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• WHITELY & TODD, Publishers
• .VOL,. VIII. --NO. 48 -
We aro offering a full line of
en's 'Boij's
CAPS in all the NEW„SH.APES
AND STYLES for the Fall and
Winter Season. Our fine
Imitation Caps at $1-1.25450
Are the best value we - have ever
been enabled to offer. Our selection
is the largest and finest in town.
Wo want everybody to come and
see our stock of Fur Coats. We
have a great line of Goods at LOW
Jaciou Bros.,
The Famous Hatters.
ocart (norropondau.ca
And still the cries go up, give' us
cars to freight our lumber !
1MIr. Nixon Sturdy'' has started a
grocery in Blake's block. •
Mr. J. Elliott, of Exeter, was in
town on Saturday.
Mr. M. G. Cameron visited the
Queen City last week.
Our schools will be closed to-
- '" inorrow, Thanksgiving day:
The season of 1887 will be re-
membered by our working men, as
the best for many years.
Mr. William Marlton is making
fair progress with the tug he is now
Miss Cooke, organist of St.Petor's,
returned Home on Saturday after a
two months visit to tho'states.
Rov. Mr. Howell preached in the
North -street Methodist church last
The W. T. U. held a prayer
meeting in the lecture room of
Knox church on Saturday evening.
A quantity of gasoline reached
town last week, hence the churches
were lighted' properly ou Sunday.
Mr. John Robertson, formerly
Dopy. Sheriff, has bought out Mr.
Charles McIntosh's grocery busi-
There was a mooting last evening
to discuss the present phase of the
railway question, too late, however,
for us to notice it this svoek.
It has been (iemputed that a suit
of Scotch tweed that now costs $22,
would under commercial union cost
There will bo a marriage ceremony
in Toronto to -day in which two well
known ono time residents will be
deeply interested.
Mr. E. N. Lewis and Miss Ida
Howard Shaw, were united in
wedlock's bonds, at St. George's
last Wednesday morning.
Mr. Harry McLean who was seri-
ously ill at Buffalo, had improved
sufficiently to return hone with his
parents last wook.
To -morrow evening the annual
Harvest Home Supper and Concert
of the North street Methodist church
will be • held in the church and
basement. Snpper will be served
at 6 pan. and concert will comtnence
at 8. The tickets, good for supper
and concert, are 35cts.
goat Oarrespoudeuce I Zoca>t (Dorraop>Ioutteuce
Turkey will disappear to -morrow.
Mr. E. L. Diokouson, barrister,
of Wingham, was in town Friday.
Mr. J. M. Roberts, of Dungannon,
passed through town on his way
oast on Friday.
The steamer Ontario took ou a
large quantity of freight on her up-
ward trip last Wednesday..
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thom, of Montreal, died in
that city last week a few days after
its birth.
A meeting of the Churchwomen's
Guild will take place is St. George's
school room at 7 p. m. this evening,
Last Thursday evening Dr. Me-
Micking accidentally sprained one -
of his - ankles. The mishap will
cause a long confinement to the
Tho work of repairing the G. T.
dock was suspended last week, on ac-
count of the absence of the founda-
tion frame i'ork, which had either
been washed away, or never put in.
The local papers cheerily sliout.
"Bread ie going down." As we have
been watching it go down in steadi-,
ly increasing proportions the past
twenty five years, we cannot jubilate
in their new experiences.
P.L.S. Mr. Thos. Weatherald was
engaged last wook in surveying the
banks along the G. T. trach, and the
harbor fiats, .with a view of the
speedy location of the well for the
proposed water works.
Wm. DlcGttfntrogs-an'd-nro's-CY:crk-
were brought before Mayor Seager
on Saturday charged with vagrancy.
The charge having been proved the
former was sentenced to ten days
and tho latter to three months in
the county jail.
The quarterly meeting of the
Board of Trade was . held in the
town hall on Monday evening, tho
Vico President in the chair. Several.
important matters in- connection
with the. town's business wore ably
discussed and finally referred to
A special meeting of the Town
Council was held on Monday even-
ing to consider matters in connec-
tion with the water works scheme.
After some discussion a motion to
purchase the lot belonging to Mr.Jos.
Kidd, if said lot could be purchas-
ed for the sum of nine hundred
dollars, was carried.
At The Harbor
The wrecked .Norris has settled
considerably during past few days.
