The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-02, Page 7rtvi lt ►�"3TS MR; 11Iw. Yu. K;ao,o returned to c a. Illi< €u11itl Around titre X411106." Otvat,ltill. B0Y WANTED 10 learn .the print- ing business; must be a fair .reader and intelligent; one living tvitll his parents in town preferred, Apply at THE NEWS; RECORD office,. WOOLEN MILL STORE, COOper'9 old stand. Yarns, flannels, shirts :tud drawers, top shirts, tweeds, &c., all factory made and at prices that cannot be undersold ---F. E. CORBETT LARGE QUANTITIES OF OLD COUNTRY GOODS are arriving at Dicksons Bookstore nearly every day -His Fall and Xmas Stock will soon be complete -Prices away down to suit the times. 466. FOR SALE, AT A BIG BARGAIN, a "Challenge" Wood Stove, about as good as new ; will be sold for about half what it cost. Apply at this office. ANY QUANTITY OF \Voonrtaken in trade for goods at Dickson's Book- store. 468 CHRISTMAS will be with us seven weeks from next Sunday. MEASLES are prevalent, but they are said to bo of a very mild type. MR. AND MRS. KEACIIIE, Of Galt, spent a ftw days in town and returned home on Monday. NOVEMBER 5T11, a day observed generally by Orangemen, falls on Saturday next. MR. ARMSTRONG, our popular col- lector of customs, is spending a week in Toronto. THE SEVERE FROST Of Saturday night froze up several pumps iu town. S. J. ANDREWS cider mill has been doing big work the past two or three weeks. ONTARIO STREET METHODIST S.S. TEACHERS met in conclave yesterday (Tuesday) evening. THE SICK. -At time of writing Mr Boles was suffering from a re- lapse and Mr. 11'IcGarva was im- MR. AND MRS. A. J. GRIGG. of Ridgetown, Ont., are ou a several weeks visit among relatives and friends. THE ADDITION to St. Paul's church will be greatly appreciated, and those who Were unable to obtain pews will now be accommodated. AIR. D. A. F ORRESTER has erected a handsome new fence and other- wise' improved his private TOSI- donco. A FACT. -It is in the interest of Of every business man iu Clinton to bo represented in the advertising columns of THE NEWS -RECORD. MISS,,AGNEW, of Lucknow, has taken up her residence in town and opened out a dressmaking shop in the place of Miss Foster. 'REV. MR: SPARLING preached a very affecting sermon last Sunday evening having special reference to the death of the late Luke Trouso. INSPECTOR MALLOCH was home over Sunday and- returned-or-th . on Monday to take up his unfinished tour among the schools of that section. ELOQUENT \\T05_ Lives of editors remin,l,us That we haven't half a chalice ; \'cat• by year we wear behind us Bigger patches on our pants, Mn. 1;t. Fr17.siMIONS sold and delivered Last week to a Hamilton printer named Cooke.liis three year old 'Pontine driving colt and receiv- ed in return $200.• Mn. JAco11 1fir,r.an will have a inucll improved residence when the addition is complete. The frame work is > ow in good shape and the carpenters'. are busy. I., 0. L. i 11), Clinton, meets a. week from next Monday. A large number of initiations are expected and several members will be ad- vanccd, to the higher degrees. TrimN stilseelins11S who do •not receive their papers regularly should report to this office at once, \\ro aro, aDN.10US ail should got titch papers promptly. See that your pap, r is proutpt!y.delivered. A oN E•ltoltsE TiRAVELLING CDI(EDY TROUPE!, occupied the town hall one ,night last week. but their efforts were so much below that of the most ordinary amateurs that they folded their tculs and hied them away to Goderich where they were equally unappreciated. Scar lrtlIsinPf5 111011 Say they do not believe in advertising, but they never pull down their sign. The best means of advertising known is the newspaper. Inteiicling pur- chasers will undoubtedly save ntoly by looking closely over LIE N Ews- I.rcoRD before they spend a cent. POOR MAN'S COURT. -Division Court was held here last Friday. Tho legal fraternity was represented by Atessrs Manning and Powell of Clinton and W. Proud foot,Goderich. Master in Chancery S. Malcolmson Esqr. acted as Judge, and, though a very wide awake gentleman usually, the mantle of the blind goddess seemed to fit hint admirably, Thera was an averageatlioiinT of•'6tisii ess disposed of by talo Court. town Monday. His abort absence has made a wonderful change iu his appearance, in fact so mush so•that his most intimate friends °Quid scarcely recognize the gentleman. SAVE YOUR. GLOBE*. -„•r An cm - ' change says :-" Mr. Goodrich, of Norwich, Out., has arrived iu Brau.:ou. He brought with him about 150 bushels of chestnuts. He sold them