HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-04-20, Page 6v-7T--TJR,P•r–mimpwNprmr.!–..--.rwp,7 T BERTSON'S :: X SATURDAY NIGHT,APRIL 1. This being the night of our Millinery and Show Room Opening we have decided to give the people a treat. It Consists in this: If you buy a dress with its trimmings from us between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock,you can have it made up by Miss Currell for the wonderful low price of One Dollar. -Our STOCK ofoll Dress Goods Is now complete and ranging in price from ten cents to one dollar per yard. You know the place to find the Original Poor Man's Friend, is at Robertson's Iriat calit tm. CHEJPSIDE. TREMENDOUS BIJ . TG-HTEIR, H .---WIIICII WILL BE SOLD AT - 35 cts, wort ` 1. Ladies who are wanting New and Stylish Prints, at the lowest possible prices, should see our Targe stock. We are selling 121 and 15 cent PRINTS for 8 and 121 cents. All choice patterns. SEERSUCKEES.—We are clearing Out a large b lot at 10e, usual price 121.2 cents. Our 75c Color'd Silk Plushes (In all the killing colors) is splendid value and should be seen, I We are also showing special value in Black and CoI'd Cash- meres, from 30o. to $I 25 per yard. INSPECTION INVITED T. JACKSON, SR MQNT E4 4 XAVOST9OK M4VIPT The etipltly .of butc#teos' cattle not nerl!rly se large OS ern`TharsdaY,bll* there was a larger proportion of ' opo, beeves among them, Prices witheat change. Frtrue at #rear to Fig Re; ib., pretty geed from 49 to 40 per Q9mn4Rn shoat 3j. Not roams ca vas on the market; good, in active derrtandit high rates. Sheep very scarce and high•prioed, from 5c to 51o. Spring lawbs are getting plentiful at from $3.. 50 to $5.50 each. Live hogs scarce and advancing,, from 6} to bio. The horse trade is brisk, During the past week there were shipped from here to the United States 244 horses, costing $26,- 026.50, an average of §106.66 each. The. highest price was a large lot of 19 hors- es, which cost $2,652. The lowest prid- ed were 17 horses, costing $1,500. The number of horses shipped from this city to the United States during the three months ending March 31 was 1, 945 bore,-_ costing ,211,870.15• re- ceipts for the week ending April 14, 289 horses. The demaud during the week was good. There were about 15 American buyers in town. The in- quiry is principally for small horses and blocks. The local demand is slow, TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. There were 36 loads of live stock on the market Tuesday morning. The demand all round, was good and almot:t everthing sold. Butchers' cattle were in more liberal supply than last week, but all were wanted.. Several loads were taken for Montreal,and there were buyers here from Ottawa. Prices were firmly maintained. Picked lots of choice cattle sold /readily at equal to alio per pound, while the general run of good - loads sold at 4 to 4,1c. The export cat- tle trade,wasquietand the-feelingweak- er. A few head were picked up by Conn Flannagan at 41 to 50 per Ib. Supply of sheep and Iambs was not as large as it has been for some days past. Demand was good and all sold readily at quota- tions. A bunch of 33 lambs, averaging 120 lbs., sold at $6 per head; 7 sheep, averaging 130 lbs sold at $6.50 per head and 33 do., 125 lbs at $6. Calves easier, supply much more liberal. Sales re- ported were one weighing 390 lbs at $14 9 do, averaging 170 lbs at $8; 4 do, 140 lbs, at $7, and 5 do, 130 lbs, at $6.50. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Wheat, spring, • Wheat, white and red Oats Barley Peas Flour, per cwt Potatoes Butter EgPork - Hay Sheep pelts Lamb skins Hides, • Apr, 19, 1888. - 079a082 - 0 8)a083 040 a 042 - 065a070 060 a 061 200 a 225 •050a070 016 a 018 0 9a011 675 a 700 800a850 050 a 075 0 GO a 0 80 500 a 550 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for New ERA every Thursday Blyth, Apr. 19, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 78 a 80 Fall . new . 78 a 80 Oats . 38 a 40 Barley - , . 60 a 70 Peas . 58 a 60 Potatoes, per bus 60 a 70 Eggs per doz 10 a 10 Butter,rolla , 10 a 18 Cheese - . 15 a 15 Lard . . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt, . 2 00 2 10 Hogs, . . . 6 25 700 • • SEAFORTH MARKETS SEAFORTH, Apr. 19, 1888. Wheat, spring, - $0 70 a 0 80 Red and white • • 0 80 a 0 83 Oats, • • - Peas, Barley, Butter, • • Eggs, ■ e . Potatoes, - Pork, • - Flour per cwt • • 0 35 a 0.37 - 0 GO a 0 60 • 0 00 a 0 70 - 0 16 a 0 17 0 9 a 011 0 50 a 0 65 • 6 50 'a 700 • 2 00 a 2 50 SeedBARLEY Just received from BELLEVILLE, a car of choice Bay . Quinte . Barley. For sale by R. IRWIN, STANDARD ELEVATOR,CLINTON £O!1Mill AND FAD (O1' ALL KTNI)S, Field and Garden Seeds of all hinds, fresh and new, in('Iaa(1- ingSued Peas, Oa and Buck- wheat, at the (,'LAXTO'r FEED STOWE. • II. Ie rrzsIMONy. ril,OVER SEED—A QUANTITY CHOICE / Clean Clover Seed for sale by W..0. GRANT, London Road, I- OUSE,—FiVE-ROOirlrb, WITH TWO lots, to lot, situate on Fulton street, ap- ply to W. JONES, Clinton, 11101 BUGGY,—POR SALE A SINGLE top buggy, nearly now,will bo sold cheap, JOHN RIDU T O , Clinton.L T J. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON e1 Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Telegraphic massages promptly at tended to, Office —Londesborough, Ont. NTONEY TO' f,T ND-- ON GOOD htOltT- 11 GAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates, M. MIeTA(GOART. C>Iiutotl, Feb, 24, 1888. TT n \RDEIIS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN l /be n(mnnimodatod with gngd board ami comfort:tole rooms; about three minutes' walk from the post office, Townsenri'street MRS, VanTASEL. 'Ii FOR SERVICE, — SUBSCRIBER .1 keeps fol service, at his farm, baso line, Goderich township, a thoro'bred Derham Bull. 'Terms, :N1 at time of service, with privilege of returning, if noeessary. - A, TYNDALL, Proprietor. u0:\iiDEI1S WANTED — SUBSCRIBIIU u has now her house thoroughly and com- fortably furnished throughout, and is pre- pared to accommodate a Iitnitod number of boarders at very reasonable rates, MRS, C. CARTER, Townsend Street, Clinton, OTICE,—WHILE THANKING THE LA 1V dies for their patronage in -the -past -am asking for a continuance of the same, I wish to call attention to the fact that I have re -- moved to Huron Stroet,a little west and near- ly.opposite the Commercial hotel whore I am prepared on short notfce, to fill orders in alt departments of the Corset Lino both - promptly and satisfactorily. Mrs, Way's old customers will find it mneh to their advan- tage to give mo a call, Mrs, ,f. Langford, agent forLueknow; Mies M. Hunter, agent i for Hensall, E, J. COULTER Clinton, April 11th, 1288. NEW PAINT SHOP. KAISER & WILSON. Desire to announce that they have opened a shod on Albert Street, Clinton, next to Glas- gow s store. i3etng practical workmen they believe they can give satisfaction to all who entrust their work. PAPER FLANGING, IAL• !NAMING, PAMN'MINO, GRAINING, AND CEILING DECORATIONS, dee„ executed on the shortest notice. Orders respectfully solicited, d .utiiL�'M1 randOpeningdf.. illiner Show Roomg. We have =chi plaasure,in announcing that our Millinery Opening will beheld on S.A.PLITEMA. ,APRIL/1I4 We extend a hearty invitation to all to visit us. JOHN WISEMAN -ManagOr. Estate J. 130PCENS. Noxon's NEW STEEL AIOSIER DRILL —MANUFACTURED •BY-- NOXON•-BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., I.NG.ERSOLL. - • The onlyidrill made in which the depth of the holes can be instantly chang- ed to suit varying conditions of the sail without stopping the team. The on- lv drill made which will sow all kinds of grain even; can be changed from drilling to broadcasting in less than one minute's time. When used with broad cast teeth it will do work equal to any cultivator. The only drill made which commences to sow the instant the horses start. Handiest, lightest, strongest and simplest drill mania= ured. Examine the new steel hosier drill and be satisfied that it is the best drill made, For sale by RICHARD BAKER, CLxIiTON, sole agent for tbe firm. May be seen at Gauley's black- smith shop, Clinton. Also, for sale, Plows, Rakes, Cultivators, &c, NE W TUNS Harness & Grocery Dit. Still in the 1(`ront ILIttnks. After thanking my many :ustomera for past favors, I b -g