HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-04-13, Page 3•StM(..
4 lOseatslirtesejaelseisa Wes.
Pew elatdee•of dress goods—Pay (Ye Cia,
DINO pnrcitatiee—W. Ouizuette
Ohogy for sale—J. Itidout
.Btoree;for sale—New Era Office •
Retraction—W. J. Bryant
Retend furniture—J. C. Stevenson
Medical—Dr Clark
yetwary—J, L. Walker
Nmiee—Miss Ceulter ,
Dreesmaking—Miss Trewarthe
Seed potatoes—T. Watson
•elemnioation—P.• Adamson'
(glinton tIC1V Ora
FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1888.
Scott Act has the fluor this week,
and two or three editorials in type
and other matter is left out.
Manitoba is enjoying a second boom
as a result of the abolition of the
Pour thousand dollars' worth of
opium, taken in through Canada has
been seized at San Francisco.
The Imperial Government has or-
dered its Canadian agents to again
begin,to bny Canadian horses as, cave!.
ry remounts.
The New House of Assem-
bly has rejected by 20 to 7 the propos-
alto send delegates to Ottawa relative
to Confederation.
Thomas Sholes,a wealthy New York
grocer, confessed to selling oleounar-
garine and on Monday was sentenced
to three months' haprisonment.
""' At the Elgin Assizes on Friday Al-
fred 4idley pleaded guilty to the live
remaining charges of forgery,and was
sentenced to four years in the peniten-
The Court ,of Review on Friday un-
aniinously unseated Leblanc, Tory DI.
P. for Laval, for bribery and corrup-
tion. Ile narrowly escaped disqualiti•
0171110ETTER BOX
afting Trees.
To the editor of the New Ora.
There is an old saying that "all fools
are not dead ypt,'and we fruit grower e are
very often tested Isy agents calling on
us and trying to sell some grand insect
proof fruit trees, and we sometimes get
said. In some parts of the county
there are parties who are strangers
peddling and grafting fruit trees, and
they are said, to charge high prices.
know nothing about them and do no
wish to question their honesty, but 1114
we have to depend on hi their glib-:
tongue. Any half -sensible farmer
can go to his neighbor's orchard andi
get a ew cuttings off the new wood mull
do his own grafting off the kinds of;
fruit he wants togrow. I am informed'
that there are persons in town who
have made a business to graft trees at.
this season of the year, and look after
the grafts, and only asks 5 cents each
for those that grow. Such persons ea
these are the most likely ones to be re-
lied upon Yours, Faurr GROWER,
A Grievance.
To the Editor the of New Era.
DEAlt SIR.—1 wish, in a few sentences:
to thaw attention to a matter which re-
lates to the Reading Room of the Me-
chanics' Institute. Are there any
rules restricting those who peruse the
Papers, to any limited time? If not, I
suppose one may ;sit down and take pos-
session of 4 paper for a whole hour, ut-
terly regardless of others who May
wish to get a glance at the same.
It has been my misfortune to go to
thti Reading Room for the purpose of;
seeing some particular portion of the
columns of a paper, and be compelled
to go away again, without having done
so, simply because sonic young swain
hasdnonopolized the paper, not for the
purpose of reading its contents, but to
exchange ideas with some young wo-
man who is as thoughtless. and regard-
less of the privilege of others as he is
If these young men and women who
are in the habit of doing this, wish very
much to speak to each other, I think
the best and most proper way would be
to have the young man call on Miss So
cs• So, at her own home, where there
would be no danger of inflicting their
small talk on any persons but them-
selves. Yours truly,
Mr Norquay has rented a farm near 1 SUFFEU!':1:.
Strathclair, in the neighborhood of ' CLIN'ION, April lith.. 1f488.
one recently purchasi 4 by his son,and
bestial probably go upon it during tire
Ottawa Journal (Independent Tory)
says:—That- the Liberals have got a
solid hold onQuebec is unmistakeable.
Every by election,whetuer Dominion
or Provincial, shows this.
The Bill prohibiting the bucket
shop method of gambling in stock s,etc,
has passed the Dominion Senate and
will likely be adopted by the Com-
mons, as it is a Government measure.
Farmers in Sodth Dakota find the
cost of raising wheat leaves such a
minimum of profit that they contem-
plate abandoningwheat growing in
the futtire and raising corn instead.
It is proposed to have a general
celebration throtighout Manitoba
over the settlement of the monopoly
question on July 1, It is expected
by that time the Red River road will
be in operation.
So many French Canadians are re-
tarning from New England to Que-
bec that additional cars have to be
attached ler their accommodation.
They report that work is slack in the
'trick fields and factories.
Henry' Gilchrist, tail -sawyer in
Maxwell's mill, in Sullivan township,'
sneer Owen Sound, while swinging a
slab around from the edger, Was
thrown across the circular saw and
instantly killed. The poor fellow's
-• boby was completely sawed through
below the breast.
High Constable Gale of Quebec
city;arrived in Toronto Gale,
the warrant for the arrest of David
• Creighton, manager of -the Empire,on
• a charge of criminal libel preferred
by Hon Honore Mercier, Premier of
Quebec. Police Magistrate Denison
endorsed the warrant.
