HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-04-13, Page 8• ICR,E FARRIfOR SALE I�areq pf ftrut,olistr farming and. !labia fpr wheat. or any ether kind of 'crop, situated in Southern &Ianitoba, just north of Pilot Mclund, about eight miles front South Western C. P. Rail- way and less than half a mile from School and Post Office ; title perfect. Will not sell if not'sold before April 1st. Terms, 1/500 down, balance in three annual instalments, with interest fat: 6 per cent. This is a bargain worth looking after. Full particulars given at NEW ERA OFFICE, or MANNING do SCOTT'S, Clinton, Ont. CLINTON NEVt ERA. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. *k******* tt*It*•**tt**** Ong of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the • district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. — ;::<1: — ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN * EMPLOYED * . NEW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW ORNAMEETS,FINE PAPERS, FIN E INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. Laic* Only. The complexion is. often, rendered unr sightly by t'iinplee, Liver Spats and Yel• owners. TbeAe it is well known are caused • from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Ur Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. 43ee recipe hook fir toilet recites, hints and suggestions on bow to preserve the complexion. By all druggists Children Cry for _ Pitcher's Castoria: Do you feel dun, languid, low-spirited, life- less, and indescribably miserable, both physi- cally and mentally; experience a sense of fullness or bloating after eating, or of "gone - nese," or emptiness of stomach in the morn- ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " floating specks" before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex- haustion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp biting transient pains here and there, cold feet drowsiness after' meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant. indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend- ing calamity? If you have all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that moat common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symp- toms. No matter what stage it has reached. pr. Plerce'g Polden Medical Discovery will subdue, it, If taken according to direc- tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump- tion of the Lungs. Skin Diseases, Heart Disease. Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set in aud, sooner or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dls. covery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints gand im- equally,etDcacioustin acting upon the It Kid- neys, and other excretory organs cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative. tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dia. covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common lllo'ch, or Eruption, to tho --o-- worst Scrofula. Snit -rheum, "fever -sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in short: all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi- cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially has it mani- fwstcd its potency in curing Totter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles. Sore Eyes, Scrof- ulous Sores and Swellings, flip -joint Disease, White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck. rind Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stumps for a large Treatise, with colored plate , on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a 'Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "r'un THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." 4i S E E Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's O U R SAM P L E s- Golden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital • strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From its mar- velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world -tamed rem- edy to the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his "CONSUMPTION CURE," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com- bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood -cleansing, anti -bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Business Circulars --A SPECI:ILTY— NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. "r a r y �% � CCt- .dc kr 1 Z w G « U .▪ 0 0 .0 m a Chronic lseases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short- ness of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for 45.00. M Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main St., BIIFFALO, N. Y. o �• NEW 000DS That are all right in quality and style and away down ill price. ' AN-' ID P,SON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock ss it is new and the latest styles. A. J. HOLLOWAY, rische0s 0.4MAW, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. DISCOUNT SALE OF FURNITIIRE For the next 30 days, for Cash. 13argaics in BED -ROOM and PARLOR SETS, a lot of my own manufacture. Good value. All to be sold at low prices. ---GIVE 141E A CALL -- a. 0. STEVENSON, FURNITURE 43i7 1JNDERTAIiING — OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. WAN indebted to T. Stevenson must call and settle -at once. _. • NoloIa's NEW STEEL HOSIER DRILL —MANUFACTURED BY-- NOXON BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., INGERSOLL. The only:drill made in which the depth of the holes c In 1.e instantly chang- ed to suit varying conditions of the soil without stopping the team. The on- ly drill made which will sow all kinds of grain even; can be changed from drilling