HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-31, Page 6• --•or•�.-••w �;---,�• l:.at��.i,.�rr..+��MfrlfMr 1�:::.'�.P —WILL BE IMIa> I I eig 1 27-28 imi7 OPENING 0 OUT 0 NEW 0 FALL 0 GOODS. i , i I ! auule Early Stock will be Very Complete in a Few Days. Just Opened Out : It's Going to be a Grand Success ! 0 COME $ND SEE O U R FAIR. The Grandest Lot of CHEAP GOODS. We you G cannot tell about them here. We want to talk to and tell you something that will MAKE YOU HAPPY ALL WINTER. EO. EC PAY & CO., NOTED FOR LOW-PRICED DRY -GOODS. 041, leaving a surplus over expenrli- ``" Lure of $134,437. • —The Postmaster -General, Mr. I11eLelan, and the Minister of Jus- tice, 11Ir. ThouuEson, were in Vic toria, B. C. An the 22nd. They will remain in the city a week. it —A. Dakota man while on hie •tvay to borrow his neighbor's paper was struck by lightning and killed. We have no comment to make here, says The Columbus Capital. To in• telligent people it isn't necras- .ary. —A private cable from London received in Ottawa says that capital- ists there who were preparing to invest in Northwest enterprises have been alarmed by the distur, bailees which are being fomented in Manitoba by the Grits. —It is repotted that twenty wealthy citizens of London have • ogress to subscribe „5,000 each to assist in putting matters in running order, and the opinion gains ground that the Bank of Loudon, Ont., will resume. —The Mercier Government have lost . a supporter in Col. Moran, -member for Rimouski,who the other day tiled in Court there the resigna' tion of • his seat, admitting illegal practices. Another pure Grit (love. soiled. . " —A Dr. Granville is out with au able article on "Positions that Effect Sleep," in which be says that "real repose is to be:had only through ly- ing systematically." \Vhat has long been a mystery is now cleared up. The incessant practice of the Grit editor produces such profound silent- ber as to render -iris conscience en tirely unworkable. —Counterfeit bills and silver have been largely circulated in the "Soo" in the past few weeks, The Bank of British North America five dollar 'notes and•" Dominion. two;!. • dollar notes seem .most plentiful. The Canadian authorities arrested Joe Lapiere and found•four hundred dollars in his possession,, nearly all counterfeit. • —The Chicago Tribute has a 1 article en the dressed beef rate how it is profilin„ by the low pr of cattle. It says it is assumed many quarters that a beef, famine not far away. During the summe on account of the eitcessive clroutll, it is estimated that the loss in bee producing States such as Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas and in New Mexico, Texas, Nebraska, Minnesota and Dakota will foot up to 1,500,000 head. —A Winnipeg special says let- ters from Frazier and Stewart, dated Fort Chippeway, July 5, state that they ranched that point after Many hardships. Forest fires have been numerous and destructive. The destitution at Fort Chippewhy last winter was terrible,and several cases of cannibalism are report,Id. One old woman at Little Reil River admits having killed and eaten her whole family. Starvation and can tribalism are also reported.from DIu- Powell's sarsaparitla and burdock. the most powerful blood purifier in. the lnarket. Price 50cts. a bottle Sold try all druggists. 443.3m. MARKET REPORTS. (Unrreeted every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $4 00 to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 73 to 0 75 Spring Wheat 0 78 to 0 75 Barley .. 0 40 to 0 -50 Oats .. 0 28 to 0 30 Peas 0 48 to 0 48 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes .. 0 50 to 0 60 Butter .. 0 15 to 0 10 Eggs . 