Capt. A. Chainbers of the . tug
James Clark is in town for the
The Sovereign completed unload-
ing on Monday and loaded the'
Empire's freight which it took"on'to
Sarnia. •
Tho schooner Ariel left last week
for Detroit with about 130,000 feet
of lumber taken .from tha wrecked
barge Norris.
The steamer United Empire arriv-
ed in port on Monday and `loaded a
large quantity of salt, ',)asides many
car loads of general mei handise.
The steamer Sovereis .: ' arrived in
port early on Sunday) .:•ning with
fifteen thousand bushel • of wheat
for the G.T.R. The 5•.:• reign, had
a larger cargo leaving 1'• t Arthur;
but a portion of it was f•_: ,the Sault.
The schooner Carter wiih 208,000
feet of lumber for W. and H.
Dyµiont reached the port early on
Monday morning. The Carter was
.off this harbor on Thursday evening,
but the storm then raging making
it extremely difficult to enter, she
was steered for the river.
.Ir. Daniel Suthorlalid, of this
town, was one. of tho crow of the
schooner Bessie, Barwick:, which was
wrecked last week at the head of
tho lake. • A telegram from the
owner from Hamilton states that all
tho crow were safely landed at the
Tho vessels already in winter
berths at this port are steam tugs,
James Clark, W. H. Siebold, Dis-
patch and (Government) Tru lcau.
The schooners Jane McLeod, Tod -
Man, Phtafore and Evening Star,
dredge Challenge and two dumping
scows, and the usual number of fish-
ing boats.
Last week the tugs James Clark,
W. H. Siebold and Dispatch, and a
long ; line of fishing boats, arrived
from the fishing islands for the pur-
pose of wintering at this port. The
tug Dispatch, owned by Zebo
Tolsma, is to be almost rebuilt, and
it is said that a new one will be
built to replace tho Jantes Clark,
which was sold recently. The tug
to be built to replace the Clark will
be of much larger dimensions than
the one it replaces.
Just after the ar-ival of the fishing
fleet last week, a boy broke through
the steps, leading to the fish packing
honse,and dropped into the pool. A
slight bruise on the mouth, and a
thorough bath was the result of the
Messrs. Win. Rutson and B. R.
Watson left by the early train on
Monday on a shootiug expedition.
Tho gentlemen proceeded to Wiar-
,tou by Jail, from which place they
have to snake a forty miles journey
before reaching the huntinggrounds.
It appears that Reformers and
Conservatives will forego polities
for a few years and devote their
energies to forwarding the interests
of the town. The C. P. R., water
works, public building:, and electric
light, will afford ample opportuni-
ties for the development of •those
traits that make good municipal
Last Friday evening at the fort-
nightly meeting of the High School
Lit. Society the following pro-
gramme was presented : Solo, Miss
Humber; recitation, Miss Marion
Watson; duet., Misi Aikenheacl and
Mr. McIntosh ; recitation, Miss
Flo Ball ; chorus by the members.
A debate on the question "Resolved
that the world is gutting worse,"
took up the greater part of the even-
ing, and was decided iu favor of
the negative, by the chairman, Mr.
H. I. Strang, 13. A. Messrs. Mc-
Intosh, Allen and Govonlock con-
tended for the affirmative, and
Messrs. Wilson, Killoran and
Robertson for the negative.
Tho Dramatic Company that per-
formed in town last week was ono
of the bust, if not the very best, that
over visited Goderich. The leading
lady, Miss Claire Scott, is the best
actress that has played in Goderich
for many years. Her representations
of .Lucretia Borgia, Mary Queen of
Scots, and Leah, the forsaken, being
perfect in everts particular. The
attendance on these occasions were
only moderate, a most regretable
circumstance, considering the merits
of the company. Tho be
dance, •however, may be accounted
for by the fact that the Company
that played in the same hall a few
days previously, disgusted play
goers generallyn by its imperfect
Goderich Township.
Mr. W. Currie, jr., is home again
among the boys.
Mrs. S. Ferris of the 9th dyed
last week aged 25 years. Funeral
took place Sunday 13th.
J. W. Cooke, }Y.. S. of Warsaw,
Indiana, is recupei itiii aiibni old
friends. He has a very good prac-
tice where he is located in tho'States;`
but there has been an epidemic. of
fever lately and he was obliged to
take7a run over. to old Htiron in
.order to get a rest and build up his
run down system.
