The Clinton New Era, 1888-02-24, Page 8vs 1 I aimIta, on a roil iii the MUTUAL LIFE INSUBANQE COMPANY. of New York, 4ompered with alleged cheap inauranoe. AN,Bpte--MUTUAZ LIFE,} $116,OAP W4 Assets—Cheap ooncerue, small or pro- • AGE 25, LIFE PLAN. ceedsofaeollectionafter passing the hat If a claim in 10 years If a claim in 16 years It a claim in 20 years 0 ,1200 SPECIAL , PA LLISER'S 40c. Young 'Tyson Tet, beats all corners at the price. 40c. Japan is a beauty. 50c. Black, Green or Japan are not to be surpassed. 60e. YoungHysonTea is the great leader 60c. Secret Brent Black is a Matchless Mixture 75c. Secret Blend Black is the Favorite, Aird is specially called by that name, the Quality is Su- perb. SUGARS at merest profit on refiners prices. S. Palliser & Co's is the place to buy Good and Cheap Groceries every time. ;lame of Institution • MuTir*Ii ,TiTPE . Rua' Area,Awu tl9 Foresters Federal " 5a fRb $206 00 $9389 00 8800 40 60 00 s tmm 0 3 43 I4 P4 p 900 40 00:9 44 00 919 60 64 40 940 00 44 00 EU 9307 90 0000 1990 0 oro s 2i 0 0 zz ai al .4 o',1 $310 50 21003 00 910 00 879 00 910 00 93 00 � 60 00 EU $120 0 120 00 $594 50 a damn v8,'a,- a za aloe Z 8 0 00 t3 304'00 —839720-92f1-60 880 00 304 00 Bear in mind that the hest is much the cheapest in the end Protect your families and estates by insuring in the MiTCa . LIFE INflu4ANOE Co.,of NewYork,the oldest company inAmerica and the largest in the world. Remember,in these cheap concerns the older you get the heavier the burden becomes, while in the MUTUAL LIFE you pay your heavy premiums while in the midst of a successful business career, and are able to pay it, and in your declining years, instead of being a burden, it becomes a souroe of income. A word to the wise is sufficient. For information call on any of our local agents or address W. T. MCNEIL, Special A •rent, London, Ont., who will send you circulars, &o. NEWS NOTES. Strawberries are $12 per quart in New -York city. Lord Dufferin has accepted the post of Ambassador to Italy. Every person speaks highly of Barkwell's Bronchial Balsam,it seems to never fail. t-;;;,• Six Montreal street care conductors f .' . were arrested on Thursday for appro- priating fares. An express company has been orgaulzed to carry cattle from Cbica- o, to New York. in 40 hours. I!r'G.B. Bourdeau,Queen'e.Printer for Manitoba, has gone to the States, ii leaying a shortage in his accounts. As a toilet article, Ayer's Hair Vigor stands unrivaled. It cleanses the scalp and removes dandruff, cures itching humors, restores the original color to faded and gray hair, and pro- . . motes its growth. When dread disease, with iron hand, �i -Hangs its dark mantle over thee, s." Escape its all -enslaving band, P- -'Witk Golden Medical Discovery. ' - Dr R. V. Pierce's Golden Medical " Discovery cures coughs, colds, and consumption if taken in time. Of - druggists. A Missouri farmer recently learn- ed that the grand jury was about to indict him for working on Sunday. Ve didn't try to evade the charge, but had his four sons summoned as ':.witnesses against him. He was fined and costs, a total of$5. But as the mileage and witness fees of his sons t'" amounted to $10.40, the family •.r cleared $5 40 on the transaction, Ladies Only. The complexion is often rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- owness. These it is well known are caused ''. from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr pie's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists Mr Donald McEwan, son of the late Peter McEwan, of the 7th con., McGillivray, loot his life last Thurs- day morning at Sherry Station,on the. Wisconsin Central Railway. He was employed on the above road as a brakeman, and while jumping on aril ' ' train after it was in motion doting and was thrown el -3, Which passed over o y, killing him instantly. 'Miner at Sudbury writes to a frend entreat that the gold mines in t district are marvellously rich. piece of gold ore, valued at $50,000, represented to have bean taken from o e vein If this enthusiastic pros- pector's story is verified there will be a big rush to the gold fields of North- western Ontario in the spring. He may be a hotel -keeper's agent or an wner of town lots, however, and until i� statement is verified it should be etlepted with reserve. James Taylor, aged 13, was jailed, i other, on the charge of mur- : sering his father, at Independence, on Monday last. Lansing Taylor,the dead man, and his wife were engaged 'a a fight, and upon the mother ask- . '-'ing the Ron to assist, hi!, he seized a gun and struck his father with it, the ' " il.