The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-23, Page 6y • iP If i�. ly • PEgPtE. WEA -, --TI fat , he, Iii Iit Way to do busiuess is to give the— ,esbPosstb1e Value w the Least o stb1n 'Puy 'u . fur Mantle Dp 't in Full Farce. Under the same management. That's her. business •: to Cut and Fit PERFECT GARMENTS, and notbing.else, and we Guarantee Satisfaction every time. 10, We Believe in specialties. Come andsee Ours. EO. E. PAY & CO.'Y, The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. The London Tinges states that the Pope disapproves of the conduct of the people in Ireland. The Conrt of Queen's Bench has quashed the verdict of. the coroner's jury in the Mitchellstown shooting case. The Ontario Government has authorised the oij'eri/g of $1,000, reward for the detectiou of the Orangeville dynstuiters. The works. of the Hancock, Mich., Chemical Company were blown up by dynamite one day Iast week, and of six men who worked in them not a trace could be found. —It is reported that two children, while returning honta from school, near High Praririe, Rice County, Minnesota Iast Friday, were attacked by wolves, and before assistance could reach then they were devoured. A fow days before a man was pur• Hued and attacked by wolves in the same vicinity, and it was only after a long flight that he escaped. • —.On Sunday, the 13 -year-old son of blr. P. Campbell, Esquesing, wins_ en the mountain, and while sitting en a portion of rock overhanging a precipice, the rock gave away, precipitating the youth to the bot- tom below, a distance of between .KO and 60 feet, breaking both arms at the wrist) also both thighs, two of bis rilis, and cutting himself severe- ly on the forehead. and chin. He, now lies'in a very precarious •con• . ditiom. The wonder is he was not killed outright. —Two - rather severe shocks of earthquake were felt. in Bryson, Pontiac County, on Sunday evening, shortly after sever, o'clock. Service Was going on in the Presbyterian church at the time and the chande• liers and lamps shook and rattled forcibly. The worshippers. felt the floor under them vibrate. The shockk'appe,are l to he travelling northwest to southeast. Crockery and glasses rattled in tiie houses. One young ratan in a house sitting ip a chair with his head leaning • back against the wall of .the room, had •his head shaken two 'or ' three times against the wall. • —Two freight trains that left Hamilton for London on Sunday morning about thirty minutes apart came in collision in the evening near Dorchester, the engine of the second train crashing into the near of the first.. The engine of No. 2 train had its pilot broken off and several cars were damaged. Conductor Brophy and Engineer Mapleback had charge of the rear train, while Conductor Begets and Engineer Farr controlled the first. About four o'clock in the afternoon a freight from London going west broke in two at T(omoka. The, engineer slabkened,speed, and the rear section of the train ran into the forward part. Six cars were derailed and. considerable damage resulted. The section of the At- lantic express from Chicago, via Chicago & Grand. Trunk had not reached London at 9,15 p. nr. The cause of delay is said to he a .biock• ade at Battle Creek, Mich., where ,the snow is several feet deep and packed hard by a fierce blizzard. Grit Purity Again. Campbell, the Grit M. P. for Kent, has been unseated, and the Judge believes he should have been disqualified but gives him the bene- fit enefit of a doubt. Mr. Justice Osler has given judgemut in the charges of personal bribery against Mr. Campbell. He said the charge was ,supported by the evidence of Te• trault's Son, corroborated by the entry in the books. On the other side, it was denied by Campbell and O'Neil. The case was one that had even slim groat embfrrarsarent, and where every con.sidertttion had to be Carefully balanced. The charge was a driminnl one, and a judge had to approach it in the same wrThe--onus of proof rested on the prosecutor. After careful consideration, he had concluded that the evidence was not strong enough to disqualify the re- spondent—not that he discredited Tetrault's statement but he felt it not sufficient to justify a conclusion followed by so serious consequences. After briefly reviewing the evi- dence be said Tetrault was in his opinion truthful and conscientidus in his statements, but he might be mistaken. O'Neil did use,ianguage that would justify suspicion, but