The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-09, Page 7te.
Tke Huron News-liecord
WedueStItty, Numuber 0.11887 --
Itu awl &round the "Rub."
gOWtt Zalk.
old stand. Yarns, flannels, shirts
and drawers, top shirts, tweeds, &c.,
all factory made and at prices that
c an net be undersold -F. E. CORBETT
COUNTRY GOODS are arriving at
Dicksons Bookstore nearly every
day -alis Fall and Xmas Stock will
eoon be tomplete-Prieee away
llown to suit the times. 466.
trade for good* at Dielsole,1 Book.-
stwe. 468
WE SEE by Robertson's advertise-
_ went that his gigantic gift sale
commenees,ou Monday next.
returned to Clinton.
Mns. POAD made a misstep and
fell down the cellar last week, in.
juring herself somewhat though
not seriously.
township., says that he finds collect-
ing very much easier this year than
at any , during the last three
...44aa_ee_egmeyer beellir „people to have
. Ma. J,Chlin MCMILLAN, M. P., of
Hallett, ,was attacked last week by
inflammation .of the bowels and pre.
vented firm holding some of a
series of .mootings he had advertised.
We are glad to learn that the
gentleman iie .comparatively well
ME,. FelemereAN, of Dungannon,
was coneuritted to prison last week
.in default of payment of $100 fine
and costs 'imposed, upon him -by P.
M. D. Williams for violating the
Canada 'Temperance Act. This is
the fleet .case of imprigonment under
this aet in this ,county.
The owner of some property in
Myth wished to rent it. He delay-
ed advertising it until it had
boon vacant far several months.
About three weeks ago he advertised
it in the NEWS -RECORD. And lest
week wo had a card frem him saying:
"Discontinue advertisement ; pro-
perty rented:"
row N of Berlin passed a
bonus by-law in favor of the Guelph
extension of the 0. P. R. to that
place by a vote of 571 to 106, and
editor Moyer .of the News, who 'sup-
ported the scheme, in the height of
his sublunary exaltation cries out,
"Prosperity remains in Berlin I"
"Cheek, calamity, gas, prosperity
• and selfishness hurled forever," A
clear indication that the millenium
is hard upon us.
WON'T HAVE grit orgau
of Goderich was cock sure that Mr.
Cameron would have a seat in the
present -parliament. 11.---wse-going
to put hint there or know the
reason why. Mr. Cameron gives
as his reason that his buisness aud
health would prevent him accepting
'the 'position- if. offered, to hint.
There, may be other reasons, but ono
thing is certain, 71r. Cameron won't
be there.
-The following episode in the life
Of the lately deceased Judge O'Con-
nor gave evidence 'of the courage
which was bound to make the Man
succeed. While chopping •timber
in the. woods, when about 20, the
tree he was. felling, in falling pinn-
ed him to the earth. Finding his
cries for help unavailing, ho chop-
ped oil* the imprisoned member, and
after making a tourniquet .of his
handkerchief, crawled back...through
the snow end cold to his father's
house This mishap made the youth
turn his attention to the law..
OUTAND IN---:\Vm. Blair, ‘vho
formerly lived in Godetich, one of
the more hermless of the inmates of
11.e T,ondon asylum, and who was en-
gaged /luring Sato rday afternoon
he garden, took it'into his head
to eeme clow and see the sights of
the city. He cl lined over the fence
and wandered about ,the streets
untilline o'clock; when he'ran into
P. C. Twohy on Dundas street.
Ile was brought to the police elation
and the asylum authorities com-
municated with, who subsequently
removed Blair to his (pureed in
the asylum.
der the heading of Seaforth the
Brsssels /Advil' has the following t
Tiire appearance of the Budget is a
boon to the public generally for
most of our country papers are
"gaged" by their patrons or party.
We ire glad sech an able, trenchant
and fearless writer as the editor of the
Budget hes cast his lot amongst 119,
and wo hope he will be well sus-
tained financially. Some editors,
ex minieters and prayerless elders
would not say a harsh word against
fire Devil for fear his Satanic Ma.jes-
ity would give him hell in the
world to come, Editors and Min-
isters who would shield the devil
or his imp by suppressing expos-
utes ought to ha Jot severely alone.
Brussels Puet states that Police
Magistrate Williams held a court
there Tuesday "for -the trial of
breeches of the Canada Temperance
Act." It is not at all surprising
that the court adjourned "to give
absent witnesses an opportunity to
recuperate." The breeches must be
fairly dealt with.
