HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-03-16, Page 4NIWAX MAUCH 10, Ma. . • ' ..'171E WIDE WORLD . DIRA k not stile:haw.- Wal'ci and honest — 44 !ill trlea to he thinga to all men- rally ends by being nothing to a iis .ody. Three of the Bell Telephone Cour -pany'e employes at Toronto n ere liu- ed $10 each on Thursday for cutting branches from abode trees. Toronto, with a population of 150,- 000, has 2..!tri1icensed places for the - sale of liquor; Montreal with a pop- ulation of 200,000, has 1,200. . Two car loads of silk from China valued. at .$25.,000, for Now Yolk, via C. P. R. passed through Ottawa on Wednesday. Several other similar shipments are enroute. —The Michigan Adventists are fully persuaded that the world will come to an end during the coming summer, and ate making their pre- parations accordingly. Three grammes dai y of antipyrin for three days before collie' king and the same for three days follow. ing, ia.said by a Frei el scientist to be a sure cure for sea•sickness. • George. 11. Sink. the author of "Ostlei Joe and "1farbor Lights," is just 51 yenta ofage. He inakea upward of $20,000 a year by his pen and was unheard of ton yeats ago. Charlas Strong, a clockmaker and miser, died mei irly in Boston leav- ing a fortutte of $05,00 and a tnis. eellaneous collection of clocks and watches turnberingseaeral hundred. Nobody knows who his heirs are, if any. Ah Lin,a 8 in IF, awl.; co Chinaman who was in the service of the American Government timing the Civil war and lost a leg, has just been put on the peusion list. 'Ho will receive $8 a month to help him keep his pig -tail in good condition. ThePresbyterian eletrehlat Hemp- stead, Lona Island, Cairns to be the first Presby terian eh arch organized in 'America, and the date of this or- ganisation is said to be 1611. The church organisation has been main- tained, it is claimed, Witheet a bleak ever since. A small tr.eut with two Loads has been discovered recently in the fish hatchery at Ionia, Mich. The beads a rti' fere tlyfire5764-irrial the bodies unite •at the back fin. The little fellow is described as looking like an animated bookie ck and as lively a wriggler as any fish in tl.e pond. It is recolded of the late John J. Flanagan, city editor of the -Utica Observer, that he professionally at- tended 27 hailing. On one occa- sion he persuaded the condemned man to be hanged two ler irs earlier than was first intended, in order to five hint time co get home after the event and put a good account of it in the paper. A physician says it is not at all difficult to eat quail for tt number of days in succession. He says that game of any kind may be eaten as a steady die t inst Hs well as may beef or pork. 'He cites the fact that 4 sailors eat snit pork ---ti polind day foe 1,000 days—and what, he adds is WOk se than sailors' pork? During his active connection with the army in the West, Many years ago, he ate pm isie chicken every day for months, ited )vas glad to gat it. "rho crop of alligatot s is derided- ly slim in the South -this year,' tiaid ' a mon who had juSt, rettirned from Florida. 'In fact, the supply 18 giving out, and the alligator seems ot-ealle road to extinction ss rapid- ly as the buffalo. The slaughter for their hides has raged so fittreely • that it is no wonder the stock has les.en depleted. It is onlysi matter of it few years until the last surviv- • or efit iiiighlyonotithed race will be dodging the bullets of the hunter in Nome lonely lagoon and wearily waiting for the end to come.' Every. parson speaks highly of •to never 1.t1. • BarkweH'S Ilreeeii.allialaaarbltcHeems,1 ettirt, ing titel r oiler a le rIO ing in. althea 1 ok love tot Sa(o:dd.) inght, at Mr Oeirt 1 oster's ampi hen: to 10 Wettaabiter Brid.t.r I ulna Ugl t Silo I I. ki 14'.• 111.1 co asks! by Mr Satso r orieeled to 1. • 1.. u 4ler 1,, • ,•4 tile- 1,4 ;• pro% 41 loos, 1111,1 .9, 1 ,tik1 1111 V. :AL.! Wt, int() a 4••,ge or den iti one of the is'ab es Vs hind the tunphheatte. Tuere were tseventeeu valuable performing horses in that part of the stables. After the evening performance, as usual, the premises were closed, leaving a few attendants and the keepers of the ani- mals. About midnight Mr John Dee Humphreys, the lion and elephant tamer,heard a great noise,the parrots screeching and the horses neighing loudly le ran to the It .h'es and found that all the wolvcs had got loose and had attacked the celebrated performing mare Shrewsbury. They had pulled her down and were gnaw- ing at her neck aud abdotnen. One of the keepers eeurageously and skil- fully get all the other horses safely out of the stable. "Alpine Charley." the trainer of the animals, and Mr Oliver, the assiitant manager. wete quickly at band ; and Met:hies George amid William Sanger and Mr Arthur Reeves presently arrived. 