HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-01-13, Page 3. 117-- I _ - ------ " - �� "r --MP -Tr - - - -_ --ol -7-7, - 7 . ­ __ -;. __ - - -- 7------- - -7 -- - ­­­_ . I . I .. I I � ,� � " I . " '.., I I 1, � I . � , 1, . I : " � ­ I I ." : � � � � I , I I � , .2 I , �, "I I .. , I 1. I . . �: - I .11 I ,:'' � I �- ,, __7qV.,7, -, . � I I- 1w1W7r77T"""7_"`_ k, , I I," � . 1, �. . ". _,VT_ 1 1 1 : � 'i 1 1 1 1, I . I � �,,� �* lr_. .1 , ­ ill, I � �'� .:. I �. 11 I � 11 i I � 6 . I I . I , I 11 - I I � : , ,,i , . I � I I .. I %11�1, , , I - I , , , �,�,�� I � � � I " , , I . I "" . .�� - : . - , ; I I , : _ ._ t ,. - & . � I , . I. 1�,� � , , , :11 .1 1. " �, 11 �., � I .�� jlp,� ,�:,_,,� - -M �, � , '''. , . . 1 a, I ,,, 1, , I "It , , 1, �, _ ''; I j. 'I, I I . I ��i, � , ;A � I I ;;., I I . � .1 I', , -1 ,! ­� ­_ � 11 I'll, , . � ��: , :., I � � I % . � , 1­1,� ,�­ _� ,, , '"'.., 1�,. :7.... _ , .i,� � " ��!�, ,,, . 1 .� . ,',,,*"��.4't'.�'* , . : ., �'', 1,1 I I - I., I , 1�., ''A;.,; ` ", 11". I 1. I.:, � ­ I 1, ­ 1. 4-1, " �J. �, I 11 .. _,�,".,­ . .1 . . 11, ­ I. 1_,�, _ � 1. 051,,- , , e I . . � . , I � � I X1 _ � � . I '. , ,�� � . :h .1 11 I . .1 � I , � � � C .1 7,�, �� - I 1-1 . � :.�� � I , .. - . I. . I . I . I . . � , . I ­ � . I . � 1� � � � I . � � I , ... ;1 � .. ." � , : , I , , .1 � I " I . . I J. , ,t ., I . I � � , , , , _ : - . I � , , �Z I .1 1, :, ,,, , � 'tl � N , : 'I 11 11 . I . 1 : � � , � '11� �' � [ , � . : ... . .." ,,- . � .1 .. � " .. - ,, I .� " I . . , I � I I , . I I , I � � , � , I I I , I ­ I—" . — ... --1 . i . I F.M � . - 4 Rs OR , - . - &.- ORR4 j, 1, � . - - - "Ir 1. I T.. 1, -11 I 1. - I'll ­ ,. .111, . 11 ­ .. ­­­­ .... .. , ,1111I. -I r�.­ 11 1 "..-I " __ , e'_'_ __ - I " "" I I � . , � . I 1i I , , ­ . WsOA 1,W,41-"7 - .." -*. ft - � 11. --_11 . plo", � rt IM, 1, �� -1 - i .., i , , �� � ";:, ,�Z " :1� - I , , I .. . I jr­ , ', , , � � ". �71 I , 7' _�,' 7 - r�-" � ,�',, ;�,ry'_­-�A'A�,�, V ; � �. P I I -1 . 1. . �. .� I I . . . . I I I . � � P P 114 . �_ �, , ,, � a#l&'i4'4$o liiwk,4',� .. - " _ I . 1-_ - �,­ I 1- � � : , � �'. I I � � . -1 ` 04YAM04 09,40A0101 141 v 4- . ,.y.v,pg.ujr;.�,��W#4";:�A�tt,O�W,4 " . , 1". 1�1 ... ?_!_ 1. "I $,­ " I I . 7 . ., , I."� _1 �.. � �, . . 4,FA1W.,Q;R �':,P-9..'V , - - � � , I � " I '' k � _019 , 1 - f , Tu V -h _-"Ir_ ktrii v9n by qt,q A pow''or;41. I I � . 11 I *-n-p-M. . " " � � I I I .. � , , I , , & , _*V440491. #I , - P I . . .� , . %, " - . , -­ ,* In *�e k"t" - #ttem,V0, to 01,044 spmo .�,.lwr *#�,V� opt 4ximilutlas; 'to, , . i I I... ,, 1 1 , - t4400oks*4., I - .'si-, 4*44o"O'k e1q*qw 444ost-44'.R Aosw psi ottlov. goisx.09,10. �.qgQ".QQr01ln0 140 f(ii1lowlag. Wt ri�sx*N of dw loc i I 11 � '.. � It � $ 1 11 . *� 11, .r r� .. � I .1 I I ­ I ka 4 I I t ­ � . - , , tot% , i , I . , . � , " 0=_1W Ilk vwmv - _� . 11 ,O ) r 6 '014))x9g.bl4M - 1. - , .11q: Q,91egiat# 109011tu,toit. hel-, Q ,he,,21 , k*--Z3_w0'X.�4 !.-.,.,,*'*,s�4!4%qovcl,�.Y.A��*-*,�lpr#y of ,, 11i I Is, .4, � , I .. "I ,,�,e, mo riia.�-I,tft,.,Ogp4lvlom"q*ojgllt ov �4v � the Uigh 504spow helAtan, th_,,2& . ... , I I � , .91.0 , A r , . I- , .A I ka. ; � NUO , 4.10st"o ,Q � ! � I . ..A 'I . , 1 - ­ it qN4 x4g, will'bovo; a bad � .., __ , A -, * , � � i ,� . , I Ire to r, 7 I! I -il. ,"4, A4,; � icnis'poo, Tile, Amt Cut kovered tile 44yalidDecomher.1887. T4q.�4$4)nbor"ofvp.4,ikq"r�qui���ille�'t 771 '� r ,pp A W,4410wy Rio , 'R . , et't , , , I ;1014""T � #': �0 , : " � itw, * Q'A U .;yl , '"IN MOOT TA01_t44,LX Pwovir; 14). iiioliptsortilis Ang V4., 019#0 o - aggregates, b6ldes 30i par cent. of each suhjec ;_ .1 , ­ 130 I � - 114,141,01 1141:144", - . , i plqot op - " oind, 4.boo P. xOptit. of the . . ,,,, . � , �6. Mo , , � �. I I I � the- fQorg suQopll of the 39ta D441 _41J,STOr.T., . . , w '_g 4,099,ve�r,� . . g, �44*pr, VAP191f, I CLINTON. ; � 4. � '' 4 349.4,9140o, igtry. The #04 of thp� roAtter is, the P_� " 1p, 4 A P', F k9,1tJ;1W1m(0Jem* tho, ttiltd In llill,§7 .. 4NAT I I 11 P, I .1 , ��rj[fl _ ,(),g , 91 ,� I . . . Thplollowltio ar�lwlqs v#_;­1J?06rIPr $at . �F,�log,$g, Q, � ,, , ,DTA, oeutOi% lif the howl. a 14 -Ow, fourth Caveatry, -Clara - - ... ...... '...... VOW. . - I I ....... A ...... 8 $ No. ON X W. ll��4 . I IDW Ailk,ofte 1 ]people of Manito�q� have been )Iulr- To _,.Tnurse TAXQ ,$ t, crusl , , #W#494 ha#, Voo-PIRZ I'$ - bfa,QQnt,T0.T0I 404, '. ''. I .. ,, . , .,Tn,., . I � Mio* , D VPTA, tihov q 't h q w r 1 s , lini�thihoncs of emsin.ore, Anne Jaue ............... 47 , U R1,11 � I W.AP3? Qf - - � 3..........._-S ONO 0.9, Wawanomb &O. 4QAtp4s,, dro,om 41, qdQr,,l.,ou*2. I . AW . bugged so Much by the Norquay Gov- 46vi, 15wipirr . lt was found Deceli4ary, - -*90to ,# ", "� Aiaip­ * .. _ OUT or Hx�rqNcs thefureorm. alpiltou, Annie .. ................ . . . , I a, � 'A THE L - Wil - 48,.---.-,-t,s ... ... -615,$o 4, "04110t 6 Ill n- .air-ilo* 0 . � ., # ,4 _4 0;. I , 4 4 I lissir , . . � Estit.c . c HjAgospA orazaent, that tijoy are sictli of anytIlin" �, ogs or LIFE --b VaOAAA to ampotatethoorm ab(it4tfQq; tjlolies� & rQo;4 alble,, I Bedroom. get, 0914014timo Q I . 0 � exped.v, 9vallgeline, ..-... .....too ....... 1. ....... :..........1.8 $ " ,3t4Ql0X. Table, Woahsitpo, Srdn ,,go _iq Bad, 4;*"V4- .g i�niipa , ". " Mr 4;loi.ou 750,000. ' aboyp tbo wri,ot, , No Uirrp,r, A num.11ei of 06 Flotorer, I oin I t4ailasa sam�laxkoe of it. t ._ odd, NOUN ..... . so... .. - .....,.540 .......... - - ..# . .. . . . 8 $ No 4PHull,ett ',)VI . X 04A,n4iQxsc�rk __ I I * ,srol , . ;, Ir S1Jd oard, quantity pi p4insl'944 bt9gq*( I I . , 11.�.--M,-�� � detailS p,f thg Chinese fluod J W F Kyle, fornserly o liqltor mmf, ddlelon. Hattie Naria . .......... 477 ........... ............. S. 8 No 10, QQderich D %,,e, I F*rl6r �Cookpt6ve. :i- 0QP)lptbv4,?.aa I . .i. . r, , l:�- . . , - � I I 11 � ,�a .g. 0 Hillilett Sop. S numerous other articips. Terdiocas . ,,#� �. _r ;, "I' ''�, . ys:- clut sb,'N .1110 ............... .. 42S...... .... O.... ­ 8 S No 2, . 1. ,, I A make the story oup 0' the most, ter- ophailt in'T6ronto, convicted of tol , . I ,� ,, q9tomporory very pointedly 6�4 1 .- . Marshall, Annie . ..................... 