HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-09-28, Page 1T . titISS—$1.25 per Aurum, iu Advance.
WHITEL,X J TORD,,1'ubliebcrs
For California will
Lam Clinton, dot. It,
AT 4 1'. M.
Any parties who intend going or requiring
information will please apply to
Clinton, Sept. 26, 1887.
Ch�drefl's — ?
? - Clo(tiiu
$Our selection of Children's Cloth-
ing is unequalled in the County and
should be seen by everybody.
The latest addition to our stock is a
Child's : Overaoat
A\T $2.50,
• Manufactured by ourselves. The
Goods from which this line is made
was purchased in Scotland at LESS
at the above price it cannot be ap-
For growing youngsters it docs not
pay to buy expensive clothing, and
we thiuk tho above lino of Overcoats
should commend itself to every Lady
requiring Boy's Overcoats.
With all our beat Boy's Suits we
give a JUBILEE MEDAL and to
every purchaser iu our BOY'S
DEPARTMENT we present one of
The Famous Clothiers.
'goal gorrol[ondenca
The first snow fell last Friday.
Mr. Geo. Mice returned from his
-Eastern visit on Friday evening. .
Mrs. Geo.. Black returned from
her. visit to Loudon last Saturday.
Miss Dancy has returned from a
long visit to Sorel, Quebec.
Dr. J. L. Reeve of Clinton was
in town last week.
Reeve Pollock of Bayfield was in
the circular town last Saturday.
Next Tuesday is the opening day
of the Goderich Fall Exhibition.
Mr. Percy Malcolmson is attend-
ing college in Hamilton.
-Mr. H.S. Holmes retuinetl to Ac-
ton last Thursday.
Messrs. A. Smith and son Will-
iam returned front the London
Fair on Friday.
There was a very Large picnic on
the beach at Attrill's point, yestor-
day week.
Mr. Dixon, of Castle Dixon, was
in St. Marys last week visiting his
Reeve Beck of Colborne who was
seriously ill last week, is, we are
pleased to notice, all right again.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and child
left Wednesday on a visit to Mon-
The foundation of Mr. Molt's re-
sidence is completed and the frame-
ramework ready for the bricklayers.
The season so far has been the
best we have had for some years for
our mechanics and laborers.
Mr. M. 0. Johnston, law student,
who had 10 give up studying on ac
count of his health some few mouths
.-. since, was in town last week appar-
ently wonderfully improved.
A. number of our youths got up a
charivari last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Um are at Montre-
Mr. Henry Clucas and wife were
in the Forest city last week.
Miss Nellie Reid was visiting
in London last week. .
Mr. R. S. William's has returned
from his holiday trip.
Mrs. Joseph Kidd has returned
from Toronto.
Mr. W. McIntosh of Port Arthur
was last week recalling old times in
the circular town.
Mrs. Toms and daughter have re-
turned from their week's visit to
the Queen City.
The regular monthly hieetiug of
the school board next Monday eve-
ning. .
Mr. R. S. Williams returned to
town last week, after a throe week's
visit East.
Inspector Toni while in town last
week put several of the classes
through, the calisthenic drill.
A. frame house is being built in
St. - Andrew's Ward for Mr. W.
Sharman, and ono iu St. George's
Ward for Mrs. McIntosh.
Mr. James Johnston of West
Wawanosh passed through town
last Wednesday on his way to the
London Fair,
It is said that a young lady from
Colborne township has started for
British Columbia to wed a former
The members of the Huron En-
campment will drill in the Palace
Rink this evening when a full at-
tendeuce is particularly requested.
It is rumored that engineers
were in town recently surveying an
easier grade to the docks for the G.
T. R. trains..
Mr. A. Straiton, G. T. R. Agent,
having recovered from his illness
resumed his duties as station agent
on Thursday.
Mr. A. Farrow; collector of cus-
toms, is taking his usual summer
holiday. „ During Mr. Farrow's ab-
sence his duties will be performed
by Mr. Knox of Stratford.
Captain Babb had the misfortune
to lose bis second eldest daughter
last week. The interment took
place at Maitland Ceiueter•y on
Sunday and was largely attended.
The schooner Jane McLeod with
a cargo of lumber for W. & H.
Dyment, and a few thousand fish
barrel staves for..__M.... Carl_ (arrived
iu port on Thursday afternoon.
