The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-02, Page 4few :dunt#.r fclitzcrto gag
Card -A. W. Carslake.
Apology -S. Cantelo.n.
'fenders -A. P. Bradley.
For 30 Days --N. Robson.
Fancy Goods -Win Cooper:
Neckwear, ete-Jaokson Bros.
62.75 Watches -Rob. W. Coats.
•Servant Wanted -Mrs. Stewart.
Wood Wanted --Chris. Dickson.
Worth Considering -Jackson Bros.
The Huron News -Record
Wedue day, November 2. 1887.
The Globe has a very good caption
to its leading editorial of Saturday :
"Blame the Mau, not the Institu-
tions." lint the Gluge has nut been
doing that. For many years it has
blamed both the man and the iusti-
tutiuns. It has perseveringly binln-
• ed $irJohu for sins of olniision, anti
COM 111isS1oIl and 1'or actions which
would not cotno under either sinful
catoguly. At the satno time it Ira's
denounced Canadian institutions
which it ellnrged with polutitting
many alleged but unfounded "its of
naladutinisteati611 ou the part of
Sir Johu and the Government of
which he' is the Premier and the
party of which ho is the honored
There has not been a decision
given by our higher courts in which
the G./de; had a-pereonal or !,arty
interest but it has clpnounced both
tho iustitutions which permitted tiro
appointment of tho jutiges 'who pre-
sided as %yell the judges themselves.
Tho institutions• which permitted
such honored names as the late
Chic•!' Justice Hon. Matthew Crooks
Cameron and the recently retired
Chief.Justico Hon. Aden Wilson,
to give their splendid tektite for the
adornment of our judiciary and for
maiutaiuing the world-wide sterling
per,-enli-neneo of Canadian .jurispru-
dence, have boon deuounced as the
very fouutaiu of corruption. So
much has tho Gtobtt reticle into the
habit of denouncing our institartlouer,
that the leading English paper of
Quebec, the lluntretal Ifei•a1a1, has
had, sr"veral times of hate, to rcquo.t
the ✓;lY,h:e to remember that thele
fs a ala..s of people in Can:111 of
English birth ur descent :tett of B1••i-
tisb i'ee•iiugs• who are' allied with the'
Reform party, but ,who eninot hold
• with it it their leading organ is to
centime. tn'ctorine and hammering
.^+t•ay at everythiiieg• Brifis1iw-Jitttlrer
Colonist ur nnpertai. l:Nee_.was the
time \viten the G/#ibr teas not afflict-
ed %villi this dementia.
It is time for the Globe to cry a
hilt in its crusade trgainst our insti-
ttltions, att,l confine itself to an en-
(letaw to reform abases within the
conet ituteen. Its latest attack ntwn-
ou1 iu:aitutions is its endeavor to
wipe thea] out of existence by cone
mercial annexation to the United
States; No, .. - •
'The institutions of as country ale
a reflex of tho people:. And hero is
the way the ,(,;tutee !demos then]
while taking for its text, "blame
not•t}lo institutions :" "The major-
ity, by condoning the crimes of
Sir •Toho, worn n 'inifostly degraded
s atli'tii:a ly" etc. That journal has
at ono time or auulherbhuned every
institution in the Dominion. It
his hl amcef our system of 001111101 a-
ttun: it its hjainnd the Pacific Rail-
w'•e.i• purtliuti; it h blamed the
hoeitutioas which allowed the
l '"1,1,• ! > eisentlete .and le tke: pro -
(tele ive
(tel l'v, oat• Northwest ; it li i.; 1)1.1m -
e,1 tu+ instit•s ions the gruel' l work
of tyles .11 ere ,,'t4 1 ttv 1'er ill 1 it• his
blant.•d tho institutions which give
th I+oeel tr- Eeoeulive the n,. eel. In
tinf,rc' . ,'''t laws; it leo( Mem s1 the
i 1 t i! n;iutr• tvi ii,h ,:I;uty tie' C'1uv-
et'iiiH edit tJ e,1t'r•y mit its e eitraetd_ 111
tools, sot them quarrelling -with each
other. Iu like untiuuer what are we
to thiuk of a leading journal whose
polioy seems to be getting up Don-
nybrook fair fights between the
Various nationalities, creeds and
callings? Its 'Meat fall boiug coru-
rnorcial uuuexation in exchange for
.the glorious heritage and libortice
we enjoy as iudopoudent Canadians.
