into power has been un
der has placed many of them in the
ly about 145,000.
market. They are to be found in the
During the Macdonald regime
there have emigrated to the Unit -
States from Canada of native-born
Canadians about 1,000,000.
During the Macdonald regime
there have gone from Canaua to
the United States of foreign im-
migrants about 750,000. .
We submit these figures to the
reading public for study, for
thoughtful meditation, if neces-
sary for verification. They convey
their own leasoo. Comment could
not add to their force and clo-
Financial Facts. j fluence. If such facts do not
prove that Cahada is.on the wrong
track, what could do so?
Frank Stuart, 28 Free School-st, Capt. Connor, of the Steamer
Calcutta, India. "In 1875 was "teukai Mura," Japan, " Suffered
prostrated with a sudden attack of liver from congestion of the kidneys and liv-
trouble. From '73 to '81 I had twenty er, loosing four stone in weight, deter -
of these terrible attacks. On the way mined to give up his steamship, almost
to Japan, Capt. Connor of the 'Geukai contemplated suicide. One day
Meru' recommended me to use Warn- an American passenger recommended
er's Safe Cure. After using 15 bottles, him to use Warner's Safe Cure. In 2
I had asouud, Hearty appetite, months use he recovered his
Geo. 'I'horne.Ex-Premier,Queen-
slat)d, at Ipswich, Sept. 9,1887,writes:
"I have recommended Warner's. Safe
Cure to many people who have suffered
from different complaints, and in every
case a cure has been effected.
Personally I have used the medicine
and derived the greatest benefit from it."
AVM. Bede I)a11e3', Q. C., Privy
C ouncillor of the Queen, Sidney, New
South (Wales, writes Feb. 91, 1888:
"I can bear witness to the very great
improvement in my health con-
sequent on the persistent use of Warn-
er's Safe Cure."
The Hon. 1V. B. Dalley is the most
celebrated lawyer -in the Colony and the
most brilliant orator andgreatest states-
man in Australia; he is fix -Premier of
the Colony of New South Wales:
tfa"II. II. Warner it Co., point with pride to the World -'hound Fame of Warn-•
er's Safe Cure. They offer the above as genuine in all respects and true; so far as
they know, with $5,000 for proof to the contrary. Ask your friends antic neigh-
bors about
stock of almoet every retail dealer
and are urged upon customers calling
for baking powders on all occasions.
Because of their well-known detri-
mental character it is desirable that
prompt means be taken to suppress
their manufacture.
Pure baking . powders are one of
the chief aids to the cook in prepar-
ing perfect and wholesome food.
While those are to be obtained of
well-established reputation, like the
Royal, of whose purity there has
never been a question, is proper
to avoid all others.
from the mass of figures ,con-
tained in Sir Chat'les Tupper's
budget speech and Sir Richard
Cartwright's reply, . and from
other sources, we select the fol•
lowing facts as of special interest
to every Canadian taxpayer,
The most fashionable color, at pre-
sent, is the hue of health, and it will
never go out of style. Its shades and
tints are various, but all of them are
The net debt of Canada on the exceedingly becoming. It is,perfect-•
:10th of ,Tune, 1878, was 1140,- ly astonishing what a change is being
-.. •;t;. ;Ofi9„--."--"'.Y--7---- `_a.-`daiiaewrotiglrt-by-Dr-Pierces• Favor -
The net debt of Canada on the •
ite Prescription in the looks of sickly
women. Sufferers from any: sort of
31st ofM(u'ch,1SS8, was .w228.,- "female weakness" or irregularity,
235,78C. backache or nervous prostration
Increase in less than ten years, should give it trial All druggists.
$:37,873,717. — �•--- -
Rate of increase per ycar,i boat HOPEFUL FACTS. •
$8 800 000.
, ,
Total'expenditure of Canada tiir
the year ending .tune 30, 157S,
w 23, 503, 138. •
Total expenditure of Canada Ow
the year ending June 311, 15.7,
increase ot'annual expenditure
in nine years, $12,155,008.
In 1577 the, people of ('an:ula
had to pay in customs azul excise
duties about S17,000,000.
In 1.887 the people of (':nada
• had to pay in customs and excise.
ditties about 828,500,000.
Increase in taxation in ten years
about $11,500,000.
In the United States tIn' ego -
114,1 ;able
• 'st-
1r"liable expenditure ui the gov-
ernment averages per hea'l.t,l the
population a hoot 91) cents.
in England the controllable ex-
penditure of the government ave.
rages per bowl nt' the population
about 90 ('ent,.
in Canada the .controllably ex-
pemliturc of the (;'tve1.11ment, ave-
rages per heti i or he population
about $3.
From 1872 to I A79 the popula-
tion of Ontario increased 250,702,
or at the yerrly rate of about 50,-
From 1879 to 1886 the popula-
tion of Ontario increased 14,500,
or at tho yearly nate of aL' ut 2,-
The evidence afforded by the sta•
tistics referred' to in Sir Charles Tup-
per'S budget speech of the gradual der
crease in the quantity of intoxicating
liquor consumed in the Dominion, is
encouraging to temperance workers.
