The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-30, Page 8"ausommoneumismomoneirms The Huron News -Record Wednesdab NoveuMer 30, *ss' LOCAL NEWS. lin and Around the Sown gia, LARGE QUANTITIES Or OLD COUNTRY GOODS are arriving at Dicksons Bookstore nearlyevery day -His Fall find Xmas Stook will soon be complete-Prieee away dowa to suit the times. 466. ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD taken in trade for goods at Dickson's Book - tore. 468 Ma. GEO. COCHRANE returned from Dakota Saturday. MR. WM. Twist: returned frm California last week. THE EMPIRE, the proposed Con- servative paper, will be "parturited" on the 15th day of December 1887. It will be published in Toronto. There isal splendid opening for- a people's city paper. HORSE SURGERY; -The horse of Mr. A. McIntyre, noticed in last issue as having had a silver tube in- serted in its wind pipe by Dr. Kenn- ing, is now hard at work in the shanties. -Pembroke Standard. J. S. MURPHY in the town hall Friday night. Murphyis an excel- lent actor himself and well sus- tained by a talented company. It is a standard one and gave un- alloyed satisfaction when. hero bo - fore. JUST So. -The corporation of Perth have had to fork over $600 to Mr. Barlow, in conse9u&nce of a suitbreught by him for damages caused, by his falling through a hole in a \defective sidewalk. What about the holes in Clinton side- walks 1 THE LAY!, HEAVY RAINS were badly needed.', The ground, seem - •ed dried up and, fall wheat had a poor chance withelit rain. In town and country many'lvelle had :gone dry ; some farmers Were compelled to team water for thiiii; houses and stock. There is a much etter pro- -------spect-for winter now. ART THOU THE MAN. ' his is the time when the man wh does not take a paper because he ca not afford it meets with two or tri •ee travelling confidence men, and gets• cheated out of euough money in one day to pay for' subscriptien to half a dozen papers from every county in the Province. WOULDN'T SHIRK HER DUTY. - She *as bravo - He -"Getting married seems to be very dangerous now. No fewer titan seven brides have been accidentally jailed on their wedding day this year." She (ingenuously) -"But no true woman will shirk her duty, Tom, through a craven fear of death." FORMER HURONITE HEARD FROM. -At the late Nov. election's, Mr. Allan McLean, formerly of Seaforth, and brother of M. Y. McLean of The Expositor, was elected, on the Republican ticket, county treasurer of Huerfano County, Colorado, where be has lived for a number of years peal. The office to which Mr. McLean has been elected is the best in the county from a pecuniary point Of view. 0 YEZ ! 0 Ynz !-When a settler in the Northwest territory wants to go back to Ontario to bo married, the Canadian Pacific railroad sells him a matrimonial ticket 'at the us- ual rate, and ou presenting the re- turn coupon and a marriage certifi- cate, he is entitled to free transport- ation for his bride. We expect to notice quite a large number of "bride - tickets" before next March.,. Already severalbf the expatriated "boys" are visitiug forthe winter the land of fair girls and the home of maidens free. PRACTICAL ADVICE. -Mr. T. J. Moorehouse, an old journalist, said the other day that he was surprised at some of the, eigns used by Clin- ton business Men. Many .of them are too indistinct altogether and puzzling to a stranger. The gentle- man believes in having all adver- tiaeing properly displayed, plain and attractive, and complimented THE NEWS -RECORD for its excel- lence iu this line. Mr. 3.doore- hens° was a successful business man, and hints from a gentleman of his ability aro well worth considering. THE NEWS -RECORD is second to none in Canada for properly displayed advet tisemen1s. Wut4 giAtorx, of Ooderich, tv• turned hone 4,0ttudey. Tau rightedoe and the ungodly stand or fall ou lipP911 . places these days, accordingto the grip the soles of their boots is able to take of the icy pavement. LEOTURE,-"Thp indium of the Northwest," is the subject of a lec- ture to bo delivered by Rev. A. D. MoDonald of Seaforth under the auspices of the W. F. M. 8. on Tuesday evening Dec. 6. in Willis chord, commencing at 8 p. m. Admission 15 cent. Tun Parkhill Gazette buildings with contents were completely de- stroyed by fire one night last week. It will be remembered that the proprietor, Mr. J. W. Green, took unto himself one of our fair young ladies a couple of months ago, and this scorching is rather an unpleas- ant addendum to the honeymoon. Mr. Green's