HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-11-16, Page 6tan irlits4r7,storfrP"! T6',115,77•• THE PEO LE WE MEAN. tiie Tight way to do business is to give the- ossibie Value the Least Fosib1Q'J.•uuey �e a� :ur Mantle Dep't in full Force Under the same management. That's her business : to Cut and Fit PERFECT GARMENTS, and nothing else, and we Guarantee Satisfaction every time. We Selieue in specialties. Come and See Ours. -•0--0_0-0-�0- EO. E. PAY & CO.'Y, The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. -Abraham Fisher, sou of Mr. Valentine Fisher of Colborne, -died of mountain fever at Kootenay, B. C. not long sluts. -Au iusaue woman who, though she has been confined in Woodstock goal for the last five yeare,gave birth to a child on Friday morning. -W. T. Rowland, just outside of Stratford, on the-Downie.Road, had forty . sheep worried- by dogs the other night and ten killed. Every one of the forty is bitten more or less severely, -Big scene of lawlessness in London, Englund. Last Sunday, 100,000 people. as-embled Around Trafalgar square, against the orders -of the home .Secretary.. The police and military dispersed the crowd. About 200 citizens and .40 police injured. -The other night, last week, a daring attempt was made to assassin- ate Mr. Geo. A. Cook, ex -M. P. P. at Norwich. -Mr. Cook was in his house reading a newspaper when he heard a shot fired outside. On list- ening another cable through the window, passing uncomfortably near Mr. Cook's head. z -A Preston man made the novel proposition to the Lutheran con. gregation of that place to cools plete-the fine church in course of erection for which funds have run shorn, if 150 of the. -members will form a total abstinence society, and give him their lager beer motley every week for a year. -James Riesberry, •of Minto, shipped a car Toad of apples to Car: berry, lflan., a short 'time ago. Ou Monday last he received a message that the car had arrived all right, having made the through ' trip in just seven days. There. is no slow coach business about the C. P. `Vbile Miss McMurcby, a school teacher of Norwich, Oxford , county, a relative of Reeve Mc. Murchy; Clinton,. waswalking home along Stover street in the town the Other night, she was accosted by a young loan wlro tLrew vitriol at' the. • back •of her head, which burned her jacket and. hurt her, severely. It is believed the miscreant mistook her for some other person. -A gentleman just returned from Ingersoll states that in the Gallo- way factory near that town are at present five large cheese, four of 'them probably larger than any others yet made on this continent. .They stand four feet high, are five feet two inches in diameter, and nearly seventeen feet in circumference. Mr.• Ireland, the 'manager of the factory, says the weight of these monsters is 5,260 pounds each, or over two and a half tons. Three will go to Scotland, one has been purchased in Ingersoll, and the smallest goes to Chicago, where it will prove to the children of Uncle Sam that we in Canada have not • yet forgot how to make chessc. -George Dunster, of Woodstock, was arrested last Friday by Detect. ire Phair on a charge of being the father of a child left on the door- step of a house on Trafalgar 'street London, the other night. The accus: ed is a prominent builder and con- tractor of Woodstock, and it is al- • leged that 11e kept the girl Carter at a respectable boarding house in Lon- don, kept by Mr. Crawford, and us- ed to visit her as her husband, &the couple,calling themselves Mr. and Mrs Sherman. He kept this up for six months. Shortly after the child was born Dunster drove in from Woodstock with his team, purchass cd a basket in the Fifth Ward, and drove the 'girl out with the baby packed in this, leaving it at the door where it was found. Bail of $1,500 was -given for his appearance. Dunster is about 28 years of age, ▪ and 'has a wife and three children. Miss Carter was arrested on Thurs. day,,Dr. Gardner is said to have attended her during confinement. - AUCTION SALE BILLS,-Tns Nacos-1frcoaD guarantees first -clads work and as chop as any Office west of Toronto, • -,l+lr. John 'Westerman, . sec ,of the oldest and, most respected resi- dents of the Township of Rainham, had driven horde from from Cayuga one evening. At the door of his own house he was found lying ou the ground beside his buggy, lifeless, having fallen out of the vehicle and brokeu his neck. A GOOD SHOWING. Canada's Trade with the Unite d States only Exceeded by Four other Countrieal Ottawa, Nov. 5. -The trade returns between Canada and the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30 have been made up. The exports amounted to $39.523;685 the imports to $34,988,1k0 or a total of $72,752,734. The figures in 1886 were $36,578,769 and $43;888,039 respec- tively. While the exports are about up to the average of the last few years, it will be seen that there is a considerable falling off in. the imports. Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and the Territories last year export- ed goods to the States to the value of $41,206,178, and imported to the extent of 130, 828 838. The value of the Maritime Province exports to the States was $4,680.931 and the imports•$2,453,360. British Columbia exports to the States for the year are valued at $1,660,168, and the imports to 41,705,312, Gold and silver ooin afld bullion were exported last year exported "tio'the States to the value of $1,676,408. Canada's trade last year was 317 per cent. of the total for- eign commerce of our nearest neigh- bor or die fifth highest, Great Britian, Germany, France and the West Indies being the only countries whose trade exceeded that of Canada. II EA D. THIS ITEM. -If you want Salo Bills or any kind of printing Tns Nsws•Rscoan is in a position to guarantee as good work and as -tow prices as any office in the West. Call and see. Do you want Auction Sale Bilis? Consuls' your own interests and call at Tns NsW.t REconn office. •Ci1tLIxr..--Iii Exeter, on th4,9th inIt., he. wife of W. J. Carling, merchant, of a. IOU. At this season of the year every• one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock,dt cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by all druggists. , 443-3m. SALE REGISTER Parties getting their sale bills printed at this ' office wiil get a free advertisment under this heading until date of sale. In the majority of cases it Is worth as much as the bills. At'c•rioN S.t.i.E. - On Monday, 21st Nov. at 1 o'cl'ock p. m., on Lot 2, Lake Road East, Starilcy,of said lot, consisting of 136 acres, 85 cleared ; also cattle, barges, slicesp and implements. W. H. and I. Woods; proprietors. Wm. • Barri, son, auctioneer. On Wednesday, Noy. 16th -Sale of stock and implements on Lot 16, Bayfield concession, Goderich township. W. E. Reed, prop. James Howson, auct. ON MoNDAY,:Nov. 21st. -Fain) Stoic and Implements on lot 14, con. 14, Town- ship of Ilnllett, sale to commence at one o'clock p. in.... C. Hamilton, auctioneer, Mary 8. Bryant, proprietress. ON FRIDAY, Nov. 18'-Farin Stock and Implements on E 4 lot 14, con. 6, West Wawanosh,sale to commence at one o'clock p.m. C. Hamilton, auctioneer, Jobit F. Nivins, proprietors. ON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 36t1. -Farm stock and implements at lot 37, col, 11, East Wawanosh, at one o'clock p. in. C. Hamilton, iauctioneer, Thos. A. Poeell, proprietor. 'Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50cts. a bottle Sold by all druggists. 443-3m. INEME13017V6SCOISTIE611=110EMLMMCIMEIIMall MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday' afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $4 00 to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 75 to 0 80 Spring Wheat 0 4,to 0 80 Barley 0 50 to 0 70 Oats 0 28 to 0 30 Peas 0 53 to 0 55 Apples,(winter) per bbl 100 to 1 50 Potatoes 0 50 to 0 60 Butter .. 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs 0 18 to 0 18 13ay 8 00 to 9 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef • ..000 to 0 00 Wool 0 24 to 0 25 4 We offer to -day, and as long as any of the Goods remain unsold, C 30 Pieces of ALL -WOOL. TWEED, about -1000 ASe' Yards. Regular price o[these Goods 75c. Price per yd. for this Sale Ni Also, about 200 Remnants of DRESS • GOODS, from 5 -to 10 Yards, -at HALF PRiCE 0 0 0 0 8 4ISI NO GUESSING OF BEANS OR LOTTERY SCHEMES I� In order to secure these Bargains. OPEN TO ALL. JOHN WISE1VIAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. FIRE! F-IREI FIRE 0 0 Wanted, 100.000 Economical Buyers - to come and see our New Stock. BARGAINS FOR ALL. -HAVING REMOVED MY STOCK OF GOODS TO A MUCH LARGER PLACE, I am now prepared to show my stock to better advantage, where the Public can satisfy themselves as to QUALITY anti QUANTITY, more particularly the LOW PRICES I ail) selling