HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-04-13, Page 4AMAX, 4114T4 4808, NEWS NOTES. ThIrtikeu .nWet tt re 'ii•nut in Postom, yard)! becomso of qui t•Cares vity of fit zi to occupy theo, $011,9%Itlan and his wife died 1.Weent1y in New York, and their pet parrot grieved and died of sor- row a few dart atter. ION Smith, the wife of a St. Vethatinee nurseryman, was burned to (1a01Thursdayafternoon, while 4114 to teacue a horselfrein a burn- ing barn. • Hen. T. B. Pardee is coming homeleisurely, *Tending a few days, at, the points of interest on the road: He is expected home about the end of the month. The revivalists, Messrs Crossley and Hunter, have closed four weeks services at Belleville, and will con- tinue at least another week. Some 500 conversions are recorded. Officer Orguella,of the Los Ange- les police, carries a lasso, and be finds it of great assistance in catch- ing tramps who may desire to evade him and the gaol which awaits the tramp in that city. A,passenger train on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul railway Tues- day plunged into.a sweeten stream where a bridge had been ' washed away. About a 'dozen people were killed or drowned. The price of quinine bas been so 1.w for the lust three or four years that large plantations of the chinch- ona tree have been uprooted in Cey- lon, and the tea plant is substituted. Ceylon produces a very large share of all the bark that is marketed. The Nile, the last of England's great arinor-ships,has been hunched at Pembroke dockyard. England has now no large ships on thelstocks, while France and Russia each has several and Italy hats decided to build war vessels larger than any she now possesses. The highest recorded balloon as. cent was by Glaisher and Cox well from Wolverhampton, England, Sept. 5th, 1862. They rose to the height of seven miles. According to Glaisher, in thirty-five hundred baloon ascensions only fifteen deaths have occurred. Wm. Moody, of Gulf Shore, near Pugwash, N. S., died y -terday, aged 107 years and 25 days. He was a veteran of 1812, coming to this county in 1809. He enjoyed good health until a few days since. He was photograybedfor the first time on March the 1st last. Eight3en women and ' children were burned or gored to death at a bull fight in Mexico on Easter Son - day. Fire broke out in the amphi- theatre, a panic ensued, the mad- dened bu.ls broke loose. and besick • the eighteen dead over a hundred were injured. „ye The teeth of whales furnish one of the remarkable features indicat- ive of the origin of that animal. They form a complete but rudimen- tary set, characteristic of a more perfectly developed land monamol, but disappear shortly after birth performing no function whatever. mp. Vaederbiles iorted $10,000 -a• year cook gives the :following ad- viee gratis:—Always make .it it point to be }atery when you. sit down to eat. Eat plain but good food, and that sparingly. Change yotir dishes every day,and eat slow- ly. Do not mix many dishes. Eat your fill pf one or tw o. The editors of the Acta Victori- ana, the paper published by the students of Victoria University, have been suspended by the faculty, on account of criticisms of the cur - which appeared in that pa- per, and there is a considerable com• motion in consequence_ llahn/prevailed throughout Cali- foi nia on Friday, and reports receiv- ed from all the grain -producing counties show that both the wheat and bailey fields are looking excep- tionally fin. The present prospects are for the largest yield of grain in the history of the State, while the fruit output will also be larger than in any previous year. r Carrington: "My dear, if you would only devote less attention to those, foolish novels, and wore to the details of the househoh,l; 1 ar» sure things here would go smoother." Mrs Carrington: "My ilear, if you would devote less attention to you elub and more to you wifH 1 know they SS(IUI(1 1 f vtt would take the trooble to gl:inee at the title of this novel, yon will iit. tit •a 000k -book. - In the State of New York the mortality from diphtheria has been sriadily on the increase lilting Fe - years. For tiller. years almost exactly one-third of all the mortality from c .1a:0:ions di int ses has lieen due to it, and dorin4 the post year the percentage showed a slight increase. During tile winter months it so e !times reaches n ly one.half the mortality Willer !ilk head, A Harvard girl Nv, n a hundred dollar prize for an