The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-09, Page 5• , f 'TRW 041VE TO Tt°iAM coiott7SIQr . , LONG TIME ' GQT--IFIEE PEOPLE. WE . ME. N, That the right way to do business is to give the Best. Possible Value the, Least PossibJD. key Our Mant/e Dep't in Ful/ force Under the sante management. That's her business : to Cut a,ncl Fit PERFECT GARMENTS, and nothing else, and we Guarantee Sati faction every time. We Believe in Specialties. Come and See Ours. 4 GEO. E. PAY & CO.'Y, The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. your parents wino have for rriany years loyally, liberally and intelli- .gentiy supported the congregation at Manchester, who have been ready at all times to speak in their behalf and enterprises, we cheerfully say that as a congregation and commun• ity we have been -blessed by having tbeln dwell so long in our midst, and in saying farewell to them and to you we sincerely say, God bless you all. Signed on behalf of the congre- gation, . • GABRIEL SrRoxo. JOHN HUARE. • Tho gifts were then presented by Miss Susannah Blair when Mr. Washington made a feeling reply thanking them in bohalf.of himself and daughters for the kind ro- ntenibrance of their, to then,. plea - .sant duties and expressing his re- gret at severing the pleasant connec- tions so long kept up between the Manchester friends and his family. After an hour or two of games and charades, managed by Messrs. Budge and Watson, the party broke up and the general opinion express- ed was that such occasions were only regrettable on account of the loss of such valuable members of the community. In and About the (Jaunty. --A. Brussels widow evened up with one of the rnarautling hallow'een boys by shooting him in the back ,of the leg. —Mr. 0., Eilber's road and car- riage stallion Grey Eagle, formerly owned in Zurich, died on Tuesday night from gas on the stomach. This will be a heavy loss .to the owner. —Richard Robertson, a tea agent, • has been committed for trial at Hag• ersvville for having in kin possession moulds for counterfeiting American silver. —St, David's Church, Hen fryti, was re opened Tart Sunday morn- ing after recent alterations and im- provements.. Rev. W. T. Cluff, of Brussels took part in the services. Jonnie Green, the alleged Charlie Ross who was abdY;lt from Mitchell when the accident occured resulting in his father's death, re- turned last Friday, He was in Wingbant when he first heard of the accident. -Mr. John Cowan, a well known sportsman of Bright, "bagged" a hear. near that village one day last week. This is the first game of that kind that has been shot in the vicin- ity for -very many years. —Mr. James Sutherland, sr., of Saaforth, died on Friday last at the age of 68 years. Mr Sutherland was one of the pioneer settlers of the township of Hullett, having taken up the farm on the town line whet'`; his son James •now lives, many years ago. —Samuel Kilpatrick, a -beer peddler, was arrested in Rothsay and tried at Harristou last week be- fore Police Magistrate Lowes for a second offense against the Canada temperance act and fined $100 and costs, and, not hav- ing the funds to pay his fine, he was committed to jail for two months. —As Mrs. Lloyd and eon from near Blyth were. driving through Belgrave on Sunday their horse got frightened at an engine which was standing on a vacant lot ,fear the roadway. Tho animal became un- manageable and ran away, upsetting the buggy on top of the occupants, injuring Mrs, Lloyd seriously. The buggy was a total wreck, —One day recently Mr. Joe. Kincaid, of Winghalii, met with a very serious accident while out on a shooting expedition with three others. They had just shot a rab- bit and were talking about it, Kim caid standing on one leg when his foot slipped and in some unaccountable way the gun which he held went off, taking one of his fingers off his right hand, wounding him severely in the thigh, shattering his jaw and filling his ears with shot. His escape from instant death is almost miraculous. 4 —Mr. John Carlin one of the oldest settlers of McKillop, died Monday- of last week aged 82 years. —The well known imported etal. lion, "Old Welcome," the property of.Mr. George Whiteley, of Sea - forth, died on Friday night last of inflammation.