HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-12-07, Page 6• 4 Titmy CAME TO T: AT CQ=$J,QN' A LO Ir • TIME. AGO -THE PEOPLE WE MEAN. ---That the light way to do business is to give the - .Pest Possible Value w the Least Possible Money 0 0 Our Mant/e Dep 't rn Full Force Under the same management. That's her busi nct-s :to Cut and Fit PERFECT GARMENTS, and nothing else, and we Guarantee Satisftrction every time, We Believe in Specialties. Come and See Ours, •--0-- 0-0--0•--0- (aEO. E PAY & OO?Y, The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. HE HELD THE CALF, BLIT LOST THE ELECTION. -A good story is told iu connection with the 1-taldi• lnatrd campaign. Mr. ----- is apro- ulinent electur iu the township of Seneca, and both candidates were endeavoring to secure his support and influence. Uue day while on his way to a meeting, I)r. Montague happened to hes passing the pre. wises of DIE•.. -, and observed AI vs, -- luillcing a cow that had become very restive. The doctor i1 ediately went to the assistance of the lady anti took the cow by the horns, • D01'iug the time the doctor had the animal by the head, he asked the good holy if she had seen his opponent, Arr. Colter ? She re- plied, "See hiin ! Lori bless you, yes ; he is around behind the barn with my husband now, holdiug the salt." L'b51tTllVii. 1)011 ERT1'.-In Clinton, on December 21141, tote o ifu or \Y. 1)uhut I y, o1' a .son. 8111i'LEl'.--Il1 •Hallett, on December •1111, ilitt wile of \Ir. 'Photo, Shipicy, of a son. MERCER. -in Clinton, on December 5th, the wife of 11r. Samuel Verger, of a daughter, • sC0'1"1',-Iu Clinton, on December 2n41, the wife of Mr. John Scott, of a son, MARRIAGES. CAN'I'ELON-CURRV,-Ou November ;lOth., lis the Rev. ,f, S. fisher, ;ter. John Calmteluu to Miss Cathdrinu 1). A. Carry. all of (.oderieh township. SARARARAS-TOWNSIIEND.-On the 30111 of November, by the Rev. 11. E. 11111, at the house or the bride's parents, 11r. Andrew Saru•nras of Blenheim tp., to (miss .\lie, daughter ul' seer. \\ln. '1'ntvn-11und, urc;o(l,ri,•h township. Poavell's sa:saparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the markff. Price 50cts. a bottle Sold by all druggists.. 443-3m. Mrs. George Baker, of Palatka. , Fla , heard. her child scream and her dog hark in the grove near the house. She ran but and saw the child lying flat on its back, anti' coiled on As breast a rattlesnake, ---with head erect, following the mo- tions of the dog, which was circling around it. The dog seemed fascin- Med. Mrs. Bolter threw a club at the snake andknoeked it off the child and her husband, coming up, killed' the reptile, which measured eight feet in length. After the Snake was killed the dog continued to w'irlk around it until he fell exhausted. Tie was not bitten, neither was the child, but both have been ill since. At this season of the year every- one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock', it cleanses and enriches the blood. .Price 50 cts., sold by all druggists. 443-3m. MALIE RW.6'11 TE11, Parties getting their sale bills printed at this (Mice will gut a Dam: adrortisutw,t mplar this heading until date of sale; In the ,eajoritl of coxes it is worth as much as the bills. 1rEON Est/ AT, 1)E1'. 7 -Stallion, tttalee colt, lumber wagon and 'harness, on the Forks Farce, Maitland con., 0oderieh township, at.2 o'clock p. m. F. It. Powell, Venders Solicits r, D. Dickson, Auctioneer. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected Ln toy Tuesday aftcmmon,) CLINTON. Flour $1 CO to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new tie old 0 7:1 to 0 F0 Spring Wheat, 0 75 to 0 80 Barley..... .. 