0 12 to 0 14 Hay 8 00 to 9 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool........... 0 24 to 0 25 ong n•1 ice in is r Kenzie River. —Lizzie Snyder, a plucky and muscular tlams'•I of London, Ont. had read in the newspaper about certain fellows who were in the habit of insulting girls on the streets, and determined to plug the first one who would insult her. One night a e dude called out to her as she was passing on the corner of Dundas and Wellington streets and elle turned round and struck him a smelling blow on the eye with her olenched.right hand, and he measur- ed his length in the dust. Miss Snyder 'was warmly applauded by the spectators. —George W. Ironsido, a butcher and cattle dealer of Brandon, died at that place recently from an attack of typhoid fever. He was a native of Newmarket, Ont. —Mr. Alex. Mills, of the 3rd Con. of Brooke, a few nights ago went into his yard and shot ono of his best cows in mistake for a bur- glar. At this season of the year every- one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by all druggists. 443.3m, ABOUT -: PRINTING. THE HURON NEWS -RECORD Has unsurpassed facilities for the execution of all kinds of Job Printing. In all lines we Can guarantee a superior class of work at modterate rates. ire Leave your orders for Fall Printing with The N ews-Record ADVERTISERS ! Bear in mind that The News - Record is positively one of the best advertising mediums in Western Ontario, asil to the business men of Cin offers many advantages. 11E DOUBLE CIRCULATION Talks to Thousands. T W ITEI,Y & TODD, - - Publishers NEW SCHOOL BOOKS, 1 haw' -e just receival the new books auth- orized for use in 11 i;�h Itz Also, a State„ and Public Schools, Collegiate ,titutes and 11fodel Classes. full stock of School Supplies, nery, Maps, Lesson Tables, etc., etr. W Bea r. . COOPER •er Block Book Store. Notice t SAULT SAI o Contractors. NTE MARIE CANAL. CONTRACTORS of construction formed on the Cana River, are hereby In • received about .IAN! most favorable time be between tha preso of November next When pians, speci8ca aro prepared due notice tore will then have an them and be furnished dor, etc. By order, A. P.13 ntendlng to ten'er for works of the Canal proposed to be Caned aide of the Saint Mary's formed that Tenders will bo 'ARY next, and that the n examine the locality will t time and the early part Bons and other documents will be given. Centrac• p tortunity of examining vIth blank forms of ten - Department of Railways Ottawa, 24th August ADLEY, Seor.tery. nil Canals, 1887 f St 1 CASE MELTON D1ESS GOODS ---Extra Good Value. ALL SUMMER GOODS AT COST AND UNDER. P='C7'E — 1:DEI — - OPP - pOR- CA.eii JOHN WISEIYI AN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. PROPERTY FOR SALE. --house and four lots on Victoria 5t., Clinton. 'rhe house contains four rooms and pantry down stairs and four rooms up stairs. There is summer kitchen, woodshed and first class cellar. Good stable ; apple, pear and plum trees, bearing. Cistern and hard w•.ter. This property is desirably located and will bo sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises to MRS. KITT. 420 2t 1'100 THE LADIES--WIIILE THANKING MY numerous lady customers for their patronage in the past, I desire to inform them that i have removed to Clinton, as a more central location with better train connections, and to do away with the necessity of .anvassing Clinton. I ant prepared to 811 orders on very short notice, and satisfactorily, in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Corsets. Shoulder Braces and .Supporters. Children's Waists a specialty. Clinton ladies, who promised full orders, please ,'call when it suits and have better satisfaction. Hensall ladles please give orders to Miss Ilunter. Re- member the ploee, over Mr. Twitchell's store. E. J. COULTER, Clinton, Aug 10. im BUTCHERING BUSINESS—TILE UNDER - signed wisbes to Intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country. that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very numer- ous customers, he has bought out the business of Mr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, u ith the choicest meats in season. Every effort will bo made to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit and receive a fair share oL public patronage. Lowest prices for large orders. Farmers' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. FOUND, sometime ago, on the 14th concession,. Ooderieh township, a man's overcoat ; also within the past month, on the Maitland conces- sion leading to the Holmosvillo bridge, a large bunch of keys. The owners can have these articles by calling at 5118. W. IHERBISON'S, Mount Pleasant Creamery, Goderich Township. DRESS MAKING.—Mr?. Campbell, of London AJ has opened Dress Slaking Moons over the Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay & Co., with first- class assistants.. She is in a position to turn out work equal to any in the city. She respectfully asksa trial order. Rooms over GEO. E. PAY l& CO'S, Dry Goods Store. FARM FOR RENT BEING 'tot 18, con. 16, Ooderich township, consisting of SO acres, 70 cleared, Well water- ed. Good frame house and bank barn ; good orchard of bearing fruit. About four miles from Clinton. For full particulals apply on the pre- mises, or address. GEO. BURNS, 416-tf e • Clinton P. 0. • SERVANT WANTED. (100D GENERA!, SERVANT Wanted, good 1-A wages. Apply to MRS. KENNEDY 456-tt Royal llotel, Clinton. Special Notice Get your Notes and Ac'cofuts collect- ed ,by Westcott £ Sanders, EXETER, - ONT. They collect Notes aeras Accounts' in any part at the most reasonable rates. MGNEY TO Lo.1x at lowest rates of interest. Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance Agents. Give them a call. Office :—James-.st., Exeter, Ontario. I® A. A. BENNETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR —AND - EMBALMER, Iced Rocker Store, ALBERT ST. CLINTON: ATTENTION FARMERS! Implements ! Implements ! McUORMICI( SE1.If'.131N.D + 1tS, REAPERS, AlOWE1iS, • SEED DRILLS, HORSE RAKES PLOWS, CUTTING BOXES, SHELLERS, ETC., ETC., . And all Implements used on a farm as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLINTON, ONTARIO APPLES WANTED. WANTED, 20,000 IARRELS OF HARVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CANTELON. 453—ti Clinton. Grand Dominion A; Industrial EXHIBITION 1887 TORONTO, Sept. 5th to 17th. $30,000 IN PRIZES. Entries Close August 13th. This, being tbo Dominion and Industrial Exhi- bitions combined, will be the greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. ,a8rA Grand Prsgramme of Special Attractions is being prepare<'. Return tickets at single fare and cheap excur- sions on all railways daring the full time of the Exhibition. reThe greatest event of the Jubilee Year. For Prize Lists and full information address J. J. WiTHROW, H. J. HILL, President. Mgr. and Seo., 454 Toronto TO THE FARMERS! Study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable , ""L Harness, I manufacture none but the BEST OF STOCCC. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live. a4r Call and get prices. Orders b-ty�Ymail rprroomply�atttenndgedd to ]D a -ox- .JC.. CAI1..1'3 1' 7G1.., HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT. ADIES! You can get a pair of BST -TONED BOOTS, Warranted Strictly Solid Leather, —F OR— X 1 . 2 5 --AT— JACKSON'S BARGAIN SHOE HOUSE, Opposite the Town Hall. NEIN DRESS -00008 AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. New Dress and Mantle Trimmings. New llIsterins and Mantle Cloths, Including Astrachan Effects ; Curls, Black and Grey; Sealettes, Jersey Backs, Diagonals Ottoman and Fancy Stripes. NEW EVENING SHAWLS. NEW HOSE. NEW UNDERCLOTHING ----0 J. C. DETLOR & CO. Many Thanks To the public for having made our "Monster Alteration Sale" a perfect success. It has literally cleaned Out, our shelves and we are prepared to place in a CLEAN NEW STOCK In All Departments FOR THE FALL TRADE,, for which purpose Mn. ROBERTSON iincl" MISS `BUCHANAN have gO` shill ."rev Eastern Markets. If you wish to secure' nice New Goods this season call at ROBERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE ABSOLL/TELY NEW.-. STOCK OOTS AND SHOES! --AT_ W. H, Simpson's Searle's Block, opposite the Market. The Thermometer has dropped Nand sot?have my prices, Courteous Treatment. Best Assortment. All, Leather Goods, Startlingly Low Prices. No Trouble to show Goods. ilta=.Don't Forget the Place --W. H. Simpson's, opposite the Market, Winton. Ll' It will pay you to remember the address and giv him a call. 111 Aar THE NEWS-REQORD FO 13 -----..4e FINE JOB PRINTING. •