It was 10 be expected that our
disclosure last week of the miserable
animus which dictated the protest
against Mr. Porter would gall the
INTERESTING PROGR1e:SS. Thin conduct -its simj,ly erandaloue,
-----� at,d diel ul,j,•Ct of it is to destroy the
Essex. Centre is the u=tine of an faith of (Canadians in the future of
apparently fn•oyressiye village iu the lluwil,im, that t,e rosy the
Essex Couuty, Ontario, Iu 1881
the population was 360, now it is
about 2,000, se 'says a three year-old
weekly journal published there, call -
more readily ts:11 a prey to Autel•i•
can intrigues. Shaine upon euch
unpatriotic Canadians, and upon
those ton, who $.y threats of War
anti meati" i hate lately been try.,
ed the it'se.cVentre Lllw•o/. 1\'e have ing to .,:per,+Canadians.
received a nuuttier Of that public.ttiOU
containing 2.1 pages about the size gent efli'topo u1efl(t
of the Newe-Iteoeuots TLn !•i/" eel — • -_ ---
is liberally dotted with local ad- CoderecI 'Township.
vertieentt•uts, tt•hie;h will probably There will be an oyster supper iu
aeeouut fur the progress Of rho the Orange hall, Bayfield Line, on
peuple, We ore glad to learn of
the Livelong of Nov, 5th, to coo,-
the lrue1 e:
menu about five o'clock, under the
1 arcsa of Essex comity, and auepices of L. 0. L. 306. Previous
withers of the hide -bound wing of of Essex ('etliu village, bec;ese to fleet thele tt•i11 bo a shooting
the hieform party called the Grit though a part i; nut the whole it i:i match to- continence at 1:30• p. m.
element. Notwithstaudiug that our the Nits which form the whole,
venerable and very wise contonlpor• and the more of thele that have
ary can ulutt'suppose that the Liberals
(Grits) of West Huron aro su hard
up for revenge as the NEWS•Res iUD
tries to make out," we can assure it
that it hes "supposed" and stetted lieu, la is eseeuriling 10 the Lieertel,
as facts many th1ngs which required 1 liven one uI'the uuits which have
a greater exercise of,its inventive •lee•O11 In:shi1111'• 111 the alntust
faculties. Wo repeat agaiu that the pire•1:a
Luret] drselt.',ueettt of ftt•e
protest ng.iitlst \[r. Porter is the nail of t)ln•uio which, nihil tit, -
outcome of revenge, and its object
the persecution of Mr, Porter, and
fur tho Nations wo gave last woel
There is nut 0 p:u•ttele of ovideuce
against Mr, Porter for wrung doing
either personally or by tigeu'ts• We
have had the satisfaction of perusing
the snow. report of ?Ir. Porter's ex-
ahlillatioU under oath, when he was
interrogated by Mr. 1'routlfout be-
fore'Arr. D. McDonald at Goderich.
And Ito bears out the estimate we
had formed and the statements we
matlo as to the absolute freedom
from corrupt practices of Mr. Por-
ter or Itis agents. Our contempor-
ary admits the personal purity of
Mr. Porter, and l[r. Porter on oath
declares he had no agents other than
his lin:metal one, 1)r. Holmes. If
his personal integrity is admitted
his oat}! Must be accepted. This
being the case what motive ether
than that of revenge can have been
:at the bottom of tho charges against
But we do not rely upon induc-
tive evidence to:support our charge
that the few of the Grit wire -pullers
who ruu the protest inachinery are
actuated by revenge. We shall be
generoats enoughto a defeated op-
ponent to say that wo believe ilr.
