HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-03-09, Page 8AMA 3.14E0l 9, 11888 SOI►f ATURt .L HISTORY. Vette} than'a dogs—Justice Jaun- aeell,• of I alamaazoo, has .a parrot that he wouldn't s*11 for its weight ' in silver. On five different occasions has this intelligent bird saved the house Prow baring robbed by burg- lars. The last time was on a • re- cent id Ili, The burglar got the door unfai tend, but when he opened it the parrot .asked, in a:harsh stern voice, "Hello there! What's the - matter?" The burglar didn't answer but fell over himself in his desperate hurry ts get away from there. A Hairy Hen..—A Southern pa- per says that a lady at Indian Spring., Florida, has a hen that is quite a cul iosity. It has a coat of hair instead of feathers, and is a wonderful freak of nature. It carne from a flock of ordinary chickens, and the cause of its singular coat is mystery. The freak lays, sets, and batches like the common chickens, and soma of its offspring are like the parent, but she has not succeed- ed, as yet, in bringing them to ma- turity. A Tennessee Bird.—The interest taken in the little menagerie attach- ed to the, Nationac Museum increas- es every day, and even President Cleaveland has cast a kindly eye on it. One of the President's Christ mas presents was an immense "gold- en eagle." It was sent to him by Thomas Tomlinson, proprietor of Wate Spring, Granger county, East Tennessee, and was received at the White House in a handsome wooden cage, which was much admired. Once Was Enough.—When a boy we remember to have seen a lot of hogs 'bilnd drunk' on some damag- ed brandy. peaches. In this they were like men. The next day they 'sobered up,' and not one of them could be tempted to eat a brandy peach. One scent was enough. In this they were unlike'm en—Talladega Mountain Home. An Old Squirrel.—Mr Dave Ma- thews brought to our office the ether day a fors-quirrel which he says was not less than twenty-five years old at the time' it was ,killed. The squirrel's hide will be tanned bythe foreman ofouroffice.—Hawk- inaville (Ge.) News. Ladies Only. • - "'rhe complexion is often rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- owness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists .HE KNEW, �1 literal truth may be a virtual Ho, and though there exists great cleverness in the telling, it is of that sort of speech which we would :scarcelyfcare to imitate, although we garey,smile at it, A party of boys were snow -balling one day in front of the old academy just as the professor was approach- ing its door, Whizz! and one icy ball striking his shiney beaver car. ried it neatly away from his head. It was an accident, but the pro- fesses• was not one to make allowan- ces, and as he turned and glared at them, the boys trembled. One of them, however, had the self posses- sion to pick up and 'straighten the ill-used 'tile,' and the owner with- out a word; marched in -doors and rang the bell. The boys went in like mice.When they were seated, 'Young gentle-' men,' said the professor, 'who threw that ball?' No one stirred and not a glance was exchanged. The question was repeated and the room was silent. 'I will put one more question,' said the professor severely. 'Does any one know who threw it?' The guilty boy raised his hand, but as -'be was the model of excel- lence, it did not occur to the teacher that he could be the offender. 'You raise your hand, Reade,' he said, 'then you know who did it?' Yes, sir.' 'I should not under any ordinary "citcumstances , ask one boy to tell the misdemeanor of another, but it -i evident a coward is present and needs exposure. Reade, who threw that ball?' • 'I would rather not tell, sir,' said Reade . with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 'Noble boy I honor you!' said his teacher with enthusiasm. 'If these is present one boy too cowardly to confess, it is evident that there is another who is too ]honorable to be- tray a schoolmate. For Repde's sake the culprit is forgiven. Young } gentlemen, proceed with your work. ' Ibis only fair to add that lleade's conscience afterwards pricked him, in view of such undeserved praise and that he did manfully confess. DR PILLBAGS' DIAGNOSIS, To Dr Pillbags, Patrick came With a most woful face; Says he, "Docthor, phet'syour name, Will youtlaze;trate my case." The doctor looked him in the eye, His tongue he made him show ; Said be, "My man, you've got to die; You've got tic -douloureux." "My faith," says Pats "phat's that ye u -lays? I've got 'tics: -dollar, oh, Yez lyin'thafe, I always pay Your bill before I go. I'll have no more to do tvid) es., I'll docther my own case." He took a dose of P. P. P. P.'s, M And wears a brighter face. Uso Pierce's Pleasant Purgative .Pelletts for torpid liver, constipation 'and all derangements of stomach encs bowels, 13y all druggists, The "old reliable" -1)r Ssge's 'Catarrh Remedy. POULTRY, NOTES. Eons—flow INaxllstiED.