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The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-30, Page 5
li TI-IEY CAME TO Ti !AT CONCLUSION A LONG TIME AGO -THE PEOPLE WE MEAN. —That the right way to do business is to give the— Best Possible Value i, the Least Possible Money • Our Mantle Dep 't ire Full force Under the. same management. That's her business : to Cut and Fit PERFECT GARMENTS, and nothing else, and we Guarantee Satisfaction every time. We Believe in Specialties. Oot wand See Ours. —0—0-0-0-0— GEO. E PAY & CO.'Y, The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. Printing in Gold, Printing in Colors, Printing in Plain, and Fancy Printing, in the bast style known to the craft, at vary reasonable rates, at the News•Record office. -Rev. William Burns, formerly a:Methodist minister; was received into the Catholic Church in Ottawa one day last week. -Rev. Mr. Robinson, who has been incumbent of St. Paul's church, Wingham, is going to Japan as a missionary before long. -A cattle quarantine station has has been established atPoint Edward, under the survey of rho port of Sar- nia which is the only station in On- tario at which cattle can bo import- ed from the United States. -The jury in the case of Charles E. Henry, of London, who shot and killed Ellie Moore. at Denver, Col., a short time ago, returned a verdict that the shooting was done while Henry was temporarily insane. -Mr. George Awty, of Mitchell, was found dead in his room at the Royal hotel about 1.25 p.m. last Wed• nesday. It is thought that he died pre- vious night about 6 o'clock. I -Ie died of apoplexy. Ile was an old hael e,,, for and had considerable means. • -It is said that the biggest price paid for a weanling colt was that paid by Arthur Caton, of Chicago, to J. V. Striker for Delphos, a soli of Nutwood, and a grandson on his dam's side of Harold, the sire of Mantl S. He fetched at auction $3,- 750. -The mob of Quebeck having mede several fierce attacks on the salvation army lately, Mayor Lalgelier has written the Arley, asking them not to parade the streets in a body until Wednesday -next, when he will give them rein• forced protection. It is rumored that'a meeting will take place for the purpose of organizing a mob to attack the Army and their protec- tors on Wednesday, should they parade. A large uumber of re- bolvera were purchased yester. day. -There aro half a dozen petis tions for the repeal of the Scott Act awaiting the action of the De- partment of Justice, at Ottawa, as to whether they . are in proper shape or whether any of the ob- jections tiled against some of the petitions are valid. The petition fol• the repeal of the Act in Stan, stead, Que„ will shortly be parsed upon. It purports to contain 1,500 signatures. A petition •against it,. however; containing ten objections has been filed. The emission to number the names is not a valid one, though $he torn) supplied by the Department requires number- ing. ---Li1T...T6aSr©etlll�` CDBB- Rae tiT at the Fingal division court. Alex. Coban and Alex. McCollum each were the owners of heifer calves which were as like as two peas. Both were pastured on the Muncey Reserve and loth strayed away. McCollum obtained poasession of one which he believed to be his, John Coban was just an positive the animal wan his, and replevined it, and suit was brought to decide the ownership. - Akot#t twenty witness- es were examined, one half of whom swore the animal belonged to plain- tiff and the others were equally certain the animal was McCollum's, Judgment was reserved until the judge should nee the calf. -Miss Rendan, of Chicago, 19 years old; wan buried on Wednes- day. Her death wa t unexpected) though the young lady had tits of vomiting for many days. No docs tor was able to discover sift) cause of her death. On the day.' before her death she was seized with a more violent paroxysm than ever before. There was a choking sen• sation in her throat, and finally there wan forced up from her stofnach a Targe young snapping - turtle with a shell as large as a silver half dollar. The physician in attendance said the patient be- came unconscious and almost ims mediately began to swell up in her Botha like one afflicted with dropsy. she never rallied. It is believed the turtle grew from a germ awal- lowed in water from Lake Michigan. The News -Record, CLINTON, ONTARIO The Leading Conser- vative Journal of the County of Huron. Bright, Incisive, Thoughtful Editorials, The Choicest Rending, Local (1 tppcoings, District News, County News, Canadian News, Eta, Etc., Etc. $1.25 a Peva! Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50cts. a 'bottle Sold by all druggists. 443-3m. ' MARRIAGES• - 1lowAltn—JoRDAIN.—At the residt.mce of the brides' Lather, on October 20th, by tho Rev. Alex. Stewart, Fred Howard, of Scaforth, to Mary J., third daughter of Alex. Jordain, of Clinton;KNIGIIT-ELLIOTT.—At St. Stephen's church llnt•on road, Goderich Toavnship, on Wednesday 23rd Nov., by Rev, Mr. Racey, W.I [. Kniglrtoto Elizabeth Jane, only daughter of Mr. Archie Elliott, all of Goderich township. At this season of the year every- one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by all druggists. 443-3m. SALE REGISTER Parties getting their sale bills printed fit this office will get a free advertisment under this heading until date of sale. In the majority of cases it is worth as much as the bills. ON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30th. -Farm stock and implements sit lot 37. con. 1I, East Wawanosh, at ono o'clock p• in. C. Hamilton, auctioneer, Thos. A. Powell, proprietor. ' ON FRIDAY, DEC. 2 -Farm stock, new. and second-hand sleighs, cutters, arc., at the village of Kinburn, at 1 o'clock p. m. C. Hamilton, auct. ; A. A F. Hall, props. WEDNESDAY, DEC. T --Stallion, mares colt, lumber wagon and harness, on the Forks Farm, . Maitland con., •Goderich township, at 2 o'clock p. m. F. R. Powell, Vendors Solicitor.,D. Dickson, Auctioneer. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) GLI1NTON. 84 -00 -to -4-30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 7& to 0 80 Spring Wheat " 0 75 to 0 80 Barley .. 0 50 to 0 75 Oats ..0 30 to 0 314 Peas 0 57 to 0 58 Applee,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes .. 0 50 to 0 60 Butter 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs 0 18 to 0 18 Hay 800 to 9 00. Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 000 to 000 Wool - 0 24 to 0 25 APPLES WANTED. NATANTED, 20,000 BARRELS OF HARVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CANTELON, 453—tf Clinton. Town Hall, Clinton, ' ' ONE NIGHT ONLY, FRIDAY, DEC..2NO: The distinguished frill, Comedian and Vocalist, J. S. MURPHY In Fan:). MAasnt:N's greatest of all Irish Drama, —Til KERRY G O W Played by hien with unparalleled success for eight, coneeeutive seasons in all the principal cities and leading theatres 1. America. A CO.OEDY•DRAMA WITIHOUT EQUAL.' Presenting not only Realistic Pictures of Life and Love in the Emerald Isle But an every -day tale In EVERY LAND. Supported by tho Talonted young leading Actrels VIRGINIA MARLOW. And a Superb Dramatic Company, )jItISII ,WIT, IRISII SONGS Price', 55c. and 50e., Reserved Beate to bo bad at Jackson Bros. U weeds We offer to -day, and as long as any of the Goods remain unsold, Agr 30 Pieces of ALL -WOOL TWEED, about .1000 Sr I *dr 4" Yards. Regular price of these Goods 75c. Price per yd. for this Sale Also, about 200 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, from ,5 to 10 Yards, at HALF PRICE. o--ro 0 0 NO GUESSING OF BEANS OR LOTTERY SCHEMES -224 In order to secure these Bargains. OPEN TO ALL. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. The FARMER'S FRIEND + 1) 1 11 WILL FIND THIS FENCE AS ADVANTAGES THAT NO OTHERt11..J. J1rul� FENCE 11 AS. The brackets can be mode in the winter time, or on wet day's. The brackets will keep in position until they are completely' worn out, as they brace one another. When they require renewing it can ho done by sh:upening short stakes and driving them down at the ends of the brackets and fastening with clips ut wire. They are then as strong as when first built. A boy can build this fence and keep it good ui,til he is an old man. Thu next advantage is the ground can be raised up with the plow as they c are no posts iri the way, and a few dabs with the spade in the plow furrow will be deep enough for the ends of the brackets. 