HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-12-14, Page 1Tk7Rltltiitesel•.<',s nee Ararrurri, fu Atwe,e.c.
• VOL. VTTL--NO. 52
We are showing a fine Line of
X"acal Q ul;•4•eopofLieelce
Mr. Harry Rothwell is in town,
gCoal is still at a warruing figure.
Mr. Holtuestead, barrister, of
Seaforth, was in town on Saturday,
Mr. Andrew \Vaddel has returned
from the North West, looking as
hearty as ever.
The steamer Ontario is frozen in
at Port Arthur, consequently all
her crew were discharged at that
Why should the tnenbers of our
town band play in proper measure l
Recause they have a Foot rule-ing
The --school trustees whose term
expires at end of present year are
Messrs. Wm. Acheson, H. W. Ball,
Jnn. Butler, and Dr. Nicholson.
Nominations for Mayor and
Reeve in the Town Hail at 10-a.• m.
on the 26th and for Councillors
and School Trustees in the several
wands at noon the same day.
The Wednesday evening service
of the Church of England will not
take place this evening, but services
will be held in the school room on
Friday evening.
.Ain't it about time the Ontario
Government did, something for
Huron. Canour members not get
the next public building needed, in
this county.
Persian Lamb Gaps I$7
These' Goods are•-st bought at a
big sacrifice on account of the mild
tack Hair Muffs only $1.00,
Very suitable for Girl's school wear
Beautiful Goods in
ladies Persian lamb. Caps
We buy the finest and best Furs
that money can procure and our
establishment is noted for Good
JaCKSOB gyrus.,
' Hatters and Furriers.
OI oxrcopondence
Mr. Case' has boon re-engaged as
principal of Saltford school.
Mr. Harry Clucas, was in town
last week.
Mr. Thomas Dark jun., has re-
turned to. town.
Miss Wynn ret•urnedtey to town
from London last week.
Inland Revenue Officer Cavan
was in town last friday.
Coal is higher now than• it was
when there was a duty on it.
A bankrupt stock of drygoods is
being sold in town.
Mr. Wm. Robertson has returned
home'for the season.
Mr. John Watson who was at-
tending the College of Pharmacy
has returned borne for a few weeks.
The wife of Mr. Thos. Farrow,
ex M. P. for North .Duron, died
last week.
The usual weekly dancing prac-
tise took place last Wednesday
Regular Meeting of Huron Chap-
ter No. 30, R. A. M. next Tuesday
So far as we have heard all the
members of the present council will
seek re. -election.
Miss Nellie Vandcrlip left for
London on Saturday beiug called
there by the illness of a relative.
Knox Church Band of Hope met
in the lecture room of the church
ou Saturday afternoon.
Service was held in St. Peters
last Thursday, it being the festival
of tho'Virgin Mary.
Tho Salvation Army. had a jubi-
leo service last Saturday, and again
on Sunday and Monday.'
Mousey Downing arrived from
Port Arthur last week, where his
ship, the Ontario, is wintering.
Tho rector of St. George's is
attending a Diocesan Meeting in
Mr. Hilton Holmes who leaves
town shortly, will bo succeeded by
Municipal ratters• are becoming
pretty lively in those wards where
• there are now aspirants for the posi-
tion of Councillor.
Tho past few weeks the weather
has- *been unfavorable for our
dry goods merchants, but excellent
Mr those in the boot and shoo line.
A number of young • people. from
town and Clinton spent a pleasant
evening last Friday at the farm of
Mr, Nixon Sturdy, Goderich town-
Prosecutions for violation of the
Canada Temperance Act are still
going on. It almost seems as if
those doing the least illicit selling
are paying the greatest number of
Would it not bo well for the G.
T. R. authorities to run their trains
on better time, and stop diverting
Goderichs' natural trado•to Sarnia,
before asking for privilegos that
alight effectually stop any other
railway over being built to God-
erich harbor.
