HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-02-03, Page 8REGULAR INSURANCE, R1.EGtJLAR �s tR t tegulta pa a Ins nay in the MUTUAL LIFI4 II:IS1 B inenra COMl?ANY, of New York, .Dmpared with 'alleged cheap 4i0.1—TOTUATAI• B,} _ 4ls.etl—•Chep o nealtue, mull or pro- li0.000,00D i �Uybt 25 LIFE PLAN. oeedeofaoolloo$ionafter pestling tbehat 'Name oR Inektxtima If a data), in 30 years If a claim in 15 years If a claim in 91) yearn ., Ego lab a e•.e, Pier wilTHAL LIFE, Reya1 Arcanum .,. .... • Federal *x500 6000 1189 00 00e4 001 1307 60 940 00 it 44 00 80 00 919 GO 64 40 120 60 940 00 44 00 90 00 • 1310 00 • vOm'a M� 0 z� �,1;0 11000 00 930 D.0 679 00 910 00 12.36600 93 00 11 HS, 112590 160 60 500 00 pro Zit _ • tag 1594 50 $ 6Q 580 ?"44°044 00 Ivor We enter stock on the IOtb of February, and all Heavy Winter fronds must be disposed, of by that date. We otter special inducements for cash. Ladies For Sets, re alar price $8.50, now selling , at $6 ��� Ladies For Sets, Naar pprice, $6.50, now selling at 4'50 Ladies Fur Gas, regular rice $5, now selling$3.b0 Ladies Fur Ca regular rice $125,nowselling at K75 Caps, g 1} WENS OAPS very much B I OE . Bear is mindthat thebest is much the cheapest in the end. Protect your families and estates by insuring in the liortrAs Lira Itifr<tlRtxeE Co.,of NewYork,the oldestoompany inAm.erioa and the largest in the world. Remember,in these cheap concerns the older you get the heavier the burden becomes, while in the MUTUAL LIFE you pay your heavy premiums while in the midst of a successful business career, and are able to pay it, and in your declining years, instead of beings burden, it leeconres a source of Moine. A word to the wise is sufficient,. For information call on any of our local agents or address W. T. MoNEIL, Special Agent, London, Ont., who will send you circulars, eke. - 1tAILROADING IN A BLIZ- for the answer, I do not know. On ZARD. I talked with the engineer as I cause down, and ho told ate that the storm in Dakota was the fiercest ever known. fie had seen several of the train handeas they came in- to St. Paul, and they gave a terrible account of the state of affairs. All freight trains bad been abandoned, as it was utterly impossible to find men to man them. It is hard to T..4' -84e how anyone could stand the ex- ljosure to which the freight .brake - mon are now subjected. The brakes roust be put on constantly, which involves crawling on the narrow footboards on top;of the freight cars, which are coated with ice and snow and. exceedingly slippery. With the wind blowing at the rate of fifty miles an hour, and the train butting its way through the snow, it is im- possible for the brakeman te main- ; tai upright position, andel ere obliged to crawl from car to oar on their hands and knees, handle the cold iron, with the thermometer 40 degrees below zero, and remain ex- posed to the storm for hours, as they never have time to go to the caboose. The men have no shelter beyond what they can find by clinging to the ladders between the care, and suffer fearfully. The engineer told me that dozens of men had frozen their hands and feet, and finally sev- eral crows1iad refused to work longer and had taken shelter in the caboose. It ie a wall -known fact in the North west that scarcely a freight brake-- l ran works more than a year, as the experience of one winter is such as to make them prefer anything to repeating it.—Interview in St.Lonis Dispatch. A feeling of dullness and languor, Which ie not akin to pain, And resembles suffering only ,As the mist resembles rain. Is often the first indication of incip- ient disease. In such cases the famous ' ounceof prevention' is the highest ewisdom, and may be found in its most potent form in Dr. Pierce's Golden edical Discovery, which by its won- derful blood -purifying and invigorat- ing tonic properties, will quickly re- store the ebbing vitality, repair and strengthen the system, and thus ward off threaiening sickness. Its having influence reaches every organ of the body. one occasion when we gave this an- swer, a student flippantly exclaimed, •Why, professer, when I came to the university I. thought you would tell us all we did not know. "I am sorry my young friend,' said I, 'that you labor- ed under so great a mistake. I can engage to tell you only what I know., NOBODYS' BUSIXESS The idea that a man may drink and it is nobodys' business is simply pre- posterous. Surely somebody cares. Is not the mother grieved, the sister put to blush, or the wife crucified 1 No man can shatter his nervous system without bringing sorrow and shame upon some -one, unless he be a vagrant. Woman is too delicately constituted to know that her husb- and is in Giant Despair's Castle and not be with him in spirit. Whatever affects the one affects the other; the innocent suffers with the erring. She may be silent, but cannot be a painless witness to his self -surrender to alcoholism. Perhaps it is not the woman's business that her children should inherit virtuous tendencies as well as a sound body. Is it nobody's business that taxes are high,that our asylums are running over, that our young men are victimsof strong drink, and even the children on the hearthstone are in danger'? Ladies Only. Ths complexion is often rendered un. sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- ownese. