HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-31, Page 7Wedoestl4y1 August $1st. IS$7 LOCAL NEWS In and Around Mite "flub." Zanf MR. AND MRS. THAs. DETLOR, of Goderich, spent Friday in town. Mas. A. H. MANNING is en a Visit to Toronto. Mass CURRELL has returned to town. MISS MINNIE GILCHRIST is visiting at Toronto. MRs. GEO. ROBERTSON spent a, week holidaying and returned home Monday. MR. S. W. PERRY spent a few days with relatives at Brampton last week. MRS. PERRiN, of Goderich, was the guest of Mrs. S W. Perry last week. .a, Mu. GEO. WISE, of Cleveland, is visiting friends and relatives in town and country., Di1t. FRED SWINEANri, of the "Palace" has returned front a visit to the North-west. PEv. J. F. PARKE, of Blyth, ex- changed pulpits with Rev. W. Craig on Sunday last. Diss E. DOANE was visiting Miss Minnie Snell of Wingliam last week. MRS. Cot:ru s has a card in our columns that conveys interesting information to the ladies. THE REV. Ma. STEWART left Britain for Canada last weok. It will probably be a month ere :he reaches Clinton to resume charge, of his old congregation. Mn. GEO. E. PAY has gone to Montreal for the purpose of person- ally making selections in the dry goods lino for the fall trade. He loft on Monday and will be absent about ton days. AIRS. AND MISS GARFIELD, wife and daughter of the late U. S. Pres- ident Garfield, passed through r✓Tlin- ton ou their way to Goderich on Friday. They'are on a visit to Mrs. Ilawley, near Goderich. THE Buy. DR. MOCKRIDGE, of Hamilton, editor of the Canadian Church, Magazine, after thanking us for a mention of that periodical adds, "I was not aware they had as good a paper iu Clinton as yours appears to bo." METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING Thursday' Sept. 8 in the Rattenbury Street Methodist church. The Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto will be pre. sant and lecture afternoon and even-- ing on educational matters in con- nection with the church. \VE have received press ticket And a pretty pink badge from the Secy. of the \\gingham Caledonian Society. Tho third annual meeting of the Society will be hold this week for which occasion an ex- ceIlent programme has been pre- pared. FRoat the court calender issued for the County of Huron, we learn that Division Court will be held in Seaforth on the 28th- day of this month. Ou referring to our ofiiee calender we find that the 28th inst. falls on 'a • Sunday.—Mitchell Re- corder. THE CLINTON FALL SHOW posters are out. The New Era has the honor of doing them this year. • Those who are posted in such mat, . ters will quite willingly concede the • honor.. THE NEWS -RECORD cheer- fully does. . WOULD RATHER DO WITHOUT His r)LNNEn,—A Mitchell subscriber did' not get his NEws-RECOD last week, and writes us that "ho would sooner do without his dinner than without the NEws-REcono." The rearrangement of our lists is the probable reason that he was over- looked. Mn. WILL STEWART, Of Ayr, Is in town. Tho'youug gentleman was forme.ily bookkeeper in the Doher- ty factory here, but is now in the grocery lousiness in Ayr, and is said to be as popular there as ho made himself hero during his short residence. There are whis- pers in the air at Ayr about a ladye fayre at Clinton - with attractions rare. To say more I do"'not dare. CLINTON RACES.—The trotting animals aro said to be in first-class trim. Expectation is on tip -toe as to which of the standard bred sires will bo the winner at the races here on Thursday September lst. A number of other "goers" are also expected for the other trials. Ex- eter, Blyth and Goderich will be well represented here on the let„ if we aro correctly informed. Como along, gentlemen, you will eco genuine sport. Com. UN.—We have been re- quested by Mr. R. Mordie, of Kip pen, to announce that there will be a preliminary meeting at Rattenbury's hotel, Clinton, at 10 a.m.,on the30th inst., to make arrangements for a public discussion of the question of commercial union with the united Status. Received too. late to appear last week. As we go to press parties are congregating. Amonthorn is Mr, Ar. q, Cameron of God -oriel'. �rQAn SaIr<N ham° been vgry, til the,pait,,we4k. Tus Q., D's,• t'i>a -Q, '4 and the ilk 4.. G's have t;ettgl4104 feon 1.tay- f eld This leaves nobody there but the O. I's . Uwe NOLA has resutued her duties iu the ladies garment de- partwent at J. C. Detlor's, after a several weeks vacation. COLLEOTAR QP CUSTOMS ARM- sTxoNG has about regained his usual vigour. The cool weather has been propitious for him. APPLE Snu'ivagT.