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The Huron News-Record, 1887-09-28, Page 6
IV iurQ 18,0' O iO Wednesday, SePL 2$t , 1867 • II" lout ING V*ItI4IN The Medueval Method of Get- ting Rid of Obnoxleus Crop _ ' Ilcetrpyere: In 1749 appeared in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland, an enormous number of grubs; and it was feared that the whole crop would be de- stroyed ; therefore the council of the Commonwealth sent a deputa- tion to the Archbishop of'Lausanne, with a petition to banish the ob- noxious creatures from rho Canton,, Of course it is nut stated that the neighboring Cantons had agreed to receive the grubs, but the Archbis• hop seems not to have considered the incongruity of said petition. Ho gavo an affirmative answer, and authorised the priest at Iterne to impose the bauishmeut of the grubs, providing for strict observances of the customs and laws. After a prayer, an advocate was clhosen. He notified the Court of his op-. pointment, and proposed the cita- tion -of .the .grubs. Ou a cert•aiu day some of the grubs were brought before the Court, and their advo- cate chosen. Tho priest, followed by a largo crowd of pions people in a solemn procession, weut to the cemetery, to the fields, to the vino - yards, and to the banks of the river, to serve the summons ou the defen- dant. no -delivered the following —at that time probably courte6us— addresses, as a wainiug and- as citatiou to the felons :— "Yo hideous' and degraded crea- tures, yo grubs J There was uoth• tug like ye in the ark of Noah. 13y orders of my august superior, the Archbishop of Lausanne, and in obedience to the Holy Church, I command y e all and every one to disappear,.. cturing the next six days, from every' plane where food grows for man or beast. If not obedient, I enjoin yo to appo.lr ou the sixth day, at 1 o'clock a:'tnoon, at Willsburg. before the Archbishop of Lausanne.,' As some righteous people object- ed because tho'citation was not ex- actly made in the Manner provided by law, the case was postponed and, after a lawful citation, another day was named. 'Then the process began. The advocato chosen for the defendant was Jean Perrodet, a well known dogmatical and obstin- ate disputant. • Perhaps it will ap- pear somewhat doubtful if the nomination of this advocate fulfilled 'exactly the demands of the law and custoui. of the the time, as it is stat- ed that lir. Perrodet:, died a short time before his nomination. Never• theless, the -case and the complaint were read ; and, as no defender ap- peared, the ,judgment was given for the plaintiff. "1Ve, Benedictus, of Monferraud, Archbishop. of Lausanne, condemn and excommunicate ye obnoxious worms and grubs, that nothing shall be left of ye, except such parts as can be useful to mem"— The Swiss Cross. • A Fate,. Habit ofSpeech. Front Boston comer an authentic story of detective acntoness. Everybody is . familiar with the trick tlaat many men have of capp- ing whatever they hear said, when they do. not dissent,' with some • favorite expression. Thus, one ntan say's "precisely," another, "ex- actly" ; and there is a considerable .faction for whom the words ''just SO," or "to ht; sure,' seem to till the required need. Not long ago a Il'o=tun )tint stole a large sum of money frust his employers and fled 1,h rho tvu•,t. r1 tlesui•iptiou• of him was tient to detectives and police superintendents generally, and a.boet a mouth after his escape a lfitr.losota officer telegraphed that he thought hit la i 1 his eye upon the person wanted. Ills ;appearance, however, was very different from that 1'scl'ihed in tito circular. The situation was a pressing one ; if the supposed etiutivalwa;i such iu fact, lac might at any moment fly to (.;an.tdn. On the other hand to ar- rest• stn innocent person would cause a gov,l•doal of• trouble. The object was to identify tit matt if passible within a few hours, In this iuhmergency the Epstuu detect- ive in charge of the case examined and truss -examined the thief's eui- l1uytto ttt iu his puouli.u•ities. They could hit upon nothing distinctive, till finally ti detective inquirtel, in a luuuheut of inspiration, if he had ally particular tray of express - himself. !Yes," was the reply : "I never knew the fellow to talk three talinntes without saying "I believe you" In half an hour the information was telegraphed to the %vest ; within four hours the Minne- sota detective had a long chat with his mail, and before night the thief w'es arrested. IF Y OCR CHILD Is S'rt-nnORN or hard to administer medicine to, Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appre- ciated. 