HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-01-13, Page 4r A l^" ,l t$,at1m', 1144e tt t'gµgd of tell ke slaisMrtfaitper saidt' That l Rgaree OAP- .Irrtiatft'entttzfs0:oft-tilled foil )404;400f 0f deify kneed t • ireitt-wbat you ta+fl.rne iris pari is true, I t►tn seldtstn an idle term, Bait value the blessing of restate yen, Who bare much of it, clever gas• re And surely ty 1 have never worked '];eons the apt ing to the golden iailvain, The barveet baa ever brought waving grain, • lrroougll and to spare for all. And when ia the evening free from care, 1 sit at my farm house door, My wife and little ones waiting there, ' Oh, what hats the miliionaire more My children may never have hoarded wealth ; Their lives may at times be rough ; But if in their homes they've love and health, They wilt find these riches enough. The only land they will ever own, Is the land that the strong right arm And the patient fearless heart alone Can till to a fertile farm. I have nothing besood-rnyailiiiple wattle`; And a little for cloudy days; But no grim spectre my threshold haunts, Such ae ether and gold might rafae, I Amend rise are eyes that with sparkling mirth Or with placid contentment shine -- .And no wealth -clogged lord upon all the earth Has a lot more blessed -than mine. FROM DAY TO DAY. Ooly from day to day We hold our way, ' Uncertain ever. Though hope and gay desire Touch with their fire Eaob fresh endeavor. Only from day to day We grope our way • Through hurrying hours; But still our castles fair Lift to the air Their glistening towers, And still from day to day Along the way Beckon as ever, To follow, follow, follow, O'er bill and hollow, With fresh endeavor. Sometimes triumphant, gay, The bugles play And trumpets sound From out those glistening lowers,. And rainbow showers' Bedew the'gronnd ; Then •' sweet, oh, sweet the way,' We smiling say, And forward press With swift, impatient feet And hearts that beat With eagerness, Yet still beyond, the gay S weet bugles play, The trumpets blow, IIowe'er we flying baste, Or lagging waste, The hours that Ko ; `mill far and far away, Till comes the day Cl'e gain that peak In Darien ; then, blind No more, we final, Perchance, what we do seek. Be on Your Guard. .Don't allow a cnhl in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh. when you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr Chase'a Ca- tarrh Cure. A few applications cure in- sipient catarrh; 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to eure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. (10 sure cure. Sold by all druggists, THE BRUISER KING, THE WHOLE WORLD PAYS HOMAOE TO suseivAN, OUR nueravA�, • John L Sullivan. whose success has been greater than that of any visitor to England except ' Buffalo Bill,' is a typical American in that ail of his successes have been wren by ` hard knocks.' Boston may hug herself with posi- tive unction in the knowledge that three representatives of her peculiar culture have won unu+nal social re- cognition inEnglatel—Lowell,Holmes _____ and Sullivan. According to the English idea the ' greatest' of these is Sullivan, ' The phlegmatic English populace is seldom ' enthused' to the point of unhitching the horses from the car. riage of a popular idol, while excited men wrangle for the honor of a chalice at the rope which is, to drag it through the streets. It well illustrates the power of mind over matter f Sullivan, dined and wined by the nobility, followed and cheered by surging masaes of ' we, the' people/ krbit ierawing crowded houses at his exhi. i 1hs, must be sated, if one of his skimp can be, with adulation •and applause. -he be knocked lo u'to him if t' in his coming /contest with the English champion. The beat of Athletes each, some- times early, a point at which their powers begin to wane. Over training often produces serious effects. John C. Heenan died in the prime of life wasted away with what was called consumption. A post mortem exami- nation in many of these cases has re- vealed k'idneys,ilivetthe and heart, that taare e most affected