HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-09-14, Page 5•
- -•y„�, y`,( iy ees..-'•ssesese riessenesaseseassrar?erassese. ewes eases ace're".usere sessw arejealesterateste•i cyst iCr➢4'-7�J7F4 -a twits_ .- _"'"!.•r'w-"=n''ARrfA
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littrpit Sektiii glow
t'J memo=
Evans Wednesday Morning
�Y tN:Vs. L .A s &:. � O INA,
Ontario Street, Clinton.
in advance; $2 if not so paid.
Tito proprietors of Tutt Gow U011 NEws,
having purchased the business and plant
of Tela HURON Rittman, will in future
u ubliah the amalgamated papers in Clinton,
older the title of "Tug }IU1tON NEws-
Clinton is the most prosperous town in
0/astern Ontario, is the seat of considerable
menufacturiug, and the centre of the finest
agricultural seatiot in Ontario.
The combined circulation of TUE NEWS -
RECORD .•xceeds that of any Papez' pub-
+ished itt the County of Ilurou. It is,
therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising
reRates of advertising liberal, and
furnished on application.
R.f1'arties making contracts for a spoci-
tied tinge, who discontinue their advertise-
ments before the expiry of the same, will
bo charged full rates.
Advertisements, without instructions as
to space and time, will bo Left to the judg-
ment of the compositor in the display, in-
serted until forbidden, measured by a
scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
inch), and charged 10 cents a lino for that
insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub-
sequent insertion. Orders to discontinue
advertisements must be in writing.
gm- Notices set as RI:An1NO MATTER,
(measured by a scale of solid Nonpariel, 12
lines to the inch) charged at the rate of
10 cents a line for each insertion.
the tnaaatiug was to he held, concern
ing the relatives merits of different
Jtinds of beaver traps. The disews
siou grew warm, and one of them
said :
"Mehby ye thiuk I don't know
nothing 'bout traps ?"
'Ye don't talk 'sif yo was over -
We have one of the best appointed Job
Olfiees west of Toronto. Our facilities jn
this department enable up to do all lcinds
of work—from a calling card to a mammoth
post -o3 iyi the best style known to the
'raft, and at the lowest possible rates.
Osdscs L•, wail promptly attended to.
The News -Record,
Clinton. Out
The Huron News -Record
Wednesday. Sept. 114th, 1887
Tha Teacher's Explanation
Proved Enti: ely Satis-
'I know a thuudetiu' sight sno•e'u
you do 'bout'etn !'
'Yer a sight better liar nor I am,
too !'
• 'I'll show ye !'
They both stood up and went at it,
when the elder came rushing out and
said :
*Were no figlttin' ! We've grthered
here on a sacred anti solemn mission,
the whole couutry is drying up, an'
it's going to take earnest prayer to
get rain. D'yo think it will do any
good with this kind of work goiu' on?
Come on iu au' services will now be.
They all went in, and a very earn.
eit meeting was held. Everybody
prayed, Elder Blodgett half -a -dozen
times. The meeting lasted two or
three houre. After a final ap- sal
they flied out, and as they did so the
elder spied a dark rain cloud low
down ou the southwestern horizon.
''Pltoro's a cloud tonin' !' he
''!'hat's so' yelled the others, 'we're
all right now f'
'Yon bet wo are,' replied the elder ;
'I knowed earnest prayer would fetch
it. Now, where's there men that
wantedto fight ? Form a ring here,
brethren ! Now, pitch in ; no pullin'
hair; art' hurry up 'fore that rain
gets here an' soles the fun 1'
A number of Dakota counties
have lady Superintendents of
Schools. Wliile one of them was
recently making the rounds of the
schools iu-acuorda"ce with law bite
drove up to one little schoolhouse
on the prairie at about 11 o'clock
in the forenoon and found the
scholars all out playing about the
yard. •
Two of the loys were indulging
in a fight, another pair wero learnirg
to chew tobacco, while the others
were playing marbles for keeps and.
