HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-09-21, Page 7Tho Huron Neurs'ReaQrd
'MYodnosdaY, Sept. let, 1$.$7
In and Around tho "nub."
GOODS at' the "Red Rooker Store,'"
Clinton ; 12 Parlor Sets, 25
Lounges and Easy Chaise, at coat,
for. 30 days. Don't miss this
chance.—A. A. BENNETT, Albert
street, Clinton. 461
BOY WANTED t0 learn the print-
iug business ; must be a'fair reader
and intelligent ; one living with his
parente in town preferred. Apply
at THE NEWS -RECORD office.
PROF. ANDERSON, formerly, of,
London, was in town yesterday for
the purpose of formic; .dancing
classes for ladies,- gentlemen and
children. Mr. Anderson comes
well recommended from Seaforth,
where he has held and •is still hold -i
ing classes. Now is the time for
parents t8 have triols^ children in-
structed in deportment, dancing
and calisthenics.
To THE LAD1ES.—Owing to ill-
ness, Miss Curroll has been obliged
to discontinue work, but we have
engaged MISS HUNT, of Brant-
ford, who comes to us highly recom-
mended by one of the leading mor -
chants of that city., to take her
place, which we are confident she
can fill with equal satisfaction. All
we ask is a continuation of the
liberal patronage we have received
and we will prove to you it is not
unmerited. Leave your orders for
Dresses and Mantles at ROBERTSON'S
Mas. 'OBLE, from Goderich has
leased from Mayor Whitehead and
taken '19ossesslo•n •of the residence
recently vacated 'by Mr. Diehl, on
Victoria street.
Tan •Seaforth papers chronicle
the naairi.age in that town ou the
14th inst., of Mr. Moses Fischer of
Clinton to Miss Lundy of Ilullett,
The Rev. Mr. Howell tied the
Mil. AV. II.. •SturaoN combined
business with pleasure last week
and when attending the Toronto
Exhibition bought a large stock of
boots and shoes at "way down"
Ma...T. E. DOHERTY, a young man
aged 25 years, died last Friday at
the residence of Mr. Giffiu. The
funeral took place •Saturday, De•
ceased had been ailing with con-
suieption. He was n nephew of
Messrs. W. and T. C. Doherty. •
Mr. Gordon Young of Colborne
sold and delivered at Clinton,'last
week,to McLean Bros. a drove of pigs
at 5 cents a 1'b., live weight. ,Inst
across the bonder they would bring
31- cents a lb. How is this for
commercial .tiinion ?
Ms. V. Mc•Karz1E, Q. C. sof
Brantford, declares it as his belief
o•,u,ioo Magistrate Grace's-.00m-
ission will be dispiaiifled in the
Qneon's Bench, as well also the
commissions of ;other salaried mag-
istrate appointed under the Scott
Act. The Scott Act Police Magis-
trates Will therefore tremble.
OWNERS' of threshing outfits
should bear in mind that a law has
gone into effect which requires a
man to be sent along the highway
in advance of trttiction engines to give
• notice of their approach, thus lessen-
ing the probability of runaway ac-
cidents. Also if an engine be
stationsd • near a highway, it must
be stopped whale teams aro pass-
' ing.
'Euesday afternoon as.-tho.trai-u. from
Stratford was passing the crossing
on Dundas street, Woodstock,
John Moose, a young man . who is
employed as a fiuisher iu •Karu's
Organ factory attempted to jump on
the train for the purpose of riding
to the station, but he slipped and
fell, the wheels of the car going
over his heel and part of his foot.
It is thought that amputation may
bei ueemssary. ILO 'has only boon
there a short time, his former • homo
beiug at \Vingha n, where his father
removed hint to.
How To DO IT. --Anyone who is
really anxious about his intestines
gtil.oling madly around iii
:tb.lo.uiu a cavity, out bring about
this pleasant state of affairs with-
out the aid of any fruit, ripe or
otherwise. Lnt him -sit till ;11 night;
halt down his breakfast the n^xt
morning ; fret and worry all (lay
long ; t tl:e a drink of "'Posit)," or
"acid phosphates," or "melte," lit,
some other "summer clank," every
:two ho'tls, and a glass of ice -water.
,e, er thirty minutes ; dine on pep-
110r:'y seep, sizzling beefsteak, sire -
toga potatoes, soggy pie and ico-
crea;o ; washed flown with copious
drangiii1 of iced tea; go home all
tired ogi,t, and mat a big supper, with
more hca.c' teals and mere, iced ttea.
'1.1-1e--14434-1ae s -using tried Aar u.t clay
at this time of the year by 'mud -
pals of people, anti seldom fails to
11rtrotnnJlsli ;)io,esoIt, promised.
