HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-03-09, Page 6SPRWC1 e. SPRING I 1 NEW SPRING GOODS ! NEW SPRING GOODS • ! NEW SPRING GOODS ! Stock will be complete in a few days Will show over 400 pieces of PRINTS for the spring-ancrgum- mer season. Wait for hem, it will pay you S. WILSON, - CHEAPSIDE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPERO SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. BOOTS ad ZIO3 at !LALZ NIES 12 Per Cent DISCOUNT On all CASH SALES tor the next two mouths. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS & SHOES in stock, and as I don't want the goods, but do want the Dash, I have decided to give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Months. As I carry the largest stock in the county, you can depend on getting anything in foot wear you want, or that can be got in any first•olass establishment 'at less than wholesale prides. I Can and will undersell any other,either any of Darwin's lost links, or any other shoddy dealer in town, and don't forget it. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, -ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON 'DISCOUNTSALE OF FUR.11pITURE For the next 30 days, for Cash. Bargains in BED -ROOM and PARLOR SETS, a lot ofmy own manufacture. Good value. All to be sold at low prices. •--GIVE ME A CALL. J. C. STEVENSON', FURNITURE & UNDRRTAIIING — OPPOSITE TOWN, 1 -TALL. WAD indebted to T. Stevenson must call and settle at once. 0 CORM" lA + 44PI NGis. '1 The Create of Q.11* Peill - E.i8eiu ug'ee. Duncan MaLsuohlin has leased the 75 -acre farm belonging to An- thony Sample, iu Morris, for 4L term of yearn. On Friday last a four year•old son of MrJ.R. Williams, Gorrie, fell into a pail of boiling water and got pretty badly scalded Frank Byrigs jr., has bought a bush farm on -'the 5th con. of Grey, and has erected a house and stable on it, he has a gang of men logging and choppinffon it. Miss Jessie, youngest daughter of Mr. W. Mitchell of Turnberry, goes toGrandin, Dakota, thisweek where she hes two sisters residing. She is likely to engage in teaching there. Lucinda Hagen, whilst engaged housecleaning atWingham afew days ago,fell from a step ladder, breaking her collar bone and sustaining other severe external and internal in- juries. The following appointment has been made :ly the Ontario Gover- ment.: Francis Patterson, Township of Turnberry, County of Huron,to be ballad the Eighth Division Court of the County of Huron, in the place of John Snell, deceased. —.The friends of Rev. ,A Y. Hartley will be pleased to learn that he has reached Huntsville, Alabama, safely, and reports his health slightly im- proved. Huntsville is noted, Mr H: says, for its excellent health giv- ing qualities and bracing atmos- phere. Mrs Mary A. MoGlade, who through force of circumstances has for some years been dependent on town charity and the help of friends, died at Goderich on Tuesday worn- ing at the age of 83 years. She was a woman,of superior intelligence and charater, far above the circum- stances which attended her latter years. A boy named Hunt had a narrow escape from a terrible death at Gode- rich on Friday last,through hanging on to a hay rack with some other boys. The rack tipped over pinning Hunt underneath it, and the horses taking fright dashed along for near- ly two blocks before the driver could stop them, when the tet rifled young- ster was released. A football meeting was held in the school house Leadbury on Mon- day, Feb. 27, at which a Football Association was formed and named "The Maitland Rural Public School Football Association." The foot- ball teams belonging to the said As- sociation will playas follows: Brussels vs. Walton, in Brussels; No. 1 Grey vs. No. 2. Grey, on No. 1 grounds; Leadbury vs: No. 9, Mortis, played in Leadbury, winners vs. • Winthrop in Leadbury; No. 6, vs. No. 4, Mc- Killop, winners vs, No. 2, McKil- lop, played on No. 6, McKillop, grounds. All matches named abov e to be played on Saturday, March 10th. Should any match be a ti e there will be another match played on the following Saturday. - A rather amusing scene was which occurred at a farm house near .Cred. iton one evening last week. At the conclusion ofa wood bee the party gathered at the house and soon all were heartily engaged in tripping the fantastic. Of course on such oc- casoins refreshments are quite neces- sary, and after the brat dance a cider barrel was tapped and the cider bronght forward, A. few glasses were partaken of by each one the results of which were soon visible and CP' arrespondent is quite certain that- ew of the assemblage for a tin e knew upon which end—head or foot --they were (lancing. The fact of the matter is, the cider was strong enough to drive a street car. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MAPKET TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET The supply. of butchers cattle' has been rather small of late,more especially good beeves which are steadily advanc. • ing in .price ; common stock are also higher in price than they have been for nearly a year past. The best cattle were sold -at from 44.3 to 5o per lb., and pretty good animals at 4c to 44c do.,with common stock at 310 to 4c, and leanish beasts, including milkmen's strippers, from 3c to 310 per lb. Calves were scarce and -good veals bring pretty high prices or from $8 to $12 each, with com- mon calves from $3 to $5 eaoh. There were not many mutton critters offered and sheep sold at about 4ic per lb.,with good yearlings about 5o do. The horse trade has been unusually active of late, and the shipments to the United States unprecedently large. During the past week there were shipped from here to the United States 332 horses, costing $34,- 131,or an average of $102.80 each. The highest priced lot were 11 horses, which cost $1,500 and the lowest priced lot were 20 horses, cost 81,755. tu8 g , .4 skue-zCROYAL. i9Mi eAK�N POWDER Abeorutely Pure. This powder never varies, A ntuvcl of parity strenxth and whole=mnene,s. mole eronnmleal than the ordinary kind=, end cannot he 001,1 in competitIon with the inuitiltdpe of low tea short weight, alum or phniphat powders. Sohl only In cats. ROYAL iS.ttUNA Powooa CO., lag wall St., No>' York. Y,1 Receipts of stock on the local market continue light, offerings were twenty- six cars, in which there 100 sheep and lambs and 156 hogs. Last week's re- ceipts were 782 cattle,144 sheep and 162 hogs: Butchers' cattle ruled higher Tuesday. Demand was good and supply light. Stock of meat in butchers' hands are pretty much reduced, and they were disposed to buy more freely than for some days past. They have some diffi- culty in obtaining any advance from retail butchers, and the latter find con. siderable objection to. paying higher figures for the live animals. They had to do so to -day, however;but they did it with very bad grace. Values showed a gain of about t to Fa per ib on a week ago. Picked lots of butchers' sold at 4 to 41c per Ib, and choice loads at equal to 3i to no; common to good at 3 to 31c per lb. Everything was cleared out. Part of the offerings went to Montreal. Choice cattle are scarce, the bulk of the offerings being medium quality. Ex- port cattle dull. Demand light and only a few bulls 'and oxen offered. Sales were made mostly at 31 to 4c. A few sales of steers were made at $4.- 131. Milch cows and springers quiet. Offerings light and not much demand. Sheep and lambs firm and in good de- mand. CLINTON MARKETS. 0.rreeted every Thursday afternoon, Thnradey, Mar, 8, 1888. Wheat, spring, 0 70 a 0 82 Wheat, white and red • 0 80 a 0 83 Oats • 0 40 a 0 42 Barley - 0 65 a 0 70 Peas 0 CO a 0 61 Flour, per cwt 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes • 0 50 a 0 70 Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs 014a016 Pork 6 775 a 7 00 Hay Shep pelts 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins • . - 0 00 a 0 80 Hides, •- 5 00 a 5 50 11L)•TH MARK EIS. Cel,m•te,l s; ech v for NEW ERA every TI urvday Blyth, Mar. 8, 1S88. Fall wheat, , red, per bash. 78 a 80 Fall ' new . 78 a SO Oats 40 a 42 Barley . 58 a 70 ' Peas . . 60 a (1 Potatoes, per bag . 75 a 80 Eggs per doz 14 a 16 Butter,tolla , . 16 a )8 Choose . 15 a 15 Lard . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2 00 2 10 Hoge; . 