'Ike mare which had been so tt rribly mang- led was dead in a fete minutes and it was thought erudent to., leave the wolveit to devour her carcaist„ 'aftcr which they became lazy and sleopy. Oa Monday afternoon the wolves were successfully secured. A new large iron cage had Meti receivedoind the door at one end of the stable wile 6uarded by a party of men aimed with sticks, who drove the wolves to the opposite side till the eage placed in position and the door closed. The stable, which is built in the form of a triangle, was then surrounded, to prevent the escape of the brutes. The tnen then proceeded to the opposite corner where a door was opened, and " Alpine Charley," with an assistanl. entered the den. The wolves growled ferociously, and it was expected that they would fly at the ke pers. By the vigorous use of their sticks, how- ever, the animals were kept at a tance, while a barrier was fixed to guide them to the cage. While this was beiug done one of the largest wolves showed fight, and flew at the men, but on receiving a tremendoss blow front a stick one of the keepers carried,returued sulleely to the dark- est corner. .After some thne, the animals were all securely festened in their cage, the door of which was doubly locked and the ktys handed over to the assistant manager. It is suspected that the avid Yes Wk. re null i• ciously lelloose by some person 1:114 ly discharged from :11 r Sanger's employ- ment, EXCITINO SCENE. rho fl4lrIId1IiC, t Metter: ceeta, ley aid tevival • 14(41 at Belle% it cow he,. a terge, 11,1 01111 ye/ .itnis are uouticed. The fare) a ofit led() pity •, v postpone.: (1., .•4 • . wife,wito sato sl otStIl 1 , 1 o d with Lim. Wet: ; • 4. • :.,ts later, and the two wcro 11.1Ler.,.1 gether. Attorney -General Martin says that on his way down from Winnipeg he passed 600 cars of grain standing at Port Arthur, waiting transportation. Each car would probably contain about 600 bushels, so at that point 360,000 bushels were lying. The Halton Spring Assizes opened I there on Mondsy, March 12, before Mr Justice Sare, t. As there were no '.prisouers 10 the jail awaiting trial white gloves were again presented to . the Judge. Alta this is dh.. county that has gone hack i Stott Act. It seems that 'dry rot,' the, enemy of the builders, is a sort of 1:01itagious disease. (loud authorities state that it can be carried by eutwa and other tools which have b en in convict with infected wore], and that such tratie- mission and imprgemv ion is often the cause of the mysteriously rapid decay of originally sound timbers. . The Mikado of Japan is the 1 21st or his race, 811(1 is believed by him - tel reed lIljiC1M to be descended from the gods. As the national religion, Sintuktn, rscognises 8,000,000 gods and SIII II IS, there appears to be no good reason why every Jap should not be allowed to brag of 1 clually il- lustrious decent,. A fatal accident occurred nt (be saw 10111 (11 Jas. Alatgesen, on the 84,1i coneet,sion Of Bruce Township, by which a young man named Wm. Smith was instantly killed. Ile was in the act of puttirg un a driving belt,when his left min caught in some way unknown, and he was instantly hurled to the eeilieg and killed stantly. The editor of The Paris Petit Jour- nal, which bas the largest circulatiou in the world, saye that among the stories sent him the most objectionable on amount of their immorality are generally the work of young girls. The paper pays five cents a line for short stories and has a circulation of 1,4C0,000 a day. II Napoli, an Italian ranchman at Dayton, Nev., diacovered one of his cows choking on a potato. He thrust in his hand and succeeded in push- ing the obstruction down the cow's throat, but when he undertook to switistleatis-htniffirtre—trTiViliIildWiFic on it like a vice, and kept her hold until her jaws were pried apart with a crowbar. The bones and flesh of his arm were so crushed that amputa lion will be necessary, In the San Sabra valley, Tenet, an 'enchanted rock,' as it is