The April statistical returns Co the
, United States Department of Agricul-
ture show that the eendition of winter
wheat is 82 per cent. of an average
crop, which is lower than in recent
• years, excepting only 1883 and 1885,
when the averages were 80 and 76 re-
John and David Bowman, aged 82
and eighty-four years, living together
and alone in Midhursts near Barrie,
were burned to death on Saturday
afternoon. They were seen walking
yound in the morning all right. ' In
see Afternoon the neighbors discover-
ed the house burned to the ground,
and nothing but the charred bones of
the poor old gentlemen left. The ori-
gin of the fire will never be known.
The total revenue of the Dominion
for the nine months ending March
31st was $25,709 312 82, being an in-
• crease of nearly $620,000 over the cor-
responding pericel of the previous year
The expenditure for the same period
was $23670, 286,38, showing a sur-
plus for the nine mouths of $2.039,-
026,44. The net:debt of the Dominion
was reduced during March $1,193,693
Vie Votes.
To thi; Editor of the Oil tun Xi' Err!.
DEAn Sm.—•The cause now agitating
the good people of Huron County, has
but two sides. One goes for drunken-
ness and the other goes against it.
Every vote must be given on this point,
simply because the question has no other.
Every man will either vote for temper-
ance, sobriety, industry, 'domestic
peace and prosperity, or for the con-
tinuation and increase of those baccha-
nalian brawls which have been so long
Canada's greatest curse. Let every
voter on the morning of the 19th, hold
up before his mind's eye a picture of
the drunkard's wife, the drunkard's
child. Look at that broken heart—
that bruised frame,, mark the utter
hopelessness of the poor woman, who
a few years ago was a happy girl, a
blooming and beautiful bride. All is
nosy changed, and why? The answer
is seen in the red bloated face of the
drunkard who sleeps on the cabin floor.
He deemed the Scott Act a failure, and
unscroupulous law -breakers planned
his fall and the ruin of his family, and
succeeding, they Warne the law.
In this way, grog has pulled the
wool over the eyes of men who would
.Corn the idea of abetting the craft
that ruins both body and soul. So ef-
fectually is this done, that those good
men really believe that the Scott Act
increased drunkenness. A moment's
reflection, however, would, or should
convince them that this is as erroneous
as to say the light of the sun increases
darkness. The Scott Act is to be
judged by its "letter" and not by the
manner in which it has not been in -
forced. Opposers of the law have
worked hard to defeat it. Boys, and
probably, some men, have been induced
to drink, who aforetime were total ab-
stainers, and every such lapse from
sobriety has been, so artfully charged
upon the Scott Act as to catch the un-
wary and cause them to also give their
'vbice and influence against a law
which, if rightly administered, would
•put an end to drunkenness.
Further, the enemies of temperance
have succeeded in making a few good
men believe it wrong to enforce the
Scott Act. 'These men are just a little
peculiar, they denounce all espionage,
yet exonerate the lawbreaker who
covertly sells grog. If it is wrong to
break the law, it. is right to punish the
criminal. If the law is broken secretly
then it is right to 'beard the lion in
his den,', and trip him in his own
To dispute and wrangle about figures
and delinquencies, is of little use at the
present crisis. On one Side is the progress
of truth and the ennobling and elevat-
ing of mankind, on the other is his de-
gradation, his fall to assitate of misery
which naught but grog can produce.
Every vote tells for good or evil, for weal
or for woe. Remember each ballot may
save or lose an immortal soul.
A sensation was caused in St
Thomas, on Friday, when it became
known that a man ealling himself
Dr C. H. Whiting had been arrested
at Dutton on a charge of ravishing
the eleven -year-old daughter eta re•
spectable citizen of that place. The
offence is alleged to have been com-
mitted on two occasions at the Grand
Central hotel in St Thomas, on the
10th and 17th March. Whiting was
brought before a Dutton Magistrate
and remanded to it Thomas gaol ft r
The ManitobaGovernment have rt.
ceived half a dozen notices from so-
licitors of promoters of different rail-
way lines, of the intention to apply
for charters of incorporation. On
Friday they were waited on by a de-
putation from Brandon, who laid be-
fore the Ministers particulars of the
proposed Brandon, Souris & South-
western and Brandon &Southeastern
railways. In reply to a question as
• to whether the Red River Valley
railroad would be continued as a
Provincial enterprise or the Govern-
ment will open negotiations with pri-
vate corporations for its completion,
Premier Greenway replied that the
road would be completed at once by
the Government and the Province
will retain the ownership of the road
to secure an independent entry into
Manitoba and give confidence to the
people that there will be no opportu.
amity for monopoly or pooling in fu-
Seriptnre which formed the basis of my
remarks, as your correspondent men-
tioned only 0.14P of the*, They are the
following, 14ekiel5 33r4 chapter, an,
the last part'of the ath verse, and 'lu-
mens, 14, 1.3. • Yours, eta.,
A. Mamas.
Manse, Blyth, April, 9, 1888.
