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The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-09, Page 2
1 • r4g,.r,Kv.1.r4.4r-.,�-,+rct'•�c7•m..w���.'_" aG�...• s..,w.. ,n. .. s 17. R S.=.^Ir.•, The Huron Nem -Record Wednesday, NOvomboI 0,1887- - ,j1887 - Nei L•' l,aur uj 47 a avoletv1 Slit, • 1 11111 sorra that you thought it necessary, irl dealing with the visit of U.u•dinal Tasohereau to Tor- onto, to write the following sen- tence : •- "Tice entertainment of Cardinal rd. ehereau, in his official capacity, at Goveruurent !louse, and the in• vitatinn of Protestant clergy to meet him, were insults to the Protestant sentiment of the country." l cannot (or a moment imagine that you woultl"'tltinfc"'the L►eu'ten- ant-Governor justified in making a dis ritnination between Protestant aui.f Roman Catholic dignitaries, or that one rule should be applied to Ontario and another to Manitoba. Is there, then,, any radical difference between the action of our Lieut.- Governor ieut:Governor in offering the hospitalities of Government -Rouse to Cardinal Taschereau and that of the Lieuten- antsUovernol• of Manitoba in enter- taining the Moderator of the General Assembly at . Winnipeg, and inviting distinguished men from other Churches to meet, him ? Was that an insult to the R. C. sen- timent in Manitoba ? Did you pro. test against -that departure from the impartiality which ought to charac- terize the chief official of a Pro• vine° ? Did you ever object to the use of public money by the city council of 1Viunipee in entertaining the Moderator and members of the General Assembly ? I have not heard that any of the Idoman Catho• lic citizens of Winnipeg objected even to the latter. You know perfectly well that lain With you fu your determination to exerrtise perpetual vigilance as to threatened encroach meals of the Church of Rome on our civil or religious freedom. I am all the more sorry that you should waste your ammunition on one who is not an enemy, and who simply followed the dictates of his genial heart in bringing together around his hospitable board Protest. ant and Roman Catholic clergy and laytnen on an occasion which was one of considerable interest to the R. C. Church. Let us fight real foes ; let us not set up men of straw in order. to Kaye the satisfaction of knocking them down. Yours truly, D. J. MACDONNELr.. ST. AND1u w's MANSE, 'l'oso\'ro, Oct. lint, 1887. REPLY OP TETE EDITOR 01 TIL PRES- BYTERIAN REVIEW • We fin,l no occasion, even after a perusal of Mr. Macdonnell's letter, to recall anything we have said on this subject, because there is a very radi- cal difference between the entertain- ment of the. General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at Winnipeg by the Municipal and civil authorities auil the hospitality extended "to Cartliuti 'Taschereau aft' -'.Toronto. The General Assembly is in no sense a political organization' and claims no supreme authority to control the affairs of State or to interfere with the proper execution of the law. On the other hand, the Papacy is, in an especial degree, a politico -religious organization, asserting supreme authority in matters temporal and spiritual, slaking no secret of its pre- tensions, and is, at this moment, en deavouring to overthrow the educa- tional institutions of this country and advocating and asserting unceasingly principles which, if carried into effect, would be utterly subversive of our civil and religious liberty. That our correspondent i$...n_eU..awere of the aims of this organization is .evident, for be frankly states he is with us in our "determination to exercise per petual,vigila.nce as to threatened en. croachulents of the (lhurch of Rome on'our civil or religions freedom. Mr. Macdonnell will remember that Cardinal Taschereau come t0 i.'oran• to in his official capacity as a "Prince of the Church of Rome." Moreover, our correspondent cannot already have forgotten that Archbishop Lynch and his coadjutor, who were guests, at Government House along with Cardinal 'Taschereau, where