adjusting an old but large and tor -
putout teakettle,to a dog's tail. Tile
Superintendent learned that there
had been no`sehool so far that day
and when she went into the school-
house she said to the young lady
'teacher somewhat severely :
"Is this the kind of a school you
are teaching 2 I feel I shall be
obliged to• cancel your-oertificate
and have you removed from the
"Why—why—I—I. didn't' know
you were coming 1"
"Al,, tltat's,just it, 1 know you
didn't, but I did come, and I caught
you. I shall he obliged CO ask you
to hand in your resignation immed-
iately," •
, "But—but, Mimi Rhetoric, let me
explain. --•"
"I don't think you call make any
satisfactory, explanation, as I.noticed
you were sitting reading when I
canto in,"
"But that's just it—I was read-
ing the New York Style and Fash-
"The Style and Fashion I What,
tiro September nn tuber?"
"My goo.lnosa, I didn't know it
had come yet— let Inc see it, please
—I ant ,just elyit g to know hots to
to make my new Polon eine ! Say,
you aught to soe that. lovely piece of
suntrrier ,nobs that 1 got at Noprofit
tit ,Slaughter's -i t'8 just too sweet
for anything. 1sn't that n love of
a wrapper—I'm going to have one
like it—or no, 1 believe L like this
best, I don't know; either, they're
both p"rf•-etly lovely ' Etc., and
so forth.—Dakota roll.
A Home Rule Legislature,
Never 'Marry a Woman Who has
Studied Arithmo•to.
One of our old bachelor visitors,
ex -Mayor Ely, of New York, was dis-
cussing social matters with ;his
friends General and Mrs. A., on the
piazza of the United States Hotel
last evening. The conversation be-
coming languid the general suggest-
ed to the ex•Mayor that they should
look into the barroom to see who
was there.
"Oh, Charley l" exclaimed Mrs.
�. to her husband, "this is the fourth
time since dinner that you have gone
to see who was in the barroom,"
"Four times?" ejaculated the gen-
eral—then turning to his friend, he
said,; "Ely, my dear fellow, if ever
you do marry be sure to select a
woman whq has never studied arith-
metic."-1)aily Sarato„ inn.
Mr. Mulligan, the amateur home
rule agitator of 'Toronto,, who lectur-
ed in Hamilton on the subject some
months ago, is a member of the R.
C. separate school board. •IIe fre.
quently makes things interesting
around that school board, and at the
last meeting, on Tuesday evening,
he was in his element. Following
is the account of the proceedings
given by the News; The committee
on supplies report, and that of the
committe on finance, was read and
received in comparative silence,
There was one item, however, which
trustee Mulligan wanted struck
out, that is the bill for $48 for
Queen's Jubilee hack hire. IIe was
seconded by trustee Curran. 'trustee
Mulligan made a bitter attack on
those trustees who had voted to
take part in the jubilee procession.
lie was called to order frequently by
Kennedy, Petley and Herbert, until
the proceedings began to wear the
appearance of a general row. Mem-
bers talked against each other until
finally it seemed that every one was
shouting out at one and the same
time: Vicar -General L'tsurent and
Rev. Father Morris took no part in
the discussion. The procedings ran
as follows :
Trustee Muutli a-- "My objections
to paying this $48 are not only on
the grounds that. the- expenditure
was illegal."
The. chairman—"You have
that already."
Trustee. Mulligan—"I am glad I have
driven that much into your head."
The chairman—"Withdraw that."
(General cries of "Withdraw drat-"
''Order," "Shame")
Trustee Mulligan—"I withdraw
the expression. My further object-
ion to this bill• is that it enabled the
trustees to figure in nothing more or
less titan an Orange procession,"
Two Winked Governments.