[Nore.—We regret that that bere
should have been any errors in our re- ,
port, for our correspondent here, as
elsewhere, always tries to be correct. In
this case the errors, while unintention-
ally placing Mr McLean in a false posi-
tion, do not materially affect the ser-
mon proper.—En. NEW Elza.,J
Another Correction.
To the Editor IV the New Era.
SIR.—Wbile scanning o'er theisolimuns
of your last issue, I notice the chron-
icle a an event which must have occur-
red at a more recent date. The Hullett
correspondent of your last issue must
have fell asleep and had the glorious
apathy of participating ill a dreani; ox -
else this event, this myth, in your last
issue must have occurred in the.preced-
hig year, instead of time present; and
this malicious person is a little late
with his information; and mistaken the
name of the teacher, as he had 'the im-
pertinence to insert mine in your paper.
The parents of such pupil should be
very careful not to scold a child until
they are well aware of the offence
committed. "As public reproof is very
dangerous." And I may say to this
correspondent, if he was as well versed
in the laws of itimarality as he was in the
laws 'pertaining to school,. he would'
not stoop to insert such a piece of malig-
nity in the public print. Haying to
ash m the gracious pardon of your •corree-
pendent for inserting this contradiction
hoping it will not injure his reputation
as a correspondent. Thanking you for
the space in your valuable paper, I re-
main; yours &c., E. F. K. Teacher
--• • • —
MR EDITOR.— Having read in smal-
lest weeks' paper a false accou»t 14 a
party at the residence of Mr Guy Hicks,
I feel it my duty, out of justice to the
ones who comprised this party, and al-
so to Mr Guy Hicks himself, to state to
the public that the acconnt !liven is al-
together a deliberate falsehood. Any
one who knows the fine gentlemen who
related such a ridiculous, story, could
scarcely expect anything better from
them,though it does seem strange that in
this age of culture and refinement, any
on could be found so ignorant and do -
graded, That there was a sleighing party
is perfectly true, and a more intelligeot
and happy party could scarcely be im-
agined. In regard to the ' amtisements
of the evening, t must say, that no
uch nonsensical songs were ever sang
and co such recitations ever given, nor
even a lampexplosion occurred. Though
there was plenty of good singing and
any amount of other entertainments.
Had any one thought the details of
this party' beneficial or interesting to
the public, a correct account could have
been given. The actual and positive'
reason why the ones who related
this thought they would east a slur
on this private party is, that they
were sneaking rotund the boys, trying
to get an invitation, but the select
party could not feel justified in associat-
ing with such low people, who go stick-
ing themselves into every person's busi-
ness and trying to ridicule sooiety be -
'cause they cannot take a part in it. If
a certain gentleman would stay at home
and mind his OW11 business, if he has.
any, and if none, Wellington Boots
from Bombay, might be grateful for
any assistance he Might- be able to
give, and if he would stop chumming
with that gentleman who (hives the
Fanny mare with the spring check it
might be to his own dvantage and
that of the surrounding country. I
might ' mention„ that if he has any
more leisure time, he might amuse
himself by hunting up the lost ;jewel'
of the family. Yours truly,—
P. S. Oh boys, don't get in a 'panic"
because you do not get an invitation to
a 'Carty.
The Saintly Songsters, of St.
Stephens, "Thirst for Gore."
"1 can thrash the whole crowd of
you, so I can; Sullivan Mitchell & Co.
where are you, your prowess pales be-
fore that one man to fight six." The
young butcher of the 6th, must be' on
his muscle, for I heard him and an-
other young man with whom I am un-
acquainted, make the above statement,
in the shed of St. Stephens church on
Sunday last. Now sonnier take a
friend's advice and don't spend your
muscular force in reducing the fortunes
• of a fallen house, for you may depend it
is fir 3 you will get if you face six angry
men, and allow rue to inform you there -
is one amongst the crowd you have al-
ready had to strike your flag to, and
hest time you meet a person you dis-
like at the house of God, instead of
making an unseemly brawl, just take
out your prayer book and read over' your
duty to your -neighbor, and it will do
you good in more ways than one. Your
sincere well-wisher, A BYSTANDER.
Goderich Township, April 3rd.
re the Editor of the Clinton New Era.
Ste,—My attention was called to a
sermon, in your paper last week, preach-
ed by me en the 1st inst., on the subjefft
of temperance. As the report is er-
roneous, and makes me say what is not
true, and what I did not say, I ask space
for this letter, to make the necessary
corrections. 1st. Your correspondent
asserts that I stated " that at last meet-
ing of the Ilui•on Presbytery it was
unanimously resolved that all ministers
should deliver a sermon on temperance."
Now, I made no such statement. The
Presbytery of Huron did not resolve
that its members should deliver a set..
mon on temperance; as Clerk of the
Presbytery this correction is necessary,
in justice to my brethren in the Presby-
tery, as well as to myself. What I did
say was that the Presbytery instructed
its 'ministers to read from their pulpits
certain resolutions on torriperance,which
were adopted at last meeting, and which,
I underStand, were published in the
New Ens. '2n1, I made no comments
on the state of matters at Bayfield, only
stating what one of the aforesaid reso-
lutions affirmed, fer which resolution I
am not personally responsible. 3rd.