at. Call and examine for yourself and you Will go away satisfied that GLASGOW, the Gent's Fur- nisher, is selling remarkably Cheap. GE O. GLASGOW, Murray Bloch, Albert Street. irrNext Door to DRY•G00DS PALACE. NOTICE. ri 11E COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF -lythe County of Huron will meet in the Court House, hiltho Town oflGoderich, on Thursday, the first day of December next. PETER ADA AI SON. Nor. 14, 1887. County Clerk. NTRANCE EXAMINATION -'rho Entrance 1J' Examination for admission to High Schools and Colleglate Institutes will be held- in (:LIN. TON, SEAFORTH and WINQIIAM, on Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, the 21st, 22nd and 230 days of DECEMBER next, commencing at 1.30 P. AI. Wednesday, All candidates who in- tend to, write will send their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the lst Dec. They will also inform him at which place they wish to write. Drawing Copy No 5 will be the one required. -D. MAcO. MALLOCH, Inspector Public Schools, N. Huron. 470-30 TEACHER WANTED.- FEMALE, HOLD- ING not less than 2nd Class certificate, for the 6th division of Clinton Model School. Duties to 'commence lst Jan., 1888. Applies• tion., with testimonials, to be sent to the Secre tory, W. 11, HINE, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the north half of lots 51 and 52, in the 1st concession of the Tew•nship of Turnberry, containing 100 acres: over 70 cleared, good frame hoose, barn and stable; situated 4 miles from Wroxeter and 3 miles from Bluevalo. Will be sold, cheap and on • easy terms. Apply to Al. Me'rAGGART, Clinton. 460-tf %JOTICE TO TETE TAXPAYERS. -Notice is LN hereby given that in accordance with a resolution of the Council, all taxes due the municipality must be paid before the 14th of December next, at which time the roll will be returned. Ratepayers wiH please govern them- selves accordingly. GE0. TEDFORD, Collector. Clinton,'Nov. 8, 1887. 460.40 SERVANT WANTED. AFEMALE SERVANT to do general house- work. One accustomed to children pre- ferred. Apply at once to AIUIS,_.STEW-,ART at tho Manse. • Clinton, Nov, 1st, 1587. 4680f ,)• a. cTRAY STOCK ADVER- .` S,TISE;MEN2S inserted. in 'Tor. •" " - " NEws Roman at low rates. The haw makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock. 1f you want'any kind of advertising, you cannot de better than call on "The News.Record," OARD_ Now is the time to get your FALL & WiNTER OVERCOAT and •SUPP&'DYED and PRESSED to look nearly as good'as new, before the rush be, gins; at Dominion Dye and Cleansing Establishment, Victoria Street. P,S.-Don t forgot that this is the only place in the town whore clothing is cleansed, repaired and pressed to look nearly as good as new. .468 y A. W. ' ARSLAItE, Proprietor. LJIJOTEL IN HAYFIELD FOR KENT OR SALE. -The large frame hotel, known ns the (Queen's, on Main street, flay,flcld, will be rented or sold on very reasonable terms. For full par• ticubirs call on or address W. W. CONNOR, Bayfleld P. 0. 466 it- - egoi'�Gti° 11)R'OPERTY FOR SALE OR ail ;ni,y� RENT. -Advertisers will find "Tho News -Record" one of the best mediums in the County of Huron: Advertise in "The News -Record" -The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. NEWV ROUSE FOR HENT. -Located in good part of town ; five minutes will[ from Post Office ; 4 brdroens, dining room, parlor, kitchen, pantry, &c.; hard and soft water. Apply at T. COOPER & SON'S Grocery, Clinton. STORE TO RENT IN PEIIIUN'S BLOCK, ON the Market Square, Clinton; R5 feet deep and large collar ; a good place for wholesale awl re. tail Seed Store, also FIour and Feed -no better - or any other business ; fitted up In first:cl ass style: solid brick building ; rent only 8100 per year to a satisfactory tenant, Also, IIEAILOCK LUMBER for sale, inch boards, Scantling, and Mist. Apply to GORDON I'EitRiN, or 1V. H. PE RRLN, or to C. W. IIARTT, flarristei', in the Perrin Block. 404 lm .DUTCHERING BUSINESS -THE UNDER - •signed wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably moot the demands of his very Hinter. 0118 customers, he has bought out the business of Mr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the some, with the choicest meats In season. Every effort will be made to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit and receive n fair share of public patronage. Lowest prices for large orders. Farmers' trade a specialty, ALBERT MAY. TIRES'S AI A K ING.-Mrs. Campbell, of London 1J has opotted Dress Making Rooms over the Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay & Co., with first- class assistants. She is in a position to turn out work equal to any in the city. She respectfully asksa trial order. Booms over 0E0. E. PAY & CO'S, Dry Goods store. BOARDERS WANTED. A few lady or gentlemen boarders can have board and room accommodation at the private residence of AIRS. NOBLE, lately occupied, by Mr. Diehl, Victoria street, Clinton. 364-tf APPLES WANTED. WANTED, 20,000 BARRELS OF HARVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CANTELON, 458-tf Clinton. BIG -SACRIFICE Woollen Goods: As we intend closing our \Woollen Mill hero, we offer from now till Dec. 31st, our Great Variety of Stock at Cost for.Cash. We have an excellent stock of Fine & Coarse Tweeds, Car- digan Jackets, Fine Flannels, Top Shirts,' Shirts and Draw- ers 1o. Men and Boys. We have Plain and Clieck Flannels of our own make, Yarns, Sheeting, White and llorsc Blankets. The equal of which were never before pro. duced, and all must be cleared out -before the above date. Clinton Woollen bills. 466-tf D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. T. H. GRAHAM, Manager. Printing in Gold, Printing in Colors, Printing in Plain„ and Fancy Printing, in the hest style known to the craft, at very reasonable rates,, at the News -Record office. "Hamilton Spectator" 810liNl NG, 'EVENING,. WEEKLY, The Leading LiberalConservative Newspaper of Canada. GET 'I'l1E • • I'WEEKLY SPECTATOR ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, ' Bright, Incisive; Able Editorials, The Complete News of the Day, The Choicest Miscellaneous Reading. Serial Stories by the Best Authors, ` Dr. Taltilage's Great Sermons,' The Fullest Market Reports, The•Choicest Humor. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY. THE 'SPECTATOR never misses news, is never dull, and never shirks a public ques- tion. It is always clean and strong. 41.00 Will pur'ch'ase for yon for a year the %VEEx1.Y SPEC'I'.1'1'on, the best Conserva- tive journtil.'tud the best weekly newspaper ut Canada. Unusually liberal cone iissiou to agents. Address Tui. SPEcl'xrOtt, Hamilton, Ont. Clubbing - Rates: Tiiio WEEKLY STIic•r.vrot', from now to January, 1889, and THE Ht*rev NEws- RECOItD one year, r $�. Now is the time to get, at a low figure, two of the most reliable and independent county and city, journals in the Dotuinion. Address, Ton Nlsw's-Rnconn, Clinton. TO THE FARMERS !- Shady your own interest and go where • you can get Reliable Harness. I manufttcture none but the BEST 01, S'rocu. Beware,I shops that sett cheap, as they have , got to line. (T' Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to 3-01-11. T. CARTER, HARNESS EMPORIUM, IBLYTii, ANT. Look at Our Slippers And Alltonians=Nice New Patterns. Great Value in Wools & Yarns. XMAS STOCK ARRIVING DAILY. 5€^GREAT TIARGAI.NS WALL PAPERS & BORDERS. W. Cooper, Beaver Block, Clinton mineenOmes KID GLOVES! J. C. DETLOR & 00. Have just opened out a full range of FRENCH KID GLOVES. Mz.They guarantee every pair of them ,"Durable and Gold Medal" mike. DRESS GOODS -A fresh lot of New and Stylish Dress Goods PLUSHES-Nearly every color in Plushes. 'MANTLE CLOTHS -Their stock is immense. MILLINERY. --Their stock of Millinery is now very attractive. BARGAINS IN LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE. . ,1k.:.;.;° . C. DETLOR & CO The Sleepless and Restless Jeweler ROB: W. COATS, HAS NUDE Another Big Reduction in;the Price of Watches SEND FOR ONE OF HIS $2.75 WATCHES. 100 CASES INDO Ex'Steamship "Corona" from Antwerp, :CONTRAC1CiORS. and those BUILDING will find this an opportunity' .to get supplied to advantage,'Also Linseed 'Oils, Paints, cQc., &c., at Low Figures To CLOSE OUT SWAFFIELD'S STOCK, 0- �■ Iron and Hardware Merchant, nacey Cial\1 J Q3T_ .June;, 1887. - oots & Shoes. 0 -- How much a man is like his shoes ! For instance, both 'a sole may lose ; Both have been tanned ; both are made tight. By cobblers ; both get left and right !1 I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, -The change of the season will cause many of you to renew your foot -wear. In order to meet the demand, W. H. SIMPSON, Searle's Block, opposite the Market, has laid in a Select Stock of Boots & Shoes which he will sell VERY CHEAP. Inspect our stock and get our prices. ' W. H. SIMPSON •