[►__. was di c.larged and Lansing aylor Milled. The boy says he did of know the gun was loaded. Tae ramify lived in abject wret,;liedaess, and appear to be but little sissy° brutes in intelligence. • An Owen Sound despatch says :—A case ofextreme hardship came up be - 1 foree� PPoliee. Magistrate Geo. Spencer ,,, h*rsday morning. Thos. Lyons, 7Ii'tom Cheshire, England, and Arthur Wainwright, from the Isle of Man, both able-bodied young men of in • ;"relligent _appearance, were charged `with vagrancy. On being questioned by the magistrate they said that they had paid their own passage to Canada, which agents had represented as a ,place where men could get work at all times at bleb wages. The magis- after makin6 some strong re - r son the emigration system, tired them. he Rev. Mr Spurgeon, in a letter ,the=Wesleyan Reform Union, in -resolution adopted hy" t body expressing approval of his vee in withdrawing from 'the Bap - ;';Union says :—" I am unable to gin longer quiet when the pat is the authority of the Scriptures and great doctrines of man's ruin, his Minion, and the finality of the judgment. Being zealous for id evangelical faith, I may speak sternly against the enemies of the :and my words may seem unne- 9 ,harp swords, We will to- er fight for the Word and the Gos- We wiil bear our outspoken eAs against this modern purga- s convict at Stillwater, Minn., On at; Dr August Towskv, has identified as John G. Zaiotrski, six years ago, while a resident of ticago, took out policies upon his Ife for $8,500 and suddenly di,ap- "eared, his wife showing a note from lip stating that he was about to droisn himself. Part of his clothes Were found upon one of the lake piers. Hte laifo recovered judgment for the Amount of the life insurance. After Ieavi'ng"C'hicago "be iin`siried-another Ma at Chaska under the name of and was sent to the peniten attempting to murder her e refused to act in collusion into defraud an Insurance y. He will be taken to -Iran Cry for a perms• itcher's Ca Breda: in nc a ' nrthd h oo years old and One of the worst blizzards exper- ienced at Grand Forks. Dak., this winter raged all of Tuesday night and Wednesday until sundown. The velocity of the wind, which came from the southwest, was something frightful. All trains were abandoned. DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS Counterfeits are always dangerous more so that they always closely imi- tate the original in appearance and name. The remarkable success ae- chleved by Nasal Balm as a ppsitive cure for Catarrb and Cold in the head Ws induced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums imi- tating Nasal Balm in name and ap- pearance, bearing such names as Nas- al Cream, Nasal Balsam, etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not take imi- tation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggists or sent post- paid on receipt 06 price (50c and $1) by addressing Fulford & Co., Brock- ville, Ont_ The American Riral Ilom9 s um marizes ire special crop report from all sections of the country as follows: Much of the winter wheat belt is now bare of snow, and much of the crop looks brown and dead. March must be an exceptionally good month to ensure an average crop. Spring wheat is very quiet, and the belt is generally covered with deep snow. No wheat is moving, and farmers are holding it at a premium. Ina general way the prospect is hopeful for wheat growers In this country. Foreign competition is less feared, and war in railroad freights is to the farmers' advantage. There was a large movement in corn during January, and prices continue fairly firm, In Illinois prices average from 45c to 50e. In Nebras- ka corn has sold at from 30c to 45e. This has put plenty of money in cir- culation among the farmers. In Cali- fornia there has been plenty of rain for winter grain, and that recently sown is coming up and looking well, and a fell supply from this rection is anticipated. The cattle industry shows little improvement, and re- ceipts continue heavy and prices low. There has been little disease among swine, and price,' continue good, with constant demand at packing centres. As a whole the spring outlook to the producers is extremely hopeful. "Never morning wore to evening but some heart did break," says Ten- nyson ; and the part that 411 health often plays in heart -wreck is too great for computation. Uterine disorders especially becloud the spirits and sap the springs of vitality and nervous force. For these distressing diseases, functional irregularities, unnatual discharges, constant paine,weak back, lassitude, dullness.einking sensations, ill temper, and all weaknesses and de- rangements peculiar to females, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a perfect specific. Sold by druggists. Donald Fletcher, just elected presi- dent of the Denver, Col,, Chamber of Commerce, reached there nine years ago, almost dead with consumption and with $7 in his pocket. He got a railroad clerkship, saved his salary, invested in land and is nearly a mil- lionaire now. "Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but what can be said for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tonic and blood -purifier? Formerly, a course o1 bitters, or shlphur and molasses, was the rill„ in well -regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and e(T, five blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, Z E, Canton st., Poston. writes : " My daughter, hter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a esr ago when she began to complain of 'fatigue, headache, debility... .dizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con- cl ndcd that all her complaints originated in itnlyire blood, and induced her to take Aycr's Sarsal ai•ilia. This medicine soon rest.iced her bloodanaking organs to 11 1 v action, and In due time reestab- li;bccl'her former health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla a most valuable remecly'for the lassitude and debility incident to spring tilne." J. C'astright, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "As a Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitute for tiro old-time coinpounds in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's I'ills. After their use, I reel fresher and stronger to go tit '0ngh the .sit nier." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, r'IIEPA I: ED .1; Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Price 91; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. 00 xeleee s The Original \ell► ymi4LITTLE•ux ta Ale LIVER 0Vt8�l3 PILLS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. AL ASS NOR DB. PIERCE'S PELLETS, LIMTLE SUGAR-COATED PILLS. Beingentirely vegetable, they op- erate wiout disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. Put up 1n glass vials, hermeti- cally lasealed. to ive alteras tivee cord reliable. urgat AR e, these little Pellets t purgperve give the most perfecf satisfaction. S R SICK. HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, Attaokii,and all derangomente of the stom- ach and bowels, are prompt- ly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action .upon the system is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence. Sold by druggists, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. $5.00 REWARD is offered by the manufactur- ers of Dr. Sages. Catarrh Re Chronic NasaloCat°arrh which they cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH.—Dull heavy headache, obltrtiotion of the nasal passages, discharges failltig from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak, watery, and inflamed; there 18 ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together .with scabs from ulcers; the voice Is changed and bas a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are im- paired; there Is a sensation of dizziness. with mental depression a hacking cough and gen- eral debility. Only a few of tbo above-named symptoms are likely tb be present in anyono case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re: cult in consumption, and end in the grave. No dieealse is so common more deceptive and dangerous, or lees understood by ph' yeieiane. By RS mild soothing, and healiingprojrertdee, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remed cures the waist eases of Catarrh "• cold in the head,” Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggiate everywhere; 60 cents. 41Untold Agony from Catarrh.” Prof. W. HAtBNIDR, the famous mesmerist,, of Ithaca N. Y. writes : "Some ten years ego I suffered untold agony from ehronlo nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as Incurable, and said I must dlo. My case was such a bad one, that every day towards sun- set, my voice would become eo hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing and blearing of my throat would almost etranglo me. By the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." s"Conetently hawking and Spitting.» TndnlAs J. Rusnnen, Esq., 6101 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. writes: "1 was a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck- Ylq, I was advised to try Dr, Saga'a_Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to be the only sure remedy-forVaiarrh now manufactured, and ono has onlyto give it a fair trial to experience astoundig results and a permanent pure." Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. Pa,says II "My ,ria ttyan ghtar hada catarrh wheeti she was five years old very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- cured a bottle for her, and won saw that it helped her; a third bottle efreeted CLINTON E\V ERA. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. — *X* ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN * EMPLOYED * NEW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW ORNAMENTs,FINE PAPERS, FIN E INKS, NOVEL CORIDINATIONS. Business Circulars ----A SPECIALTY= - NEAT. TASTY; IiarSEE ARTISTIC. OUR SAMPLES'Est sale by Worthington and Comhe. papo BLESS DflA T!Z 1ID. We have done an immense trade during the past two weeks. Our Clear- ing Sale will be cot.tinued for two weeks longer. If you want any kind of winter goods do not let this opportunity pass—we are offering decided bargains. The stock is heavy and well assorted; we want money, you want goods. Wo are willing to supply you at prices that cannot fail to please you. We are making a big push to clear our entire stock of —0 VEP 00.A.8— Prices are reduced 20 to 30 per cent; they must go. You can save money by purchasing a SUI'C` 420F. CLOTHES •NOW. $10 suit foo $8. We can sell you COAT, VEST: AND PANTS FOR $4.00. TWEEDS at Special Cut Prices, are going off rapidly. Secure what you need at once, they will soon be sold. We Piave not many Fur Goods left, but what we have are good lines, and if you want them you may have them at prices that please you. We are clearing Wool Squares, Dress Goods, Cloaking, Prints, Ginghams, Shirts and Drawers. See the fine superior quality BLANKETS at 50c. per pound. You will find many lines in our stock cheaper than regular wholesale prices. Thanks