to broadcasting in less than one minute's time. When used with broad cast teeth it will do work equal. to any cultivator. The only drill male which commences to sow the instant the horses start. Handiest, lightest, strongest and simplest drill manufactured. Examine the new steel hosier drill and be satisfied that it is the best drill made. For sale by RICHARD BAKER, CLINTON, solo agent for the firm. May l e seen at Gauley's black. smith shop, Clinton. fir-80.tf, ova "ERR" BQ1 THAT 1 IpPBN MITASWN. To the Vito. of the Clintoit New alis Sus,—I noticed in one of your issues some time since, under the heading of E.ippedluews, of a great army on march to invade some town. Now, sir, if the main editor of the Kippers correspon- deuce company had only waited until, lately, he could have given you an ac- count of a real battle, in the vicinity of Kippen. It seems strange that one day we are wielding the rod of correction with great dignity, and perhaps before another day's sun rises we are lying on our backs begging for mercy at the hand of a powerful but merciful public benefactor, who was sorry to have to apply the golden rule that he who spar- eth the rod hateth the pedagogue; who received the justly deserved punishment with humility. When last seen he was in the attitude of earnest devotion, im' plorin" forgiveness of the friends he had undeservedly injured. In the issue referred to, where he spoke of that great march north through Kippen, the cor- respondents published their own ignor- ance, in the way of making a laugh at age and honesty; in others he imputes to them utter falsehoods. He speaks of one gentleman as of the antediluvian period, his flowing locks and the cut of his coat. This coat was honestly bought and paid for ; this gentleman's honor is too well known to be be critisized by such names as Long Beak, and accus- ing innocent men of concocting schemes for the changing of affairs from one place to another is a malicious false- hood. As for nationality and appear- ance s, that has been arranged by wiser hands, and they cannot help their lot, but we can help our characters. Ac- cording to his ideas, nature must have lavished her share of good looks on the correspondent, if so, he ought to let less fortunate people alone. There are two kinds of beings, the one kind plain and respected, the more you come in con- tact with them the better you. like them. 'There is another creature, beau- tiful to look at, beautiful white stripe on face, nicely marked all over, gentle looking, and so on, .but whenever you come in contact with it, through necessity or otherwise, it throws the most abominable odor from it of any thing, living or dead, and is disgusting to the community in which he has his hole. If any writer circulates false. hoods, and slurs at respectable people, he must certainly represent one of those creatures. In conclusion, as certain correspondents hays been shut out of other papers in this vicinity, they think to fall back on yours. Now, Mr Editor, for the welfare of your intelligent; rising journal, I think the less of such corres- pondence as the one referred to the bet- ter for your paper, and for the public good generally. This is simply to show you how 4ch correspondence is appre- ciated by the general public, and hop- ing it will be the last of such clap -trap, I remain, A SUBSCRIBER AND WELL- WISHER OF YOUR HONEST JOURNAL. RICH MEN'S BEGINNINGS. Instances of lowly beginnings are not rare in the list of Chicago mil- lionaires. J. W. Doane, the Presi- dent of the Merchants' Loan & Trust Company, began his commercial ca- reer in Chicago a very small dealer in peanuts. W. M. Hoyt, the whole- sale grocer and founder of the im- itenee tea trade between Chicago and China, in his youth kept a little ap- ple stand at the door of the old Rich- mond hotel, on Lake street. L. J. Gage's first work was as a carpenter in his father's box factory, on the West side. The Libby Brothers, the i:nmensely rich packers, started as working butchers. Jacob Rosenburg, the capitatalist, and Levi Rosenfeld, who died last summer, whose great fortunes were largely increased by their share in the Michael Reese $11,- 000,000 estate, were both peddlers, and carried packs about the surround- ing country. H. A. Kohn, the bead of the big wholesale clothing house on Franklin street, was also a peddler. N. K. Fairbank boasts that he can I ,y a brick now as well as io his youth, when he worked as a mason, C. H. and Leander J. McCormick were foundrymen. The first shop they owned was a small shed _on North Water street, east of Bush. B. P. Hutchinson earned his youthful wages as a shoemaker. Nelson Mor- ris blacked boots and did chores around a small inn in the old Sher- man stock yards. Afterwards he be- gan trading in lame hogs. C. f.Far- well's first edhployment in Chicago was as the smallest clerk in George Smith's store, on Lake street. Con- rad Seipp, the millionaire brewer, was a common brewery hand,and his part- ner, Lehmann, was a carpenter. Jerome Beecher was a common work- ingman. John T. Lester was a clerk in A. G. Downs' dry gods store. -- Chicago News. - Among the messenger boys in thq service of the first telegraph office in Pittsburg, Pa., years ago were four known respectively as Andy, Bob, Billy and Harry. This quartette has won both fame and fortune Andy Carnegie is one of the richest men in the United States; Bob Pitcairn is General Agent and Superintendent of the Western Division of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad; Billy Mareland is City Attorney of Pittsburg ; and Har- ry Oliver has made a fortune in steel and narrowly missed a seat in the United States Senate. Evidently the messenger boys of former times were "hustlers."