the very persons who during the recent visit of the Governor General of Canada to 'Toronto, studiously refrained from paying. to His Excellency, in the re- cognized manner, the respect due to hire aa the official repl'esent•ativo of Her :.raj sty. In vi w of this ave do 'not hesitate to reiterate the opinion, that the e.ttending of the hospitality of (invernwent house by the repre• sentative of the Governor. General, to such persons •was an insult,' not only to the Protestant sentiment of the country, hot to all loyal subjects of Her ;1lnjest•,y, Tn the netion of the Heinen 1.41h0110 hierarchy to ward=, tiie (1,rvernor General, they publicly associated themselves with the lawlessness and crime at this time nnfnrtt,llately fn one part of the 1 r 1 Kingdom.. Snell persons, whether priests or laymen ()tight not, in our judgment, to be entertained at Government House in Toron- to. Tw_nty Go:don Weddings • of I.:14.' 11 )•ion, Quit,, as lilt 'l'iiu1•~41114 11,I' 84; 4,41 of went., the I '.• I w il',.(1 . 1-,, :ll'!4 11,1••1.1• it WI t i in•t')ro 111(11144), thec,•Ie141':t• 11o14 n t!4e t;4,14:•4, wt4d41111.:S t ;,',•tiry v01101•.0114 temples. 11 i (lI lila'-S Was H 4 tt.'11 in their honor in tile parish church, where, 44urroundl d by their chfl(Iree, grandchihlree and grentgrandelfildren, they reue\V eel the vows they had nettle in their youth. Each of the clergymen is the 4on•or grandson of one or other of the old couples. Sumo yeers ago there was a similar ceremony at 1,'A4RG11)ption, when fourteen couples celebrated their golden wedd- ing. None of th('44e, however, had " been married more than 53 years. ,Immoral Advertising • From Good. I-IQi1,.1th we extract the fo11owing truthful remarks : One• of the most amazing inconsistencies in ntodern•jourualisin is the-didfer- uneo shgwn by the religious press 40 the character of Alm advertising addmitted to their columns. Hardly a newspaper c•lu be found which dues nut present in 11101•e than one of its pages the lying advertisements of the most arrant knaves and un- scrupulous charlatans, promising sure ' cures fog diseases resulting 'from the most aboulitiable vices. Every publisher knows that the sels►-itsls-mclds,.q•b-y- -hese quacks are false, and that the ingeniously worded advertisement is simply a scheme fur draining the purse of the inexperienced or unwary. And yet it is a melancholy fact that these advertisements aro more numerous in the so called religious nows- papers than in any other class. Cauuot the editors and publishers of these papers see that spch advertise- ments are most efficient encourage- uleut to vice ? Is it not apparent that the young will think lightly of the penalties of sin if they find for each one a dozen" certain pan- aceas offered 3 'It is high 11100 that a stop should bo put to this wile business. Let all honest odito.ts and pu ,fishers eunsider for it rnouleut whether they ^an afford to lend their influence to the iufaulous schemes of these sharks, If souls are lured into the toils of vice through these agencies whit is re- sponsible '1 boos nut the editor who publishes these invitations to vice with a guuar,tnteo of immunity from suffering, become a partner in the crime ? It publishers cannot be aroused to n proper souse of their obligations in the matter, and insist upon continuing their present shameful course, aiding and Abbott- ing the most heartless villains in their base and obscene business, closing their, oyes to the consequen- ces, let all honest leen and women refuse to read their papers or admit thole to their homes. The Parson's Triumph. Ewing Church. It is on record that a clergyman repeated the stone sermon so fee• queutly that smile members of his congregation complained to the bishop, who accordingly remonstrat- ed with the parson. ilo replied unhesitatingly : "Nell, my lord, it is quite true that I do preach the salve sermon frequently, but, look• lug to the barren results, I feel per- fectly warranted 1n doing so." As this explanation was not considered quite satisfactory, the bishop