HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-04-13, Page 6.14 S SATURDAY NIGHT,APRIL 11 This being the night of our Millinery and Show lid -Orn Opening we .-have decided to give the people a treat. ' ' It Consists in this: If . you buy a dress with its trimmings from us between the• hours of 7 and 10 o'clock,you can have it made up by Miss Currell for the wonderful low price of One Dollar. - -Our STOCK of. Dress Goods Is now complete and ranging in price from ten cents to .one dollar per yard. You know the place to find the Original Poor Man's Friend, is at Robortson!s haat ei:hitori. CHEAPSID E. tri lc) ui rzi t 0 � Q ;-.1 ;Li 0 O F.mtn\ei O ‘c.:r a -w Salo Kegiltte*, SATLIAPAY, April 14th.—Parr of '74 . acres, being lot 67, Maitland concession, Goderich township. Rioh. Baker, prop. T. M. Carling, Alto. Nearly $10,000,000 worth of pro- perty was destroyed by fire in Canada and the United States during the mouth of March. Though this is con- siderably above the average fire loss during the past4ten years,there is a lit- tle satisfaction in knowing that it ie not so much above the average of the came month in 1887 and 1886: On Tuesday last what would have been a werioua fire at Gorrie, was nip- ped in the bud. Mr. A.B. Allison had been cleaning out his stove pipes and bad left a tin of ashes upstairs and this set fire to the floor, but fortunate- ly it was discovered betore it got any head -way. Had the fire not been di3- covered when it was, a serious confla- gration would in all probability have been the result, as the cll.se proximi- ty of other wooden buildings would have rendered it almost impossible to save them. SeedBARLEY Just received from BELLEVILLE, a car of choice Bay Quinte Barley. For sale by R. IRWIN, STANDARD ELEVATOR,CLINTON IN um OF ALL KINDS. Field and Ghrden Seeds of all kinds, fresh and new, includ- ing Seed Peas, Oa and Buck- wheat, at the CLINTON FEEL) STORE. lt. FITZSIMONS. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. There was a more active demand for stock on Tuesday than at any time since the week before Easter. There were buyers present from Montreal, Ot- tawa, Kingston, Gananoque, Pembroke and other eastern points. There was al- so a good local demand. The run was also heavier Than for some weeks the total offerings being 32 loads in which there was la fair sprinkling of small stock. Last week's receipts were: 855 cattle, 307 sheep and lambs, and 452 hogs. Butchers' cattle were steady. Demand was good for fair quality and the, majority of the offerings were of this character. Nearly all were sold, the bulk going at c1 sal to 3 k to 4c per lb. A few of the tops brought 4.1 to 4:)c per lb. Tracie in export cattle was dull. There was only one buyer on the market, although a few lteacl were pi ck ed up by speculators. Prices are ste nil and unchanned at 54.50 to $5 per i -w r • 4 MONTREAL LINE STOCK MA PRET There was a pretty large supply of butchers' cattle on the Market on Mon- day but they were not prime beeves. A good many butchers visited the mar- ket, but were in no hurry to buyas they have considerable old stocks on hand yet A few head of the best cattle were sold at 5c per lb, and 51c was being asked for some others. Pretty good beeves sold at faom 4f to 41c per lb. and common stock at from 3a to 4c. There were a few milkmen's strippers sold at from 3 to 3}c per ib, or from $28 to $33 each. The veals offered onithe markefon Mon. day were of ordinary to inferior quality and prices were from $2.50 to $5 -each. There only a few sheep on the market 'and they sold at from 5c to nearly 54c per lb. Spring lambs sold at from $3.- 50 to $5.25, each. Live hogs sold in lots at about Gc per Ib. A car load of dressed hogs (frozen) were sold on Sat - at $730 per 100 lbs. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Apr. 12, 1888, Wheat, spring, • • 0 79 a 0 82 Wheat, white and red Oa Bartsley - Peas Flour, per cwt Potatoei Butter - I Eggs Pork • Hay - Sheep pelts Lomb skins Aides, - - isas. SPRING_ 188randOperiingofMillinery Show Rooms. We have much pleasure in announcing that our Millinery Opening will beheld on SATUflE AAPE(IL 14 __—mss extend a hearty _invitation _ to all to visit_ us. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. I3C?:CENS. BOARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN be accommodated yvith good board and comfortable rooms; about three minutes' walk from the post' once, Townsend street MRS, VanTASEL, BRICK STORE FOR SALE.—THE STORE at preseut occupied by R.M.ltacey, hard- ware merchant. The building is of brick, 22x80, two stories high. Term to suit pur chaser. Apply to D. It, MENGIES or THOS. COTTLE, Clinton. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! T subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16th concession of Goderich Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and Soft Elm Lumber, Cutting 13111 Lumber a specialty. Highest cash price paid for first lass Saw Logs. E. BUTT. Clinton, Jan, 25, 1888, HEED OF SHORTHORNS FOR SALE— Will be sold very cheap, as we have rent- ed our farms for a term of years, and must sell. \Ve have Five Females and Two Young Bulls fit for service in the spring, good colors, meetly red, and registered in the new Do- minion Shorthorn Herd Book. W. & II. I'LUhLSTEEL,Clintou. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The creditors of MARG.AnI:T C0LCLorclfl, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of March, A.D., 1888, are hereby notified to send by peat prepaid, on or before the fourth day of •I tutu next, to Messrs 0. and .1, Itidout, Clinton P.O. executors of the last will and testament of the said Margaret Colclough, their christiau and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if ally) held•by them, and imme- diately after the fourth day of June next, the assets of the said Margaret Colclough'will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to having regard only to the claims of which .notice shall have been furnished, ns above required, and the executors will not be liable for the assets so distributed, Ili' ally part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice 5111(1l not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. C1IARLES and JOHN 1111)01"1', Executors. Dated this 1th day of April, A.U., IS.88, • AUcI-ION SALE __-OF A— VALUABLE FARM IN GODERICH 'I'O\VNSFHil' The undersigned will offer for sale 1 v Public Auction, at the COMMERCIAL HO'T'EL, in CLINTON, on • SATURDAY! APRIL 14 At 1 p. m., that valuable farm of 74 acres, being lot 67, Maitland Concession, Oodcrich Township. The -property is all cleared but about 8 acres of good hardwood bush. Good frame house, bank barn, bearing orchard of 3 acres; plenty of water on the place, which is convenient to both school and church.— The property is about six miles from Clinton TERies—A small payment down at time of purchase, and balance on time to suit pur- chaser. R. BAKER, Prop. T. 11I. CARLING, Auct. 0 O THE PRINCIPLE z m 3 COLD MEDICATED. Head Office, 215 Yong° St., Toronto. N. Washington, M.D,L.C.P,S,O,, Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon, will be at Rattenbnry House, Clinton, on DIONDAY, APRIL 16th, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, et:, permanently cured. A few prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures. - - Mrs. John \Iclielvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John llelelvv, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh. Mrs, A. Hopping, liingstu11. Out., Broncho-Con- sntnptiei. Mr. E. Scott, Kingston, Out„ Catarrh, head and t lu nut. 11NA1, W. 14, STuasv's OnuuxA1. 'l's,r1M:>x1,11. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W. II. Storey, Esq., of the firm of W I1. Storey and 80,1, Acton, Glove Manufacturers also President Manufacturers' Association of Cand Os,a\% sa,smxorox, 221 Yange-st., Tomtit., Dona Sio.,-1 assure yixl-i feel gratefal for the radical cure you 111190 effected in my throat treb- le, and, though I dislike having my name appear ill connection with the testimonial business, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affect- ed, as well as having it desire to recognize the re- sults of your treatment, 1 make a departure in this case. Prier to my aequaintanee with you, I had suffered for two years front repeated at- tacks of eatarrahal sore throat,anel each mice -boil- ing attack being more prolonged and violent than the former: At these tines 1 had violent tits of coughing, and would discharge large quantities of mucus- feeling alarmed, I sought the best medical skill available, including a much -noted Specialtist, and took utmost everything known ,to medicine withent experiencing a particle of "relief. Last spring I went to Europe. The change did me good, but on my retro n the old trouble was renewed, Seeing you advertised to visit this place. I thought I would consult you, although I confess with not much hope of receiving any benefit. llowever;-I was favorably impressed with your candor, and resolved to give your treatment a trial. The result, I am happy to inform you, is a complete cure and one so marked in its Mcharacter as to surprise myself and my friends. From the first your medicine seemed adapted to my ease and gave me relief. In two months I was entirely well. and have so continued during the most unfavorable season of the year. You are at liberty to make what use you please of this letter, and I shall be pleas- ed to answer any enquiries relativo'to my case. Yours very truly, W. H. STOREY. Acton, January 11)th.1887. CONSULTATION Far -E. • 0 8') a 0 83 O 40a049 0 65 a 0, 70 060 a 001 - 200a225 •050a070 O 16 a. 0 18 O 9 a 0 11 6 75 a 7 00 - 800a850 050 a 0 75 . r) 60 a 0 80 - 500a550 • P,LYTII 'MARKETS. Reported .,pwially for Now ERA every Thursday Blyth, Apr. 12, 1888. FAIT wheat, red, per bush, , • 78 a 80 Fall new . 