Ti14094-onquilnee J^ a t 9> `t hQ
toaobora of Wee liutellr h "Go4etteh
Oct. 7th and 8tlis
Mu. 1tloTAGa4Wr ha6 recovered
flow his rather severe attack of 111•
Winow GREE;!} will remove to
Michigan Monday, with a view of
obtaining employment for her beye.
LIFE of Bettis, by Dr. Campbell.
May bo had at Dickeon'a book store
or at Dr. Worthington's. •
Tun 19th has come and gone
and Wiggins' big storm failed to
comeot. Wiggins will have to be
MR. JOHN BOLES of East Ontario
street has been laid up the past
woek with typhoid fever. He is
Mr. C. Copp, blacksmith, has
boon laid up from spinal affection
and was in a very serious condition,
but is now likely to get better.
Fi rI1En CHINIQUY was in town
this week and was secured by the
. prohibitionists to address a meeting
in the town hall.
YESTERDAY, Tuesday, there was is
large gathering in Clinton of
(those interested in furthering the
'inter'ests of the Scott Act.
CLINTON, seems the best point for
horse buyers to locate. Car loads
leave this station every week.
Three cars of horses were shipped
on Monday.
THE lecture by Rev. Mr. Wray in
the town hall, Tuesday evening of
last week, was not so well attended
as the inerrits of the occasion de-
manded, and the financial benefit to
the churches was next to nil.
RAtswat. MEETING .—A meetiug
of representatives of ,Goderich,
Blyth, Brussels, Listowel and in•
tervening municipalities, was called
to take place at Brussels on Monday
last, the •ollj•ect of the meeting be-
ing to take action with a view of
promoting the extension of the CP
1'. R. from Guelph to Goderich via
Listowe3, Brussels and Blyth.
An English barrister voluntarily
palmed himself off as drunk and
was committed to prison in Torouto
in ,order to write up the -horrors of
that institution. And here is what
says• the wicked Toronto Telegram :
"We view •tho Globe's printed
glimpses of the horrors of the city
dungeons as tho most sensational
contribution to Collodion journalism
since a' 'Guelph philanthropist pre-
sented a pail of skim milk to the
staff •of the Mercury."
• MR. JOHN MOONE't' has sold the
fine team of Canadian bred brood
mares, to which we referred last
week, to the noted horse fancier of
Goderich,• Mr. A. M. Molloy. Tho
best.of'everything is to bo had. in
Clinton, and wo congratulate Mr.
Polley on his excellent judgment
and good fortune in securing ..from
Hr. Mooney Probably the finest pair
of nnnes in the province. And
when a veteran horseman like Mr.
Polley bows to the superior judg-
meat of Mr.,'Mooney a' deserved
coldplimenatis paid to our citizen.
THE OPEN COURT, a scientifically
ethical and religious journal, seems
to improve with each succeeding
number. When we first. perused._
it wo had some misgivings lest our
orthodoxy •should_ become weary of
the too liberal thoughts which
find vent through The • Open Court.
Ent in the editorial articles
'as well as in. those contributed by
Max Muller, James Parton, Richard
A. Proctor, and others, one must be
over fastidious if he cannot find
much to agree with and much more
to poudorover and it may be to men-
tally combat. , Sometimes when
reading The Open Court we call to
mind the ar'gulllentative Scotchman
who in taking his toddy with a
friend could not get hiui into an
argument. Ifo brought clatters to a
focus by exclaiming "Godo, leen,
why liana ye contradict meso I Call
ken there aro twa o' us?" When
reading The Open Court. we aro
quite satisfied that there aro twa o'
us. The, Court is published fort
nightly iu Chicago, and is duly $3
a year. Specimen copies 15 cts.
of this Presbytery was held in the
Presbyterian •churcli, Exeter, on
Tuesday of last week. A. Bill from
the congregations of Mauchestet
and Smith's Hill, to the 1te'v. Mr.'
McMillan WAS presented, and Mon-
day, the 26tH inst., fixed' fol' the in-
duction services providing the tail
is accepted by Mr. McMillan. Rev.
R. Y. Thomson handed in his re-
signation of the charges of Housall
and Chiselhnrst, and all parties im-
mediately interested :r.: to ba cited
to appear at the n' :., meeting of
Presbytery. • Rev. Dr. Ure, of God-
erioh, applied ou behalf of his con-
gregation for liberty to moderato in
s e tF1 for an assistant as soon as the
congregation is prepared, and the
application was granted. Rev Mr.