13y putting the bracicets 14 inches in the ground they will be as solid as posts 3 feet in the ;;round. 300 small rails will build 40 rods of fence, 00 radio for brackets, and 240 rails will make the fence, 4 rails high, that will defy the breathiest aninim or the greatest wind storm. The proprietor claims for this fence : 1 --That it is the most serviceable and ('arable rail fence iu use. 2--1t is the cheapest and -most substantial fence made. ;;--It is cosi!,) constructed road urn be made out of rails. 4 -It will not be displaced by Lost. 5- it can be oasrly and quickly repaired ; if rails should break they can be replaced with little trouble, as they do not rest on one another, and are not tangled up with the wire. 6-1t is the best moveable fence in use. 7. -Wire Fences are everywhere being condemned, as they get out of order too easily by X3=� changes in the ,,eat ler• They have also proved hurtful to cattle, and thousands of dollars have b( en lost in that way. V o are confident that our fence will meet the requiremente of the farmers who have fencing to do, and we can show testimonials from good farmers to that effect. Farm or 'Township (tights fol Salt,. For information apply or write to JOHN O. ELLIOTT, CLINTON, ONT. SALE BILLS, cheap and artistic, at Tus News llecoan office. 1\AR11 FOR SALE.—For sale, the north half of lots 51 and 52, in the lot concession of tho Township of Turnberry, containing 100 acres: over 70 cleared, good frame. house; barn and stable; situated 4 miles from Wroxeter and 3 miles from Bluevale. Will he sold cheap and on •casrt.erms. Apply to 61. alc'rAGtLtlir,Clinton; 469.tf NOTICE TO TIIE TAXPAYERS. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with a resolution of the Council, all trues due the municipality must he paid before the 14th of December next, at which time the roll will be returned. Ratepayers will please govern them- selves accordingly. GEO. TEDFORD, Collector. Clinton, Nov. 8, 1887. 400.4t Q TRAY STOCK ADVER- T.._. TISEMENTS inserted in THE Nxwe Racoma at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to :advertise stray stock. If you want any kind of advertising, you cannot do better than call on "The News Record," moire; PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. -Advertisers will find "The 11 1;:. Newsdtecord" one of the best mediums In the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Reeerd"_.The Double Circulation Talks to Thousand.. Rates as low at, any. BUTCHERING BUSINESS—THE UNDER. signed wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that In order to suitably meet the demands of his very hunter. ous customers, he has bought out the business of Mr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, with the choicest meats in season. Every effort will be nlsde to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit and rr.celve a fair shares of public patronage. Lowest priest, for large orders. Fanners' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. DKESS MAKING..—Sire. Campbell, of London has opened Drees Making Roonae over the Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay & Co., with first. tins assistants. She le in a position to turn out work equal to any In the city. She respectfully askear trlaf-nrder. •-ittsoma-ovar GEO. E. PAY •& C0'S, Dry Goods Store. JNTRANCE EXAMINATION—The Entrance i Examinatipn for admission to lligh Schools and Collegiate'inetitutes will be held In CLIN• TON, SEAFORTU and WINf11UAM, on Wednes- day Thursday and Friday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days of DECEMBER next, commencing at 1.30 P. M. -Wednesday, All candidates who in. tend to write will send their names and addressee to the undersigned not later than the let Dec. They will also inform him at which place they wish to write. Drawing Copy No 5 will be the one required. A fee of 60 cents will be required from each candidate, payable to the$ presiding Examiner.