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet 'recipes, hinte and suggestion. onhow to ,,preserve the complexion. By all druggist. are..•` One of Illinois' many editors has a great head. He is a philosopher,for he writes:—"Never judge by appear- ance. A shabby coat'may cmtarn an editor, while a man wearing a high- toned plug hat and sporting a dude cane may be a delingiu nt subscriber," For more than forty years, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been euccessfully prescribed in case of consumption. This medicinealwave aturds great re lief in pulmonary diseases. Ask your druggist for it. Grenville County is greatly excited over the enforcement of the Scott Act, matters having almost reachedla crisis in the villages of Spencerville and Kemptville. Mr. Ferguson, the member for the county, who resides at 1 emptville,and has been promin- ent in enforcing the Act, recently a letter threatenini him with assassina- tion if he does not desist; and the minister of the Methodist and Bap- tist churches have been threatened with violence if they do not modify their views on the liquor question. What the outcome will be is doubt- ful,but if the anti -Scott Act men eon- tinue in their present course nothing can be done but call out the cou my militia, whitoh would be a terrible course to force upon the authorities. "Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but what can be said for the parent who sees Iris child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tonic and Lloed-purifier" Formerly, a course of bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well -regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, kvhit:h is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., Roston, writes : " My daughter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a year ago when she began to complain of fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con- cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood, and induced her to tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon restored her blood -making organs to healthy action, and in due time reestab- lislied'her former health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for the h+eeit1<1C hug' debility incident to tering time." J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.,,says: "As a Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitute for the old-time compounds in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go Ili 'ough the summer." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I•Itl:r-1f:EL, 1:1' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Price $1 ;• aim Lot dea, 55. ]Wort!' $5 a bottle. SOBERAND THOUGHTFUL. 00 DEW Aid: dip flint MON& Atw Ars �aQrCi�Q9 The Original wse iat.ITTLE uirtat. ve LIVER ®\\e Fs PILLS. The curve ot all the churches in 'this country is that they have got thousands ot members who have not been convicted of sin, much less con- verted to God. Heaven is just on the other side of where a fellow does his level best. The roan who thinks he is safe, and lies back on his oars, looses heaven right there. _ 'Pitcher's c astoria: Children .Cry for The bast receipt for going ,'rough life in a commendable way is to:eel h ASE FOR DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS, 012 LITTLE SUGAR-COATED PILLS. Being entirely vegetable, they op- erate without disturbance glass the system, diet, oroccupation. sealed. n Always pin freshl and rreliable. As a laxative alterative, or purgative these little laxative, give the most perfect satisfaction. SICK HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizztttoss, Constipa- tion, Indigtrestion, Bilious Attackcs,andall derangements of the stom- ach and bowels, are prompt- ly relievedand permanently . cured by the use of Dr. Piereo s Pleasant Purgative Pellote. In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets oyes so great a variety of diseases, it ma$'truthfully be said that their action upon that everybody, no matter how rft s, the system is unrveraal, not a gland or tissue or how poor, needs all the kindness' Assitni fr their sanative influence. Sold by they can get from others in the world : +Cal Laboratory Of WORLD'S D18rE5BARx 'ems• AssoclA'SSION, Buffalo, N. Y. Here is a type of humanity found Mxnrc__ l+ - almost in every locality: "The times are sadly changed," said a gentleman not long ago, who felt that everything was going wrong, and that he in par- ticular was being sadly neglected. "In what respect do you find them changed most?" he was asked by a friend. "Oh, that is plain," he said; "no regard is paid nowadays to people of quality." ''Well, to be sure," said the friend, "it isn't so much the peo- ple of quality that we pay attention to nowadays, as it is the quality of people." Still day After day are rtporls of high crimes committed in various parts of the country, crimes of the heinous, disgusting, and diabolical character; Bitch as are brutal and dis- graceful to the very name of men, and setproachful to the whole country. If there were a time when order loving, abiding man should exert them- selves in efforts to prevent crime, and when it does occur, to punish the criminal, that time is now. With• out law and order there.is