I do not hear much about candi-
dates for councillors, but I under-
stand that the same persons as con-
tested for Reeve and Deputy last
year well be in the field again this
/lear. ° Mr. Gabriel Elliott's friends
ave urged him to come out again,
and he has given his consent.. John
and Gabe aro both good men, but
Gabe's friends talk as though Gabo
will get a few the most votes this
The members of our township
council for 1888 have already been
elected—by the gossipers, but no
returns have as yet .been made to
the township clerk. if you will
have patience until the first week
in January I will then try and send
you a bona fide roport, as I venture
the prediction that there will bo a
contest, after the old fashioned
style, and every voter given a
chance to exercise his franchise.
Stanley Connell mot Nov. 12th
1887, pursuant to adjournment. All
the members present the Reeve in,
the chair. Minutes of last meeting
road and signed. Tho following
motions were passed: That Alex.
Mustard's account $34,38 be paid;
That Jas. Aikonhead examine ditch
on side road between lots 10 and
11 and make settlement with Mr.
'i4lurdock for same; That the Re-
turning Officers of last year be reap-
pointed, substituting the name of
Robert Dewar for that of Jas.
Dewar, and that the clerk draft a
by-law to confirm said appointment.
Tho council then adjourned to meet
again on Saturday 24th Dec. next
at one o'clock p. m.
Clerk. •
—The wife of Hun. Gilbert
McMicken, of Winnepeg,ex Speaker
of the Manitoba Legislature, is
dead, aged 81 years.
wood (gorreoprouttalrce
Mr. Thomas Vanstone and Mr.
Archie _Cousins have gone to the
woods of Michigan for the winter.
The Beniniller pulpit was occu-
pied Sabbath evening by Mr. J. H.
Millian, in the absence of the Rev.
Mr. Kestle, at Zion. .
Mrs: Alex. Reid has rented her
farm to Mr. Clarkson, and has her-
self removed to Goderich, intend-
ing • to spend the remainder of her
days there.
Wo announce this wook the .n14 r-
riage of Mr. George Vanstone, to
Miss Ruth Allin, both of this town-
ship. We wish the young couple a
long life and a happy one.
Several of the brethren of L.O.L.,
153, regret that other important
business preveuted them from at-
tending the -supper at Saltford on
Monday eveniug of last week.
The revival services at the Zion
church which have been curried on
for over five weeks, aro still coutiuu-
ing with the most glorious results in
the saving of -very many preciou%
• Mrs. Emigh was visiting friends
iu Lucknow this week.
Miss Kate Coloton left here on
Saturday on a visit to Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones returned from
their trip on Thursday.
Thursday next being Thanks-
giving Day it will be observed here
as a holiday:
Miss Maggie Halliday, of Wing-
h,uu, is the guest of Mr. R. B. Dur-
niou at present.
Toni Hartnett and John Kelly jr.,
of Clinton, spout Sabbath hi -e.
Service will be held in $t. An-
drew's Presbyterian church on
Thanksgiving Day at 1 o'clock p.m.
\Ve are glad to hear that Mr.
Joseph Carter is .fast recovering
from his recent indisposition.
Mr. W: McNally, blacksmith, has
had to secure the services of another
hand to keep up with the work that
is coutiuually coining in. May it
still continue, Will.
Dr. • Sloan returned home •this
week from his hunting trip in Mus-
koka, and brought a couple of fawn
with him. He reports thein „a
pretty scarce article there this
The business of R. B. Keeler,.
jeweller,' has-been closed this wook
owing to financial, difficulties.. We
hope ho will be able to make satis-
factory arrangements with his credi-
tors so as to open out again shortly.
Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Ailsa Craig,
the newly appointed incumbent of
the Episcopal chui•.ch.here, paid us a
short visit this week: He expects
'to be able to take charge of his mis-
sion at the end•of the present month.
On All Saints Day the young
Iadics of St. Michael's church took
their spiritual adviser, Rov. Father
Aylward, by surprise by. ,presenting
him with a sunt of money in recon-
nition of the ,love and esteem iu
which he is held aniougst them.
On Thursday evening next a
social and entertainment under the
•auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist church will be held in
the Temperance hall. The proceeds
to go towards the building fund of
the,now church. We bespeak for
them a good house.
Tuck ersinith.