0 50 to 0 75 Oats ., 0 30 to 0 31 Peas 0 58 to 0 59 • Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes .. 0 50 to 0 0) Butter .. 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs n 18 to 0 18 flay S 00 to 9 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool ........................ 0 24 to 0 25 1):11iEalV t''tt1) 1t1'Nr with comfortable re. L.) sidenr,' n0n041e11 The oven i, new:. Oond Stud our own interest nate go there ..rd 1111 stable. Near the Incogess centore of >' Clinton, being sitntate a 1, w dno+s west of the you can get ('r',Ou t•r:al 11nf, 1 •('1(1 r,. iia gn',d (penni_ for , K baking n,an .etdl Alcan+ to ,,40 the Rfeliable ° IIarnesst fi:tkhtgbisinoss, Relit low, Apply at-thisolfirc or t0 A. Donswoarn. 473•tf. f /a CNER'S The Leading Jk( Order Clething House 1 fn el„,„„, Opposite 1 sTJ the rust Once. 10 Per Cent. off for Cash. . / M. FIS•.IHER, manner and Cutter. GREAT LAUGHTER --1N- Caoteloo's Carriage Works! All Ai,ul.,' of Cuttet•s` a 11 `"Fut' All Kiiatle of People And Prices to Match, Do not '1(0 1 to call and see them -opposite hAtlt's MILL, 8. A. Cantelon, Propel EVIBITIOrM FEE ! _-01' '1'ifR-- PRODUOTS -0E- ANIT A. The North-West Territories and British Columbian. -•1111: -- . UANABIAN PACIFIC RAS?',-CtCT.A.X E•XH5B5A'AON CAR Will be at Illu utdernuetioned stntitnts 111 follows : Ingersoll G.T.R. Station Dec[ 5th 8.00 A. M. '1'O 8.00 1'. M. London G.T.R.Talbot St,Dec, 6th 8.0) A. H '1'O 8:00 P (1. Exeter G. T.R. Station, Dec, 7th 0.00 A. 1l. '00 6.00 P. M. Hensall G.T,R.Station,Dec,7 & 8 7T11,6.001' 11 '008,001' yl, 8'011,8 8.11. To 0,30A M Wingham G.T.E. Station, Dec, 8th 11.00 p . 11. TO ;(. 00 I'. 11. Lucknow G`.T,R.Station,Dec. 8th - 4.00 I'. 1L '1'0 8.00 0. 11. Kincardine G.T.E. Station Dec 9th 8.00 A. M. TO 5.00 P.M. Clinton G'T•R Station, Dec. 10th 8.00 A. 11. TO 8.00 0. 11. All are eordtaliy invited, Don't fail to sen the products of 1887. _ BIG S ORIFICE' -0l'- Wno Ie *Goods. As we intend closing out' Woollen Mill here, we oiler from now till Dec, 31st, our Great ®variety of Stock at Cost for 4'ash. We have an excellent stook of 1'in41'e'`G Coarse Tweeds, Car- dman .iaeket i, Eine Flannels, Top Shirts, shirts and Draw- ers for Men and itoys. 1\'e have Plain and Check Flannels of our own make, Yarns, Sheetin,;, White and Horse Dl8l►Kets. rbc 1111(01 of whin), 1001 never before pro- dnced, and all must. I)e (leaved out before the nl'(ve date. Clinton Woollen Mills. 1). (411AHAM, Proprietor, 466-tf '1'. H. GRAHAM, Manager, TO THE FARMERS ! APPLES WANTED, 1�AN1'FO, 20 (11 BARBELS OF HARVEST, FALL AND WINTER. Apples, Apply to n, OANTEO.ON. #6tf (3lintonr i manufacture none but the MST OF STOCK. Beware of shops that sell cheap, es they have .got to i)se. re Call and get prices. Orders by mall prontply attended to tIOXI' 'T. CARTER, HARK' ESS EMPORIUM, Di.TTH, ONT. e greeds. Tweeds. Tweeds \1'e offer to -day, and as long as any of the Goods remain unsold, 45, 30 Pieces of ALL -WOOL TWEED, about 1000 ',ice Yards. Regular price of these Goods 75c. Price per yd. ,for this Sale Also, about' 200 .Remnants of DRESS GOODS, from 5 to 10 Yards, at HALF PRICE. ------0 0 0 0 NO GUESSING OF BEANS OR LOTTERY SCHEMES In order to secure these Bargains. OPEN TO ALL. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. ARGAINS E + • - - - - - - -= - + FURS. FURS. 'A Rousing ,Reception for Bargain Buyers, 'fill: FOLLOWING ARE _11'E11' 01' OUR ('RICES: lieu's Felt Overshoes..$$1.25, worth ;,1.50 Men's Overshoes, wool lined.... 140, [` . 1.75 Mott's fine Overshoes, wool lined 1.75, " 2.00 Ladies Felt Overshoes1.25, " 1.50 Ladies Fine (Sutton- ' Overshoes $1.75, worth $2.00 Ladies Cardigan 'Over- shoe. . 