HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-09-21, Page 5• ••••.#•... #.••## • *WA> ..01.#.0.et,Pwr r•• eir L• • C•e(i• • #, • . - 11rethothotion sei)t, 131titt 14871 • • - What it Coats to Itale3 a Boy. Witte seams, "My father never did anything for me," recently remarked a young. man who a few weeks ago finished hia ag,14()Qt life. and ieseekiug a good business opening. Judging by the words and the complaining tone in which they were uttered, the Mem- ber of the Orin who heard thettt is prone to believe that the young man's idea of "doing something" is° au outright gift of $1,000 in a lump or the purchase of a partnership in an established coucern. Thie young. inan, to the knowledge of the writer, has never done one month's actual work for others in his entire life. His life has been passed in the plea- sant pastimes of the home circle, iu reading, studying, hunting, fishing, ball -playing, yachting, and other employments not particularly bene• ficial to others. fie is a typo of that class of boys whose parents are sufficiently well to do to keep ser- vants to attend the household drud- gery, and whose fathers follow vo- cations in which no use can be made of the boy's spare hours. Like most boys of his class he looks upon his bread and clothes for twenty years,. together with his pony, jewelry, bicycle, etc., as mattere of course. Tho writer, while the complaining remark was still ringing in his ears, had the curiosity to make a conser- vative compilation of what it costs to raise an ordinary boy for the first twenty years of his life, and hero it is 8100 per year for •the first five years. $ 500 $150 per year for the second five years 750 $200 per year for the 3rdfiveyears..1,000 $300 per year for the next 3 years . 900 $500 per year for the next two years..1,000 Total $4,150 This is a moderate estimate of the financial balance against the boy who complains that his father has never done anything' for him. Unmitigated Trash. England is compelled to be more lenient with Canada than with Ire laud in order to hold the Dominion, situated as it is oe the border of the United States; but for that fewer concessions would bo Made. That country has been looking for- ward t) Canada's greater develop-. went es a source of profit, and has invested largely in the enterprise. When it shall so happen .that the Dominion shall become as a portion of the United States and under the same conditions respeetinee trade and affiliations, annexation will fol- low. And annexation .is more likely tu happen than any "reciprocity" that would be acceptable to this country. - England in accordance with street parlance, "is on the make," but the UnitedStates for- ' tutately has grown to sufficient stature to look out for herself, and to refuse consent to anything like the old recriprocity, that was in force for a term of years, all "all on ono Nide like the jug handle." The railway contest now raging in Win- nipeg, through which the Mauito- bans seek communication with the United States, is being fought upon thee() lines,: The Canadian Pacific 'is England's feeder,' to gather and to held what Great Britain consid- ers her 'own. We cannot presently foresee what the troubles there will amount to, bet behind them all is • a growing feeling of secession. The - time is corning, when, unless some relief is granted, the Caner/lin Dominion will be about as unhappy as Ireland. It- will be noticed that Senator Sherman quietly ignored Canada's pretentious to .bo such a government as to make stipulations for herself. The style ot' govern- . Went .6be has, and whidll. Ireland seeks, is ,far from looio,r; 3 govern- ment of the people, independent, and such an one as, one of those days, the people .there will deinand. ' Gunflint) reciprocity is impossible ; nrinoxflion of Canada is more pt.o-. bable, or the extinction of the t- ed States.