HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-09-28, Page 5.1 �w'"rfUlwlr k eirw". TtL Rc ,1�7rsR.'1' '0 :rea '11S 1t8'';T iEA; . ea:p Stock � tIE IOW suovIrme -, the Largest, The Cheapest and fest Assorted Stock THEY HAVE °Enna= T:3r:ru6S c3-oon_ sSPECIAL LINES MI DRESS AND FLANIVELSS 0E ---- Choice Coode, Elegant Styles. Endless Variety. now PR.xcMs. OUR MANTLE DEPARTM'NT 18 NOW OPEN , , _� NTLE QEP'T OPEN Mme 3uetat)astul >ahauugeulent ae iu the pant. . Great Specialty with us very Garment a. Perfect Fit. Low -Priced Flannels, (heap Underclothing, We aim to give the GREATEST VALUE for the LEAST MONEY. Satisfy yourselves at CEO. E. PAY & CO.'S, NOTED FOR LOW-PRICED DRY -GOODS. 1111101=11.1.1...A Aft or town which has a Polico Magis- trate appointed for a county or dis- trict, shall have jurisdiction in the whole of the county or district, in- clusive of every city or town therein, whether such city or towirhas or has not also a Police Magistrate of its own." The courts have again hold that a County Police Magistrate has no jurisdiction in the towns, although the words of the above seotiou wore intended to give him such jurisdic- tion. It was to overcome this de- cision of the courts that the Govern- ment issued subsequent commissions to the Scott Act Police Magistrates, appointing them • general Police Magistrates for the towns. Mr. Shaw advises the Warden that 48 Vic. not having been repealed by 50 Vic., is still in • force, and that both Acts must be read together. The.Govorntnent there°ore can only appoint a salaried Police Magistrate when the County Council passes a resolution affirming the expediency thereof. After that has been done, they may' then go on and "appoint more Police Magistrates than one" &c., leaving it optional with the County Council to pay such addi- tional Magistrates or not as they see fit. But the Government can't make any appointment at all until the County. Council -passes the re- solution provided• for in the first mentioned Act. Should this contention be sus- tained by the courts it will leave Mr. Vanstono in a bad fix. It will not affect his proceedings in the towns, for the .power of the Goverent to appoint Police Mag- istratilliViiitliout salary in towns has never boon questioned. But it leaves him without jurisdiction in the. County, and consequently liable in damages to every one whom he has fined or imprisoned, outside of -.----Walkerton and Kinearaine. The Act for .the._protection- of_. Magis-. tratos will not shield him,' because he was not Magistrateat all until appointed for Walkerton and Kin- • sardine. His commission as Police Magistrate for the towels makes him a county Justice of the Peace, and anything he can do iu that capacity since thou would be legal. But a single Justice of the •Peace, cannot ..-try Scott Act cases, .consequently all the fines, he has collected throughout .the county in Scott Act cases, can bo recovered from hint with costs, besides rendering hint liable to an action for damages in each case. , The point thus raised is of great public importance. Nearly all the Scott Aet Police Magistrates in the Province are in the same position as Mr.. Vanstono. If it bo decided 1n nInst them, it will undoubtedly 1 Y baring ruin to those among thein Who may be possessed of any means. Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50cta. a bottle Sold by all druggists. 443-3m. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour 84 00 to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 75 to 0 80 Spring Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 Barley0 40 to 0 50 Oats 0 28 to 0 30 Peas . 0 50 to 0 50 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes .. 0 50 to 0 60 .. 0 15 to 0 16 015 to 016 800 to 900 300 to 400 000to000 024 to 025 Butters Eggs Hay Cordwood Beef Wool TORONTO MARKETS. September 27. WHEAT,—No. 2 red winter was wanted at79 to 80c. present delivery. No. 2 fall is nominal at 79 to 79, No. 2 spring at 80e to 80e. No. 1 hard Manitoba is quoted at 82c to 82. BARLEY—Trade is dull, with very little offering as yet. No. 2 is quoted at 62c to 63e. • OAT,.—there is a moderate demand and prices rule steady. Ncw sold at 34c on track, and old are nominal at 35c. PEAS.—Trade is dull, and in absence of sales, prices are nominal at 58c to 59c for No. 2. BuTrEn.—The supply is moderate and the demand good, with sales at 20e to 22c for good to choice dairy. Round lots in the country are quoted at 16c to 17c. Inferior to medium qualities job at 16e to 18c, and rejections sell at 11c to 12c in lots. BIRTHS. 1)ODDS.—In Saafo•th, on the 17t17 inst., the wife of Itlr.John Dodds, pop manu- facturer, of a daughter. 13.1.\1'DEN.--In Blyth, on the 21th inst. the wire of lir, pinnas Hairdo!' of a danghti'r. Eons.—There is a pod supply, and prices are about steady at 16c a dozen in round lots. Ct1REsa.-There is a fair demand with sales at 12e in small lots, Pol•A'1.OES.