to our many customers. We turn over an immense quantity of hoods, and are thus enabled to handle large lots that manufacturers place upon the market from time to time, when they are in need of funds. Buying in this way, we get the inside track, and our customers reap the benefit. Clearing Sale for Cash continued for two weeks longer. W. L. O U I M E T T E; LONDESB.ORO CaibiekdReith, --THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS ?N' D EMBALMERS CLINTON In our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- spectfully solicited. Tho Radloicr Tttitnri Ston, £ort CLINTON CALBICK & REITH "SOh1TNING - UNPARALLELED,'! CURE FOR HARD TiMES CREDIT CLEARING SALE OF DRYG000S,BOOTS& SNOES ADAMS' Emporium, From now till March 1st, I will offer for sale the entire stook of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES and WALL PAPER, on "CREDIT" to reliable patties, till the 25th of Dec., 1888, at the following "Discounts" •from present prices. All sales of $5.00 and under, no Discount. All sales from $5.00 to $10.00 5 per c, Discount. All sales from $10 to $15, 71 pet c. Discount All sales from $15 to $20, 10 per cent Disconnt All sales from $20 to $80, 12i per cent Discount All sales from $80 to $50, 15 per cent Discount The stock is good, but too Largo et present, as I want root, for Spring Goods coming in. Thanking my customers for just favors, I would cor- dially invite them all to take advantage of this sale; and those who have not purchased from me before, will find it to their profit to try now and be convinced that this is the place for bargains. R. ADAMS, LONDESBORO f;* tt tt tt tt it tt S. PALLISER & CO., New ; Furniture ; Stock Opened out in ELLIOTTS BLOC$, NEXT DOOR TO TIE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS,rPARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI- TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. JOS. CHIDLEY. XMAS GOODS ers The subscriber, while thanking his friends for -their patronage during the past year, wonld remind them that he has a splendid stock of Holiday Goods, consisting of FRUITS; CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &e. --BESIDES A FULL STOCK OF— Choice Family Grcceries,China, Crockery and C-lassware. All tut bottom Prices. A CALL SOLICITED. --- :x: N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL. o sy�t(-°Y.�5g �� r,b000prpmr'm'gan"�mgE°r$At�lp'!ZvPs�Zi�rl liSS'tp'�r�g�A�2JOM o�mm�mtiEA•h8gdwa°� v,mapAt • 51! r'§"' �olAsvgmn=-0a t`l g y ViipeY 10 p. bJ °oipSo11waw4m • 11781 OI1 I w��x.gmaOOi 3dtel e $,s7,g oeCrresr Zm 4.0)lig .mov "R0 l�w p aO�" hjoro !,Mec gr ° o3.� goP. atot >t,1 EP-, $ m mamma >. <zz rn�n073 0 rri o t� I � z r-1 rTl C/? The Year of 1887. ICannot let the occasion pass without returning my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage, and trust ..that by unceasing endeavor and unremitting attention to the wants and requirements of my customers, that I shall • always merit a continuance of -their favors. I. will now continue the balance of my large and well assorted stock of FINE FURS -AT COST PRICE', If you want a bargain, now is your chance to come and make a selection. G. GLASGOW, Next ,icor to the. Palace, Albert st., Clintoll A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR NEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAN._ M. V. =.iVBCN'S 92:EC1 tICy ITC:).„ e, THE GRE. 11' 1NE✓lLTI ' • RE.ME W I1, marmot Healing, end Wieder of Medicines, CoZ+ebis the terrible Consequences of Indiscretion, Exposure and Overwork. YC'Cri\Td-i =L= -AGFA .A.r7= OTeT1 M' T Who are'broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 9a radical euro for nervous debility, mania weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. lerrepxowI von wales No. b Snovna an Mian.—Want of energy, vertigo, want of pmpeee, dimness of eight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, dceiro for solitude, lietlesanee, and Inability to fir the attention on s partionler subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, lode of memory, excitability of temper, ,per. matorrhota, or loss of the seminal Said—the 8pcuit of coif -abuse or marital excess—lmpo- tenoy, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, i1t,,lpitatien of the heart, hysteric feelings in females trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams, etc., aro all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. In abort. tho spring of vital- force having lost ire tension, every function wanes in consequence. Solentiflo writers and thoeuperintebdents or insane asylums unite in nacribingg to the °Foote of self-abuse the great majority or wasted lives which come under their notice. If you aro incompetent/or the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No. 8offera an secs a from the effects of early vice. If yon are advanced In years, No. 8 will give you full vigor ani, strength. If you aro broken down, physically and morally, from only indiscretion, the result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps fox M. V. L'.noN'e Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed an1d�eecuro from •observativ,., A Man without wisdom livestIn o feel'sRparadise EBRUMMM Qe RANTEED n HEAL THE SICK.' A PtirmaIient Curet