Cameron personally to not bo oue•
Everyone invited. G. A. Cooper,
vitality, the ;setter t 1 '1111 pee Secy - _._.._
]lute 1rI11.
1111110110.. Will tin. a•l,ule structure .[rs. Jos. Cuveutry who has been
h' p --,.,,,1 ,,:'. .1u 1 ts• 't Hittou visitiug friends in this vicinity for
" bur," a• Gude:icIi tuw•nsbip one at the past few weeks has returned to
her home iu \1attluette, Michigan.
last low years I, ul h:,tit lot.kecl upon
chiefly 1.4 0 ,campy ple.seeve tit
only for the pru,lnetiue trotd repro-
duction ur the ('aruuli•itt t'e;tberless
suugsters-t•'clefL cls t'tL:g, Wo fuel
TIRO iutiisteil. in t,.vi,•w• of
the eenergotio nen of that locality
the Li/tired inelndes \1r. \V,-1. John-
ston, 1'urmt•tly of (Judeiiclt town-
ship, util prudno's ,t likeness of
that gentleman, with the following
accompanying remarks :-lir: W.
J. Julwstun is n native of the town-
ship of' Gode►•ich, Ont., whore bo
was born 43 years ago: Iu 1873,
Mr. Johnston canto to Essex Centro
and purchased n block of land and
commenced farming, ivhich busi-
11058 110 still follows, although he is
now senior pat'tuel- in the firm of
Johnston Bros., builders and cou-
tractors. Iu 1881, .\lt: Johnston
was elected councillor iu the t first
council of Essex County, and in
spite of strong oppositiuu has been
re-elected each year since. Iio is a
valnablc public officer, Conserva-
tive in politics, but very liberal in
all public matters, and is by all
means and in all -matters a fair-
minded :and generous opponent.
A collision between the Federal
and State authorities. is imminent 10
C'alifornia•over tate eviction ()feller')
of. those miserable mortals. Woherders and settlers, from the I;ottud
hive it on•tho authority of his per -
\;alley -Indent' TUSTY1t:11iuti' tinct
is a. elnailee for 001' (.'an•idiaul c )1isti-
tattion ticket's to 6110w tile• fallibility
of all written compacts. And on
the other h tieloie is 0 !siiuck down
proof that the almost infallible
rc tnblican cuufedu er:diowill ueces-
saiily permit of a little •friction
between National anit Stat,: rights
with cont-tfiu-relluu ;;th14-1-6-p ieces.
.And if su wily~ will nut friction be-
tween 1)olniuiuu sad Provincial
authorities be tieriuissah.lo •without
our toil.fa;tloxutiou- ;uiuo..-to•.-l.tteees,•.-
' sot't;cl 'rfoni+l's filar tic w'as nverso to
procoedinga.beiug taken against Mr.
?'.otter. \\'o also have it on the author
ity of his porso:'lal friends that their
game is one of Ttlitf ,•rand fariling
that they would continue proceed-
ings in the hope that, though they
knew of no avrofeet doing, they
might perchance "fish" otlt_ ionto•
trivial indiscretion on tho part of
some supporter of \ir. Porter whom
they might constructively stake out
ta-1 tfs(• tsgonto. '.. '
We. also have it on the authority
of the Grit revenge pushers that
Mr. Cameron or the. party spent but
very 'little money last election, but,
that if they could only got another
opportunity tho combined "central"
treasury as well Ai Mr. Cauldron's
personal money hags would flood
the riding in an underground
stream that would so f:crtilfze the
growth of grit soutiniont as to 10ave
\lr. Porter in a minority. Surely
out' contemporary will not doubt
tit+; statomellts of its own partisans ?
Our cutest states that the Grits
aro 11vt `t foolish enough to throw
aid iy their money just fer'tlio fun
of 111e thing." Correct, 'This is
,just t,lt;at w•C acre+ contending 1'01'.