arrang- ed an interview at the 'palace with the rector and two of his church. wardens, who concurred in the conl- pLriut. After referring to the ob- ject of the conference, the rector turned 'suddenly to one of the 'churchwardens and asked: "What was the text?" The chttrcllwarden, after considerable shuffling and evasion, was unable • to give it. Turing tu'the other intelligent func- tionary lie asked lhl# sante question, with a similar result, and finally •appealed to the bishop as to whether he was not fu)ly,Lastified••_in repeat- ing the sermon in such extraordin- ary circumstances, Fourteen Do1laits For a Kies. A N rw York report seyse James Itross, a (4101(1)', although aged, ciiizen of New London, came to this city •u) see the sights lust. Sunday. While wandering along Cheriy street late that evening he noticed a crowd of blithesome gide laughing ami chatting 04) . a corner. While he was passing the merry group lie Willi. 1114)st :ist'ni ti'd 1,v suddenly lin link 0 pair of anos about his neck. At the sande time is silvery 4,11 (4 exclaimed : •(')h, ' 041 clear, olid darling give me a Itis,,' ,11 r. Bross Ilud never been greets 041 in unit 1011.1' iii Nl4w L01141011. 'Go ',wady, go away; you bold girl, cried he. 'You ought to 1-.1' a14hanted of your self. 16,, legpardon,' said the girl who hail stolen a kiss from the used) New L4)ndiu,rr. 'I mistook you foe my father,' 11'. l;'rn: s passed on, laughing over the j4)ke until he,st.,ppod into sore to buy a cigar, when ho was ^,, nodded 141 find that, X14, wllirh, 1,.; had in Itis VLSI pocket, 0'08 grw, life found apnlirentl0, whoarrests ed Annie Clark, a black-eyed maid - ell, whom Bross identified as the :zit 1 wile lel kissed dint, .Justice l�iiiu•,41. 11 the Tont. sP.);ive(l,urt, 1,11 Ano le in ;:1,000 for 11.1111. Saueering One's Tea A young girl nsks use if it is "sulger" to drink t, n with a saucer, and est pole with a knif 1 cnu sided', and say No, '1'n drink tea from 14 saucer, or to rat with a knife, ill their way;,._ are only i AAIii.C* TA ht.Qxtt$lta.seet,re you dim The oltt atets. of E gt. ab..cb.u,u, art, all provided with "veil plate,," Tilt. lei Bits t,Qum•rl 'froui the cup, and th:.' cup 4401 OU the plate or -twat, until handed up to be tilted a4;giu, or gait., done With. Propit+ taught tlle•r children to eat with a knife, turtling tit. Luck of tlfr akipleuleut toward the mouth. Vegetables could hot let eaten with the "1440 tined" furk then in tier; but the people were as well bred then as they ere to day, and wore euro More form illy polite, 1 n A q,ri'Lal l'UStn111.4 retuai110.1 v.•rc sample V' lar, .after they 110411 alt.•r' I in the swam circles of so'iety iu Eurol.e. Very likely yO'1• grand mother awl grandfather s•iucered their ten, and ate with a knife or a spoon 114 their youth ; and if they do it how they aro not ". ulgar" but simply .lo hot move with the Bolls. I think our way much better, and our forks much nicer t!ous their knives; bot it is only a .natter of custom, after 1111.—excha.itge, PROF. LOW'S NI SULPHUR. SO:11'.—feeling, sooth ing and cleans ing for all eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful for toilet use. 468-5t —After 40 years of good, eu3oy- able yum-yunl courtship, A. C. ]flack a111.1 Miss V. McDonald, of Bines• ille, eon -eluded last week that they were well enough ac- quainted to risk getting 111r11.1•le(l. They evidently believed in the adage that "there's luck in leisure." A NA IOW ESCAPE People who are exposed • in the sudden changes of our northern climate, have little chance of escaping coughs, cold, sore throat and lung trouble. The best safe guard is to keep, llagyard's Pectoral Balsam at hand. It is a quick reliet and reliable cure for such complaints 460-21. —A. T. Swiuford, Governor of Alaska, in his annual.report by the Dominion Goverum©nt to locate the boundary lino between Alaska and the North West 'Territory, claims that Shitoudo Iliviir is in British territory, and has suggested, on the strength of his report, that the Gov- ernment is likely to attempt next summer the collection of Miners' licenses provided fvr.,by the Cana- dian law. Any attempt of this kind will be resisted by the miners, a large majority of whom are Amer- ican citizens, and if persisted in will cortaiuly end in blood -shod. He suggests that Congress appoint a Commission to definitely settle the boundary lino. When you cannot rest from Asth• matic troubles; Southern Asthma Cure will- at once relieve. Double treatmenr in each package. 