HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-05-04, Page 6Qur Specialties are The best goods in the market WE HAVE CHEAP. GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST 1FINE SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTH. CHEAPSI TREMENDO S z,AvG-H�r� R I N Menz Coys Ha —W$ICH WILL BE SOLD AT— S 35 cts, worth $1. Ladies who are wanting New and Stylish Prints, at the lowest possible prices, should see our large stock. We are selling 12t and 15 cent PRINTS for 8 and 121i cents. All choice patterns. SEERSUCKEES.—We are clearing out a large lot at 10c, usual price 121.2 cents. Our 75c Color'd Silk Plushes (In all the leading colors) is splendid value and.should be seen. We are also showing special value in Black and Coi'd Cash- meres, from 30c. to $1,25 per -yard. INSPECTION INVITED T. JACKSON, SR New Wall Papers. Dtin't fail to see our assortment of PAPERS, They are all new and ENTIRELY DIFFERENT and SUPERIOR to anything we have ever shown. We have everything from a 5 cent Brown Back to a 75 cent Gilt. :Eordh:rs and Ceiling Decorations. Window' Shades. Express Waggcnc W COOPER, :R, -- Beaver Block SPLENDID PROPERTIES FOR SALE Subscriber offers for srtle the following 0 able properties in the Town of Clinton, lote406 and 106 Victoria Street, quarter -acre each with good frame house, barn, stable, bear ng orenard, wens, &c. Also a double hone and lot on Kirk Street, with bard and soft ater. Also lots 110, 111, 112 and 113, High Street, each one-quarter acre, more or less. Theerr ro p p y on Victoria Street will he sold en bloc or separately, if desired, and the same for the other properties. Also, will be sold privately, the household furniture. The owner may be found at his son's resi- dence, William Street, near the old woolen mill. E, CARTER, proprietor. ap•20.t-f. -- ti. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Grade. ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry, Nitrons Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth, - OMce over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Pos4O111C1, Clinton, , jig• Night bell answered. ly BICYCLE EOR SALE. A. 62 INCE–I Special British Challenge, with ball bearings, and just as good as new, will be sold cheap. 3. P• TISDALI , Chalon. NOTICE.,, -M1 parties are hereby notified have uouses clean- ed up before bthe taek et of May,ards d purenant to the statute in that behalf. Aftr the above date parties are liable, upon complaint, to bo fin- ed. By order. GEO. TEDFORD, health in- spector. Clinton, April 17th, 1888. Tilt0ABDERS WANTED - SUBSCRIBER LP has now her house thorongbl'y and com- fortably furnished throughout and is pre- pared to accommodate a limited number of boarders at very reasonable rates. MRS. C. CARTER, Townsend Street, Clinton, NOTICE. -..•WHILE THANKING THE LA dies for their patronage in the past and askingfor a continuance of the same, I wish to calattention to the fact that I have re- moved to Huron Street," little went and near- ly opposite the Commercial hotel,where I am prepared on short notice, to tll orders in all departments of the Corset Line both" promptly and satisfactorily. Mrs Way's old customers will find it mach to their advan- tage to give me a call. Mrs. J. Langford agent forLneknow; Mise M. Renter, agent e for Hensel!. . ,J is. J. COULTER LTER Clinton, April lith, 1888, NEW PAINT SHOP. KAISER & WILSON. Desire to &anonnee that they have opened a ahoy on Albert Street, Clinton, nest to G1ae- gow a store. Being practical workmen they believe they canig vesatinfaotion to all who entrust their Work. PAntin HAN8INa, RAL- SOwININO, PAINTINo, GRAININ(I, AND cm4,INo Dtteoruatone,dfe.,exeauted on the ahorteet notice. Orders reapeetfully solicited. COUNTY C1lUP INGrS. The Cream of .QUI Local 1Gxchangee- Mr Michael McQuade, of Toeh ersnlitb, has gone to Toron where. he has been engaged editer of the Agricultural Bul tin. Last week Henry Taylo house, about a mile north ofBru sale, was entered in his absens and fifteen dollars stolen out the bureau drawers. On Saturday last a large be was seen on the farm belongi to Atex. McCall, fith con., of Mo ris., Mr Bruin made a despera attempt to dispose of Mr McCall dog, but the dog managed to lee out of reach. Mr Alox.MePhersou, ofExete has in his possession, a