loss is about. $2,000, covered by $1,000 insurance. He will get new plant at once and con- tinue the business as usual. HIS LATIN WAS RUSTY. -The Rappel tells the following anecdote: At a grand dinner party a guest as clumsy with hishand as he is witty drops a pleat of pickled -tongue- up- on Lha lap of his fair neighbor. "Pardon me, madam," cried he, "it is not the first lapaua linguie I have made to day," The laugh evoke by the clever hit set a stout fellow' who was not deeply learried'v, iu Latin to thinking. "I can do that as well," he thought to himself, and deliberately drops a mutton chop upon the lap of his unlucky neighbor, exclaiming at the same time: "Nothing but a lapsus linguie." A DRAMATIC INCIDENT. -A knight -not of the hose and buskin, but of the stove pipe fraternity, while engaged on a building in ward one day recently missed his foot ing and falling a distance of 'kever- al feot, alighted with one leg in the capacious maw of an unattractive and unctuous swill barrel, while the other found its way into the soft bosom of an ash barrel. Drawing himself out of the .compromising position, he mounted the top of the swill barrel and shouted in lang- uage unmistakably plain and clear, "A horse, a horse, my knightship for a -pair of pants," which came in due season. THE INTELLIGENT and Tribune. -"The grand jury at the recent high court at Welland were charged by the judge that an indictment for a certain offense up- on a girl mild not be maiutained uuless the girl was chaste. After hearing the evidence and agreeing to find a bill, one of the jurors hastily got up and said : "Gentle- men, hold on. We've overlooked something. The judge told us there must be evidence that the girl was chased first. Now we have heard nothing about her being chased by an-ybocy," A little quiet explana- tion of one of the mysteries of the English language enlightened the juror, and ho quietly subsided." GRIP'S COMIC ALMANAC for 1888 has been received, and is certainly a credit to the publishers. The six calendar pages are from designs by J. W. Bengough, and the whole series are about the best specimens of caricature drawing that we have yet seen from the pen of this clover artist. A. H. Howard, W. Ben- gough and other artists contribute e'sketches--a series of pictures illus- trating the House that Hash Built being particularly good, while the reading matter throughout is even bettor than hasappeared in previous years. Tho price is only 10 cents a copy, and you can get it atthe bookstores or send direct to GniF Office,' Toronto. REAvEmENT.-Wednesday last Mr. John Boles passed over to the Majority at the early age of 43 years. He was stricken down some two months ago with what was thought to be typhoid fever. And though occasionally rallying some- what there had been little hope of his recovery for the past week or so. Ho leaves a wife andfamily of four children, the oldest about 17. They will reap the benefit of the foresight of a kind husband and father, in the form of several thou- sand dollars life insurance. • Do• ceased was a good citizen with all the term iMplies. He was at one time a member of the firm of Thompson &Boles and afterward of Corbett & Boles of the Clintou Woolen Mills. KIND WORM -From time to time we aro highly complitnented on the excellei:ey of Tun NEWS- -R,F,GORD: A subscriber from the north remarked the other day that this journal was "the cleanest, neatest and best local paper iu the county, and took the lead in his section." Another subscriber; from Colborne, asks us to change his address and adds,that he "likes Tun NEWS RECORD very much." Still another, from 13ayfield, who has taken three county papers for a number of years, has come to the conclusion that "THE NEWS -RECORD more than fills the place of the trio" and paid for this journal a year in advance. Such practical testimony is very encouraging and we shall continue, our endeavors to keep THE NEwS-RECORD, what it now is, one of the, best publications in Wes - torn Ontario. HE KNEW HUMAN NAn-RE-,-1143--- had called at a house on Rattenbury St. and as he rose to go ho said: believe you wore out shooting on Thanksgiving day 1" "Yes." "Get much gamer "Ono little sparrow." "Hal ha ! ha That's about what I expected." "Good night." When the visitor had gone the wife of the sportsman indignantly said : "Why could you sit there e and lie in that bold way? you know you brought home five ducks and two grouse." "My dear wife," ho replied, "you don't know human nature. That man is now willing