In 1885,, the total amount of spirits
and wine imported into Canada was
1,400,690'gallons. In 1887, the a-
mount was reduced to 1,207,284 gal-
lons, a falling off of 19:3,406 gallons,
or nearly 15 per cent. in a single year.
In the same tine the revenue derived
from these commodities, decreased
from $1,9.11,601 to $1,700,076. As
Sir Charles pointed out, the same ten•
' dency is shown in the statistics of in-
ternal revenue. The report of the
Minister of InlAnd Revenue shows
that in 1857 the quantity of spirits
taken for consumption was 2,804.935
gallons, as against an average of 8,•
876,410 gallons for the two years pre-
ceeding. The average of two preced-
ing years is rightly taken because the
figures for 1887 were abnormally
small, nod those for 1885 abnormally
large, ' r" to the increased quan-
tities t- 't'. far consumption in 1885,
in anticipation of the increased duty.
It is clear that the friends of temper-,
ance reform have no reason to Ti,;
The INDELgar
The miscroscope has proved, that these
diseases are contagious, and that they are
due to the presence of living parasites in
the interlining membrane of the upper air
passages and enstachlan tubes. The emi-
nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea-
le endorse this, and the authorities cannot
he disputed. The regular method of treat-
ing these diseases has been to apply an ir-
ritant remedy weekly, and even daily,thns
keeping the delicate membrane in a con-
stant state of irration, allowing it no chan•
ce to heal, and as a natural consequence of
such treatment not one permanent cure,
has ever been recorded. It is an absolute
fact that these diseases cannot be cured by
any application made oftener than once in
two weeks for the membrane must get a
chance to heal before an application is re-
peated. It is now seven years since Mr.
Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh
and formulated his new treattt nit, and
since then his remedy has become a house.
hold word in every country where the Eng
lish language is spoken. CURES EFFECTED
sEAsE. So highly are these remedies val-
ued, that ignorant imitators have started
up everywhere, pretending to destroy a
.parasite, of which they know nothing, by
remedies, the results of the application of
which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix-
on's remedy is applied only once.. in two'
weeks and from one to three applications
effect a permanent cure in the most aggra-
vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph-
let describing his new treatment on the re-
ceipt of stamp to' pay postage. The ad-
dress of A. H. Dixon & Son is 303 King
Street Vest, Toronto, Canada. Scientific
Ayer's pills are the best cathartic
for correcting irregularities of' the
stomach and bowels. Gentle, yet
thorough in their action, they cure
constipation, stimulate the appetite
and digestive organs, and strengthen
the system.
A t Helena, M. "I'., John R. Rand
killed his wife and baby with a
Winchester rifle and then blew his
The tit•' l ,t) u' n,r;' brains nut.
To . Save Life
Frequently requires prompt action. An
hour's delay -waiting for the doctor may
be attended with serious eonsegnenecs,
especially in cases of ('roup,
and other throat and hang troubles.
Renee. no fondly should he without a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry I'ertoral,
loch has pruvetl itself, in thousands of
vases, Lite ln•st Euo'rgeney Iloditinc
ever tliscnrcred, It gives prompt relief
and prepares the way for a thorough
core. a hull is certain to he elle' ie,i Icy
its , Ii!itute,l use.
8. II. Latimer, M. 1►., Mt. Vernon,
nes: •' I have hullo( dyer's ('herrn
torsi a perfect Clint for finite 1n all
r❑•es,. I Imre known the tvoNt c,wt•s
rehired in a very short time by its use;
and I advise all families to use it in sud-
den eu'ergencies, for coughs, croup, \e."
.1, .1. Filson. 'i. 11., Middletown,
Tenn.. sacs : 1 have used Ayer's
Cherry I'oetoral with the (test effcet in
my practice, This wonderful prepara-
tion once saved my life. I had it con-
stant emtgh. night. sweats. Wits greatly
reduced in flesh, and given tip by illy
II h}'sin fan. One bottle and a half of the
f'(rtoral cared me."
i ' annot say enough in praise of
leer's t'hr'rry Pectoral." write.' E.
}irngdt,n. of Palestine. 'Texas, " heliev-
1n,+ :as i to that. hut roe its i,se, I should
,'ing since have died.•.
er's Cherry ill Pectoral
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Feld by all Druggists. Price $1 ; cis bottles, $5.
Dry Coods Houma,
Lodesbor o.
BUSiNESS = Arniouncernent,'
Have just returned
from the eastern mar-
kets where we have
made heavy p u rchas-
es direct from mann-
facturers mfor Cash, se-
curing big discounts
from regular prices.