no safety her the weak and helpless. Might will prevail over right and ruin en- sue. Let the people he well aware of this fact and sustain the law and law officers with all the power and influence they possesas. When the wicked bear rule, the land mourns. • 1 D) NOT KNOW, 'If I am asked; says M. Arago what produces the tails of comets, I would reply, I do not know. I can guess, but I do not know.' A lady -in a French court once asked Mairan, What are the belts of ,Tupiter ?"I -not know,' replied the secretary of the Academy of Sciences. ' Then,' said ,the lady ' is Saturn the only planet surrounded by a ring?' I do not know,' again replied Mairan. The lady, growing impatient, demanded, with a certain degree of rudeness, 'What purpose, then, does it serve, sir, to be an academician ?' ' It serves the purpose, madam, to reply -•-I do not' know.' Every honest teacher, who de - apices the conceit of knowledge with• Out the reality will often find occasion by the manufaetur- teoforeo a-'raCaserroers.ofDcf Betnedyy, t,. ',taro: which chronic se • they caninotacure. SYMPTOMS OF CATAnunfe`-Dull heavy headache, obstruction of tho 'nasal passages, discharges failing from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucosS, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak, watery"; and inflamed ; there is ringing in the ease, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice Is changed and has a nasal twang; the breath is oifenstye; smell and taste ere im- paired; there Is a sensation of 'liminess, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen- eral debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re- sult in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physiotana. By its mild, soothing, and Yhealing propertQlee eased Catarrh "ecoid In the head Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. is Untold Agony from Catnrrh.►t Prof. W. HAoMNER, thefamous mesmerist, of Ithaca N. Y., writes: , 'Some ten years ago I euffere'd untold agony from chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave mo up as incurable, and said I must die. lily cavo was euoh a bud one, that every day'towards sun- set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. Ily the use of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the euro has been permanent." «Constantly Ilawking and Spitting." THOMAS J. RusnINo, Esq., 6803 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. writes: ' I was a great sufferer from catarrh Mos three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight.monthe- could not -breathe tero'ugh the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Lucks Ily, I was ndvieed to try Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to bo the only euro remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and cno has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." • Throe noisier) Cure Catarrh. net Ronnsrrs. fteneen P, 0., Coitrntbta Co., Pa., says: My daughter bad catarrh when eho was five years old very badly. I sane' D1•. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ndvertised, and pro• cured a bottle for her, and soon saw that it helped her l e third bottle sheeted a perma- nent cure. She le now eighteen years Old gad Sound and hearty." CU TO\ T EED S Reeguullar ar priceprice $Ipoets.now snowelliseng lliif fogrf071Z:") 75r 70cts.cents, Regular price 75ets., now selling for 55ete., REMNANTS TWEEDS,! just the thing for BOYS SUITS and OVER- COATS, ofiered at less than half the regular price. F 1. A. ICT :^r E L S. Flannels, all wool, checks, regular price 40cts., offered for 20ets., Flannels, union, checks, offered for 15cts, WOOL CLOUDS, regular $1 goods, now 50 cents. KNITTED WOOL SHAWLS --very low in price. OVERCOATS A. IN S IZ7►�- Overcoats, regular price $10, now ofiered at $8. Suits, regular price $1U, now offered at $8. A few Overcoats and Suits, odd patterns, will be sold at half price. Duing lips 121e will offer ten pounds of our fine 50 cent YOUNG HYSON TEA for $4. The above prices are for Cash only—uo goods will be sold on credit at these prices. It will pay you to come and see us during this sale. W. L. OUIMETTE,. LONDESBORO AB•C'ff E The Celobraiod ARGIJS Svaiacirs & Eytg1ases 13. DURANCE'S Spectacles anti Eyeglasses at Cost34 CALEDON T A MinerailWater Aerated. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, cLINTON, ONT. .04.01404440431•4141111=4M, 0....0000011.....410.44.4444044 ,. ...SS '"' THIS " O Everybody is taking stock, and while doing so are giviug bargains in writer goods in order to reduce and make it easier to take. We bay* bees giving tremendous bargains, and we are now offering special inducements in order to clear out the balance of our winter goods in Millinery,Fancy Woollen Goods,Dress Goods, • Flannels, Kid and Cashmere Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, &c. As .we den't believe in carrying anything over. Those goods will be sold away down in price. BEESLEY'S MILLINERY EMPORIUM New :Furniture :Stock Owned out in ELLIOTT'S BLOC= NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS,IPARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., . ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI- TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. ..TOS. CHIflL EY. ]!CHAS GOODS The subscriber, while thanking his friends for their patronage during the past year, wonld remind them that he has a splendid stock of Holiday Goods, consisting of FRUITS. CANDIES, NUTS, PISA, t&e. --Bl3l$IDIRS A FULL STOCK OF— Choice Family Groceries,China, Crockery mild - G-lassware. Alt sLt $ottorn Pride*. —A CALL °SOLICITED.— :X: N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL. oa a til a :y— w� � � � go. b' B: m 8 rr m a�•,.n...1•rr'�mt1m lit p, ',dm„'t'i�.g ty°p5ly w T2D:::::°;: p,:::r3.!"11-111l:P1 AS 6!'91::: Ac01 :::;;;; ii:i rn°rAem �:1 serine' °'rl j;?f�,a S "A�� - •,�,m o 0o m'•aa�c,oao�M" 1 0 • o C gyp ��a Cdo.o'" g,� m: Q � �,A m �m om�oam-�oQ�bm ..m t. �.�N 1 20:: O n F:Fiatsai,Sitoryi; _�u .,biER°t-.cpm 8m g � Am e,R o CURE FOR HARD "TMEb. °9° d �''. R �j p � � m �' "'t tf 6' � � o M f tf 'n' � e a... sib ►„.-. -r-i ET IN kp DILL ELED SOM 1\1 ERA.• THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER, IN THE COUNTY. 'd*t'****** t* t(*** t***ii° One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO bo CHEAP, f3UT GOOD WORK. — *IA Y ONLti COitPIc['i NT WORKMEN' * EMPLOTF» x New LarTalls, Naw BonaeMM 1VFw ORNAPE STs,FJN1s PAPBRii, FIN a Ivxe, NOVO, COLiB1NATION8. Business Circulars --A 8r1COIALTX— NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. srd S E OUR SAMPLES-Dlt s Or CHEUI'I CLEARING SALE OF •� � <6„„„ z rri rrii 33Z r si TT? The Year of 1887. DRY GOODS,BOOTS ilk SHOES er C.annt let the occasion piss Without returning my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the public for their __—A,T - very liberal patronage, and trust that by unceasing endeavor and unremitting attention to the wants Eifiporm” and requirements of my customers, that 1 • shall always merit a continuance of their favors. I will now continue the balance of nay large' and well assorted Stock of FINE FURS AT COST PRICE From now till March 1st, I will offer for sale the entire stock of DZY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES and WALL PAPER, on "CREDIT" to reliable parties, till the 25th of Dec., 1888, at the following "Discounts" from present prices. All sales of $5.00 and under, no Discount. All sales from $5.00 to $10.00 5 per c. Discount. All sales from 510 to $15, 71 per c. Discount All sales from $15 to $20, 10 per cent Discount All sales from $20 to $80, 12i per cent Discount AIB sales from $80 to $50, 15 per cent -Discount The stook is good, but too large at present, as I want room for ;'Spring Goods coming in. Thanking my customers for past favors, I would cor- dially invite them all to take advantage of this sale, and those who have not purchased from me before, will firid it to their profit to try now and he convinced that this is the place for bargains. R. ADAMS LONDESBORO NOTICE. Moses Fischer, the manager of the A. Fischer estate, Ordered Clothing }tense, offers the • STOOK at COST. Come and, got MeA tCAXNS and Coon FITS at the OAIC HALL. All accounts must be settled by the list of March, as the manager is leaving town. All accounts not paid by that date will be placed for colledtion. Tki9 is the final notice. Terms cash. Prices Cost. 1VI. Fisc..>CLfir, Manage -iv If yon want a bargain, now is your chance to r come and make a selection. ULASGOW, Next Door to the Palace, Albert st., CIIatoa A Positive Curer A Painless Cure. x FACTS FOR MEN OF AL . AGES. tasnisSEIt or MAN. M. V. T.tTJS30N'S SVMCI 'IC INTO. A, rimaREd1T IJE✓i'LTIL dtEJ>! EW Ea1!i, Marvel of Heating, and Kohlnoorof Medicines, C'17.r8ies the terrible consequences of Indiscretion, Expoyare and Overnornn. '9Z'O`:711`G� MIS :ZZAM-AG �i ANT) Or .Tf 1'.Vl "bI T Who aro broken own from the effects of abuse will and in No. 8 a radical cure for ne 0ae debility,c,organic weakness, inttoluntttry vital leases, eto. lnMPToMe roe waren No. 8 Saotmn no Uszn: Want of energy, vertigo, want of perp e, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of oonfldeneo, avoidance of ooutersa desire for solitude, listlosenese and inability to fix the attention on s particular subjects. cowardice, depression of spirits, giddinesa, loss of memory, excitability of temper, epos matornccea, or loss of the seminal fluid—the result of eoit•abuso or marital excess—tmpo- tenoy, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteria fooling, in femalestrembling melancholy, disturbing dreams, eto., are all syn,ptemaof this terrible habit, oftontimoc innocently acquired, In short, the apringif of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientific wrrters and the anpperintondonts of insane aeylnros unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the groat majority of wasted lives which come under weir notice. If yea aro itscoiripotentfor the arduous duties oLbusinesa, -incapaeitatod foe the enjoyments of lite • No. 8 offorh an escape from -trio effects ofof early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. b will give you full vigor and strength. If you aro brokeu down, physically and morally, from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. LrOON'd Treatise in Book Payor on Diseases of Man, Sealed and secure from observattoe, Address all communications to N. V. APRON, 45 Wellington St. E., Toronto, A Man without wisdom lies in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. NEAL THE SICK.