— S. Alban's, Verotont, Aley:,rnyt21. The Devil's Nark. Amos J. Biggs, of Fayette, Mich., went to frighten off two eats that were fighting. A thunderstorm broke out and a flash of lightning killed the cats, When he went into the house his wife fainted, Unconscious of the cause the fernier hastened to bring her to. The first words she .uttered—"Oh, Amos, the devil has sot /)is mark on you" -•-excited his curiosity and ho look- ed in the glass and found the image of a black cat photographed in silhouette on bis bald front. Tho picture was perfect. It was about five inches from tip to tip and in perfect proportion. The cat's whis- kers, teeth, and even the hairs on its tail were reproduced with exquis- ite minuteness. Curiosity being satiefied, they tried to remove the obnoxious mazking, but to no pur- pose. However, in the morning the picture was much faded, and by noon it had quite disappeared. AP, Johelt* ,Oktei 41te.:e 484/14Sett itt'ateCOrdttgOi(Wkille aflutluke Ole at a meeting Of atalareeut tet, mado application for 04404814 at the New York Dourt OuMMOPleas Naturalization by spools' fiend. replY, tCs teneetiona.nnt, hy Obief Clerk Boise Meat settl Relives in the constitution Qt the United States and in tiro laws passed by the peeper authority if they were good Idws. If he 'hellevett the., law, iu- terforecl with the rights date people ho would resist them by force. He admitted that ho had been a pris- oner for violation ef the: laws. but claims that the Conviction was un- just, and escorted that if he could take his. case to the United States Supremo Court the judgment would be reversed. Most said that he had resisted tyranny in every.coun- 'try he had lived in, and would con- tinue to do -so. Thereupon Chief Clerk Boise declined to administer the oath, adding that if he had made a mistaken the courts would rectiky it. Most replied that ho would test the point. This is the first timelt refpsal has been made on same grounds. Dougal and Janet. In the early days paraffi lamps, ss hen tile round open globes were prevalent, instead of' these (alley shaderr now so common, there lived an old couple up in Glenshee in a tart and a nen. Dougal was very, fond of a dram, and, coming home one night from a curler's festival, he discovered that Janet, decent body, had left the lamp burning on the windowsill to lighten the zig-zag path ofOrer wayward spouse. Dougal, on reach- ing borne, undressed as well as he 11/113 able, but in doing so roused his 'sleeping spouse, whereupon he, in all haste, screwed out the light, to prevent, if possible,n curtain lecture on his mitideeds. Some time having passed, and no appearance of the guidinan coming to bed, Janet rose to eee what was the matter. The full moon was shiniiie in at the little window in the kitchen, and there she discovered Dougal active- ly engaged in endeavoring to blow out the mood, under the impression that the paraffin lamp was still be- fore 'dui blazing brightly. "What's the matter, ye mild fool 1" cried Janet. , "Maitter 'i"' said Douai. "1 dinna•hic —ken what's the maitser but this lamp will neither screw oot nor blow oot the'nicht." 11 Carl Dunder Again. • niaype I like tp haf a leedle talk mit you," observed Carl Minder , ns _mitered.. the_ Woodbridee Street Station yester. day. "Go ahead, Mr. 'Dander, replied Sorgt. Bendal, as he looked up from his blotter, "How many blind mans goes 'round begging in Detroit 9" wo or three, perhaps, but haven't seen any lately." 'Shun like Shake said Viten, I :loan' pelief 1 vhas arrested dis time; for I makfellitn all shquare, and Shake vhas more to plane as me." "Another mistake 7" "bell -Jin %lifts like this. Two days ago a feller comes in my 'place mit a cane. 11e walks very - slow, and he feels eroundt mit slot cane Ile had some blue glasses on Iris eyes, uud in front vhas n sign of "Please Help der Blind." Vhas I Carl Dander 7 I vhas. All right, Mr: Murder, I vlias blind for More ash twenty yetten, und haf some large families to support.. Alaype you vhas kin& enough to help me; Vhell: Sergeant, lit fseetns too bad t, um! I Rif hi tii half a dollar." 'Prolrably a ft•auil.,' two hours second man C011It'S,1.118hnst dot satne ‘vay, felt nroundt, mit his cane, reaches wit mit hie owl sheen:le half rev und says : "VIts I. in der piece us (let wholesoeld nhentleman mooed Carl Dunder, who ruus fur Alderman next spring tic v has. All right. }Ie viols Wind for feef- teen year. A saw mill falls on hini mid he (loan' see daylight no more, but he like (ler loan of a dollar.' "And he got it 1" 'Vbell, Sergeant, feels tiel11.