Your correspondent -says that I began
my discourse with "apologica.1 introduc-
tory remarks." I presume he meant
"apologetical" instead of "apological."
I male no apology in beginning my
discourse; my words were, "It is not
• necessary for me to make any apology
to this congregation, for preaching a
sermon on temperance, as I was in the
habit of preaching such sermons to you
now and again, 'before the Scott Act
was thought of." The idea that I
sought to convey was, that however
others might feel like making apologie@
for preaching such sermons, I felt that
no apology was necessary from me.
•I may as well give the passages of
The Bible and the Bottle.
that whiskeyselling and drunkenneris,,
is a nuisance and a hindrance, to the
prosperity; of ra edge% Wia0; 1)fteagalli of
X4Q-P49- Asa Said that there .ta AB ;111130b
diff§tence between, prohiti.4oe. qua five
drinking as there betwesin saragery
and avjlizattou. No ooesenrely,wanta to
go back to savagery. Once more, if wee
man, in a particular way in the begin-
ning, sufferathrough the deception of
the Old serpent which she never heard
of, is that any reason that she should
continue, in a paetioular Way, to suffer
from that thing mankind is warned of
as stinging like an adder. It is high
time the venernoue reptile was ;smashed
on the head. Surely man'einhamanity
to women mekes coantleas thousands
mourn. AISCHD. MODOtioaLL.
Porters Hid, April 9th.
The Burning Question.
To the editor of the Clinton New Era.
DEAR SIR,—Amoug the questions that
affect the social and political welfare of
our country to -day, none equals in im-
portance the temperance question. Peo-
ple heretofore indifferent, and commu-
nities unorganized, are beginning to
awaken to their responsibility for the
existence of this great evil, strong drink.
The public conscience, which is the sum
of individual consciences, has long
seemingly been dead, here and there
only a feeble proteet compared with
what ought to be the stand taken against
this arch destroyer of human happiness
and prosperity.
Before entering upon the disuission
of this subject we would say that the
positicavezsaseese is not from any feeling
orMalice or enmity towards those per-
sons engaged in the manufacture and
sale of intoxicating liquors, nor Would
we do them the least injury in person
or property, except in a moral way, but
we have no hesitation -in saying that we
are an uncompromising enemy to the
liquor part of the business in which
they are engaged. And why, because it
is the enemy of God and humanity; of
God, because it defies his laws, blas-
phemes his name, and stands in direct
opposition to his saving gospel. To hu-
manity, because its tendency is to blight,
kill, and drag down to remedyless woe,
him who makes, sells or drinks the fatal
poison, also him who kmlowingly author-
izes and sanctions the doing of the
same. Instead of a feeling of enmity
towarde the persons engaged in the
deadly work, we rather pity, for we
know the end thereof is as fatal to them-
selves as their victims. This is a sub-
ject not to be treated in apologetical
ternis. The consequences that flow
from this huhunian traffic are the most
terrible and appalling known in the list
of human suffering, and any descrifition
of it that is not equally terrible and
graphic. conics short of the truth.
There have been but two distinct me-
thods of grappling with this subject,
It is our purpose to show that license,
high or low, so far from being what is
claimed for it, ,a compromise in which
a step is ,gained in the direction of tem-
perance, is a delusion and a snare, and
that those individuals, however well-
meaning they may be, who by vote or,.
influence of whatever chars.eter,expross.
ly permit, authorize and sanction, for a
money consideration, the dealing in an
article that is the real cause of so much
shame, wretchedness and death, are
doing exactly the work that Satan
wants them to do. It is every indivi-
dual's business to examine thoroughly
into what he proposes to authorize and
sanction by his vote and influence. Do
temperance men do that wheii they vote
to authorize their fellow -men to engage
in the most infamous business known
to the world. Impossible; the whiskey
business, where it if conducted solely
for the purposes of'getting people's mo-
ney away from them, giving no real
,value in return, has no redeeming fea-
ture; among all the infernal powers and
influences at work to destroy mankind,
that Satan has thus far invented, we
believe strong drink outdoes them all
combined. We can scarcely conceive
of a greater blasphemy than for an in-
dividual to charge the almighty with
being the author and creator of the de-
mon of destruction, and yet we often
hear men tell us God made alcohol. --
Sirs, from the fact that you and I can
conceive and speak a lie, will we have
the hardihood to say that God is the
(slither and creator of it; and yet there
is not one spark more tenth in saying
that God made strong drink, than there
is in saying that He makes a lie. As
well might his creatures charge hint
with being the author of the chiefest of
evils. The truth is ads, allwrong is
right perveted ; that which was created
to sustain 1„s perverted into' that -which
destroys life, yea, it is a double destroy -
or, killing body and soul,
sems es site s-u•cassee se:Mamma: MEN
its the invereign remedy for tile evils of
thi, . traffic, but high license, low license
or tax in any form, is wrong in princi-
pal aim)' unsound in policy. The mo-
ment 'you put a license fee; upon any-
thing other than in the nature Of a pen-
alty, that instant you put it upon a le-
gal, if not a moral footing. It statids,
so far as the law is concerned, on aa're-
spectable a footing as the most honor-
able and upright business. It is every
individual's business to examine thor-
oughly into what lie proposes to author-
ize and sanction by his vete and influ-
One of the 'recognized principles Of
law i5 that a contract to do an immoral
act is absolutely void, and that being
true, every license Ito sell intoxicating
liquors as a beverage is morally and
legally void and. ought to be so adjust-
ed. There are but two questions to be
determined to snake thele n lOsion irre-
futable; namely, is a license in the na-
ture of a contract? and is the liquor
traffic an immoral business? We hold
the affirmative of both questions. As
to the first proposition we have not the
time to follow out the argument, but
ask the people not to forget the comic-
quences involved. The results measure
the act. No fine spun theory, that the
act itself, of handing this article of poi-
son from one person to another is no
immoral act. None will refute this
conclusion. It wont do. Mark the re-
sult, and what are the results. They
are not only highly immoral. him t crim-
inal amid of the deepest dye. Nor will
it answer the argument to say that
some of our judges lave never acknowl-
edged such a contr void; the fact is
that many of then ye been its vie -
tints, and have no tight of moral
power left to resist it. T e worst phrase
of the evil is the direet &tilt of tax-
Nuntil this taxn.tio was put upon
the traffic could men afford to engage in
this business alone. The first ()est of
spirits is barely nominal compared with
the price for which it is ultimately sold,
but when this fictitious value was added
men could engage in the business ex.