Special ((rives in Dress Goods and Trimmings
cc Gc cc
(( ((
• it ((
(c ((
Prints ti
Lace Curtains
Boots and- Shoes
Hard and Soft Hats
Fuller announcement next week.
Call and see what we are
You will be surprised an(l delighted,', at the Vl5lllllle and
variety of the stock and the remarkably low prices.
Rte on Your tdnnrd.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely stn into Catarrh, when you can
be cured for 25c. by using Dr Chase's Ca-
tarrh Cure. A few applications cure n-
sipient catarrh: 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary
catarrh ; 2 to o boxes are guaranteed to
cure rhrnnie art IL Try it. Only 23e,
an 1 cure r •ire, ' ' by i'l •lr•i,', ists. °ir
Calbick & Reith
.%-N n
In our line of undertaking we fearno co151petition,
as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods,
and as Funeral Directors, we arebound
to give satisfaction. A call re-
spectfully solicited.
Tho RsdRockcr £niit sore, Alhrt
ADAM'S Emporium.
To the people of Lonr1.(✓sboro'
and surrounding country.
have arrived in good quantities and of excellent finality.
Never had a better supply and was never in a better
position to supply the wants of my customers and all
others who may favor me with a call. Good weight, full
measure, and the right change back.
From and after April 2nd, until further notice, 13 lbs of
best granulated Sugar for $1 cash, but not less than $1
or more than $5 worth to one person. See my newWall
raper. Millinery cannot be surpassed.
A trial respectfully solicited.
Highetut JPrieeftA for Produce.
Yours respectfully,
March 30th, 1 sss.
PA LLISER'S 40e. Young Hyson Tea beats all comers
at the price.
40e. Japan is a beauty.
5Oc. Black, Green or Japan are not to
be surpassed.
tiOc. YoungHysonTea is the great leader
GOc. Secret Blent.Black Is a Matchless
75c. Secret Blend Black is the Favorite
And is. specially called by that name, the Quality is Su. •
perb. SUGARS at merest profit on refiners prices. S
Palliser & Co's is the place to buy Good and Cheai
Groceries every time.
New : Furniture : Stock
Opened out' in' ELLIOTT BLOC$.
Family Groceries.
A 1''ltl?SiI AN 1► Ii ITLI. i'l'(h'K, WH lull 1N('I,UDES
-1.3ENIDES A• 1''ULL STOCK 0h—
Clr_oic�c I `arni1y Cat roc erieti-..Chilflta.,
Croc'hery- a,allcl (-lastgware. • A.11
�. *y $off Loin
—A CA1.1, St 11.I('I'1'ED,—
Spring Hats
Just received, a consignment of 2 large cases of the
Lit:t soft TLT 99T
Of English and American manufacture'
line selection of American Ties, Collars, .t.c.'ol'
the very latest manufacture..
1{EMEMI31:R THE STAND One door north of the Dry
Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton.
NewTailoiing Establishment.
'riin undersigned has opened out in' the tailoring business in the store
lately occupied by Mr E. Fleetly, and will keep a find stock of .
English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French
Worsteds, and all thelatestpatterns
of Paintings.
Which. be will guarantee to make up at time lowest possihlo prices.
• Workmanship of the best quality, and a fit guaranteed or no salt'.
A call solicited.
F; SSEPSERD, Albert S t , Clinton.
A Positive Cure.
' A Painless Cure.
Marvel of Healing, and Kohin'oorof- Medicines,
C'ures the terrible eouaegnenee„ or indlaeretion,
Ettporure and Overwork.
YOTJrTG-sisZaar-A.0•Eri Cu -CD MEr
Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No, 8 a radical cure for nervot
debility, organic weakness, involuntary vita I losses, etc.
6vMPTOaTa Ton wntctr No. H SHOULD um UsFD; Want of cnergy, vcrtigo,,want Ot purpos
dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, nveidnece of conversat,a
desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention en a particular eubjoc
cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loan of memory,
excitability of temper, die
matorrheca, or loos of the seminal auid—the result of eelf•abuso or marital excess -item
tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings 1
female. trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams etc., aro all symptoms of this terrib.,
habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. lu abort. the spring efvital ,force having lost L
tension, every function wanes in eonsetlnenee, Scientific ratters and'tho superintendent,
of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-ahnso the great majority of
wasted lives which come under their notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous
duties of business, incapseitated for the enjoyments of lift, No. offers an escape from
the effects of early vice, If you are advanced in years, No. 8 trill give you full vigor an(
strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally, 9-- to early indiscretion, the
remit of ignorance and Cony, send your address and JO c.n,t s I,, stamps for Ii, V. LUBON'G
Treatise in Book Fenn on Diseases of Tuan. Keeled null secure from observation.
Address all eommunikn.tiona to ay. V. 1l,lU1tO111. 47 wellington St. E., Toront.r,
A Man without wisdom lives in a fool's mud's'., CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK.
A Permanent CLS' A Plea sant Cure.