--If an in- crease of eggs be desired in the poul- try yard, before large sumo are ex- pended in the,purehase of everlasting layers, we would recommend the sys- tem of keeping no hens after the first, or at moat, after the second year. Early pullets give the increase, and the only wonder is that people per- sist, as they do, in keeping up a stock of old hen, which lay one day and stop the{next. In some part of Eur- ope it is the invariable rule to keep the pullets only one year at most Feeding will do a great deal --a sur- prising work indeed --in the produc- tion of eggs, but not when old hens are concerned •; they may put on fat, but they cannot puown eggs. Their tale is told, their ork'is done ; no- thing remains to be done with them but to give) them a smell of kitchen file, and the sooner they get that the better. PLYMOUTH Rocas— Unquestion- ably the most popular fowl with the American farmer is the Plymouth Rock. They have been tested for the past fifteen years with all the leading varieties, and have been found to be the best all purpose fowl. At eight weeks old they make a plump two pound broiler, having yellow legs and skin. The pulldts commence laying at five and a half months old, and are very prolific layers in'thewinter. Children- Cry for Pitcher's Castorla: Tia Save: -Life. Frequently requires prompt action, An hour's•delay waiting for the doctor may be attended with serious consequences, especially In Mee eft Croup, Pneumonia, and other throat and lung troubles. $encs, no family should be without a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has proved Itself, in thousands of cases, the best Emergency Medicine ever discovered. It gives prompt relief and prepares the way for a thorough cure, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. S. I. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon, Oa., says: " I have found Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in all cases. I have known the worst! cases relieved in a very short time by its use; and I advise all families to use it in sud- den emergencies, for coughs, croup, &c." A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middletown, Tenn., says.: "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This wonderful prepara- tion once saved my life. I had a con- stant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh,and given up by my lphysician. One ottle and a half of the 'ectoral cured me." " I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral," writes E. Broaden, of Palestine, Texas, " believ- ing as I do that, but for its use, I should long since have died." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ell Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Business Change FURNITUREi= ND --UNDERTAKING TO MY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS IN CLINTON AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY: --- After over 30 years of business life in Clinton, I have retired from the furniture and undertaking line, and the business will be carried on by my son, J. C. Stevenson. I thank those who gave me their custom for so many years, and ask you to continue your patronage to the establish- ment, as my son has a long experience as a Manufacturer of Furniture and Undertaker and Funeral Director, having for a number of years taken the oversight in both of these departments. Orders entrusted to him will be satisfactorily filled. THOS. STEVENSON. FURNITURE &c. As I will in future cam on the business of Furniture & Undertakiug,Albert, St, Clin ton As mentioned above, I will endeavor to -sell reasonable, to conduct business on fair business principles, and hope by giving a good article for a fair price, to command a share of public patronage. F'Stocktaking and it l.4reat Reduction in Prices tray -be looked for in 4 short time. J. O. STEVENSON AT AILS YOU? Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited, life less, and indescribably miserable, both pbysf cally and mentally; experience a sense of fullness or bloating after eating' or of "gone- ness," or emptiness of stomachin the morn - Ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " floating specks" before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex- haustion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp biting transient pains here and there, cold drowsiness after meale, wakefulness, or indescribable and gfof dread, or of constant, impend- ing calamity? .If you have all, or any considerable number ofthese symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more' complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symp- teme. No matter what stage it has reached, Dr. Pierce' .Gol, ifden Medicakendl ing Disc dime tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump- tion of the Lungs.Skin Diseases. Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Kiney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicals Dls. eovery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im- purities, from whatever cause arising. It Is equally efficacious in acting Upon the Kid- neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their ds. As an appetizing, restorative tonin, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful 'medicine has gained celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chillandme Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Piereo'a 4 ol:len Medical Dis. covery CURES ALL IiIUMORSr a common Inotuh, rs Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Raft -rheum, "1lever-sorsa, Scaly or Rough Side, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood nro conquered by thio elite. Great,Eat nggt:lce1'sand hrapidlyheal under its benign influence. Especially has it mani- fested its potency in curing Totter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Moils, l'eu•buncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof- ulous Sores and Swellings, lisp -joint Disease, " White Swellings," floitre, or Thick Neck, and ii;laged Glands. Send ten cents in stators for n large Treatise, with colored rL;h s, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount "re ;;ti,e ou `erefuloes Affections. o FOP. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." elennse ft by using Dr. Pierce's Codd,•n !dellen! Discovery, and good strength andfair bodily health will be estant blished. CONSUMPTION, andccur by thiss Scrofula `�emeedyy,, 11 taken arrested earlier stages of the disease. From its mar - when first�offering thissnterribly w world fnmedsreme. edy to the pubilo, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his "CoNeumrTION CURE," but abandoned tat Miele lue teosTestriclivo for a medicine which, from its wonderful com- bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-clpeansing, anti -bilious, peetbral, and aauta'remedy fortuConaumpt on 1 but foroalt Chronic ..'Manages of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. trerhitlfs arh,ncs For Weak CroncNasaCatarrh, Short- ness Asthma, severe 'Coughs, and kindree affections, it is nn efficient remedy. Sole! by Druggist e, nt $1.00, o, Six P.nttlrs for $5.00. Send.ten.cent,a.iha r4+141p4 for Dr. Pierce's boor on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Main St., DVFFALO, N. V. CLI.\TO 1 F�E NI/ ERA. THE LARGEST AND BEST ,NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. esl****4; **i`('** *****x****40 One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORTC. ONLY :-: COMPETENT : WORKMEN r12 EMPLOYER) * NEW LINTER.,, NEW BORDERS NEW OaNAuEN�Tr,s.,FINn PAPERS, FIN E NOVEL O VEL COrnn A.Troes. --o-- Business Circulars --A SPECIALTY NEAT. TASTY; est r ARTISTIC. t)17R SAMPLES. The Popular oods liCouee, ZOnCtesbpY'Oe BUSINESS - Announcernent, SPECIAL • PALLISER'S 40c. Young Hyson Tea boats all comers at the price. 40c. Japan is a beauty. 50c. Black, Green or Japan are not to be surpassed. COD. YoungHysonTea is the great leader 60c. Secret B1ent Black is a Matchless Mixture if Mc. Secret Blend Black is the Favorite, And is specially called by that name, the Quality is Su- perb. SUGARS at merest profit on refiners prices. S. Palliser & Co's is the place to buy Good and Cheap Groceries every time. it it it .r ac Spring Goods arriv- ing daily and open- ing out very nice. The colorings and pat. terns in Prints and Dress Goods are very attractive, and these goods will no doubt have a rapid sale. Secure what you want of these early. W. L. OU I METTE LONDESBORO Calbick & Reith, I UNDERTAKERS f zTHE LEADING = GLIM ON I:n our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as we carry a very large stock of Gooch Goods and as Funeral Directors, We are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- • spectfully solicited. The Red Rocker Tr1rg Store, filbert it. CLIN'hON CALBICK & REITH 1 "SOMETHING - NPARALLELED,'? CURE FOR HARD TIMES 4 CREDIZ CLEARING SALE OF DRY G000S,BOOTS& SHOES ADAMS' A Emporium. :X: From uow