468-51 —In the course of a sermon on Sunday Rev. D. J. Macdonnoll, 13. D., of the St. Andrew's l'reeby'ter- btu church, 'Toronto, , took occasion to condemn the 00111111erel/ll 11111041 agitation from the standpoint of nationality. john Robinson, engine driver on 0.'1'.11. says he took fifteen (15) bottles of Barkwell's titre Corn Cure over to Windsor et different times to customers, and beard every one of them speak in tint highest terms of this celebrated •discovery. They all claim that it is a sure cure for corns, warts and bunions. 468-5t =James H. Glennie, formerly of Pusliticli, has this year raised on the Portage Plains, ,Manitoba,. 3,555 bushels of red I'yfe, wheat. Seven., ty-five acres of new fend yielded 43 bushels per acre. Ile also raised 1,000 bushels'berlcy, and over 1,000 bushels of oats. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP will re- move all kinds of Worms from child. ren or adults. 468-51 -The relatives of a child that died from diphtheria, in London, had an announcement in the news- papers inviting friends to the futiot•- al. The health offieer at once -noti- fied the parties that a public funeral could not, wider the circumstances, be permitted. It was too late to re- call the invitations so a number of persons gathered at the house. They were sent home, however, and the child was buried privately. 'I'l[E MODUS (IPEilANDI The mode of .operating of Burdock Blood Bitters is that it acts at once and the semi• titno upon the Stomach, Liver, Rowels, Kidneys and the i3lood, to cleanse, regulate and strengthen. (fence its almost universal value in Chronic Com- plaints. 46S -•2t 1(10111' '400 ARE. Yeti'rl,nru' Hot i4. )1•. -- • \V blit It disin)nesl (1114141e 1 . is to 01111- (iwn- roercinl `Union ' uurrstri t))d reci- priesi1!," ,1'44 vary nhj.rt is to ress tri°;. las (0 1.1'CiprO•it( With 1111') for eigll country tli,d to nee rite us from reciprocity with 1411 the res1 o1' the world, incjmlutg our Nfot her Comte try Rud sister cotnniee, A SAD CONTEMPLATION was it thiug of the past when we It is sad to contemplate the were l,abies, Many cf the middle, amount of physical suffering in the aged people of to -day. whn consider , world. How many Weary; broken themv'lar, elo^nnr, LOOT 14)114' thei:e' down invalids there are to things in their youth. Wo all know 1 life is whom burdensome! The nervous debility and general weakness of old people wl,o persist in doing it those afflicted with lingering disease and nice old people too. }t would be, is best remedied by the invigorating wrong to think them rvtigm•. They ' powers of B. 13, P. 408••2t tllrbed at eight and broken of your res by a sick child stt,$'ering and crying with pain of Cutting 'Teeth? If so scud et once and get a bottle of "Mrs Wi:aslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is ince+etl'lable. It will rel leve the poor littlesufferer immediately. De - peed upon it, mothers; there is uo mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrha;a, regulates the Stomach 'and Rowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflarnma'iou, and gives tone ono energy to the a hole system. "Mrs Winslow's Noodling -yrup" for chit .ren teething is pleasant tQ the taste and is the pre'criptiou of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle Its sure and ask for "Mrs, 1.luslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no Other kind- 44eIy —Sir Wilfred Blunt was found guilty of violating the Irish Criuirl Act, and seuteuce,l to two muutlis' imprisonment. Notice of appeal was ,given. Mr. Roel.