HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-03-16, Page 6J 1887 •SPRING - 1887 The following New Goods opened this week, New New New New New N'ew New New PRI NTS, SE RSUCKE RS DRESS GOODS TWEEDS, Trouserings COTTONS Shirtings Gloves Hosiery , ALSO, A JOd ,LINE OF Ladies Corsots at25c S. WILSON, - CHEAPSIDE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER t& SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. BOOTS ao! 5606 at L'KLIA&E PfliCE 12 Per Cent DISCOUNT On all CASH SALES tor the next two months. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS & SHOES in stook, and as I don't want the goods, but do want the , Dash, I have decided to give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Months. As I carry the largest stock in the county, you can depend on getting anything in foot wear yon want, or that can be got in any firet•olass establishment at less than wholesale prices. I can and will undersell any other,either any of Darwin's lost• links, or any other shoddy dealer in town, and don't forget it. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Ltlaker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK; CLINTON WE ARE NOW READY FOR THE SPRING CAMPAIGN The Popular t Dry Cood.$ House, Lond esbor o. n DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, and CRETONNES We have made special efforts to secure attractive colorings and patterns. IN STAPLE GOODS We have, as usual, bought the best. FAST—COLOR SHIRTING'S, HEAVY COTTONADES and DUCKS, DENIMS, IIOLLANDS, COTTONS, TOWELS and TOWELING. The numerous orders received in the CLOTHING Department Is proof that we are showing the right goods in Tweeds and Trouserings. Place your order early, while the splendid 1inu of patterns remains unbroken. STIFF & SOFT HATS & SPRING CAPS A magnificent line expected to arrive this week. TEAS-- \Ve are showing a special line of Uncol- ored JAPAN & YOUNG IIYSON TEA, in 5 lb. Tin Canisters and 6 lb. Baskets, We claim this to be the best tea offered in the county at :10c a pound. Try it and we feel confident you will buy it. Tull Lines of Prunes, Dates, [Figs, Currants, and Raisins. W. L. OUIMETTE, LON DESBORO ,r ol ( on 7iforenoon d111g J +,orleter,lvigu two miles from Bolton, were brutally assaulted by their hired man, whose name is Preettoa. Ile first assaulted Forister while in the bush, hacking him in a frightful manner. Re then returned to the house and attacked Mrs Fodder with a fire poker. Both were found about three hours after- wards in a unconscious state, Mrs Forister may live. Preston was ar• rested and committed for trial. A warrant was issued Saturday morning against Rev John Stonehouse the Methodist minister of the town- ship of Adelaide, on a charge of at- tempting to blackmail Wesley Prang - ley, hotelkeeper of Strathroy. This is only one of numerous similar charges that are said to be lying against Mr Stonehouse. The alleged facts of the case are as follows: Some days since Prangley received a letter stating that the writer had information that he had violated the Scott Act a number of times and that he would have him duly punished unless he re- mitted $26 to a certain address which he gave him in Toronto. Prangley took the communication to Messrs. Scatcberd & Smith, his solicitors, and they sent a docoy letter to the address given in Toronto. This letter was taken, so it is said, by Stonehouse's brother. Together with the writing in the letter, this was deemed con- clusive enough evidence, and a war- rant was issued accordingly. Ile was committed for trial, but admitted to bail. SeedBARLEY Just received from BELLEVILLE, a car of choice Bay Quinte Barley, For sale by R. IRWIN, STANDARD ELEVATOR,CLINTON CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Mar. 15, 1888. Wheat, spring, 0 79 a 0 82 Wheat, white and red • 0 8J a 0 83 Oats - 0 40 a 0 42 Barley - 0 65 a 0 70 Peas 0 60 a 0 61 Flour, per cwt 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes 0 50 a 0 70 Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs 0 14° a 0 16 Pork • 6 75 a 7 00 Hay • 800a850 Sheep pelts - 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins 0 60 a 0 80 Irides, • 5 00 a 5 50 BLYTH 'MARKETS. Reported specially for New Elm every Thursday Blyth, Mar. 15, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 78 a 80 Fall ., . new , 80 a 81 Oats 40 a 41 Barley , Peas . Potatoes, per bus Eggs per dez , Butter,rolls . Cheese Lard , , Flour per cwt: , Hoge, . . 00 a f)i) a (;O a . 