1.00, [` 1.75 hisses Felt Overshoes.. 1,15, " Misses Fine 1lutto iOrer shoes . .. ,.. 1.50, " 1.75 Chill's Felt Overshoes.. 0.05, 1.10 1.35 We sell Boots aural Shoes of all kind; for I.0\\'EIi PRICES than any other House in the Town, You ask how do WO do It. We don't have to get largo profits to pay big rents and interest on borrowed capital, WE PLEASE '1'IIF., EYE, tar1'R0'rEC'I' 1'11E POCK El',',IAAnil 1MPROVE THE 3!EM0113' with our 11AR11AiNS. It will pay you to snake your purr'hases nt Jac�so� s BaraiIi Slioe House' Opposite the Towit Hall, Clinton. XMAS -AND-- NEW YEAR reoceeies °:l TAO T : .Q 1\ l , iosale and Retail (trorrrs, have a very complete and I'll ESI1 ,'POCK of Christinas and New Year Grorcries, Lamp and ]'cows Conn's, ('ltitrt;1(0 11lnsswar0, Coutcctioticry, ut0. Call before you order. E;uut Produce (1' taken. •f-•[•.'. R++..^; ^-•,el.:•JM1 - rsaa f'r-.TrtvitKti ^v.•L'.,a, ,r..f• :.•'311...-v.+rte•ra,vices ,",enn•I.18.41. a M T 1 -IA FOR SALE L-• For sale, the north holt . of lata L1 .,tide1, in the 1: t eonl'C ,_ on of the Township of. 't'nruhcrry, 101 01.iulug 100 0ct(15 Owe:' 70 elear,11, ;;w .11 fame him+r, barn and stable; situated 4 miles from %Vroxrter and 3 mile, froit Iiluui;tic. will he .o'd cheap and on easy terms, Apply to 3I. 1,e'I'Atl0:71'['I', Clinton. lth)•tt - Tho Loading LiberalConservative "Hamilton .amilton • Spectator,, mons ( N':, JCPIISINr„ \\'Idlit{LY, `y' O'I'ICI: 1'O fell': 'CAXI'AYIi1{8.- •Notice is 1A hereby given that in accordance with a resolution of the Council, all taxes duo the umniv(palit_ must be paid before the 14th of December next, at which time the roll will be i } (� y'a returned., 'Ratepayers will pletse govern them- +� 1,i; N Ia,�,] selves accordingly., G IEO. TI:I)FOltD, Collector. �_i,j,ly j, J,•J Clinton, 'Nov.8,'1087. 460.90 Newspaper of Canada. ('1'L':stAY S'.I'OCK ADCER- }• '011(51ENTS inserted in 1'nx _••" • Nim's 1{KC•t01a at low rates. '01(0 1.05 makes it compulsory to auivortlse arra• stock. 1f you want any kind o1 advertising, you cannot do' better than call on "The NeWs (record," r= �t 7 )11OPEll'rY .FURL SALE On CC h 1 it1;NT.-Advertisers will Ilett 0110 11 News Record" one of the hest mediums in the Conno0 01 1111on. AtIverti.•e in "'Cbe New4•Iic0srd The • Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Hates as low as any. 13 uTCIIi:RIN(t BC'SiNE:SS--Theo t'srwit• Al signed. wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton end snnumnliugcountry, that in order tn01 11001,i meet the deurands o1 7 1 very newer• onaenstomers, he has Ism -Alit oat the business of Mr. 0. i itzsIotons', mid will carry on the same, w ith the choicest meats 111 00:1001. Every effort will be made to Meet the ;want. of •1111, and he (topes to merit and receive a Lair share of public patronage. Lowest prices . for large orders. Farmers trade a specialty, ALBERT MAY. ,1_1ItES511AxING.-- 1D's. ('antploll,of London has opened Dreg Making 1100100 (ter the Dry Gond Shore of (ten. N. Pay C Co„ with first- class assistants. She is in a position tel turn out want equal to any in the e,tv. She respectfully .skit trial order, Rooms over (.14)10, 0. PAY .. CO'S, Dry Goods Store. IN'I'11ANCfi EXAMINATION-- The i:ntranre A Examination furadu(issiun to High schools and Collegiate lnstitutts Wiltj, he held 'in Ci.IN• TON, 811.7!'ORTl1 and WING!" All, 0n Wednes- day,'rintrsdav and Friday, the 21st, 22nd and 2:h01 days of DECEMBER nest, commencing' at 1.30 P. JI. Wednesday, All candidates who io- teu(1 to write Will send their 111(1(100(114 addresses to the undersigned not litter than the 1st Der, They will also inform him at which place they wish to write, Drawing Copy No 0 will he the ono regnircd. A fee of 50 rents will be required from each eandhlate, payable to the, presidntg Examiner.