460.4t • Qa4t. i1:lltllttll*!in. Said J, II, ,Andrew*, an Oregon pioneer, the gtltolr day t t' 'lllika. is what I know 090 snakes. I hat, kj'aa•nt ou• tile• ¥411al1s}, a Ant wile ,from Oregon 4ity:, 1111.4.Z:44t ,Oblong,, rock -covered hill called Rattlesnake Hill, which for years have just been swarming with thew, In di ppl`�ttg, when t}te, Weather oeta war Me rattlesnake* come out, of the ledges and drift down on the creek bottoms, becoming very trouble sone. • My farm being only titre miles•away, these reptiles 'become each year more and more' trouble- some, endangering especially the lives of my children, who, despite all I could do, would persist in go - "Well, "Neil, a year ago last spring they swariued into my whoatfteld so thickly that I couldn't cut it when it was ripe. This may sound odd to you, but it is a:fact. So I got some of my neighbors to help we, and I plowed several furrows around the field, and thou laid hair ropes around it, and set fire to the wheat. 1Velt, of all the sizzing and frying, and strange squawks and noises you ever heard we had them there ,,Such. a lot of rattling and leaping up and displaying forked tongues I don't think anybody ever before saw. Of course they ran from the fire, but the hair rope on the further side turned thein, until wo had a complete circle of fire all mound thorn. "\Voll, when the wheat was burn- ed off there were thousands of dead rattlesnakes. They were thick- er in the middle of the field than anywhere else, and wore twisted and tied together in knots and bunches almost as big as a barrel. I guess wo must have made a clean slash of them that time, for they have never put in an appearance there since." liceu,!ftl ugnad,. up € 4 telae at home and a,,yM1*o to wtQ "I'reaerve that; put it in my e trunk, and look it up well, and when I die, I want then) to 'IIT d if �� , � :MT t7Qi'trtN ' with me," and when the trumpet should wake no from the dead, the $ first thing I would think about troula 110 ray limas ; and when (led , sfpijnzonod tate befort# the great white throne and showed me . the devastation I had made among o the children of melt, I would pull outmy liceua4, old say : "Lord I didn't know it was any harm; Why He Was Bounced "Well, Molly," said. a Centro avenue man, as he arrived home early yesterday afternoon, "every thing seems to bo Agin' us. Last week the baby had the whooping cough, and now Eliza Jane has got the measles, and worse than all, I hain't got no job." "Ilow is that 1', asked the wifo ; "I thought you had a steady job driving Lightweight & Co.'s coal waggon J" "And so I thought," replied the husband, "but you can't most al- ways generally tell." "Was it, becouse you didn't work labor' day, when you ,joined in the parade with the .,.est of the boys," continued the wife. "No ; nothing of the sort. The firm said I was a faithful driver and they •hadn't one word to say against the services "rendered there." "Then }tow came it about that they discharged you 1" "They said they couldn't afford to keels ate --that they were losing the price of two or three tons of coal a day every day I stayed with them, and that business was business and they couldn't afford to cater to any sentiment or nonsense." "Well, I don't see what they could be driving -at," replied the wife, 1) iufnlly 'mystified. "You see, i't's -this way, Molly ; coal is going to riz pretty quick. Well, when old Lightweight weighs mo on the driver's seat with a load of coal, I don't w.eigh only •112 plaids, and so he has to put 1,888 polhnds on the cart to make the scales balance for a ton, and so he's gone and hired a new driver tvho weighs 280 pounds and they weigh hitn with every load, and they didn't have to giro but 1,720 pounds of coal to their customers