elusively, and by means of compounds
and adolterations of the most deadly
nature, it has been possible to resum large
profits, so that to -day the manufactur-
ers and dealers are able to corrupt leg-
islatures, and contribute large sums to
defend their criminals, and by violating
a prohibitory law, defeat the will of the
people and the ends of justice. What a
harvest from this system has the com-
munity reaped. A haryest of criminals
tramps, paupers end lunatics, and a
harvest • of death, Throw the entire
taxation off the liquor traffic, and you
kill the business as it is generally con.
To the &Wmr of the Clinton New Era
DEAR SIB. Temperance for Some
time has been making a steady advance
and every inch of the ground has been
stubbornly ,contested by the liquor
party. That things are lint as bad
in the County of Huron ncsa Its they
were twenty or thirty years ago, is
due to the exertions of the temperance
people, not their opponents. There
are battles yet to be fought, and, it
may be that lives will be hist. If men
were bold enough to speak out accord-
ing to enormity of the esi I it would be
the case. Southern slavery had its
martyrs, its admirers and sympathisers
mu thd north and in Canada, who laugh-
ed at the tears of families broken up
and parted forever. It is respectable
nien in the church and out of thu
it that are the backbone of tlw
grog business, but let such men re.
member that the poor African slave
did 110t Stied tears . alone, many a fa-
mily maurned on account of the great
national sin. The slave driver with the
lash in one hand and the bible in the
other, conli not save slavery. Let the
electors of Huron beware of the wolves
who come to them in sheep': clothing,
to uphold the slavery of strong drink, let
them also be on their guard aeainst the
tactics of whiskey sellers nod their
allies, when they appear to be sorry
that there is so much drinking, so much
perjury, so much speaking, will they
listen to the words of that Christ, whose
name they take into their sinful and
pointed lips,when he says: "Ye serpents,
ye generation of vipers, how can ye, be-
ing evil, speak good things, for out of
the abundance of the heart the month
speakbth." Whiskey sellers sorry?
Why, satan divided against himself, his
kingdom would soon come to an end.
Is it helpless woman and children that
is to be protected or is it the drunkard
manufacturer, is a question which
should concern the voter, and let it be
remembered by all that is a real enemy
we have to contend with, and we do
not need to go to the Bible to find out
dueted, fr one Mara oPlitel, supply the
quantity which it *ken e dozen to do,
and then not tpahe a living. Could our
towns; and cities, ass rule t support more
than one man to deal in flour alone?
No, we venture to say that the entire
profits on the barite consumption trade
would' not exceed a living business,—
The manufacture of flour costs more
than the -manufacture of spirits, while
the gale of flour has the advantage over
the sale of points in that it Man article
of universal and daily consun9tion,and
the latter is not. Oh, the height, and
breadth, and depth of the iniquity of
this tax and license system. The height
rises up to the throne of an offended
God, the breadth encompasses a world,
and the depth sinks into indescribable
The Prohibitionist is accused of be-
ing an advocate of free drinking, We
admit it with this qualification, first,
no rum; second, free rum: If men
must have rum, let him have a gallon
for the same as he now pays for a gill.
Why in the house of outraged justice,
add to the crime of destroying men's
bodies and kills to further crime of
robbing their helpless families. Liquor
men vote License, if you expect to
maek your business secure, you have
no reason to doubt that the men who
will spend and be spent to obtain your
preparation, will stay at any price
you ask, so Fong as it is universal and
uniform. Vote license, throw gold dust
in the eyes of the corporation and you
can carry your accursed traffic on for-
ever, unless an outraged God arises in
his displeasure and sweeps us all away
as with a besom of destruction.