Township council meets at Dixon's
hotel, Brucefiold on the 22nd Nov.
at 10 o'clock ; the School Board
meets at Egmondvilie on the 19th
Nov., at 2 o'clock.
mooting of the Township School
Board, at which there was a full at-
tendance, Wm. G. Brodfoot was
appointed as a delegate to represent
the Board the gProv' 'tial Conven-
tion held at Tomo on the 8th
November. Moved by Joseph
Atkf_rison,soconded by Joseph Fish-
er, that owing to some misunder-
standing with regard to the hiring
of Mr. Horton, therefore to allay
the difficulty, it probably would be
better to allow Mr. Horton the extra
ten dollars for kindling fires, &c.
Moved iu amendment by Samuel
Wallace, and seconded by Charles
Mason, that this Board advertise for
a teacher for No.9 school as Mr.
Horton does not seem inclined to
tench for the salary which he was
engaged for. The motion was car-
ried. The Board adjourned to meet
again at Rgnondvillo on Saturday,
18th November, at 2 o clock p. In.
Mr. Jared Dryden who farmed
near Lucknow for about 12 years,
but who has lately been residing in
North Dumfries, died there last
week of inflammation of the bowels.
Koval (1orroprondence
There was a plowing bee at Mr.
Thomas East's last Wednesday.
About sixteen teams were on hand,
and the way the turf was turned over
would surprise the butt poachers.
of the west.
A large quantity of grain comes
to our market daily.
The brick work of the Trivitt
Memorial -church will be completed
this week.
The Oddfelloivs intend moving
into their new hall this week,which
is the finest in the county.
-11-r ._'1'hos,_Cavet blacksmith, sold
his shop to Mr. R. S. Lang, imple-
ment agent, and removed to Lucan
on Monday.
The Gale Harrow and Seeder Co.,
aro still in our midst. They have
succeeded in making over ono hun-
dred farmers happy by supplying
then with such a .valuable, labor
saving implement.
Messrs. Snell & White, of this
place, 'intend having a mammoth
auction sale of horses,cattle,buggies,
harness, &c., on Wednesday, the
23rd inst. Mr. Jas. Oke, the peo-
ple's auctioneer, will wield the
Robert Gilmour,ivho was arrested
for breaking into O'NTeil's hank,
stood 'his trial here on Thursday
last, before Megistrates Snell and
Samweli. There was no evidence
to convict him and he was released
and went on his way rejoicing.
Mr. Hyudman, of Ayrshire, Scot-
land was visiting ex -Reeve Essen
last week. •
Mrs. Laird, of Stanley, has been
visiting with her brother, Dr. Arm-
strong, in Brussels.
11Ir. James 'r:iomps,,u's d: ist and
saw trill and contents were rlestroy-
ed by fire on Sunday morning last.
The loss will be great to Mr.
Thom•paon and the community.
Mr•Hamilton Hunter who resid-
ed ou it farm here for about ten
years and until some four years ago,
when he removed to London, whore
he taught school twenty five years
since, died in that city a few days
ago. He first settled in London 40
years ago,.and at time of his death
was aged 76 years. He was twice
married and leaves a family of four
by his first wife, his second wife
and their two daughters also survive.
Deceased was a native of county
Antrim, Ireland. Ho was Conser-
vatives in politics rand -qtr- adherent
of the Episcopal Chtrch.
What The People Are Saying.
That the by•oiectidns gave..ovi-
donee of renewed public. confidence
in our country and rulers.
That air Charles Tuppor's re-
election by 150 per cont. greater
majority than eight months ago is
proof that the Conservative chariot
is a rolling right along.
That Montague's 19 majority in
Haldimand is -an eighteen hundred'
per cent. Conservative gain.
That Judge 'Upper carne out on
That Colter is plowed nuclei'.
That Cahoron is downed by too
much Porter.
'that Grit stock is below par
among Reformers as well as among
That the people, not faction, con-
trol,this country.
That unveracious speeches, though
clothed in the oratory of a Laurier,
a Cartwright, or a Cameron, will
sooner or later have to succumb to
plain, nuvarnished statements by a
Montague or a Porter.
—Dr. Montague was elected in
Haldinand on Saturday by a major-
ity of 19.
—Friday last a fire broke out in
the woollen mill owned and occupied
by Mr. Thos.. Waterhouse, Barrie.
Loss about $11,000; insurance light.
—Messrs Inglis & Armstrong
have introduced a new article into
Wingham in tbo shapo of an autos
matic gas machine, which is at
present in use in their woollen mill,
and lights up the whole premises,
making the interior as bright as
—.William Harris, a fourteen -
year -old son of a Metcalfe farmer,
was tried before P. M. Noble at
Strathroy on Saturday on a charge
of raping a young girl about his
own age named Annie Holdams.