78 a 80 Oats . 38 a 40 Barley . 60 a 70 Peas 58 a 60 Potatoes, per bus . 60 a 70 F%rgs per dos 10 a 10 Butt er,rolis , , 16 a 18 Cheese a 15 Lard , 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2 00 2 10 Hoge, , . 6 25 7 00 5EAFORTH MARKETS S1..1For,Tn, Apr. 12, When', spring. • 40 70 Itetl and white - • 0 80 Oats, • Pens. Molar , - I:dgs, . Potatoes, • Pork, - Flonr per cwt - Y ('fl,OVEItSEED-.1 QUANTITY Cltl)It'1, /,('len 1 ('lover Seed for sale l \Y, O. C)RANT, 14e1110)1 Road. - 0 35 0 60 - 0 60 • 11G 0 9 0 50 ft 50 2 00 a a 09'i a a a a a 0 h5 a 7 00 a 2 50 rig Popular • • DETLOR & CO'S Millinery Opening! -0 SATU RDAY,April 7th Miss McPherson, of long experience, has charge of this department. Grand Display of Parasols, new and stylish. G- 1 J. DETLOR & CO. OL2�TTO-• 003 ani 56063 it 171101I311: MISS 12 Per Cent DISCOUNT On all CA.'1-I SALES for- the next two months. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS & SHOES in stock, and as I don't want the goods, bat do want the oaeh, I have decided to give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Months. As I carry the largest stock in the county, you oan depend on gettiLg anything in foot wear you want, or that can be got in any first•olass establishment at less than wholesale prices, I can and will undersell any other,either any of Darwin's lost links, or any other shoddy dealer in town, and don't forget it. ICA on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, 1 ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Dr" Coeds Mousey 1 Londesbor cls, Have just returned from the eastern mar- kets where we have made heavypurchas- es direct from manu- 1:ss facturers urers for Cash, se - °a70 curing big. discounts 0 Ii 0 70 °;•r from "regular prices. "t IWO(OOD HOUSES TO RENT 1'r Itf.- +�" l e-aonal,Io rates. Apply to MISS \It)1'YT- CASTLE, Clinton, I�ousE.-F1Yfr.•it00MED, R'ITIl TWO lots, to let, situate on 1•'niton strem. 11 p- ,..1...114 Jit.JY.,,,I,O\,E9. Cltnto.u.... L'�ONEI' TO LEND -- ON GOOD MOIt'r- /43(,)45, or personal security, nt the lowest,, current fates, SI. M»TA(iUAUUT. Clinton, Feb. 24, laws, BULL FOR SEli\ i('ll. 81'l1S('Rrlltll keeps for nervier, at his farts, base line, Gecierkh township, a thorn heed Durham Bull. Torr ns, 91 At time Of ser\ kr, with 'privilege of returning, if nec•esan.ry. A. 'rYNDAI,L, Proprietor. • BOARDERS WANTED — SI'PSCR1BE1t has now her bons° thoroughly and coo• fortably furnished throughout, and ie pet. pared to accommodate. a limited number of hoarders at very reasonable rates. MRS. C. CARTER, Townsend Street, Clinton, • HOUSE FOR BALE OR TO RENT.—THE subscriber offers for sale or to rent, that conveniently situated house on Rattenbnry St., at Present occupied by Mr Sibley, The house Gab 0108 good sized rooms, haeement dn1foresee. Possession gives Immediately. MISS H, V. FOXTON. Special drives in Dress Goods and Trimmings Prints 1/ 1/ i1 11 it '' 11 1/ Lace Curtains Boots and Shoes Hard and Soft Hats Fuller announcement next week, CaII and see what we are Showing. You will be surprised .and delighted at the volume and variety of the stock and the remarkably low prices. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO. Spring Hats Just received, .a consignment of 2 large cases of the Latest kin is 5111 and soft FELT BIT 3, Of English and American manufacture' N THE GENT'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT I have a fine selection -of American Ties, Collars, &c. of the very latest manufacture. GI -MO G-IIASG-0127- REMEMBER THE STAND — One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. I1111 Nile, \YIlldosv Shades, Blind Paper, Our SPRING STOCK of WALL PAPER is almost complete, and embraces all the latest AMERICAN and CANADIAN patterns, which are unsurpassed for quality and price, Our WINDOW SHADES 'are hand painted on best of Irish linen and all new Dados ranging in price from $1.20 TO $1.80 PSR PAIR• Greeny and Drab' Blind Paper. W COOPER, -- Beaver Bloch BOOT8 SHOES LARGE AItPINALS �t)F NewSpringGoods. 30 cases just received, which we have marked at close prices. Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent off for cash. -OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST W. TAYLOR. & SONS CLINTON AND uLY1 H.