The Huron News-Record, 1887-11-02, Page 3lr
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The Heron News -Record
Wednesday. November 94 1887.
For and About Women
TPlli Mersa?;30,U.l1:1,iNn,
0 ,•.seat, soy gi:•1, with rusts iu her
heal t,
And love -light in her face, like those
npgrown ;
Full of still the;nus and thoughts that
dienndilu:, oI.ait
1'fotn lits of solitude when nut alone ! „
Gay dancer over thrasholds of bright days.
Tears quick to her eyes as laughter to
her lips :
A gauze of hide and -seek with 'filnc she
'1'1nio hiding his eyes from her in bright
Q gentle willed ! -how dear and good she
Blessed by sort thews orf haapino+s and
love ;
?galled in tenderest arms 1 Jler mother's
Seals all her good night prayers. Bur
father's smile
Brightens her mornings. Through -the
Earth shell move
Ilor child sweet soul, not fu 110nr lien -
von the while t
Art should, always be bused on
nature, and no art is true \V1)i h
thio$ not taka nature for its model.
.\ perfect., aymmetrica1, healthy
woman of live feet five inches• in
height must comply with the fol.
lowing 4talnfarll : Shoo should be
138 pounds at least; and could
stand up to ten pounds more with.
,.out idljury to health or artistic per-
fection. The ween the
tips of her two u(idddle fingers when
the arms are (:'tended 31101111 be
exactly the samr+lin ton times the.
1,•11;;tit of her band, 01'.s••v011 told ;1.
Malt tint•'3 ht• length of her foot,, d.l'
list• tidies the Altimeter of herefiest.
from tame arm pit to the other. The
distance froul the ,j1111ctien of thighs
' to the .nroanf 4h0uld .be the same as
fr'o(0 the former 1(0i"t to :the top of
the kcal. The kuee 4liouid be
exactly midway from tate .jun':tion
of the thighs to the bottom of the
them 'with. before they Wt( 1 tt tlil.F•
vied ; if you would atop the luul-
leago about whom you are going to
have when number one is dead
(such things wives may laugh at,
but they sink deep sometimes)
fewer wowee would seek for other
sources of happiness.
A furious combat between Ulan
and wife occurred at Paris, Prance,
a few days age. ' One Lourie Dore,
29 years old, keeping a poultry
stand, has suffet'ed much from her
husband's eruelty, and obtained per-
mission from the court to live apart
from bun until! a decree of divorce
which she expected should have
been issued. Dore was satisfied and
went to see her in the evening.
The janitor would not let him in,
and a free fight between the two
teen followed. Airs. Dore, attract-
ed by the noise came into the hall-
way. Hardly had she Leen espied
by Doris when he aimed a blow with
an iron at her. frier thick chignon
broke the force of the blow. But
she got so exasperated that she
seized a carving -knife and ,Halle nu
attack upon her husband, inflicting
eight Lad cuts in his face, neck, and
arms before the j .nitor and other
people sop (ratol thele. Dore mus
taken to the h'lspital . The women
were let go free by the court, accor-
ding to the general rule id gallan-
try followed Ly French ,ju,.tiett iu
the eases of wom•'n against their
"SU, THANK ''U1•, •IIIM 1" '
They wet, when they %vote girl hurl hay,
Going to school ono day, -
A td, "Won't yon take vary pub, top, (1 Etr1"
Was all that he could say.
She bit her little pinafore,
Close to his side she came
She.. wl(i$peied "No, no, thank
But to* it all the same. you:
They met one day, the self sank, way,
When ten swift years had Ilow•11
1108311, 'I've nothing batt my heart,
But that is ,yours alone,
And won't you take in ' heart ?" he said,
And volt her hy her name
She blushed and 81114, "Se, thank you,
But took it all the saint%
And twenty-, thirty, forty years
Iiave brought them care anti joy ;
Shchas the little 11(ug•top still
tie gave her when a bay.
"I've had no wealth sweet wife," says h1',
"I've never brought yon fame"
She whispers "No, no, thank you, Tum,
"You've loved ale all .the same !,•
The llbycue(t Of Cardinal 'Tasch(•r•
eau from Premier (Ieruior's re•
i:eptiOtt in the parliament buildings
has caused some comment. The
reason, es given on the best author.
ity, is tnnst creditable to the rev.
gentleman at the head of the
!Heinen C,th0!ic Chureh in Canada..
The Cardinal, it 800.1115, 111(1 11144e
kuowm Itis intention to the Hen.