for $8 a bushel." As the daily Globe is only $5 a year there is money in it for tho sub- scribers who will save them up and select all the "chestnuts " to be found iu its columns. It would be a cull day indeed when a yearly file would not yield a bushel. THEY STILL STICK To IT. -Thele are a number of papers in tho county with more cheek than cour- tesy. Every week THE NEWS- REcotlD is scissored by several of our county exchanges and interest- ing matter palmed off as their own. It is very unfair to our correspond- ents and THE NEWB,RECORD, but it is well for the public to know that this journal is one of'lhe beat in the Province, and that a number of local papers depend on it ,largely for their county and local matter. RAISE THE MORAL STANDARD. - And now' the blithesome farmers are' pulling "the luscious turnip .'of its luxuriant vine" and shipping them in car lots to American friends who will transform then: into "orange marmalade" and various other canned delicacies which they would like to return to us free of duty. What a boon it would be for Canada -to be politically and commercially annexed to a people who can convert basswood logs into hams and nutmegs and turnips into apple jack and orange marmalade ! AN IMPENDING CRISIS. -A terri- ble difficulty has arisen between His Worship the Mayor of Walkerton and constable I:obeit Millons. The town council passed s bill of $2.50 duo • to Mr: Millons, which the Clerk and 'Mayor signed in the usual way. The order was left zrt the Mayor's office, to be called for, according to practice. But Mr. Millons declines to call at the Mayor's office. And now the poilit over which the town is agitated is this: Will the Mayor have to go to the constable with the order, or will the constable have to go to the Mayor for the order l CURIOUS CAUSE OF LIBEL. -The 'Windsor Clarion has only lately been mulct'd in ten dollars damages for publishing; that one Mazuretto, an alleged musician, did not know the difference between a B fiat and a bee hive. The editor of the same paper has now jeopardised 'his liberty by stating that the following card in a tailor's window, "Girls wanted to help on pants," meant -that young ladies were required to help male customers to fit on pants purchased there. The tailor sold 115 pairs of pants within three hours after the Clarion elan gave his ver- sion -of the meaning of the card. A• lot of bald headed men corning over from Detroit to enjoy the novel sensation incident to their having young ladies to help them on with their pains. Tho tailor, says • he likes to make his business interest- ing but - that, the Clarion sensa-_ tion is just a little more inter- esting than tho°llead of a family :and a church member can consistently allow. AT IT " Ae•mx.-A week or so ago we reproduced from a Ifamil- ton paper a mention of how a former Clinton "boy," Mr. E. Do- herty, had been served by his fellow employees in, Ilamilton on • his severing ,his connection with their firm to go into businesa for himself. On Monday we find in the local' papers that another lot of Mr. Doherty's friends met iu Galt, where his family has resided for eight years, and presented hint with a double (hot- and cold water) silver service; also an address • which was read by A):1•, \\r. I;. Rothwell, for- merly of Goderich. The conducting portion was as follows •:-We beg. of you therefore to accept of this Silver Water Sett, and that your- self and airs. Doherty (a daughter of Mr. Swartz of Clinton) may be long spared to use them and dnjoy the pleasures of this life. This we can assure you, is the hearty wish of your many friends in Galt. A IL.trry Evr:.rT. -Cupid - the son of Mars and Venus is ever busy and in conjunction with his half- brother Ilyin00 is continually making changes in the domestic re- lations. The latest episode in the careers of those mythical deities culminated last Wednesday in the marriage' of Miss 1.;:iu Jackson, daughter of Thos. Jackson, Esq., to Mr. Charles Carrnicheal Ranco. all of Clinton. _-._Th._ coremony •was performed by Rev. Mr. Stewart and Rev; Rural Dean Craig at the resi- dence of the bride's parents The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Angio and Miss Alice Ranco. The groom by Messrs. H. B. Comb and C. Smith. The bride was tho recipient of many tokens of esteem from numerous friends, and the happy couple Left by the noon train on a week's sight seeing. Tho couple aro genuine Clintonites, being to " the manor born," and' will- carry with thorn down the cycles `o -f" -Limo "ihe reST-ifisfiea- of - hosts of friends. Berlin Wools and rine-ring Yarns ram-I..4.L1 3s, .,E! LOW P13,,X0 1 - Plkotograpi1 .Autograph .Albuiw , S•erap lbualaa�►, litaoellaneous ]3ooks, BIBLES, WORCESTER.'S AND WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARIES, MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE, CHA11.MBERS' ENCYCLOPYEDIA, &o., &c. LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER TO CHOOSE FROM AT REDUCED PRICES. CHRIS. DICKSON. lokneramommaseritamosa ST. PAUL'S CHURCIi.