14 a 18 a' 15 a 10.a 2 00 2 6 00 6 SEAFORTII MARKETS SEA }Turn, Mar. 15, Wheat, spring, Red and • white Oats, - • Peas, - Barley, Butter, - Eggs, - Potatoeri, - Pork, • Flour per cwt • SO 70 0 80 O 85 0 'GO 0 0 o 16 O 14 0 50 6 50 2 00 a a a a a a a a a a 08 61 65 15 19 15 12 10 75 1888 0 80 0 83 O 37 0 GO O 70 O 17 t) 16 0 65 7 CO 2 50 MONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD mORT- .411. GAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates, 51. McTAGGAlt'r, Clinton, Feb. 24, 1888. LOTS FOR SALE. — TWO SPLENDID quarter -acre building lots for sale, in good location. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply at NEW ERA Office. r HORO-BRED DURHAM BULL FOR RALE A—For sale a 12 months old Durham Bull, red color, registered in -the now Dominion Herd Book. Apply to the undersigned, at Londesborough Post Office, or on Lot 22, Concession 13. JOHN CUMINO. BRICH STORE FOR SALE.—THE STORE 1S at present occupied by R.M.Racey, hard- ware merchant. The building is of brick, 22x80, two stories high. Terms to snit pur. chaser. Apply to D. R, MENZIES or TILOS. COTTLE, Clinton. • PLENDID DR'ELLING AND PROPERTY 1 .FOR SALE.—Subscriber wishing to move west, offers for sale the property now occu- pied by him, being lots 993 Rattenbury St., and 675 Huron St. On the place is a good framecottage, with• stone foundation all round, hard and soft water, -stable and good bearing orchard. Easy terms. HENRY BENNETT, Clinton, HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT,—SUB- scarnsaoffers for sale or rent the splend- id Frame House on Victoria Street, now•occu-' pied by Mr E. Snell, It contains plenty of room for fair sized family, stone foundation, hard and soft water, etc. The lot embraces three fifth -acre lots, and has thereon a num- ber of bearing fruit trees. Terms very rea- sonable. A. DODSWORTH, Clinton, or at the NEW ERA Office, FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 7, BAYFIELD concession, Goderich Township, 84 acres, 44 of which are cleaaod, and the stumps out of about 30 acres, 40 acres hardwood bush un - culled beech, maple, cherry and lash, a few acres good cedar at rear end of the lot, 2 acres of first-class bearing orchard ; good frame house withgoneral outbuildings; few acres of fall wheat, spring creek crosses part of the lot, 2 miles from Bayfield and 7 from the growing town of Clinton. Price $41 per acre. For terms and particulars apply to JOHN E. .EAGLESON, Hayfield P. 0. PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN CLINTON. The undersigned has boon instructed by his brother to offer for sale on very reason- able terms, the following properties in the Town of Clinton:—let The property at pre- sent occupied by Mr James Walker, on the south side of Huron Street, consisting of two lots, on which is erected a frame house, sta- ble and other outbuildings, and, A house and lot at the terminus of Rattenbury St, 3rd, The store and lot on Victoria St., now occupied by Mr,t, B, Crosson, Full particu- lars on application. If, R. WALKER, Clin- ton, $3,000 11 ILL BUY TH11 50 ACRE being, half of lot 241, situate aboi t twoiniles from the thriving town of Clinton. All the land clear, froo from stumps &o., gpod state of cultivation, six acres in stumps, wheat onsum- mer fallow, 25 sotded down, balance plowed. Log house, largo frame barn and good stabl- ing, first-class luearing orchard of 2 urea, plenty of water, et., all well -fenced. POSaea- sion given immediately. Must be sold be- fore the first of April. Terms ---$2,000 may remain on mortgage at 63 per cent, balance cash, of other good mortga.g„ i,•eitri ty, MRS EMERSON, Proprietor. 171AIIM FOP, SALT, OR To l:EN'r.--r111' splendid farm of Ile (terra, on the Mait- land concession, butts lot 77, Goderich town- ship, situated 1;j utiles from iiolntesviile, and four miles from the town of Clinton, The soil is a good clay loam, with n, nevorfailin spring creek running through the place; al good wells, .Those is about 8 acres of b which is one of the best sugar bushes i county ; also two frame barna, one auk barn, ono frame horse stable, with in for ton borso:s, elm) two gcn,l bearing orchards, being about six arms in all; two good log houses. About 45 acres serried (1Iwo. Will bo sold on rca.annsI,lr tutus, cr rented to good tenant. A I,l'tX I: tD)1( l', 11. h . sully Pest Office. ( t the Dry Goods J-alac� We are now showing an immense stock of EW BERING GOpDS. New Prints, Chamboy's, Ging hams „ Mu l ns Sze. DRESS GOODS in all the latest Styles and colorings. Special prices in BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES. Our stock of GLOVES, HOSIERY, and Wares - ,complete. .e20-5 per oent off for cash. 