Mr. Mercier of accepting the invita-
tion, but be learned subsequently
that the ladies present would be for
the most part in that style of dress,
or rather undress, known as elecol-
fete. His Eminence having, ever
since he possessed high authority,
taken strong grounds against a
style apparently invented to bring
decent women 314 near a4 possible to
being; inJee+•lit, informed) the Pro.
oder that as he did not wish to
break ul, (ar•rang(4n'mt4 previously
made, he would Simply absent him,
self. It was evident, ton, that the
Cardinal's• example had been fols
lowed by numbers of his clergy, as
not a single soutane wa Vf, ki:,.z
'��!�,, `1 .) pre} ardtory tele tiess, and •as soot
amongst the Many hundre68 prey as supper W33 over hie-1ocked hien
sent. self in the library and began. He
M.. sad Mi , Bowser
I hope the public has not con-
ceived the idea that bar. Boweor
and I aro constantly -quarreling, "or
that he is a failure as n husband.
No family is happier than ours; and
Mr. Bowser is one of the best hus-
bands in the world. Ho is simply
a little bit queer.
That is, we haven't been married
loug enough for ane to tone him
down. Like many other young
husbands he wears a much huger
hat now than he will a couple of
years hence, but that is a fault in-
stead of an evil. The other eve-
ning he canto home in a state of
excitement, promenaded around the
house with his nose iu lho air for a
while and then inquired :
• "1)id thou books conte up, Mrs.
Bowser 1°
"There was a package came up.
Have you boeu getting another
batch of useless books'!"
"All books aro useless to some
people, Mrs. Bowser ! 1f you wore
like some wives I know ofyou'd en-
courage your husband instead of
insulting hifn."
"Tell, I shall be glad to have
you read every evening. History
or polities I"
urat ury."
"What I"
"Mrs Bowser, 1 have been ad-
vised by 111y, Itlrluv fi lends to take :a
few lessons in olooutiou and de,
livery, and to thud accept sumo of
the numerous invitations tendered
lac to a(1dl'ess this or that society or
"Richard Moses Bowser, you
can't be 11) earnest 1"
They are
works on
"'That's it ! Fell out at the to11
of yon%' voice alit! tell everybody in
Detroit that my name is llichard
Moses ! Maybe it sounds better
than Major. Why shouldn't I
pluck tho laurels from tho . field of
oratory ? it' some people are satis-
fied to grovel iu the dust they
needn't try to prevent others from
soaring in tho clouds."
"1,ut you have no presence -110
"I haven't o1, 1 .I was present
enough, and While myself pretty
well understood when I asked your
hand in marriage 1 Von don't
know ale, 'Mrs. Bowser. Soo
And he drew himself up to his
final height, which is a trifle over
five filet, swelled Isis stomach out,
and as ho lifted himself up on his
toes Ire waved his arm and began
"Gentlemen may :cry peace,
peace, but there is no peace. The
next Walt+ w' -hick sweeps front the
North will bring to us the clash of
"Yes, 1[I'. T)owsei', but your vale°
is squeaky, and you are \'el3', very
short. Please give it up. 1 should
feel awfully had it' you made a
failure." -`
"Sri-ueaky voirto 5 \,ery, very
khort ! 'Lake- a failure•' Mrs.
Bowser, you want to choke me oft',
Ind you can't do it 1 You will yet
,bo deafened by the' plaudits of the
multitude %rho closer may' ol•atory.".
He had five or. six books of
t S1100C110P, dialogues and lessons in
heel. Mrs. D. W. Moody, a teacher of
• The distance from the elbow to the dress niaking, entered the office of
-tip of the' middle finger should be the John C. Hanover, a Cincinnati real
sane as from the elbow t,,0 the middle estate dealer, accompanied lty her
line of the'chest. From the top of the brothers, and administered a severe
head to the shin, with the head cowhiding to Hanover. She cha'g•
posed naturally, should? bo the satue ed Hanover with having slandered
as from the level of the chill to the her, and notified hint that she
arm -pits, or from thtt heel to the would repeat the punishment every
• tip of the large toe. The bust of time ho repeated the slander. ,
the"woman• of the height named , • -- -
should be forty-three inches meas.
ul`rneut over the artal4, and the
-An odd pair of twins was Inn 11
at the Summit County (Ohio)
firfu•ary, one of the' babies bring
Clack and t he. 011101' white.