Men who drink vote repeal and no
license. Why support, by your in-
dustry, so many when a free drink can
supply your appetite.
Prohibitionist vote for the extinction
of this the crying, evil of all eyils.
A few remarks on the Revenue argu-
mitukit. This is one of the most danger-
ous phrases of the whole temperance
problem. Mark the vicious circle in
which the argument is run, the effect
becomes the cause and -the cause the
effect. More money to make more
whiskey to make more crime, to nessi-
tate more money to make more whi
to make more crime, and so on in t
fatal circle. And again, the revenue
idea is dangerous because nothing so
blinds the eyes and stills the conscience
as the love of money. Humanity is
prone to look with toleration upon evils
that do not seem to conic immediate•
ly home to themselves, especially so
where it has the appearance of putting
dollars and cents into their pockets.
Make the traffic pay the expenses it
creates, an utter impos•ibility.
The question ought to come home to
every individual, what attitude shall 1
tttke before God and humanity, to be
SHIT of standing on a solid foundation?
These are two methods of dealing with
this question, and only two, Prohibition
or the Licenae System.
This system is sinking its roots deep
into the very basis of ..our social and
political system. PropoSe the question
of, No Licence, in any of our towns and
cities to day, what would be the. first
objection offered.? Would it be that we
would destroy a good temperance law?
Never. Business, and so called tem-
perance men,would say at once, "Why,
you cut off our revenue, you disturb
the financial affairs of our city govern-
ment and country, you would leave us'
crippled, that won't do, we get a large
revenue from the traffic, it helps to
pay our taxes and helps to defray the
expense the business puts upon us."
See if that is not the argument. For
the sake of restriction, that is more in
the imagination than in reality, the
pretended temperance advocates con-
sent to fasten by their high license,
this mighty evil, with a giant's grasp,
yes, what is more, they stultify them,
seves by giving their legal and moral
sanction to what their conscience tells
them is wrong- Let every man who
thinks he votes conscientiously for
high license of any kind, stand alone
with God and asklihnself this (juestion,
is the traffic productive of that which
God and litunaluity harmonizes in? Be
not deceived, God is not mocked. for
"what a man sows that shall lie reap."
May the right prevail and free us from
the rule of king alcohol.
FA1131EIt'S SON.
Til URSDAY, A PRI E. 19, 1888.
To the Editor of the Clinton New .Ero.
Si it,—On the above named date the
voters of' the county of Huron will de-
cide whether the Scott Act shall live
or I lie. Alter the Able letters of Mr
Wilkie, there remains little to he said,
but I wish, before it is too late, to
want those who -interim] vu in against
the Repeal, of what, they wi I I be guilty
of, if successful. I wish at this point
to slate, that many who support. the
Scott Act t am` proud to inclede
among my best friends, men whose
sinserity I cannot fail to respect, and
who I fully believe, while not agree-
ing with them in their views, are
actuated by the nobleat;ahns. As we
all know there are in their ranks
those, whose conduct Calls forth the
bitterest reproach, the most profound
contempt. I refer to some who pose
as advocates of temperance, members
• of churches, voters for the Scott Act,
and yet who on the sly violate the
law. I respect the drunkard in com-
parison to this stamp of hypocrite !
We have now had the Scott Act on
the scene for three years. Surely in
this time we can judge of its merits,
if it has any. Some say it has not
; been enforced all thet time, Suppos-
ing it has not. Nobody will deny
; but that it has been enforced, so far
I as the powers that be ever can enforce
it, for the past twelve months. I in -
elude Bay field. What do those past
; twelve months show? Nothing less
than this : That when the Scott Act
is enforced as far as it can be, drunk-
enness is as rife as ever. Anything
more? Yes. We bare lying, deceit,
perjury, hypocrisy, crimes of violence,
attempts to murder, arson, open de-
fiance of law, and a generation grow -
'jug up around us accustomed (rein
infancy to the sight of a law on our
statutes being treated with utter con-
tempt. For myself I make no secret
about it, that I will never be dictated
to by any man, or body of men, as to
what I shall eat or drink. You may
make what laws you please on this
point, I will be my own judge in spite
of fate. We are also told that the
Scott Act, although not accomplish-
ing all its advcc ttes would des re, yet
it is doing fairly well. Who says
this? As a rule, ministers,\Vhat
do they know about it? Mostly, if
not tiltogf Pier wholly, what they read
or are told. Is there one minister in
this town, who has endeavored by
practical experience to get at the
truth? I venture to say not one.
And yet they are called guides of the
people. We. know what happens
when guides are blind; "both fall
into the ditch." I venture to assert,
that if the ministers in this town, or
any other town in Huron, would
• spend one whole Sunday in such a
position that they could see for them-
selves the chinking that is going on
all around on that day, we ,bhoUsld
hear no more of their advocating the
Scott Act. For have I not said, I
believe they are actuated by the nobr
lest aims, altheugh grossly deceived,
I speak with the more confidence. be-
cause at the first I myself was in favor
of the Scott .A.et. Indeed, I have
been told I was an bumble instrument
in bringing it here—I would do any-
thing to stop the drunkard in his
downward path. Heaven forbid that
I should advocate a retrograde move-
ment. And yet I am convinced, that
under a license law (make it as high
as you please; the nigher it is the
better) we should have an infinitely
preterable state of things to what we
have now. Some say to return to li-
cense is wrong, because it is lidensing
an evil, making a wrong legal. Is
not this a play upon words? Does
not anybody'know that to license, say
at $400 a license, would be in fact to
restrict fifty fold more than at
present. What is there in a word?