The entertainment in connection
with St. George's aural harvest
home festival, that was postponed
on account of inclement weather,
willabe given in the school -room on
Friday evening next. -
A telegram was .received last
Saturday announcing the death at
Minneapolis Of Mrs. John Wilkin-
son. The lady had been sick some,
time, and when in town' a few
months since was evidently fading
Mr. John Robertson of Manitoba
has been visiting ii.l:tives and
friends in Colborne r.+ it Goderich
the past few days. •i'he present
deputy sheriff • of Winnipeg and
ex -deputy of Huron is h tiled with
pleasure by all his fries{,
Last Wednesday a s, sial twain
consisting of 15 loaded cars, left
town, in addition to the 2 way
trains being heavily laden. This
plan of getting off our freight has
been adopted three or tour tines a
week for a considerable period.
Bengough the Cartoonist appear-,
ed iu the new opera house ou Fri-
day evening before a moderato
audience, by which lie was well re-
ceived.,. The entertainment listed
over two hours, rather too long, a
time for ono person to hold the at-
tention of a large number of peo-
ple on pleasure bent. It is true
that several portions of the lecture
were remarkably well delivered,
but these portions being old and
well known to most of those pre•
sent, the excellency of their deliver-
ance was iu a great measure lost.
Tho sketching of the several car-
toons was rapidly performed, and
all received an artistic finish, but
those intended to depict our
local men conld not be said to be
true to life, for until some promin-
ent sentence was written on the
sketch that clearly pointed out
whom it was intended to represent,
the audience "did not catch on.',
Wo hope when next the gentleman
visits our town he will introduce a
shorter and entirely now lecture,
and tvill bo able to sketch our local
celebrities. with the same clearness
and precision as whon he popular-
ized many of them some eight or
nine years since.
Surat gorget poudeuce
Mr. William Marlton has com-
menced building asteam tug.
Mrs. Arnold has returned to Owen
Miss Good, a former resident of
the circular town, is the guest of
Mrs. Dr. Taylor.
1)r. and Mrs. Johnston aro this
week visiting the lady's mother,
Mrs.Widdcr. -
The specifications for the altera-
tions to the harbor are now in
totyli. • --
Mrs. Lino and child, of Sorel, are
iu town on a visit to the Lady's
parents, Capt. and Mrs. Dailey.
The Salvationists -had a farewell
meeting Saturday and Sunday. At
the Saturday evening parade red
fire was burned.
Mrs. Buehler, of Maitland Falls,
while getting some water from the
river slipped and fell in. Tho
water being very deep the lady
could not get out, and when rescued
had been in the river a few minu-
tes. Although apparently breathing
when moved to the house, she ex-
pired shortly after.
John Eno was brought before
His Honor Judge Totes last Friday
on a charge of lrot'ee stealing. His
Honor found the prisoner guilty
and remanded him till Wednesday,
to -day, for sentence.
Mr. Vice -Chancellor Proudfoot
opened the Chancery Court ou
Monday morning. The only cases
before 'Itis Lordship wore : Frasor
vs. Johnston, the celebrated cheese
case, which was dismissed with
costs, and Thompson vs. Baird an
action for account between partners,
which was referred by consent to
the Master of Bruce county. The
court only lasted about fifteen minu-
tes, the shortest on record in this
county. •
Mr. Robert Proudfoot died last
Saturday after a long and painful
illness. The funeral took place on
Monday afternoon and was very
largely.attended. Messrs. Dickson,
Hodge, Carroll, Ward, Kirkpatrick,
and Reeve Girvin of Wawanosh,
wore the pall bearers. Vice -Chan-
cellor Proudfoot, of Toronto, and
H. B. Proudfoot, P.L.S., of Clinton,
uncle and nephew of the. deceased,
wero among the mourners attending
the interment.
Mrs. Wm. Campbell and daugh-
ter are visiting at Soaforth.
At The Harbor.
The schooners Ariel thnd Jane
McLeeti'-'-sailed-far the --earth during
Saturday night.
The steamer Ontario was some
timo getting out on Sunday. The
strong wind caused the trouble:'
The schooner Mary S. Gordon
with a cargo of lumber for Mr. H.
Second arrived in harbor on Satur-
o schooner ,aiulfcule with a
car o of 1 or Mr. H. Secord,
rehched ier dock at 2 p, m. on Sun-
Ml'. 1). Cantelon, tho Clinton
apple king, shipped another largo
lot of fruit for the North-west per
the steamer' Ontario on Sunday.