to take my word for $1,000. If I had told him of Cho game I ',really did bag, he would have gone away believing. mo to be the biggest liar in the country," • D•1"31'W' S'INZIO= 01,P Perlin Wools and Fingering Ulm 81:1.42Mti4, .A•'1" T-ADVir Photograph -Albums, .A.tatograpb. A..lbuinse Scrap .411burns,. Miscellaneous 13oolcs, BIBLES, WORCESTER'S AND WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARIES, MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE, CHAMBERS' E.1%.1CYCLOPIEDIA, &o., &c. LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER TO CHOOSE FROM AT REDUCED PRICES. CHRIS. DICKSON •••••,, • ._••••••• GEO. HANLEY, sr., is nursing a sore hand. THOS. WALKER has bought six lots noir the G. T. R. station from Geo. Bowers for $600. MRS. HERRIOTT will leave town this week to take up hot'residence n S t. Mary's. WR REGRET to learn of the con. tinned serious illness of Mr. James, Anderson. CAPT. Wm. S II EPPARD of Portage La Prairie, Man , is here among his many old friends once more. FARMERS should road, mark and inwardly digest what J. 0. Elliott has to say about fences. ST. PAULS CHURCH Bazaar tea, and ?promenade concert in the Town Hall December 7, Wednes- day of next week. PETER PERDUE, formerly of Gode- rich township, who went to Cali fornia a few weeks ago, has come back again owing to ill health. R. J. ANDERSON of Moosomin, Man., son of J. T. Anderson Gode- rich township, is back here on a visit. Mrs. Anderson accompanies him. CHANGE OF Min. -The after- noon train going south now loaves Clinton at 4:15 p. m., instead of 4,10, and the train going west will leave Clinton et 9:27 p. ni. instead of 9:20 as formerly. ANNIVERSARY in the Rattenbury street Methodist church Monday night. The church was crowded and old and young enjoyed them- selves. Total receipts $100.60. FOR THE OLD COUNTRY. -We had a call yesterday morning from Mr. Robert Howard, contractor, of Blyth. The gentleman loft ou the noon train for London, Eng, where he will spend the winter. It is eight years since ho visited the land -of --his birth. We wish him a a safe journey. SHOT THE WRORG Man. -Miss McMurchy, of Norwich, who bad vitriol thrown at her a few weeks ago, is determined to become au efficient shot, and a young man named McDonald volunteered .to teach her to fire with a revolver. Word was received in the town to- day that whilst the two were prac- ticing a friend canto up, and in handling the pistol it went off, and McDonald was • shot in the leg. The wound is a very serious one. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Clintou Driving park Associationi the following gentlemeh were elect- ed directors: T. C. Doherty, D. B. - Kennedy' 0. S. Doan, S. Copp, C. .Andrews, J. Johnston, I. Ratten- bury, D. Dickenson, L. Kennedy. The old officers. were re-elected. A surplus of $225 was shown and arrangements inado to have it invest- ed until next meeting. After con- `gratulations on the success of the Association iu stimulating the im- provement of the finer class of horses, and suggestions as to the bestruode of tiirecting their efforts iii, the future for the common good the meeting was•adjourned, FRIENDLY VISITORS. - Thursday of last week we had a call from Mr. T. S. Moorhpuse, of Bayfield, genuine whole-soulod gentleman, oue of the olden time. We were glad to see him, and to renew ac- quaintance'with his estimable lady at the Rattenbury House whefe they put up. It must have seemed like old times to Mr: Moorhouse when he looked around our office, he having for years been in the newspaper publishing business hint - self -In the afternoon of same day that prince of jovial Irishman, take him physically or intellectually, Mr. B. McCormack, of Goderich, give us a warm hand shake. But there is a dark lining to every cloud, and though we were heartily glad to see our old friend, we were much grieved to learn of the cause of his visit to our town -to accom- pany tho remains of his deceased brother-in-law, Rev. Fr. McManus, to Goderich, which arrived by the evening train from the south. Though 11,13 agree to differ from Mr. McCormack when he brings to bear historical treasures from his well stored mind, and by logical and forcible application of them doesn't " leave us a leg to stand upon " in a conversational symposium, we can strike hands with him in token of thorough sympathy with him and the friends of the late Fr. Mc- Manus on the loss of so able, useful and promising an ornament of his church and race. THE TOWN BESIEGED BY Life Insurance .A.G-MOM•141131- OOK AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A Lt -HOME COMPANY': PER $1,000,---., A 00 so I9et! for 18,8,5, .1104:L1886 5,1 80 05 41 0 54 40 44 14 • 5 93 " 45 " " " .. 