—New York World. "Oh! where snail rest be founa?" The worn out mother sighs; Stockings to mend and trousers to darn, Dislic C to wash and butter to churn, While acv back feels to break, and my head and heart burr:, And life is a constant friction. The snmmtr came and went, The matron no longer sighs; Elastic her step, and rounded her cheek, Work seems but play, life is now ' sweet. And the change is made in one short week, By Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion. Positive remedy for those derange- ments, it egularities, and weakness so common to womankind. Among the curiosities r-eeently ac- quired by a San Francisco museum are a number of mummies found im- bedded in a stratum of lime inMexico just south of the Arizona line. Judg. ing from their position they must have died in terrible agony. One of the bodies is that of a woman, and her ears are ornamented with tubes stuck through them. They are cov- ered with a coarse netting, composed of grass and the bark of trees. They are supposed to have lain in the dried- up state at least 800 years, it is not known ro what race they belonged. The perfect form of a rat appears, which shared their burial place. li for infants wind Chii d� en. "Castorisisa0welladaptedSoha$oxltacures CCohc, 0oniki tion, [recommenditasauperlortoaayprchildrentescrlptl0at Sour BWmach,Diarrh�ea,�ruelation. imam to me:' H. Mecca, H D., RlusWW ld gicit.ut tio. Orford 80., Brooklyn, N. Y. W3=114inriove* sleep, and promotes Us medicaW+a. Ilan CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. EYERYTIHNC NEW —coo NEW DRY GOODS, New`BOOTS SHOES, NEW - GROCERIES. v" Having just bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to sell goods as low as any 'rospectable house in the Dominion. Any one wanting good goods at lowest priceswill save money by calling on me. I always keep goociStapleG) > ds, and will not be undersold by any one in the trade. BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange for goods. A call respectfully solicited. x x H. P L U M ST E E L, SEARLE'SPBLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE. a Haman has been Downed BUT— • NEWTONS Harness & Grocery Dit. Has never yet been downed for: cheapness in all goods in my line. I am Low selling SOAPS at prices to make you think I stole them. 12 BARS MONSTER LAUNDRY SOAP for 25c. 8 BARS RUBY SOAP for - - 25c. 8 BARS JUDD SOAP for - 25c. 5 BARS ELECTRIC SOAP for • - 25c, And all other goods io proportion to those prices. CANNIED FISH at fife usual prices, though they have advanced in the wholesale market. Come and see the Handsome Presents I an Giving away with a POUND of TEA at 50c., and with a POUND of BAKING POWDER or TEA at 40e. HARNESS 1 In the harness line; my stock is complete in BLANKETS,BELLS TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, CURRYBOMBS, BRUSHES, &e. I am showing the beet selected stock of BUFFALO and GOAT ROBES, ever exhibited in the village. All kinds of Grain and Farm Produce taken in exchange. Remember my specialty is SCOTCH COLLARS, my own make. Thanking my customers for ipast favors and soliciting their future patronage. GEO. NEWTON, - - LONDESBORO 1G Tradc, WE BE3 TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF A ROCERI�� Is complete in all its branches. We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than the cheapest, quality considered. In SUGARS. we are as low as any in town CANNED GOODS in gest variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea and Dinner Sets. A.ANGUS, 99 ERT ST eeds. Seeds ! Field and Garden seeds OF ALL KINDS AND OF Ti -IE VERY BEST ---QUALITY AT B_ DAvIe', Clinton, The /lremnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed House. a IuyYour Grocoris Thomas Cooper & Son WE; HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS- SORTED STOCK OF i c--�,Oc.=mss In town, Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant everything first-class. Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK- ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. Thos COOPER& SON CLINTON. e Change of Business 111111111111111 III! 1111111111 The ❑ndersigu>d begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he - has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by I L New'ton; And that he is prepared to furnish 'farness, Collars,IWhips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock of LIGHT HARNESS, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my customers,I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else- where. REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET GMO- .A, SITAR•M.AN . ARCITS The Celebrated ARGUS& Eyeglases MB. LAURANCE'S Spectacles and- Eyeglasses at Costa CALEDON I A Mineral s Water Aerated. JAMES H. iiO1‘113E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. CENTRAL GROCER R088'S Ola .Sralld. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb consisting of GROC.E RIES,CROGKERY,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. "All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK- SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper. Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat- terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, great variety. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES." CALL AND EXAMINE A.WORTHINGTON,Clinton GURNEY'S SZ'A]T]DARD STOVES & RANGES �' �Yh'ri5 SIU-a.,VI1tit t0N Ru �/ - llltb u'll Lam.. The ORIGINAL WOOD COOK for sale by all the leading dealers. Subscribe for the ATZIVI ERA now