• Mr. A. Case, teacher, Hensall, intend:, giving up teaching at the end of the year and will move into Cromarty and open out a general store. • —The Alberntale correspondent of the Wiarton Echo says that a re. cent prayer meeting at -Purple Val, ley ended in s rough and tumble fight among young men in the neigl, borhood. It is said that Mr. B. 5. Gook, first deputy.reeve of Howick, 'is going to retire from municipal matters, and that Mr. Samuel Johnston, councillor, will contest the municipality for the position. It is reported he will he opposed by Mr. T. K. Boddy. —Mrs. S. Holmes, of Chatham, died very suddenly Tuesday of heart disease. At the time of her death she was polishing a stove and sing- ing at' her work. Her nephew noticed the singi.tg suddenly stof, and running in found her lying dead on the floor. Deceased was forty- five years old. —Mr. William Johnston, Mem- ber of Parliament for South Belfast, a Conservative, made a speech the other night at Glasgow. In the course of his remarks he said that every Orangemen' In Ireland 'was de- termined to take up and use his rifle before he would allow the Empire to be torn up. • —On Satiiiday •last Mr, Malcolm McDerinid of I'larpurhey, one or the pioneer merchants of that district, Was stricken down by paralysis and now lies in a critical condition. lir: has no feeling, whatever, in the paralysed sick and is utterly help- less although he is perfectly sensible and still possesses the power of speech. —Mr. S. Irwinn; of Wiarton, rail. way tie contractor, was in Stratford last Friday, and recited to the Herald an adventure he had while 'out fox hunting two wiles. ,from Wiarton.on the 25th ult. His dogs had scented reynard and were press- ing him closely in .the bush, when a massive bear wade his appearance. The sportsman at once fired his charge of fine shot at bruin, but this did not have a very killing ef- fect, and it was not until two charges of buck shot were emptied into hits that he rolled over. . At this season of the year every- one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by all druggists: 443-3m, SALE REGISTER Parties getting their sale bills printed at this office will get a free adrertisment under this heading until date of sale. In the majority of cases it is worth as much as the bills. On Wednesday, Noy. 16tH—Sale of stock and implements on Lot 16, l3ayftokl concession, Goderich township. W. E. Reed, prop. James Howson, acct. ON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30th.—Farm stock and implements at lot 37, con. 11, East Wawanosh, at one o'clock p. m. C. Hltmilton, lauctioncer, Thos. A. Powell, proprietor. • Wednesday, Nov. 9th. — Farm stock and implements on SI, lot 24, con. 10, West Wawanosli, commencing at one o'clock p. m,, sharp. C. Hamilton, anct.; John Barbour, prop. Thursday, Nov. loth.—Farm stock and implements on lot 30, con. 9, township of East 11'awanosll, Sale to commence at ono p. in. C. Hamilton, auct.; Peter Nason, prop. Tuesday, Nov, lith.—Farm stock and implements, on lot 45, con. 14, Hullett, adjoining Manchester, Salo to commence at one o'clock p. m. C. Hamilton, suet.; E, Elkin, prop. Powell's sar4aparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market, Price 50ats. a bottle Sold by all druggists, '4434m. • ----- -HAV JUSX OPnNED OUT - ONE CASE OVEROOS, TN MEN'S and YO1TH-S', AT VERY CLOSE PRICES. WE ARE ALSO SHOWING A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF EN'S AND BOY'S OAPS AT FROM 250. UP. • • SHIRTS and DRAWERS, in Scotch and Canadian Makes, EXCELLENT VALUE. 5 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. Il�I JOHN WISEAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. FIRE! FIREI FIRE! a Wanted, 100,000 Economical Buyers to come and see our New -Stock. - DAIRGAINS FOR ALL.—HAVING REMOVED MY STOCK OF GOODS TO it A MUCH LARGER PLACE, I ata now ,prepared to show my stock to better advantage, where the Public can satisfy themselves as to QUALITY and QUANTITY, more particularly the LOW PRICES I ata selling at. Call and examine for yourself and you will go away satisfied that GLASGOW, the Gent's .Fur-' nisler, is selling renl..0-kably Cheap. GEO. GLASGOW, Murray Block, Albert Street. 