•-_.About a year ago a young
marl natnetl Saunders, living in
Huntington, Cal,, stabbed his sweet
heart in the chest with a sword
sane:. The girl apparently recov-
ered, hut surgeon has ,justsucceeil•
ed in extracting from the girls' hilly
R pier,• of blade more than six inches
lung. 1t was taken front her back,
broken rend first, showing that it
diad turned etimpleteIy around singe
she was stabbed.
-A ?lolly, \Leh., matt has ,just
acknewo(dgo 1 e tare ((111 joke of
which he was the vi13(.iin. Last
winter be had wlutt i4 known as 1(
horrible cold, when a friend advis-
ed him to take a 4troug whiskey
toddy and soak his feet in lie water.
before retiring. Ilo carried out the
al'\ ica to the letter and was having
a delightful doze when bis wife left
him to go to bed. At 3 o'cloek the
nett morning Fthe awoke to find him
still dozing,' while his feet were
firmly held in the pail by not less
thean an inch of ice.
Strayed or Stolen.
waist twenty.four
The upper part of the arm should
ha frtin thirteen and it half to folr-
(13 11 iliehn.4, and the wrist six inches.
The ankle should be six inches, the
calf of the leg fourteen, and the
Wes twenty -lite. Any woman of
the height mentioned who has these
1(1 asurnlne.nts can congratulate leers
self on having as perfect a form as
the Creator aver ((lade. Of course,
tits tn•opn•rtifns vary with the
bei4ht, .
Praistl your wife, man ; for pity's
sake give, •1ler a little encourage -
'molt ; it -'mist hurt her. She
doesn't expect it ; it will Blake her
eyes optic wi-ler titan they have for
the best ten years ; but it will do
her good for all that, and you, too.
')'here aro Many wonae.n to -flay
thirsting for a word of praise anal
encouragement. You know that if
the floor is clean, labor has been
performed to snake it so. You
know that if you can take from
your drawer n clean shirt when,
ever you want it, somebody's fin -
gets have toiled. \Vhy don't you
come out with it0 Hearty, "Why,
how pleasant you make things look
t. fs," or "1 nal obliged to you for
taking so much pains." if you gave
one Hundred and'sixtieth part of the
compliments you almost shocked
ppp 11I,.tui IsrN'r--Advertisers will find "Th0
News Record" one of the best nnvliam(4
tho County of Moron. Advertise in
"pm, Nnns•lltrv401'-•'rbe trouble Cireldhltiea
Tanis to Thousands. (fates as low as any.
was still going it when I went 'to
bed, and at midnight 1 was awaken-
ed to Sae hint before the glass on
the dresser and to hoar him say-
ing ;
"I tell 3'olt,•gen110mlen, that 1110
bulwarks of Anierican liberty .are
tottering to their foundations, 0 fors
more such acts as thesn and -a low
Blore -a few more -a, fess more
suet) aet8 as -i18-"
"If you wake the baby ile may
have cramps," I said.
?Jr. 1,owser was s0 1IId ignant
that he, would not utter a word in
reply, our did he address 111e until
after (?inner next day. Ifo corltiu-
tftlued his labors for as week or ten
days, ranging in his outburst of
oratory from "The Dying Child" to
"An Appeal for Liberty." Then,
from wltrtt 1 could overbear, I mule
up my mind that lie was preparing
an address for it . special occasion:
lie couldn't keep the news to hitu-
sell, but soon informed ((13 that he
was t0 80011 11/411'058 the Young
,\leu's Liberty Club.
"Mr. Bowser, ploaso give it up.
If you should Blake a failure of it
yon would feel far---"
"Aralen a failure of' it? Mrs,
dowser, you don't know me! Just
attend to .painting your old pottery
and drumming on the piano :Intl 1
will take care ofinysolf 5'
I pity the poor elan when I look
backlover those days, Ho wrote
and re -wrote. I think he prepared
as many as six or 800011 addresses
before he got Ono to suit, and ho
spent at least fourteen horn's per
day trying to eo111111it, it to memory.
Ho looked upon lee as his enemy
and refused to- have any further
conversation on the subject until
the day of evening when 11e was to
speak. Then being apparently
very nervous, he remarked ,
"Do youthing my voice has inn-
proved 4"
4#1 hope it
"There you go I Do your best
•to discourage ale 1"
"Mr. Bowser, eau'% I prevail ou
you to give up this idea of Making
au address to -night?"
"Never 1 if I'0au succeed with
my wife seeking to drag mo down
the honor will be all the greater."
At midnight they brought Mr.