essay and then found, she couldn't got the money because she is a girl. As the mis take made by Dame Nature at the outset of her career cannot now be rectified, she will have to be con tent with the 880 prize female stn. dents are allowed to elyripetcr for. In her case it cost S70 to be a girl, iiut the honor of knowing., that she really distanced all her ttilitle eurn• petitors will probably console her. Children Cry for Anfglate ottemetegt to? moor 00, Elijab Xetobearm's house in Sidnoy recently, and were tired st th "ugh a window by his grandson. J,ones Ketchrsort. Tho i•ollet took eifebt iu QUO of the men, who, $4** lie ran down the regd. It ft treses r xi the OVIOW. T1.1•I'lf 1$ 11, Experts flex Penns y lea) It eon] region visited Stuithville and extutt ined the alleged coal find there. They pronounce the deposit an excellent quality of anthracite but it ie only eight inches in thickness. They doubt whether it would pay to work it and probably the idea of mining operations, so far as coal is concern- ed, will be abandoned. Wm. Henderson, of London town- ship, who has just served one term oftwo months for Scott Act viola - don; has been again committed un- der a new warrant for a second of- fence, the penalty being $100 or two months. A second commitment has also been put in against Michael Sherlock, of West Nissouri, who has not yet finished bis first two months. Maria Olitchell, the celebrated professor of astronomy at Vasser College, is 70 years old. She is the discoverer of eight comets, the dis- covery ot one which gained her a' gold medal from the King of Den- mark, and it is said when a girl of 11 she made an azzurate record of a tuner eclipse. She has received the degree of LL. D. from three differ- ent institutions of learning. Dr James• G. Hyndman, of the the Ohio Medical College, says that a Catholic priest of Cincinnati came to him to be treated for throat trou- ble. The doctor advised him to 'et his beard grow. He did so, and the throat trouble ceased; but some of Ws superiors objected to the idea of a priest wearing a beard, and so he wrs obliged to lay his case before the authorities in Rome, with a de- tailed statement from the doctor, and then he was permitted to wear his whiskers. A Chinaman in San Francisco, during a dispute with a man of his own race, drew a revolver and fired several shots The man at- tacked didn't seem to wind be ing shot at, in the least, and was entirely uninjured. He wrs arrest- ed and searched, and found to have a shirt papier macho of such con- sistency that when worn under a thick padded tunic it would be im- possible for a bullet or.knife -ust to penetrate it. Seven large carriage factories and other buildings were burned at Amesbury, Mass.. Friday morning. If you have a cold,cough,bronchi tit+, or any form of throat or lung disease, do not neglect it. Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral, if promptly taken, will speedily relieve and cure all ailments of this character. Owing to the breakup of the roads the grain buying season in Manitoba is practically closed, and probably will net be resumed until the middle of July. It is estimated that there are 2,000,000 bushels ot wheat [it'll in farmers hands, which has not been disposed of heretofore in consequence of the blockade. Mr Oliver Mowat will leave for Eng!and about the beginning of May, and it is statedl, among other things, - he will take necessary steps towards securing Imperial legislation toamend the Federal constitiv ion, as embodied in the Quebec re•mlutions. Mrs Mo- wat will accnmpauy him. A Kingston despatch say.: OnTues- day night two young men met a col - ()red man who was carrying a 'pad of whitewash. They -captured the brush and paint and whitewaitheu the man from head to foot. They were liber wed yesterday morning by'the magis• t -ate on paying costs. A period in jail should have been the fate of the rascale. Wichita girls stand no fooling. One of them was to have been mem d day or two since, and the girl was all ready, the minister on hand, and the feast was spread, but still no bride. groom. "I'll wait for him just ten minutes longer, and then I am open to proposals." Ten Initiates flew like the wind, and a little red haired fel- low, with a paper collar and his trous- ers frayed at tee bottom, stepped up. proposed, was accepted. married, and scooped in the banquet, — Kansas City Times. When the rebellion broke out a Mr Hnoder,nf Elkhart,Ind.,Was appoint- ed first lieutenant and his wife ac companied him to the front. A young man who bore some resem- blance to her was inclued to sub• mit to the necessary examination. and when an opportunity occurred the young woman, properly uniform- ed, changed places with him. Her husband having died she now claims 1 a pension on the ground of having been an enlisted soldier for three ' years and being twice wounded, A Jobs in Mich., despatch ..says: - Prof. E I). Hogan did his long•con- template(' "drop act" from a baloon with a barachute at 11. 