Rev. E. Howell, DI. A., of Sea -
forth, will preach the anniversary
sermons morning and evening next
Sunday in the Victoria St, Church. •
The following Tuesday there will
be a hot supper given in the base-
ment, and afterwards a service of
song in the church.
All those who aro anxious to bo
engaged should on Friday evening
attend the amateur performance at
the Grand Opera house. If our
townspeople turn out as thoy.should
the Cricket Club and the Town
Band will be pleasurably engaged
•in dividing a handsome sum.
The G. T.°Railway dock is now
being repaired. Tho, job was start-
ed some time. since, but the new
crib work giyiug way piles aro now
being placed to hold the structure
that will be built.P A large pile
driver is in use for the purpose, and'
a number of men are engaged on
the work. '
Messrs. Wm. Rutson and E. R.
Watson returned from the.' shoot-
ing expedition last,l'hursday,bring-
ing with them -th/,• c deer. Tho
gentlemen shot six, 1„it left throe
behind them at `'1'i mr,on. The
place visited was semi sixty miles
north of \Viarton,wher•• !he returned
sportsmen say there a:,• plenty of
The province ne,,,ld another
Lunatic Asylum and it is under-
stood one will shortly be built. As
this county returns throe govern-
ment supporters, and is one of the
healthiest in the Province we think
wo have a good claim for considera-
tion. Let our friends soo that the
plums of the 'Ontario Government
aro not all put in the cities' pud-
The usual fo-tnightly meeting .of
the High School Literary Society
was held last Friday evening. Tho
first business, the nominations for
office, resulted as ;,follows: For
President, Miss Aikenhead and
Misses Wilson and McIntosh; 1st.
Vico President Misses Mabel Cam-
eron and Strachan ; 2nd. Vice
President, Misses Bella John-
ston, F. Williams and O'Leary;
Secretary, Misses II. Andrews and
Porter; Secretary of Committee,
Misses Watson; M. Strachan and E.
Librarian. Misses Stong and Ella
Dickson ; Treas., Messrs. H. Robert-
son and McCloskey ; Counciilore
(3) Misses N. Straiton, Flo Balt,
and A11ie Johnston, and Messrs:
Hodge, Bailie, and Strachau ;
Editress, Misses Carrie Smith,
O'Leary and McConnell. The elec-
tion takes place at next meeting.
On account of the lecture by Mr.
Bolton, the programme was cut
short so as to allow the members to
attend. The programme consisted
of a reading by Mr. Wilson and a
chorus by the members.
gond leol•!'.e �3ert>tteltte '
The following vessels are now
wintering in our harbor : Schoon-
er's, Melvina, Jane McLeod, 7'. N.
Curler, Tut(utan, Annie, Ariel, Pin-
afore, Mary S. Gordon;Evening Star
and Galion, . Tugs, James Clark,
7rudoau, W. H. Seebeld and Des-
patch.- Besides the above then aro
the fishing boats, the dredge Chal-
lenge and 11'•r scows, and schooners
Ontario, Norris and Florence all
aground, the Onturiobeiug the only
ono worth repairing and for which
preparations are now being made.
It will be noticed by the council
proceedings that the G. T. R. Co ,
wishes to extend the 1,'. t . track
westward along the dock. As all
the business that such an exteusion
could bo used for is over till next
summer, the application should be
allowed to lay ou the table a few
months, during which time the
councillors could Make themselves
acquainted with the merits of the
application. We cauu;rt help say-
ing that the application seems a
strange ono considering the largo
dock frontage the r. '1'. Ii, has at
Tho town council meeting was
held on the evening of Tuesday the
6th inst. His Worship Mayor Sea-
gor presiding. Present, the peeve,
Deputy Reeve, and Councillors Jno.
Acheson, jr., Bingham, Butler, J.