- 'Ms is to assist indefr1ying the expenses of the examination. 1). 71A0(1, 1IAI.LOCIf, inspe+:t.or. BOARDERS WANTED. - A few lady or gentleman hoarders von 11.011 board and room aeeomntodntian at the private residence of 11158. NOBLE(, lately neenpird by lir, Diefil, V,etorinstreet, Clinton, 304 0 c_A_ D_ ' Now is the time to get your F.U.T. & WINTER, OVERCOAT and SUi'1'S DYED and l'ItI(SSE1) to loolr nearly as korai .shots', before the rush be• Ong, at 1)omtnton Dye and Clennsin�I Establishment, t'icto•in Street. P.S. -Don't forget that this Is the only place in the town where clothing is cleansed, repaired and pressed to look nearly as good ns new. 469 y A, W. CARSLAI{f:, Proprietor. ONE DOLi.AR A YEAR. Bright, incisive, Able KOitoriais, The Complete NCws (1 the Dan', ' '1'he,Chuicost Miscellaneous heading. Serial 8Uo'ir:s ly tea: Rest. ,Authors, Dr.'t'almage's 11rcat Sermons, '198: Foulest. 1Te'ket Reports, The Choicest Humor. la'rf:Y1'll IN(; .14.1(11 FvT'IIOVBOnr. THE 8'1;1. '1'00' 1 .I.t I, never t isle. n wn >ws t , lA nc00' 'lull, 011'1 1100(-t' shill" a jnthl]c (11110. tial, I1 18 always )'10:01 and strong. $1.00 Will purchase 181' you for a year the \V KKK �1'E('I \'rue, 1.1r hest Conserva- tive, journal and the hest weeklynewspaper in Canada. Unit -malty liberal ceuuulissinn to agents. adtlrts'I;ult yl'i47.vr"n, llantiltun, Ont. i.•afts ext, 110; \\•I:rM.1' S1'1't'•rt't'oh from now to Janney. 1S`;0, ami 'rule, lithos NT:Wa- nt::0(h0 olio. year, All CD)..' 8 w NM,' is the tune to get, at a low figure, two of rho mast rulinhh' and independent enmity and eit\'journals in the I)notininn. address. '11ne N 1(01-Iteeet(n, Clinton. GETTING READY FOR « CHRISTMAS I Fresh Arrivals Almost Every liDay, splendid value in ALBUMS, MISCELLANEOUS IIo0RS, I'LU511 Com MONS, 111I1I s, I'11RSF,S VASES, ANNUALS, DOLLS, '1'03'3, SLiIG11S, Sc,, &c. WM. COOPER BEAVER (BLOCK BOOK STORE. 1TLOR tt C Have 1)ul'cllase(1 at a Biu SACRRlFICE a lot of Ladles' and Gent's Furs, Caps, Muffs & Capes. During December they will offer the above at - TR, H DTTCTIOI- -11 Regular Prices. Bargains in Ladies and Gent's Wool Underclothing and Men's Overcoats. A Case of DRESS GOODS at a Reduction of 25 per Cent. -- o - 0 -. J. C. DETLOR & CO. The Sleepless and Restless Jeweler ROB. W. OOATS, 11.78'1Ltl.if: Rsxrsct-cru w^z r*�� -rte---• n other Big Reduction iii bile price of INatol� .es sue w.,^" -+..em 'SA.;.T tt.SS>..:nr:,r.••'FSYt 'sutz?"_'.,Q:,= 2.7 811N11 Fon ONE OF lits Al rl epee-. _ asm-,seanurncw.a. •, .a. ....e, _.:s.-r,rw-_w+ccs.-rs�sver,a.rax•va.eaa auv�a t FRE ME= FIRE 0 Wanted, 100S)00 Economical Buyers to come and see our New Stock. • B1,RQ:a ANS FOR4LL.-HAviN(1 lt'$1i0\'hl) 111 STOCK OF (l001) TO A MUCH LARGER PLACE, I ata now prepared to show ut.}...atock._ta_beth ----_.--.--.---__._._._...__- advantage, 'where the Public eat satisfy tl><ctttselOs as In (; (.'A! FC\' anti QUAN'I'I'L'l', more particularly' the LOW PRICES I ani acllimg at. Call and examine for yrursclf and you will go away satisfied that 4.114.,M4G994Y, the Gent's Fur- nisher, is selling' remarkably Cheap. - - GLASGOW Murray Block, Albert Street. VP ext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE, JOB PRINTING FINE PRINTING. Tftejiuron}Iewsflecorii ADVERTISING , LOWEST RATES OCIFIC c.ame�aaeeavt A 'x a At - s(S ' .. r?tsaxttme,+rarrtes taxoser er, CROS CUT SAWS, CATTLE OHAINS• Nov., 1887. 0 M_,:_' acey Iron and Hardware Merchant, OT I1\T'i'O "e ay.