for a ton." Jaweinitls Jones. Rev, 5:1111 .Jones said there was nu greater enemy than one of these nineteenth century labor agitators. "I am not ai worshipper 'of wealth, nor tun .I a sycophant to approve of these mon who labor with the mouth. Labor is honorable, and I always feel a sense of dignity in grasping the hand of an honest laborer, ilut the pian who organ - NOS a strike should bo sent to peui- tontiatry, and for tiro pian who loads a boycott the only fit jewelry' is a ball and a chain. If there there is one • thing in our country which will lead to anarchy and destruction and blood, it is taking the hand of might to accomplish right. '1'he tree tribunal of the laboring man is to staiud forth in the integrity of his character and demand justice, and he will get it." Sails Jones says : —"Now, I be- lieve, if I was going to sell liquor, I would come to Toronto. , You have quite a nice city here. I don't know how many of you oo- long to the church. I don't know whether your mayor belongs" to the church. I don't know his name, nor who he is, but I tall you if over I sold whiskey I would want to go to a town where the mayor was a Presbyterian elder, and Alm councilmen were Methodist stewards, and aldermen were Bap- tist deacons. I would have my HERE'S MY LICENSE! signed by Presbyterian elders, Mothodi t stewards, and Bapti$t do:mons 1 A LUCKY ESCAPE. "For six years I suffered with my throat and enlarged tonsils. I was very weak ; I doctored four years and had advice from three doctors; they said I would have to undergo an operation. 1; tried B.B.B. instead. One bottle cured me." M. A. Squelch, Raglan, Ont. 462-2t —David Coulter, a one-armed liedlor from Buffalo, jumped on the wrong train at the Union Station, Toronto. 1Vhen the train reached York station he jumped off. A shunting engine was passing Ou al switch at the time and ran over him., almost cutting of bgElh logs. Ho was brought back to the city and taken to the hospital. Both limbs will have to be amputated. PROF. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP is a cheap and handy form of obtaining the heal; ing virtues of a sulphur bath. 460 4t —Sir John A. Macdonald was weighed and measured at the Toron- to Exhibition and the figures are, height 5 feet 9A- inches, weight 180 lbs.—a surprisingly mod weight ; say all who know him, floc. Oliver Mowat returned to Toronto last week from England. Ho has boon greatly benefitted by his trip. WELL TESTED. "I was nearly dead with cholera morbus, one bottle of Extract of Wild Strawberry cured me, and at another time I was so bad with summer corn plaints that I thought I would never get over it, when two bottles cured me." Mrs. E. Askett, Peel, Ont. 462 —The Smith's Falls School Board have asked for the resignation of both teachers, who engaged in a personal encounter in the school- room recently. One of them, how- ever, refuses to meet the views of the Board and the school has been closed' for a week. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was mak* when Powell & Davis issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier is the mar- ket. It is used .with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated condition of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a and or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c, a bottle. Sold by all drug -- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 4431Iv —Alexander. Ward, a Wiarton youth, thrashed his mother the other clay, and 1,10f..)Ii°isge eost'isim only a $5 fine. .11r. Burktrcll, Chemist. --- Dear Sir,—I was troubled witli corns so that I could not wearss, shoe or walk about. I used the Sure Corn Cure manufactured by you for a week, and was then able to walk four miles; a•lady in the house was also cured of a severe corn, and I am happy to re- commend it. Yours in Sincerity, MRS. SHIELDS, 591 Grey street West, Lon- don, by all druggists. 462.21 —E. Westlake, of London, who was injured in the railway disaster at St. Thomas last July, lilts settled with the Grand Trunk railway com- pany for $5,000.. RESTORED. Mrs. J. M. Phalen, of Sydney Mines, N. S., had chronic rheumatism for two years, and got no relief untill she tried Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured her. "I was like a skeleton," says she, "before using B.B.B., now thanks to the discovery of such a valuable remedy, I am en- tirely restored to health." 