H. Colborne, Dunlop, Humber, Lee,
J. A. Reid, J. W. Smith and Dr.
Whitely. The minutes of previous
meeting having been read anis _eau,_,
firmed, the Mayor stated that the'
offer made by the council for the
Kidd property at the dock had been
accepted, and the transfer completed,
He also mentioned several other
mutters among thein being the rail-
way question concerning which he
rend considerable correspondence, at
the conclusion of which Deputy
Reeve Cameron moved, seconded by
the Reovo,that the correspondence,ou
railway matters read by the Mayor
be referred to special committee of
council and that in future the cor-
respondence on this matter be car-
ried on through the committee -car-
ried. The Treasurer's report for
November, showed :
On hand from October 24.432.99
Public schools $ 2.500
Municipal taxes . .. .. 2.410.44
5S .:0
5 09
31ait!aud cemetery .. ..
New resident taxes..
Interest .. ..
Market .. .. .. ..
Expenditure '.. :.
Relict „ ..
Public works .. "
New Park ..
Sundries .
Fire department.. .
Printing .. .. ..
Public schools .. .. ..
Water works-..... , •
Council chamr.. .. ..
Salaries .
Balance to next mlonth ..
8 25.55 7.407,37
110.88 v
The sexton's report for November
shewing that five adults and one
child had been interred was filed.
A letter from Mr. J. D. Ronald; of
Brussels, offering to tender for put-
ting in the water works system was
referred to the water works commit-
tee. A petition from the Salvation
Army asking remission of taxes on
barracks and dwelling house was
read. Moved by M. G. •Cameron,
seconded,by J. H. Colborne, that
petition bo granted. Moved by F.
W. Johnston, seconded by Dr.
Whitely, that it bo referred to,
Court of Revision. On a division'
Mr. Cameron's motion was carried
on a vote of 6 to 5. A petition
from Philip Bolt and other rate•
payers asking that Auglesea street
be graded was referred to Public
Works Committee with power to
ret. The following accounts 'were
re'o'•red to Finance Committee :-
D. Reid $2 ; Jas. '1Ceag $2 ; Estate
Geo. Grant $7.50; T. Weathorald
$22 ; Wm. Acheson $10.35 . Wm.
Elliott $1.75; L. Ellerd $4.40; C.L.
McIntosh $5.775; G.N. Davis _$35.73;
Petrol is Advertisor$4.80;,Star $2.94.
An account from R. McLean of
$32.50 for half cost of turnstile for
agrietiniffiiT"4rounds was ordered to
'be paid on condition that it remain
in the custody of the corporation for
joint use with the ,West sliding.
Agricultural Society. TTho'applica-
tion made at the, last meeting of the
cottncil by the town hand for bitt-
erer/ of annual grant was, on motion
of Messrs. Johnston; and Cameron,
granted. On motion of Messrs.
Humber and J. W. Smith, the.
Mayor and Reeves wore appointed a
committtee to petition the govern-
ment for a right of way to the dock
'roc the land recently puachased•
by the town. The town clerk was
instructed to memorialize the G. T.
R., through Mr. A. Straiton, for
permission to extend their dock line
390 feet further west, was referred
to harbor committee. The old de-
puty returning officers were then,
appointed, when the council ad-
Xo*' I ( orreoptrfciettee
DIr. C. W. Andrews visited Sea -
forth last Friday.
The written examination of the
' modelites commenced on Monday.
Judge Falconbridge left town
by the 3.30 p. in. train on Monday
The promotion examinations in
connection with the public schools
commenced on Monday.
Mr. Hastings, barrister of Sea -
forth, was in the county town ou
A11 taxes retraining unpaid after
to -day will be charged au addi-
tional five per cent.
A number of - grants were com-
mitted to the county jail the past
Several cases of violation of the
Scott Act wore tried before Police
Magistrate Williams in the town
hall on Monday.
At the regular meeting of Huron
Lodge No. 62, L0.O.F, to -morrow
evening the officers for the ensuing
year will be nominated.
Mr. Thos. Perry was unable to
leave by his usual train ou Monday
having received an injury to one of
his arms.