A HusTLEn.-H. B. Proudfoot,
Provincial Land Surveyor, can do
as large an amount of work in a
given time aei the next one. In
the first four days of last week he
drove 136 miles through the town-
ships of Colborne, E. Wawanosh
and Morris and completed four im-
portant surveys. Wouldn't ihe be
'wealthy if he were monarch of all
he surveyed 1
ONTARIO CROPS: -The Bureau of
Industries uuder date uf Nov. 4
gives the average fall wheat crop
of 1887 as 19 bushels to the acro
as against au average of, 20 bushels
for the six years 18&2 to 87. Spring
wheat 11 bushels as against 15
bushels for the six years 1882 to 87.
,13,orley22 bushels as against 240
bushels -Ti s- 1882 to 87. Oats 28
bushels as against 35 bushels for
1882 to 87. Peas 19 bushels as
against 20 bushels for 1882 to 87.
JUST To FILL Ur: -We are always
glad to receive items of general
interest, but it makes us feel tired
When those who hand them in,
intimate that they put themselves
to the trouble just to help us "fill
up." Now any filling up we want to
do we are partial to the operation
ourselves, and thoroughly compet-
ent to "fill up" at least once a
week. Kindly inform us of occur-
rences but don't kill the kindness
by making it a superfluous charity
-Brussels Budget.
Ho FOR KINTAIL.-A man calling
himself J. C. Murphy, of Sault Ste.
Marie, was defeated by Evan Lewis
in a wrestling match at Madison,
1Vis., and then challenged 1). R.
McMillan (Lewis' trainer) to put a
14 lb. stone for $500 a side. The
challenge was accepted and Murphy
threw it 48 feet, defeating McMillan
badly. It subsequently turned out
that Murphy was really John Mc-
Pherson, of Kintail, Huron county,
Ont., the championstone putter,
and that he went to Madison under
a false name for the purpose of
playing the exact game in which he
was successful.
Magistrate Noble gave his decision
in thecaso in which Joseph Berryhill,
a London township farmer, who was
having an auction on his premises,
was charged by Inspector Williams
with passing the whiskey jug among
those in attendance in contravention
of the Scott Act. The case was
tried on the 26th of last month,'
the magistrate at that time reserving
his decision. His Worship held
that the evidence showed that de -
fondant did not so much in con-
sideration of the, purchase 'of the
property give the liquor, but that
his motive in so far as it may have
been beyond complying with a cus-
tomOf having liquor at a sale, was
rather to induce the parties to buy.
He did not think this was a device
-to--get-rid ofet-direct-ealeralthough
the motive may have been gain as
much as hospitality. He did- not
think there was an offence committed
ofgiving liquor in consideration of
the pbreaseof any other property,
within the meanitig of' the Act, and
he consequently dismissed the ease.
C. Cameron, .-eseniernber •for West
Huron, has a letter in the Goderich
Grit organ in which he declines to
contest the constituency, even should
Mr. Porter be nuseated at the pend-
ing protest trial. Mr. Cameron
says :-" 1 now find my private
affeirs,and professional duties make
it impoesible•for me to devote any of
my time to public' matters. I also
find that the state of my health will
not warrant my engaging in 0 poli-
tical struggle. Whilte• therefore
heartily thanking my many everm
personal and political friends in
the riding for their past and as-
surances of fatnro support, 1 beg to
say that under no possible eiecum-
stances will I enter political life
again, before, it' even at a general
eiection." The battle scarred
veteran has. been the best or worst,
according to the party predilections
of the party estimating his.character, •
political combatant that over contest-
ed West •Huron, or any of the
Hurons, and he is eminently de-
serviug of a xest. He has caused
victory to perch on his banner by
the personal and profuse energy
which he always disple v141,411(1 by his
financial liberality d ig the earn -
paign. He invariah:y %Vent in to
win, and he so infused confidence
into h is act; uo w ledged followers
1111111 by gradted accretion polling
day -saw his supporters swelled up
in numbers considerably above their
normal proportions. Had Mr. Cam-
eion followed up what we have
been told was his one time inclina-
tion -to snpport a protective policy
-.even had he come out in favor of
law and order in the Riol row, it
would have been a- hard matter to
have ousted him from hie seat as a
member for West Huron. Mr.
Cameron, however, is not the only
public man who has served his party
better than his country and who
has had. to suffer the displeasure of
the people in consequence.
Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns
ea-mAmms, .AT LOW
.1Phatograp1i _Albums,
A.utograph -Albums,
Serail ..4.11bunn*i,
• illiseellaneeus 13ooks,
TICKETS ! CHANGE !-Tuesday last,
lst Nov, brought a change in regard
to return tickets on Canadian rail-
way lines that will be heartily wel-
come. Previous to that date, all
return tickets were good for six
days only, and could not be used
after the expiration of the sixth
day. • On and after this date, how-
ever, these tickets will bo good for
one month.
Front the annual report for 1886
the Ontario Inspector of Legal 0
flees we find the emoluments
Huron officers as follows : Sheriff
$2,400.70; Surrogate judge $471.5
County Attorney and Clerk of ti
Peace $1,020.04 ; Local Maste $2
500; Deputy Clerk of the Cr w
County Court Clerk and Surrogat
Registrar $2,724.41.
R. R. ClialsTIANITy.-One of the
Brantford railway officials says "w
are a very good let et mete On thi
sectiou of the Grand Trunk. Why
we have no less.then three condue
tors and traiu men running int
Brantford who, not content with be
ing believers only, are doers of th
word, going in for local preachin
whenever they have a chance
What do you think of that for rail
way Christianity?"
• See us before you decide.
--I Y
Life Insurance
--.-.., PER S1.000,_.'-___
Ago 25 Cast for----,
1585,also 1886.. 86 00
CI 30 .... " .. 680
" 35 .4 " .. 054
" 40 " .4 •• .. 693
" 45 " 44 " .. 759
" 50 0. .11 " 4 8 88
II 00 .1 " .. 1.197
azr Definite Insurance at the above rates.
See we before yon insure in any company
and understand our plan. At the age of
90, the cost for $5,000 was about $35 for
1885, also for 1886.
Jas. Thompson, Agent.
SCOTT Am-Delong of Port
Albert and Martin of Dungannon
' had a talk with P. M. Dr. Williams
O last Monday. Consultation fee, $50
- in each case, which was paid.
O R. G. EmEasoN, fireman ou the
g C. P., R. brother-in-law of Mr.
Holmes, town, was seriously injured
. by au accident on the road near Rat
Portage last Saturday.
REV. J. GRAY will teach the Bap-
tist church Bible class and address
the S. 8. next Sunday, at 2 P. M.
The text of the day will be the llth
chapter of Matthew, 2nd to 15th
C. 0. F.-Installatien last Thurs-
day evening: C. R., Bro. 0. John-
stou ; V. C. it., Bro, C. Spooner ;
R. S., Bro. J. C., Cole ; F. S., Bro.
Wm, Jones; Treas., Bro, Wm.
Young ;.S. W., Bro.John Ford ; J.
W. Bro. John Folland ; S. 13., Bro.
A. Twitchell ; J. 13., T. Fitzsim-
mons ; Chaplain, Bro. John
Police -Magistrate Vanstone of
Bruce refused to let the prosecution
call witnesses unless, an affidavit
has been made that they are ma-
terial witnesses and they have been
duly summoned in the case. It is
held by good authorities that he is
right. Mr. Vunstono has also
advised witnesses that they need
not testify in certain cases, unless
they desirc to do so of 'their o.wu
of the Seafo. rth Expositor went out of
his waYlaitWeekto make an uneall-•
ed for attack on the trustees of the
Ontario St. Methodist Church. He
charges those gentleman with being
.opposed to revivals, especially when
.consitieted by-feneales,'headdie
accomplish too much good ! The
absurdity of the charge 'refutes it-
self. Our share statement of • the
friction of the machinery of the
above church, a few weeks ago, was
correct, and as it has been allayed
no good would come by again. allud-
ing to it.
Early Sunday morning the frame
store on the N. E. corner of Albert
and Ratlenbury Sts,, Owned by Mr.
Dineley and occupied 'Jay Ms. Fred
Corbett ae a wool and woollen
goods store, was burned to the
ground with a considerable stock of
goods, and books and pepers. Mr.
1)insley's residence adjoining was
ills° hurtled, 1is. Dinsley losing
her wardrobe and some furnishings'.
The buildings were insured for
only i'400 and were worth to Mr.
ns ley about $225 a Year.
Mr. Fred Corbett had $2,000 insur-
ance stock. The fire company manned
the steamer to good advantage and
their efforts coupled with the mild-
ness of the night confined the fire
to the buildings named.