named, ris- es 200 feet from the plane. It ean be seen for a dtatance.of several miles, and in the moonlight it presents a striking resemblance to an immense castle, with numerous windows bril- /lent ly lighted the effect ; is produced by the reflection of the tnoon's rays from polished surfaces of miartsourd pyrites of copper. * "The tettersboard of lite goes up 'rho tetter -board of'life goes down.' Up and down, up and down—one day a millionaire, next day "dead broke''—one day buoyant in spirits, rust gloomy as a fog—one day in ,erittoig perfect health, nest day li'Iout" with • a bilious :Week nr your storeeeh '1111 a strike." This is ' he ts ity the world wags now -a -days. If yen are hili els, 1IIOI:10I.hOIIC, d izzy licntied; dyspeptic, want appetite or have torpid:1(.0;m of liver, kidneys or take. 1/r Pierce's Pleasant Pelets-purely vl go able, perfectly hal 1111091.1s ; 011? kinse. The Frelielt ministry, of agrictelt- ' (Ire had. a number of tests made which will go to show that meat can be preserved hy sugarin tt 0111011 more saddest()) y manner than by salt. The silt is somewhat cheep: er, but its effect its to dessroy to quite a degree tlUt nutritive quality of, the meat with which it is brought in contact; while if the meat is pac'-- ed in powdered sugar a coating is formed on the outaide,the jui .e4 the meat are rctidued, and net tho least harm result 8. When sneer- presar ved meat is to he used, all that is - nect4isary is the soaking of 3.1in water, whichspeedily retuovei wilatever traces there may be of the preserving substance. it is tteeight that the result of this in- vestigation may 10411 in time to im- portant changes in the tneat-preserv- ng industry, ()ne of the oldest industries in Egypt is artificial .egg hatchi ig, pr:n- cipally engaged in by Copts. There are said to 704) establishments of.this nature in h c mntry, and the pro- duction of chickens from the ovens is estimated at from 10,000,000 to 12,- 000,000 annually. The Reason for in- elbating lasts through three months of the early summer. The country people bring eggs to the proprietors of the 'farroogs, acid give two good eggs for every newly hatched chick. Te11 the good news to the suffering— At la -t is a re:m(1y found, Which rnight have saved, had they known it Many who're under the ground Tell of the "Favorite Pretoriptior,' Bid hopriers women be glad— Bear the good news to poor creatures, Heart -sick. discouraged and sad. "Female diseases," so terrible in effects and so prevalent among all classes, can be cured by the IlsA or Ir Pierce's Favorite Prescriptim.4 Children Cry for .1. 11. l).1eQuest. n, 31 ,A , id the firm of l',11Q leStfoll & 111, bar. risters; (tisc.. Hamilton, atiri son of the hoe I)r Calvin MiQ lesten, died very suddenly Wednesday morning. Mr Maltiesien lets been in rather feeble health lately hut last evening be was apparently as welt t& t,siiai, W hen about to retire to bed be took a sleep- ing (fraught and immediatels after- wards fell (0) the floor unconscious. Ile never regained his senses, and (lied in the in about 9 o'clock. He was 41 years et age,. was well known in businese circles, wae inter - lo several 0( 119' manufacturing Itolustriss4 of Ontario, and was greatly respected. A nietase oir a telegraph wire, high abos'e'the street, woe the novel sight witnessed in San Francisco recently. Whet, he got 30 feet away inert the telegraph pole the Mouse grew very timid and scateely advatosad at all. At length lie grewoAselder and finally made the peri nfrs distnoce of over 300 feet to the next lode. A child explained the mystery of the mouse's queer ,journey namoing how ft blitek-alel.tan deg had pursued it, making it take to the pole. Whet) the 1119114e bad eompleted hie da nger- our 1111.1-itir !01p lir climbed down the pele and eyed on the hand of a look .r -on, who carried him Ittekty in triumph. 