Tho schooner Ariel with a cargo
of lumber for Mr. Joseph . Williams
reached this port on Friday morn-
The schooner Charlie 'Marshall
loft for Chicago on Saturday, after
being detained in port several days
by adverse winds.
The Charlie Marshall of Chicago
that arrived in harbor on the 13th.
inst. with a cargo of oats for the G.
T. Elevator did not complete un-
loading until the
On Friday ptnnping was started
again on the schooner Ontario, and
though two big leaks that,had been
discovered had been stopped, suc-
cess did -not attend the renewed at-
tack or. the vessel's cargo.
Tho attempt at pumping out the
schooner Ontario ended at noon on
the day of beginning. Like pre-
vious attempts since she itas been
in her present position, it WAS found
impossible to reduce the water
enough to boat her. Four pumps
were employed this time,
The steamer Ontario reached
harbor shortly after nine on Sun-
day morning and left between two
and three•tho sante afternoon. The
Ontario loaded at this porta large
quantity of apples, a largo quantity
of salt in barrels, general merchan•
dise, and a largo number of hotsos.
—Tho Torrance farm iyrHullett,
near Harlock, has been purchased
b)• a Nit.. T'ar$nns, from near Port
Hope, a brut her -in --law of Mr, John
Tamblyn of the 12th concess.ion.
The I.riee wits 89,000, It is a very
cheap farm at this money.
great (!ovreopoudance
Miss Annie Shane has returned
from her visit to Detroit.
A band of gypsies was encamped
in the swamp south of the villago
ou Sabbath.
Dr. D. 1). Carder is having the
beautiful willows opposite his hand-
some residence cut down.
Mr. James Stretton, of the Queen's
hotel, Brussels, was in town on
Mr. •G. B. Phillips returned Home
on Saturday from a short visit to
Miss. Morgan returned home on
Saturday from her lengthy visit
among friends iu Michigan.
Mr. R. Howard has finished the
building of a fine brick oven for our
new baker, R. B. Keller.
Mr. R. Rogerson is putting up a
frame building on his property on
Mill street.
Mr. Dunbar, tailor, moved to his
new stand north of • Kelly's brick
block this week.
Miss Annie Walker, who was on
a visit to relatives at Loudesboro,
returned home on Friday.
The corporation aro having the
road leading to the flax mill covered
with a heavy coat of gravel.
Mr.. Alex. Munn has been suffer-
ing with a severe attack of inflam-
mation of the lungs. Hu is slowly
Mr. Edward Sherritt has com-
menced the brick work of his resi-
dence on Dinsley street. It will be
a handsome building when finished.
A largo number of our citizens
took in the Western Exhibition,
London, last week. They report.it
the best held there yet.
Rev. Mr. Hodgins, of Bayfield,
will officiate and administer sacra-
ment in the Episcopi 1 Church on
Sabbath next.
On Saturday Mr. Milne had the
misfortune to got ono of his'platte
glass windows for the front of his
building broken. It is quite a loss
to him:
Mr. Jenkins, of Brussels, the
proprietor of the Tory paper which
is to be published iu that town
shortly, was . visiting friends horn
this week.
Tho Foresters • of this village
have been invited to attend to hear
a sermon to be preached to that
order iu Clinton on Sabbath next
by the Rev. John Gray.
On Friday evening the farewell
assembly in honor of our principal,
\J -E --Shaw, took place in the i 1t
over Mi1no's new store where a
large and select company enjoyed
themselves tripping the light fan-
tastic until the wee sma' hours.
Tho adjourned cases of violating
the Scott Act against Messrs. Milne,
Vau Egtnond and Emigh wore heard
before Police Magistrate Williams
on last Wednesday, when his Honor
found a conviction against Messrs.
Milne and Van Egmond. The case
against Eniigh being dismissed.
Mr. John Bennett's case was ad-
journed to Wednesday.
Quito a number of our villagers
took in Loudon.
Mrs. \Vm. Clarke, of Goderich
township; • who had been visiting
friends in 'Stanley, has returned
We are glad to know that Mr. J.
C. Douglass has returned to the
village again looking well after his
Dlr. Purdy has been moving back
lis house and raising it, which will
add a groat deal to the appearance
of the villago.
The Rev. Mr. Bart hold 3 sor
vices on Sunday in the church on
the Goshen Lino, where they have
commenced holding revival services.