432,_ ........................... S 5 No 1, Morris . . I dt,� I �t��. i, � I... 11� A,no,tbar great patriot is, Liao. Col. rible in biwori. What was a beauti-: ery and now confined in -tile King- 1 MRS. FQ1WES, Prop , Jr. 14OWFION, 4usit 1 . IF,,` ,trict of'10,000 square i SLOU peultentiary,appears too be soula- I ,Pickard, Flossie Autia ..... .... 422,.. ......................S $ No 8, Goderich- S I I , . , j. r Ill I k U '! , 16TA. �,, GREAT AL 4 , I t1V r P' Tisdale, Conservative, M. V. for South ful populous di. r P r', ,, r', , #, I" ",." ...... Clinton Model School , : -1 , At least I whilt derauge viewofa reviv- � Stisvens, Alma . ........ .. .. .. .478 ............. � I., 11. 4, � , ir,d miles 6 now a rolliug sea. I , o` rag of his case in tile Wheatley, Susan Maria ........ 514 ---.,.....:::­ 5 8 No 3, Hql.lett . . I . N coo Simone. The colonel never greiws t 4,000,000 people are homelers kind . al of some featu —Olt— I I � ` LL J� 'JA , 1lJ AUY 13, 169W of lecturing people on their duty to barest I Courts next week h -i is worried about! Butchart, Frank .. - .. - - .. - - - - ,........ 431 ... o .......... :.. ' ..I.. - - ' - - - .8 $ No 1. Stanley ' I I I I . I - . Absolutely closed Louis J . ............... ........ 598 .......... 11 � .1 ,.�11 - .1.11 I �� their Queen and country, but he has go nc-cessitleo of life. It is tholight thfit - witiat be calls his brief, for the prepara. Carter, ....... Clinton Model School 'A 140.1. jigs. I tiop of which he desired a typewrite- ' Carter, Andrew G..._.,....,.,......,r)07 ........................ Clinton Model -School "."I Al" k d Proticeedt , little faith lit Canada that he has start. the loss of lit'a will reach 750,000. 1 , . — . Sill. Erwin, Sidney ..... ; ................... 512 ...... ...... SSIT181 COON. �.. � 1 r ", I ache in Everything in the way offigures is as' ing machine to be sent to him 'Blyth Public Sabool I . (c, parti.ca nsgivenit, Aug# -her ad his son in liusiu:�s3 cLa a ra: ftnt any ; Laidlaw, John ............ ........... a78 .......... ,.11 .......... .... S 13 No 1, Morris I I Wyouiiii- territory. Why did he not yet, however, pure bpeculatior, with gular to Say, lie dues not * I — q . poucerning resistance to SO( tt tile chances of a total illortalitY far. lawyer to see the brief until it id pr,e ............... 605 .. . ................ 8 S No 6, E. Wawaaosh , D ' ut ; McDowell, A'beit ...... tjontiltablei3 at Bayfield, on Tues- take up a ranolie in our own Northwest, greater than ilia present (.stituate. bented in Court. Kyle is evide McGregor, Archibald .. - ........,420...... ...................S 8 No 2, OulroBs There will �e sold on the prem1bies of . it ion. lie Murray, John ........................... 627 ............................. SSNo10 I � ' y are which he is so fund. of booming (is a Court, and bu�iaess circles ill Pekin, 'Ktifforing by his iticarcer t I Ray , . drawn, and the . a Thcznas Anderson, , 1, --are not ovf r . e Scott, Win. James... .. - .. - ....448 ...................... . . . S 8 No 1, St uley ".. ''. , - If the �enibcr Canton and other centerg are doing is'oecupi d in 8tone-breakitig. I I'll �� Ora to, it is the impetative duty of malg1lificeat country Stevens, Wesley ...... . . . ......... 403............ 1. � ... Clinton Model School L,�'. a for South Simcoe has so little faith in all in litiman power to cope with the. On Saturday morning a tramp came , ;,,the proper authorities to) see 1113t, th disaster. About one-sixth ofthe on. i to the door of Mr Shellabery, living Tebbutt, Albert Charles . ....389 ....... . . . . ............ S S No 3, Goderich DUNGANNON, ox . , ! , � , 1 � ables Canada's future that he prefers to in- tire area ofthe "Garden of China,"as in the Gore of Downie, and demand- , Walsh, John S. ......................456 ....... _.......... Blyth Public School WEDNESDAY, Jan. 251h, 1688, ' �., law'is observed. Those coust t in America rather Ciall. Canada The followipg were a few marks below tile mirifflurn Oa one subject, . �,*_ ance of le- ves HO -Man is styled, is uow converted ed.an entrance, went in and ordered . 1, I Ivent there in the perform, Rud were recommended by the examiners:- A magificent hard of Shorthorn Cattle- ''. 1, . raticho lands, ho ought at least to have into a. vatt lake, with here and there Airs Shellatiery toget dinner irnme- Cc � I 'e Pro- 12 and Heifers and 6 Bulls. All are .._� Opl duty, and )�Ivc a right to t1! the ' o cause prating about a pagoda top or the gable Of 90�ne diate!y, which she did. Afterdinner: Carder, Euphamia Lizeila ....... 407 ........................ Blyth Public School - . I decency t . Buchanan, David ...... .......... . 457 ............... . . ......... 8 8 NO 10, Hay registered in the Doininicill Hard Book. ... � tection which tile law throws around highek wall ripsing, over the ever in- he Said he supposed that they would Sale without reserve. To commence at I � �� -offlcers. At Ke nptville tw loyalty and patriotism. - . . - ave no objection to keeping a fellow : . . .. ................ . 414 . ... ............. .........S S. No 10, Hay o'cloch pau., sbarp. Send for catalogue to .� ,�".. _ _ o men __­_ - ... .., - __ - . I - ___ . - creaq1ha waters to mark the Site of h, Cadzow. Atchie - . - I �i . ,who amaulted Scott Act ofricers were .. what were a short time ago prosper- over Sunday, and be Stayed, and oa , Drummond, John Jones ... . ... 406 ...... . .............. Blyth Public School THOS, ANDERSON, DuNGANNON. � '.. . . C, ) 1, R L E 'r T E a, 'R a X ous cities of many thousand iuhabi- Sucida,rmadeMrs. Shellaberry darn; Kelly, Win. James ...... .. ....... 402 ......... I .......... Blyth Public ESchoal . ", y' �ks, mend his vest and wai I , or tw& veari ill cott, George Robson ......... 397 ........................... S S No 6, Hullett CHANGE OF DATE. r o � fined $141.70 each, _ . - -_ - __., - -_ . .. � I � tants. The rest ofthecountr isover big so, ton� Westa I I I — :,: Prison; one, 89G.67, and tho other T1,IMPERANICE, CAUSE TO THE run with. him generally, and Air Shellabery the Number who wrote at Clinton ....... ....... ......... 43 Owing to unforseen circumstances the on - i - Z .: . tvvg $116.67 each, or one year's in- FRONT. No. 2. WRETCHED REFUGEES, sainoe, and stayed until Monday morn-; Number who passed . .. .......... ...........23 dersigued has found it necessary to chan � I tge . the dates of big visit to Clinton. and asks o I i paid — who were fortunate enough to escape Ingo when he departed ba5'ilAg "God; a . Number. recommended. .... ...... 6 forbeawance of patients for not being able to , � prisoument. Three Of the met i To the. AVU,,r Qf1he Clinton New Vira. blesayou and the devil tni8syou," and. NV I N G H'A" M** * ........ Meet ilia last engagemeiit. �,�' their fines and two WeDf to gaol. A Sm, ­The Anti-qcott Act Advocate, with their lives, though with naught went east. . ., " . aide. In hundreds of instances m , . I Crooks, Henry A . . ....... ........... 463 ........... ............_,.S S.Ne 3, Grey .� like that apparent- vol. 1, No. 1" is now before me. It may WILL BE AT -TfiV -, .- little experience on � I . i. I ople in seem -remarkable that a paper s who three mooms ago were men oi -,�� A Eugenia, Gray county, despatch, , Farrow, Henry W ..................... 379....... � . .. ............. 8 8 No 7, Alorriii . I ly wotl!,.l jl()t hurt ,1sotue pe tarting � .. with a ,,circulation, 10,00" should so wealth, sit gazing on. the inland Sea ,;a,,.,. Aleut one year ago it On kv fSe- � Gibbons, James ....................... �385; ........ S S No 12, E and W Wawanosh * - 11 .Huron. Sit IOI)g rts the Scott Act is suddenly become defunct, especially as Stunned and hungry, stupid and de- log L, to Mr Samuel Pedler, a pro- 11 Hazlewood, Brenton J ........... .. 505 .. . .. ............................... Wroxeter Commercial Hotel, in Clinton , I . " to ,� was "free." This jected,without a rag to wear or a mor- mineut farmer ic this neighl: orbuud, � Hemphill, Thomi;s.,.--o---_..... .422 .................. ........ Wroxeter - , I � �� thelltw of this COUntY it bag gC't the "subscription . —ON — ,� �.,� I Teeswater ; i .. ke observed, Rud ibe men who are anonymous shect is to be brietly viewed sel of food to eat." In the districts of swallowed a fragment of a Nhipstock, � Kelly, Wellington C.... .......... - .453 ......... ' ­'­­­­­ �11, in the light of the present -three years Citing Chow and Chen Chow Mo less bwenty-three inches in length, which i King, Charles H ................... . . 381. . ...............S S No 11, E Wawanosh .� ' ' . I Ii. entrusted with the unpleasant duty and six -months after its publication. than three thousand large villages had been broken and accidentally gut, � Macdonald, Duncatk ............... . . 443 .............. � ...... 9 S No 8, E Wawanash Wed ne.WayJaimary is, . . I I ; �� of working it, must Ile protcLted- 1. The Advocate says 11 Yott, will,find are stated to have been engulfed in a mixed up with the animal'a fodder. LMcGee, Robert ........................ 494,....,.......8 S No 12, E W Wawanosh From 8 a. in. to 8 p. in. . I P , � When Bympathi.4ers with tile open the lite" "'he lu­ making theinselves con- very few moments, and Scarcely any The other day Something was noticed I McKee, John Davidson ....... .. .436 ............... .­­............,,. Te.eswater Thursday, Jana, 3.89 . I . 1. t 8JAcUoUsuln,forcing this injurious law, etc., of their ill-fated people had time to protruding from tile cow's Bide,which, i Sanders, Win ...... - - .. .. .. .,.....530 ...... . .......... � ............ .... Wroxeter . violation of the law go so far as 0 . F �om 8 a. in. to 4 p. m. PaUents please ,� �, I . are meniiof little chameter, upmece8o;ful in save themselves, as the breach occur- when withdrawn, proved to be the � Sutton, George .. ..................387 ............ S S No 7, E W Turnberry , call early. i , ,:, chreateu murder, it is high time that attending to their own affiaing," etc.ol These I -time. tit of identical piece of whipst-ock.swallo-w- Thomso;, Albert E. .. ........... -.438. . ........_..S S No 7, E W Turnberry ". an wl�; ,,forced" t@s law or fav I red in the night An exte ........................ 528 .......... ............. 8 S No 5, Turaberry THOS. SPEER, M.D., I the mojesty of tile law asserted it- In 3rer ountry much larger than the whole ea by th a bovi tie about twel ve men ths I Tucker, Gordon , it are still in our midst, thud on exami- 0 ,�. - - I principality of Wales,and much more ago. Extraordinary as this incident I Armstrong, Je�nie E. .............518 . . . ........... O......o....S 8 No 8, Culross , ` I , nation it will be found their "character" SURGEON, &c.:M.C.P.S.G.S and L.T.CPD. self, We do not want any temper _�, . - I Bryan, Eliza H .... .............. � - ., . . - ho,advocate ihickly populated is now a raging rally appear,it's truthfulness is vouch .1-.411 .................. S S No 10, Elowick, Grey . � auce advocate or Scott Act support is quite ts good as � those w 11 : " � sue. Sea, and all the inbabitants are either ed for bv the owner of the animal, it 1 Burrows, Minnie A. . - .. - - 503..88 No7, E Wawanosh RndTurnberry THE GREAT EAST INDIA . , I � � er to exceed his rights or have any a licens d iniquity, and, as to their The people so man of 'undoubted veraci I ty, awl sev- I Burton, Louista ............ ....... 380 ................. . .......... S S No 1, Culross �,r­ cess in business, most, if not all, of drowned or have fled. I I � 1. them have continued to carry on their terribly visited cannot Dumber far eral nei-bbors. r. , .,!� , : preference over any other member 0 1 Campbell, Annie ....... . . . . ....... 417 .... .... SSNo5, Morris 8 P am 0 1 A L I S T , . Ali incident, oceurred ([uriug tile i Fulford, Mabel .......... . . ....... .. 547 .... :: * , , ­'­**­­* ...... Teeswater P S ,,�v of the community, but we want toolue basinoss much longer thrm the enter- short of the whole population of Ire- ... I ............... . . !­ 1�� �� prise to publish an Advocate has flonr- I tud, as the Province includes about Service in 6t. Jatuies' Ciit.lft,dral, To- Wrnlis�,Jemitna ........ I . ............. 547 ......... ....... . .......... S S No 8, Morris For the treatment of all Chronic Diseases I . 1. him in the rull enjoyment of all the ishad among us. 25,000,000 inhabitants, with an area ronto, Sunday eveDine, (if a Somewhat Gillies,Jennie ....... ...........545 ........................... ... Teeswater P 8 and Diseases peculiar to Women. 30 yearb' ", practice. Head Oince-St. Thomas, "P V . I . allows him. 2. Our attention is directed to the of 65,000 square .miles, and the wa- ludicrous nature. After the anthem I Hartley, Maggle V . .................. 472 __. ... ....... .......... .,�', . .Bluevale P S , privileges which the law 11, if summonei cannot be served on financial question, by a comparison be- ters of the rivWnow cover between had been sun& one ofthe young Indes I Hastings, Acgie ............... ........ bit ......... I ... 1. ... I I .. $ $ No 5, Tui aberry The Doctor has been educated in nearly al I 1- tween Halton and Huron. "Phellerviie of the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitabi 11 � - "hose who violate law, by one o ' two .fees from hotels, etc., in Huron in .1882 eight nud ten thousand square miles. in the choir �7ent down rather Sudden- i Hood, Viney .......... - - - - P ....... 582 ................. .......... ......... Wroxeter in Europe; has served asSurgeon in the DAL- . . V� conatall The accounts published in the native ly to her devotif)ns and her headgear Johnston, Minnie . . . ................ 464 .................................... Teeswater ish Army in the East Indies, Surgeon in the . constables, then enough lea to were $11,2085, in 11alton noth They The lint � Macdo"Id. Sarah - - - - - - - - . I ....... 473 ..................... ..... I ..... Teeswater American Army dtiriiig the late war, froin ing is y 1861 to close of the same; has treated all na- . I . see tb4t they are Served must be sent should publish another Phs.t i� ear, and foreign papers and in the Pekin loosened from its moorings, , . . __ � of 1888 , and let us knew the amount the Gazette reveal most horrible Sufferings which, according to the prevailing Moffatt, Clara P - . .. ... - .. . .......468 .............................. ..... Blytb P S , tionalitios and eircuinuaviyated the globe.- ," - . out. . law -breakers of Halton, Huron, Middle- undergone by the survivors who are fashion, NN -as a ponderous article, feil Moore, Lit cy A. .. .... . . .. - - .... . .. .44 .3 .......... _ ............ S S No I Culross Ilia thorough education, argo and varie(i . ".1 � - ------ QD­*_s`-*__ � . S S No 8 Morris practise and experien a, entities him to rank In hundreds of I ,,,, a SvecialiBt-seconc t "I ' I � A Comiiig ISSItc. sex, etc., have contributed toward the perishing of famine. over the gallery into the pew on the Reid Hattie A . ........................ 417 ............................ . d o none on this con- , . . . public treasury. In the first part of instances when the witters rushed in- ground floor bclow and struck another Reid: Lizzie. . ... - ....... - ....... - .. .406 ................ . ................... T�eswater thient-for the treatment of those dangerous I � . - and difficult diseases that have battled tile . '� . . their paper they speak of morals, but oil to the cities sweeping walls, houses lady with cousiderable force. The re- Robinson,Lizzie _.............,595 ......... I ...... ..... S SP No 5. Turnberry skill of the local physicians. � 1� The pull ,Nlall Gazatto)s commissioner this question of finance they leave out and every.thing down before them,the sult was a decided sensation for a Sanderson, Mary .. ................ 534 ............... . .. . . . . ............. Wroxeter The following diseases, with really otherg 1. .1. pretty 'hied tostir, and met their b. g ac I in The occu rronce-, -Scott, Julia A .... ........ . ......... . . 450 . . ......... S S No 7, E and W Wawanosh successfully treated: - Astlima, Bronchiti.q: . I who ik; travelling in Canada, is a the moral aspect altogether. And it is people rel iief p a o ti a. Catarrh Diseases of the Lull - D Me I .. � just this aspect of the business that has deaLh with that wonderful indifference created so much amusement among i Staples, Minnie ........................ 556 ............................ Wroxeter Disease6l of t1j., Eye and Ear. ]Yeartyl) spast , sharp journalist, and his letters are . I I., . led the good people of Huron to put the which ebaracterises the Chinese. Ac- sorne oftbe younger members of the RECOMMENDED. , Ellilepsy,iiar lysis, Nervous Debility, GoiEt're , Fever and Ague, Malarial Affecti(ills, It liou - ...,P;: , therasultof keen observation and in' ban of the law on the whole business. P '10bS . Cl _ Flaslem, Charlotte I ......... . ....436...................... - - .. . 8 S No 5, Morris inatis anon. l)u ; . cording to tile best authorities the congregation that Rev, . i S i ti 6 hills Strictures,, Him- quiry. has to say is, of course, 3. Inconsistency. On page 1 we read, f lite will be numbered by. v moulit� admn,jished them in severe. Rae, Margaret Mary .... � ............. 404.; ...... .. .......... 8 S No 3, Turnberry lid ell, "Cal ,� What he turas�lls a )Iizaa. yDilas, &c. Laaetrioiiy 1� :,o . only his own opinion., based on his in. "A healthy body does not require arti- 0 . used whim required' �i'.. � '' ,his remarks are ,wor- ficial Stimulants of any kind, as nature IIUNDltl,7DS OF THOUSANDS terms for their levity. Wellwood, Carrie ........... ....... 435 . ................ S S No 10 W Wawanosh TrSTINIONTALS OF EDUCATION.-ThO follow- vestigations, yet will supply them in sufficient quanti- while -there are millions of starving It is estimated tLat -tile total export I O'Covuor, D iel .....�.._. ... 405..........SSNol4,EandWWavvanosh ingtestimonials andoliplowas maybe seen !�- Vumber who wrot� at Wingbaw, ........ .... ..47 at my offico. with many others froni nearly � . I thy of consideration. In his lost letter ties." Then, on 3 John A, Mac- people who are now depending for of Canadian.cheue for this Year -that I all ilia leading inedical schools in EuKopa; . - � paT subsi4tenoe upon the ebarity ofothers. is to say frorn May of last year . until I Number who passed, p� ................................. 35 . Trillity College, Park St. School of Medicine he says -.- Donald is spoken of s ll�ing bright and ,, Comn)ei.e,ial Union is the com- energetic as ever, at the age of 75, yet 'The Emperor has already contribut- May of th6,present year -will reach I Number recommended, ....... . ' . . 