—Mr. D. Can- tolon received an order on Saturday for 1000 barrels of apples from a Winnipeg firm. He will forward them by the United Empire on Wednesday. When "Dav" can't "fill the bill" 'twere useless to go farther, This is a branch of busi- ness that would be killed outright did we have commercial union. A SUPREME EFFORT.—You have all heard about the hen that got buried under a pile. of bay and lived from two weeks to three months according to the ability of the man tolliug the story, and then cane out somewhat thio in flesh, but nevertheless in first-class health and all right mentally. Well, a Dakota hen recently had a, worse time than that. Sho accidently got shut in the store of a Ivan who doesn't advertise and remained there four weeks. When she was rescued she was a mere wreck, hav- ing eaten a peck of dried apples and then drank three or four quarts of kerosene. During her enforced confinement the owner of the store avis snaking a little trip in tho coun- try and painting the fences and bridges with : By your PRUNs : .& Etc OT. FOSSIL'S' GROCRY. I VoTER's LIs'rs.—Despite the in- structions which have been publish- ed, Township Clerks still persist in the error of putting Land Owners' Sons ou the Lists as eligible to vote at both Legislative and Municipal elections. Wilmot and Waterloo Lists are both lying before us and both contain these orrors.—Laud- holders' Sons, if qualified as Farmers' Sons, are eligible to vote at Municipal elections, but Land -owners' Sons or Land -holders' Sons aro not. Where a voter was formerly entered as a Farmers' Son, and is still entitled to the fran- chise as 'such, he should bo entered on the List as "L. and F. S." When judges examine the Lists prepara- tory to certifying them it would be well if they impressed carefully up- on Munibipal Clarks the different qualifications and the proper way to designate voters ou their Lists.— Galt Reporter. RIDING THE GOAT.—L. 0. L. 710 held a very successful degree 'meet- ing on Tuesday. evening of last week. , Of lato this lodge has been - making rapid progress and is flouri ing under tho wise management of Bro. Charles Tweedy, W. M. It might here bo mentioned that several close blood relatives of Bro. Tweedy met with a fiery death, through there heroism iu Ireland many years ago. Bro. W. G. Smith makes a capital treasurer; ho has filled the position for several years and never fails giving a good account ,of his stewardship. An old,vott)ran in the good cause of Protestantism, Bro. Geo. Hanley, is the chaplain of 710 as well as of the county lodge ; he fills the posit- ion with credit to himself and the,. lodge. In fact all the officers "fill the'bill" in a practical manner. There wore about 150 members at the meeting. Bro. E. Moody, W. C. M., occupied the chair, and Bro. Crooks, of Holrnesville, W. D. M. of Goderich District, the deputy. Four candidates were advanced to the R. A. P. degree. Lunch was served and a very enjoyable evening spent. Short addresses were given by Bros. John Scarlett, P. C. M., W. Crooks, John Beacom, Cook, Wells, Tweedy, Todd, Hanley and others. It is likely a similar mooting will take place in the course of a couple of months. l i s. jasi>K-04tof4ERPEA and bias #attic R171d bane Tetla>Eiael ' to T-0,4* don ate e 1pg a pleaasmlgt. ural., taoaia With their .traande 3r1 CU ,ten.. Mu. JNo. RQBslsThON, "The poor man's friend," and lall<i : I uppheuau hens Sone to the eastern markets to make fall purchases. A NUMBER of Clintonians went to the if nate '--•–AT alga- oloKsoNys. ec from pect- Goderich on Friday to, see v�+ "Mikado" presented in the Ifo ext -60 Days Opera house. They were q . GMT FO TILE,--- pleased with the performance. MEssns. Chris. Dickson, M ing and Fair arrived at Queb the other day on their return Britain. Mr. Dickson was ox ed in Clinton last evening, Tuesday. CLINTON SAOOTISTS.—Messrs son and John Johnston did very at the Rifle Association matche Toronto last week. Mr. Johns showed the best record of auy from this county at the matches which he contested. Not bein volunteer he was debarred front t ,ing part in some. PAINTING THE TOWN RED. --W der if Mr. James Smith expects repeal of the Scott Act to car Appearances are that he does a that be is propariug for a gra jubilation over the event. least that is "what 'the people sa they observe the Manner which he has already comment to "paint the town red," beginni on his own block. A GRATEFUL ADVERTISER.