'rho mouse end nt. object op 11,1- proeeidings at ali. Hie spirit seemed to be entirely broken by 1110 terrors of las jaunt. A seriou 141100i i tor ;affray took Om e at Allison), Oots, Friday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, which may pntve fate!, t...'onstables Morrison and Hanks of Newtoss and Robinson, drove into Allison Friday morning, for the purpose of arresting Patrick Niolen, charged with selling liquor in Tottenham soma months ago. The constnble, haring securea their pris- oner, proceeded to the Dominion House, when Patrick Carton and 1).iminick Tuley, mitered and created a diiturbance. During the row Nolan escaped, and is now at large; Foley and Carroll were followed by ti e ma +table* Morrison ffie I several shots, one entering'Ca.ri'l's ihroat, another lodging in Foley's side, ano- Vier in his arm. Maurice Tebo, who was in the barroom of ihe Queen's Hotel, nasrowly escaped a stray bul. lett; it pas el wiliin a few inches of hi h Several dctr5 are in at. lance on the wounded men en- deavoring to extricate the butletm,but without success. Both men are very low. The 10'Httibles are under ar- res'. 'f he Methodist college at Nlitchell, Dak., wits oolt 11' 1 yestsrday, Wth 1048 01 life. Pitcher's Castoria: BAKING, Pt /WDEES. 'I II I,. LATEST OFFICIAL Trsqs Ti TH I Elt lti"LATIVT: PI' ItITY, . . -- The recent official tests in the States of various articles of food have attracted•much attention from the public and enused a wide discussion in the newspapers. The frauds in the matittfacture of baking powders, and the detr rmined efforts to force various brands of alum possolers up in the market, have caused the authorities of several of the States to look par- ticularly after this class of goods. The Ohio State Food Commission has ex- amined thirty different brands. and of these 1111 1(1 twenty made from ((10111. Such.a large number tt t stispeel ell, nor wa; it supposed that Some of the ereent of lariat' d phosphate poktlers, n hose 01,111t1 livers are represete to the public aa pure and tvim eenne, had (14) it so deteriorated as they Wei() tound te be from 1 he use of impure ingredients( in 1 heir compounding. As many or thee atitillt rated brands are sold in the I/cookie:I, the report possesses a local interest. Tito Ohio Cominission mole strougt'd and (Thrill, and declitied that pakieg powder the best --tis it WAS Or COU rso the pi/ rest- w ,"uti ng of effective strength, coot dneo (Ilium in smallest. Tiantitnet. In the powders named the 101lowing percentages of residuum iir inert. Mat- ter were found :— , Per cent of Nrone . Royal (Cream of Tartar Powder) Cleveland's .10.18 Zipp's Crystal (alum) 1199 Sterling 1203. Dr Price's.— 12,06 Jersey (alum) -16.05 • Forest City 24.04 Silver Star (alum) 31.88 De Land's 32 52 Horsford's (Phosphate) . 36.49 Isentain (alum) . 3&17 The nature of the residuum bears di: rectly upon the Question ot heaith. That in Rtoval is declared to he per- fectly harmless. In the ease of alum powders it, is considered hurt fol. yet the anomot lotted in three et* the cream of tartar powders - Cleve- land's, 1)r Price's and Stern ng --aver- aged more than that in (IT Crystal, En alum powder, impartartee of the intimate' ion con Vey (01 thsse figure's can be best understood lev a simple comparison. Tale for instene.e the two first named powders --the Royal and Cleveland's. 1'11e inert matter or residuum foetid in Cleveland's is seen to be about 3 in 7 nore than in the other. which is a difference of 40 per cent., the Royal being purer that) Cleveland's by a corresponding figure. The relative purity of all the brands can be coin- putsil in like manner. mien Baby wae sick, we gave her Caetorla, Whoa sae was a Chiba ehe cried for Caetoria, When ehe became Mies, ehe clung to Castor's, When she had Children, she gate them Caetorie San Francisco policemen say they have nue!). seen a drunken China man.. Accordiug to the report of the In Department there are 128,000 Indians in the Dominion under the direct charge of the filovernment n()- ctipying 1,117 reserves. List year, $1,11,7,721, was spent on the teen, a large portion being for salnries for officials of which there is an ever in- ereasingimtnbe.'. 1 A DAY IN WINTgft, 1 HOW could one live Utruuga, a day like (Ws, Sive.et: were ('00 (1141 With las bevies ((2 10 Live? 1.4111 heth; 1308 ham': with th •Lr ih• Of levers wit‘air,vo nu &lib 0( 30411011 who mixt. 14,.1 te•Ji 131.11 151 l':.0141 1. sl,....r, s•seet re...111413.. The run 14 41,81, 44•141 •••1818 11 616' I..... • ' .:t. .. 