'MEIN WISEMAN Manager.s. ''tate J. iiOENB, ADAMS' Emporium„ To the people of Londesboro'• and surrounding country. Spring A 14 • ,0 have arrived in good quantities and of excellent quality, 0 Never had a better supply and was never in • a better i position to supply the wants of my customers and all i others who may favor me with a call. Have not room n or time to enumerate the many kinds of goods in stock, A but will say to ONE and ALL come and try how -well r. you will be treated. Goodweight,full measure, and the right change back. Higherit Pricey for Produce. Yours respectfully, March 1)th, 1888. 14 R. ADAMS.111 N E W GO O D S That are all right in quality and style and away (lown.in price. PEIR,SON w:ultirig something nice in this line- should call and examine my stock is • it is new and the latest styles. .A. J. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's 101d Stand OPPOSITE THE POST. OFFICE, CLINTON. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT,—THE subscriber offers for sale or to rent, that conveniently .situated house on Rattenbury St., at present occupied -by Mr Sibley. The house has nine good sized rooms, basement ani furnace. Possession given immediately, MISS H. V. FOXTON. DRESSMAKING. — THE SUBSCRIBER JJ while returning thanks to the ladies of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patron- age in the past, desires to state that sho has rented the promises on Victoria St.,latcl; oc- cupied by Mr Carslake, and will occupy the same after the 15th Inst , when sne will be pleased to attend personally to all orders en- trusted to bet in the dress and mantle mak- ingline. Apprentices wanted. MISS DODS- WORTII. 4i' r150 THE LADIES OF CLINTON.—THE 1 undersigned wishes to intimate to the ladies of Clinton, that site will start her dres making business, on tho lat of April, in the rooms over the Dry Goods Palace, where she will be pleased to attend to all who favor her with thoircustom. Entrance from aide door on ( Rattenbury!1St. Apprentices wanted.— lass TREWARTHA. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR RENT. The undersigned offers for sale or rent the well-built frame house on the corner of Rattenbury and Erie Stroet,Clinton, contain- ing 8 rooms, with good collar, &e. The lot is ono quarter of an acre, and ltas thereon some hearing fruit trees,good stable, hard and soft water, and is jtikt the place for farmer who wants to retire. Terms reasonable THOS. TIPLING. HERD OF SHORTHORNS FOR SALE— Will be sold very cheap, as we have rent- ed our farms for a term of years, and must sell. We have Five Females and Two Young Bulls fit for service in the spring, good colors, mostly red, and registered in the now Do- minion Shorthorn Herd Book, W. & H. PLUMSTEEL,Clintna, LUMBER1LUMBERILUMBERI THE subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16th concession of Goderich Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and SoftElni Lumber. Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest Cash price paid for first class Saw Logs. E. BUTT, Clinton, ,Fan. 25, 1888. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— THE frame house at present occupied by Mrs. Alcock, (immediately to the roar of Mr Jos, Chidloy's house) is offered for sale. It con- tains seven goodrooms, good cellar,hard and soft water, and is in one of the best localities in town. The lot is one-quarter of an acre, For particulars apply to F. C. ALLCOCK, at the Foundry. DRESSMAI(ING — THE UNDERSIGNED desire to intimate to the people of Clin- ton and vicinity, that they have entered into partnership and will carry on the Dress- making business in the same premises hith- erto occupied, Huron Street, Clinton, All Orders entrusted to them will receive care- ful and prompt attention, MISSES BOOTH && BUTT. $3500 WILL BU1' 80 ACRES OF GOOD land, behu; lot No, 14, in the 16th con., Goderich township, about 4 miles from the town of Clinton. This, is a good oppor- tunity to got a good homestead. On this farm there is avariety of soil, good wheat root and pastnro'land, a good frame house stone milk ho e, driving shod, bank barn siring erne to roaring orchard, about 8 acres of bush, -'school and church within sight, Terms: iy furnishing approved security the 1) • payment need not be made until .inn ,,tny amount then paid flown to su rnrehe.w'r, Possession