•, a Poor Law Guardian, of Woodford, who was also arrested at Suu.lay's Meet• ins, was sellt1'm'.•I to three week,' iuspri,oenu:nt 01111.)141 hard labor. DIPiI'TIIERIA. "Last January," says J. N. Teeple, of Orwell, lent, " there appeared diphtheria in our neighborhood. Doctors ran night and day, but I kept right to Hagyard':s Yellow Oil and brought my children through • all right." . Yellow Oil cures all painful complaints and injuries. 468 21. —P 0111,44,,r• G,•nei`I.I a ltdedllll leo; IW,0) r.• 1,..•14'.1 •.0 the lion, -of einnntnris for Culrhu:air L1 It large majority, '111(4 rot UM, are 1101 all in, Let tho 1'111 not h„ less Ilan 141'44u: 1,und1•1'41 FREEMAN S WORM POWDERS are safe in all cases. They destroy and remove Worms in children or adults. 468-5t —IC44) elotrch congregation, Goderinh, at a special 1110(4111g held for the purpose of electing a col- league for Dr• Uro, decided to can Rev. J. 11. Simpson, of lirucrfield, to the position. NASAL BALM The only medicine in the market that will immediately cure Cold in the head, and permanently cure Catarrh, iray Fever, etc. 468•-51 —Rev. John Logio,Tilbury East, formerly of Exeter, where he pre- sided over two P. esb41 ,rued run gregl►tions for ov''r 30 years, died on Tuesday of typhoid fever. ITis funeral was a very large (141(4. RELIABLE REJiEFDY FOR RIIEUTMA'I'ISM Procure a bottle of' Ilagyard's Yellow Oil from your medicine dealer, and use according todirections. It ,cured Ida Johnston, of Cornell, Ont., of that complaint, and she recom• ends it as n sure cure. For 25 years it bas never failed to give satisfaction.. 4(i8 --2t • —The first •liii,lnelIt of cattle from the Can ellen Northwest. ranches, will pas., tlo•ouih•H'Inoipe_• shortly rn row oto Jan l'r ,i 1. l'nr to aro 40) 4 Ie•I:i0 1.4 ' ' 0i' Ontrgary 45 car, (4f c01,110 ,t �rxgali 600 head. The •,• itt'r are front the Ciot'I,r.Lni' rene:e'..t NATIONAL PILLS aro nnsurpass• ed as a safe, mild, yet thorough pur- gative, acting upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. .468 51 •—)n his speech from the throne Lieutenant Governor Dettelt!ey claims, a. yield- of 23 bushels of wheat to the airs' 111 the Kurth West Ten 11010 s, Oats have nverag• ed ,59 and barley :32. There i; an increased inesfe(e under culti ettiop, while the lie,' start: itelust'y i, pro- prevsi u: .• A 131G STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell, & Davis issued their'Extract of arsap- arilia and Burdock. It has rpet with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in al( diseases arising from a debilitated condit:on of the system, and gverynne needs, and should, use a bottle or two at this senso t of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sersal'arilla and bitters, Also remember Hutt it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. it bottle. Sold by an drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44331v 11'CTION SALE .1 V. BILLS, nny slze or v .ceder, at 440 ranwmmh1e r Ou , 4,1 The',ews-Recdrd '= n:l:ee. w'e)11:11<:I.apoctal- 77 ty of this 41(44 of work and aeknoWIedge nn super- iors and few equals. As gond work and as lo' prices x.14 any office (((4,41 of Toronto guaranteed. 1Job Printing. To those i)1 hood of anlino I.1of Printing, or newspaper 8(14(0• tiling, it will pixy to consult Ti1F: Nli4S•1(ECO1ill TZ ILL HEADS, NOTE (leads, Letter !leads, 'fags, Statements, Ci1e't 1 i'n, lh)sinoss ('nni41 E,, elopes, Program most ct',,etc,,prince1 in n worl4nlan• lil<n nl1tlner and 01 mow rates, a, TIIE NEwS.111.:C'ult1)( ice, i ANT A�iItiM1Nt In returning thanks to my many friends and Wrenn for past patronage, I woulu like to call their special attention to aly verb complete stocfi of HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, ETC., ETC. Speeial attention is directed to my stock of :-:SINGLE::'HARNE :- 5•�.: It will be Lound very complete, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled by any one. As I employ none but the best workmen, and use the beat material to be bought in the market, all who may favor me with their patronage may feel confiden of getting satisfaction. eitt.PRICES 'AWAY DOWN. Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. GEORGE A. SHARMAN Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, $oils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. SIM GOOD FOR 30 DAYS 0 READ OUR PRICE L1ST And coneult your 04041 interest by put•chasiug in the Cheapest Markets 14 lbs. Coffee Sugar. al 03 Best English Pickles, per bottle, „t0 25 16 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar 1 00 Worcester Sauce, per bottle.... 35 17 lbs, Pure Raw Sugar 1 03 Pure Cocoanut, per lb 37 5 lbs. Choice Hyson Tea 1 00 8 Bare.Judd's Soap 25 3 lbs. Splendid Hyson Tea 1 00 4 Bars Electric Soap 25 21 lbs. Extra Hyson Tea 1 00 Best 3,1b. Bar Soap 25 5 lbs. Choice Coulton Tea . 1 00 4 Cakes Toilet Soap 25 4 lbs. Choice Japan Tea .,, 1 00 4 lbs. New Currants 25 2 lbs. Best(Eng.)Breakfast Tea 1 00 •2A flee New Raisins. ..... .......... 2:1 21• lbs. Fine Java Coffee . 1 00 '21- lbs. Sultana .Raisius 25 3 ahs. Fine Rio Coffee 1 03 3 lbs, New Figs 40 0 lbs. Rice 25 6 dozen Clothes Pins 90 3 lbs. Sago 95 i Sardines, per can,1'2 c to 25 4 lbs. Starch 25 1 Call's Feet Jelly,. per bottle.... 60 Canned Sahnon, Canned Finnan Haddie, Canned Mackerel, Lunch Tongue, Boneless Pig's Feet; also, Canned Tomatoes, Plums, Pine Apple, Raspberries at bottom prices. Special inducements to Cash Customers in Tea, Dinner and Toilet Sets. Call and inspect our stock and be convinced, one and all, for patterns rare and best of ware, you must come to CHINA HALL. 1-_ . OMScD' 7 CHI1VA HALL- dLINTON. NEW DRUG STORE. 0 o The undersigned has ,just opened.a new Drug Store, In JACKSON'S NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two 'doors west of the City Book Store; where will be found a complete assortment of lore 'Drugs, and l'hemicals, also Patent licdicines and I)rnggists' Sundries—ail that the public may ask for in 4110911 - lines. a Clinton, 18th .Ianuafy, 1880. A. WORTHINGTON. P. S.--Otlice 4dianged fron) residence to stnrr NE'NEyV STOCK ! N E W STORE ! ELL I TT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the Neto Store and sec the stock of Bedroom and...Parlor. Sets,_._Lonnges,. Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, .141attrasscs, etc., and general 11ousehold Furniture,. The whole Stook is flout t111 very best manufacturers. Picture Frances reel Mouldings of every description. . -- --- - JiGS. CHHJDLlY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store, Buy Your ' GROCERIES —1711(11\1— THOS. - FROi%I— THOS.: --COOPER----&----SON. The largest, cleanest and best assorted stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, etc., in town; Cly Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest, and we warrant everything first class. gir Sole agents fur the Celebrated "Cooper's Baking Pmetler." A Best Brands of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manfrs, Prices TEAS A SPECIALTY. .THOS. COOPER & SON, Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton. Give us a call. AIIIRIMEMEISMISZIMINGIPORC - Ntasnontasosio HOUSEKEEPERS DUI YouR General Groceries, Crockery & Giasi wa Fez FROM CA1\7112 IaO1\T 13P.06. WHOLESALE AND • RETAIL GROCERS. The wants of every family sepplicll. Stock always fresh. SPECIAL INDI'CE- M ENTS when quantities arc ordered. new' A HANDSOME PRESENT GIVEN:AWAY with every 3 or 5 lbs. of Tea 0a -Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. +4 LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WACON FACTORY CZIIN"T.N_ O 0 In Stook, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons. --o 0 The Material we mannfaeture:is of the best quality and the Irma work unsurpa-1t-d In fact we make it an important tenter° of our liminess to use only the hest lire- " curable material and the best workmanship. 'those in need of CUTTERS and SLEIGHS, of the latest slakes and styles, should not fail to call a14(1 see us. —o— ALL WORK WARRANTED. " Repairing and Reuaintinv Promptly Atter_ led to, a FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON r