HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-01-13, Page 6:7:11P 11741111111!Illr'r- 4.• Will offer for the next 80 ciaara ail Winter Goods at greatly reduced prices, in order to clear previous to enteriDg stock on Feb 15. 'Special Reduction in MILLINERY and MANTLE CIA4THS. 0-5 per cent off for cash. 11 JOHN WISEMAN. Manager. Estate J. 11010CIENS. femendousReduction..S le FLOEMIEVTSOIV'S Freparatory to taking stock We have re -marked in RED Figures, every article in the store at greatly reduced prices. Experience has taught us it is better to sacrifice Winter Goods at even. Less than Cost Rather than carry over a large stock to another season. Our object in marking our goods at such low prices is to place us in a position to purchase a nice fresh stock for the spring trade. We have been encouraged to offer this great inducement to the public by the manner in which they responded to our "Great Gigantic Gift Sale," for which we heartily thank they:, which also is a proof that the people are alive to their own interests. We will give you a list of reduced figures next week. Ladies, avail yourself of this, another opportunity held out to yon by "THE P• OOR MAN'S FRIEND." R073ERTBONS artEAT CASE STORE. GREA-T •J T CKTAKINC TO STOOK TAKING=m------ • DIETLOR:' 'k WILL HOLD THEIR CRAVE) CLEARIZTO BALE. • BIG DRIVES in Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Gloves Plushes, Clothing, Flannels, Shirtings, Underwear, Corsets,Skirts, Blankets, Quilts,Table Linen, Towels, • Sheetings, Furs, Mantle Cloths and Millinery: Don't neglect to attend this •.T.C.IDETLOZI. & CO., Clinton great sale during January • 41111•111111P Business •Change, 000 HAVING BOUGHT W. H. SIMPSON'S STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERSandFELT GOODS,at the .low rate of 60c. on the 8 I am in a posiEion to sell l3oots and Shoes at a lower price than they have ever been sold in Clinton. I intend to keep the stock well assorted, and to sell at the lowest possible prices. Any one wanting good goods at a low price can get amen by calling. Come and see what I have and quote prices, whether you buy or:not. My method has always been small profits and quick returns, and not to be undersold by anyone. A full line of GROCERIES just selected, and embracing the best goods in this line, has been added, and will be sold at Closest Prices X 1. X ---• H. PLUMSTEEL, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE. TIMID OF SHORTITORN'S FOR SAR— Will be sold very cheap, as wo have rent- ed our farms for a term of years, and must sell. WO have Vivo Females and Two Young Bulls St for service in the spring, gond colors, mostly red, and registered in the new Do. minion Shorthorn Herd Book. W. & II. PLUkISTESI.,Clinton, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR RIIINT, The undersigned offers for sale or rent the well-built frame house on tho corner of Rattaubury and EriOStreet,Clinton, contain- ing 8 rooms, with good cellar, &e. The lot is one quarter of an acre, and has thereon some bouing fruit trees,good stable, hard end soft Watt+, and is just the place for farmer who wits te'retire, Terms reasonable THOS. TPLING. 110011 ant SEM at-WHOLBM PRIOR •le:/ Per Cent DISCOUNT On, all CASH SALES tor the next two months. Having over eight thousand dollars worth of BOOTS & SHOES in stock, and as I don't want the goods, bat do. want the Uash, I have decided t give 12 per cent Discount on all Cash Sales for the next Two Moral's. As I carry the largest stock in the county, you can depend on getting anything hi foot wear you want, Or that can be got in any first.elass establishment at less than wholesale prices. I can and will undersell any other,either any of Darwin's lost links, or any other shoddy dealer in town, and don't forget it. Cail OH C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON The Year of 1887. Cannot lettheoccasion pass without returning my sincerea heartfelt thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage, and trust that by unceasing endeavor and unremitting attention to the wantsb and requirements of my customers, that I shall always merit a continuance of their favors. I will now nntinue the balance of •my large and well assorted stock of FINE FURS AT COST PRICE If you want a bargain, now is your chance to come and make a selection. G. GLASGOW, Next Door to the Palace, Albert st., Clinton The Engli5h.opoulturel, fournala 04'0 urging Aberdeen farmers to'1 •cow to:support tbo Worth_ of Scot- land Qopocliou Cattle Company untiorVeg Canadian 8tock, and are , trying to}Altow 44204 itOOt stious ATO *wring tbo..itot* Aberdeen bceF uch attacks are, however, periodical, nd are not likely to prejudice either the farm - ere or the company. • Six weeks ago Harry Thomas a young Man living in Thorolb, waa married to•a daughter of Mr. Rich- ard Cummerford, undertaker,of that town, and the young couple started out on the journey of life with everything looking bright before them. The young man secured em- ployment in Toronto and was work- ing in that city when be was strick- en down with typhoid fever, to which disease he succumbed on Saturday. • CLINTON 311ARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Jan. 12, 1888. Wheat, spring, - 0 78 a 0 82 Wheat, white and red - 0 78 a 0 82 Oats - {I 35 a 0 36 Barley - 0 60 a 0 70 Peas 0 58 a 0 59 Flour, per owt - • 200 a 2 25 Potatoes • 0 50 a 0 70 Butter 0 19 a 0 20 Eggs 0 16 a 0 16 Pork • • 6 00 a 6 25 Hay • 8 00 a 8 00 Wool • 0 24 a 0 25 Sheep pelts • 050 a 0 75 Lamb akins - 0 60 a 0 80 Hides, • • 6 00 a 5 50 SEAFORTH MARKETS SEAFORTH, Jan. 12, 1888. Wheat, spring, Rd and white Oats, • - Peas, - Barley, Butter, Eggs, - Potatoes, • Pork, - Wool, - Flour per cwt $0 70 a 0 80 0 78 a 0 82 O 30 a 031 0 55 a 0 56 O 00 a 065 O 19 a 020 018 a 0 18 0 60 a 0 65 5 50 a 6 00 017 a 020 • 200 a 20 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for New ERA every Thursday Blyth, Jan. 12, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 78 a 80 Fall " • new . 