1." lit • 1. '4; 3t31. r, 1‘1.14'W 411.11v • 4,1` 1..,•!..61:1 1116' Ltss -tett thy 'lout wine, Ou uty lips teem thine; No task to learn, no faith to pruve- Oh, how could one live through a day like this, Sweett were one not with his books or lu love? -Orella Key Bell ha The Ceutury. The Mourning of the Poor. Nothing is more pitiful than the emblems of mourning of the very poor. On one side of the doorway of one of the most poverty stricken and repellant tenement houses a 14 of white mourning fluttered in the, bitter winter air. It was cheap mourning, and therefore more mournful than any other. Composed of a rosette of coarse muslin, with a pliantly small knot of the poorest %tilde Satin ribbon, it told its utury ilei,titilth.ti more furc.ibly than language could in,ssibly portray it. The hall was a Mins et slinwatitl ice. its door stood wide open, and no tunnel could be colder. Every window in the mis- erable building was dark and dirty a coal mine. Yet, waltin thse hideous walls 11111111111 beings lived, suffered and died. Who k skulk" help looking upon that pathetic bit uf mourn- ing and keep front saying; "It is null with the child. lie will walk in tut evil 119 will know no et il thought; be '11 Ih to leo et 11 deed.” -New York Press "Every 14.13 Talk." 's Ill evhititicul 11) tlr• imitttS• of titeehahimt 1141i1y,,rnr instative, 4,:4,41.11Io the toot boa 4.1 ao - • when la, 1,,,t.-1(lerS it welt furnished, mid 4.hat -et SCIENCE AND PROGRESS. EVIL eFFaCTS i OF IMPERFECTLY PRIN 2.3 UCHOOL ratlike% . nei lt Workk:s 1)ut•1114 4314111 A lie,. r • 19 1 01 T11.4.44oly, •!'s 44,11) 1. 11 1 4.6 14411 4 1,11. liktksia.g the Ap- paratus and 1 nin•rintentlag 11 ith it. The Trevelyan roeker illustrated in the cuts can, says SciontitiC American, be easily made. Following are the explanations and direction, given by the journal in quotation. 1(10. 1 -TItIkNELVAN'S Itot'ESIt. This apparatus eunsists ((11 short pi, vo, A, of lead pipe, alenit un invh diemeter, and a piece, 13, of Melt brass tubing, about three- quarters of an Melt outside diameter and five or six invites long. 'rho 141141 pipe is tlattened a little to keep it front rolling, and tho sur- face abut.; the side which is lk be upperIlloSt IS Strape'l lel 84(3' ((1110,1, Thu brio.: tubing, iS11111 thin upon oue side, near tine (sal, tout the thitt lent is driven in nit ti the pvin of a 11(131 ('(1) or a pute,11 48 11,1 to 14..ave the kingitudinai a'a, damn ill (14) und View Fig. 1. ate s it 1,111•11,1.4 A (tun itn tea Nov, 11 rca rn•,ty nails, a awl a t 4,13' inferier sheath inate. 11'i1415 would tit., or4,11,,,ti•y ineelatnie 01 Civ liz,ii ilk!i ith such implements 89 118.'1414 Vet 411111 tlies,, poor tool:, tie, Esiiinto NVill repair 11.. leeks of their guns, make harpoteis and 9pe4t-1,, put together their k.e.uks and mina ks, ;tad manufacture all sorts of 1111np.:5 out of walrus ivory. They will take the blade ent one penknife, utter it 191 1(4 10 1/0 Ilt'SIIIIIIiiii..144%.,/111(1 place it in Lowther handle, 413111 13(4.4 w4t.11 a to, 14(11 needle the hole fee the phi on 44111011 UM blade ttiriks, having nest by meet!, 1,1 lire ettrefully 1111te1tliskrek1 the part of • the blade to bo dri1let1.-J. Oxley in .1 enliven Magazine. .1. ()ii 1111(50 1(1 21)111(4 Camp. The bki,k st Chinese Milling e1144:1) ill the 11011.11 West is at %Varrelt, L T. 111111411,de of (.hiles,. 1111 01' less) nt Mirk there ter set teed ytairs, and eavli year from tiny to seventy - eve go bate: to China with frent kse,o1 40 to sasiou, a fortune for them. .Slost Chinese miners ufirk Mel' ohl 111i111.9. 411111 aro very 41)1- p011 01 cleaning up every particle of gold.; but at Warren they are tees ,44)'1(l (411, Loa their '11 ('('1141 system resells in largo yields. - Chi, ibzo News. Neither Poster.; Nor Dodgers, 13119 in' 1 Ile slirewtIc4 :Ma • rtisers Juba 1ra111nittker. at merchant, who 11-1 Cm* Lis • in is way; Alt Itc4 Iki 1914 such a Idle.; ((511. poi'I, a 1.1b.;• r or a 11.111,1 bill, 2.41 plan Ow fifteen .y,,ars has been to •buy st 1 emelt spave in a newspaper. end lin it tip with what 18111111, 1 v;4.111,1 not give 111111(14 pit iscikiwil (311. tik•44 siktiper. 1.4 eu 1,1' 1.115 cir,c intik ilk. 1.4'.-k,11111.1 eigel'A,-.w tit& !edits Tin— ii.s.:,11(.01.at. _ A. Psychical Ineldent. tvell known artist et this «it y tell; a story which' will Le of iiitee4.4 111 any one fond et• psyellical in t-estigulleos. 114, was sitting in his sleeping chamber late at night reenting11 Pretlith novel, when his (rho hail retireii sonle hours 0,.)'. i'. 19'. terIly awoke and related a dream whieh she litel Pio 1111,1, The dream nits an t•xitet part -even to kletailS-9f the It of the tmvel. Which the lady ha1 n...cet. re841. -Now • 11v, nlng• 11', :old. 1 9941 ikkr Tlicc. !.. ..1 i'i•I fu the fact 11,01 14(„ 111 141118 ' 1 11,.; r I It' He. pillitences )tirt',..toklillg 1 11,1,11 4., re k.kicli kek TII if1,1141 1 111' li4i'11"1,. 