ADVI.OS TO MOTHERS --!1Are yon dis-
turbed at night tine broken of your rest
by a sick child ao@'eriag and crying with
pain of Cutting 'teeth? If so semi at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winsfow'a
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething,
Its valise is incalculable. It will rel Leve
the poor little sufferer immediately. De.
peal upon it, mothers; there ie no mis-
take about it. It cures Dysentery and
Diarrhoea, regulate the Stomach and
Bowels, cores Wind Collo; softens the
Gums, reduces Inflamma'iou, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for
ctildreu teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescripLcn ofoue of the oldest
and best female pl 3sicfans and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout; the world. Price
25c. a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs,
WInslow'e Soothing Syrup," and take no
Other kind, 443Iy
Dutrolt Journal.
- According to the New York 'Tri-
bune, secretary Bayard's proposal to
.submit the fishery disputes to a cunt•
mission 4.s betrayed his country's
interest'. and honor. It is certain,
1t say's, that the American commis-
sioners will hu overruled by their
opponents tied the, rights of A teeri-
can tishernteu be sacrificed to the
demands of the Canadians and the,
cowardice of the administration. On
the other--hand,--the Toronto Globe•
assumes that Bayard has got the
better of the Canadian government
and that Canada's interests and
honor art to be sacrificed to the
demands of the United States anti
the "cowardice of the Dominion
administration. The explanht ion
of this paradox is that both the
Tribune and the Globe are "opposis
tion" organs in their respective coun-
tries. In their eyes the administra-
(ion of each couetry lives only for
the purpose of betraying the nation
and harming the people win have
so foolishly put them iu positions
where they eau gratify their dark
and malignant conspiracy against
their cointtry's rights awl honor.
Ile Didn't Propose to Interfere
with filo Entertainment.
A bail drottglit prevailed in south
eastern Dakota a number of years
ager. It was feared that a few set-
tlers in that region at that time -
would loose all their crops. Elder
Blodgett, who had charge of a church
and also a livery stable at 'a small
Mistiouri river town, held a spacial
mgeting one Sunday afternoon to
pray for rain. People came for
miles around- Before the services
began two men got into an argument
near the freight warehouse in which
Trustee Kennedy greatly excited
—"YOU are n liar, Mulligan. You
know it. Van are a liar,, Mulligan.
If I had you outside 1 would smash
your ugly bronn nose. You n-a•are a
liar." The excited trustee then at•
tempted to get towards trustee Mul
ligan, wearing a rather threatening
aspect He was forced into his chair
by Father lIcCaun and tiusteo \V.
Bur ns.
The chairman -"If this tiring con-
tinues I will leave the chair." Path.
er Itooney rose and proceeded to
leave the chair, but stayed on cries
of "Stay where you are.'' 'l'ho Multi•
gun amendment was then) put after
the mover had threatened the board
with a heavy law suit if his amend-
ment was defeated. It was as fol.
logy: "Moved by J. A. Mulligan,
seconded by I'. Curran, that the sum
of FAS for dab hire be struck out, as
the same is an illegal expenditure."
The main motion rend: "Moved by
Wm. Pettey, seconded by J. W. Ken-
nedy, that the report of the cont•
mittee on finance be adopted
The main motion was oarrie .
Watertown's First Boom.
—Mrs Ferguson, of Murcia), Malt.,
hits ill' d from the effects of a dose of
carbolic acid, administered by her
brother -in law, Win. Morrison, in
mistake while the lady was ill of
typhoid fever.
PROF. Low's Sub shun Soar is a cheap
and handy fortn of obtaining the heal-
ing virtues of a sulphur bath. 46041
—Thu. body of Frank Godwits,
one of the waitora of the Units('
Empire, drowsed Saturday night,
Aug. 27, was found floating in .the
River St.. IClair, opposite Court-
wright, Saturday evening, twelve
utiles from where Lite accident
surfed. '1.'he t.ody was sent to
friends whoa reside in Toronto,
"1 feel it my duty to say," writes
John Burton, of Desert, P. Q.. "that
Burdock Blood Bitters cured my wife
of liver complaint, from which elm
had been a chronic sufferer. Her
distressing, painful symptoms soon
gave way, and 1. can highly recom
mend the rnedicine to all suffering
as she did." 460-21
Some five or six years ago, when
Watertown, Dakota, was a new place
the business men raised $500 with
which to build a church. A meeting
was called to talk over the plans.