5 and Rbyal College oQjirgoons,Dubliu; Royal , ... College of Surgeonr lelfast, England; Royal " �11' I I , I , iu�qtuegtinnfor Canada- it is talked be has never been afraid of a glass of ell 100 000 tael§, besides ordering 2,- somewhere near 1,250,000- boxes re- I JULY E,VTRANCE EXAHI��:ik&9_"'1888. College of Surgeoz� Edinburgh and Glasgow .it ou -ery -here estion bearer s...thingstronger. ,,Look at ' I I - I Scotland; Licentiate in Midwifery, and ell- � . I e�, -,% , and is a qu - 000,000 taels out of the imperial tred. presenting a value of $8,000000 01 The Literature for Entranct� Examinations in July, 1888, will be 4� I � which will t,plit canadian parties and ti -t an(I then at this"- I ury toward the relief of the Sufferers. $9,000,000. M r A. A. 'Ayer, 'of the i f`oll,)w.;i:- . . dorsod by the highest medical authoritiea in 1 A "The only counties in Ontario 5 . . the Uni'LQd States and Dominion of Canada. ke----- �_� will determine the whole relationship ______-sols� well-known Montreal firm of, A.A. I 1. The Face Against(be Pano ................. ........ --ll .... "'.....1). p. 74-76 Tho above with many letters from different P I �1,bet*eeil'Canada and the United States which have passed the Scott Act axe, , parts of the glo,ble are a medical passport - o and affect to a great, Halton and ITuron." In their next is- ' Ayer & Co., probably the largest op- 2. The Discovery of America. ....,............... ...........,...... 115-119 without re-examination, doubt or quibble- 1. . �- for years.to Conn NEW.8, NOTES. eratorg in this line of business in the 3. Lady Clare ......... ........ I ........................ . . . . ............. 128-330 over every sea, and in every land from the .. t - if'not vital, degree the future of - the Sue will they kindly give a -free circu- * . � I ��, lation" of ihe faci that nearly three I country, says: , "The movement of 4. To a Skylark.... . . _. 187 rising to the setting of the sun. � . Anglo-Saxon- r-�7re upon the globe. Both ce passed it, and Sir John A. McDonald passed his cheese at present is very healthy, and 5. TheGulf.Stream ****.­­­­­­ ........... ­­­­ ' * ­­­­ Consultation free, Road circular andRameni- .. the Toronto Globe a-0 Mail, tile first scare counties have rin� .... ................., . .... .......'.. . . ..... . .. - -bar thadate., . .. � being the Liberal organ and the see- that vigorous efforts arebeing put florth 73rd birthday, on Tuesday. is likely to continue so ,. because of 6:: The Conquest of Bengal . . ........ . . .. . .. ............... . ..,4 . 222-228 � I and recently converted firom. Coneervat- to render it effective in these counties, I the shortage in Englandy which has 7 The Demon -of the Deep..%.......... - - .......... .. . . . .. - - .....,. 266-271 COTTAGE TO RENT. -CENTRAL LOCA- . i . in the face of opposition by men of the Win Moyle, a farmer of Blenheim 4 � ( I vie with each . . been very much over-estimated. 8. After Death in Arabia ....... .................................. . ... 272­�7 to TION,Stlitable for small family, Apply . " t i dependence township, on Tuesday morninZ, c(,m- W. C. SEARLE, Clinton. I , 'am I class who address us in the Advocate, 298-302 - -------- - -- - � ... ------- -1-- I - other ion t a str . ength 'of their support. 0 verges of Be There is no doubt that there will be a 9. The Forsaken Merman ......, ..................................... T-TOUSE AND LOr FOR SALM-SMILD , " yov ixperience," says the oolnulis. quoting therein over 3 - - itted suicide by dro-waing ,bimself good demand for all the cheese ther6 The examination will begin on the 4th day of July. and all intending rlp In . that outside of Ottawa, which t,ire. Might they not refer us to a few in a well on his farm. house and (ivarter twre lot for salo,cheali . . sler, TIS , such passages as these in their next is- is on hand,and that the stocks will be candidates shoald Send their names to the Inspector not later than the Ist o'n'the corrior ot James aiid Iiing St., at prv�,- is the centre of Ministerialism three A Swine plague prevails in the fully worked off." The value of the of Nlay. ent occuplod by Blk.T.McKeuzie. Possession I I out of five of the most intelligent nacii I sue? 'IF6ar God, honor the king," South of France, Thirty thou3and exports of cheese,com pared with some . . . givcn�st Januf�ry. Apply to A,3lc1%fURCHlE, . have met are enthusiastic cOn"nerciul I I Let every soul be subject to the higher Clint 11, or A.-JOHNSTON, box 563, Stratfor(I $ powers * * � For rulers are not a ter- animals have died in the Marseilles of the other principal items of produce - __- - __ -­ — . ' unionists." I ror to good works, but to the evil.,, district within a month. . from May 1 to Nov. 30, will be seen to malre room for capa . ble,bone3t men. I J30RN . X . . TOTICE.-THE ANNUAL MEETIN(4 OF . . now IT IS VIFWnD IN THE, OLD COU"I'Vity, " 1"I the McKillop Mutual FirwInsurance Co., Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not '�,,I�ake Huron is lower than the 'old- from the following, table: Cb eese, ; If it Is true that a nation is known MASTERS. -In liforris, oil the 2nd inst., will be held in the To1vu Hall, 8eaforth, on . The following special ca,bll) appears bear false witness," etc. ' est,!s,reddeirtir ever sfox it. Tile $6,371,604; flour, $1,145,519; cattle, bythechar'�cterofthemen it elects vio wife of Ill: M. Masters, of a soii. Friday,Jan. 20th, 1888, tit the hour of twelvo in Saturdaylsm.ftil; , . 11 Two years in Halton isquite enough wat;r is two feet below the lowest 4,579,267;pea.9 1,235,123; deals 1 586,� to office,cwhat wili the world think of' MARRIED o'clocic, noon. mombers are reapectfully re - I . London J , an. S. -The feeling is rapid- for the people," but within seven weeks point of a year and a bal f ago, 943;phosphate 421,910; wheat 1,575,- us ?7, quostod to attend. THOS. E. 11AYS, Pres., I . 91 . � DODDS-CALDER.-In McKillop, oil Doe. NV. J. SHANNON, Sue,-Treas. McKillop,Dm. I I ly growing here that as Cominercial from the issue of this unsupported State-. The tbeiti-icimeter registered 52de. 334. Dr Philip Cross, tbru;erly a surgeon 28th, by Rev Mr Musgrave, tit the residence 28th, 1887. - #.,.. union viould greatly promote the pros- ment the people of Halton declared by I . of the bride's father, MrJohn Dodds, to Miss _. _____ ---I'- — . . .,., inion it is desirable a larrielil increased majority that they gree8 below zern,at Belgrade .1lontann, , On Sept. 5, 1884, Julim Ferret es in the 53rd Regiment, was hatiged at Tena Calder, both of MoKillop. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALF.-THI-i � . . I parity o� the Dom would Pn;t consent t0gG.back to license ,on Saturday,. tile OpIdest since 1885. Caped from Sing Sing priS no .where Cork, oil Tu-,sdav for tile murder ot n the Gth Inst., at Branio house at present occupied by Mrs. . I in the interest of the British investors he hRd served four month. of a five 1j, wif,. �) I St. George'q church, Godericb, by Rev Air Alcock, (fin mal lately to bho rearof MrJos. �;., � - two or and free whiskey. The liquor dealers' Stcc'c is suffering sc,-.�e'rely, and -the Young, Mr A. 0. Gftuible, Now We4tiniuster, Chidley'shonse) is offered for sale. Ibcoli- � that this view be Put forward in years' term for forgery. e made " � a;-. - a and is favor- paid advocate, Air Dodd, declared that losses will be heavy, ',,, IVIO . :, ungesttson of Clarks Gamble, HIS(l., tains sevon good roonis, gooil collar,hard and �."':',; - t three Liberal newspaper � 'Rev John Lowther, a rector tit ]--)ol- 13* C ;r0routo, 0 Miss Adelaid soft water, and is in one of the best localitie,,- �� �4', � , , he ,,would stand or fall by the repeal I his way to litreal, where te assum. Q. C, a Mary, jilest - 11 Oi� Sunday toll, near Wigton, has committed daughter of Horace Herten, Esq., Gode'rich. �,,' ,,�X � ed by several prominent members of morniug�Mr';k-"is Dayes ad the narri-e-ot'Clsai. Chestnut, and in town. Tho lot li; one-civartor of an acre. - We jndZ rmer o ' 1"varticulars apply to 1'. C. ALLCOCK, fit, �0 ,.��.. vote in Halton. .a he "felt," it well. known fs, fthe f5th can. Fo , " �, e,i. I L, I � , the Peace Society, who have just re ol . rich- suididn. by shooting, Previous to the BRICKENDEN-PORTE-On the lith inst, tha ,�oulld . 7,�, 1 turned from a visit to the United states as lie has not since been foolish enough cession of EaRt Zorra, dropped -dead married a j)retty young Fre ons to a ttlie rwidence ofthe bride's. brother, 370 ry. I " .- . The latter say Canadian to take the platform in deferice of the Canadian girl. Three montlis ago be act It . a had received it summ 1. .. .... - - _. — . "' A prospects are not very bright just now, S%, brought his wif6 toWilliamsb rg and attswe " , and Canada, suddenly in his barnyard. Air DaVe , �, Queen's avenue, London, by the Rev J. G '" liqnor tr, r a charge of aggault upon .a Scott, George F Brickenden (,ion of Mr Joh n SUFFOLK BOARS FOR SERVICP.-THIP, - � .,--,- I , affic. , A . � u ,. Brickendon, Clinton) to Alice H.2 da igbter of subscriber keeps for survico Oil hiq ffa-w, "' � " I . .. , - If the. above statements from the d. was about 65 years of age. " t I - that our exports to Canada must (Is - Squred a position as drug cteric. servant girl, Deceased was a cousin , �111�1;' , I �. �tl I tile late otibert vorte, 11s,1. lot 41, con. 12, Base line, Hullett, an aged $.tit-. '' :41 . aline owing to the tendency of the Do- vocate look so ridiculous and untrue Col. l7albat, the pioneer wh,) cut Sin'cq his marriage he ha� led all ex. of the Lord Lonsdale and a relative folk Boar, rftisodbythe well-known stock-. ',*-,, , I bey be.viewed a the first tree wli6re London i ' DIED - .__�.-, -ease, and thatcfree- notr, in what light ,ovill t .. 10W emplq,r,y life, and believed himself to OF the Right 11 on Jais Lowther. . rnan,MrKiugsvilla,ofLondon township,and " minion tariff to inci �_ � 4P ' _ JOH'N'S -At Ont�rioxalifornitt, oil theKst also S young Bear bought frorn H. George & " I trade between Canada and the States few years heiic6 ? One will read them Stands, was on the London market 011 be free frupi pursuit. One day last I The recoru of fires in Canada and of Dee., Cornelius B. ,johns, brother of D Sons, 1 ombrooke. Both ittos first,class alfl- - I �� ­ 1. I natural with the same curiosity as lie would Saturday morning. The Colonel is waek aforinbit� jail compani . Exotor, after a jingerilld illuesig: mals, from imported stock. Terms, $1, at on recogniz- t ��.,.�;"`�' would do more -to develops the _ the United States for December last Jollus, P.M ­ V - resources of the former than any Vother iead the article of 25 years age in do, ad 47 years.,� ime of service, with ,privilEe e. of returning, � age, but etill liale and I , ' ag � I I - 9 0 years of , ad him and i�atified Wf�rdpn Brush. shows that the .ofal loss of property if necessary. JOHN ,OV g *4i, i fence of slavery. I cannot refrain from . C, t � .. , . ., measure. They are therefore, favor- hearty.* - . ' On Saturday lie was c,tpturdd and re- by McCONNELL-In Tuckersmith, on lift nr- - 6 able to. commercial union, although giving the following quotation from Dr. this a footed up the stalt.- day, Dec.Stst, Win. McCoi,nell, aged 66 years - I . iber I' turnedtokthe pi-k6n. . amou,�ten&1,200,000, or oina 11 months. �P-t�sq . . ­ ,4 ,;. , HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE­SVB- _ ,. . they adinit it woiildpinjure British traile Talmage, "This work of reformation OuSaturdnyVrChouinard (L �-, Before being ing $3,000,- I - . . I . takenawav he aske&�permission to 000above tbleaverage. During 111VINP.-In morrisi, oii flic**Mth Doe, Mar- scmima offers for sale the splendi,l -1-6-96me extent, though not, they say, will. be Be thoroughly done,, that after RI) Was elected M. 11. for'Dorchester, . 1887 garet Irvine aged 56 years. ' � Fratne House on Victoria Street, now occu- . I ch as the TiDited States You and I are dead and gone, and far Que. and cl41oJ','-,which was the value of* property destroyed Is . for long, inasmu He secures his seat by acclama- see his wife I piod by Mr E. Snell. It 'contains plenty of 1. y . ­ ­ . - ­ roorn for fik Ir gized family, atolls foundation, ILI tariff, which would probably be the on in the future, in a museum in this tion, the Ottawa Government, after granted. He entered big 'room and fire In the two ,countries was $119,- =---.