-Receipts are increasing and prices steady at 85e per bag in car lots and at $1 for small lots. Wool,. —'1'he market is steady, receipts .being moderate. Good fleece brings 20c to 21e, selections 22e to 23e, and rejections 1'7c to 18c.' "Southdown, 25e to 20c. FOC 1T MARKET. The quantity of fruit on the market to- day was not large and little change in Dices about, the sante. Peaches brought from 50e ; pears 40e to 90e : liluths, 50e to 1.00 ; apples, $1,50 to $2.50 per bar-. rel ; grapes, tic to 5c per Ib. iiARRIAGES. • 1:1:ACHII'%—CROLL: --- In Clinton on Sept, 21st., at the residence 01 the bride's tat1ter, by the Rev. W. W. Sparltng, 11 [r. Thos. heaelliee, of the firm of Keachie & Bond, Galt, to Alaggie Ernla, sernn,l daughter of Air. John Croll. GREEN---CROLL. —111 Clinton on Sept. 21st at the residence of the bride's Gather, by the Raw. W. W. Spading. ofthel Parkhill • T Green editor ,In•,Ta s. to Frances Cecilia, third daugh- ter 0d - ter of Mr. John ('roll. wrie,'(VART.—On the North Boundary, I'sborue, on the 22nd inst., Jantes Stewart, aged 85 years, DAVIDSON.—In Exeter, on Tlrr.day, the 22nd inst., Aldo Dorettanfant Davidson,D daughter of John anti Jessie aged 8 months, 12 days. COURT OF REVISION—VCTERS' LIST;12s7. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be ]end, pursuant to "The Voters' List Act,' by lie Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Iiuron, at the COUNCIL CII AMBER, CLINTON, on WEDNESDAY, THE TWELFTH DAY OF OCTOBER, -1887, at nine o'clock in the orenoon, to shear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Clinton for 1887. .111 ,ersons having business at the Court are rcgvicet• ed to attend at the said time and plat.,. ,'Dated this 26th day of September, 1S87. WILLIAM COATS, Clerk of the said Municipality. 4e3td And again in charge of MISS 00(3, who has given our patrons the- highest satisfaction for the past two seasinls, Our Assortment of CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS IS VERY COMPLETE. Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a look througli. . FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. . Estate J. HODGENS. Down, Away Down They Gro! o� ROB. W. COATS THE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED COLUMBUS WATCH, i8 SELLING _ A WATCH FOR $2.75 THAT WILL BEEP GOOD TIMM- The Best flue inthe County to get Spectacle, ROB. W. COATS, CLINTON. BUTCHERING liCSiNESS—THE UNDE1:• signed wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and sttrromnding country, that In order to suitably meet the detnfulds of Ills very runner. u out the business Dins customers, he has bought 0 of Jnr. R. 11tv•fmons, and will carry on the saipe pith the choicest meats in season. Every effort "will be mode 1•o gleet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit n Wi - receive a fair share of public patronage. Lowest prices for large orders. Farmers trade a specialty, ALBERT 3IAY. At this season of the year every• one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 ets., sold by all druggists. 443-3m. a+• DRESS MAKING.—Mrs. Campbell, of Loudon AJ has opened Dress Making Rooms over the Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay & Co. , with first- class assistants. She is in a position to turn out work equal to any in the city. ' She respectfully r, k.aa trial order. Rooms over GEO. E. PAY 9& CO'S, Dry Goods Store. ABOUT:-: PRINTING. THE HURON NEWS -RECORD . Ras- unsurpassed' facilities for the execution of all kinds of Job'" Printing. In all lints we can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates. vr Leave your orders for Fall Printing with The News -Record SHORTHORNS FOR -SALE. �IIIRF.E FiNE YOUNG" B1'LLS, good color - .rind pc'ligrces• They will he sold on reasons. able terms and prtees to suit the times. For particulars apply to W. J. BIGGINS, Elmhurst {arm, Clinton P. O. September 10th, 1a57. 4113-4t STRAY STEER. AME into the enclosure of the subscriber, lot 34, con. 12, Ifullett, about the middle of D WHITE STEER, two Juno last, one RED A\ years old. Tile orncr Will please pay expenses and take the aninull aa'ny, ANDREW TAYLOR. iRlllett, Sept. 17, 1887. 402.41 THERE IS NO Royal Road to Fortune I But you will find it an easy - -one if you will PRACTICE ADVERTISERS Bear in mind that The Newa- itecord is positively one of the-. best advertising mediums in Western Ontario, and to the business igen of Clinton offers litany advantages. THE DO11}IILE CIRCULATION Talks to Thousands. - WHITELY & TOR, - - Publishers WANTED. AFL•'(O\I) CLASS MALE TEACHER, for School Section No. 10,' East Wawanosh. Duties to commence 1st of October. A man of experience preferred. (IEOROE (WENN, Sec.iTrea , Blyth P, 0„ Ont APPLES WANTED. WANTED, 20000 BARRELS OF HAIIVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CANTELON. 451—tt Clinton. WOOLS. - • WOOLS. 