(1 bouilt pot alderman, end if a mail rhos blind we should help him. Dot afternoon tier third man came it, und in two days nine blind. marls come stround for money.,' "And didn't. you suspect the fraud 9" . "I guess not. If a mon slipeaks ()op und says you vitas his condi- (lute for der I egisl atu re ho w shall you suspect him It vbas Shake who Respects. Ile Hays vhas. shwindled again, and he langhs at me until I vhas awful limit, My mind vhas made oop dot der next blind man Oen haf his eyes opened mit kicks. Sergeant, haf you got a poy 1" "No." 'It vhas a blessing. Sliest see bow Shake serves me. He goemortfer On der market mei gets der only blind man in Detroit rind leads hit» by der door mei tells him vhat to ety pia?e all alga utt4' .1raps I rnpe I Wt-esokti. *.n9ther" Mind Ina Vital Vert Du Mier 1 r, Alas. M Dalliter. if Yea to itit der ne Prenitient nure your -- Whet" (lid you do I' Took him by Ater nee and m some floors mit bitn, end Shake ur dor boys Onto oudt doors laughir like dey met fall down. D blind man vhart sooty goedt Nal'aseite-mkta art 41e# _ . 1 '1400.4 eV:Hight sroitrOken efriolor rest sick cklict #0orinfnul4 crliag with pap of Opt/ip/l l'aeth? 4.0 004 at oectteand tot a bottle or nein molowrii Xt SoothiagSartin'' fin; Ohildiee l'aethiut, Its value is incalculable. It will releeve the poor littlesufferer immediately. De - peed upon it, mothers ; there le klo MO - Op 4 Pitt it. It gurea DysenterS' sad d plerrbete, egelete8 the Steetnelt and tg aoweis cures Wind Collo, softens the Pwl: ot Lone _na energy to Ibe 1 Yareduces Iafjewma.joi, and lievo:. a o. 44Mrs Winslow's soothing §yrnpr for He kieks 800111 threes and 1 maker; my nose bitttS(.11 "How did it end 1" "I pays him five stoners to settle der eve, uo4 here he vitae. He reads : "Of Carl Dewier vhas received five dollar for some lickings peeanse vhars a blind man und Horne frandt.' 1 vitas come dOwn to s- e if lie vitae all right." "Yes, I gues.s so." 'Und he (loan' sue fuer oNn.” 'Vhell, 1101, vitas all right. I vio; going home t) settle mit Shake. I shall hough Hilt him mei Atm ite Until ISItakif plens0 go down cellar and Sea if dot gat-nreter vhas b aking some more.' Shake vhill go down and I shall follow," "And then 1" le chiNren teething is pleasant to throaste "Sergeant, 1 like to lief you tell dot patrolman who conies by any place dot 1 haf some vete. Om), down cellar. It kicks and screams um! begs and hollers, and p he should ay 110 attention. Der more I practice on dot invention der hotter lie vhas. Com/ A LUCKY ESCAPE,. "For six years I suffered with my throat, and enlarged tonsils. I was very weak ; I doctored four years and had advice from three doctors ; they said I would have to undergo an operation. I tried B.B.B. instead. One bottle cured me." M. A. Squelch, Raglan, Ont. 462 -et John McNerney was arrested . at Toronto Monday on information laid by his wife, charging him with criminally assaulting his stepdaught- er, a deaf inute and idiot girl, twelve' years of age. Ho was brought before a Justice of the Peace and committed for trial, PROF. Low's SULPHUR SOAP lS a cheap and handy form of obtaining tbe heal; ing virtues of a sulphur bath. 460-41 A gentleman in Winnipeg has received enquiries from a large brewing firm in England as to the probability of obtaining from 5. 00- 000 to 1,000,000 bushels of barley in this country. He thinks that he could safely guarantee fifty cents a bushel hero if the barley was forthcoming. • WELL TESTED. "I was nearly dead with cholera morbus, one bottle of Extract of Wild StraWberry cured me, and at another time I was so bad with summer Com. plaints that I thought I would never get over it, when two bottles cured tne." Mrs. Et Askett, Peel, Ont. 462 Young Jam -es . Elleriegton, of Niagara Ont., went_ _coon_ hunting last week. 1115- followed a coon to a high branch of.i tall tree, and losing his balance, 'fell' 50 feet to the ground. He died next day, • --- A 1310 STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell .1, Davis issued their Extract of orsap- orilla and Burdocic,. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated condition of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. baffle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sars4arilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c a bottle. Sold. by ail drug- gists and medicine dealers everytiliere. N. A correspondent at Portage La Prairie Writes that an eastern wheat buyer offered 37c for 20,000 bush- els of No. 1 hard in that town. The offer was refused, 00 cents being asked. Mr. Bothwell, Chemist. — .Dear Sir,—I was troubled with corns so flint I could not wears-% shoe or walk about. I used the Sure Corn Cure manufactured by you fol' a week, and was then able to walk fear miles ; a lady in the hpuse, was also/cured of le, severe corn, and I am haPpy to re• commend it. Yours insincerity, MRS. SIT IELDS, 581 Grey street West, Lon- don. by all druggists. 462 21 RESTORED, Mrs. 1. M. Phrtlen, of Sydney 'Alines, N. 8., had chronic rheumatism for two years, and got no relief untill she tried Burdock 'Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured her. "I was like a skeleton," says she, "before using 13.13.B. now thanks to the discovery of moil a valuable remedy, I am en- tirely restored to health." 462-21 The Mennonites in Southern Manitoba aro birsy cutting their flax. The buyers at Gretna and 'Harden OStintato that the yield will averatte about 18 bushels per acre and th°at tho total yield will renount to 300,- 000 bushels. IF YOUR C1111,1) Is STr13nORN or bard to administer medicine to; Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appre- ciated. . 460-4t aidIs the prescriptive ofemeef theedeleet Rad -best retools physiciane and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 0e. ehottl. i3e attire atid ask for "Mrs. Winstoes Soothing Syrup; and take no Other kind, 4431y —The water in the Ottawa river is the lowest just tow that it haa ever been in the memory of i he oldle.st inhabitant, anil will Owners at Claud ler are cousi,-leraldy handl copped in aawieg operations in con, Requence. The deify cut i# very much diminished within the last few weeks. WOrtms CAUSE WOE SICKNESS among children that . Freeman's SVorm Powders will surely cute. 960 4t —Charles Duff invested in a bare ket of peaches ou the Hamilton market. They looked very nice on top, but when be got home and ex- amiued thein the bottom of the bas- ket was found to be full of small, trashy fruit. He had the innocent rustic summoned before the magis- trate, and ho was fined $3. A SEVERE TRIAL. Frances S. Smith, ofEmsdale, l‘fus• koka Writes, "I was troubled with vomiting for two years, and I have vomited as often as five times a day. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." 402.21 —While driving a threshing ma- chine over the first bridge north of Einbro the other day, Geo. Gordon was surprised by finding himself and the machine dropped safe and uninjured to tho bottom of the river. A neighbor, who was ou the bridge, pulled out the whiffletree bolt and released the horses, as the. bridge was giving way, and thqgof safely across. TAMARAC. Tamarac Elixir Is a preparation containing great curative properties for Coughs, Influenza anP'rhroat and Lung Complaints. ' .460-41 —James Frankin, an. aged old sinner of Minto, was charged before the mayor and reeve of Palmerston the other day with an attempt to rape a child under the age of ten Leyeete._. Theeevidence was.eunfit- for publication, but sufficient, in the opinion of the bench, to warrant the committal of the accused for trial before a jury. INDISPENSA13LE. "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer corn- plainta, and have given it to my friends. It gives instant relief when all ottertemedierfail. I would.not be without it in my house." Mrs. '1'. Boil, Weidman, Ont. - 462-21 Tho idea of the Globo talking about only a million bushels of grain in Manitoba, says. a Carberry corres- pondent, when a little town like ours will export three quarters of that amount, is absutd. • .Nerioxer, Pius will cure constipated bowels and regulate the liver. 460.41 A..man 'supposed to be David Osborne, from Wiarton'created a sensation in the .main building of the Toronto Exhibition Grounds ono afternoon by taking a dose of poi, son. Ho was promptly conveyed to the General Hospital, where the usual restorativas; were applied, and he may ..reeover. -He came to • the. Exhibition with a lot of pigs. „ UNKNOWN. Thei'e isjno remedy known to medi- cal science that can excel Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as a cure for cholera ruorbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, or any form of summer complaint afflicting children or adults. 