05 o'clock this morning The first attempt was a failure. The second attempt was great success. The "chute" hung ' from the rat Lside of the baloon and the jump was made after the air ship had settled at an elevation of about 9,- 00 feet. At the momentt when it was stationary in the air the daring man swung iiims.elf off from the ba• loon with the parachute closed. For 510 feet he fell like an iron lid , I then the "chute" caught the air, in- flated and he was safe; but he did not collie down as fast as he had calculat- ed, 11, remained apparently siis• pearled ;I; 'he air for some moments and then ,,,trik to the eastward. It was 11.05 when he left the earth Five minutes later he made the drop. and inside of three minutes he landed in au open field. AN OFFENSIVE BREATH is most distresing, not only to the per- son afflicted it he have any pride, but to those with whom he comes in con- tact. ft is a delicate matter to speak of, but it has parted not only friends but lovers. Bad breath and catarrh are inscparable. Dr. Page's Catarrh -Remedy cures the:worst cases as thettP- ands can testify, AMMONIATED BREAD Am,noiiistd baking ppwders-,:t het. bek tig pOWolvItin whiehih.rb' note of atititionia iii‘ttokd ita lin ink r,dient, mai which exhale en odor moral!, when beeted— are o;arwed by many eIIlin.-lii physiciane and to an itat itinAl AS, +LI p-ri.,r to all others. Proteesor ..114ornioti, who 'is recogn zed a8 higheist authority ou the subject of food hygiene, commends in the strong- est terms the use ofcarbonate or am- monia as a leavening .agent, stating its great advantage to be mite t %rotating, ghich, permite it to t:il the heat of baking, entirely thrown into leavening gas whereby the'breed is raised. The experiment witti beat would seem to indicate the superior, not the inferior,value of such baking powder. The little beat that is im- parted to it when held over a gas jet, lamp, or elope, suffices to resolve the carbonate of anunonia into leavening gas and throw it off. The firat beat of baking, therefore, will effectually develop alt the gas, thoroughly leaven the loaf, and dissipate the gas pro- ducing ingredients of a powder ot this kind ; and this is the highest teat of a perfect baking powder. Where other alkalies alone are used they are not infrequently retained, unresolved, through the whole process of baking, and remain an unwholesome ingredi• ent in the finished bread. The car- bonate of ammonia cannot be used as a substitute for cream of tartar.—N.Y. Weekly Tribune: 'Catarrh, alien chronic," becomes very offensive It is impossible to be otherwise healthy, and, at the same time, afflicted with catarrh This dis- agreeable disease, in its most obstinate and dangerous forms, can be cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. While Constable James Farrel, of Shediac, N. B., wee attempting to seize certain articles belonging to Thomas Bastien, of Painsac, to satisci a Temperance Scott Act conviction, the latter shot and dangerously wounded Farrell in the groin. He thtn shot himself through the head, dying instantly. The great rolling mills at South Chioago are Closed for lack of orders, and 2,300 men are thus thrown out of employmeut. They were closed for three months in the winter, but re- sumed work in February on an order for rails that has now been fill. J. The tariff of $17 a ton on imported rails does not seem to secure steady employment for the irou workers in Chicago. They might better be em• ployel producing wheat and beef to exchange for English rails at $17 a ton less than the price current in the United State.i. The wealthiest Knight of Pythias lodge in the world is said to be• Live Oak Lodge, of Oakland, Cal. Its membership is over 300 and tbe ag- gregate wealth runs high in the mil- lions Its treasury represents between $2,500,000 and $3 000,000. Alt fu r n i • ture used in the lodge is covered with morroco. One of the aged members recently died, bequeathing the lodge $300,000, and bis widow who did not long survive him, willed the lodge $100,000 ' 'Tis better not to be, than be un- happy,' and no one can he happy whose sys- tem is deranged by poisonous secre- tions. Nearly all ills that flesh is heir to, arise from torpid liver and derangement of the digestive or- gans. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purga- tive Pellets correct irregularities of the liver, prevent einistipation, and promoie good health. Buy them of your 1114;074 A NEW HOME TREATMENT FOR 'HIE CURE OF CATARRH., CAT- AltitilAb ANI) HAY FEVER. The miscroscope has proved that these diseases are e nitagions, 2111,i atilt they are due to tiepreAelwe of living parasites in the interlining membrane of the upper air passage:, alt tilltitaelilan tubes. 'I'Ie emi- nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea- le endorse this, and the authorities cannot be disputol The regular method of treat- ing these diseases has been to apply an ir- ritant remedy weekly, and even 111tily,thum keeping tlw Ilelkate membr ne in a con- Ntant state of 'wrath ni allowing it no Chan- ce to heal. ;trot 4 a tiAturaleonsequence of such treatment not one permanent cure has ever been 00 till It is an absolute fact that thee diseases cannot be cured by any application made oftener than once in two weeks for the membrane must get. a chance to heal before an application is re- • peated. It is now SeVOI years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite in catarrh and formulated 111S !IOW treatment, and since then his remedy has bi:corite'a !Luise- hold word to y eountry *hem the Eng limb latignave bi spoken. Unitas EFFECTED BY HIM SEVEN YEA 45 Miti ARE CCRES STILL, THERE HAVING BEEN No RETURN. 01--0(15 DI- SEASE. SII iliehly are th-e remedies va1. ued, that ignor 11imitatot, linv) started up eVerywiel.... pl'14.11,1111'.; to destroy a parasite. f. W41(.4 they know nothing, by remedies, the results 4 the application of which Hwy are e.pial v 1.2.1AA'Ant• Mr. Dix rm's rent-rle. i•• 111t1l oly OK ilt two weeks and TOM,ii to three applications effect a Tl,,t 11100, Iwgra• Vilted hixon ,erok a pamph- let deScribioz hi. new trettment on the re- ceipt of stamp td1 I•i %. 1. •41 TIW ad. dress .:f 11 N King Street ••, l'..r eito. '.vrt1>'4,1"ntilie . t is Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indiges- tion, unless they refrain from eating what is unwholesome; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar- saparilla. Thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine. Mrs. Sarah Btirroughs, of 248 Eighth street, South Boston, writes : "My hus- band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited." A Confirmed Dyspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st., Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and, by its use, was entirely cured. Mrs. Joseph Anbin, of High street, /11olyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, so that she could not eat substantial food, became very weak, and was linable to care for her family. Neither the medicines prescribed by physicians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of Dyspeps,la, helped her, until she commenced the use of A:er's Sarsaparilla. "Three bottles or this medicine," she writes, "cured mc." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rneronno ior 01'. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Piteherfs,Castoria; Price 51; six bottles, $5. Woith $5 a bottle. - wg; ARgi istpw REApy foo. 'BUSINESS ...An.nounceiment SPCIAL. ••••••44.4...9444444444. ropulear r Coo 5 ecles'bor In DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, and CRETONNES We have made special efforts to secure attractive colorings and patterns. IN STAPLE GOODS We have, as usual, bought the best. FAST -COLOR SHIRTINGS, HEAVY COTTONADES and DUCKS, DENIMS, HOLLANDS, COTTONS, TOWELS and TOWELING. The numerous orders received in the CLOTHING Department Is proof that we are showing the right goods in Tweeds and Trouserings. Place your order early, while the splendid line of patterns remains unbroken. STIFF & SOFT HATS & SPRING CAPS A magnificent line expected to arrive this week. TEAS We are showing a special line of Uncol- ored JAPAN & YOUNG HYSON TEA, in. 5 lb. Tin Canisters and 6 lb. Baskets. We claim this to blY-the best tea offered in the county at 50c d pound. Try it and we feel confident you will buy it. Full Lines of Prunes, Dates, Figs, Currants, and Raisins. W. L. OUIMETTE, LON DERBORO •••••.