462.2t A young woman named Nancy Biller, wlio lives with her father in Nasst laweya, had a terrible exper- ience with an enraged cow the other day, narrowly e*caping with her life, awl with every Owed of cloth- ing torn from her f=olly. It occur- red in this way :—Jli*s Biller went out tor the guys to ltriug them home to milk, and found )hent in a thicket at.11 sent a dog in to bring them out. The dog enraged one of thea, to such an extent that she be• came frantic and rushed out of the bush just where Miss Miller was standing, autl instead of pursuing the dog rushed on her, honking and bt;using her in a terrible manner. Had it not been for the young woman's presence of mind in hold- ing on tb a strip which sec6red a hell about the animate neck she would undoubttvl'y have boon kill- ed• dlxraa n 14lQsu>cas ---4 ro you ia, t>lrbed! act ii ht;lod 6,fpJFeq ol', our 4Fvltt 'by a sick child tniferiti ad4trying with pain of Outdo; Teeth? If so send at once and get* 'bottle of if Agra Wiatilow's Soothing Syrup" for Children .eethiug. 14 value de IllsntcMlalole. It drill.� six live the opopr littlesagerert,laumediatelr. De- pend *posit, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, 'Rfien,s the )sums, reduces Inflammation,, sad gives • tpge apt) energy to- the *bole system. t'Mre Wioslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething le pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription ofooe of the oldest and beat tdmala.pbysiciagsand nurses in 14e`patted States, and term. sate bfall druggists throughout the world. Price 25c, a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. tt•inslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no Other kind, ,14819 Throahing operations are in full blast iu Southern Manitoba, and the yield is turning out in exceSs of all expectations. It is throught the average will be not less thou thirty bushels per acre. WORMS CAUSE Muou SICKNESS among children that Freeman's Worm Powders will surely cure. 460 4t —The other night the Ingersoll Salvation army ;introduced, a novel and attractive feature in their usual parade. It -consists of ten young ladies arrayed in white robes, some- what after the Oriental style of gar- ments, and each carried a lamp in her hand. Five of the lamps wore lighted and the other fi.ve were not. The object was to represent the pars able of the ten virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom, as re- corded in the 25th chapter of Matt - how of whom five were—other- tv iso. A SEVERE TRIAL. Frances 5. Smith, of Emsdale, Mus- koka writes, "I was troubled with vomiting for two years, and I have vomited as often as five times a day. One bottle ofBurdocic Blood Bitters cured me." 462-21 —Guolplt Ilerald:—In every town and village around here ravages of typhoid fever are alarming,. It is said there aro Over 100 cases in Orange- ville. alone. 'I'kMARAC. Tamarac Elixir is a preparation containing great curative properties for Coughs, Influenza end 'Throat and Lung Complaints.' 460-41 —.lames Wallace and Daniel Mc- Kenna, of Duddas, were fined $20 each and $3. costs for driving a liv- ery horse about 100 miles without fuelling it. INDISPENSABLE. "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer com- plaints, and have given it to my friends. It gives instant relief when all other remedies.fa-jl.... I_would not be without it Tn my house.") Mrs. T. Boil, Weidman, Ont. 462-21 —At the eastern townships fair at Sherbrooke, Quebec, 30 horses valued at $30,000 were, burned in the stables by the upsetting of 'a lantern, NATIONAL PILLS will cure constipated bowels_nnd--regulate the liver. 460.4t —Tho Scott Act. is now law in 63 cities and counties in the voin- inion. UNKNOWN. There isjno remedy known to medi- cal science that can excel Dr. Fowler's 'Extract of Wild. Strawderry as a cure for cholera morbus, diarncooa, dysentery, or any form of summer complaint afflicting children or adults. 