78 a 82 Oats . - •. . 32 a 32 Bar ley . . 55 a 65 Peas . . 58 a 59 Apples per barrt.1 1 00 1 25 Potatoes, per bag . . 75 a 80 Eggs per dos . 10 a 16 Butter,rolls . . 18 a 19 Cheese . . 15 a 15 Lard . . . . 10 a 12 Flour per ewt. . . 2 00 2 10 Hoge, . . . 5 00 5 50 . 8 00 10 00 2°00 4 00 Hay, Straw . . CHEAPSIDE Wishes all his Frienag4, Mau Customers ftncl' F9167 Electors, a MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There %;afi supply of butchers' cattle on the markets pot too moraenythnfaor ordinary market days, but 1,; were required as the utchers luad buying freely during the latter part of I the week and wanted but a few head. The best animals sold at from 4c to 4ic per lb., with pretty good stock at from 3tc to 4FiTo".,and common dry cows and .rough steers at from 21 to Bic per lb. There were but few mutton critters al, fered, but there is not much demand for them and prices are without material change,or frotn,$3 to 114.60 each. There were no sales of live hogs reported. Dressed hogs sell in large lots lat about 71c per Ib., and in small lots at from 7ic•to 7ic do., with single hogs at 71c per lb. The horse trade has been im- proving of late, and dnringllthe past' 'week there shipped from here to the United States 68 working horses, costing an average of 8106.77 each. • Besides these there were shipped from here to DeWit, Iowa, eleven stallions valued at $5,485,or nearly $500 each. During the month of December there were about 300 horses sold at the Horse Exchange stable in Point St. Charles, chiefly for shipment to to the United States. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET There was a good market for all kinds on Tuesday. Receipts were light and demand good. Total offerings were 18 loads of cattle and 115 sheep and lambs Last week's receipts were 1020, cattle wore rather scarce. Demand was good and all sold readily to equal to 3g to 3,11c per lb for good loads and 3 .to 4c for picked lots. Nearly all the offerings were taken by local butchers. Only four loads went through. There were several buyers from outside points, but prices were too high for them. Outlook is good for the remainder of the week. There was but littledone in export stock A few bulls were taken for Montreal, 5 averaging 1,800 lbs at $56; 18 do. 1,- 780; 2 do. 1,650 lbs at $56. Milch cows were unchanged. Choice were a sale at $40 to $50 each, but medium were slow • Sheep and lambs were scarce, firm and wanted. Bembs averaging 100 lbs. sold at $5 each;^ and sheep 110 to 130 lbs. at $4.50 to Outlook firm. Calves scarce, with a good demand for the better qualities. For • anything good, weighing1110 to 150 lbs, $6•to $12 would readily have been paid. A mixed bunch stores and medium fat, averaging 150 • lbs, sold at $5.10; medium fat are wcrth $5 to $5.25; stores, $5 to $5.12; and heavy $5 per cwt. The weather at pre- een t is not favorable to pork;the country dealers anticipate liberal offerings next • onth, as there are a good many hogs that are feeding to come out then. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity. strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with the innititudo of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in CRIM, ROVAT, BAKINEI POWDSR 00., 100 Wall St., New York. Please REMEMBER THIS 14 THE LAST WEEK ..OF CHEAPSIDE'S Grand Gift Enterprise tOo Come everybodtand secure a Guess, you'may be the lucky one, And may secure the beautiful PARLOR SET by buying the very small sum of $5 worth of godos (D on't delay, you may be sorry.) S. WILSON, - CHEAPS1DE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. THE P OP-U-14.AR, Dry Goods House, CIINTADIElS130,11.00. CLEAR1N6 SALE' We are preparing to take. stock, and many - lines will be sold out regardless *of cost. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Tweeds and Flannels, Suits and Overcoats, Shirts and Drawprs! We are anxious to clear out all lines of winter goods and offer special inducements to purchasers. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO School BOOKS, COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOOKS, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS, LESSON TABLES, WALL MAPS, SLEIGHS, TOBOGGANS and SNOWSHOES. W COOPER, -- Beaver Block 10 per &off for Cash FOR THIRTY DAYS W.Taylor & Sons. OM! stock is well assorted and first-elass lit quality, all of which we offer for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CARL • \:4 1 ta'OUR PRICES ARF. AS LOW AS THE. LOWEST 4 W. TAYLOR ,t)1.41.1s.