HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-03-16, Page 17 e • WIP.,14TY-TRIRD !IF! Nuumwr 13007. J An Angers Visit. -- e was sitting -in the sanctum with his -.Angers in his hair, When he heard a footstep coming, coin - !ng slowly up the stair. aighed a weary sigh, and said: °Here grimes another bore To look at the exhanges, and to 'gas' an hour or more. May can't they let me write in peace? se. All day they come and go; ;Who rumen countrypaper has a dread- ful mit, to hoe.', A knock, "come in," a stranger stood within the open door; Isle this the editor ?" he said -just that . and nothing more. 4.0 is, sirs take a seat, sir; ! What can I do•for you?" The stranger smiled. A pocket book he ' from his pocket drew, And spoke again, spoke golden words, although they were but few, He said "I've just dropped in, sir, my subscription to renew." [Norn.-In order to be complete, the fisllowing original stanza should be add- ed: Such a visit as this from a thousand oi two Would be pleasant and joyous, 'tis true But they don't make the visit, nor yet do they pay, Except by the promise " I'll do it some day." Blyth. What our wide-awake corres- pondent saw and. heard while on his rainshles through town. APPRENTICES WANTED. Apprenticts to .La. learn Dress and Mantletnaktng. Apply to MISS RIDDELL, Blyth, Ont. CONVALESCENT. -Your correspon - debt is well pleased to learn of the recovery of Rev H. A. Thomas from his recent illness, who was able to perform the regular service in Trinity church last Sunday. FELL -While returning home from his store Saturday evening, our popu- lar grocer, Mr John McMullan, slip- ped on the ice and fell. heavily to the ground, receiving a severe shaking up which made him feel sore for several days. SPRING -LIKE. -Our popular black- smith, Mr Hugh McQuarrie, on Mon- day shipped a number of pairs of iron harrows to Manitoba. He got. the bider last fall, but received notice to ship at once as spring had opened up in that country. A REMINDER. -We would request all to remember the entertainment to be given in the temperance hall, this (Friday) evening, under the auspices , of Trinity church in behalf of the 'parsonage building fund. . An excel- lent programme has been prepared and an enjoyable time may be ex- pected. • A Quir.T.-We are reliably inform- ed that a daughter of Mr John Black - borough has 'just completed a cabin quilt, quilt, which contains sixteen, hundred pieces. Miss Blackborough has la pen t the greater part of eel) years in making it, and we doubt it • its number can be excel. ed. GONE 'WEST. -Quite a number of farmers, farmers,' sons and others left this Section last Tuesday Morning by special train, for British Columbia and other points, taking with them stock and other farming utensils'and products. It looks as • it' they had adopted the motto, "Go West, young man," and they have gone. QUITE EN,creenhE.-Considerable excitement was occasionedhere last Thursday morning, shortly after the arrival of the morning papers, whets the report was circulated that Em- peror William of Germany was dead From the feeling it created one would ' be lead to believe that another .Cri- men ' War had broken out. The panic .has subsided. •-KEEPING BACH. - Messrs Scott Bros. manufacturers and dealers in furniture, etc.', have fitted up rooms over their large and extensive ware - rooms, whrere-they are trying their hand at the secret of the culinary art, and from latest reports are doing nice- ly, and are having a jolly time keep- ing bachelors' quarters, and can sing. ' We're not o'er young to marry yet." MECHANICS' LNSTITCTE.-The me- chanics' Institute of this town is in a flourishing condition. The member- ship has increased largely during the past month, The library contaius many hundreds of books which con- tain all classes of literature calculated ' to store the mind with useful know- ledge. Members should remember that Wednesday and Saturday of each week are the days appointeckon which to change books, and no book is al. lowed to be kept out longer than from two to four weeks without constitut- ing an infringeme at on the rules of the society. Terms, $1 per annum. THE BEST PAPER. -While loung- ing in the corner of one of our hotels lately, your correspondent overheard a lengthy debate betwe61 a number of men, whose intelligence is not limited in the matter of current lit- erature. who were comparing the news of a number of county periodi- cals. The discussion became animated, each claiming their favorite paper to be the best, but finally concluded that the CLINTON NEW Eita was the best edited and an enterprising jour- nal, giving full reports of all local oceurences, and contained the most original news of any paper published - in the county.. _ OYSTER SUPPER.