I lIeCoy was granted permission to
moderato in a Call to a minister on
behalf of the cou;regations of Bar-
field Road and Blake so soon as
these congregations are prepared to
take this step. The uext meeting
of Presbytery will be held in Sea -
forth on the second. Tuesday in
November. Instead of billeting
the members of Presbytery at the
1-hou•sest et' friends, the. ladies of bhes
i'.xeter congregation had di111101•
, prepared for thong in the b,aselnent
of the cbur•ch.
hf 0 T Ion. •lw`.p,RQUgtsgs of 1~jl irett-'
delivered a. rno team •of horses to n
brayer in Clinton, the Ober day, for
which he received $400.
THE) Scott Act is an injury to
trade as witness the stateroet t,
_John Cameron, ,101191'1 Woodstock,
has made au assignment for the
benefit of his creditors,
TILE London Fair is the one that
draws the greatest crowd from this
section. A voiy large number of
Huronites are attending it this
THE French editor of tho Exeter
Times is in raptures over the abun-
dance of game or fish, which shall
we call- them. Any amount of
toothsome frogs are captured in
that viciuity.
Mn. GEO. Cox, the Detroit horse
buyer, has purchased a large num-
ber of animals in this vicinity the
past week. He purchased from
Mr. Wise of Goderich township a
$500 team.
Wnt. Elliott and John Beacom
of Goderioh township shipped their
Tontine stallions to • the Western
Exhibition on Monday. D. D.
Wilson _and --Geo. Whitely of Sea -
forth also contributed Tontine
stock to .the saino show.
A prominent resident of Lucan
recently received It tiuo sample of
grapes, with the following lines:
Though hoer and wine we cannot get,
Nor whiskey bright and good ;
Coercive laws have never yet
Titus tneddled with our food.
So if you wish those graves to eat,
Then eat them without fear ;
The Scott Act cloys not rule our meat
The way it does our beer.
and South Huron committees will
uioot in Clinton on Friday October
7th, to discuss the matter of a re -
division of the counties. A supper
will be gotten up in the evening,
at which the brethren are expected
to be present in large numbers.
Circulars giving full particulars
will be out in a few days. All
brethren aro invited.
another page we roprod.uco from
T1te Dominion Churchman an article
on Prohibition a Cause of Drunken-
ness. Wo also reproduce from
The Open (Jourt, Chicago an article
on The Alcohol Question. In these
piping times of • prohibition the
articles should bo interesting as
they are written by those who have
given the question thoughtful con-
reported that early Sunday scorning
some persons stole a team of horses
from the farm of Mr. Peter Case,
near Exeter. They did not seem
any way hurried in the business.
They took tiute to take the shafts. off
a buggy, hent up the pole and- at-
tach it. To do this they had to
take off the front Wheels. They
then hitched a team thereto and
drove off with the whole stolen out-
fit. •
DAMAGE.—At the Alliance meeting
in Toronto, on Tuesday, Rev. Dr.
Griffiu Made an important admis-
sion. Hero aro his own wordeas re-
ported in the Globe : Rev. Mr.
Giiffiu.sai.tlIto_ had no confidence
in any organization based on the
foundations that the Electoral Un-
ions were based upon. That oi;-
gauization bad done damage to the
tem•perauco cause in Guelph• which
it would 'take years to overcome.
The result tvae that one-half of the
Temperance people had to give up
their party, wllilo.the other_ half -re-
tained, their party ties. Ho would
favor a solid tel hl)diance organiza-
tion independent of either political
party, mid• he was satisfied that
such an Organization would soon.
holdthe balance of power. •
lfoltsE THiEF.—About as. cool a
ho.rso thief as one can well imagine
was in town last week. He made
inquiries at the hotel whore he
waslstaying, where horses were likely
to be had. Said he had been buy-
iug down east for McGraw Bros.,
a well known wealthy limbering
firm of Michigan. Friday ho
went out to Robertson's, Govicrs,
'ilius 3[asons's, L'arr's, Hill's and
others- and bought horses from
several of thein and agreed to picot
thele at 4 o'clock Saturday, it' Clin.
*ton t(scontplcte his purchases. 'rho
farmers canto but the buyer did
not. Instead of corning to Clinton
'he went Blyth. There ho borrowed
a horse, buggy, robe and overcoat
from -Mr. John Morgan. Tho
next that is heard of hint ho put in
au appearance at Mr. Manning
(fill's in Mullett and not liking
Mr. Morgan's horse li ;sr' it in
n field and took a inure v31uabl,
ono from Mr. ([ill.' That rho horse
thief null the bogus horse buyer
are. One ind trio sante is shown by
his foot marls which I'c•ft the im=
print of a heart fennevl of tacks in
the soles of his boots. fie as as
heard to drive through (»intoe
about -3 o'clock Sunday horning.