1111.145 \WWII 10. c.1' 1 11 sk;;,g Ile (.1 1,,t0 11,1111 '111•• loroll,11411i6.1 Ir4V 4.110 ..that most •If thetit 314111 1.141'•.4. 1.19,11 1,411,1'.' 1' tie: rest of their .4 V. Tribune, • -~ 1404') 81.113' of' 1..!4• Oil,' (41 16" • . •' •!•!1'4.6 . •.s.• 1.. .1 1 t• • of ,,•4•61•6`6 6ti 11 ,, 1 • /III • I! 1', It 1,1011.• e ;re. ,,.'• .1 v. ;1:4; I oven, s, 4111 ,d..taa;• 1 1(I «1 tut iscracid. k.tty 990 • •••61,8 hit() Ilk 11010,1 181400 -1.••••••11144 I:11141'1116H 6o66 011815 130. IIL' ('5(40 11111' il he 1 Fronk , 11, he iS ill V ed 1'. Lake un urikuge ire 1 49k, - rhieago 1•14.eald. 1. Sivigkilitif .1•:1141.111. •11414111:114 eloar is 1 he 11.84. 611' tt11.4 (0111'11 "C)0'11111111" %%111011, 1/Ott11114111 111.11116•11110.1 Urge, should. be, "Isiculitit..! Tut. rong sta.liime, is. eltai.ge41. ulna; Dr, .1111190.13, 44'119 iS said lo 1utic 1 Itk.• %sick "t..twort," SkIt•it.11 is prk.rtull. of (11' eiteao tree. .1 ,•kettsittV 0101'. Heal ty '1Voikkierfi( 1. 311.. 1), sappy -Nit -as, illte works min- ders. %V (0, whoa l was' holm 1 wits 1130, y114l1ige-1 ilk nelyfonhily. tend no'w i have fk.ttV liWUtikers all 'younger than myself. 141miritru• Crowd- 1:504 it 4.41113ordinavy2 .1 odd hination. ,a1,1 ,,,laidant he; , a shop la 11114 1111112111 City of I116.1 1, •11, iho Adriut ie. A sign infeette; 41' (111 I, , etistom- ers that within rim lo, titaltiited • -91,1 slices km loaves, kkIkkj 01111,1 111 Mak liekkun *ago News. Tla 1%4 14140. 0/0111 14011,1100 18411110 (1111,1(800 11) lieeping bee; itt North .keteriett. nod 1101 honey preilipet 100.000,000 %1,1140.1 al.k When a Bosom girl rends tole of 111131(1114' 10e044111'1094 S110 IS g•enerally affect 4,1 to tears, artit little icicles form on her elieel,s, •-- • lf 3l.0 are annoyed by 11 balky hers,/ sell him to somebody who 11411 1111 'r' patience than 3 on hitt O. . - • Folks 0 lint laughs Wid yer en not at yer, (lee wakes de house f1111 11' sweetness ez er comb 1,e 1.1' honey. ---- — The older WO get the fewer friends We make. 1Ve haveict (line to try t114,111. 1:444. Wiet. Flit, gets a rtrent deal of its fire 1'04111 1 1114 Bahama islands. , (91 14 don't 1''' S(01 e has tit. 1.01 'pepper atunils. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 'M s G. Ching, of Stockholm, Sweden, is 07 years of age. liav. iog Telatives in New London,Conn., she decided to visit them, and is now on the eeerui en to(t() to this emintry. She is ravelling alone, and het. eourige in undertaking sueli a jouruey her 'lee 15 correitl- ered remarkable. ^ _ • l'7117177''''.777 -"r" Trri• Ili/ • DA NtililiS)116 0 UN'PEItFErl'S Counierivits are al Wat i• • ..4 61 - 1111.10 3.84 that 11 4.4 ...e it • • , lave the ori.iiital 111 .40; ,.• 011111, 113, 1111161 11.66'1 P0 • v• 11 1,4 N: k•el 1..'11k as a • • 1.1119• 1.,, ; „3.11 0; ,t;,,l 1 b.,. itti, 444 .1 id pr,neipitd p 1 ..s to 44)12' 1,4)' ll 1 "4. 641 . • 4'1 1 I 11 ' 11111 10 LI: 41, ceix 1.1.1 1.4.t• tee.' titling Nasal Balm in name itod a p ' 'pearance, bearing auch runes as Nad- al Cream, Nasal 13a1eaca, etc. Ask for Nasal Balmd •do not take hai- l; tation dealers y urge upon you. For sale by all d uggists or sent post- paid on receipt ot price (50e and $1)1 by addressing Fulford & Co., Brock• i ville, Out. 11. Rider Ilaggerd is one of the• blonde type of Melo His skin is sal- low and colorless, and his hair is a sort of light drab in color._ .Hiatyes are a dun blue, of theti;d'Which phy- sicians are wont to 001,0001 '11111) an anaonic temperament. His forehead is square and strong, his lips firm attl bis chin seusitive. ilk is an unemo- tional lace, betraying no humor nor tenderness, but strong in its lines aud general effect. In fisure he is ta 11, sleeder and dignified. A Chicago father offend his book- keeper, a Weil I iltalittd 3 oung titan, $25 it he 310111,1 learn tti.) school lessen set lor a girl et' 12 3'e81s old in the tinie'alLotted her, mid Lite beuitee per made failefe ef it, I The extraordinary popularity et Ayer's Cherry Peetoral is the natural result of i:s use by all Casses of peo- ple for over flirty .) (.1rs. It has pro- ven itself' the very best specific for colds, coughs ;led pulmonary cote- ' plain ts. ' 4. • '2 l'ItEVELYAN's 1100KElt. inen the brasS tills) is 11' '1141,1 alai liliteed the lead pipe as show.i I, 404114thti rit1;_:4,..t, 8t3. coat net the lout pipe, boiss tune 11..;;Iil 4 to rtr•It, Of ky .1,, f,,k• 41, ▪ , (.01.11.1.n, Willi sualeitelt ('11411) )j) give (4 ,.,01 1 „ 111. !,,iree; 101111,11 i:11011 .41 note. If it '1,'4n s et gait ur 1194,1 1, a lit t lejarri ne; will ste it f•ling, test a .4( comintieto ;Ike forth /18 S0111111 14.11' 84411164 TIlt• 8,1'104 l'01,61:411111 4011 Or 11118 plit.'1101111- 011011 1.4 hat 1110 V011ti101, Of ht. lint brass with he tlead fetuses lie lead to stn141,,nly expand and projeet 14414)'(9'', 1)410 dist:twee upward. These upap nrd rojevtions of the 1il aer .