-- We omitted last week to notice an event which took place Wednesday evening. The members of Trinity church choir, up- on invitation, assembled at the resi- dence of Mr.Robertson,Clinton,where an evening of social enjoyment was spent. Atter refreshing themselves with fin excellent supply of well-pre- pared ovsters,furnialled byMrs,Whitt, leader tsf the chefs, the company re- paired to the parlor, where a very pleasant time was spent. They speak I in the highest terms of praise for the very able, courteous and hospitable manner in which they were received by Mr. und Mrs. Robertson. SA D NLWS.-One day lastweek Mr Ed Hoggert received the sad intelli genets of the untimely death of an elder brother, who died in Ypsilanti, Mich., and was buried there Friday. SPECIAL SERVICES. -The series of special services are to be continued hi the Methodist church during this week. They are being largely at- tended and much good is b:ling emnplished. Revs Burwash. Gee and Rimers assisted Rev Mr Tong° in special work last week, and Mr Rogers again on Tueeday evening of this week. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES -The an- nual educational services will be held iti the Methodist (enrich next Sun- day, when sermons will be delivered morning and evening by Rev E S. Rupert, of Ratttgibury street church' Clinton. Mr Rupert is an intelligent, able speaker of wide reputation and will receive a large bearing. Collec- tions will be taken up at the close of each service in behalf of the Educa- tional Fund. CONTRACTS. -The contracts for the erection ofthe Anderson & Elder brick block have been let to the various mechanics :-Stone and brickwork,R. Haywood, Clinton ; furnishings, F. Bawden ; carpenter work, Messrs Mc- Gill & Halliday; painting, Andrew McNally; plastering, Ed Sherritt ; roofing, C. Hamilton, all of Blyth. The roof is to be of galvanized iron, and a plate glass front will adorn the structure, which is to be completed by the first of September next. NEARLY AN ACCIDENT. - What might have been a terrible accident happened Monday afternoon to a lad named Kew, apprenticed with Messrs Slater & Sims, carriage makers. The ladis seyenteen years old, but small of stature fbr one of that age, and was in the act of throwing the windmill out of gear when his clothes caught in the coupling of the shafting and were torn completely .pif his body. He spun round with the shafting fia several minutes, but his cries ,for help brought assistance and he was soon released from his perilous position, receiving but a few bruises. Nis parents resident Whitechurch, where his father is station master, and has an elder brother working here with Taylor & Sons. CRAYON DRAWING -The attention of your village correspondent, who happened to be in town on Friday, was drawn to a handsome picture, nicely framed, in the plate glass win- dow of Scott Bros.' showroom. On further examination he found it to be the portrait, nearly life-size, of Hon, A. M. Ross,the worthy member of the West Riding of Huron. Upon further inquiries he found the artist of this masterpiece of handiwork to be Miss Hattie Drummond, youngest daugh- ter of Mr Wm. Drummond, who has disployed wonderful talent as an artist in the crayon drawing of' the honorable gentleman. Miss Drum- mond, though yet in infancy as an artist, is one of the best in the Do• minion. The features of the subject are so minutely and accutately done that one can iinagine that he is stand ing face to face with the honorable gentleman, and this mesterpiece o art reflects great credit upon Miss Drummond. BIBLE- SOCIETY MEETING.- The annual meeting of the Blyth Union Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Metho- dist church, last Thqrsday evening, commencing at eight o'clock,at which time the edifice was comfortably filled with an audience composed of the congregations of the various denomi- nation of the Protestant churshes of the village. The usual opening ser- vices being perforated, the Secretary, Mr W. Sloan, M. De read the annual report, which showed a remarkable and encouraging increase over the previous year, thus exemplyfing the efforts of the Blyth Branch Bible So- ciety in the extension of the good cause of spreading the Gospel among the heathen in foreign lands. The most interesting part of the evening's entertainment was the itlustrated lecture by Rev J. G Menly,,the So- ciety's agent,who,bY the use of charts, held the audience spell -bound for some time by his historical sketches. of Egypt and Israel, dwelling prin- cipally upon Lower Egypt and the Land of Cannan. These are wonder- ful lectures.ably delivered,and should be heard by every one. Short ad- deesses were delivered by resident ministers, Dr Sloan and others. The chair was ably filled by Mr N. H. Young, in his usual happy style. The officeis were all re-elected for the en- suing year. The choir of the church rendered choice and appropriate selections at intervals during the evening, which were well given under the leadership of Mr P. Willows, Exeter. , Bitisaes.