Mr. D. 11. Kennedy had his sus-
picion about the fellow as lie did
not want any one to chive out with
hint nor (lid he waut to have any-
thing to say to genuine buyers that
aro in town. The thief is a medium
sized ratan, ranter light complexion.
and when hero hail a short reddish
1-1rrowii t, flh«l still- was ,lresscd iu
grey clothes. Mr. 11111 is out a
horse and \f r. Morgan a buggy,
overcoat anti robe.
GO 'i'O-
Book Store,
School Req=
British Columbia and Dakota,
And all points Westward, TORONTO and all
pointy Eastward.
Or Lowest Rates to All Pointe. -at
Coupop Tickets rending via Toronto and short
line over the Canada Pacific Railway to all pointe.
:at -Baggage Checked through to destination.
No exchanging Tickets or Baggage.
Parties travelling will find It to their" advantage
to call nn me to purchase tisiitets to any point
they desire to reach.
AgenttG. T. R., in Grand inion Block, opposite
Poet O:fice. Clinton.
Mn. MooNEY has sold his Tontine
3 year old gelding, bred by Mr.
Farrau, to a buyer for $300.
Rev Mr. Stewart, of Willis Chnrch
is home again. •
Tho number of Modelitos and
I-Iigh School pupils who are tem-
porarily residing in town must add
fully five score to the normal pop,
u lotion.
THEY HAVE GONE.—That is to say
Doherty's Band from Clinton, by
whoa] the visitors at the Exhibition
for the past two days have been en-
tertained, loft for home this morn-
ing, followed by the best wishes and
hearty thanks 'of the many thous-
ands who heard and appreciated
_.thoir_eftorts during their brief stay_
amongst us — Friday Globe. Tho
Doherty blind, which for two days
'contributed no ernalL •share • of the
enjoyrneut of the .visitors at the
grounds; loft yesterday)morning,
and this morning their varied and
extensive display of beautifully en-
casod •instruments was removed by
purchasers who have been anxiously
awaiting the pleasure' of the Asso-
ciation. The press of orders is so
great that only by accomplishing a
very great deal in a short space of
time will they bo enabled to make a
display at Exhibitions in other cities
and tows west.—Saturday Globe.
gulil mooting of this Presbytery
was held•at Lucknow ou Tuesday,
13th iatst. Oyer thirty members
were present. It was decided to
hold the regular meetings in the
futurc.at \\'inghotn and Lucknow
alternately. The report of tlre.eonl -
nlissior] to South Kinloss was read
and adopter, which was to the 'effect
that no evidence could be found to
substantiate the rumors which the
commission ryas sent to investigate:
Rev; A. Me;tenzie, minister of South
Kinloss, having tendered his resig-
nation, nudl the congregation hav-
ing been duly cited, two representa-
tives from tho congregation were
heard, and Mr. McKenzie still adher-
ing to his re,ignation it was accept-
ed, to take effect ou and niter the
second Sabbath of October. Rev.
.T \[e abb w38 appointed to de-
clare the pulpit vacant on the third
Sabbath of October, and Itev..T. L.
Murray to act as moderator of sess-
ion during the vacancy, The list
of augmented congregations was re-
vised. Provision was made for the
supply of vacancies, and leave grant-
ed to moderate iu a call in Knox
Church, Brussels, as soon as the
congregation is ready. A lengthy
resolution upon 'temperance, call-
ing upon all the congregations of
t he Presbytery b strenuously oppose
the repeal of tho Scdtt Act, wAs
unanimously and enthusiastically
adopted and 2,000 copies order
to be printed for distribution in
the congregations. Tho next regu-
iar meeting of the Presbytery will
be held in \\-inghatn on Tuesday,
13th December,
At$18,$20,&$22, ..
That cannot be equalled in the County—quality make and trimmings
considered. These Goods were bought in Scotland at unusually low
prices and we are fully justified in saying a good deal about them. Our
selection of
......seeseeseme...............+.-_� -
* t * t * t * t *
Sag 111 NI CliSS 01M
is very large and we feel confident that we can please everybody. Our
visit to the Old Country has resulted in our showing a class of Goode
rarely seen in this section and at prices no higher than ordinary goods.
Buyers cannot afford to miss seeing our goods•and prices.
000000000000000000000000 00000000000 O00000000000 00000a00000000000000000
Children's Clothing!
00000000000000000000000000000000000 O0000000000000000000000000000000000
Wonderful Knee Pants 85c., for School Wear,
Look out for a Great Novelty in the way of . a
Child's Overcoat at wonderfully Low Price.
— -0
RANCE & 0o'Y..
Fine Merchant Tailors, Clinton.