No, it is ]tut for Ilan: fun of the
tiling llur from patriotic motives
t'le•tt they 304111,1 spend and be
s•mnt, but fur purr: partisan revenge:
1;., t 1 t telt. 111 f':a,,t the (Pao hive' \\u aro inure than eves .intpressod
in d t til hl aim d every institution with thin view since reading \Ii.
in (be,,•gin.l ry in its•pe;• erst in- Putter's depOSltion. Though, as
'b .r'eve to 1,1 one tee In;il :sir, Jahn1v!' �� r.+it:•.itiully stated, we never
\l e" %s t; 1. An•1 sett nit i si rr• britt any rescan to doubt that Mr.
dal' I' r„s ,11' t ikes ,t8 its t.oxt : Pull'''' l.t II.R i'. p:re;•,Ulhtill'e of tire
' 11:.11,1 :0 in, .not the institri- rutpiueleised :tnal unpurchnsoablo
1;in'•s."'i'I1 policy ul'the fr/„/• lifts
majority of the electorate of \est
of hitt het; to divide our people
mot destroy our institntious. Ily
c<'1ing tip fieti,n ,tefilth faction It
hula's to gain ill rude. ft should
1 ttht::' cul Idvat .' :a cotemunilt• t>1'
iluron, And as lir. Porter is now
admitted by his opponents to be,
tree from p0Isuntl %ening duiug, his
own sworn testimony is that he slid
nut have any agents unless every
nue of his 2,162 supporters ctn be
It is quite possible that flour
would be cheaper in Canada under
commercial union than now. We
find th,it during lho pact twelve
months 5,836,694 barrels of flour
were shipped from the city of Min-
neapolis alone, by seven railroads.
The reason for that city doing slit])
immense trade in the flour lino is
nrcounteel for' by their 31011I.z, to
purchase cheap western wheat and
Mins sell its product cheaper than
eastern millers. ;either can,
Canadian farmers nor Canadian
millers derive touch comfort
i'1'UI11 00111Irlenn it tllliu11 ill yieW
of the poeitivo, prospects of
their products being cheapened.
Jr;i?i?is:\'7' i'OPI (_'S.
Gail /ijw'uter ((crit): At first
tt hal len • eI the ('onimer'aal Union
agit,se.ieo 1) gait by J[e a.,i•.,. \'Viuta.n
and 11}Itte•1 worth, was only a Quixo.
tie $p'ilrget of these gentleman, in,.
.luet•r1 by a desire for selfglorilieat-
ion ; but t hent at• t reasons now to
tr.';is t e• that :i •rrti r, llnytard and
the, \Va,hinl;'uit (lut't'raeuneut have a
finger in the pie., and ,ire socking by
mingled pro)1ti•eta anti threats t0
force+ r(tnunr•rt•i•il union upon this
I)ntninion. 'file ee•.idenet, multiplies
that ut,r ns'i.;hhnrs sore in the !latter -
writ th schemer a m''tTI of .s'cttring
Ilte An eve itis i of 11. 1,,rela, for
which they iffy,. •<•, !wig strtlggl-
ulnleraaudin,; anal a'=reslnv'nl, oalfed such, Ito consequoutly I Fld in vola, nal at, snob a timt;'�,
\Wi1:►t would1 >'e e cannot have been guilty of any every Canadian shnu'YI stand should -
done or p10- wrong doing, even vicariously. 'Thus or to shrnt tiler iu snppnrt of his own
gee et made if a fitrnler'Iwere' to urge. 1 ie 1' R e0 i -t•• }
c y „ t i , lila t to ecnlion of rather the vur.ry, in. u 1 n, this, ave nee
kis ploughboys to beating each oilier 1 pol,sucution of \11. Porter is nuith- 1110 'Toronto .lied and .1'r,rtt doing
in1'.il of tilling the soil or gather- eI snore nor loss titan the everything they conn to break clown
ing in the l,nrvest? [[ow would ,a I vullaeful impeachment of 0 ma- our ftonfede:rnliel0, to prejudice -
of the electorate of West t'uiada's rase F,efore. the Fishery
tit 4llltfeet'1I r Como out who, instead I llnrou, and as a matter of course Commission, and to play into the
of keoping lois operatives to his 1 will conn, to 'taught, hands of oat American neighbors,xrtt
cur rn'.s tt re'tnttng, at towrtacs, inn ,it
'cur ,.ha •d;r'•tlieo.