-Very stormy weather the beginning of the week. Our sleigh- ing is about done and the wheels are brought into use once more. Mr L. E. Dancey, barrister, of Seaforth,was in town on Friday last. Mr Thomas Tipling,. of Clinton, was in town on Monday last. Messrs Eli Symonds, Walter Black and Harry Donough,of Goderich, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday last in town; they took part in the carnival at the roller rink. "l'he 3 mile race between J. It. Vail, of Exeter, and J.W.Black, of Goderich, was won by Vail, by about of a lap; this race was for the championship of the county and a wager of25; the Goderich boy chased him very bard. Mr Wm Patch, who has been visiting his parente the past two weeks, left for his home in Chicago, on Tuesday morning last. The Exeter "Careless" foot ball club defeated the "Star" club, of Stephen, on Saturday last,by one goal. The musical festival held by the Salvation Army here, on Mon - ( ley evening last, was a success, 4. CLINTON, ONT., MARCH 16, 1888 I ROBERT HOLMES, Publisher $1.50 a year in advance. St.Helens. Miss Bertie Murray is home again from Lticknow, after having an ex- tensive visit among friends there. James Gordon, teacher of school seethe' No, 3, Culborne, wits home spesding Sabbath last with his pa- rents here. Mr Wm. Orr, as was reported being so dangerously ill, we are happy to learn hi able to be around again, though he looks very freil as yet. The farmers in this vicinity wore busily engaged getting home ice last week for dairying purpose. They got shine beautiful ice -cutting it off 11 Purvis' lake, Kinloss township. We are sorry to relate the young gentleman, who loaned or hired a horse to take his lady out for n drive last Sunday, was sadly disappointed owing to bad roads and inclement weather, having to return the horse after a day's leeding for nothing. It must be a trying circumstance in it young man's matrimonial career. LEFT FOR DAKOTA AND MANITOBA - Quite a number of our young men left on Tuesday for Dakota and -Mani- toba, among these were: Thomas and Daniel Radcliffe, also George Patter- son, leaving fair ones to mourn their long absence. We wish them all suc. cess in making homes for themselves in their new spheres. ENTERTAINMENT. -The entertain- ment in connection with the temper- ance lodge here, held on Friday even- ing last was a grand success financial- ly, although some were disappointed at Rev Mr Shaw, of Lucknow, not coming to deliver a lecture upon Tem- perance, be being otherwise engaged on that occasion. However,it passed off very pleasantly, having a lengthy programme of good variety got up by members of the lodge, and haying Rev R. Leask as chairman, who made some very suitable remarks in favor of tehilperances and Also hoped that this society would -long prosper in our midst. iin gan non. Miss Susie Smith left with her father last week for Chicago. Mr O. J. Pentland has gone for a short visit to friends in GorAe. We are pleased tolearrislethat the wife of Rev Mr Carrie is ifitiproving after her illness. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs Crawford, but hope she may be soon convalescent. Mrs McKerracher, of Kincardine, has been the guest of Mrs Isaac Ham - len during the week. 11Irs.Johnstone and little dengliter and also Mrs Eplilet and little boy left for Michigan, last week. We are sorry to report Mrs W. Mallough as being very low at pre- sent, but hope soon to hear of her re- covery. 1Ve understand that Mr Cooke, Veterinary Siirgeon, intends moving into the house formerly occupied by Mr Stothers. It is difficult, to get a vacant hottec' in our village now, as theytare nearly all occupied. • • A lecture and tea' was given in St. Paul's church on Thursday even- ing. The lecture was delivered by Rev Mr Moorehouse, of Winghani, on the subject of " A taste for read- ing." There was music by the choir and others. On Sunday afternoon after a severe illness Mr Joshua Willis passed home 011ie eternal reward. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from his residence. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. They have the heartfelt sympathy of the cornmunity. The concert on Wednesday evening given in the Methodist church here, under the auspices of the Y. P. S.was a decided success. Tea was served in the church, after which an excellent programme was rendered. The Lubk- now choir was present and sang well, also talent from Goderich was pre- sent, Misses Wilkinson and Trueman. The audience was delighted with the singing of Miss Wilkinson, and her two solos received a hearty encore. Miss Trueman always meets with ap- plause in coming before a Dungannon audiende, and this was no exception. The concert was one of the best ever held.in our village. •••-•••—••••••••••• Londesboro. --Considerable sickness in the/neigh- borhood just now, Mrs Hill has most of the /material on the ground for a fine brick house in the village. There is at present only one vacant house in the village and that is al. most uninhabitable. Mr A. Woodman is rit present at Toronto attending the Grand Lodge of the Orange Society. Mr R.B.Jeffry is about moving into the country to be convenient to the station, probably just a summer re. sort, Extra religious services are being held this week in the Methodist church and will likely be continued during the next week. The entertainment in connection with the temperance lodge here was postponed owing to rough weather, last Tuesday, but will be held shortly when due notice will be given. Last Tuesday was felt in this sec- tion t s about the coldeat day this season. Mr J. Stevemion; Otle-of-the- section men here, had his chin badly frozen,being the first time this season to be frost bitten, though working steady on the section. Brussels. DEATit.-Mr John Dolson, of this place, died on Monday last. The de- ceased was born at St. Catherines,and moved from there to Brussels where he has resided for 80 years. Ile was in his 75th year. He leaves four daughters and two sons. Hallett. Mitt Melissa Snitch, of Brussels,is prildiug a few days with tier couein, Mrs B. Tyseman. 1Ve are Horry to hear of the indis- pusition of Mr E. L. Farnham, who has been confined to bed for some time Wit.11 congestion of the lungs. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery. CREAMERY. -The annual meeting rd the patrons of the Londesboro Creamery will be held at Londesboro, on Tuesday uext. Directors meeting at 9 a. in., shareholders meeting at 10 a. m. NoTies.On Wednesday Mr Win. Brunsdon had a sawing be. On Tnursday Mr James Webster sold a valuable horse to huyeN in Clinton. The accident,: laat Thursday to W. 1Veymoutli result, ti in death three hours after DEATH' -Wo ate sorry to an imuce the death of Mr Geo. Raithby, a the 12th con., which took place last week. Deceased was one a the early resi- dents of the township, a Man highly esteemed and respected, and had only been sick for one week. In politics he was it Reformer. He was buried on Saturday, at Bittre cemetery. DoiNG WEele-We are happy to hear that Miss Maggie McKenzie,who was formerly assistant teacher in S.S. No. 8,and who left here tor the States, ist now receiving a salary of sixty dollars per month, as second teacher in a Grammar School, in which there are either six or nine teachers em- ployed. We heartily wish her success. NARROW ESCAPE -An old country-. man. jest out from England,narrowly escaped being instantly killed the other day while working in the woods of Mr John Barr, Hullett. He was In the ael, of felling a dead pine tree, the top of which caught iu a standing tree, causing it to break .in thet egieldee, and falling backward just missed the cockney, who was badly scared but not hurt. HARD ON WIDOWERS - Ono evening last week a gallant widower,, from flullett,arrity.ed in his finest,was seen driving to Clinton at an uncon- scious gait. Upon learning his in- tention, he desired to take one of his girls, who had been visiting in Clin- ton, to the model cottege,her parental home, but fortune was against him, and he returned home alone a sadder but a wiser mate -Gosh On Thursdayeef last week' a very successful wood bee *as held on the premises of Mr Geo. Mann, of the 9th con. Reinforcements came in the evening in the 'shape of a goodly number of damsels, and being unable to resist the delightful? music which was struck up early in the evening,all joined in "chasing the glowinghours" by tripping the " heavy" fantastic until—An enjoyable time was spent. Vori Poe TILE ORGAN. -A Vote hits been taken upon the organ ques- tion in the Presbyterian congreghtion in Lotidesboro, and the result was a majority 1', the organ of' nearly two to one. The Session have decided to introduce it both into the regular church service and the Sabbath School. A' committee has. been ap- pointed to purchase One at once. We hope all concerned will rejoice in the change for the better, Seitoos IteitonT.