Bowser home in a hack. Ho 10as
iu a nervous chill. Ho went upon
the platform to deliver his address
and began :
"FELLow CITIZENS-Letme as•
sure you that I highly appreciate
the great honor paid me by this
.club in selecting -in choosing -in
picking me out to deliver -deliver
-111 picking me out -111--1n--"
That was as far as ho got, ono buy
yelled out: "Go it, Shorty !" and
others told hint to take his nose orf,
put a brick uu his tongue, etc., and
he broke right dowue The papers
next morning charitably rel'raiued
from even mentioning his 1)30130.
I wa:3 looking to see if anything
was said, when Mr. Bowser cltulo
(town to breakfast, I smiled at. him
kindly, but Ise shook elle fist at the
baby and the other at tall and
hoarsely replied :
"It's all right -all right, out 1'11
pay you off if I have to wade in
gore knee-deep."
Gone Wrong Again.
Tho (Globe ,fly's :-Phillip A.
Hertz, bookkeeper ut' the Willard'.
Tract Depository 00111(•1, of YWl3e
and Tonlperelce streets, Toronto,
has gone to li111f,tIu. {{kart'!. l0 .I
German between forty -live and
fifty years o1' age- Ho was mar -
tied, and lived with his %rife at 339
la(evis street, but since his depar•
tore Mrs. 1lertz hits taken up for
residence in Hamilton. 501110
years ago ho served pint of a term,
fur a criminal offence in the Cen-
tral Prison. \\'bile there his con-
duct was good and he appeared to
have been truly 0011 vetted, Uu
leaving prison he was given um
p.loymlout at rho Grand Trunk sht:ol.5
and worked there industriously
until he obtained employment as
clerk iu the Depository. There. Ito
worked up to the position of book-
keeper and SU wurutLd himself into
the good grace, of the manager -
the hate 11r. Briggs --that he gave
hint endivel of the finances of the
concern. Hertz also worked • his
way up to the office 'of deacon in
Knox church,
ant? was .1s a president
of one of the societies in connec-
tion with it. During, the past
week. his business tl'ausai'tious at
the Depository were looked upon
with suspicion. On Tuesday 'last
Mr. ilriggs, temporary manager of
the Repository went to Brantford.
lu his' absence l[ortz was warned of
t110 impending investigation of his
accetlnts and, he promised to explain.
matters to the President, Mayor
Rowland, and make amends. But
instead of doing se he took about
e150 in cash from the :')fe, left the
store at throe o'clock in the after-
noon on Tuesday, and took the
night, train for Buffalo. 41I1,
Briggs was mnch•surprisesl when
he returned from Brantford to hear
0i Hertz's sudden dcpartu:0, though
ho previously suspected that the
accounts were not all right. •Mr.
Briggs Stat about straightening out
the )books,•' but at last rtccouilts he
Was unable to form any -idea of the
amount of LLertz's shortage. \Vita►
the Gash Liken of Tuesday they
'believe it will be be between three
and four hundred ,dollars. Hertz
is supposed to bo in .i3ufftlo.
-The latest "fad" is the intt.r.•st
attached•to. the finding of an Bid
button Ohne. \uo are toll, with
great s;ucerity, that if it young girl
on Hefting nn' 30111(1 count the but-_
Loos renaioilg on it alio would be
able to tell exactly the number of
years which w'ou'ld (lapse' before her
mai riage, each !Bann representing
one year. IL i8 looked 01(011 38 a
.great misfortune (by the credulous)
to find a 41tnt' minus buttons,
CI Iif;D MY 11. B. 13. \MIEN ALL
lir. Samuel Allan, of 7.isle, Ont.,
states that he tried all the doctors
in his locality while suffering for
years with Liver anti kidney trouble;
nothing b.anefitodl hire until he took
13u1'dock Blood Bitters, four bottles
of which cured 111111. 4G8,•,5t
If ads, Letter heads, 'tags,
Statenunts, (:hralars, Ilusiness.
Cards, Envelopes, Prr(gramnlost
eta., cte. , printed in a workman•
like manner and at low rates, n,
'rine NEw'fi•11ECORn osier',
Farm, :-: Town,
Estate of the Into Josrrrl Hata offer for sale
the following valuable property, namely :
Building Lot. numbers 420 and 421, in the
Town of Ooderlch, quarter of an acre each, fairly
fenced and vury desirable for building purposes.
Hall acre Lot fronting Mill Road, Township of
Ooderich, being part of lot 3 h1 the Maitland
Concession of the said Township. Ntcu frame
cottage and frame stable.