There was a pariug boo at Mr.
ltoriert 11ii!+','( feet Thursday even-
ing,_ They "tripjled the Light fou -
1 e8tis aftelwalds olid 141 a very
plea:: nit time.
The turnip crop iu this neighbor -
'ousel has 'meet harvested.' The
01'utt ie 0 very good one considering
the dry summer,
3',> t4.r''s 31jli.
.\L, Eli, Baton:), who has boon
exporting breeding horse stock to
the t'uiteil Mutes for sumo time
past, cunc!uded this other clary
that alit good turn deserved
auother. Ile therefore has im-
ported from the Stere s n three year
chi standard bred coaci] stallion for
the improvement of Canadian horse
stock and a three ,year old trotting
marc of the fashionable Copper -
bottom strain. Both these animals
are, said to be very fine specimens of
horse flesh. Mr. Bateman is now
looking up lie ivy drafts, he wants
the best he can get, to snake auother
shipment to the States.
Last 1Bawarioslt.
'Mr. Gorge Quinn was visitiltg
Uoderich last week as a jury' man.
A literary society has been organ-
ized in the school house 011 the 6th.
kr. Elam Livingston intends
erecting a saw trill on his bush
farm on the 6th.
Mr: James Magill has the car-
penter work of Mr. McCalluuls
house almost completed. •
Owing to the- wet weather the
singing school was poorly attended
last week.
The Westfield ct rrespoudont to
the S/u t,l'u•tl lied better draw in
his store pipe of else the 1:aiu will
Toll elicited a n i]it ro«ii Ti Citi out. Don't
be too fust in the future,
1itllbw 1 'core's-iea,u'11.
Sut,-I wish to state that 1 did
nut write those 't scrtrillous concoc-
tions ” said to have been imposed on
the News-Reeot:u and Expositor, and,
any one who says that I had any
knowledge of thein whatever utters
what he knows to be a malicious
falsehood,-'l'lhe following_extract ex•
'plains itself:
"I wish to 1(1 11. nutph ttirally that I
stayer iiti er directly or nnt;igatly coupled
your name with these disreputable tu•ti-.
":To D. point, Esti.
"Gt•.town QVINN."
I am, sir,.
Sec., &o,
D. Ross.
A few days ago a couple of gentle-
men were engaged iu conversation
in the post office Here. Ono topic
w•oys• the Mitchell calamity which
was mentioned iu last weel.'s Nome-
Resonto. Mr. C. referred to the
accident in tin admonitory way, as
a warning that wo should be pre-
pared for the final earthly call.
Incidentally reference was made to
to the possible future state of the
victims of the recent accident. Mr.
le,•ss'irl that some theological writers
held that as the tree fell so itshould
lie. Rather they held that futurity
was but auother step onward is the
march of the imperishable soul, That
titan in a future State would con-
tinue his earthly vocation but in a
spiritual sense. That if Mr. C. was
a farmer here he would a farmer in a
spiritual sense iu tho next worlil,grow
ing spiritual wheat etc, and having
spiritualised implements and access-
ories. They held that es all •this
would bo in a spiritual form and
sense thorn would be none of the
sweat of the brow ponaalties that at-
tend similar occupations in this
world. O, said lir. C., and what,
l[r. IC., dors your authority say
about the" drinking habit ? Will
there be spiritual bar -rooms 1 Yes,
said Mr. K,, according to this theory
there would, and liquor too, iu a
spirituel sense.- and he has the
authority of the alible on tiro last,
point any way, For do we not find
it written : "But I say unto you, I
will not drink henceforth of this
fruit of tai' wile, until that day when
1 drink it new with you in my
Father's kingdom" It being train
t nig_ z.,I(,-Jj uJ1 to hurry off with-
out getting a reply.