462 -in The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine Ilsed over 30 years in thousands of CASeS, COM Septrouttorr/s14, Xenon, -Weakness, Emissions, I hi -potency and all 0/SeSSeS sAused by abuse, ontroato indiscretion, or over-exertion. iATTE11] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure rhea al others Pail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Bog. halt Prescription, take no substitlite, one package 51, Six 55, by mail. write for Paipph- Iet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., De. rorsold in Clinton by J. IL Combo aria all druggists. LUMBER WANTED,! Cantelon's Carriage Works:! Al) kinds and nothing but firSt•tlaSS, AS we ore now building 8 fine assortment of rigs. Do not fail to call and see them All kinds of work a speeialtr• S. A. CANTEL0N, Clinton. Ex Steamship "Corona" from Antwerp, and those BUILDING will find this an opportunity to get supplied to advantage.-! Also ihiseed Oils, Paints, ceo.,. do„ at tow Figures TO CLOSE OUT WHEW'S STOCK. ^"^..— 0 --- Iron and Hardware Merchant, Cli,11\TTOW. June„ 1887. - (R r.,11111111 biLOOD 1111111 0 Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestwn, Biliousness, _Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Sidneys, Pimples, Bktch4s, _Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. *ANT C21 0 c3 808'SO 444 ot# vc1/4 * 1•9 _ACD HuRo 1.1111111■111111.11111M ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. Send lOote. for 100 -Page Pamphlet. NEW DRUG STORE. 0 The undersigned bas just osenep new Drug Store, in JAprojIt'S .....:,....::::.4.3. LloEorcr _Btol,r0e { 8 emi.1; e roen willbefl"TounditaL' complete"da°s°sIo'srti%:ieesntt of. the City o.,..../(0) • • 4-'44' Drugs and Chemicals, also Patent Medicines and Druggists' Sundries—ail that the public may ask tor in those J.ii:•;,"..',_ ••-•',-14 lines. ., •-r-, _.---. Clinton, nth Jan -nary, 1588, k ,t0p.iur- -- P. S.—OfIlee changed from residence to store A. WORTHINGTON. TT 1:R01\T M.. NEW STOCK! NEW STORE ! .ELLIOTT'S BLOCK9 - CLINTON. JOSEPH 'CHIKEY, ,. Dealer in Furniture, Call at the New Store and sec he stock of Bedroom and Parlor---SetstLounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattrasses, etc., and general Household Fiunitine. The whole Stock is -from the very best manufacturers.. Picture. Frames and Mouldiogs of every description. c • • JOS. CDIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's nook Store, Buy Your GROCERIES THOS. ---COOPER----&-- -SON. The largest, cleanest and best assorted stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, -GLASSWARE, etc.,- in town. ale Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest, and we warrant everything first class. r Sole agents for The Celebrated "Coqper's Bali;,,, Pmeder."-514 Beit Brands of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manfrs, Prices TEAS A SPECIALTY. . °iv: THOS:COOPER & SON, Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton. 11111111MMINCINIPMIDIOXIIr ,AnlauC8: ,01Tini HOUSEKEEPERS °UR -- General Grocoles; Crockery & Glassware, CA.I\Tri-MIZD:N" JE31ZOS WHOLESALE AN» RETAIL GROOERS. The wants of every family supplied. Stock always fresh. SPECIAL INDUCE - MEN TS when (man t it les are ordered. re A HANDSOME PRESENT CIVEN:A.WAY with every 3 or 5 lbs. of Tea, lleWbFarm Produce taken- at Highest Price. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WAGON rACTORYI 0.1JI1\711L)1\T_ In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Waeons. The Material we manufacture:is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed. In fact we make it an important feature of our business to use only 1( ) best pro- curable material and the best workmanship. Those in need of CUTTERS .and SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and styles, should not sil to call and see us. ALL WORKWARRANTED or Repairing and RenaintinvPromptly Attaded to. FACTORY on corner of Huron and OraneelStreets, CLINTON kr.