8o'Next Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) • CLINTON. Flour $4 00 to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 75 to 0 80 Spring Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 Barley .. 0 50 to 0 70 Oats 0 28 to 0 30 Peas 0 53 to 0 55 Apples,(winter)perbbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes . 0 50 to 11, 60 Butter- 0 18 to -0 20 Eggs 0 18 to 0 18 Hay 800 to 9 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef ..000 to 0 00 Wool 0 24 to 0 25 .1TAR1i FOR SALE. -For sale, the north half of lots EI and 52, in the 1st concession of the Township of Turnberry, containing 100 acres: over 70 cleared, good frame house, barn and stable; situated 4 miles from Wroxeter and 3 miles from Bluevale. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to M. McTAGGAIIT, Clinton. 409-tf NNOTICE'TO TIIE TAXPAYERS. -Notice is Lel hereby oiven that in accordance with a - resolution of" the Connell, all taxes due the - Printing in Gold,Printing in Colors, Printing must be paid before the 14th of g December next, at which time the roll will be in Plain. and Fancy Printing, in the best style returned. Ratepayers will please govern then• known to the craft, at very reasonable rates, at selves aceordinglc. GE,O.'rEDFORD, Collector. the News•Record office. BIG - SAERIFICE Woollen Ioos. As we intend closing our Woollen Mill here, we offer front now till Dec. 31st, our Great Variety of Stock at Cost for Cash. We have an excellent stock of Fine & Coarse Tweeds, Car- digan Jackets, Fine Flannels, Top shirts, Shirts and Draw- ers foe Men and Boys. We have Plain and Cheek Flannels of our own make, Varus;' Sheeting, White and Horse Blankets. The equal of which were never before pro- duced, and all must be cleared out before the above date. Clinton Woollen Mills, D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. 466-tf T. II. GRAHAM,. Manager. Clinton, Nov. 8,'1887. . 469.4t SERVANT WANTED. A FEMALE SERVANT to do ,,eneral house• 1-1 work. One accustomed to ePldren pre- ferred. Apply at once to MILS. STEWAR'r at the Manse; Clinton, Nov, 1st, 1887. 408tf "Hamilton Spectator" • MORNING, EVENING, WEEKLY, The Leading LiberalConservative Newspaper of Canada, (/It ::,,'i• t;TRAY STOOK • ADVER- r, It r, gar•, (l•.r' 4 �-- TFSF:y1F:NTS inserted in Tur. WKLY •NEws RECORD :tt IOW rates. The hue makes, it compulsory to advertise stray stock. SPECTATOR If yon rant any kind of advertising, you cannot do better than call on "The News•Record," CAR17_ Now is the time to get your FALL & WINTER OVERCOAT and SUi'rs DYED and PISESSED to look nearly as good as new, before the rush be- gins, at Dominion Dye and Clean,sinr- Establishrnent, Victoria Street. P.S.-Donn forget that this is the only p'ace in the town where clothing is cleansed, repaired and pressed to look neariy as good .as'new. 408 y A. W. CARSLAKE, Proprietor. T_ OTEL iN BAYFIELD FOR RENT OR SALE. 11 -The large (`ante hotel, known as the Queen's, en Main street, Bayfield, will be rented or sold on very reasonable tents. For full par- ticulars call on or address W. 1Y. CONNOR, Bavfleld 1'. 0. 400 4t PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. -Advertisers will find "The News•Reeord" one of the best mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Record"---t'he Doable Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as 'low as any. • OOD MARE, WITH COVEREDI11;001( itir and harness for sale cheap, or will he sold separately, Apply to J. If, COMl1E. 465.31 EtV 11011SF: F'OR RENT. -Located in good IN part of txONil ; five mimttes Walk from Post Office ; 4 bedrooms, dining roo,n, parlor, kitchen, pantry, :Cc. ; bard and soft water. Apply at T. CO01'ISIt d4. SON'S Grocery, Clinton. TORE TO -RENT IN PERRIN'S BLOCK, ON the Market Square, Clinton, 85 feet deep and large cellar;. a good place for wholesale and re- tail Seed Store, also Flour and Feed -no better - or any other business ; fitted up is first-elass style; solid brick building ; rent only 8100 per year to a satisfactory tenant. Also, HEMLOCK LUMBER for sale, inch boards, Scantling and foist, 4pply t6 GORDON I'ERiRIN, or W. Il. PERRiN', or to C. W. IIARTT, Barrister, in the Perrin Plock. 