Having secured a BIG LOT 01? MANTLES CHEAP,
live mean to hive the, people Bargains in that line.
We offer for tate coming week :
21 Mantles at $3 Each
8 Mantles at $4.561 Each
12 Mantles at $7 Each
Ladies' Ulsters at $5 Each
Ladies' Ulsters at $6.50 Each
Ladies' Illsters at $S Each
Ladios' D SICIII-• •01 T& -at -a Bargain 't
Derr These aro all nico Fresh Goods and will boar inspection.
it'oraZ (6'orreoj>oitd.Cq•Ctr , —a llouute d Pniiet man at Loth,.
bridge has been sentenced to six
months imprisonment for refusil,g
to clean an officers boots.
(leo. Whitfield, the youthful pris-
oner confined in 13raut11 rd jail,hais an
owlet Record of crime already against
hint. Although he is not yet 17
years of age, still h. Itss Iteee charged
with various offences over tt 801)1`0 Of
t iinns. 'fell convictions flow 13
petted. Mendes', November 7th. to 17 yeare of a;;', 0 petit d of four
• )0018, is an awful record for nue 80
Mori -Is young.
Stephen Lamb, of McKillop, has --Mary Ann Britian, a;;eelal,out
purchased from his father the S.W. is 16 y ears, tieing on Marlboro street
of lot 23, cou. 10, Morris, forBrautfurii, w'a found last Sittutday
$1,300. Mr. Lamb' has now a farm evening by her father at the bottom
of 125 acres %veil improved. of their well. Life Was extinct.
Tile well is an old style one, draw-
ing the water by :mettle of n long
polo. It is :supposed that the girl
went for a pail of water and, reai•h-
fbaltfnrd. '
An uystor supper is being gotten
up under the auepi008 of L. O. L.
No. 262, to be held in their halLon
the evening of Monday, November
7th. Tho affair is in good hands
and promisee to be to success. A
hearty iu 'iaatiull ie extended to the
brothren and it largo turnout is ex -
Schools No. 1 and 2 wore visited
on Tuesday last by Inspector Mal-
loch, who seemed well pleased with
the attoudauce of pupils and %vith
the work done in the schools, tan over that box to drew the water
Chas. Hamilton has sold the up, overbalanced herself and felt'.111
south half of lot 28, con: 7, to Geo, head "ea" and w .s drowned,
-Ma. Lauottros is a candidate
for a New York .senatorship, and
the I3uffalo Courier demands to be
Beautiful fall weather. 1',usiness I informed whether has name should
Law -
very brisk in town at present,
lie pronounced "Locklin, Or Laty-
.Montreal,lin' or Lathe." If the gentleman
Miss Nettie Taylor, of
Is visiting friends hero at present. knows how to pronounce his r v
name he de'ee not call is ti .ht r of
Mr, Itobt. Elston, of Grand the ilii,' I'IIo proper prouuneia-
Rapids, Miele, 1s at pi'est;tlt'visitittg tion of the name cannot be indicate
friends and relatives here. - - 110 by English letters ; but . any
Diens SuoT.-Mr. John 1Cillii Scoter roan or Irishman can tell the
shot two fine deers in the 4t1)ic1i s teouriyi+ what to call i}, -t
s%v;an p last-nealr.
IInll 1 ' , -General 11. P. Dwight,
0 1 ecu passed off very quiet of the Great Northwestern Ti la'.
ly hcre,the small boys were amusing g,sipli Co., wasfiaeea $1011)1(1 00 114
themselves very much by .upsetting
outhouses, etc.
Mr, Thus. frier 1108 t car -load of
choice Manitoba potatoes for sale at
Bissett llroe.'stove and tinware do -
Pot at $1 per bag.
SHOOTING lttTC11.—Tho Exeter
Gun Club went to London on Mon-
day .last to shoot against the London
Gun Club the return match. The
score was as follows : Exeter 08,
London 62, a victory for Exeter by
tt-isieste -_.__'1 h o batuicitl-fseys-u ser!-.
the Exeter Gun Club ,yell.
