The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-09, Page 3Jew 4llilliltot1ne't tkto play
Cluthiug.-4at,lowA 13rgs.
rm. iJouts Jackson -Wes.
Dry Gueds—Gee, 1;. Pay tk Cu. s"""
Gigautiu Gift ale,-•111.11IcTantart.
To the Itateppuyers--Gell- Tedford.
Gent's Furnishings—Ar. Glasgow.
' The Huron News -Record
Wedlll'slihty. November 9. 1S$7.
It is not at all surprising that our
town eotem endeavors to wrench
the Grit party from the unenviable
position it has been forced into by
•the political intolerance of a few
narrow, selflsh minds. To gratify
the spite of a few the whole party
Inas boon Heade to appear to acquiesce
in the persecution of Air. Porter, a
gentleman of whom even our totem
has been forced to say : "We never
charg d Mr. Porter with being
guilty of personal wrong doing."
It has 'not endeavored to restrain
the m:>,lignant wing of its party
from so doing. Just look at the
published protest against Mr. Porter
and we find that it is therein statId,
repeated and reiterated some fifteen
or twenty tithes that ho was "by him-
self guilty of bribery, and corrup-
tion ;" that "the Said Robert Porter
by himself lent, and agreed to give
and offered and promised money in
order to induce voters to vote for
the said Robert Porter," etc. Surely
the section of the party that tandem
to be published 'such monstrous
charges without any evidence
whatever, as they now acknowledge
by abandoning the charge of person-
al bribery, must have been largely
endowed with the feelings of re
vouge which Milton assummes to
have permeated the breast of tho
original representative of foiled am-
bition. Satan, addressing the Sun,
says :
"Yet all goon proved ill in me,
Au•.l wrought but malice."
Then his appearance when ad-
dressing his fallen.. and foiled fel-
lows is thus described :
"Darkened so, yet shone,
Above then all the. Archangel; but his face
• deep sears of thunder had 1nti•enclred.
and care
- tat on his faded cheek„but muter brows
Waiting revenge”
No doubt the partisan protest
pushers had some good in thele,,
but the defeat of all their machina-
tions in the bite election has turned
all good to ill in thew and wrought
but malice where the sitting mem-
ber ia-concerned, and they have
ever since been waiting revenge.
And it certainly must be gall and
wormwood to them to find that with
all their waiting for revenge on Mr.
Porter they are compelled to admit
the purity of the than. \Ve' last
week conceded to Mr. Cameron the
:p.o.ssess i on of a larger mi n dlhan to he
anxious to persecute an opponent,
and his public announcement that
ho will not bo 'a candidata even
siioulel ' Mr, Porter- he uuseated.
shows that 0111' ostlinate' of his par•
serial nirguauimity was well found-
ed. And we believe there are many
other Reformers who are opposed to
the Grit or revenge wing' of the
party in this protest business. We
may bo told" iy thoRevengeis that
tho public 'interest demands that
bribery and corruption be exposed.
But it is useless to ask the public
to believe tli,tt the persons •who
have supported 11Ir. Cameron for
twenty years in very equivocal con-
duct in election contests are in this
instance seeking only the •purifica-
tion of ;