----The following 13 the standing tit the impile in S. No, .1 for the DI it h oi February. The re po r t i ba 41'd on attendance, demeanor and intelligence. Fifth clesm-Geo. Westicott. Foarth class - Rose Vodden, Fred Jackson, Albert Vodden. Senior t bird class -Lizzie Cunningham, Gilbert Thompson, Eliza Carter. Junior third class= Mary Thompson, George Cunning- harn.Ida Fear. Senior second clam - W illie Mason, • Willie Christopher, Harry Hill. Junior second class - Henry Wallace,Thos.Manning,Eitima Mason. Second part -as, Thous.pson, Arthur Smith, Lizzie Vodden. First class -Harry Jackson, Joseph,Carter. CONDOIdENCE.-At it meeting of Hullett Grange No. 393, held on the evening of the 12th inst., the following resolution of condolence to Sister and Bro. Wey- mouth, and family, in the sudden and sad bereavement caused by the death of their son William, by the falling of it tree, was passed: -"We desire to extend to you our deep and heartfelt sympathy in the sad bereavement through which cyou.have been called to pass by the un- timely death of your son and our bro- ther. It is hardly neceseary for us td say that he will b,e greatly missedamong its in the Grange, as well as ih your fa. mily circle, and while we cannot under- stand all the rnysterioes dispensations of Providence, we bow with humble sub- mission to His will, knowing that He who holds the destiny of all in His hands, does nothing but what shall be for the best, and while we deeply regret the departure of our esteemed brother, we trust that this lesson may be learned by all, that "in the midst of life we are in death," and as we know not how soon the dark messenger may call us, it be- hooves us to be 'ready for hip coming, that we may truly hear the blessed sen- tence, "enter ye into the joy of the Lord" Beloved brother, where art thou gones. Why have yon left us here. Why have you left yonr brothers dear Your home and parents, too. You left them and art gone because A call to ygu was given; From God, the father of us all, Po dwell with Him in heaven. JAS. SOUTHCOMBE, W.M. JA'SIES SNELL, Secretary _es ...•— SUICI DE BY HANGING. -John Dar- Triilloarttaborer-rif-this- ptil6o; comrnitiecl suicide by hanging last Saturday night. Deceased had suf- fered from a long illness, which bad left him in very poor circumstances and this fact preying upon his mind, no doubS, Was the cense of the rash act. Ile bad been very melancholy for some days and last evening left the house. About 8 o'c'.ock he was discovered in the stable suspended by it rope and quite dead. A wife and four children are left in destitute eir- cures tAnceS. Aka& 1 uchersmith. VERY Low. -Mr James Binadfont, hr., of the 2nd eon , w has been fli, for some time, was el low yesterday that his death was looked for at any time, and he may ere tb is have passed over to the silent majority. His wife is alga verylow,and her death is only a matter of a short time. To RE OR NOT. -While going thetteutdon road the other d tv it was noticed that a certain haelieLor who had been living in "single wretched- ness" for a number of years, had smust new lumber r.n his farm, and the con- clusion was formed that he wag going to erect a new • house, What gives color to this, is the fact that for some l time he has been paying devoted at. . - tentions to•an estimable youtos holy, of Clinton What moore need be said than this? Our readers Can draw their own inferences, . • . . MATRIMONIA L FEVER. W het er this fever is contagious Or infectious, or as a spnke in the wheel of old father time, that comes with clock like regularity every fourth year, we will not'vetiture an opinionbut one thing is certain it is spreading with alarming rapidity in this section, threateuing the entire obliteration of the bachelor fraternity. Lately one or two whom on subsequentoutbreaks of the fever had escaped and were considered proof agetiost infection, have fallen victims to its "fatal darts." But it's an ill wind that blows luck to nobody, and it) this case the clergy are jubilant. We predict seeing in the spring some superfine swallow tail coats and glossy beaver hats, as a re- sult of this " splicing harvest." LONDON ROAD BACHELORS. -Mr, Editor We have got more genuine "old bache- lors" on our road than a good many other roads put together. Now, Mr. Editor, as you are no doubt aware that this is leap year, could you not "write tali -glees you did your old bachelors of Clinton a few years ago, and let the young ladies know something about us. I understand that your bachelors are very few in Clinton since you Wrote them up, and if the histOry of our noble bach- eters wee only known, I am sure 1S88 would not end without some good results being recorded. Hoping you will take a trip down our road and get our full his- tory, I remain, ONE or THEM. ;We will have to help these fellows • PLINERAL SenstoSs The funeral ser- mon of the late William