Many of our Grit friends are jub-
ilant over the expected Commercial
Union, especially Mr. T. Ward
who expects a better price for his
The choir f St. John's church
held their pie is in Mr. Middle•
ton's grove, Bayfield, last Saturday
They had a very enjoyable time,
boating being the chief amusement"
Mr. James Reid, Stanley, Bay-
field road, had weighed in Bayfield
the other day a three-year-old heavy
draught gelding, sired by "Lord
Haddow." The scalps showed 1475
lbs. The animal is considered a
good one, and would hind a ready
sale if{ Mr., Reid would part with
the beast.
The Jewish New Your began last
,ghoul Covrtopondtt ca
Business brisk iu town on Satur-
day last.
Say, " Frankie," cold nights have
put a stop to gate sparking, eh It
she does not ask you to cone in
now you had better quit.
LECTuitE, — Iyev. Father Chini-
quay lectured in Cavan Presbytot i to
Church here on Friday evening
last to a very large audience.
1)ENTrsTItx.—Mr.. W. E. Cart-
wright, dentist, intends moving '
from James street to the shop uow
occupied by Miss Fulton, dress-
The Gale Seeder and Harrow Co.
aro still iu this vicinity and are
doing an extensive business in sup-
plying the farmers with a first-
class implement.
FALL FAIa.—The Exeter Fall
Show, which takes plane ou Mon-
day auelTuesday next, the 3rd and
4th of October, promises to be the
best over held here.
Quite a large number of people
from the country were in town
Saturday night. — The Mitchell
razor grinder is doily, the town this
week, he seems to bo kept busy. .
Annual Harvest Hume Sermon will
be preached iu Christ Church on
Sabbath ncxt,moruiug and evening,
by the Rev. F. F. Davis, hector of
Thorndale, Co. Middlesex.
Mr. John Suell has disposed of
his fatuous pacing horse, " Barney
Barnes," to Mr. Joseph Ralph, of
Forest, Ont", for a handsome figure.
—Mr. John Hawkshaw keeps his
Johnny B. on the course exorcising
him as usual.
FIRE.—Saturday night last about
9 o'clock the baro of Mr. George
Blatchford, on the McPhillip finer
toile north of here, was consumed
by fire. Tho building contained
sixteen acres of hay and five acres of
oats. Supposed inct.u:1:.ty. No
PERSONALS.—Dir. A. A. Hooper,
of Hamilton, and Mr. John Hooper,
of Oil City, Pennyslvania, Sunday -
ed iu town.—Mr. Henry Hayton, of
Albion, Mich., is visiting in town,
he has been absent from this place
eleven years. ---Mr. P. A. Impel, of
Reading, Penn., is' at present . in
town buying horses.
Mr. Benjamin Case, who resides
one and a halt' miles north of the
village, has not recovered the team
of horses he had stolen last week.
It is thought they were taken across
the border, as telegrams were soot
to nearly every place i❑ Canada,but
_uo tidiugs_caelrl be_glearlod. -can-,
corning the stolen animals. •
BRIEr'•s.—On Saturday afternoon
last Mr. Ira Spicer, dug 16 bushels
of potatoes in the short space of 24
hours. This is considered good
work as the potatoes are few and
far between in this vicinity.—A
large number of our villagers atten-
ded the Western Fair at London
last week, astd report the fair a
grand success.—Dir. Thos. Bissett,
sr., of this place, took first priie at
the Western with his handsome
team of roadsters, -
East Wawanosh.
Mr. John Wilson is on the sick
list this week.
Mr. Robert Leishman, wife and
family, of British Columbia, are
visiting at Mr. Nothery's.
Mr. Thomas ltoss disposed of 4
head of his best cattle to Mr.
Tousley, realizing $195.00, thorfo'.
Mr. \Vm. Irwin intends to try
the lumber woodsagaiu this winter.
1[o will leave iu.a few weeks.
\[r. John Potter has leased the
farm of Mr. R. C, D. Armstrong
for one year.
We aro sorry to say that the
young sawyer of this vicinity is not
getting steady employment.
A young mau in Westfield was
itr sad despair when he found that
leo was robb-ed of his bell on Sun-
day, the 18th.
Mr. Stephen Robertson intends
going to Wisconsin ou Tuesday
next. Ile will work in a store for
Mr. Dobie.
Messrs. Iieffron and Boyd are
doing some first-class threshing with
their traction engine, 2,000 bushels
is a COlnnlon days threshing for
A young man or child, not five
miles west of Blyth, is now in pos-
session of a racing team. The young
stripling should bo tied to his
mother's apron for 4 or 5 years be-
fore he should be allowed to drive
old Charlie so swift without a whip,
or else his father should bo made to
post bills at every corner so as to
warn strangers that the simpleton is
on the track, Ho is generally out
in the morning early so ns Charlie
will got good fresh air. People
should bo on their guard.