If Scott Act means free drinking,
as it does, and license means pro-
hibition to a certain extent, give us
license. Only last Sunday I saw a
gang of about a dozen young men un-
der twenty, showing unmistakeable
signs of all having been in a tavern.
I never once saw such a thing under
the Crocks Act. I spoke to a farmer
the other day, a strong advocate of
the Scott Act, who supported it on
behalf of a drunken relation. I said,
" Well, has your relation been one
day less drunk for the Scott Act?"
He auswered, "No, I cannot say he
has." Testimony of this kind could
be multiplied ad infinitum. Then cui
bono? Let those who vote on the
19th look well to what they are doing.
A terrible responeiblity rests upon
them. Let every voter vote, and I
fear not the result. Those who vote
against the Repeal will have it on
their consciences that they are foster-
ing untrammelled drunkenness, en-
couraging violence, perjury and hy-
pocrisy ; while those who vote for the
Repeal will at least have the consola-
tion of knowing they have done all in
their power to bring this evil tinder
some sort of control. timely we have
a better eel nion of the people of Hal-
ton, than to believe the Globe's hum-
bug about how it was all done. They
have hal it hitter experience, and
have risen up like men and cast this
vile, useless law to the winds., let
the voters of Huron follow, their good
example, and let us at least do some-
thing to prove, that not only do we
desire to stop the evil of drunkenness
in our midst, but that we can and
will act like men possessed of some
intelligence. Yours, etc.,
Stapleton, April 10, 1888.
Canada Temperance Act.
To the editor of the New Era.
Sim—As there appears to 'be some
uncertainity as to the proper steps to
be taken for the appointment of agents
to act at the several polling stations
for and against the Petition, and as
several electors have written me for in-
formation, I have taken the • liberty of
sending yeti this communication, ex-
plaining what I consider my duti es
are in the matter referred to.
Section 20 of "The Canada Temper-
ance .Act" is as .follows: "At the
time and place named in the proclatna-
tion the Returning Officer shall by in-
strument in writing, signed by him,
appoint from and out of such persons
as apply to him to be so appointed one
person to attend at each polling station
and two persons to attend the final
summing up of the votes as agents on
behalf of thy persons interested in and
desirous of promoting the adoption of
the Petition, and the 'same of those op-
posing the Petition.
Under this section I think I have no
power to appoint agents or give them
certificates as such unless they appear
before me on the 16th prox., at the
town hall, Goderich. No doubt this
would be very inconvenient to the ma.
jority of. thoseslesiringto act as agents.
However, by Section 23 of the Act
the difficulty is got over. This Section
states: "In the absence of ally one
authorized, any elector can act upon
making mod subcribing before the De-
puty Returning Officer the requisite de,
(Aeration." • The forms for same the
Deputies will have.
The Statue as per Section 20 allows
two persons on each side to attend at
the final summing up of the voters op
the 211th pros, These should be ap-
jminted under my signature on the 16th
from those attending before me on that
date for that purpose.
I remain, yours,
Returning Officer, C. T. A.
Goderich, April 7th, 1888.
The Cream of our Local
Exchanges. -
Wm. Danehas b5ught the Bingham
farm south of Gerrie, for $4,000, •
Walter Hannah has rented his; farm
near Harlock, in Hullett, to Mr John
McCallum, of McKillop.
Mr N. T. Adams, Kinburn, who is a
decided horse fancier arid succeesful
breeder, has a "Boreland Chief" colt
which stands 115.1 hands high, girths 6
feet 8 inches and weighs 1365 /be,
if you are in favor or the
Scott Act marl g your ballot ato
For the Petitioh.
Against the Petition,
"Against the Petition" is for
the Scott Act. Make no mis-
aii0LLAND.—In Goderich township, on the
6th inst., the wife of George Holland, of a
HOLMES—NISBET—On March 28th, by
the Rev. A. Stevensen,Wm. Holmes, of Grey,
to Mrs Nisbet, V Elma.
YOUNG—MOIR—At Hensall, on March 30,
by Rev R. Y. Thompson, M.A., RD., Robtrt
D. Young, of Wingham, to Aggie Moir, of
JERMYN—ROE—At the residence of the
bride's father, on March 28, by Rev Wm, Tor-
rance, Jabez Jerilyn, of East Wawanosh, to
Martha Roe, of MeKillop.
BEIRNES—WOLF—At the residence of the
bride's father, on March 28, by Rev Mr Clulf,
Francis J. Beatles to Maggie, third daughter
of Jacob Wolfe, of Grey.