Elson for the sura of $1,600.
Our Weekly Round Up.
-It is announced that the Bank
of London will pay depositors in
full from November let.
-Recent excavations in Jerne
salew leave resulted in the finding
of the remains of an ancient town
w1311 and the position of the gates of
the to*tt through which the Savior
passed to Golgotha.
-Mrs. Lindsay, Williamsburg,
was recently up before Squire
1[ucicie, of Berlin, ou a charge of
cruelty to her husband. title Sus
sent to jail but the poor., old limo
pecked hushwitl found lifo vary dull
and monotonous without 1:is ter-
utagent spouse, so he stood hail and
got her released next day.
-At a meeting of \Vinnepeg eiti-
zeas end Cabinet officers Friday last
it wits finally decided that the city
could not ethauco 8300,000 to aid
the Red !liver Valley Itoad, so the
arrangement with Bolt, of New
S'ork, for the completion of the road
is off. It ie not now thought the
road will he completed this year.
-I observe that scene of the Grit
papers iering against [Ion. lir. Me-
Lrtlzu the serfo04 charge of limiest,
altered the spellieg of his name,
which, it is said, wee originally
"McLellan." if this be true,it inti•
cater a marked tliffelotice between
hint and Sir Tupper. McLclan
knocks "iY'out of hilitself, whereas
Tupper knocks -Rounder.
-A church emendate: at Xenia,.
Ohio; appointed by the Ctneinatti
Conference of the M. E. Church to
investigate charges against the Re•v,
II. \I. Keel:, stationed at Cedarville,
Ohio, found the minister guilty
and recommended his Antitension.
The charge against hint was the
larceny of a flat iron from a store in
for ccntotupt of Court by inane, Ilor
Boyd and •Mr. justice Osier, 'silt
Osgunde hall, Toronto, last S.atur-
day. Mr. Dwight's offence conist-
ed iu his order:u_, an employe to
dee+tl ey certain telegraphniess'ges
which ere iu leis possession and
which he was orderad to produce
in thti'trial of East I\ 01 1 ir 0111 lierl 11 id,
Local, election petition.
-Ort Satuaid:ty Police Inspector
Tiles. Byrnes in New York arrested
.Merden•-i ertcti-isf-'S`t--Cat-harinese,
Canada, for robbing the law firm
of Rykert tta Ingersoll of a draft
for $3,860 and cash" amounting .to
$2,400, which bad been paid to
the firm in exchange for a farm.
When he was asked why he had
stolett the looney, be explained
that Paying Teller Jackson , of
of the sub• -treasury in Now York,
had taken $10,000 into Canada,
and he knew of no reason why he
should not bring some Canadian
money here. He iw held until the
Canadian oflicers appear. The
technical charge- against .bins is
brirrgiltg stoh••)1 property into the
Liuited States.-„-
•-ilie Rod river froze uvrr at
Winnipeg on tho night of the 24th
'Octr," As a historical .fact, it may
be mentioned that this is the first
time within seventeen years at
least that the Red lute become locked
in the cold embrace of Jack le'rost
at such an anrieasouahly early %late.
Niui years rre0, however, the rlvor
froze over on the 27th, three (ltl) s
later, but afterwards bloke up, and
an ext.reutedy•nrild welter followed.
It may be a consolation to a few
to know that the "oldest inhabitant"
insisth that a repetition of that
-A fire was tliscuvered fu, a
dwelling, iu Paisley, 'Bruce County,
occupied by ML•s. S. 11. Ritchie,
Sire and her youngest son, visiting
in Toronto, left the eldest son,
about twenty-five years of ego, alone
in the house. 11 -lion first seen the
five was burning in the kitchen,
which adjoined the bedroom of the
young man. The bedroom window
was broken in as speedily ns potsiblo,
but hero.° the body could bo pro-
cured life had been extinguished.
The four doctors of the town Work-
ed fur several hours with him, but
aim avail, It is supposed ho was
-On •Monday last an old resi-
dent of Sebringville, named 11lich-