-This church will he re-opeued ou Sunday next. Collection in aid in of improve- ,nent fund. REv. Mn. FISHER, of Holnlesville, will exchange pulpits with Rev. Mr. Sparring next Sunday, morning and evening. On Thursday, the 18th instant Mr. G. R. Gordon, the well known and popular merchant of Carroll street, Vancouver, B. C., was married at Clinton, B. C., to Miss S. M. Mclntyre,lato of Goderich, Saltford, Ont. FOR CALIFORNIA. -Air. and Mrs. J. H. Combo left town Saturday, for California to visit their sou in the town of Alameda. Mr. Combe Jr. has not been very well for some time and the visit of his parents is caused by the young mares present serious illness. Many citizens have pleasant recollections of the young man and hope for hie•restorat- ion to health and vigor. NE OTHER FELLOW IN LIMBO. - Constable Munson, of Arthur, passed through Fergus the other afternoon, having in custody Inspector Flath, of Drayton, whom he was taking to Guelph goal. It appears that tho Arthur Magistrates, acting on the advice of the County Solicitor, decided to commit Mr. Flath for trial, .on the charge of having collected excessive fees for services as constable in connection with Scott Act cases. The bench offered to accept bail, and fixed the amount at the reasonable sum of $400, but Mr. Flath refused to give bail and went to goal'instead. THE printing .pcess has Stade pre- sidents, killed poets, furnished bustles for beauties and furnished genius with sandpaper criticism. it has made the world got•up at roll call every morning, giving the pul- pit lungs of .iron and a voice of steam. It has set the price of a bushel of wheat, and made the coun- try post office the glimmering goal of the rural scribe, It has curtail- ed the power of kings and burst rings; it has converted bankers in- to paupers: it has educated the homeless, and robbed; the philoso- pher of his reason. It smiles and kicks, cries and dies; but it cannot be run to suit ovorybody,and the edi- tor who tries it is a fool. • A Man, BAD BULL. -Mr. James "Oke, is a cattle dealer of Exeter, -Rntl Mr. S. Mftrtin-i's"-ir` saner of the Township of Hay. Mr. Ol:e had purchased from farmers:through- ont the locality numerous bulls • for shipment to the, old country, and Saturday last was the specified day for the delivery of the stock atExe- ter, Mt•. Martin and his sou left home, which is ou the Sth con. of Ilay, -early iu the morning driving a bull which was secured only by a rope attached to the ]lead and to his front foot. The annual driv- ing easily and appearing quiet and harmless, Mr. Martin preceded, leaving the boy to manage the beast. It walked along in a very quite and dispassionate lcitiuner until reach- ing the town, when, viewing many strange sights, it became wild, and at once began to Make things fly. A Aliss . 'who was walking along the sidewalk was the first object of its prey. Tito hull made .t mad dash at the woman; caught her in its horns and tossed iter un- mercifully into the air, injury to- gether with flight. causing the victim to fall into a swoon ; she was not seriously injured, however. The bull was now master, of the streets. ilo turned to retrace his steps homeward and again &gait his exhibition of frowzy by attack- ing horses. Mr. John Spackman, accompanied by Mr. and Airs. henry Brash of Stephen, worn driv- ing horns from viewing some pro- perty which Mr. Spick man calls about to sell them, when the bull made a dash for the horse, and pick- ing it up on his horns throw horse, buggy and occupants over a steep bluff. Mr. and Mrs. Bush were considerably injured, while, lir. Speckman escaped. The horse was badly gored, the horns of the bull penetrating its abdomen at the flunk, about six inches. Tho buggy was considerably damaged. Tho enrag- ed bovine kept on its way until reaching the cemetery gate, whore the caretaker shot it. Should the horse, which is in a precarious con- dition, die, Mr. Martin will have a heavy bill to pay, as all (Image done by the bull will have to bo made good by' ilia` proprietow—= Exeter Tilrree. TIDE TowN BESIEGED Life Insurance gG3INTB- LOOli AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A NOME COMPANY : r— A --. R 81000 o 25 Cost forPE1885,,880.. also 1 86 00 So " 680 41 36 " .. 