Tho Police Magistrate, after a
lengthy hearing, sentenced the
youth to two years in the Penetan-
guishone Reformatory. He was
brought to the County Goal
by Chief Miller, of Strathroy.
4ttctf#renals (Xacalto
13iu Surr.--In the exchequer court
at Ottawa, the case of Whitehead v.
Dominion government has been en-
tered on the docket. This is an action
brought by Mayor Whitehead, form-
-erly contractor on the P. R.,
against the Dominion government for
$500,000 for breach of contract
respecting operations on the famous
section "P.," between Port Arthur
and Winnepeg, ten years ago.
ing clipped from the Toronto World
.0L apply to many other towns:—
"1'he Belleville Ontario endorses
the objectors of the Peterboro E.t;
anciner to the practice of some mer-
chants in sending their job printing
away to large cities to be executed,
for the sake of saving a few, cents.
Tho complaint is that "Toronto (job)
printing houses make a descent up-
on Peterboro * *' and carry back
large orders: Tho World is not in
that line, but even if it wore it would
advise those concerned to help
build up their own towns,so long as
said towns are in a position to sup-
ply the things needed at a reason-
able rate. It is the poorest kind
of poor policy to starve your own
horse because your neighbor's horse
may be eating cheaper and gener-
ally inferior oats. The man who
spends his money in his own town
stands a chance of quickly getting
it back from his fellow townsmen.
The farther away he sends what he
spends tho ' longer it takes the
money to get back, if it ever comes
at all." THE NEWS RECORD can sup-
ply.the merchants of Clinton with
all the printing they require at
prices as low, all things considered,
as they can obtain it for anywhere.
Still there are business men here who
send money to distant places for
printing, probably not thinking it
goes out of their reach forever, al-
thongh badly needed here.
WEEKLY .l'. c\TTNTI T-7)
—Sir Charles Tupper was- re-
elected on Wednesday by 1400
—The Unionist candidate, Mr,
Goschen, defeated Mr. Morley in the
contest for the Rectorship of Aber-
deen University.
—Sir 'Charles Tupper's majority
its Cumberland over Mr. Bulwor,
Prohibition candidate, was about
1,400. •
—The revenue of the Dominion
for the first four months of the
fiscal year shows a total .of $11,702,
'951 leaving • a surplus,, over and
above -the expenditure of $3,323,829.
—Dr. Ca$tpbe 1, of Belmont,
caused Mrs: Wally ee Sumner, West -
minister, to removed to London
City Hospital a . few days . since,
where,an operation was performed
Thursday last, in removing'a tumor
weighing about forty pounds.
—A number of Baptist churches
and clergymen will follow Mr.
Sl,urgeou%'exaniple by withdrawing
from the Baptist Uuiosi. -Tho
Nottingham Tabernacle has parsecs
a resolution of sympathy with
Mr. Spurgeon.
—A Nationalist agitator at
Woodford was stoned and seiiously
injured^apparautly by tenants of
the Clanricarde estate who had been
evicted by being duped into nppro-
v))1 of the, Plan of Carup tion. Other
Nationalist agitators are also threat-
ened •.vit)1 the vengeance of their
dupes. •
—The New Brunswick Supreme
Court ou Saturday dismissed the
petition and cross -petition in the
Westmoreland election case on
the ground that the six months
within which the trial must take
place hail elapsed. This' judgment,
if confirmed by the Supreme Court
of Canada, will cut off all untried
—Four years ago a bitter feud in
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, resulted
in the brutal shooting of Ronald
McDonald by a young man named
Bowie. Tho latter escaped to the
States and was arrested in Poston
last week, \l(sum bile the mur-
derer's father is serving oat a life
sentence in the penitentiary for
being an accessory to the cri)ns.
—Judge Killam delivered judg-
ment in the injunction case of the
Minister of Justice against Mr.
Ryan and the • Red River Valley
road. Ho holda that the Red River
Railway Act, under which the road
was built, does not exist, •as it has
been disallowed, and, that the de-
fendants have no right whatever to
appropriate these lands for the rail-
way under the Public Works Act ;
establishes the jurisdiction of our
Courts to deal with such a case, and
affirms that the title of the Dominion
Government to the lands'set out is
perfectly good.