-stlt- nate betweeit the t wo ;mints of coat .et, and thus the t...) ic11 44'11,11 great rapid- ity 111141 regularity. "Did n't know 't was Loaded" se ••,. his child huesati 411111 . 1..1 1 4-6'4 4.1 1, 61411:6'1' 11;‘' 14..1111 ;,f ...to 1 le, ,.!..p1;1411,.1 a • • se:pliar and • 4... 6,0 ,n Nv.•:;•readitt; pi! s •, lit Itisc140101s t.cep Sarsaparilla, 1\ 1,i,•11 11 641 !!. 4. • .!•• 6;2 11. 11 • '.I••'••. 1111.1! 4111' /Mist 81•4,6, : .1 I•6; r• I 6%1. 1.111.111,44H6010'I•r .:.• 1•.114 111".1.1:1i111, • e is slhitva tnoilitleatiort nf 3140 1.4K-'4',"111,11'6111% !," perinssa iti which the lead is indented tu ••1;4 '•' " f 1.1 I t11,` cont/tet 3113(11(01,, a. it, and the 14;1 1)".1.111"1 11".1 4" 411";)"' in "t ,33;116...4„ 11410;24 'hill, 1081 1186S Of (1).'. I 1 111411 1111 111.•r /1111,1,4i111,6 I'2,61„1.1•11, 111 1111110a1. id.01.1. 81,11 11141114.yd 11, r te 11(2:11,...1 kit% 11, 18 111:1•114 to 1'0M( 01 it c,a1111)(tra- tive1). 411 411(41 i21 01 note. 114; t•ite:rni ioutuptilittioil, the ihtr fluty be 1111111,to reek kith longittelinally mid. any1a 811o11111- 1 1, kla11 I' • : : 1141 111 dill: Milt' 1.•••1111 111.111 tit' tile 1 As) S 8111118, • l'•••111•11 I • 4' • 111'61111h 1 I /- i1111 .% 14 r's ,i •, ron,, for 1/41 '11.4.4aus imeing Shower.? •1 19,,i111,ic 11- 1 ' reply lo the above eit, ry, c,,rre•pon,12 I set , lc,: 611'',' ('114 it: Popular Sewn -4-, :setts eNi,re4.4:4,44 hi; 1(0114( 114434 %velem. de fall tluvvit. lie elaint, to have' relic:at-114 54;0; th,,se t,arth worms in caldron _kettles. sitspt,n,10.1 444 lung fly bails of C11111118, 111111 11114' 11( 110 eseillec.ticiti svith Vine ground 41111' 1.111*U1lg1.1 lite lkall Or ellnill, runt the p0l01tin,1 its rests; and in malty' .1. Cost rieLt. 1',.„ 111,1, 11, N. V.. says ; 11 44421(1.4' :\ 10611(.111V, 1 111611 II 541101110•1 8111.81:1111••• 11/1'111,' '101ilul' ''211 ('..UIl'l. 124..1.1'1•1•'•1. 6-a1'•661.1111'1116/6 8014 41 li•W 1,9,' (34 .\ .1 fter helr use. 14,1 freshio IdtO stronger ge tit the summer." for stn.11 (0(11114(4 0) get without falling 1.10811,Ayer's Sarsa.parilia„ 114.18•14 I6it411.1tit1111.1 '5,.here it NVaS illtpossiblO ns Iti Slip frollghs. and btlekeffi, till)S, pans, 1114 1.3ItEll (kV etc. A filet in voimeetion with these eireum- Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mass ; stun 04 iS, that, unless discovered in a short Price $1; six nottics, :I.:, ',Verdi t ,i bottle. ; time after getting into these vessels or traps, . (01) lire de111-drowlie.1, probrildy; shoW- ing 4(1111 they art. ineapable Of climbing out Til l'; l'ItINCIPLI.: of tho itiehNing tvall. whatever it might be, '4 (4.4 11 1 4,11 or plot, invliaedoutward,'whith they •-411N ust han ve eeende.1 10 MI 4/1:1110s/,' ilit•linti• . it •. tiok, A'67s 1s m — g ,,,... 4....,. Hi,. ,.,„,:hlt., if we .upi,,..., the . 0 il wmml Dors Itclpe 1 themselves in lry 4•1•:.4.iiiig up' ... ,44t I 8. • Al gnI. 'rhiseorre,p,,u,hq8 ,... .,1 1,4,L.i 31 r.l' N. \ et '' cq tle -, \''' .11), ill (Vitt' l'iIitl INT:41111'1% 11184441' the •eirciikki.t:,iick•s it 'ie.', kit' tlkov 11,10,'Ikeet ll kkf > rikZ 1.1.. 0 1:19r., rre etent (l',(( ('1,4 ((1. 03 011)113 44'01,1 her, isetisiwe etileet. Th Hatt minister of public. inst Inlet lea 1 161" ti..7::::,'111,14,•\:1:1,-..Yies.r;11';',1,,lii",115'l19',v011141r111rlii' ty'tslig .dili sch,,Ols. its )119Npreen- NeiCikt ific ('11'Y 1.1"1,11'13' low bildrea 1 I, 1 I W.; aim r 1.. .116.1•1611:,•' 1166%, .40 I I./ 11 • Of 1 '.•. '• 16.1141111 4.1' 1;184, 4161'1 •:',1641 ing 4/1.' letters ai,•, Tin. chi, r books 1 to the very dazzling 1 UN. 1 1,1:,:,k 11 11:,t. 11::t.,11 ,,s4,riSt.41,t4lili1g101‘1.1,:;;;; los,81011) au 1 the evil etiects nf this is aided by the paper being 1.4141196.1 :eel by tin; light supplied ing usually ticucrally 11pea1<in4, lie school hooks er this t:01040y are well printed. To, Itestore Stone Steps. Tio restore stone staircases, of which the steps have 1se.0:110 Worn, e, Froneli journal' tidy ke. (111,1 the worn parts' he 113,151 (((31(1 with n solo! Mu of silicate of pteash tsolitble 441114, mill then' that the step be given its ori4114111 form 1,3' 14181104 4)4! a paste eomposed of 11,ydrai01ic lime and silicatc or punish, to 1,1441 311 pee emit, of line silicions sled is tine lidile•I, The durability of the steps time re,,1411•481. il is claimed., Is cumparablt, to that 10111441 449,1.141 110 Old:tilted hill!, the best stones, awl 21,111i,1011 01' the added 4,..;9rt is per - le 11111(1 ((1(14 chemist, has proved that _ Aclii and 1)13' roe. salts:site nest ii, a prevent' ve and cure for dry rot, At 11151 1 he 991 is as MCA ill the dry or pm,.,1,1. tone. hut tatterty the greatest 811C - 4s•84 lots lona, 1,ellie‘ ed. according to l'rofessor Vark,ky. l.,' 1io.uI4ilug five ounces it tul flame 1.1.111 te.!‘i in one quart or COM - ince s;iiril. 1.I349 Sella 1011 to a eine. ',meet .11.41:.9. wit) tvater the' moment 'of (("11(41 0. ----- V4•104.ity of Torpekrocs. Issas—or 'Moss diseussing in the .km011- E1111 n,,,,oeiat ion 11)4.' yekeity of tnrpoloes, 'mention-. that. sI ran•s and bits of hay are often driven like thlrfil into pine I On 1%1S, and even into the dense bark of 1191:o93' 41') /Ie had found that to obtain similar re.,,tilts by slnulting straws from rat air gun. ties of from 1:10 to 175 mato an hone WOTO 3(10 1(0,1', ExcrelSo fkt Open Air. Wintli nerve; are the eonstant eompanions of inact N, Itt ing but exercise and the Orli 11 ir 1,1111.sLrengt hen the nerves and pre- vent (19 diseases that arise from their relaxed 'state. 'rite active and laborious seldom com- plain of nervous diseases. Such complaints come from people of ease and affluence. Active diversions are necessary, not seden- tary oneist The latter do not fill the lungs with fresti air or add inighttless to the eye or strength tt) the muscles. A Buffalo man, 41 ho has just cele- brated his 19th birthday, is grey - headed, lie was born February 21)fh, ,ittat 77 years ngo. An esthetic Chicago tailin Kends to his ptitrone in lieu of bills a alitiftilly colored print of a forget- me-not, lfe (4)45 1110 scheme works nicely, rind hie patents never paid lip se pronipily aryl rheerfully .11e. fore.. COLD MEDICATED. ifeat lance, et;', Yence et., To4e,?4•., Washington', M.D.L.C,PS..0., 1111(1t(1114 9ur....sal,44 ill 41.11 RATTENSURY HOUSE, MONDAY, 19th OF MARCH, IOU oNE DAY ONLY COO: Asa A matEsses PATIS▪ N-TS CI 111:11 Ilt DK. WASkumics's Nike; Mteritem. . M. S. Dean, BrIdgenorth, Ont., Catarrh, head and Mutat. :firs Jos. Eyre, !timbal's, Ont., re. 1114)V111g g!mith from nose. Mr Stevenson, (boil- er foundry) Petrolea, OW., Catarrh. 2.1rs,„,11 Cornish, Wallaceburg, Ont., Asthma and Com suniption. Mrs MeLandress, lona, Catarrh of the throat, Airs J. Laniking and smi, Kingston, Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafness. Mrs R. chem... bur, Aylmer, Ont., Catarrh throat. Mrs jaw. Embeimou, Napanee, Ont., stand- ing. J. A Little, Dundalk, Ont., Catarrh,, J. E. Kelsey, Badgeruse P. O., latarrh, bad forini. crim's sea, Walleeebtirg, Ont., Catarrh, bead and throat. R. Menzies, Wareham, Obt., Catarrh, head and throat, , Mrs F.Seett StSMing, Ont., catarrh, licad and 1111 0141. Edith Pierce, Sirathroy, Ont., enlarged tonsils. W. Lindsey, Petrolea, 0111,, catarrh. Mrs J.Tait, Vyiter,Ont.• catarrh, head and threat. Mr it.Noble, jeweller, Petrolea, catarrh, throat 11. McColl], P. AI., Strabliroy, Ont., bromato eonsumptiOn. W. 11, Storey of Storey & Son,prominent glove manu- facturers of Acton, Ont., mired by Or Washing. ton of Catarrh of the throat, bad form, and pro- nounced ilieurable by eminent speeialiats 111 Canada and England. Wi•ite him for particulars 1100 111B 113 )10 A 1,1, KINDS. Field a,id Galeflell Seed 84 of all l'reS111 and MAY, iticlud- fug Seed Peas, Oats and Buck- wheat, at the CLINTON PEED wroltc. It. TZS DI ()NS. FA IINIS FOR SALE. FjOUSE A N D LOT FORSALE -TIIAT VALE A ULM and conveniently situated property owned by Alr John Callender, being lot 1811, on the north side of Huron St. The house 1111/3 11111. able accommodation for large tinnily, with all conVeniences, sucli as bard anti soft water, etc. Gad stable on the lot, Perther particulars on wpifeation to MANNINO & SCOTT, Clinton. 3toAs £gales rug tami 1241aR3 cis caPA46- • ••