0 64 "40 11 " 45 IS 11 50 60 11 6 93 " " .. 7 59 8 8s .. 14 97 Le- Definite Insurance at the above rates. See me '.'efore you insurd in any company and understand our plan: At the age of 40, the cost for $5,000 was about $35 for 1885, also for 1886. See us before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent. IN a letter from \l' awauosh pub- lished in TIIE NEWS -RECORD last week, there was a sentence which appeared to give color to an impres- sion that Mr. Robb, of Clinton, was the writer of a burlesque report of ;. literary entertainment said to have been given in the same township, and which we also unwittingly published. Mr. Robb was not the writer of it nor of anything else that has appeared in these columns. A CONNECTICUT "BLUE LAw."- "Tho Code of 1650," a compilation. of the earliest laws of the General Court of Connecticut, gives the following on tobacco : "Forasmuch as it is observed that many abuses are crept in, and committed, by frequent taking of tobacko, it is ordered by the authority of this Courts, that no person under the ago of twenty-one years, nor any other, that hath not already nccus- toured himselfe to the use "thereof, shall take any tobacko until lie hath brought • a certificate under, the hands of some who :aro .. approved for knowledge in phisick, that it is usefull for him, and allso, that ho hath received a lycepse from the courte, for the same. And for the regulating of those, who either, by theirs former taking it, have, to theirs owne apprehensions, made it °necessary to them or uppon clue advice, are persuaded to the use thereof. It is ordered. that no man within this colonyo, after the publication thereof, shall take any tobacl iubliquely, iu the streett, highwayes or any barne yardes, or upon training dayes, in any open places, under the penalty of sixpence for each offence against this order, in any the perticulars thereof; to be paid, without gaiuesaying, upon con- viction, by the testimony of one witness, that is without just excep- tion, before any one Magistrate. Aud the constables in the • several towns are required to Make present- ment to each perticular ;ourte, of such as they doe understand, and can evict to be transgressors of this order." -Fen Ilawilion, Whose name was so prominently connected with the alleged elc,l,enlcut of Mrs. llicl� dlutou, ,ari-k o l in Montreal and threatens 0 host of libel Suits against the newspapers, , the Canada Gazette William Henry Jliddletoc gives notice that he will apply to the Parliament of Canada at its 1t1 xt session for it bill of divorce from his wife, Mary Fronde :Middleton, on'tt:e grounds of adultery and desertion, IT 15 •ODD -It sounds odd to read that owing to the increasing demand for Money the Montreal 'bankers have resolved that the minimum rate of interest should 4.1t3 seven per cent. It is these same backers who have been clamoring for the re duction of the rate of interest .paid by the Uovernwent Savings Bank, on the ground that four per cent. watt too much to pay tnechttnics, farmers, and laborers for their little investments. 13ousD TO MAKE IT Goon -A decision of considerable importance to hotel keepers and the travelling public has been given by Judge Senkler, of Lincoln County, A guest of Gates' Hotel, St. Catharines, had money stolen from his room, aud,he sued the owner to snake the loss good, The judge decided that an innkeeper is bound to provide a lock and key for the rooms hired by his guests, and, net having done 1;o in tins mist,, he is made liable- for the looney pu.rleiued. .1 =WORTH— Considering Buyers of Clothing cannot afford to overlook the - • WONDERFUL BARGAIN § § r § § § § § §-§-§ § Weare offering in the Overcoat line. The following linos are without doubt the Cheapest Goods ever offered in Clinton, and it is not much trouble to find out the truth of this statement : x Our Great Boy's Overcoat, . - - $2.50 Our GreatTweed Overcoat, - - $5.00 Our Great Tweed Overcoat, - - $10.00 THE ABOVE GOObS ARE * * t Manufactured by Ourselves l And the CUT, MAKE ANI) TRIMMINGS snake there worth double the prices of ordinary Ready-Mades. Yon cannot afford to buy cheap trash when you can get our own manufactured goods at such low prices. JACKSON BROS THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. FALL & WINTER. 1868 U CALL ON C. C. RANG.84 dig FO1i. VO UR FALL and WISTER CLOTHING. t1 C. RANGE AND CO. 1VTefelimit-`tiflolt~s; Clinton.