Judge Falcoubridge held court in
this town on Monday and disposed
ofthe election petitions. The peti-
dou against Mt•. Porter and that
against Mr. M. C. Cameron were
dismissed: No evidence being
etrerecd in either case.
Tisa Wynn of this town took
part in a Foresters dedication con -
in that town last week. The
res has this to say of the young
y: -Miss Maud Wynn has an
client voice and she proved her -
to be a vocalist of no moan
bre. Her voice is clear and
musical, and her articulation is
feet. She has left a favorable
rossion ou the musical fraternity
he C. P. 1i, car was in town
.33 p.m. on Monday. Through-
tho day the ear was crowded
sight seers, the majority . of
m wore farmers. The grain
bited was favorably commented
ho straw showing that it was
from rust, and all those plagues
occasionajly attack it in the
:provinces, the root clop how -
was nothing special, in fact -
was no exhibit in. this branch
we have not seen equaled' in
Iluron ,county.
o believe that the Rev. Robt.
air,formerly of Goderich,is now
yteriau minister at Durham,
y of Grey. The Chronicle of
place says :-"Tho Rev. Mr.
ilivray, who so ably and earn -
pleaded the cause of the heath
the Presbyterian church last
av, and on Monday evening,
old college friend of Mr. Mc -
They were students at God -
High School together and at
College, until Mr.. McGilliv
went to Brantford, where he
for three years as classical
in the Collegiate. - They are
seven young men who used
t for prayer every Sunday
no . while at Knox College,
1 of thorn are now in the
113oulton, an Arnericau, ap-
three nights last week in the
Opera House, in a very plea-
ntertainrnent. On \Vedes-
gave views of Ireland and
d, on, Thursday he took his
s through England, and. on
he'took them with him to
ml of the midnight sun. The
ian kept up with the illustra-
ost acceptably, his oxplana-
oing, plcasan•tly given and
uunecessary prolixity. Ou
sday evening there wore
portraits of Sir Walter
Cobert Burns and Mr. Par-
trtnge to say a large num-
Scotchmen cheeredvocifer-
n Parnell appearing, but
iinb when Scotland's loved
10 to view.
till S
en iu
is an
two of
to oleo
in ora i
and al
sant e
day he
the ian
tions Ill
tions b
Scott, 1
noll. S
ber of
ously o
wore dt
01108 050
--henry Latham, employed to, sly
tend cattle in Walker's immense
yard, back of \Valkerville, is a young
married man, having a sister in law,
whore he warned against keeping
company with Edward Paxton.
'i'his gave offence to the latter, who
arming Himself with an axe, on Tues-
day evening waylaid Latham return-
ing from his work about seven
o'clock. Aft'er exchanging a few
words, Paxton struck Latham a
murdero i(blow with the axe, severs
ing time nose from his face except a
email piece of skin. Latham manag-
ed to reach home. The severed organ
was replaced, and the doctor has
hopes that it will be saved. A severe
wound on his forehead indicates
that the blunt part of the weapon
struck that portion of Latham's faee.
Paxton decamped immediately after
dealing the blow, and ' up to a late
hour last evening had not„been ap-•
WHITELY ,fi, TpDD, Publlrltrerr
X'actlz gokkeopontlellce aclil ieOi•t•f6�IplXtrClll'e
Mr. James Millian has let the
job of building a new barn to \!r,
Abram Knight.
Mrs.A.Mtllian has been very ill for
some tiwe but we are glad to know
that she is now recovering.
Mr. H. Mew who has been fur
many years a resident of this town.t
ship has removed with his family
to Varna.
Parker 1epairiug cu1vot•ts $1.25-
Carried. Muvi d by W.W. Counor,
seconded by \V. 11. Woods that the
time for collectiug taxes for 1887 be
extended to the 30th of December
-Carried. \loved by R. Bailey,
seconded by W. 11. Woods, that
his council du now adjourn to
neet again Oil second Monday in
January at 2 o'clock p.m. -Carried.
11. W. Erwin, clerk,
Editor News -Record.