---- —'—. �� hard and soft water, etc. The lot embraces ,,��,,.,,� country, there will be standing on the . three fifth -acre lots, and has thereon a num- one agreed upon under the scheme, leaving the constitAncy. vacant for said feelingly to his w� 264,400 azainst $116,600,000inl886, ;,��;`,�t , f Call- lachryniatory of an ancient tomb and the 1 1`bD ,,"4� a em� bar 6f bearing fruit trees. Terms very rea- � � ., . would soon be lower than that o many months, failing to put up a not Charles Chestnut, I . whilO ,..- 'clsq for the past fire years I gonable. A. DODSWORTH, Cl I inton, or at ! I From what they beard and r Ferrett, an escaped c , _%" ex�i �t .he appalling. total of over ' - . ,aw dmniliohn of a modern wine cellar, both - onvict, .Wh ,� ad&. . candidate. . . thcNEW ERA Cities. � I at Washington and elsewhere they are alik; curiosities; and the antiquarian must go back to prison. You know 'I., ailliou dollarel . . . ... - - - - - -.—. , in his lecture will explain to his Stu- On Saturday an -old man named , . . ­ OPNIE,S 1PORSALF.--THE SUTISCRIBRIA , Richard -Eel huish, a pensioner, was 2 I lit�,s tv,-ogood, working horses forsale, - - . - - convinced tariff reform holds the field I dents how the tomb was a receptacle of that I have been honest since I met . "'nitlic United Statts flic -a, it shows they . I in the States. you.' �`Yes," replied the young wifl, letter having use(( tficin forfiveyeat tears for the detffl, and the demijohn found by Air Howden, of the 14th ' a,r a not faulty. The best one is about 17 � ... I . 6.04+40s.— I'vou have been a gi)od husband to .ostage �ikte is two centsi an ounce, . ai -ong and hearty, fit for either . ­ was the fountain of tears for the living. lino East Zorra, i6 a d3 ing condition . bands high, sti . True TL -or. u;e.11 Then She Swooned, and the in Great Britain it is a penny (two the plow, roads or lum) er'woods. Only rea- ! . The Globe has made ample apology .Hullett, Jan. 9,188. ntrrRAN. .. H the rear of Wit honge. Ile died ay be fatnl to her. lents) an odite,e, and parcels can be son for parting with thein is my continued I toRev A. Y. Hartly, of Bluevale, for P . I . . shortly afterwards. lie was 60 years shock in illhealth. . . ­.- - ___...1.0s-11____._ - sent for three pence per pound, and in I , �- I . Rev. J.B.Silcox, the Congregationa. . ' " its allusion to him as ­.omo crank.' of age. pastor, at Winnipeg delivered a serl Canada the letter i'�te is three cents ,NOTICE TO DESTORS.-Plenty of itotico. ikul . anyhow. ,, OBSLRVER'S" INCONSISTEN- Frank Falloure, it retired busine8s for half an ounce. � '-Therefore tile hasbeengiven to thoseparties indebtedt,) That is honorable, mon Sunday evening OR "The graves � "' nic,and accounts notpaid fortbivith,lu trado . . I CIES. man and a large owner of real estate, 8 on to refer to Americfn or the Englisl;iman can I . or caqli, I will I)Iaco in my solibitors hand.,; � I — at Wheeling Va., was arrested on of' 7.11 He took oconsi rits letters' - '-which it Dv_ut Sin, -As you will un(loubtedly Monday upon a charge of attempt to the pol itical grave of Ur Norquay,late send for two cei for collection, W. MARTIN, Clinton. ­ � - - From the Ottawa district, 0,5 persons see, ,,Observer" is pumped cornpletel Premier, and Mr Lariviere, ex -Pro- costs the Canadian six cents tb"mail. Norl, ICE TO CREDITORS. - emigrated to the states last year, beirg dry, for in staxting his letters he head y burn the large drug store ofR.G. Bart . ­ - � - I— . - __ - . . I- I . 9 & Co. Th I a crime is punishible with vincial Treasurer, and said: -"What If the tbiee cent rate cannot bi � . - � . I , I Hear anything ibem 11 Tuckersmith council matters," I the Province of Manitoba sorely needs away with, surely the vexatious _.... Tile creditors of George Ashton, late of the 200 more than in .1886. death. Just now t, fflu Aftfrti'Vell1fato Townshipofflullett, in the Countyoffluron, j, . '. lately about keeping Canadians in ou� and the next lie writes be boaaa it t is mbn of ability, men of useless half ounce limit can. I I - yeonian, deceased, who died oil or about tli(i ,:,�' I sixth day of November, A. D., 1887, are hereby �� , � . . -That turnpiking." "Observer's"ideas The suicide of a young lady named rutb, men of honor, to lift the Pro- Rev Mr Bland of Kinaston , (Heth- * 1. . own country? oil one subject rniv,t certainly be very M ­__r� ­- notifled to send lyr f , E08t, prepaid, oil ot Wiloi,43 Hillyard, who lived with her parents vince 'Out of the miry Slough into ocliat), in discussing the Christian G- COD SERVANT WANTED. -APPLY AT the 15th day of a ruary next, to Willfrat" d*.*-*- limited, or else the objec of his writing about two miles fr)m Alton village, is which"it, has been drafged by pot, NEW ERA OFrICEP I Wftite, Londesboro P. O., or to William Hill, -. is to defend the nian cMefly through t graces last Sunday evening, attacked — Beniniller P.O., Executors of the last will . ,� . Sir Charles Tupper, in an ifiterview whose influence that turnpiking was announced. Miss Hillyard was to house politicians and li t it to a re- the deceptions practised in trade. In d testallieut of the said late Goo, Ashton, d. their christian and surnames, addresses and have been married on Thursday to a spectable position before ilia worl be denounced the J)ucket- 'DOY WANTV,t),-A Goor) SMART ACTIVV an 1, tit Chicago, spoke favorably of tile freest done. If 11 Observer's" knowledge is as b% who can read writing, wanted to descriptions, the full particulars of their I . possible intercourse between Canada limited as it appears to be, not to know young man from Monoo but the pros- We are in a sorry and shameful plight p ...... I" He said he did not feel liIre i"earn t a printing. M be smart, no other claims, a statement of their accounts,'and I L She to -day. Men who were leaders h7ave -hops. W , . I let me inform him that it is a difficuli pective rroom did not come. drawing a very wide distinction be- need apply. NEW ER Office. — tne nature of the securities (if any) hold by , - I and the United States, but said there business to defend FL man who would be took laudanum and died before medl- left the ship floundering on the Ishoal tween Stock Exchanges and bucket- STRAY DOG. -BLACK COLLIE EDOG, them, and innnodiately aftor the 15th day of - February next, the asBets of the said George is no -party in Canada in favor of an- the means of having such R job done; cal assistance arrived. and are asking Parliament to pass ,hops. Statistics regarding the New viith roan legs and breast, has come into Ashton iiill be distributed among the particto . 