by Athletic over train- ing. If they are taken care of, there is little danger. Harry Wyatt, the celebrated Eng - fish trainer and athletic, says :--01 ,. consider_Warder's See euro in valuable to ail who are training for out -door , sports, I have given it to many 'whom I have tined for the athletic world with great benefit: Sullivan is beyond question the present 'Athletic King,and if he tonows Wyatt's advice•, he will dbttbt long remain rat the head of the pl'tfetsinn.' A F : 001:G- 'MAL C4L119I& 4Folrela OOS l n WIFii-,-U►s. JIu1)4A AITI l�..R1f. A di.eehrAS.:late,t editor thus be. taottnfshisdeparted ti clue:, frost' py wire died. No more will thq_Re loriug bands pall off my .boot, tip parteiu_y bacit hair es only a true wife elm Nor will ever those willing feep ttrep1< ortith mere trill she ori e amid t>te terlipeetuotta Atortne: of winter anti bftnou relumra the he without whdoed ohr ao artlessly, Her memory is embalm- ed in my heart of hearts. I wanted to embalm her body, but I found that I could ewbalin her memory cheaper. I procured of Eli afudget, a neighbor of mine. a very pretty gravestone. His wife was consumptive, and he kept. it on hand 'several years in an- ticipation of ber death. But she rallied fast spring, and his hopes were blasted. Never shall I forget the poor man's grief when I asked him to part svith IL ' Take it, ina you never know whet pe tis to have your soul racked with disappointment as miue has been 1' and he burst lute a flood, of tears. lila spirit was indeed utterly broken, I had the following espistle en- graved on 4er tombstone:—. [Cott of a willow tree [Cut of a lamb in this corner} in this corner! _12ike.lkfe�rtoraJ of - ...-. TAE,TIIA, ' Wife of 14iOSES SKINNER, ESQ., Gentlemanly Editor of the Trombone, Terms $3 a year in advance. A KIND MOTHER AND EXEMPLARY WIFE. 410* Office over Coleman's Grocery, up Two Flights of Stairs. Knock Hard. WE &H•ALL MISS THEE MOTHER, WE SHALL MISS THEE. JOB PRINTING SOLICITED. Thus did my lacerated spirit -cry out in agony, even as Rachel weeping for her children. But one ray of light penetrated the despair of my soul. The undertaker took his pay in job printing, and the Sexton owed little account, I should not havate a e got- ten any other way. Why should we Pro- videncepine at aande (sterious Not' a s of on. undrum.)—San Francisco Call. $500 NOT CALLED FOR. strangeIt seems to persu deet hat you can necessary it is cur their disease by offering a premium to the man who fails to receive bene- ct. And etSage ured thousand ofr ase, of obstinate catarrh with his "Catarrh Remedy," wif�t ,o bed ld never ot been haveohispoffered tof the above sum for an incurable case. Who is the next bidder for cure or cash. COLD, COLD LAKE SUPERIOR. ilow cold the dark water of Lake Superior is I One eyening when we were steaming across the lake I asked the mate what was done when a man fell overboard. He coolly replied, 'Nothing.' ' Why 7' I asked, astonished at his heartlessness: . 'The water of Lake Superior is so cohlthata man eau not live in it dur- ing the time it takes to stop a rapidly moving vessel and lower a boat,' he -replied. Then be added :.—• J ave sailed on this lake for twenty years. During that time 1 have known many men to hall offvessels. ' I know of only one man who escaped death. 1-fe was saved by it scratch, The others were apparently killed by the shock produced by falling into such cold water ' 13 ' tivta diffielo0 oftmeft wealth as Ii beidi by the.elasses outside the 'circle of the: extremely rich, it Will 140113, be dta- POO tltat the latter cow. bold a much larger proportion of the total svealth of the country than wan held by a like percentage of people twet,ty five or thirty years ago, ter the proottl that thus is the ease ices upon the surface and thrust themselves upon general obaeryatiun. Moreover, 1 See no rea- son to believe that the tendency to increasing srasend of accumulation ale the ed or is approaching its limit. .A great fortune, with ordinary careful management, possesses an enormous power of accretion. Even when in- vested in good securities, at a very moderate rate of interest, a fortune thample means intotile affords tiaras to the principal. 