till March 1st, I will offer for sale the entire stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES and WALL PAPER, on "CREDIT" to reliable parties, till the 25th of Dec., 1888, at the following "Discounts" from present prices. All sales of $5.00 and under, no Discount, All sales from $5.00 to $10.00 5 per c. Discount. All sales from $10 to ,$1G, 7':e per c. Discount -All sales from $15 to $20, IO 'per cent Discount All sales from $20 to $30, 121' per cent Discount "111 sales from $80 to $5e, 15 per cent Discount The stock is good, lust too large at pi (-sent, :Is I want room for Spring Goods coming in. Thanking my customers for past favors, I would cor- dially invite them all to take advantage of this sale, and those who have not purchased from mo before, will find it to their profit to try now and he convinced that this is the place for bargains. • cc S. PALLI SE R & CO l New ;-Furniture ;Stock Opened out in ELLIOTTS°BLOCkh NEXT DOOR TO TOE CITY BOOK. STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETSRARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANA A GENE$M.1s ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI- TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES, .JOS. C''HIDIAEY, XMAS Goons: The subscriber, while thanking his friends for their patronage during the past year, would remind them that he has a splendid stock of Holiday Goods, consisting of FRUITS. CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &c. —BESIDES A FULL STOCK OF— Choice Ea,mi1y 4 - r.oeeriiel`,Chir><a,, Crockery and C-la.s w tre. A.11 SLt Bottom 3Pric' e`. ---A CALL SOLtCITED.— :1. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL, 8 Seal Mg Elt�0Cm tb,_,_4 11 i lir 1 88 c.7 A.F mb Pj B.m g0Ac PIMIl .,Kapaobro d"'tu inn aIs°c aiPs'g,Fp1my �siWig• A 6iAt Ni4 six rodsg ID mrn���m�pG ,g'>f "c.t� �.wm E.'°�xtio"eta oI �w"'��lm m m0C G tSrtimI Loll.;gi"°uIJ l,115°�'amNa•�h a�om. o� PiioAW,°, •1"Alna�ty�ixaU►�s�..A "` b"8o '.[1 tK'�.°. a >~pmroam CFD°° Qtr g�8 0 a ..ate tee1, ..1;ax1sV" DN p O a i�ro,�ppom° 4••,,0o m,. E.pO ren o;Co,r�,mpmmm ght,2 8m my r'a O I•::"11III I 161, 1IP NewTailoring Establishment The undersigned has opened out in the tailoring business in the store lately occupied by Mr E. Moody, and will keep a fine stock of English Scotch & Canadi ' Tweeds, French Worsteds, and all the 1 est patterns of Pantings: Which he will guateentee to make up at the lowest possible prices: Workmanship of the best quality, and a fit guaranteed or no sale. A '. Sh3EPZE ,D,call solicited. St , Clinton. NEXT DOOR TO WATT'S' DRUG STORE. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEAT OF ALL AGES. LC- , v ZtVBON S SPECIFIC 1.TO. 9, TILE GRE.11' IIE4LTIl RE.1t^L•tf'Elt, Marvel of Healing,nd Kofiinoor of Medleines, � r8� the terrible eonsegneaeev oflnditseretion, Exposure and Overvrork. YOVrTO- MITa7l=,.M-A.C1•E]l A1\12'S OZ.S MEi•\T' Whoar'e broken down from the effecte of abase will find in No, 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, organic* weakness, involuntary vital losses. etc. i<YErPTOMe POD wmen No. 8 SnoVLD Ds UsEn,—Want of energy, vertigo, want of pa se, dimness of slghb, aversion to society, wane of confidence, avoidance of converse on, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fis the attention on a particular nurllect, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of tempor, epor. ma$orrbma, or lose of the seminal fluid—the result of self-abuse or marital onose—impo- toney, lnnutrltion, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hyster a feelings in females tremblln, melancholy, dieturbin reams, etc„ aro all symptoms of Mile terrible habit, oftentimes lnnneently acquired. In short, the spring of Vital foroo having lost its tension, every function wanes in cousequeneo. Scientific wrilforanud-t1Ilgiiperintenden"s-- wainsane ted 1 vesywhich come hn unde It! their uotice.eff11 youf arerii competent or the arduou. duties of business, lncurecitatel for the onioymentsof life, No. 8effort! an ossa efrom the effects of early 4'i,•3, If you aro advanced in years, No. 8 will give you fail vigor nn; strength. If you are, brn'.ren down, r,l:ystca.,ly and morally, from early indiscretion, th' result of ignorance awl roily, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. LuBON',. Treatise in Book Form on 1)!eonsos of M.n. Sealed and secure from obeervaties Address all communications to Ill, V. EIUl1ON, 47 liVc111ugton St. E.1 Te*onao, A Man without wisdom lives lite fool's paradise. DUPES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. R ADAMS, LONDESBORO Aperi„ aft Ais.40116