Roc Martin, which was shot by Do ald Burns somewhere west Honsall. This is a very ra bird in this country, and is t first one seen for over thirty year On Saturday Iast Andy Don hoe, of Soaforth, was arrested fo taking four loaves of bread and • quantity of sugar from the Quee hotel dining room. Mayor Bea tie sent him for trial. Tho psi oner elected to be tried-befo Judge Tomswho sontoncedlhim six weeks in jail. Wingham firemen wore out practice on Tuesday evening las and after shinning down the stre from the by drant at the ekatin rink to the one at Roderus'corne a number of boys wore allowed take the hose -reel up again. I doing so a boy named McGrogo aged about ten years, accidentl tripped Thos. McClymont, an both fell under the cart, whic was heavily laden with hose. Th result was McGregor had his co lar -bone and some of his rib broken by the wheels passin over him, and McClymont wa injured internally from the bo on the back of the cart falling up on him. to, as le- is B- e, of ar ng r- te 's ep 1', k n- of ro he s. 0- a 58 8- re to for t, et 1•, to n r, a h 0 s S x So heavy were the snow drifts in rear of Levis, Que., Wednesday morning that a train of the Quebec Central Railway was stuck in them at St. Henri, the snowplough being unable to force its way through. "Money" Miller, the recently deceased Australian millionaire, had one fancy, apart from the one money-niakingwhich absorbed his life. This was Scott's novels. which he is bolivod to have read through once a year,and that for a score of years in succession. One of Mark Twain's eccentri- cities lies in his habit of always 1 wearing. slippol's on•• a railroad train. Sometimes ho even puts on a smoking -jacket, and makes him- self as much at home in a draw- ing -room car as in his own library He Wants to give the impression, doubtless, that he is in no 801350 abroad when traveling. Harriet Bencher Stowe is' fail- ing. Her memory grows daily more treacherous. She is much of the time her old self,eonvorsing on all topics in which she is inter- ested with great intelligence and fluency. But there are intervals, not infrequent, during which she forgets the names of friends, loses track of her own business concerns and cannot speak accurately of the events of the past. The Campbelford Herald says: The machinery of the Northumberland Paper Mills was started on Monday morning, and ran steadily until Thurs- day morning, 74 hours, without a break, and during that time there was made a sheet of building paper 30 miles long and 32i inches wide. MONTREAL LIVESTOCK MARK ET There was a fair supply of butchers' cattle on the market which met with an active demand at rather higher prices and the market closed firm. A lot of superior cattle which had been offered to Mr George Nicholson at 4/c per lb., and of which he bought thirteen •head at that rate afterwards, the balance were sold at 3c per lb. Pretty good steers sold at from 4. to 4Ic per lb., common stock at 2i to 4/c per lb,, and lean beasts and rough bulls at from 3 to 3/c per lb. Calves were not so plentiful, as on Thursday, yet .there are too many small lean veale offered and this kind sell at from $1,25 to $3 eac,Lt, while good calves sell at from $5 to $10each. Sheep are more plentiful than they have been of late, but there is a better demand for them as the stock of frozen mutton is exhausted and the butchers are wanting more fresh mutton. Sheep sold at from 3 to 4/c per Ib, and lambs•at from $3.50 to $5 each. The supply of live hogs is still too small to meet the demand- and prices have gone up to an unprecedent- ed height of from 7 to 7/sc per lb. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Last week's receipts of live stock on the local market were 1,044 cattle, 112 sheep and lambs and 565 hogs, The western stock yards now open at 7 a.m. Trade was not so brisk on Tuesday. Receipts were 24 loads of cattle in which were a few head of calves, sheep, lambs and hogs and one car of hogs. Local' demand for butcher cattle ttlewaeg ood bu t there was little buyinging on outside de ac• count owing to unfavorable markets at" Montreal. Values however were well maintained. Good loads sold at $4.25 to $4,50 per cwt, and pinked lots of steers and heifers sold at $4,75. Good mixed loads of cattle weighing 950 to 1,176 lbs