11 invested in real estate in any of our growing cities, it yields increasing loeorne from decade to decade as the land advances in value, putting it in the i ower creas of g surplus,. while iner to n the'handa of a shrewd speculator, ,pot over ecru- ? inous crease ihis n y be still itspower ater. Ia January, 1880, the New 'York Com- mercial Advertiser reported the ru- mored additions during the preceding year to ten or twelve of ' the great fortunes identified with Wall street' at $80,000,000. --.Forum. HE'S MUCH OLDER T1I'AN HER HUSBAND." WO heard a young girl make the above remark the other day about a lady witli whom she was tightly ac- quainted. It was not true, yet the lady in question actually does look five years older than ber husband, "r although she is really several years his andunior. functional a deris angement'isagtbe cause. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion would cure her, 'and should be recommended to her, and to all others who are in the same condition. If the reader of this chances to be a similar sufferer, let her get the "Pre- scription." It will bring back Der lost beauty, and, better still, it will remove all thosedistressiog`symptoms which so long.made life a t Money' refunded if o herburden it don't give satisfaction. See guarantee printed on bottle wrapper, A LONDON FOG. It was the fog we had seen. As London is aas arged to have gcityof , sized foga. It was socan rdark we did not get up till 11 o'clocir. The fog was then very dense—and full of dents— where you would poke your head out of the window to see what was the matter. Children below us were making fog - men, putting hats on them, and pipes in their mouths. Men had fun press- ing it in their bands and fog -balling each other. horses to assist in pulling ttreet ears hougextra the fog, and they would leave long tun- nels along the route, down which one could look, until it caved in. We heard it inmatedstuffed their bed ticksthat withlit,dasr it made soft, springycouches to rest upon, and better than straw and corn cobs. It was the worst fog that you ever attempted to shake a atiek at. If you went to talk out ofdoors your mouth would fill so full of fog that you could spit it out only with great difficulty. Merchants would sweep it off the sidewalks, and shove] it away high enough so that a man with a plug hat could walk under it. You could take a cross cut saw and saw it very well. It isso deu:ethat we could have been in the sante fix if we had been on the bottom of the sea, The v fat weight of it broke down a num- ber of roots in the city. A man:fell out of the third storey window 01 his hotel by accident, but came down through the i'g au slowly that his friends had to yell to him to hurry up—or dowu—as they were tired of e {licked up an empty can waiting for him, and were afraid he to which a long string was attached would have to stay up there, When and cast it overboard. The can skip• we went out in town we had to hire a df pe tom the crest of one wave to that of another for an instant,then dipped and filled. The hoary-headedmate drew the full can up and handed it to me, saying, ' Take a drink of that, and then say what you think of your chances of swimming in Lake Superior for ten nr fifteen, minutes,' I drank deeply, and it was as though liquid ice flowed down my throat. alleged,' thia lake never rdglgives up its dead; that to be drowned in Lake' Superior is to be buried for all time. I do not' know whether this is true or not, but 1 do know that I have never seen a corpse floating on the lake.' I' wonder if that is trite?'I doubted it, but I could find no sailor who had ever seen a dead body floating on the lake.