—This is to assist in defraying the expenses of the examination. D. MAcG. MALLOCII, Inspector. BOARDERS WANTED. A few ln(ly or gentlemen boarders can have board and room accommodation at the private residence of SIRS. NOBLE, lately occupied by Str. Diehl, Victoria street, Clinton. 364•tt BIG -SACRIFICE WooIIen Goods. As we intend closing our Woollen Mill here, we offer from now till Dec. 31st, our Great Variety of Stock at Cast foe Cash. We have an excellent stock of Fine & Coarse Tweeds, Car- digan Jackets, Fine Flannels, Top Shirts, Shirts and Draw- ers for Men and Boys. Wo have Plain and Check Flannels of our own make, Yarns, Sheeting, White and horse Blankets. The equal of which were never before pro- duced, and all must be cleared out before the abwo date. Clinton Woollen Kills, D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. 466-tf T. H. GRAHAM, Manager. 5, • Now is the time to get your FALL & WINTER OVERCOAT and SUITS DYED and PRESSED to look nearly as good as new, before the rush be• gins, at Dominion Dye and Clea.nslu,, Esteblisimrept, Victoria. Street, P.S.-Don t forget that ,this lo the only place in the town where -clothing -is cleansed, repaired and pressed to look nearly as good as new. 403 y A. W. CAItSLAKE, Proprietor. "Hamilton Spectator" MORNING, EVENING, WEEKLY, The Leading LiberalConservative Newspaper of Canada. GET THE WEEKLY SPECTATOR ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. • Bright, Incisive, Able Editorials, The Complete News of the Day, Tho Choicest Miscellaneous Reading. Serial Stories by the Best Authors, Dr. Talmago's Great Sermons, The Fullest Market Reports, The Choicest Humor, EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY. THE SPECTATOR never misses news, is never dull, and never shirks a public ques- tion. It is always clean and strong. $1.00 Will purchase for you for a year the WEEKLY SPECTATOR, tlio best Conserva- tive journal and the hest weeklynewspaper in Canada, Unusually liberal commission to agents. Address THE SPECTATOR, Hamilton, Ont. Clubbing =Rates. Tin. WEEKLY SSPEG'rATOR from now to January, 1889, and THE IlunoN NEws- REcoieD one year, 1'c•r $ . Now is the time to get, at a low figure, two of the most reliable and independent county and city journals in the Dominion. Address, THE NEws•REconn, Clinton. TO THE FARMERS ! Study.' your own interest and go where you can get Reliable Harness, I manufacture none but the Best OP STOCR. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live. re Call and got prices. Orders by mail promplyattended to r7OIIN T. CARTER, IIAIINESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT. GETTING READY FOR - CHRISTMAS ! Fresh Arrivals Almost Every Day. Splendid value in ALBUMS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, PLUSH COMPANIONS, BIBLES, PURSES, VASES, ANNUALS, DOLLS, TOYS, SLEIGHS, &c., &c. WM. COOPER BEAVER I3LOCK 1300K §TORE. FURS. FURS. J. Co DETLOR R CO. Have purchased at a BIG SACRIFICE a lot of Ladies' and Gent's Furs, Gaps, Muffs & Capes. During December they will offer the above at A — B=G- - 1R,Jb_;IY- CTICN On Regular Prices, Bargains in Ladies and Gent's Wool ° Underclothing and Men's Overcoats. A Case of DRESS GOODS at a Reduction of 25 per Cent. n—o J. C. DETLOR & CO. The Sleepless and Restless Jeweler RQB. W. COATS, H.1S 61 ME Another Big Reduction lithe Price of Watches SEND nit ONE OF HIS $2.75 WATCHES. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Wanted, 100;000 Economical Buyers to come and'see our New Stock. BARGAINS FOR ALL. -HAVING REMOVED MY STOCK OF GOODS TO A MUCH LARGER PLACE, I am now prepared to show my stock to better advantage, where the Public can satisfy thomselyes as to QUALITY and QUANTITY, more particularly the LOW PRICES I am selling at. Call and examine for ycurself and yon will go away satisfied that GLASGOW, the Gent's Fur- nisher, is selling reinarkably Cheap. GEO. GLASGOW!, Murray Block, Albert Street, tY Next Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. JOB PRINTING FINE PRINTING Tfte fluron NewsBecnrd 1 ADVERTISING LOWEST RATES 1111/11111 wilding Paper, CROSS CUT SAWS, CATTLE CHAINS. R. M. flacey Nov., 1887. Iron and Hardware. Merchant, CT I I• O 3f.