"You've got the $000,.have you ?"
said Judge S. J. Conklin,' who was at -
that time Mayor of the city.
"Got it right here," replied the
chairman of the soliciting committee.
"ft strikes me," continued the
mayor, "that it is a good deal of
money to put into a church."
"Yes, that's so," said another pro-
minent citi:{en.. "I suppose we can
do what we please with it."
"That'sl;it exactly," returned Conk-
lin, "and my idea is to put it into
something of more permanent value
to the city than a church."
That's my opinion too,'' said an-
other leading citizen, "how would a
school house do ?"
• 'l:chool house!" replied the mayor,
"What we want- to -put that money
into is something that will stand ns
a monument to the liberality and
public spirit of the citizens of Water-
town and something, also, which
will be useful and of lasting benefit
to the place. I move that $500 be
used to lay out a four -utile race track
that shall he the finest west of the
Mississippi. if we're boomers, let,
us boons 1"
They finally compromised on a mile
track and offered what money was
left as purses for the Fourth of July
races.—Pittsburg tt'ost,
--The imported horse Lexin;toi.
Golddust, imported by Messrs,
Gowdy and Ried front Kentucky,
dropped dead at the Guelph station
last week immediately aften his
arrival. He was iteveuteen years
old and was well known as one of
the best bred horses in the State of
--'l'j phcid fever is pi uvalt•ut at
I3ruutfo.c1, '1';v:any niteeert:SeS h:tve
been r.•per•toil within a few days.
Tamarac Elixir is a preparation
containing„ great curative properties
for Coughs, influenza end 'Throat and
Lung Complaints. 460-41
Ex Steamship "Corona" from Antwerp.
and those BUILDING will find this aril opportunity to get supplied to
ad vantage. A iso
Linseed Oils, Paints, dc., Inc., at Low Figures
—John Boyd, of Ilarriston, has
fallen heir to tiI 2,000 and 200 acres
of land in Califon fit.
Mr. Jas Binnie, of 'Toronto, states
that his little baby when three
months old, was so bad With summer
complaint that under doctor's treat-
ment her life was despaired of. Four
doses of Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry
cured her, she is note fat and hearty.
—The L;trt.s of Mr. Iticlotrc] Nevi!.
le, living near Duot.dillr, were
burned, together Lille all the year's
crop. The fire was thought to
arioinate front a sttnut thrc4alter
w•hij,h was running in one of the;
barks. Nothing tt•:is saved.. The
separator was also burned. There
was no insurance.
New York, Sept. 2.—The 'Limes
Washington despatch says Secretary
Bayard spoke freely yesterday in re•
gard to• the new phase assuuied by
the Canadian Fisheries question. IIe
regarded it ns ta:-most hopeful,indica-
tion of a speedy, just and honorable
adjustment of the long•pending diffi•
culties that the British Government
had itself taken steps to put an end
to the triangular manner in which
the negotiations had hitherto been
carried on, which had been a source
of perpetual embarrassment. Every
proposition submitted by the United
States had to bo referred to Canada
for the views of the Dominion Govern•
trent, and after months of delay it
would be retnrned with the Canadian
objections and the whole routine
would have to be gone over again.
Secretary Bayard especially referred
to the propositiod sande by him to
Lord Iddesleigh, British Secretary
for Foreign Affairs, which.
—Thomas Tait a highly respected
farmer of Ceutert'illn Addingtorr
county, was horned to death least
NATIONAL Pi IAA will cure constipated
bowels and regulate the liver. 460.4t
Iron and Uardware Merchant,
CI.JIJ-20 --
June„ 1887.