East Waw anosh.
Mrs. Wiley, of Toronto, is the
guest of Messrs. Wm. and Patrick
Ha Bohan.
James Rath is spending a few
days with his mother who lives at
Mr. James McGill -will soon have
the carpenter work of Mr. Mc-
l;allum's horse completed. He has
Mr. Halliday and' Mr. John Mc-
Gill helping hila.
first public meeting of the East
Wawanosh Literary Society woo._
held in the --school house of S. S.
No. 9 last Friday evoniug at 8
o'clock. The Society has been
formed for the purpose of pro-
moting the study of elocution; ex-
temporary speaking, and a more
extensive course of reading among
the more intelligent. young men
during the long cvenings of the
coining winter. In order to en-
courage it a number of ladies agreed
to furnish the music for all their
entertainments. Mr. Wilson, Pre-
sident of the Society, occupied the
chair, and gave a very lucid address ,,
for about a quarter of an hour ou
Commercial Union. Mts. Irwin,
(i visitor front Wyoming), sang
" Yottug Lochiuvar." The rendi-
tion was very fine and was loudly
applauded. As an encore she gave
inline form, "Guying Dick." Mr.
John Blackbrough gave in excellent
form Will Carletou's, "Gouo With
a Handsomer Man." Being encored
he gavo a very amusing piece en-
titled, " Paying for thb Binder."—
From the Detroit Free Press. The
Glee Club rendered in good style,
" Roll Chariot, Roll !" Mr, Jona-
than Bentley then gave a very
pathetic piece entitled, "Brow's
Throe Lambs." This was his first
appearance before the public, but it
is hoped that it will not be his last,
for all were highly pleased with
the performance. As au encore he
brought down the house with,
" How I Fought For Jane." Mr.
Wilson then sou;' '0 " o voice,
"1Rule Britannia." 'tuts was fol-
lowed by a 'short farce in which
Messrs. Young, Williams, and
Blackbrough joined, "Guilty, But
1 Did Not Choke Him." The per-
formance was very realistic and was
.highly applauded. Mr. Wilson
gave an amusing character and
dialectic recitation entitled. "I
Tell Ye Fur Why Ye Boys," in
which Teague (ot' Carleton's Irish
Tales) was mimicked to the life.
The meeting closed at 10 o'clock
with " God Save The Queen. On
the whole it was very successful, but
the next, which will be held iu two
weeks, will, it is hoped, improve on
-ilii= one wliah•-hacked only in music •--.-
owing to the illness of some of those
who wore to' have furnished the
DIr. Stoneham, of the Doherty
Organ Works, was in this village
the other •Sunday.
Mr. Lockhart, head teacher in our
school, has been very sick, but is
reported convalescent. -
AIr. Joseph Fisher has taken the
well-known imported heavy draught
stallion, " Lord of Oho Manor," to
the London Exhibition.
We aro glad to be able to sate
that Mr. Barry Hyslop, who had
been clangorously ill of congestion
of the lungs, is rapidly recovering.
DL'. James Clarke, who' has been
confined to the hougto through an
accident ,for the last seven weeks, is
around again.
About a dozen of our most pro-
minent citizens attended tho railway
meeting at Brussels last week.
Railroad is the principal topic in
this vicinity just now.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Wallace, lato
of this village, attended the City
Exhibition. Mr \V. was in chargo
of: the exhibit of S. F. Taylor &
Soil, of the Walkerton felt goods
'Mr. Anderson, of this place, has
purchased the splendid yonng
Canadian draught stallion, " What
Caro I," .from . DIr. Twombly, of
1:hlield. i[e exhibited him at,
the Western Fair.
AIr. E. 'Tindall, our entcrpri..ing
butcher, has just completed another
fine building on Maio street, which
lie has opened as a meat market.
Ile also intends keeping flour, feed
and grain for sale, and in 'a few
weeks will add to his bnsinesa
oysters, fruit, confectionery, &c"
Mr. T. deserves the patronage of our
citizens, as his enterprise has added
two stores to our Main street, which
are a credit to the place.
Goderich, Oct. 4-5.6
Exeter, Oct. 3-4
Belgravo, Oct. 4.
Blyth, Oct 11-12.