to announce to the gener- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAP as the Cheap - est. I am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Soap, 12 BAPS FOR 25 CENTS; No. 1 Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low ptiees,, COAL OIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES.. I have on hand A full stock of Field and Garden Seeds Of the very best quality and at lowest possible, figures A full Stock of •FLOUR and FEED always on band at Mill prices FIRST CLAES POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have a few seta of White and Colored CROCKERY and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices • that will astonish the closest buyers. HARNESS 1 fly stock of harness is complete to a'1 branches, inch as Trunks, ll1 VALISES, 'WHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, HALTERS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my stook and get prices before you purchase elsewhere. Ah Kinds Grain and Farm Produce taken the same as cash. GEF. NEWTON, ▪ • LONDESBORO IIOUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS, I.JIHS.S. Second and third class non-profes- sional examinations at the Collegiate Insti- tutes and High Schools in the county, on Tuesday, 8rd July, at 8:40 amt. first C„ July 10th, at 8:40 a. in. Candidates who wish to write at either Clinton or Setfortn must no- tify D. 81, MALLOCII, Esq., 1'. 8, Inspector. Clinton -p. 0., not later than the 2111 of May, stating which of the two Schools tlloy intend to write at, and those who wish to write n ;. Goderich, must notify Jobs E. 'Fon. Esq., 1', S. Inspector, (tOderic t p.o., et the saline date. Thu notice Mast he me...lti>nnietl by n fen of $.i, or :410 if the caniliitate appiies for the;la'r., class as well as 211 class exiuninatiou,. N. name will be forwarded to the Utpiyrttueut unless the fee accompanies it. ile,ul .11asters of the Collegiate itistitut -s anal High S(•houls will please send the applications of their can- • didn.testo the Inslaa•tnr of the division in which the Collegiate Institute' or fii:,h School is situated. Fortes. of npplicai,inu ntav to hod Irmo the i-Ieeretary. NI•:•t'311 \DA8ISON, SL:I- v It, J:attl s, 0,:nlcrlclt, April Ittth, 181-16, NOTICE T(. CIVIEI)ITOItS The creditors of 81tnr,Att itt Crux Lnt,n11, late of the Township of Gude•ich, in tate County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of March, ALD., 1888, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid on or before the fourth day of Jtine next, to Messrs C. and .I, Ilidoit, Clinton P.O. executorsof tto . the last will ' r an 1 testament 2f the said Margaret Colelough, their ehristian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if an ilteld by them, and imme- diately aftor•thefourth day of,Ittntt next, the assets of the said MargaretColclottgh will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claints of which notice shall have been furnishers, as above required, and the execntore will not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by thew at the time of such distribution. CHARLES IlIDOU'T, 1 Executors, JOHN 'two UT, j Dated this 4th day of April, A,D., 144,4. THE PRINCIPLE 2 –4 DETLOR. & CO'Y Are showing this week, Lace Curtains, Parasols and Jerseys. At wonderfully low prices See their Durable and Relia- ale makes of Kid Gloves, Every Pair CuaraE,teed• J., G. DETLOR -& CO., • ozawTC1'• OOHS and Z!I3 at !IaA&E MISS 12 Per Cent DISCOUNT On all CASH SALES for the next two months. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS &, SHOES in stock, and as I don't want the goods, but do want the cash, I have decided to give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Months. As I Barry the largest stock in the county, you can depend on getting anything in foot wear yon want, or that can be got in any first-class establishment tat lees than wholesale prices. I can and *will undersell any other,eitber any of Darwin's lost links, or any other shoddy dealer in town, and don't forget it. Aa^= � �a �1 si�ri �irrlsel su �'itir AYill cirri , • • ' • •Fh.l.l HA. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maken- ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Spring Hats Just received, a consignment of 2 large cases of the COLD MEDICATED. �a�GdW �Y,�i6� �� ifiilM �I�yU aYi CLINTON POULTRY YARDS Firet-prize poultry; eggs for sale cheap from yowls that never sett. Brown Legbnrns or Egg machines, W. L g„ horns, 1V, F. B. Spanish, Plymouth Rocks. • Conie and see them, next to Mr. Mullny'e putnp shop, or to J WORSELL, at Harland s tin shop. mr•2s 884 • fiend (>t?ee, 215 Vouge 8t., Toronto. • W. Washington, kI.G.L•C.P.3.d., a:winelt Throat and Lung Surgcon, Cntnrr'u, ifrmichitis, A.tl,ma, Censtnnptien, et :, permauently cured. A fear prominent Testimni4lals of Permanent Cures. Mrs, John .McKotvy, Kington, Ont., Catarrh 1 Consumption. • Of English and- American manufacture N THE GE NT'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT I have a line selection of American Ties, Collars, &c. of • the very latest manufacture. REMEMBER THE STAND —One door north of the Dry ' John McKelvy, liingntoo, Ont., Catarrh. Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. Mrs. A. Bopping, Kingston, Out., Broncho -Con- sumption Mr. E. Seett, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh; head and \VaII Papor, \Viudov Shados, Blind Paper. throat, Rusi> W. It. S•ro«av's Oiuotsnt. TEsrta)NIAl, Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W. 11. Storey, Esq., of the arm of W H. Storey and Son, Acton, (:lose Jtannfacturers also President Manufnetltrera' Asstelatien of Canada. 11a,WAslttsoTON,'2.25 Yotge-st„ Toronto, DEAR Sta.--1 assure you 1 feel grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my threat trob- c and, though 1 dislike having to name appear>atr lo- eonnectiou with the testimonial business, yet, having regard for these who are similarly affect- ed, as web as having a desire to recognize the re- sults of your treatment, I make a departure itt this ease. Prior to my acquaintance with you, 1 hod suffered for two years from repeated' at- tacks of catarrnhnt sore thrnat,and each succeed- ing attack being more prolonged and violent than the former. At there times I had violent flts of coughing, and would discharge large quantities: of aureus. Fceling.alarnted, I sought the best Medical skill availahle, including a muchwoted Specialtist, and took almost everything known to medicine without experiencing n particle of relief. Last spring I went to Europe. The change did me good but on my return the old trouble was renewed, Seeing you advertised to visit this place, 1 thought I would consult you, although 1 eontese with not much hope of receiving any benefit. However, i was favorably imprewed-wtttryour-candor;-and resolved to gine your treatment a trial. Tho result, I am happy to Inform you, is a complete cure and one se marked in its character as to surprise myself and env friends. From the flrst your medicine seamed adapted to my case and gave oto relief, in two months i was entirely well, and have so continued during the most unfavorable season of the year. You aro at liberty to make what two you please of this totter, and I shall he pleas- ed to answer any enquiries relative to my case. Yours very truly, W. H. STOREY, Acton, January lO0.1887. CONSULTATION FREE. L UMBER I LUMBER 1 LLMBFIR I TER subscriber has on hand and tor sale, at his Mill, 1613 concession of Goderich Town- ship,a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and oft Elm Lumber. Cutting'Bi11 Lumber a apeelalty. Highest cashrico 'Water first lass Saw Loge, H. BUTT Cl In ton, Jan. 21, 1888, 5 Our SPRING STOCI': of WALL PAPER is almost complete, and embraces all the latest AMERICAN and CANADIAN patterns, which are unsurpassed for quality and price. Our WINDOW SHADES are hand painted on beat of Irish linen and all new Dados ranging in price from $1.20 pro 13i.so PnR Green and Drab Blind Paper. — --A 'T W COOPER, -- Beaver Block BOOTS SHOES LARGE ARRIVALS OF NewSpring Goods. . 30 cases just received, which we have marked at close prices. - Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent off for cash. 1UR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTH. _„