there was the improbability of a shrewd roan like Campbell so coni. ntitting himself. He hal strong doubts on this point in his grind, hut he could not determine without a ilouht against the respondent, so he was bound to give him the bene• fit of it. In- regard to the corrupt practice( several eases of bribery had been proved, in one case the agency being admitted, and there. fore HE DECLARED MR. CAMPBELL'S ELEC TION VOID. • He was satisfied that corrupt prac- aces had largely. prevailed throughs out the Riding, and he would 50 ro• port to Parliament, and it would he the duty of Parliament to further investigate it. He ruled that the petitioner was entitled to general eosts except on those uharges- which - were tried and failed. He gave costs in the.pe r's0nal charges, as they were sufficiently' veli fouriied to require investigation. He had found the hiring of canvassers not personal bribery, but it was with a heat Ileal of diffidence he rules that wary, and he tru:,ted a change would be made in the election law to put a stop to such .practises. ' HEAR HIS GROANING. One of our wealthiest Waterloo County farmers has :been r(•adiug Cartwright's " great speech " at Ingersoll, and the figures and be- wailings of the knight of despair have made our good 'friend fairly groan. fie has been reading the ex - .Minister of Deficits' graphic descrip- tion of the public debt, and the poor fellow has hardly had a wink's sleep since. The other day he was in this office, and told of all the deep de- spair to which wicked Toryism has brought us, when we put a few questions to him as follows : We told hini that though he is a man worth from twenty to thirty thousand dol- lars he didn't pay ten dollars a year to this terrible debt. IIe admitted that he didn't drink whisky, beer, nor any other beverage, nor use any tobacco, so of course he didn't pay a cent of excise tax. He is a plain man and wears all Canadian made Clothes, so he paid little or nothing in the way of duty on dry. goods. The only article he pays any thing on in the way of duty is his sugar and even some of that he boils him- self'. The tar, he pays to the collec- tor goes every cent of it to the schools, the making of roads and other municipal improvements, so when closely questioned, with all his wealth, ho couldn't possibly figure out ten dollars a year which he paid towards keeping this frightful debt afloat. All these facts made him somewhat open his eyes and the very heavy burden was apparently lighten- ed from his shoulders. There was also a perceptible diminution in the loud- ness of his groans. Now this is no imaginary case, nor the man one below the ordinary grade of intelli- gence, and we doubt if nine out of ten of our average well-to•dofarners —especially those of the Grit persua- sion—are not similarly depressed with some ill defined idea that their very life blood is crushed out of them by the evils of Toryism. Much more might be said•on the subject, but we think our readers will from this ac- tual bit of experience—he being the, one of the best known farmers in the county—be thoroughly satisfied of the folly and wickedness of those who go about crying down the coun- try and with false Dries trying to tine'ettietrlie-people,—Berlin–Newth We offer to -day, and aS long as any of the Goods remain unsold, 1.• 30 Pieties of ALL -WOOL TWEED, about 1000Asp Yards. Regular price of these Roads 75c. Price per yd. for this Sale • Also, about 200 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, from 5 to 10 Yards, at HALF PRICE. 0 0 0 0 afeti NO GUESSING OF BEANS OR LOTTERY SCHEMES �r In order to secure these Bargains. OPEN TO ALL. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. AUCTION SALE BILLS,—Tns NI w•s-REConn guarantees flrst•elass work and ad cheap as any office west of Toronto. At this season of the year every- one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses anti enriches the blood, Price. 50 cts., sold by all druggists. 443-3m. BIRTHS. In Blyth, on the Path inst.., the wife of Mr. Edward \yatsolt,cattle buye•,of a son. Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50ots. a bottle Sold by all druggists. 