per head sold at $38 to $61 per head, while fat cows, 900 to 1,100 lbs average, sold at $30 to $40 per head. Trade in export cattle dull and un- changed, Demand light. Two loads were offered at $3,75 to $5'bnt found no buyers. Feeders continuo in demand. Rough light ht steerssold at 3.9f while 1,000 to 1,00 lbs good quality animals ruled at 54 to $4.25 per owt. Offerings of calves were not so heavy as last week There were too many common and not enough of choice. The latter are a ready sale, but the fromer are dull at easy prices. Shoop and yearling lambs scarce. Only about a dozen head on the market. A bunch of eight head, aver- aging 195 lbs sold at 58 per bead.— Spring lambs steatty at 52.50 to $4.50 per. head, ;c: Late J. ;Bodgens. HAVE JUST OPE NED OUT ne Case American Prints New Designs and Colorings. See Our 5 ik 8 cent Prints. New SEERSUCKERS from 8 cents up Grand value in Cottons, Shirtings, Cottonades, &c. 5 per cent. off for Cash. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate State J:. HO'D CEN 1' CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 4 , 1888. Wheat, spring, - - 0 80 a 0 85 Wheat, white and red • 0 80 a 0 85 Oats - 0 40 a 0 42 Barley Peas - Flour, per cwt - Potatoes Butter - 065a070 o6oa061 - 200a225 •050a070 • 017a017 Eggs . 010a010 Pork • 6 75 a 7 00 Hay 8 00 a 8 50 Sheep pelts - 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins - 0 60 a 0 80 Hides, - 5 00 a 5 50 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for New ERA every Thursday Blyth, May 4, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush, . 80 a 84 Fall new . 80 a 84 Oats 38 a 40 Barley . 60 a 70 Peas . 58 a 60 Potatoes, per bus . 60 a 70 Eggs per doz . 10 a 10 Butter,rolls . . 16 a 18 Cheese 15 a 15 Lard . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2 00 2 10 Hoge, . . . 6 25 7 00 SEAFORTH MARKETS SEAPORT), May 4, 18SS. Wheat, spring, • $0 80 a 0 84 Red and white - - 0 80 a 0 84 Oats, • - • • 0 35 a 0 37 Peas, - 0 60 a 0 60 Barley, • 0 60 a 0 70 Batter, • 016 a 017 Eggs, • 0 0 a 011 Potatoes, • • 0 50 a 0 65 Pork, - 6 50 a 7 00 Flour per cwt • 2 00 a 2 50 Dr. Chase Hasa world-wide reputation as a physician and author, 111s Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure 13 triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases of the Kid ey and Liver. Symptoms of KIDNEY COJIPLAIN'1'. Distressing aches and pains in the back; a dull pain or weight in the bladde, and baso of the abdomen; scalding urine often obstructed; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged per- sons; hot, dry skin, pale complexion, red and white deposits, droiedizziuess,sour etumneh,eorl• stipation, piles, liver sical swellings, Sc. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT. Pain •under the shoulder blades, jaundice, sallow complexion, a wear', tired feeling, fie life or energy, headache dyspep'ia, indigestion, spots, pimple.., &c. HOW ClU11E1). Mandrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver cures and when combined with Kidney remedies, us in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively- cure all Kidney -Liver troubles. It nets like a charm stimulating the clogged liver, strengthening the, kidneys, and invigorating the whole body. Sold hyall dealers at 8l, with Receipt Book, which a lone is worth the money, 1{IDNEY LIVER PILLS. Dr. Chase's Pills are the only Kidney -Liver Pills made. May be taken during any employment. They euro Kidney -Liver troubles, headache, billiousness, costiveness, &c. (Inc Pill a dose. Sold by all dealers. Price 23 cents. 1'. EDMA NSON e( cO., Manufacturers, Bradford, Ontario, • COUNTY OP' HURON EXAMINATIONS, SeedBARLEY leu+ Second and ttreclass non-prosti somal examinations at the Coe cone I, on lutes asci Higit Schools iu the county, on Tuesday. 