Mugford, was preached in the Methodist Church last Sabbath morning, by the Rev, J. S.Fish. er, who addressed the audience in ear- nest tones, by entreating them to live in daily preparation for the future, to which all would do well to take heed. NOTES. -We learn that Mrs Graham and family intend to remove to Clinton shortly, as the premises occupied by her is to be sold. Mrs. W. Mulholland,who has been dangerously ill for several days is now improving, and hopes are enter- tained of her recovery ; her mother from Chicago is with her. SIesers 1'. C. Pick- ard and J. L. Courtiee left on Monday morning for Toronto, to attend the fun- eral of an emit, a, 'Aire, Seores, who died nii Saturday last. Mr W, Wale loft on Wednesday last, for Dakota. , (From another correspondent.) NoTli•E Fhond,, in the Methodist Church, oil Wednesday evening last, a peculiarly shaped artiele, better known as a lady's hustle. The same may, by „applying to the aweh authorities, anti proving propfwty, be removed to iiti nt.( ginal, suoluded position. BRIEFS -Mr aria MI'S W 11 Lobb ere the recipients of a bouncing ;voting son. Mrs S Halstead is visiting friends in Aylmer. One evening last week while meeting was in progress in the church, two buffalo robes were stolen from the shed, one belonging to Mr Jep. Holland, the other toSAH E. Bumball; it wilt be a strange piece of husiness if people have to carry their robeinto church with them, on account of such ragamuffine.. DIFFERENT VIEWS.--NOt long ago, on a cold frosty day, the following remarks were made, at different intervals of the day, to one of our citizens; by two gen. tlemen, visitors to the village. "The people of this part of the country must be a well-to-do people." "Why," said the citizen. "Because so many wear those valuable fur coats." The other remark was vice versa,. " I believe that the people of this place are a poor set, that they cannot afford a warmer and better station than this." The citizen came to the conclusion that the people of Holmesville looked after the comforts of themselves in preference to the G.T. Stan ley. PERSON eL8.--Mr James Cameron and Miss Maggie McFarlane, of the town- ship of Greenock, are this week visiting friends in Stanley. Mr Joseph McCully has been confined to bed with an attack of inflammation of the lungs; he ia now recovering. --.5. ----- Norss.-Rev. A. 111cRibbon, of Erin, has been spending a few days with friends here. Mr. Wisemiller has Lesn visiting friends in IIamburg. Miss Liz- zie Wellis, who has been visiting her home, has again returned to Alma col- lege, St. Thomas. Weddings to the north, Weddings to the east. Weddings to the south, Weddings to the west; Which of the Belles are doing the best .? WItons SIDE FIRST, -A certain gentleman on the 3rd con,, who is noted for being a little eccentric in the management of machinery,grasp- ed the idea of turning the rollers of his strawcutter wrong side first to in- crease the feeding capacity of the ma- -chine:- Roan It --a -broken- 41141011-illei with an outlay of about half the pricis of it new machine for repairs. FIRE RECORD. -On Monday last one of the dwelling houses belonging to II. Shafer and occupied by Mr Phaff; shoemaker of this place, was totally destroyed by fire. The fire was supposed to have started from a defective chimney, and had made considerable headway before being noticed. All the household effects On the lower storey *ere saved, but there Was considerable clothing, bedding, -^. provisions, ee,, ..destroyed. The loss is partially cov- ered by iiisurance. _t..iiiitairs that were Summerlall. The Literary Society has been re- organized and the following oflieers were elected,viz: -Pres., Wei.Nesbitt; Vice Pres.. R Murphy ; Sec., J. H. Levvery ; Treas., G. M. Kilty. The society intends holding a magic lan- tern entertainment, en the tilst inst. Ilensitil. TEMPERANCE CoN EN Flux. --- A Ceti vention of South 11 Limn Temper mice %miterswill be held in the N:e.hodist church, Heintall, commenc nig at 10 a. ne, on Menday, March 19th. A full atneelatice is urgeutly requested. Let every municipalky he fully represented. • 13ttioiss. --Tuesday !set was one of he most severe days of the winter. sleighing is now very poor in the vil- lage. ltev Mr Howell, of Seaforth, chairman of the district, will preach Missionary sermons inlIensall Metko-' dist Church on Sunday next. Quite a uumber took a 'vantage of the colon- ists train last Tuesday stid made a start tor the west Mr W. 11, John- ston has purchased the bankrupt stock of 0. Murray from Mr Harry Arnold, and may now be found pre- pared to give great bargains at Mr Murray's shop. Measels are yery pre- valent in the village just now, attack- ing both old and young. • Porter's