404 In BUTCHERING BUSINESS -TUE UNDER - signed wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and snrroundingcountry, that in order to suitably meet the deuntnds of his very nutter• ous customers, he has bought out the business of Mr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same afth the choicest meats in season. Every effort will be made to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit and rt.ccive a fair share of public patronage. • Lowest prices for large orders. Farmers' trade a specialty. ALBERT 'INLAY. TARESS 11AliIXC.-11r3. Campbell, of London �J has opened Dress Making Rooms over the Dry good Store of Geo. E. I'ay & Co., with first- class assistants: She is in a position to turn out work equal to any in the city. She respectfully asksa trial order. Rooms over GEO, E. PAY & CO'S, Dry Goods Store. BOARDERS WANTED. A few lady or gentlemen boarders can baso hoard and roost accommodation at the private residence of MRS. NOBLE, lately occupied by Mr. Diehl, Viotoriastroet, Clinton. 304•tf APPLES WANTED. WANTED, 20,000 DARRET,s OF HARVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. • Apply to D. CANTELON, 453-41 , Clinton, 4 ONE DOLLAR •A YEAR, Bright,. Incisive, Able Editorials, The Complete Notes of the Day, The•Choicest Miscellaneous Reading.. Serial Stoti'es by the Best Authors, Dr. '1'almage's Great Sermons, The Fullest •Market Reports, The C1)oicest Humor. EVERYTHING "F'O1tiVII'.VERYI1ODY. 1'is St'EC'1•A'l'on (lever misses news, is never dull, and never shirks a publicques- tion. It is always clean and strong. $1.00 Will purchase for you for a year the W17.KLv Smio••r.t•ron, the best Conserva- tive journal and the best weekly newspaper In Canada. Unusually liberal commission to agents. Address'. Cris StEt l.5lu)t:, Hamilton, Ont. Clubbing Rates TI[(s 1i'Rlila,l' SeEcT Tott frost now to January, 1889, and '1'ne IIuRON NEwt- • RIeCORII one year, (Dr SO. Now is the time to get, -at a'lowiigure, two of the most reliable and independent county and city ;journals in the Dominion, Address, TnE NRtv.it•RF:conn, Clinton. TO THE FARMERS ! Study your' own interest and go where you can get Reliable Harness. 1 manufacture none but the BEAT OF STOCK. Beware of shams that tell cheap, as they have got to live. it -x Call and get prices. Orders by mail prmuplyattended to ei O2]Nr T. CARTER, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT. Look at Our Slippers And Auto111ans—Nino New Patterns. Great Value in Wools & lams. XMAS STOCK ARRiVINC DAILY. l; "GREAT .BARGAINS •IN -t11 WALL PAPERS & BORDERS. W. Cooper, Beaver Block, Clinton I• KID :GLOVES ! J. C. DETLOR & '00. Rave just opened out a full range 'of FRENCH KID GLOVES. % They guarantee,:every pair of them "Durable and Gold Medal" make. DRESS GOODS --A fresh lot of New and Stylish Dress Goods PLUSHES—Nearly every color in Plushes. MANTLE CLOTHS—Their steels is immense. MILLINERY—Tlleir stock of Millinery is now attractive. BARGAINS IN LADIES' & CIIILDI{EN'S WOOL HOSE. very C. DETLOR & CO. The Sleepless and Restless Jeweler ROB. W. COATS, —II 18 IL',US Another Big Reduction in the Price of Watches SEND FOR ONE 01' 1118 $2.75 WATCHES. Aaninuansmanannah 100 OASES INDOW Q.LASS Ex Steamship "Corona" `from Antwerp, :CON"T1R,ACTORS and those BUI7,DING will find' this an] opportunity to get supplied oto advvn Cage. ff A lso' Linseed Oils, Paints Vic., &e.,at Low ' 'Figures TO CLOSE OUT SWAFFIELD'S STOCK. 0 ■ace Iron and Hardware Merchant, CTI 'O T June;, 1887. ram oots (MOM 0 How much a man is like his shoes ! For instance, both a sole may lose ;. Both have been tanned ; both are made tight. By cobblers ; both get left and right LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, --The change of the season will cause many of you to , renew your foot -wear. In order to meet the demand, W. H.SIMPSON, Searle's Block, opposite the Market, has laid in a Select Stock of Boots & Shoes which he will sell VERY CHEAP, Inspect our stock and get our prices. W. H. SIMPSON