—New York Times. RICA GROWING RICHER. Near the close of 1885 there died in New York city a citizen of that place who left to his children a for- co tune estimated at $182,000,000,besides c man to push us along. The fog was se .thick that we couldn't look far enough back to see who he had got to push him. A reliable Euglishmau told us that a ctntury ago, during a:similar o;, the squadron hoisted anchor in the Thames and sailed up town solely through the fog. He said to this day that street is called ` Fleetstrande,' and in 'another street e fog getting ligitter,and in consequencby e the street was named "The Strand,' .As I am on probation I will not swear that this is altogether so, or more so. I went down s'r,;et ewokinga cigar, thinking I was making a good deal of smoke, but feuud .the cigar had, gone out the same moment that I had. You could get a double handful of the fog and squeeze all the water out it, and families did this to save wstsr- rate. Our coat pockets would get so full of it that we had to scoop it outs We send you a section of yesterday's tog, dried, so you can see what it nks like.— Drake Magazine for De ember. making a number of minor bequests. It will help us to form an idea of the magnitude of this sum if we consider that it would have sufficed to give a Christmas present of $140 to every b inhabitant of the city or at the rate.of $700 to every family of five persons, -t supposing the population at that time to have been 1,300,000. A poll, Heal committee of 1 O; appointed in th the same city in October fast, com- prised eight members whose estimated rt someweal- what a than tl raggregate e hu dred milliion pi dollars, and at least two of the most tb colossal fortunes were unrepresented in the number. .Estates rising into d the tens of millions are to be fund in various other cities, and, takinpg the country through, one rot htdefti. PERTH NEWS. Mitchell has a floating debt of a - out $5,000. Dr 1-Iurlburt, formerly of Bruce- eld, was defeated in a contest for he Mitchell Reeveship this year. Stratford's Mayor is the editor, of e Times. s John hillier, an old resident of Gow e, died a few days since. r mes oneersaof D nieed ed last week one of the e age of 76 years, Mrs Miller Elliot, an esteemed resi- ent of Logan, died last Friday. Keeler &Co,, of Mitchell, have sus - tided. 25 dg gnats pe cording to current estimates, ersons whose united sc,alare not less than two thirds of $1,000,000,000 W 00 or aborr. 1 per cent. of the total w wealth of the United States, suppos- ,Pu ing this to have increased over 50 per for cent, since the census of 1880. Were all the property in the country held as in equally large 'mounts, the whole fli would barely suffice for 2,500 proprie. A tors; or, supposing these to have fano last ilies averaging four persons each be. rel, sides themselves, it would supply a am popnlationa trifle larger than that of ed b the little town of Y<snl<ers, as stated Far in the last census. There are noI rea authentic statistics Showing the dls. but tribntion of' property arnnng.different into how pini A verlict has been 'returned against m. net, foreenc oof a Ellice, on thethe ehigh ay by pieti,,g up a fence on the olio road. $1,0uO bail- was taken his appearance at the June swi- ne, then to receive such sentence the Judge deemed proper to in. et, t the county court in Stratford week, R. Kincaid sued John Far - of Mornington, for $273,77, the ount of a note with interest endors- y Farrel for hiss brother. John rel refused to pay, giving as a son that he didn't sign his name, put only his mark while in an sleeted Condition. The jury, ever, brought in a verdict for the ntiff tor the full amount, pitcher's Castoria, portions of our people ; bot whatever the facts may be as to the compare - Children Cry for or Infants and Chliidren, sft►tssowell r ernaateadsptedtochodrandu t Cutoslii Cures Collo, Cotlatipation, [recommenditaaeuperierteanypreeeripttcn. _Sour Stomach, Aiarrhoea. Eructation, tam t A. ants% M. D., a arms, gives steep, soil premetee Su. Oxforddt. at., gelation, It Y. Witt►eu$ ityurions medicator. Try CENTAna Cones rr, 77 Murray Street, N, y Harlan has been Downed ----BUT. - NEWTONS Harness c& Grocery Dfrt• Has never yet been downed for, cheapness in alt goods in myline. selling SOAPS at prices to make you think I stle them. am now 12 BARS ' MONST-E - - - 8 BARS RUBY SOALAUNDRYoSOAP for 25c. 8 BARS JUDD SOAP for _• 25c. 5 BARS ELECTRIC SOAP for . • - 25o And all other goods in proportion to thoe prices. usual prices, though they have advanced m the wholesale N���, Fomeat the and see the Handsome Presents 1 an Giving away with a POUND of TEA at 50o., and with a POUND of BAKING POWDER or TEA at 40e, TRUNKS, VALISES WEIIP In the harness line, my stock is complete in BLANKETS, BELLS the best selected stook ' of BUFFALO and BGOAT ROBES,rever exhibited she village. All kinds of Grain and Faim Produce taken in exchange. Remember my specialty is SCOTCH COLLARS, my own make. Thanking my customers for ,past favors and soliaiting their future patronage. GEO. NEWTON, - - LONDESBORO Bu.yYourGroceries From Thomas Cooper & ,Son WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS- SORTED STOCK OF a- oc.ERIMS In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant everything first-class. Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAR- ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Mantifiteturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. Thos- COOPER& SON L%LINTON. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK SPECIAL ATTENTXON PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN W1a.11 Paper, Ceiling Uecorationa, choicest pat- terns, BOOKS &. STATIONERY. great variety. EVERYTHING AT G..LOSEST PRICES. CA LI, AND EXAMINE A. WOl TIII TGTON, Clinton New ;Furniture ; .Stock Opened out in IcYaLIOTTS $__ NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c,, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE' FURNI- TURE a7 .REASONABLE PRICES, Prefruru For the od �sretttbe� b tl.tln .in ono . gof Harland t Bros', Rad!atorl They give the best of satisfaction. Or the next best thing is one Oft. PARLOR • BATE:RS. J A GREAT VARIETY OF ALL RINDS OF Cooking, Box, Parlor and Parlor Cook Stoves and Ranges. ALL SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. CALL AND SEE &THEM. SIGN OF THE PADLOCK., CLINTON, - • Change ofBusiness •111111111!111,1•lll177,rr)itJlitt The undersigu:d begs to notify the people of Clinton and has bought the ffARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets.: And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices, Specie attention ie directed to my etock'of Ltauv RARNES$, which 1 will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY A.TTEWDED TO. By strict atention to buaineas, and carefully studying the wants of my customers,I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else- where, REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE TJIE MARKET vie/Kit!. that bo by W. L Newton. C+333O_ .A. 3I-1ARaVXA.N New S'i/CDCK OUR STOCK IS NOW REPLETE -WITH V ERF CHOICE— NEW • 114' 11--1.1 11X,4. e best the market can produce. In these days of close competition, we are determined to sell on a close margin of profit. Yon can depend upon getting Pure SPICES, Best of Fruits And full value for your motley by dealing at the old established' grocery of S. PALLISER & CO. CLINTON. '- WOOD WOOD WANTED IN TRADE. CENTRAL GROCER. n. 171,CV.E113.9Si old tiitalld. The subscribe). has -bought out the Stock toel< oC P. Robb, consisting of GROG.ERIES,CROCKE1 Y,G1iASSWADE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders • promptly filled. Rooms to let, -.r0w,. C E3 ,l' 1 OF THE NEWS Sl JUST RECEIVED A I.ARcE STOCK of ick Tie Colobralod ARGUS � THE BEST IN USE MB. LAURANCE'3 Spectacles aid Eyeglasses at Cost CALEDONIA Mineral Water Aerated. A31131E+1. ♦ CHIEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. GURNEY'S STAND.A.RrD COALCOOKING aid KC + ATIN GSTOVCS BEST MANUFACTLTRL' AND LATEST PATTERNS. STOVES & R A- G E S Also an imrnmense stock of LAMPS of all descriptions, from 25c. each upwards in - eluding the Celebrated Rochester Lamp, for which we are sole agents. Also COAL and WOOD FURNACES.— Sole agent for Harris' Celebrated Furnace, manufactured by Gurney & Co., Hamilton. FULL LINE GENERAL HARDWARE THE MAMMOTH HAIRDWARE AND STOVE ROUSE. ` SubscrjjjSubscribe for----th� EW ERAflOW'! 0 Theo