6 00 0 75 11 011 Wednesday • two ' young men representing, themselves as J. Smith and Wilson hired a horse and cut- ter from Mr M. Dane, of the Gorrie Livery, as they said to go to Brus- sels, and, stated that they would be back by noon next day. They failed tip put in an appearance, however, and on Friday morning Mr Dane started in pursuit, he got on their track at Jamestown and followed the trail some distance south of S^afortb, The young men are ,well known in the vicinity of Walton, and named Noble and Bulbeck, and are pretty hard cases. Mr Dane has telegraphed to all parts, but as yet he has hoard nothing of the missing horse or rig. It is oily duty to chronicle the -de- mise of an old and respected pioneer otr the.county of Huron, in the per- son of Mr Wm. Mooney, of Morris. The deceased gentleman has been a resident in this county for about 84 years, and had passed the allotted span of life, by over 8 years. Six sons and two daughtersjsurvive him, who, with their relations, form a large connection.. Henry Mooney, one of the sons, was elected 'reeve of the important township of Morris by acelaniation at. the last election, and John has for many years been coilei'tor of the same municipality. Mr. • henry Mooney Is particularly the object of deep sympathy, as within one week bo lost almost with- out warning a beloved daughter and a revered parent. SEA FORTH MARKETS \R1CCZ ' � ', 5 SF..'1FOnTn, Mar. 8, 1838 Wheat, spring, Red and white Oats, • • Peas, - Barley, Butter, Eggs, • Potatoes,, '• Pork, Flout per evil • 8070 a 080 0 80 a 0 83 035 a 037 0 60 a 0 00 -000 a 070 010 a 017 0 11 a 0 16 ▪ 050 a 065 6 50 a 7 00 • 2 00 a 2 50 Will offer for the next 80 days an Winter .roods at greatly reduced prices, in order to clear previous to entering stock on Feb. 15. T Special Reduction in MILLINERY and MANTLE CLOTHS. p"6 per cent off for cash. JOHN NiISEMAN Manager. Estate J. HODC ITBB- . When the Manitoba Legislature met it was found that not a member of the Ministry which 'produced the Speech from the Throne was present, and Premier Greenway moved that it should stand. The circumstance is believed to be unprecedented in the history of Canadian legislative ex- perience and shows how thoroughly beaten the Tory leaders in Manitoba have been. Two of the ex -Ministers are now residents of the United States and one is in British Columbia SEED BARLEY FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIB- En offers for sale a quantity of first-class Clean Seed Barley. JOHN MIDDLETON, Goderich township. MONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- GAOEa, or personal security,at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGRT. Llinton, Feb. 24, 1888. LOTS FOR SALE. — TWO SPLENDID quarter -acre building lots for sale, in good location. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply at NEW ERA Office. 1E10110 -BRED DURHAM BULL ron RALE —For sale a 12 months old Durham Bull, red color, registered in the now Dominion Herd Book. Apply to the undersigned, at Londesborough Post Office, or on Lot 22, Concession 13. JOHN CUMING. HORSES FOR SALE. — SUBSCRIBER offers for sale two mares in foal to Glen- garry, one, team of working horses, 1 last spring colt. Will be sold on terms to suit purchaser. MRS J. SPARLINU, 9111 con. Goderich Township. BRICK STORE FOR SALE.—THE STORE at present occupied by R.M.Racoy,hard- ware merchant, The building is of brick, 29x80, two stories high, Terms to suit pur chaser. Apply to 0, 1t, MENZIES or THOS. COTTLE, Clinton. LrOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—THE A. subscriber offers for sale or to rent, that conveniently situated house on Rattenbury St., at present occupied by Mr Sibley. The house has nine good sized rooms, basement an I furnace. Possession given immediately. MISS H. V. FOXTON. ``1PLENDID DWELLING AND PROPERTY A7 FOR SALE.—Subscriber wishing to move west, offers for sale the property now occu- pied by him, being lots 993 Rattenbury St., and 675 Huron St. On the place is a good frame cottage, with. stone foundation all round, hard and soft water, stable and good bearing orchard, Easy terms: IiENRt BENNETT, Clinton. ) RESSMAK[NG. — THE SUBSCRIBER l while returning thanks to the ladies of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patron- age in the past, desires to state that she has rented the premises on Victoria SI.,latoly oc- cupied by Mr Carslake, and will occupy the same after the IOW lust , when sue _will bo pleased to attend personally to all orders en- trusted to her in the dress and mantle mak-. ingline. Apprentices wanted. MISS DODS- WORTH. r-130 THE LADIES OF CLINTON.—THE 11 undersigned wishes to intimate to the ladies of Clinton, that site will start her dres making business, on the let of April, in the rooms over the Dry Goode Palace, where she will be pleased to attend to all who favor her with their custom. Entgance from side door on Rattenbury ret. Apprentices wanted.