given l•'-ofApril. v to'r,C, l'f(:KKARD, Hnimnsvilic P.O. NEW PAINT SHOP. IcA1Sl.It & W1 f4SON Desire id anno1nrr t};nt they have Opened a shop on Albert St., Clinton, next to Glas- gow's store. Bring practical workmen they believe they can give satisfaction to all %rho entrust their work, PAPER HANGING, F(AL- SONI1NIxn, I'ArxTING, (irtAxiSn Axn Cmr.ixct 1 )rrnR ST n,, i. Nc., (''(0011 tori en the sl.i nrt^at n)'iaa. Ort'-r•respo fuliv goliritea, AUCTION SALE OF FARIII, Farming Stock & Implements The andersigned is instructed to offer for sale, on THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, —ON— Lot 6. Huron Road, Goderich T'p At one o'clock p.m., that valuable farm, oc- cupied by Win. Fenton, being part of lot 6 in the Huron Road concession, Township of Goderich, containing by the deed 65 aeras, but measuring about 70. One milefrom Clin- ton. Good land, mostly cleared; two never - failing springs, two good wells; comfortable frame house 36x18 with kitchen, good frame barn 60x45. Fine young orchard of three acres, Five acres of fall wheat; plowing nearly done. Also the following farm stock, &o.:-3 mares, 2 in foal, heavy draught, oolt coming 2 years old, filly rising 2, 3 cars in calf, 2 farrow cows, 2 2 -yr old heifers, 2 -yr old nteers,4 yearlings, 3 sows in pig, 2 other sows, lumber waggon,double buggy,pair bobsleighs cutter, reaper, mower, fanning mill, land roller, 2 ploughs, turnip scuffier, turnip cut- ter, set double harness, set single harness, and other valuable articles. TERMS for farm easy, and usual terms for goods. For further particulars apply to WM. FENTON, on the premises, or to H. HALE,. Clinton, or to JAS, HOWSON, Auct, MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at time of sale, More will be sold by public auction, at the Rattenbury house, el nton, Tuesday, March 20th, 1888, At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, byJamos How- son, Auctioneer, that valuable farm proper- ty being Lot Number 36, In the Ninth 000oes- 5100 of the Township 0f Goderich, in the County of Huron,. containing 80 acres. The farm is an excellent one, in fair condition and well fenced. There aro upon the promi- ses a frame house, frame barn, wells, orch- ard, &c. The property ie well situated as to roads, churches, and schools, and is about 4 miles from the flourishing town of Clinton. Terms will bo made known on day of sale, or may be ascertained upon application to the Vendor's Solicitors. The Vendor is pre- pared to allow a largo portion of the pur- chase money to remain on mortgage at 6 per cent interest. Dated this 15111 dal of February, 1.. , JAMES HOWSON, Auctioneer. MANNING & SCOTT, Vendor's Solicitor, 32.0 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 320 acres of first-class farming htnd, suitable for wheat or any other kind of crop, situated in Southern Manitoba, just north of Pilot Mound, abort eight miles from South Western C. P. Rail- way and leaq than half a mile from School and Post Office; title perfect. Will not sell it not sold before April 1st. Terms, 6500 down, balance in three anneal instalments, with interest at ii per rent. This is a bargain worth looking after. Full particulars given at NEW ERA OFFICE, or MANNING it SCOTT'S, Clinton, Ont. `EBD BARLEY FOR SALE.—S(JBSCRIB- 17 ER offers for sale a gnncolt% of first-class Clean Seed Barley. .IUFIN MiDDLE.TON, (i lerieb township, ROBERTSON, Has just returned from the eastern markets, and has brought with him a large and unique assortment of GENERAL DRY GOODS and MILLINERY for the spring and summer trade. Call and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. Only one price. Robortsoo's Great Cad Slam. JUST - OPENED TWO CASES, MensFTJR & FELT HATS THE LATEST NEW YORK STYLES. New Prints,New Dress Goods, New Curtains, New Spring Jacket Cloths, New Jerseys, WONDERTVL VALVE. J. C. DETLOR & CO., 1888. SPRING- 1888. FANCY BASSETS Sand Satchels, Window Blinds, Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations,Crochet Cotton, Snitting Cotton. Cord Aresene, Emb Silk, Snit - ting silk, Filloselie, Pompons„ Cords, Welts etc. Give us a call and you will be convinced that the Ilr.tvea Boort STORE is the Place to deal W COOPER, -- Beaver Block BOOM SHOES LARGE ARRIVALS OF NewSpring Good. 30 cases ,just received, which we have marked at closo prices. Eggs taken in exchange. :i per cent off for cash. FOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST W„ TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND MYTH.