'As w0 import our Wools direct from Ger- e' 5t011het•S our Cll ' are hie t (7 give 1 Ger- many we are a � The the very best stock at low prices, The following lines are kept,in stock 11001111, Andalusian, Zephyr, Ice, Pompadour, Fleecy, Saxony, Lobelin and Crewel. FINGERING VA1t.NS--a splendid litre 01' all makes, shades and prices. Tato 0' Shanters, Hoods, Caps, etc„ made to order. Give Its a call and you will be •convinced that the is the place to (10131. W. Cooper, 'Beaver Block, Clinton Oxford and Ncw Glasgow Rail- way. SOU.-- 311soo Item TO Pierer Tows, Bnax011 OV I. C. R. ECONOMY AND BUY YOUR Boots & Shocs AT JACKSON'S BARGAIN S/IOE /'°11sE, .'I'entler for the Cons(%tcti07t of 11-o1'I•4. CIEALt;D TENDERS, addressed to the under - A7 signed end endorsed "Tender for Oxford and New Glasgow Itaitway," will be received at this otfleo up to noon on Monday, the 1001 day of October, 1887, for certain works 8f construction. Plans and profiles will be open for inspection at the Office of the Chief Engineer of Govern• meat Railways at Ottawa, and also at the Office of the Oxford and New Glasgow llailway, ,at River John, Plctou Co., Nova Scotia, on and after the 1st day of October, 1887. when the general specification and form of tender maybeo0t5ined upon application. allo tonder will be ontertnined aides en one of the printed forms 'find all the conditions are complied with. By order, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretory. Dep vtment of Rtilwsys and Cannis, Ottawa, 0th September, 1887. 402-8t Opposite the TGW[.I, ITall. MILLINERY OPENING1 O J. C. DETLOR & CO The stock is always fresh i � a and the prices are cut to snit the times. Try us and be convinced. WILL HOLD THEIR OressGoods1 Mii/nery Opening ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, And following days of the week. Grand Display of LATEST NOVELTIES, See their large assortment of Mantle Cloths and Trimmings. Mantles cut free of charge. J. O. DETLOR & 00. AB8OLL/TELY NEW STOCK �OPi �s BOQTS AND SHOES! W./1. Simpson's Searle's Block, opposite the Market. The Thermometer has dropped, !and sot'have my prices. Courteous Treatment. Best. Assortment. All Leather Goods. Startlingly Low Prices..__..Na___ Trouble to show Goods. aizz.Don't Forget the Place—W, H. Simpson's, opposite the Market, Clinton. a It will pay you to remember the address and bite hint a. call. EA LED 'I'E N DERS addressed to pho )1111151• signed, and endorsed "Tonder for Goderfch Works," will he received at this office until Friday, the 14th day of October, for the construe• tie, o tee e' teer 4 works :at l:ode]•ieh 0' ut. 111 accordance ane with a. Plan and spocifiention to be sect at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and at the office of the Town Clerk, 00300ah. Tenders will not be consit'ered un1568 made on the form supplied and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. An accepted• bank cheque payable to order of Minister of Public Works and equal to Ave per 00)4. of amount of tender, must accompany each Ender. This cheque will he forfeited It the the N orlpi ontrac1 the d for, contract l to and will beeturnril in case of non"acceptnure of tender. Tho DepartnleM does not hind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By ort:er, A - Secretary, Department of Public works, t Ottmwn, 14th September, 1887.1 403 21 A. A.. BEN.NETT, 1 i —THE LEADING_ FUNERAL DIRECTOR —AND- EMBALM HSR, 1 Iced Mocker Store, ALBERT ST. CLINTON: TO THE FARMERS ! study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable 'laxness. I mannlactul•e none hut the Bttsr 01• STOCK., Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have !111 to live.' ttnr Call and get prices. Orders by mail proupiy attended to crO N T. Cast 3R.'.1`'• •'`1x2., HARNESS E51POIIIUM, B1.YTi1, ONT. (",DR.HODDER'S� BURDOCK I r- 1IAND j - t ' P 1�A 11/0 CDMPouND f L. CURES Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, B111or1nr$5, Sisk a 'he Road � Kidney '1'ronbles1 (the umat ism, Skin Discuses rind all Imwm•• !ties of the Blood from whatever cause arising. Female Wclttkues.Ca 0.1101 General Debit.. ity. conttr'ated, Pleasarely nt EffectualTV.b.tr� Ask for Dr. llodders Coumponhd Take no other Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottie. OR HOMERS COUGH & LUNG CURE p,r bottle everywhere. and m 25 anufacturers, crit, The Union Medicine Co. Toroflto,Cafa ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! Implements ! Implements ! McOORMICK SELF—BINDERS, - ItEAPERS, MOWERS, SEED DRILLS, HORSE RAKES PLOWS, - ' CUTTING BOXES, SHELLERS, ETC., ETC., Anc} all Implements used on a farm as Gombas the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. E. WEIR'S, IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLINTON. ONTARIO Special Notice Get your Notes and Accofrnts collect. ed by J. T. WESTOOTT EXETER, - ONT. He collects .Notes tilted Accounts to any part at the most reasonable rates. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest ratas of interest. Fire, Lsfe, and Accident Insurance Agent. hire 41115 a call, Office :---James-st,, Exeter, Ontario, W