— Englishmau once presented a twen five thousaud dollar ]minting press the London Telegraph, aeeompani by a letter, sayiug : "[n your pap by judicious adverti.ing, I ha amassed the fortune which enabl me to offer this testimony of yoga and good -will." TILE Ni•:ws-REcoi is anxious to accommodate wi awake advei'tizei,y with kpaco, not s much for the small ai ount wo,sha receive directly, as aii indemnit for the use of our colutuns. fit we have an idea that our chum would be good to have a thousan dollar steam engine and a ten tho sand dollar press thrown at us s that instead of confining our enrin ent ability to a first class week] Journal we could issue a papever day and do six times th.e,lttbli good we now perform. \\ a Iiav just as liberal Canadians as tiler aro Englishmen. No INTEREST TAKEN.—T110 re issued Voters' List for Non/Dumfries discloses the fact tha there is only one "Land -holders San" ou the List. Last year there were considerably over 100 of those and "\Nage-earners." What an angry lot there would be in the Township if an election were made necessary, and how every one but themselves would be blamed for the fact that their names did not appear on the, List ! There is still Rob - wens in ton ORO in g a ak- on- the a nd- At aye In ed ng An ty to ed vo es rd D do 0 11 y it es d u. 0 y y c e e sh-n time if any wishes to be put on. RUBBING IT IN.—The Goderich Signal returned last week to the "saw -off" question, and in language so charcteristic of the buffoon and the ruffian, Dan .again gives the whole matter a flat contradiction, and politely calls the editor of the Adv'ocate"t liar, and Mr. Birming- ham, "Bob," whose boots the notor- ious is not worthy to blacken. Wo hope both gentlemen will survive the attack of the well known cham- pion mud -slinger of Huron, whose record for hlackguardism is - known to everyone. Dan demands our proof for the rumor. Well, if ho applies to Lawyer I' edge, of this town, a good Grit, he will be sat• 'sfied that the statement was not made by ua out of whole cloth. This gentleman has seen the correspond- ence on the matter, and although he has not the liberty to divhlgo the name of our informant, he can testify whether true or untrue, that the charge did not originate with us. That Mr. Birmingham was ap- proached to "saw -off" seems to us beyond all doubt, but we never pretended to say it was done with the knowledge or consent of the Goderich crank. Perhaps the mem- bers of tho,Toronto Grit club did not consider him of such import- ance as to deem it necessary to ask his permission to proceed in the mater.—Mitchell Advocate. As the List now stands, there are 684 voters for Legislative and Mun- icipal purposes ; 46 widows and single women, with votes for Muni- cipal purposes; and Mr. Cyrus Rellinger has the honor of being the only Legislative voter as a Land -holders' Sou. --The town ,of Galt shows a very similar state of affairs, for while there is au increase of 84 inthe number of ordinary voters; there is a decrease' in what may be called the fancy franchise part of some 64. This shows con- clusively, that unless those votes aro looked after they will generally be "found missing", when most re- quired.—Galt Reporter. IMPORTANT LEGAL DECISION.—At the Division Court held here last Wednesday, Judge Toms presiding,. a case of an unusual.natur'e was 'tried. 1\1r. Seagram, a distiller of Waterloo county, stied Michael holly, ofClin- ton, for some $80, the price of two twenty gallon parcels of spirits. From what we have learned of tho matter the account was disputed by Mr. Kelly, as having bceu paid or something of that sort. But' his Counsel rested his defence ou the fact that the Canada Temperance Act was in force in this county. And that such being the case any sale of liquor for other purposes than sacramental or medicinal, or for use in some trade art or manu- facture, was an illegal sale and that the'amount involved in such tran- saction could not bo collected. It could not be proved that Mr. Kelly used the liquor for any ofltheso purposes, in fact he denied the soft' impeachment that hell was either priest or minister or doctor, or that he- was engaged in any work of art or in the manufacture of any -article of commerce that required the use of forty gallons of alcoholic spirits. Nor did'he use it for4ris own domes- tic purposes. Ho even went so far as to declare that he brought the spirits for the purpose of retailing it as a beverage, and that the seller was aware that it was to be used for such purpose contrary to the provisions of the Canada Tem- perance Act. The judge decided in accordance with the contention of the dofondont and dismissed the case with costs against the plaintiff. A