443-3m. SALE REGISTER Parties getting their sale bills printed nt this office will get a free advertfsntent under this heading until date of sale, In the majority of cases it Is worth as much as the bills. ON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30th,—Farm stock and implements at lot 37', eon. 11, East Wawanosh, at ooe o'clock p. m, C. Hamilton, auctioneer, Thos. A. Powell, proprietor. Ox WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23—Farm stock and implements, in the village of Blyth, at 1 o'clock p.m. C. Hamilton, auction- eer; J. Colclough, proprietor. Ori MONDAY, Nov. 28—Farm stock, implements and steam threshing machine complete, on lot 21, est. 11, township of West Wawanosh, at 1 o'clock p. in. C. Hamilton, auctioneer; Wm. Coulter, prop, ON FRIDAY, DEC. 2—Farm stock, new and soeend-hand sleighs, cutters, &c., at the village of liitfburit, at 1 o'clock R. M. C. Hamilton, auct. ; A. & F. Hall, props. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $4 OQ Fall'Wheat, new & old 0 75 Spring Wheat 0 75 Barley .. 0 50 Oats................ , 0 28 Peas 0 53 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1. 00 Potatoes s . 0 50 Butter s Hgay Cordwood ..018 0 18 8 00 3 00 Beef0 00 Wool ................. 0 24 --------game»-.. --- to 430 to 0 80 to 0'80 to 0 75 to 0 30 to 0 55 to 1 50 to 060 to -0 20 to 0 18 to. 9 00 to 4 00 to 0 00 to 02% ,NOTIOE. • f IIE CCUNC1LOF THE CORPORATION OF the County of Huron will meet In the Court House, in;the Town ofjGoderich, on Thursday, the first day of December next. PETER ADAMSON, Nov. 14, 1887. County Clerk' JIARM'FOR SALE.—•For sale, the north half 1 of lots fl and 59, in the 1st cocession of the Township of 'rurnberry, containing 100 sieves: over 70 cleared, good frame house, barn and stable; situated 4 miles from Wroxeter and 3 utiles from Rluevale. Will he sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to M. McTAGOAla, Clinton. 4694f NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS:—Notice is hereby given that in accordance with a resolution of the Council, all taxe9 due the municipality ,oust he paid -before the -doth of December next, at which time the roll will be returned. Ratepayers will -please govern them- selves accordingly. GEO, TEDFORD, Collector. Clinton, Nov, 8, 1887. 469.4t SERVANT WANTED. A FEMALE SERVANT to do general house- ▪ work. One .accustomed to children .pre - ferret:. Apply .at once to MRS. STEWART at the SLense. Clinton., Nov. 1st, 1887. 468tf ; 1TRA 2 Ii STOC1DYER- •TiSEMENTS inserted in THE —""""."'(. • NEWS RECORD it low rates. 'Pito law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock. if yon want any kind of advertising, you cannot do better than call on "The News•itecord," • PROPERTY FORSALE OR RENT,—Advertisers will find "The 13 J cocln Dc ; News•Record" one of the best mediums in the Comity of Moon. Advertise in "Tho News-Record"—The Double .Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates es low as any. BL'TCHERiNO BUSINESS—THE UNDER - .. signed wishes•to intimate• 4o• -the reopte of Clinton and snri•ot,nding country, that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very numer- ouscustomers, he has bought'ont the business of Mr, R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, with rho choicest meats In season. Every effort will be made to meet the wants of x11, and he hopes to merit and rtcelvo a fair share of public patronage. Lowest prices for large odes. Farmers' trade a specialty, ALBERT 'MAY. CRESS :HARING. --Mrs. Campbell, of London J J has opened Dress Making Rooms over the Dry Good Store of Geo, E. Pay & Co., with fl rst- classass,stants, She is in a position to turn nut work equal to any in the city. She respectfully asken trial order. Rooms over GEO. E. PAY & CO'S, Dry Goods Store. BOARDERS WANTED. A fdtv lady or gentlemen boarders can have hoard and room accommodation nt the private residence of MRS, NOBLE, lately occupied by Sir. Diehl, Victoria street, Clinton. 364 tf APPLES WANTED. WN AED, 20,00 BARRELS OP 11AiiVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D, CANTELON, -47(-11 Clinton. • CARD Now is the time to get I our FALL & WINTER OVERCOAT and suns. DYED and PRESSED to look nearly as good as new, before the rush be - glee, at Dominion Dre rued Cleansing ' Establlehrnent, Victoria Street. P.S,—Don t forget that this is the only place ip the town whore clothing is cleansed, repaired and pressed to look nearly as good as new. 408 y A. 1V, r,A1iSLAKE, Proprietor. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION—The Entrance •Examination for admission to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will be held in CLIN- TON, SEAFORTU and WING1IAM, on Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days of DECEMBER next, commencing at 1.30 P.'31. 