—A convict naued :flex. Doug.
hefty, of Strntrt,r'l, ha:es'rtl himself
in the dungeon of th • l:ingston
penitentiary, to 'whish `-he had been
eeist`tsi uuisenndnct. -
Mr. John R. Wright, representing
Messrs, Evans, Sons ars Mason, whole-
sale druggists, Montreal, says—Nasal
Balm cured me of a long standing
case of Catarrh after many other re-
medies failing. ' 460.41
"For three months I could not eat
a full meal or do a day's work. I
bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bit•
ters, began using it and in three days
my appetite returned, in a week I
felt like n new man. 1t was wonder-
ful what that one bottle did for me,"
writes Arthur Allchin, of Huntsville,
Muskoka, who suffered from Dys-
pepsia, 460-21
—Mrs. Judith Mulltotland, of
Port Dalhousie, died the other day
aged 02 years, Mrs. Mulholland
was the widow of a veteran of the
battle. of Waterloo.
to administer medicine to, Dr. Low's
Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appre-
ciated. 460.4t
—The business portion Of the Vil-
lage of Newburg, Ont was swept
away -sty- fire involving a lops of
$200,000.. .
Cures Dizziness, .Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the .Liver and .Kidneys,
Pimples, Blotches, Boils, HUM0TS, Salt Rheumy Scrofula,
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from . nypt re Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels.
c'I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry, and found it the
best remedy I ever used for dysent-
ery and all summer complaints
amongchiltlrcn,and f think no house-
hold should he without it." Mrs. A.
Baker, Ingoldsby, Ont. 460 2t
The Great English Prescription,
Afeueeessfir] Ale,Ikutno eyed over +v.
30 years in thousand -n of Cases 'r
Cares Sepermatort•hea, A•ervour"
ll'eakness, J,,tissions, impotency ,
and all diseases ciutsed by abuse,
lneront:l indiscretion, or over exertion. (Amin]
Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others
Pail, Ask your Druggist for Tire Great Eng.
fish Prescription, take no substitute, One
package $l. Six $8, by nail. Write tor Pamph-
let. Address Eureka Chemical Co., De-
troit, Flick.
s89'Sold in (Minton by J. 1i. Cpmhe and alt
d rel ggists.
Cantelonls Carriage Works;!
e' $w
can learn the exact cost
1 of any proposed line of
advertising in American.
papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell'& Co.,
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
10 Spruce St., New York.
Send lOots. for 100 -Page Pamphlet.
The undersigned has just opened a new Drug Store, to JACKSON'S
NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET,. two doors•west of the City
`s;ti .,Stare, where will be founda complete assortment' of.I'ure
Drugs and •Cllculie:als, also Patent llledicines and
r Druggists' Sundries—ail that the public may. ask for in those
%TAy. Clinton, 11th Junuary, 1880.
F. S,--0Ilteu eth;tttged from residenee to store
All kinds null nothing hut first•class, as we aro
now building a fine assortment of rigs. Do not
fail to call and see them. All kinds of work a
speetalty.liFtrh . S. A. CANT1 LON, Clinton,
' TT I TT :i
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets,, Lounges, sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Slatti'asses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The Whole Shad: isfrom the very
hest manufacturers. Picture Frances and Mouldings of every description.
JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's hook Store,
Che largest, cleanest and best assorted stock of • •
etc., in town. i)p- Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest, and we warrant
everything first class.
Viiir Sole agents for the Celebrated "Cooper's Baling .Ponder."ill
Best Brands of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manfrs. Prices
Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton.
Give us
a call.
General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware,
The wants of every fancily, supplied. Stock alway`a fresh. SPECIAL INDUCE-
MENTS when quantities are ordered.
R A HANDSOME PRESENT GIVEN:AWAY with every 3 or b lbs. of Tea. ''3.tt
°Farm Produce taken at Highest Price.
0 0
In Stook, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Wazons,
---0 0
The Material we manufacture:is of the best gnalit.y and the L•on work unsurpassed
In fact wo make it an important feature of our business to use only h 1 best pro-
curable material and the best workmanship. 'Those in need of CUTTERS
and SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and styles, should not 'Alto
call and see Cls.
IIe Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attert-ded to.
FACTORY on corner of Huron and Oranee{IStreets, CLINTON