— MISS TREWARTHA. ilDITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR RENT • The undersigned offers for sale or rent the well-built frame house on the corner of Rattenbury and Erie Street,Clinton, contain- ' • ing n rooms, with good cellar, &c. The lot is Due paw: of an acre, and has thereon some bearing fruit tl'.^es,good stable, hard and soft water, and is just tn.: place for farmer who wants to retire. Terms re,;,sonable. THOS. TIPLING. HERD OF SHORTHORNS FOR SALE— Will be soldvery cheap,as we have rent- ed our farms for' a term of ears, and must sell. We have Five Females and Two Young Bulls fit for service in the spring, good colors, mostly red, and registered in the new Do- minion Shorthorn Herd Book. W. & H. PLUMSTEEI,.Clinton. LUMBERILUMBERILUMBER1 THE subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16111 concession of Goderioh Town- ship,a, good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and oftEim Lumber, Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest Dash price paid for first class Saw Logs. E. BUTT. Clinton, Jan. 25, 1868. HOUSE AND LOT FOR HALE.— THE frame house at present occupied by Mrs. Alcook, (immediately to the rear of Mr Jos. Chidley's house) is offered for sale. It con- tains seven good rooms, good eellar,bard and soft water, and is in one of the best localities in town. The lot is one-quarter of an acre. For particulars apply to F. C. ALLCOCE, at the Foundry. DRESSMAKING — THE UNDERSIGNED desire to intimate to the people of Clin- ton and vicinity, that they have entered into partnership and will carry ou the Dress- making business in the same premises hith- erto occupied, Huron Street, Clinton, Ml Orders entrusted to them will receive caro- ful and prompt attention. MISSES BOOTH & BUTT. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT,—THAT splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Goderich town- ship, situated 174 miles from Hoimesville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam, with a noverfailing spring creek running through the place; also good wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the best sugar bushes in the county ; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horses, also two good bearing orchards, being about six acres in all; two good to houses. About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented to good tenant, ALEX BADOUlt, Holmesville Pest Office. PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN CLINTON. Tho undersigned has been instructed by his brother to offer for sale on very roason- abie terms, tate followingproperties in the Town of Clinton: -1st Te property at pre- sent occupied by Mr James `Volker, on the south side of Huron Street, consisting of two lots, on which is erected a frame house, sta- ble, and other outbuildings. 2nd, A house and lot at the terininus of Rattenbury St. 3rd, The store and lot on Victoria St., now (wen ',led by Hr . J. 13. Crosson. Full p1artieu- lars,m application. H. lt. WALKER, C'liu- 1„ i 51F ��++�� ((�� ��I 1 1 I V THE ACRE $3,00ll Farm on the 3m) eon., Hulett, being, half of lot 20, 'ihrnte nhnnt tivo miles from the thriving town of Clinton, All the land clear, free from stumps, Jre., good state of cultivation, six acres in fall wheat on sum• mer fallow, 25 seeded down, balance plowed. Log house, large frame barn and good stabl- ing, first-class bearing orchard of 2 acres. plenty of water. &c., all well -fenced. Posses- sion given Immediately. Must be sold be- fore the first of April. Terms — 82,000 may remain on mortgage afL6i per cent, baled)re each, or other good mortgage security. bii,a EMERSON, Proprietor. 320 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 320 acres of first-class farming land, suitable for wheat or any other kind of crop, situated in Southern Manitoba, just north of Pilot Mound, about eight miles from South Western C. P. Rail- way and less than half a mile from Sohoo„ and Post Office ; title perfect. Will not sell if not sold before April 1st. Terms, $500 down, balance in three annual instalments, with interest at 6 per cent. This is a bargain worth looking after, Full particulars given at NEW ERA OFFICE, or MANNING &,.CC_QTT'S, Clinton, Or►i, 0 NEW GOODS 8 ARRIVING DAILY 14 A 14 i> H 14 Full Particulars NEXT WEEK GEO GLASGOW THE CaniIii PIciIc Ri lay 11 By special arrangement, A