Lot number 3, south side of Millar street, lien•
miller, quarter of an acre. Small frame dwell -
Building Lots numbers 803 and 304, in tl•e
Town of Cliutou, quarter of an acro each, bean•
tifully situated ou south side of Huron street;
fairly fenced.
The Past Ilalf of Lot 22, con. 14, west Wawan
osh; good land, 80 acres cleared and fenced, re.
inlander timbered; about 4 miles from Lucknow
and 6frent \VLtgham; good roads. ,
For further particulars apply to
410.1f Barrister, Goderich,
*1^-�- •oar,-�,-..�'^ta+
-'1'1fE LE.aDINC-
Red Rocker Store,
• Unapproached for
Tone and Quality.
BELL & CO.i� Guelph, alta
We call the special attention of post
nesters and ''subscribers to the following
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1-A postmaster is required to give
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not take his paper out of •tile office, and
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biln8t1 to pay for it if ho takes it out of ib
post•oflice. This proceeds upon the gronn
that a mat mint tsar' fur what he 1(004
seri» the Division Court in Caderich
at the November sitting a newspaper put -
11slier sued for poyof'paller. The defcnc•
ant objected paying on the ground that he
had ordered a former prnln•iet0r of the
paper to diseoniinno it. 1 hr ,103;3(. held
that Hutt was not a valid defence. The
plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no
notice to di500ntinno and etnlseaueutly
,^.null vetiver, although it w•as not denied
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defendant (('3M hound to • pay for the fin e
he hail received the paper and until he
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St. Pant s Chnrr41.-14ervines on Sunda} et 11
a:m. inti 7 p. n1. Bible. Class, 10 a.m. Suntl•(y•
School, 2.30 p.m. survive 00Wednesdal•, 3 p.m
Rev. w'ILIAA31 Caeta, 11.D., Rector
nattenbury Street Methodist.- Serviced, at 10.30
a, n1, and 7.00 p. n(. Sabbath Scho,.1 nt 2.80 p.
Ill. Itis. Int. Rennie., r Pastor.
Canada Pros14•terlan _Survives at ll 3,n(. an.i
8.30 n. n1 Sabbath Snhool, 2;30 p. ret, PAY
ALKx. STRWA ar, I'astor.
Ontario Street Methodist:- Services at 10,30 a.
m. and 7,00 p, 111. Sab elth Hausa, 2.80 0,111.
Rsr. iv. W. SrAnIlxo, Pastor.
Baptist Charch.-Service at 11.30 1+, m, Sah
bath School, 2,30 U, 111. illi' J. OR 80 Pastor,
Highest market price p'1id. Brin
them along.
3.5001 f
I will 11 (11(rmsr.) the rocipt
for a siMph, (I OKTAULs 13A1.41
that will Its3u vr. 'raw, Flt?: KLos, 11)1(10,4 and
1Io'reall4, leaving the skin soft, clear cud buauti
ful; also iustrttctluns fur pruduentg a luxuriant
growth of hair 011 a bald head nr smooth face.
Address, including ac stump. 11EN. VA N DELF'4
CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. 302y
Restored. A (cuticueu int‘ u 1' innoetatl) coo•
tracted the h nblt of self.tdmee in his 3 or th, and
to colstquenve sullen:41 all l'110 beggars est Sexual
10capacit.‘, loot Manhood, 1•h3sitai Idoca) (len.
era Prostration, etc., will, out of syu(uthy for
his fellow sufferers laud free the recipe by wWell
hu wn., lir;rlly oared Address in col titichro J.
W. PIN NEW, 42 Cedar. \aw York 4t... 302.
v. eu;,tti
to0 =- El -
-. 1-4 N
co 0
0 b
:74 ' C t -,,_'U cc
o cd
Market Square, -
?)furl± :up in Best Style and 1I'o13/-
10 4 5 10 14 1p Ut Abraham Smith's.
Nuts •fit 8t04 01435 of Ilia ehc'ctpeel
and ?test stocks .of
A Full Line of GENTS' FUR-
NISHINGS always in stook, , ° '
1/ tell/ pall you to call ou
Implements f
AicCOJ1111CK SEL.le'-BiN.i)E11S,
SEEi) DRILLS, 11O1.1SE i1AKE't
CU'l"!'INO BON l+.S, StIEi1Li'IIS,
And all -Implements used 0n a farm
as Good as the Best, and a. Cheap
ae the Cheapest, at