3rd July, at 8:40 a.m. First C., July 10th, at 8:40 a. !u. Candidates who wish to Just received from BELLE \'ILLI' a write at either Clinton or Seafortn must no - Car of choice tity D. M. MALr,ocn, Esti., P. S, Inspector, Clinton p. o„ not later than the 21st of May, stating which of the two schools they intend Bay Quints Barley, G oderiehto writea,tmust nlotfyJoRNE' Tom, who wish tolEstge,P. at S. Inspector, Goderioh p.o., at the same date, The notice must be accompanied by a fee of For solo by R: IRWIN, 83, or 010 if the candidate applies for the 1st Clam as well as 2n0 class examinations. No name will be forwarded to the Department STANDARD ELEVATOR,CLINTON ON unless the foe accompanies it. Head Masters of the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED will please send the applications of their can - Apply to MRS. THOMAS JACKSON, dilates to the Inspector of the division in High Street, Clinton. which the Collegiate Instituto or High School is situated, Forms of application CARRIAGE FOR SALE.-- A FIRST-CLASS may be had from the Secretary, PETER second - hand Pheaton. Apply at NEW ADAMSON, SEC'Y B. ESM'H, Goderich, April ERA office. n-20.t.f. 10th, 1888. G005 BRICK COTTAGE TO RENT.-- Townsend street, large enough for good- sized family. Hard and soft water, 050. C. E. HOVEY, Clinton. HORSE FOR SALE.- A GOOD, STRONG working horse, just the thing for a farm- er, will be sold cheap. Apply at the NEW ERA office, Clinton. TOP BUGGY. -FOR SALE A SINGLE. top buggy, nearly now,will he sold cheap, JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. ALESME WANTED. Permanent posi- tion, guaranteed with NALAIiY and EXP EN' ''OES PAID. Any determined man can succeed with us, Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, in- cluding many fast -selling specialties. Outfit free. Address at once, (Name this paper) BROWN BROTIHERS, Nurserymen, - - - Rochester, N. Y. ap-27,2m. JJ. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col - loge. Telegraphic messages promptly at landed to, Office -Londesborough, Ont. MONEY TO LEND - ON GOOD MOIiT- aAOES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAG(:AIIT. I Ulinton, Feb. 24, 1888. BOARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN bo accommodated with good board and comfortable rooms; about three minutes' walk from the post office, Townsend street • MRS. VanTASEL. BULL FOR SERVICE. - SUBSCRIBER , keeps for service, at bis farm, base line, Goderich township, a thoro'bred Durham I1u11. Terms, 81 at time of service, with , privilege of returning, if necessary. A. TYNDALL, Proprietor. j BOARDERS WANTED. - Two or three' young men can be accommodated with comfortable rooms and board, at reasonable rates. House only two minutes walk from i the post office, MR. S. HARTT, Victoria-st., ' almost directly opposite the residence of Mayor Whitehead. apr-20-lm, ,UMBER THE! subscriber hes cm hand and for Ode, at his Mill, 16th concession of Goderich Town- ship a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and Town- ship, Lumber, Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest cash price paid for first Lass Saw Logs, E. BUTT. Clinton, Jan, 25; 1 , PROPERTY FOR SALE. - THAT CON- veniently situated lot and eommodions house en Rattenbnry Street, near Albert, at present occupied by�myself. The house is 2 storeys and in good repair, with nine rooms and woodshed, first-class .eller, hard and soft water, also good stabling on the prem. ises. Will bo sold reasonable and On easy terms. Possession given immediately. THOS STANBURY, Clinton, April 24, 1888. tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -THE Li undersigned offers for sale the house and lot on Rattenbury Street, at present oc- cupied by Mr D. Molloy. The lot is one- quarter of an acre, with frame house, stable and good well thereon. Also, the pump fac- tory situated on the adjoining lot, Will be sold on very reasonable terms, as the owner wishes to dispose of it. Particulars on ap- plication to MR, JAMES TWITCHELL, Clinton. op-27.tt. KOTJCE TV U1t1:ll1TO1t18 The creditors of MAnaARET COLOI,otyaw, late of the Township of Goderieb, in the County of Huron, widow deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of March, A,D., 1888, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid, on or before the fourth day of June next, to Messrs 0, and J. Ridout, Clinton P.D. %motors of the last will and testament'of TWIT -said earid Margaret Colelough, their ohrietian and surnames, addressee and descriptions, the fellarticulars of their otaima a state- ment of their accounts andthe nature of the securities (if any) held thorn, and tmmo- diately after the fourth day of June next the assets of the said Margaret0olelongb will he distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished, as above required, and the executors will not be Ilable for the aesote so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have boon received by them at the time of such distribution, CHARLES RIDOUT,1 cocoon. JOHN RIDOUT, Dated this 4th day of April, A.D., 1888, a OF VAPOR THE PitIPINCLE 4 m 3 m 2 COLD MEDICATED. Head Office, 215 Yonge St„ Toronto. N. Washington, M.DI L.C.PISIO. Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon, Rattenbury House, Clinton On Monday, May 14th. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, et:, permanently cured. A few prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures. Mrs. John McKelv,y, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John Mclfelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh, Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont„ Broneho•Con• sumption, Mr. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and throat, RIIAD w. IL 5roaoy'a Oalo,NAr. 'I'a1TrnnSIAr. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W. R. Storey, Esq., of the firm of W H, Storey and Son, Actcn, Glove Mannfscturera also President Manufacturers' Association of Canada. De, WAR/MOTOR, 225 Yonge-st., Toronto, D8.A9 SM. -I assure you I feel grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trob- e, and, though 1 dieiike having P my name appear P in connection with thotestimonral business, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affect- ed as well as having a desire to recognize the re- sulted your treatment, i make a departure in this case, Prior to my acquaintance with you, 1 had suffered for two years from repeated at- tacke of catarrahal sore throat,and each succeed- ing attack being more prolonged and violent than the former. At there times 1 had violent fits of coughing, and would discharge large quantities of mucus. Feeling alarmed. 1 sought the best medical skill available, including a much -noted Specialtist,and took almoeteverything known to medicine without experiencing a particle of relief. Last spring 1 went to Europe. The Change did me good but on my retro n the old trouble was renewers Seeing you advertised to visit this place f thought I would consult you, although f confess with not much hoe of receiving any benefit. •11owever, I wee favorably impressed with your candor, and resolved to give your treatment a trial. The resuit, 1 am happy to inform you, is a complete euro and one so marked in its character in to surprise myself and my friends, From the first your medicine seemed adapted to ray and gale roe relief. In two months 1 was entirely well, and have so continued during the most unfavorable season of the year. You are at liberty to make what rise you please of thin letter, and 1 *hall he pleas- ed to answer any enquiries relative to myy case. Years very truly, W. H, STOREY. Acton, January 19tb.1t87. CONSULTATION FRES • DETLOR & CO'Y Are showing this week, Lace Curtains 9 Parasols and Jerseys. At wonder filly low prices dee their Durable and Belia- able makes of Kid Gloves. Every. Pair Cuaranteed. J. C. DETLOR & CO., BIG 7-- BIG DRIVE I N Grey Cottons at 5 cts. Worth 6 cents. White Cottons at 3 cts Worth 8 cents. PRINTS at, 8 cents, Worth 12z cents. C I NGHAMS at 8 cts. Worth 12' cents. CORSETS at 80 cents, Worth 70 ents Roberlsoo"sfat fat ion. Boos ad ZOIS at U?IQLE&L rmaS 12 Per Cent DISCOUNT On all CASH SAGES for the next two months. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS & SHOES in stook, and as I don't want the goods, but do want the cad', I. have decided to give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Months. As I carry the largest stock in the county, you oan depend on getting anything in foot wear you want, or that can be got in any first•class establishment at lees than wholesale prices. 1c au and will undersell any other,either any of Darwin's lost links, or any other shoddy dealer in town, and don't forget it. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON The Great Clearing Sale r --"-•SWILL GO ON•FOR'- -- Thirty Tt� more. Heavy discount for Cash to run off old iistoek to make room for New. A lot our own manufacture. Good value. A lot of new FURNITURE Coming in. Now is the time to buy at ti. O. S'i'33:1"73331\1-802sT's L+FURNITURE STORE. .-•- -- OPPOSITE TOWN HALL - w