The mountebank who grinds the Chit
playsorgtur in Clinton and the whining err who
took it in them
heas too abuse '' the well known scribbler
of the Codorich Star, Seaforth Stir• and
NEws•Rt:cuun," as they please to dub
some one. Now 1 probably would show
more sense by taking no notice of a person
who tries to edit a sheet like his but has
only brains enough to edit less than one
third of it. In the first place the party,
alluded to by Holmes and Giffin had
nothing to do with the article which ;ap-
peared w the NEws•itscotto about the
monument pian, and to show how much
either of them knows about it there are
three 111H'erent persoas who correspond
from here with the three different papers
he mentions. The person who is charged
with correspond lag has not had a correspon-
dence in the NEu's-REcoan for nearly two
years. Nor did he ever scribble fur the
Star. I would adyise Mr. Giffin. and
Editor Holtnes to find the target before
they begin tiring as they have shot wide
of the mark this time. No doubt they
were in want of some reading matter to
fill up the blank spaces of their untruth-
ful sheet and the Editor thought he
would try one of his own editorials ,and
not copy so much from other papers.
J. C. Atnveus,
One of the scribblers.
The next regular meeting of
Enniskillen L. 0. L., No. 153 will
be held on Friday night, Dec. 23rd.
All member's are requested ton,.be
present as busintfss of importance
is to be transacted.
There will be a degree meeting
in the Auburn Orange hall early in
Januery when several of the breth-
ron of L: 0. L. No. 153 will receive
the R.. A. P. Order. Timely notice
will be given later on.
The Sabbath evening prayer
meeting held at ICerr's, th con-
cession, was resumed last Sabbath
evening. It had been discontinued
fur some time ou account of the
revival meetings at Ziuu.
At the last regular Meeting of L.
0. L. Nu, 153 there was a very good
turn out of the members, taking in-
to account the inclemency of the
weather: One candidate was initiat-
ed and other important business
A tea•meeting will be held at
Zion church on Wednosdey Dec.
2Ist. Tea to be served from 5 to 7
o'clock p. m., after which the fol-
lowing gentlemen will entertain
the audience with speeches: Revs.
Messrs. ICostle, Goe, of Auburn,
Irvine of the Nile, and Mr. Mann-
ing of Clinton.. The proceedings
will bo enlivened with music by
the choir. Colne one, come all as,a
good time is expected.
Tho council met in the township
hall Nov. 30111. Tho following
accounts were passed :._-Jois Bar.
icor, gravelling 8th Con., $25.00 ;
John Symington, inspecting said
job, $1.50 ; John Horton, burying
a woman that drifted to shore and
finding coffin, $6. Geo. Nei bergall,
for lumber, $50.03 .Dogulas &
Savage, cleaning out ditch at Salt-
ford,°$4 ; JamesMcLean, burying
horse, $1 ; George Cubbert, repair-
ing two culverts, $2.50 ; 1iobt
Simttlon8, services as .constable, $1 ;
John Barker, cleaning out ditches
and removing stones from Dunlop
hill,.$7.50 ;\Val. Uhler, filling and
repairing culvert, $7 ; John Stivcns,
repairing two culverts, $3; David
Sterling, for a load of wood
for charity purposes, $3 ; John
Horton, opening ditch on the
10th Con., $3 Sam Linfield,
plank and repairing two culverts,
$4; John,. Symington, building
bridge, $13,85 ; John McHardy,
gravelling and inspecting, $32.75 ; J.
Jones, cutting down hill rnd grad-
ing at Walter's, $59 ; Rowsell &
Hutchinson, for stationery, $1.33 ;
Star account, $6.98. Jaynes Gled-
hill moved, seconded by Nathan
Jones, that John H. Million be
'appointed the person to call a
meeting for tho appointment of
trustees for school section No, 8,
Carried. James Taylor moved,
seconded by A. Young, that David
Lawson be appointed the person to
call a meeting for the appointing
of trustees for the new school section
of Dunlop, Carried. Tho council
thou adjoined to meet again on
December 15th at 10 o,ctock sharp.