CAMERON.—In Stanley, ou the 7th inst.,
Christens., wife of John Cameron, age,d 87
years and 5 months,
BALKWILL—In Exeter, on the 8th inst.,
Charlotte, wife of John 13alkwill, aged 61 yrs.
I month and 29 days,
- • - _
lirw larertiorment$.
• to MRS, W. DOHERTY, High Street.
e sorraws To RENT, CENTRAL location
• Terms reasonable. Apply at the NEW
ELIA aim.
1.3" Apply to MRS. THOMAS JACKSON, sic.,
High Street, Clinton.
-L top buggy, nearly now,will be sold cheap,
.JOHN ItIDOUT, Clinton.
working horse, just the thing for -it sarm•
er, win be sold cheap. Apply at the NEW
ERA office, Clinton.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, Telegraphic messages promptly at-
tended to. Office —Londesborough, Ont.
Lapologize that I have been scandalming
certain persons' eharacters, and I sign this
apol ogy before witnesses.
Hullett, March 20,
undersigned wishes to intimate to time -
ladies of Clinton, that she has started her
dressmaking business in die ro„oms over the
Dry Goods Palace, where she will be pleased
to attend to all who favor her with their cus-
tom. Entrance from side door on Ratten -
Miry Street. Apprentices wanted. MISS
11 dies for their patronage in the past and
asking for a continuance of the same, I wish •
to call attention to the fact that I have re-
moved to Huron Street,e, little west and near-
ly opposite the commercial' hotel. where I
am prepared on short notice, to all orders
in all departmonts of the Corset Line both
promptly and satisfactorily. Mrs. Way's old
customers will tind it much to their advan-
tage to give me a call. Mrs. J. LangfOrd,
agent lox- LlteliBOW; Miss Si. Hunter, agefft
or Hensall. E. J. COULTER
Clinton, April 11th, 1888.
• -
Desire to announce that they have opened H.
shot! on Albert Street, Clinton, next to Glas-
gow s' store. Being practical workmen they
Delieve they can give satisfaction to all who
entrust their work. l'armi ILacsorse, KAL-
DECORATIONS, &C., ex.:00Wd on the shortest
notice. Orders respectfully solicited.
Piss. Seciond aid third class nomprofeS-
Sit nal examinations at the Collegiate
tntes and High Sehools in the county, on
Tuesday, 3rd J uly; ad 8:40 a.m. First C., July
loth, at 8:40 a. andida tem who wish to
Ox -it' at either CI intim or Seafortn Inuit no-
tify D. 11, Mar,Locu, Esq,, P. 13, Inspector,
Clinton p, 0., ma letc r than the 21st of May,
stating \OH ch cf the too schools they intend
to write at, and those who wish to write at
ust notify- dons N. TOM, Esq., P.
Inspector, Gralc•rich 10.. at,thesame date.
The notice in ust be accompanied by a fee of
or c81,0 if th e candidate applies for the 1st
class as well as 2nd class examinations. . No
naine will be forwarded to the Department
unless thg. fee accompanies it. Head Masters
of the Collegiate Institutes and,High Schools
will Opine send the applications of their can-
didates.to the Inspector of the division in
which the Colh•giato Institute. or High
"School is. situated. Forums of application
may he had from the Secretary. PETER
ADAMSON, SEC.)" Goderich, April
10th, 1838.
Parties contemplalinse a trip to
England should call oh above for
frill partici] less. First. steamer of
Mr Alexander Gardiner has pus.
useson leaves 'Montreal 16th of'
chased the 25. acres on the 13th conce-
sion, formerly owned by the late Mrs May next.
McMillan, paying for it the sum ot
$1,150, This farm adjoins Mr. Gard-
iner's present property in ,McKillop,
and lie now has a farm of over 200
The Elora Express of last week says:
— Rev. Mr. Broley, vastur of the
Methodist church, Elora,was taken st -
riously ill with neuralgia in the stom.
ach on Friday. No service was held in
the church on Suedes, he being un-
able to obtain a slipply. The rev.
gentleman, we are ples.sed to learn is
recovering, although in a weak condi-
Mrs Henry Voelker, an elderly lady
who'lives a mile and a (loaner north of
Dalhwood, met with an unfortunate
accident a few days ago,which resulted
in a broken arm. It appears that the
unforturmte lady was about to go down
the steps into the cellar, and not being
Ivery smart, by some means slipped oft
the steps and broke her arm.
What might hays been a very seri-
ous accident occurred to Willie, a son
of Rev. Jas. Graham,Exeter, on Wed-
nesday evg, of last week. While pass-
ing the archWay leading to the stable
of the Central Hotel the boy was
knocked down by a horse which WAS
being driven from the Central yard.
The animal tramped upon his legs,cut-
ting them severely. had the horse
gone one step further it would have
killed the 'lad, as his abdomen would
have been pierced.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never comes. A marvel of purity
strength and wholesomeness. Mora economical
thagithe ordinary kinds, and cannot In sold in
yetis/amen with the multitude of low test, short
wight, alum or phosphate powders Sold only
In cane ROVAL BAlitF0 POWIMIR CO., 106 WWI
Stroot, Now"York,