462.2t . —The St. Thomas Times says that a lady residing on Southwick street in that city a few nights ago anointed a bunion on her big too with phosphorus, resting the swell- ing member on the root of the . bed, and fell into pleasant dreams. A few hours later het' Husband was awakened by the glow of what he though was the fiery eyeballs of half a dozen cats rolled into one. Seiz- inga boot he hurled it a,the object with a vicious "Scat !" *titin ,1 brilliant toc a tremendous blow square on the nail. Ex Steamship "Cowden from Antwerp.• 0 0 N ..1. IL—A— .,#.. 0 lRo S :..�,r..�.... and those BUILDING, will: ford tis sin) opportunity t4 get to advantage.* Alio Linseed ©i/s, Paints, cgc,, c c., at lou. Figures TO CLOSE OUT SWAFFIELO'S STOCK. 0 1111 Iron end hardware lUerebagt,; QTrN a1\T- June„ 1897. . Cures Dtzztness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of•the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt .Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. N aNT ca / cc C, P.� Sys �l HURON2:73, ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau. 10 Spruce St., New York. Send lOote. for 100 -Page Pamphlet. NEW DRUG STORE. o The undersigned has just opened a new Drag Store, in JACKSON'S NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET,. two doors west of the City Book .,Store, where will be found a complete- assortment of Pare Drags and Chemicals, also Patent Medicines and DruggistsiuidricS—ail that the public may ask for in those lines. Clinton,l3thJanuary, lSSe• A. WORTHINGTON. P. S. --©Mise changed from residence to store PjIR.1\TI'll TT IR, NEW STOOK !�c�r�NEW STORE ! 9 ELLIO T'6� BL.00K, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Stine and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very. best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldip, s if ojet•y description. • JOS. C1IIDLElf, one door West of Dickson's Rook Store. • Buy Your GROCERIES ' —FROM -- THOS. COOPED, ----&--_-SON. The largest, cleanest and beat assorted stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE; etc., in town. Q Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest, and we warrant 'everything fi,rs:t class. lfiifir ,Sole -a feilte fur the Celebrated "Cooper's Baking Puuder.""lati Best Brands of CIGARS by the .Box or Thousand at Manfrs, Prices TEAS A SPECIAL'T'Y. Givea causllTIDOS. COOPER & SON Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton. The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 30 years in thousands of Cases. t r Cures Seper"tatorehea, Nervous iVeakness, h9nissions, ltnpntenc' acid all diseases caused by abuse, tno,oas1 indiscretion, or over-exertion, )ATTER] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Pail. Asst your Druggist for The Great Eng. Holt Prescription, take no substitute.' One package $l. Six $5, by mail, write for Pamph, let. Address Eureka Chemical Co,, De- trolt, Sided,. )"•Sold in Clinton by J. IT. Combo and all druggists. LUMBER WANTED ---AT--- CanceIon's Carriage Works;! °LINTON� A� All !finds and nothing hut flret-class, as we aro now building a fine assortment 1st rigs. Do not fail• to call and see them, All kinds of work a specialty. S. A. CANTELON, Clinton. HOUSEKEEPERS .! BUY YOUR General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware FROM WTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL, C,ItOOERS. The wants of every family supplied. Stock .always; fresh, SPECIAL INDUCE- MENTS when quantities are ol•dcaed. CO' A HANDSOME PRESENT GIVEN:AWAY with every 3 or 5 lbs. of Tea, "1:14 Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WAGON FACTORY, C Iz1\I`T N_ o o In Stock, a Number of, Cutlers, Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons, - 0 0 The Material wo manufacture:is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed In fact we Shake it an important feature of our business to use only h h best pro- curable material and the beret workmanship. Those in need of CUTTERS and SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and styles, should not sil to call and sec us. —0— ALL WORK WARRANTED. 1R- Repairing and Renaintiria Promptly Attertied to. FACTORY on, corner iof Huron and OranEe!OStreets, CLINTON i•