curious feature of the case was that lawyer Scott, the prosecuting counsel for the Scott ActAssociaton of the county, was also counsel for the plaintiff in this case, in which if he had succeeded the illegality of tho Scott Act would have to be admitt- ed. Mr. Powell conducted the case for the defendant. Book'. Store, C,-L-I:N:T-O-N This is the greatest Opportunity ever offered to secure goods Below wholesale Prices Our entire stock, 'amounting to nearly $20,000, must be reduced to :x10,000 within the next 60 days. Colne and see um stock and get our prices, whetheryou buy or not. No trouble to show yon the GREAT BARGAINS we are offering. Terms Cash, ur 3 ,nontild' credit to re,poitsitle parties. Chris. CLIii'TON. son, HO! FOR MANITOBA IKvY1i't3,a. ti M.6! British Columbia and Dakota, And all points westward, TORONTO and all pointy Eastward.. Weir Lowest Rates to All Points:1Bit Coupon Tickets reading via Toronto and short line over the Canada Pacific Railway teal] points. er'•Baggagc Checked through to destination. No exchanging Tickets or Baggage. Parties travelling will find it to their advantage to call on me to purchase tickets to any point they desiroab reach. JAS. THOMPSON. Agouti°. T. R., in Grand Union Block, opposite Pot (Me, Clinton. OUR popular G. T. R. station agent, A. 0. Pattison, has recovered from his recent severe illness. SPECIAL RETURN TRAIN from Clinton to Seaforth at 8, o'clock on the evening of Race Day, Sept. 1st, MR. TAYLOR, of Indiana, has been in this vicinity and bought a num- ber of well bred horses from such notable horse raisers as John Mason, John McMillan M. P. and others. MR. H. 13. PROUDFOOT, P. L. S., has returned from his surveying ex. pedition in the wilds of 'Western Onttirio, ' and domiciled • himself again in the railroad and commercial centre of the county—the hub. KINCARDINE base ballasts in mak- ing a tour of the county will give Clinton a call Friday of this week, when they will contest a game with the Clinton "boys." Game called for 3 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. YOUNG LIBERAL CC\SERVATIVES will meet in Toronto Sept. 13th and 14th. Representatives from all parts of the Province are invited. Secretaries of local associations or tray other Conservative can get all information by addressing W. D. McPherson, Secy. Con. Com., Tor- onto. MR. S. G. PLUMMER, town, and Mrs. J. Sturdy, of Auburn, left on Thursday for Mt.Clemens, Michigan, 'being called there by the serious - illness of Mr. Geo. Fulton, Sr., formerly of this place. Word was re- ceived here on -Saturday of his death ou Friday 26 inst., of fever and malaria. The initial numb of The Sianit- ard, published at Blyth by Mr. R. S. White, is to hand. It is neatly printed and starts out with a fair amount of advertising. patronage which its patrons will have to con- tinue at fair rates or they cannot ex- pect the luxury of a local paper, 'We wish the Standard a full measure of success. LEAVING TOWN.- Miss Hattie Lane, a long time resident of Clin- ton and milliner in Detlor & Cos. dry -goods store hero, loaves for Tor- onto in a few days, previous to taking a responsible and lucrative position with J. & N. J. Andrews and Co., of Thornbury. Tho lady is an accomplished milliner, and will no doubt very acceptably at- tend to the wants of the ladies of Thornbury. She is a teacher in St. Paul's church Sabbath school, and ou Tuesday evening the scholars of her class presented her with a beau- tiful toboggan thermometer and a nicely worded address, While we regret Miss Lane's departure from town, we, in common with her many friends, wish her success. § _ § § § § § TKE __________ ________ 00000000uoouooauououauvua00000uouuu Ouavuouaooau000aaaooaaooaa000uou000 OUOOOOOOOOOOU00000000000000U0000________ 000 0000UODUUO000000000000OOOUOOOOOOOOa 1.1monnagmeissies iglomonatnimanersesa OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF Now FalI ioois 1 • per SS. "Norwegian," has now arrived, comprising a, selection of Goods rarely seen in this section of the country. These Goods were selected by W. JACKSON during his visit to the Old Country, and we are safe in saying that we will be able to show a variety and quote prices that cannot be equalled in the county. . We will have considerable more to say about our Old Country Stock in a future issue. In the meantime drop in and take a look through. ' o: JACKSON BROS THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. GO TO THE UB" CLOTHING HOUSE FOR A NOBBY SUIT. Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. C. C. TRANOE & CO'Y. •