1, nexation to the � United States. Car. nevertheless the people had the good Ali accident of a peculiar charge- special laws to make theta lawyer"- York E xchaDge sbowed that the most certain promises. Appears to know the entitled thereto, bavinf regard only to the . I I g too to- narne of Major. Owner call learn -of It oil claims of which notice s iall have boon fur- . setise to ace that tie was becornin ter occurred at Caindin Saturdav, Thus they will make the noble p of the business connected with them calling at the NEW ERA OFFICE. ' nishod as above requit-ocl, and the executors tainly, not as R party, but there may 11 locab, I and to 14 leave him far in the Two men with a horse and'sled were fession of the law a pit for smirebed - ill not bellablo for tile assetssodistributed, ' . be a ,'6w individuals who would hold background" in . municipal matters. did not consist in real sales. In both OTICE.-THE COUNCIL OF THE COR' owr any part thereof, to any person of whoso up both ham'drA for it, and they are not ,, Observer" says something about try. crossing a bridge, when the horse politicians. As a citizen who has larger and smaller institutions the evil NPORATION Of the COUlItY of Huron, will chain notice shall not have been received 1)y I - ing to disdritanglo myself. How am I took the "Staggers" and fell against loved this Province, and"does love it ,A,as th e* betting on prices, or the buy. Inset ill tile court House, in tile Town of them at the thno of suCb distrihution. Grits, by tiny m@ans. the railing, which was rotten, One -and I know I speak for many others ing on margins, but the bucket -shop (.4odarich, on TuesdaT entangled ? if 1 make out a report of (, ,Jan. 24tb, PETER WILLIAM WAITE I Excentor, I j" ___._ - 0— the Farmers' Club meeting, and a man sprang out, but the, other, 3'obn -1 feel humiliated when I consider Affo ADAIMSON, County C cric. . WILLIAM HILT, f , I . . tate � mith, went over with the borse, fat - the present. condition of the Province . rded facilities for smaller trans --- Dsted this 150) olity of December, A.D., 1987 � .. At Picton, N. a Vud&fe Sentenced the opinion of the majority of the club 9 Vince has been trampled on actions En I was consequently wider ,.wMqMneotoii1111111 ---.. , - -.--- - __ - - - I '� am I responsible for this opinion ? Any - ling twenty-five feet. Man and horse Tile Pro 1� . D - �._� I in itg evil effects, Stock gambling I thrke men who had been\found guilty Of one with any common sense would cer- were instantly killed. and spit on bl a huge buildbzing cor- generally ended disastrously for the 320 ACRE FARM FOR SALE .1 . — ­A)Aae "WA*4' I � I bri . �119,t an election,Ab a short term tainly say tie. But ,l observer" does At Rooney, on Thusday,John Hos- poratioe,and our leaders have not had Speculator. People were rowing 320 acres of first-clasi� tainting land, [,S�Clt ,G)INograpl) 1; � in j it. The f ct ,bat t 6y were Liber. not seem to i-indorstand this. The fact king was chargW, before Police Alag- manliness enough to resent the insult. familiar with such items as F'So-and suitable for wheat or any other kind of I ­ a the "�ju" w of the matter is, it is some one else that Like whipped dogs, they have licked so has absconded ; books falsified I crop, situated in Soutfiern Manitoba, Fon Aw., Yorit Mvssmms. . � I orso for 11 �� Big only makc. I is entangledt I am not saying whether istrate Leonard, with a third offence the hand that'smo'e hem. Thcy Lave bucket-ebops the cause." In-Montreaf ju t north of Pilot Mound, about eight rr. _-­, - - - g the rope" � I they abould, have 1;wyj�, � � - led in 11 jumpin against the provi4ons of the Scott proved therns;lves either ine a 'a Or the rgoord is ,"a gloomy page, in miles irom, South Western C. P. Rail. __ ____ t. of bi ;61) .tif6f�tbfd it, 6 i ap ' �, hope'dvery -an - Grit o 0�,;tl!tlillltylve otter writing was Act, - He was found guilty and com- .or-iminal, or.both, an1l, not w,,thy to less tban half a mile from � �_'__ started to disentangle him. But, as I mitted to Engin gatil for 30 diys sit 1 , ­ " § tho .whicb.figures the hopeful son ofa way and � ' -_ � �­ .1 a like 6&nce will be I represent a pdo I �.o an ab ­ i1i, Ill., , D, I H. K X Nu M I I - , I 0 .14 11 I I I , �t_ it! Y� . dol : ii�j'aii I iw - notedarchitce sehled-M-a wev School A11d-POst-OfRQQ� title perfcoo IN,o gual-antee rromptric-lis sil Courtesy ,.� , , , t'l j , seless, for I am Colin Lamodt, charged p 0 w 0 posses Itlive .01i - d Cot . irtesy .. 1.�, n * ,g buggemed before, it in tic hard labor, Spirit and independence that chant, a few members of the Stock Will not Bell if not Bola before Arai � would raise no objectiol afraid that anything 1, ObscrIver" bag to with a first ofterce was also fouqd characterised Angl6 Saxong the world Exchange itself." He hoped the I St. arms, $500 down, balance in — - 11,,,A, 1 Va. ClOWISO Say on I -� �; of t1le man who taked a bf the matter will not change the guilty, and, in default ofthe neces- .�, - ,", Therefore the i,ty 450 fine. wac over. It would be an unspe�kablc business was declining, but the cry of three annual instalments, with interest W. JACK601% '' I . , " i.qXo .." . . . . . . . 111,111, galso cowmittpd f, . t '.01,419jo , � �.A_AA ". to romain on. make � -II&O _�i, even if minds of tile ublic. or blessing to the land if some strong or cent. This is a bargain worth '11 11ho "I . - ,,, , I - So dAys. Both defendants were lodg'ed - fools and people who wish6d to 11',t,k'lPn'g after. Full particulars given at C. P, R. Railway and Telegraph I ,'� . u, Mr Editor, in gabl. I man would arise and go to the Legisla money too fast seemed perennial and NE W ERA or, ME, or MANNING I", 611ril I ture as Oliver Cromwell once did nod inexbtiustible. it, SCOTTIS, Clinton, Ont. AGENT, - CLINTON. , , 1. ,,-- On Tuesday afternoon ai Thoffas , drive the whole kit oilt-order them I . .11 �� MkINNOWL. !" . .11 , 11 I I ) .....:1 �� ` ­!.,,; : I ,�-, 1� 11 11 A&