'1'nte1Axo WITH 11K -The
Globe says that police Magistrate Van -
stone, of • Bruce, collected nearly
$1,150 Scutt Act fines in one week.
Phis h trifling with 'Air. Vaneton es,
nme, 1 t is out much worse how -
(ver, than a reader coming across
)(dice Mag,istrate Williams name
bbreviated to P.L Williams
oucluding that the initials stood
'or Patrick Michael and then work -
ng himself up into a fit of indigna-
ion because those Irish always made
u t to gee the best offieesgoing. Then
gain we recently ran across a pare-
raph going the rounds of the press
o the effect that clothes made the
tan., Instancing the notoriety
f,aribaldi gained by his wearing a
ed shirt and Kossuth by wearing
oft hat. The latter's name was
ariously spelled Cossuth, Koffuth,
t. O'Suth, thenser of the last style
outending that he was of Irish
feed as were agitators for liberty
10 World over.
RAPID BUILDING -If building in
Clinton goes on at the rapid rate
it has done the past summer ono
will not be able to see the town for
houses ere long. The last addition
being being a story and a half cot-
tage for Mr. Hine on the eastern
extension of Rattenbury Street.
Where but a couple of weeks ago
there ;were only gross and weeds
there now projects its pointed
gables sky -ward a fine building of
which the outside work is about
-A Government paper says that
Mr. Ross, M. P., for Limit., is
urging the Government to abolish
the Customs regulations, which per-
mit the importation of American
wheat in hood into Ceuada The
grain, he says, is brought into Can-
ada in bond to bo ground, and escap-
ing' payment of duty in many in-
stances, is sold here to. the detri-
ment of the wheat producers of
Canada, especially the Manitoba and
Northwest farmers.
SNEAK TIffultw.-A raid was
recently made upon Ow premises of
Mayor -Whitehead. The sneak
thieves had liberal toothsome ideas.
They stole thirty ,jars of preserves,
But what is food without warmth ?
And what is warmth and food if one
is to be smothered in smoke? So to
get to rid of the latter and enjoy
their ill-gotten delicacies the thieves
took also, twenty lengths of' stove
pipe. AS 11i9 WOVSIlip is, ex. -officio,
a member of' the corporatiou charity
committee, the thieves should apply
to him for a stove and possibly he
:night "throw in" a supply of wood.
They should interview hire.
• •
.CoAraeri Ross Auets.---Many of
our' readers will remember the
spiriting away of Charlie Ross from
Philadelphia and the years of id: -
successful search for him by his
father, . They w ill a Iso remember
the Mitchell disaster or Iwo weeks
ago in Which one 'Noel Green was
killed, his wife seriously injured
and his servant killed. Now eome
a Stratford paper which alleges
that an adopted sou of the Green's
is none other than the long lost
Charlie Ross. They bring the con-
fession . of the injured Mrs. Omelet°
support their allegation. It is stated
that the Greens came from rhila
delphia, and that they have always
been reticent about the boy, the
husband having CV011 threatened
violence to Mrs. Green if she
divulged anything concerning 11113.
They kept the boy in shell pants
until 3 year or se ago, es if to make
him appearyeenger than Charlie 1
Ross must be, and there was in his a
younger days a resemblance to the c
pictures sent about the couutry of
the lost. child. The circumstances i
under which the confession, as it t
might be called-, of Mrs. Green, is o
made when her husband is dead,
all restraint upon her is removed,
and she is herself face to face with ir
death, gives at least a strong color n
of probability to her sto4. Some (
people also connect the sudden r
death of Noel Green with punish- s
trent for his supposed share in the v
abduction, while his wife is spared 1
that the truth through her may yet e
be known and the boy be restored b
to his agonized parents.
. 44,4,t4,14.
Cheap and Reliable
*...10,10040•16414,411000b4146,44040.04411.010114641640440•6011.11 41111441mIlit174144.04417, 044946414411.04111011411404441,4114_,LMe
7M *
There is not a house in the county offering such Bargains
in Reliable Clothing as we are offering, and we are only
sorry that on account of such a rush we find it hard to
keep our stock up in all sizes. We emphatically say that
our -
$8 & $10 OVERCOATS
Are not equalled in the County, and one of the most con-
vincing proofs we have to offer is the immense quantity
we are selling every week. If they were not extra good
value we would not sell the quantity we are doing. We
have a
And they are selling faster than we can make them.
• Come and see our Stock.
• 0:
- -0
0. 0. RANCE AND 00.
Fine Merchant. Tailors, Chilton.