•••••••,•••••••• Calbick & Reith, cTHE LEADING - UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS GLIM ON In our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as we carry a very , large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- spectfully solicited. The &Hock raritan don, Allot :L. er4N-rircI1N CALBICK & REITH 1 PI LL 40c Voting 11 p4, tit '1 .,eats all c,,tners at the price. 40c. Japan is a, beauty. 50c. Belascukr,paGsrseeed.nor Japan are not to b 60o. Youngliysou'rea is the great leader 60c. Secret Blent Black is a Matchless Mixture " 75c. Secret Blend Black is the Favorite, And is specially called by that name, the Quality is Su. perb. SUGARS at merest profit on refiners prices. S Palliser & Co's is the place to buy Good and Cheat Groceries every time. S. PALLISER & CO., it t4 if 44 it 4 14 It tg New Furniture : Stock Opened out in ELLIOTTS 337.10CIE, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES - SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MAIIE FURNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. .11-s. Family Grocaries. A FRESH AND FULL STOCK, WHICH INCLUDES FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &e. 'BESIDES A FULL srom (of Choiee 1Family CroeI i -y and are. Ali sit 13ottom Yrieo.m. —A CALL SOLICITED — N. -ROBSON. CHINA HALL. ADAM'S Emporium. To the people of Lonricsboro' and surrounding country. SPRING- GOODS have arrived in good quantities and of excellent quality. N CVO' had a better supply and was never iti a better position to supply the wants of my customers and E.11 others who may favor me with a call. Good weight, full measure, and the right change back. From and after April 2nd, until further notice, 13 lbs OL best granulated Sugar for $1 cash, but not less than S 1 or more than $5 worth to one person. See my newWall Paper. Millinery cannot be surpassed. A tidal' respectfully solicited. I'irlieet4 for IP'rodtutee. 'Yours respectfully. 'March 20th, 1888 . R. ADAMS r • • NewTailoling Establishm.ent The tmderSigned has.opened out in the tailoiiiig Aits.i 1,1--s in I II,. . lately occapied.by Mr E. Floody, and will keep of English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French Worsteds, and all the latest patterns of' Pantings. Which he will guarantee to make tip at the lowchi. possilde prices Workmanship of the best coality, and a fit gusratiteed 0. 1,, sele. A call solicited. T. SHEPELIGIW, Albert $t., Clir3.ton. NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. A Positive Cure. .44 A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP MAN'. Sat.7-13ON'S SP,ECIVIC THE GREAT REALM REXEIrER, Marvel of Healing, and Nehineer of Medicines, 4013.riegs the terrible consequences or Indiscretion, Exposure and Overwork. avXi==>1.=-41-GEr) .41.1N7= 07-1.73 2V1=1•Z' •Vho are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. ti a radical euro fOr nervou debility, organic wealinetis, involuntary vital losses, etc. 1Y1WPTOMS Pon WHICH No. 8 SuouLD an Usan.-Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose dimness of eight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on* particular subject cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, aper matorrhcea, or loss of the seminal fluid -the result of self•ablise or marital excess -imp°. teney, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings it females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams etc., are all symptomsof this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. In short. the spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence, scientific. writersand the superintendenPs of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the great majority .M wasted lives which come under their notice. If you are incompetentfor the arduous duties of business, iucape.eitated for tbo enjoyments of lifo, No. eoffersan escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full vigor an,:. strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally, from early Indiscretion, thr result of ignorance and folly send your address and to Conte in stamps for M. V. LIMON'ti Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Mau, sealed end secure from observatim., Address all communications to 0. V. MMUS, 47 Wellington St. E.• Toronto A Man without wisdom lives in a tool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. 2rcie Sir A Permanent Cure. ÷ A Pleasant Cure,