'Wednesday, All candidates who In- tend to write will seud their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the 1st Dec. They will also inform bin, at which place they wish to write, Drawing Copy No 5 will be the one required. A fee of 60 cents will be required from each candidate, payable to the presiding Examiner.—This is to assist in defraying the •expenses of the examination. D. MAC°. MALLOCII, Inspector. BIG - SACRIFICE WooIIen Goods. As we intend closing oar Woollen Mill here, we offer from now till Dec. 31st, our Great Variety of Stock at Cost for Cash. We, have an excellent stock of Fine & Coarse Tweeds, Car- digan Jackets, Fine Flannels, Top shirts, Shirts and Draw- ers fo: Men and Boys. We have Plain and Check Flannels of our own make, Yarns, Sheeting, White and Horse Blankets. The equal of which were never before pro- duced, and all must be cleared out before the ab)ve date. • Clinton Woollen l[lllsi D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. 466-tf T. H. GRAHAM, Manager. Printing in (.old, Printing in Colors, Printing in Plain, and Fancy Printing, in the hest style known to the craft, at very reasonable rates, at the News.Recard °thee. "Hamilton Spectator 11 KID GLOVES! 0 . C. DEMOB & (HI. (-lave just opened out a full range of FRENCH KID GLOVES. EThey guarantee every pair of them "Durable and (Molds, Dleclal" make. DRESS GOODS—A fresh lot of New and Stylish Dress Goods PLUSHES—Nearly every color in Plusltes. MANTLE CLOTHS—Their stick is immense. MILLINERY—Their stock of Millinery is now very attractive. BARGAINS IN LADIES' & CI1ILD1,EN'S WOOL HOSE. J. C. DETLOR & CO. The Sleepless and Restless Jeweler ROB. W. COATS IIAS MADE :mother Big Reduction in the Price of Watches SEND FOR ONE OF 1115 $2.75 WATCHES. MUILNIN(, EVEN) 1(,, WEEKLY, The Leading LiberalConservative. I FIRE !• FIRE i FIRE I Newspaper of Canada. o e • „ ■ GET THE WEEKLY SPECTATOR ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Bright, Incisive, Able Editorials, The Complete News of the -Day, The Choicest Miscellaneous Reading. Serial Stories by the Best Authors, Dr. Tabnage's Great Sermons, . , Thu Fullest Market Reports, The Choicest Humor. EVERYTHING EOR EVERYBODY. 'l'It•E SPi'es'A'ror never misses news, is never dull, and never shirks a Public spies - Hon. 'It is always clean and strong. $1.00 Will .purchase for you for a year the WEEKLY 85,55'TATel(, the best Conserva- tive journal and the best weekly newspaper in Canada. Unusually liberal commission to agents. Address THE SPEcs'sro:, 1lantilton, Ont. Clubbing Rates. THE WEEKLY SPECTATOR from now to Janna;ry, 1889, and TRE IIraoN NEws- RECune one year, Or SO. Now is the time to gut, at a low figure, two of the most reliable and independent county and city journals in the Dominion. Address, T Nmvs-Rrcor.n, Cl it. ton. TO THE FARMERS ! Study your own interest and go where you can get • Reliable °larnessr I manufacture none lint the BEST ov STOCK. Beu'nr•e ,lf shops that sell cheap, (ex thrg have Clot In lice,. alit' Call and get prices. (raters by mall promf,ly attended to . (T0 3E NT T. C.a - '. T3 1R, HARNESS EMPORIUM, LLYTII, ONT. GETTING READY FOR - CHRISTMAS Fresh Arrivals Almost Every Day. Splendid value in ALBUMS, MISCELLANEOUS BOORS, PLUSH COMPANIONS, BIBLES, PURSES, VASES, ANNUALS, DOLLS, TOYS, SLEIGHS, &r., &c. WM. COOPER •BEAVER BLOCK BOOK STORE. Wanted, 100.000 Economical Buyers to come and see our New Stock. BARGAINS FOR AJ.lf..--HAVING• REMOVED MY STOCK OF GOODS TO A MUCII LARGER PLACE, I ant now prep:u'o,.l to show my stock to better ,advantager where the Public can satisfy themselves as to QIUALITY and QUANTITY, anoro particularly the LOW. PRICES 1 am selling at. Call and examine for yctirself and you will. go away satisfied that GLASGOW, the Gent's Fur- nisher, is selling remarkably Cheap. - GEO. GLAISGOW, Murray Block, Albert Street. ireNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. • ,• JOB PRINTING - FINE PRINTING t , The }Iurofl}lewsfjecorn (i ADVERTISING ' -• LOWEST RATES ..-.._-- ---- _—. ------ ---- 7E11112V.f5r6a:VEeiaMPf 160 CASES WINDOW GLASS Ex Steamship "Corona" from Antwerp. :CONTRACTORS and those BUILDING, will find this an9.opportunity to get supplied to advantage.EAise Linseed Oils, Paints, sec., cQc.., at Low Figures TO CLOSE OUT SWAFFIELD'S STOCK. ' 0 M.Racoy Mae eY. Iron and Hardware Merchail't, CTI 'ON-_ June„ 1887. WJIJi1: dt� .5 •