Colonist Train wtill Free Sleepers attached, for Manitoba,, the Northwest and British t,oiurubia, \PILL t,li.lvii WIINT GHA LW, .At 10 a.111., on TUESDAY, MARCH I3TH, Intending coconists taking advantage of this train can accompany stock and effects, and go through to, destination without change or transfer. An ex- perieneed agent will accompany and look after the party. For further in- formation, rates and to secure berths in sleeper, call on W.Jacksou,C.P.R.Agelt, CliM MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of Bale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be sold by public auction, at the Eattenbury House, (.; ntou, Tuesday, March 2Oth, 1888, At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, byJames How- son, Auctioneer, that valuable farm proper- ty being Lot Number 36; in the N nth Conces- sion of the Township of Gode , in the County of Huron, containing 80 a es. The farm Is an excellent one, in fair condition and well fenced. There are upon the premi- ses a frame house, frame barn, wells, orch- ard, &c. The property is well situated as to roads, churches, and schools, and is about 4 miles from the flourishing town of Clinton, Terms will be made known on day of sale, or may be ascertained upon application to the Vendor's Solicitors, The Vendor is pre- pared to allow a large portion of the pur- chase money to remain on mortgage e,t 6 per cent interest. Dated this 15th day of February, 1888. JAMES HOWSON, Auctioneer. ,,MANNING R SCOTT, Vendor's Solicitor,' South Haroil Farmers' Institute; A meeting of this Institute will be held in Dixon's Hall ,BRUCEFIELD, ox= Friday & Saturday,Mar.9th•IOth, At 1 o'clock p.m,, Friday, when the following gentlemen will address the meeting:—From 1 to 2,"The Dairy Cow," by Prof. Robinson; from 2 to 3, "Under Draining," by Mr. Fords, ter; from 3 to 4, "Management of Farm Stock,' by Mr Hobson; 4 to 5, "Causes of Agricultural Depression," by Mr Johnston, A grand free Literary and Musical Enter- tainment will be hald on the the evening of Friday, commencing at half past seven, Ad- dresses will be delivered by Mr A,MoD.Allen, the noted Horticultural tet, on "Horticuture;" by Prof. Robertson,on "What I saw in Den- mark;" by Mr obson, on "Lessons I have Learned on if my harm."1 Those ad- dresses will be enlivened by vocal and instru- mental music by the BrucofioldChoir, under the leadership of Mr. Jamieson, assisted by Messrs Rutledge, Carmichael, Madge and Kidd, Front seats reserved for ladies. Second day session commences at 10 A. M• 10 to 11, "Soiling," by Mr Hobson ; 11 to 12, "Grafting and Pruning," by Mr A.McD.Allan. Afternoon session:—I rota 1 to 2, "Footling and Managonront of hairy Stock," by Prof. Robertson• from 2 tn3. 'Exterminationtion of Wild Oats," by Mr McGinnis; 3 to 4. "Import- ant points in Choose Making," by Prof Rott- rrtson, From 4 to 5 Saturs'y, on Feeding and Management of Draught Horses by A, Innes, Tho committee have boon successful in securing gentlemen who aro etninentlyquali- fiod to deal with tbo subjects they will intro • duce, and they hope that farmers and others will show that they take a_suflcientinterere in Agriculture to ensure a full house dur• Ing both days of ilia mooting. A cordial 'in- vitation is extended to all. Admission free, 3. SMILLIE, Pro'. It. McMORD1l7, Sr; N H ROBERTSON, «pUouII S U 3WQ .zona MI» Has just returned from the eastern markets, and has brought with him a large and unique assortment of GENERAL DRY GOODS and MILLINERY for the spring and summer trade. Call and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. Only one price. . Ro b o rtso n' s grog Cuh Ston. JUST . OPENED TWO CASES, r MeimFUR Si FELT RATS THE LATEST NEW YORK STYLES. THE LATEST NEW YORK STYLES. TSew Prints,New Dress,Goods, New Curtains, New Spring Jacket sloths, New Jerseys, Wornazx FQz. ;V':6► trz- J. C. DET. Q: & CO... C L I N rr:c IS THE PLACE AND -,-,-, CCD Q ED IRO 2 IS THIE SPOT TO BUY YOUR Stationery, Paper and Envelopes, School' Books. Fancy Goods Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper, &c. A full and new stock a; close prices. W COOPER- Beaver, Block OOTSi SHOES LARGE ARRIVALS OF NewSpring Goods. 30'cases ,just received, which we have marked at close prices. Eggs taken in exchange. : per cent off for cash. FOUR PRICES ARE -AS LOW AS THE LOWEST W ._ TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND ]3LYTII. rr