Hill. The child of Mrs D. W. Roberts has been ill for it few class past but is now, we untlerstaud, improving. James Elliott started for Washing- ton Territory on Tuesday of this week, taking with him some fine en- tire horses purchased in this locality. Miss Amy Cox returned to our burg, last week,from Goderich, where sbreewhea.4 been improving her musical talent undu er the teitioof Miss An- dMr A. Irwin paid us a visit, a few days last week, prior to his depart- ure to Goderich, where he is now at- tending the High School. kVe wish him success in his studies. Master Thomas Adams visited his home, Londesboro, on Saturday last. A goodly .number of the yetuig peo- ple of this neighborhood assembled at the house of our friend, 0. New- ton, a week ago last Monday, and en joyed themselves. until the wee sma hours in tripping the light fantastic, Vre are sorry to announce the de- parture from our midst of our esteem- ed and genial friend, Charles Jeffer- son. As'Charlie was a gen• ral favor- ite, his many friends will be glad to beat of his success; but we are of the opinion that he will either have to return and take up his permanent residence here, or visit ni at least once 'a week, as many of our fair dam- sels have lost their elastic step and cheerful look, since his .smiling vis- age is 00 longer Le be seen among us. Adieu, Charlie, but we hope to see you Again. Mr J. Cox, t he leader of our Town- ship Parliament, has hied himself away -to Uncle Sain's domains. He intends to bring back with him sonie of the world renowned Holstein cattle. We hare been told. that one of these celebrated cows give five pails of milk three times a day. if this be true, our • amiable reeve and his private secretary will have to be up with the lark and not lag in their labor from thence till midnight, as he intends to bring three of these domestic animals home with him. We wish Ahem sound slumbers during their short hours of repose. • AsIttiehl. NOTES- -Thbre will be a literary', en- tertainment in connection with S. S. No. 5, Ashfield, on Wednesday evening, 21st inst., commencing at .7:40 p. m. The Methodist choir of Lucknow and some of the best literary talent of Luck - now and vicinity have kindly consented to help in the programme; the proceeds to be applied for the construction of the library. Mrs. John Cslardner has re- moved to her other farm on the 12th concession,'and Mr Scrimageous has tak- -en possession of the homestead which he rented some time ago. Mr. Wilson, a young man working in Wilson's saw mill, had his finger badly cut with the saw last week. Manchester. arBRIEFS.-Rev. T. Gee exchanged mil- e. pits with Rev. J. S. Burwash, of ]3e1. grave, on Sunday last. T, Cassady has sold his grey colt to Mr. Elliott, of God- erich township. Rev. J. G. Manly, agent for the Upper Canada Bible So- ciety, delivered a very interesting lec- ture recently in connection with the above named society. Dixon Stalker is resuscitating with his, brother for a few days. East Wawanos11. Noses. -Mr. L. Lemoro is visiting at Walter NichoPh. Word has been re- ceived from Cass City that Miss Maggie Morton, formerly of this plebe, is recov- ering from her recent illness. A num- ber of the young people aroundthe town of Belgritve have joined the Good Tem. piers, whorecently formed a loclgethere. A number of the young 'people of the Sixth met at Walter ScottVine evening last week and spent it pleasant time sleigh - riding, tobogganing Scc.; they purpose continuing these gatherings as long as the snow and weather are favor- able. At the debate in school house, No. 11; off grittily evening ntrs "Mauro - vs. Art," which is most pleasing to the eye, there was some of the best., speak• ing that has yet been done; ..the re- sult was in favor of "nature" oby a few points. At the election of officers, Mr. W. Stonehouse was e!ected president, B. Coulter, vice-preeident, II. Harri§on, secretary, L. A. Herrison, treasurer. P. W. Scott, 0. W. Lawler, A. Harrison and Mise I'. Lawler, it committee, The treasurer reports $21.30 on hand; for next debate the question for discussion is: "city ve eountry life" T. IT. Taylor and \V. 3. Martin, captains. Sunshine. CoNeemnerroN.-The largest fire which has ever occurred here, took place last. Saturday morning from about two un- til four o'clock, when *tore, wareromug stable and two dwelling houses were c,oinpletely reduced to ashes. The buildings all belonged to Mr. James Watson. The store is insured. Cause of the tire unknown. Goderielt Townsiiip. ef John Wigginton,of the Hayfield road, has seven lan;bs from three ewes. Mr and Mrs Grieves, Paisley, sister and brother-in-law it Mr B. Switzer, of Goderich. 