7 59 50 '‚" . 8 88 " 00 " " .. 14 97 437 Definite Insurance at the above rates. See ine hoforo you insure in any company and understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost for 55,000 was about 535 for 1885; also for 1886. See us before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent EXHIBITION FREE ! -OF THE - PRODUCTS -0E- MANITOBA. The North-West Territories and British Columbia. -TfIE- CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBITION CAR Will be at the undermentioned stations as follows : Ingersoll G.T.R. Station Deo. 5th 8.00 A. 0. TO 8.00 P. 0. London G.T.R.Talbot St.Deo. 6th 8.00 A. 51 TO 8.000. ' Exeter G. T.R. Station, Deo. 7th 9.00 A. M. TO 0.00 P. M. Hensall G.T.R.Station,Deo.7 & 8 7 -T11;6700 -P 0 TO 8.00 00, 8T11,8 A:11.TO 9.30k-M- Wingham G. T.R. Station, Dec, 8th 11.00 A. 0. TO 100 0. 0. Lueknow G.T.R.Station,Deo. 8th 4.00 P. 0. TO 8.00 P. 0. Kincardine G.T.R. Station,Deo. 9th. 8.00 A. 0. T9 5.00 P. 0. Clinton G.T.R.Station, Deo 10th 8.00 A. 0. T0800 0. 31. All are cordially invited. Don't fail' to seo the products of 1887. • COUNTY Crimean, meets, Thuisday of this week, at Goderich. WHAT WE MAY F.YPT:CT bet my boots,"said an old fellow' from away out in Puslinch" on Monday, speaking very emphati- cally, if .not very elegantly -"I'll bet my boots that thisisn't winter - (it was cold that Monday, with,quite a bit of snow'on the ground) -and that 'winter won't set in until we have heavy rains. I have lived fifty years or more in Canada, and I never saw winter set in before the creeks and' sivainpa were well filled with water. Why, just now there ain't enough water in the creeks to give the cattle a drink, while the swamps are as dry as the barn floor. Old Canada must be:mightily do - moralized if winter iigoints to set- tle down before these littrerthings, - aro properly fixed up. But don't you boys fret, we'll have soaking rains yet before winter grips us tight !" Hope our old friend is right, but -well we guess we'd better say nothing about it. -Galt Reporter. •..-- • -The contract for the harbor improvements at Goderich, has been let to David Porter, of Wiartott, for tho sum of $17,000. -Miss Dimsdale, the lady evengelist, is about, to begin a series of special services in Victoria avenue Methodist church, Chatham. -Mr. E. F. Clark, of the Townto Sentinel, is squarely in the field as candidate for the Mayor's chair. His chances of being elected are said to bo excellent. -Six hotel keepers are now confined in the Middlesex County Jail, five for breach of the Scott Act and one for infraction of the Crooks Aut. -4r. David McKay of the 12th concession of McKillop, dug a well lately for Mr. Paisley of McKillop, 57 ft deep, stoned it and finished it up complete in 7 days and a half -Last week Mr. Thomas Carter of Hibbeet, cut, eplit and piled ten cords of long wood on the farm •E Mr. L. Schohlice, 4th concession, 'Tuck °remit 11,,,j.it _two Ans.. and - a half. • ' • • gun o It will pay every purchaser of Clothing to drive miles, to see what we can do in the way of Slylisk an We11I-Ilic Cid* Our Prices are THE LOWEST in the County of Huron, QUALITY and MAKE considered, and the best evidence we can offer is the big quantity we are selling every week. Or We Manufacture all Our Own Goods, Which means a good deal to the purchaser in the matter • of FIT and STYLE. Our $0 & $10 Overcoats Have had a wonderful sale agli they have been pro: nounced over and over again to be THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTY. Our BOY'S OVERCOAT $2.50 Is worth the consideration of all buyers. It is really a Great Bargain and should be seen to be appreciated. If you want a • . KNOCK -ABOUT SUIT Come and see our Wonderful $7.00 Suit! JAOI(SON BROS THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. THE " HUB ." Clothing House Is showing a large stock of interTweeds Which for Price and Quality are good value. All who are in need of a Winter Suit, Overcoat, or Pair of Pants, Will find it to their advantage to call on us and compare Prices and Workmanship before purchasing elsewhere. Remember • When looking for a Suit, as our prices are based upon the lowest possible margin, our expense g of business are light, so that we can afford to cut close and still remain in the ring. CI C. Rance k - The Hub Clothing. floithe, Clinton.