----. -
O,aANOI. ELICOTION.-At the last
regular meeting of L. 0. L. 24, the
following officers wore elected for
the ensuing yoar -.\V. DI., W. W.
Cunuor ; D. M., Geo Castle; Treas.,
Jno. Pollock; Chaplain, James
Houston;' Secretory, J. C. Moyers;
Fin. Sec., Murdock Ross; Lecturer
and D. of C., Michael Wells,
Committeemen, James Pollock .(sr.)
Thos. Johnston, Geo. Dower, James
Sturgeon, Chas. Parker. Degree
and lecture meotings aro held the
second Tuesday of every month.
Tho lodge purposes securing the
services of a lecturer for some timo
this winter.
The council mot December 12tH in
the town hall at seven o'clockk. m.
Members all present, the Reeve in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and signed. By-law appoint-
ing a Returning Officer for the
Municipal Election for the year 1888
read and passed. Moved by W. W.
Connor, seconded by W. II. Woods,
that the petition presented to the
council by Mr. James Thompson
stand over for further consideration
till next meeting of council -carried.
Moved by R. Bailey, seconded by
Joseph Wild, that the Reeve grant
orders for the following accounts :-
Jas. Thompson lumber account
$3.42; John Demeinbardt funeral
expenses of Fred Baker $10 ; Chas.
On Friday evening our band
appeared on the streets playing some
fine selections.
George King is visiting from
house to house these day's taking
the school Census.
Mrs. Patterson, of Ingersoll, is
the guest of D. B. McKinnon this
Mi. A. G. Van Egmoud is attend-
ing GodoricJi this week as a petit
juror at the quarter sessions.
Mr. A. Belfry has received the
appointrpent of General. Agent for
the Graham Nursery, Rochester, N.
Tax Collector John Boll is on
his annual trip these day's. Our,
citizens don't caro' to see ,John and
hie tin box.
Mr. AlfredLawrenco has opened
a singing school here for the winter~ .
months with a class of 30 pnpilsie .
they practice every Wednesday
evening in the Temperance hall.
Mr. Robert Holmes, of Clinton.,
occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist Church ou Sabbath even-
ing and preached au able discourse.
Our townsman Mr. Robot McGee
has bought out a livery business in
Kincardine and he Will remove his
family shortly. We aro sorry to'
lose such an excellent citizen.
N.M. Wilson, wife of our respect-
ed village• clerk,. is indisposed at
present with au afiectiori of the
lungs. We hope, to hear of her
speedy recovery.
• A' night school has been started,
held in ono of the departments of
tho public school every \Wednesday
and Friday evening, under the'
tuition of •our energetic principal,
Mr. Burchel. There is a member-
ship of forty.
Constable Davis has some of the
boy's pretty well scared singe he
received orders to make them keep
clear of the street corners. They
don't like tho.idoa of being run in
and having a few dimes to pay, _.--
Mr, E. lfloody, of Clinton, was
hero 011 Saturday cauvasing for
The Empire, the new Conservative
paper wbich is to be issued in a few
days. Edward had no difficulty in
getting a good subscription list, as
a great many Tories have been
anxiously waiting for its appear-
Messrs. Tanner and Shane, the
excellent amateur vocalists of our
village, took part in a Forester's con-
cert at Wingham last week. The
press there speaks very highly of
the accomplishments of these gen-
tlemen,. "Their different selections
of comic song wore highly appre-
ciated by tho audience."
held l ae Fisheries
meet ngon Sattu day and
adjourned till January 4th.
cattlelsold at Aberdeen en brougo of ht ian
average price of 050.
-Mr. Mandeville Irish Nation-
alist has been placed on a bread and
water diet for refusing to clean out
Marquette, Man.,
s kill-
ed while returning home froth prairie
chicken shooting by the accidental
discharge of his gun,