'l'ownship, are visiting 11 int. Mr Wm. VanEgmond, our new hotel -keeper, has his house in- good form now to meet the wants of the travelling public. On Mouday eveuing, March 1%1e Kinburn and Winthrop debating clubs will meot at tbel latter place and debate the question, " Manhood Suf- frage," Winthrop taking the affirma- tive and Kinburn the negative. Ws probably experienced as cold and stormy weather on Sunday, Mon - dap and Tuesday as any that we have had during this winter. We feel,how- ever, tharthe backbone of' winter is broken and that smiing spring may almost be seen in the distance. Rev Mr sitIejaly, of T,ifonte, the Bible Society 'agent, delivered, on Sunday ins the Mettiodistt church, a this place, a roost interesting address. He preached again on Monthly even- ing, but owing to t he inclemency et the weatherehere wits a small attend- ance. A brtneh of lie Society is to be established lime, II r Stewert being local. agent. Matritnonv and ineasies ere epi- demic in this neighborhood at present. The first to leave the ranks of "single blessedness" _tees Miss Emma Dale, who, on the 7th inst., was iihited in the bonds of matrimony to Mr R. J. Miller. Then quickly following in her footsteps. conics; Arise Elizabeth Rogerson, who, on the Oth inst., vat wedded to Mr N.fatthew Armstrong. All the part it's mentioned reside in this vicinity ;Rol we exteed to them our doss earnest and - sincere wishes for their future happiness and pro- sperity. Leehurn. Rev Mr Davison occupied the pul- pit very aeceptablysitere, oteeSabbath last. Filar COLT.--.Tol)n Horton is the happy possessor of the first colt in Leeburn this year. 1 towas foaled on the 10th. We are glad to see that Willie Mil- Tord, who has been laid up for some time with a sprained ail kle, is able to be around again. " GONE WEz.a.- Will nn4 C. Stewart with seyeral others flout this vicinity', left, on Tuesday ineruing for the Nort h West. May success go with them. SITE FOlt NEW Senoole-At the - last meeting cif the school committee it was decided to build the new schocd 4,n the cornor of Mr D. Lawson's lot, next to Mr Outnining'e work shop, Mr Cumin ing has taken the contract- ed building the school, and is now busily engaged getting the !utiliser and other material on the ground. SPELLIND MATC11.-At the open lodge held here, on Friday evening last, one of the principal teaturee of the program 00 WM a spelling match, which was very interesting and in- structive both to the onlookers and to those who. took part. Miss Maggie Weise an'el Peter Foley acted as cap- tsins, P.Eoley's side being. vi gorious. 1E1dt:slot ve. None.- Chas, Hamilton, Esq., is wielding the hammer in °vett. directimi this spring, as several farmers have leased their farms for a term of years. Mr. Ingham and fanaily, also Mr. At- kinson and family, left for Dakota from Wingleam on Wedhesday. A Taylor is continuing his auction sales every Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoon and evening during this month. • Jonathan Saddler has remotes' to Wingham, and Mr. Pearen's house will be occupied shortly by Adam Proctor, of Morris. Rev, T. Gee, of Manchester, preached in the M. E. Chureh Sunday evening last, and Rev. Mr. Morehouse, of Wing• ham, preached in Trinity-chureh in the afternoon, as the Rev. If. A. Thomas was unable to stand the long drive after his recent illness.. Joshua Nam and family, of Clinton, spent Sunday in the village with his parents and acquaint- ances, John Taylor, jr., of Carrick, ac. companied by his mother, spent a few days with his brother, Archie, lost week, before returning to his home in the N. W. T., near Carduff. Miss Hutton, of Niagara, is spending a few weeks at the mange, but she intends returning short- ly to her duties in the post office there. .Nothwithstanding the severity of the weather on Tuesday, the auction sale of A. Proctor was well attended and the stock brought high prices. Mr. John Scandrett has put in it good stook of ice for his liquors this summer; as he expects there will be no Scott Act in force after tbe repeal vote has been taken. Mrs. David Johnston, of East Wawanosh, is slowly recovering from her recent illness; Mrs. G. Bretz -is sink. ing fast with consumption. - - Noess.-Mr. 3. Miller, proprietor of the Benmiller hotel, has purchased a .2-yearold-hlood stallion which s we un- derstand, Mr. Miller values at $3,000. Mr. Louis Webber, of Sebringville, has been visiting friends here; there must have been something very attractive here for Louis. -Mr, S. Hart and wife have returned home from tt trip to Ohio. Gledhill Bros. intend . moving their store to a more convenient place. liecoinmena f0 Nr.w ER I to yeur ! friends, It ie the 'sl loeal paper in Huron, giving mo home news every week then any otls