The Huron News-Record, 1887-08-31, Page 51tt 4Uaf4041l D
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The combined circulation of TUE NE 'S -
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We have one of the best appointed Job
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craft, and' at, the lowest possible rates.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
The News -Record,..
Clinton. Ont
The Huron News -Record
Wednesday, August 31st, 1887
Our Reform friends will regret to
leahn that Canadian securities .com'
mond v higher price than any other
colonial securities whatever, end a
higher price than any -other govern.
ment. securities except those of
Great Britain and the United
Canadian 31 per cents -are quoted
at 102 ,., while no other province or
dependency ofthe'empire has
ed to put a 31 bond on the uiarkot.
Caiiadia:i "lici °gala ar r, worth T S :-
The ouly other colonial bond which
appro,tuhes that. in value is the
Victoria 4 per cunt fond payable in
1913, which is quoted at 108. Cape
of Good Hope fours are quoted at
1.63, Natal fours at 102, New South
"Vales fours et 106, Queensland
fours a 101t, Ta mei:ia fours at
102',. The disloyal anti•Canadian
press of this country tells us that the
Dominion is hopelessly involved in
debt : the money lenders••of Europe
tell us that Canadian credit is the
very best in existence, except that
of the British empire and of the
United States.—Spectetee.
The lodges of the Independent
Osderof O.!dfellows ire iiawilton
aril very wroth ragarding the pecu-
liar conduct of the members of
W,'lliegt,n Square Lodge, No 178,
of .Be liugtuu. Tide lodge hes been
iuexi;.iri,ce,for twelve yc„r8, and
has au,-un,nl,tted about 81,800 in its
treasury, having limy had one death,
benefit to. pay during that tiwe;
'Che nrvnnherl+, however, .have not
taken touch interest in the lodge for
some your,, and the nleulbet'ehip h, 9
kelt decr':t:u tg by reason of old
tae -Diners dropping out hurl no new
blood•beeig infused into it, until at
last only ;ihottt seventeen rowan,.
it alerting la,;t March gild
some of then cooly proposed to :•lose
the to.lge up, rad i': t•.vl 0t t eruiug
the aseets over to the (trawl f, titre,
to divide the spoil ,:along themselves.
This plan was assented to by the
majority, but Mr. Kerns,. M. P. P.,
Dr. Richardson, J. Allen. anti Dou-
gall McKenzie protested 5ga;est it,
The others went on, however, r'nliz•
ed on the Assets and divided the
money among thenselvne, Messrs
McKenzie and Kerns being the only
ones who refused to nccept their
shares. Mr. McDougall's amounted
to $165. The. matter was reported
to the Grand .Master, and he in.
atructed P. E. J. Fitzpatrick, of
lfinmilton, District Deputy Grand
Master, to go nut and demand the
charter, books, regalia and cash On
hand belonging to the defunct lodge,
but he only got the charter and rite -
ale. At the recent meeting of the
(}rand Lodge at Peterhoro' the affair
came up for discussion, and in
accordance with the recommendation
contained in the Grand A'ineter's
report Mr. Christopher Robinson,
P.r wfas, ,in trilett1 to proceed'
against each i.ttiligiduul member ter
tale a, wogt►t re4eived b,ri • ltinni and
option will be tal:ttti .fmasetltt►;ti "lar.
About two hundred people, most
Iy wage earners, assembled on,Sat•
ulday evening in the Albert Hall,
Montreal, to listen to a lecture by
Mr. H. A. Carleton, of the Execu-
tive Board, Knight of Labor, upon
"Capital and Labor•, and the aims
and objects of the and
lecturer appeared on the platform
accompanied by Ald. Cunningham
and several members of hie Order.
Mr. Carleton thanked the audience
for the kindly greeting extended
him. Tho subject on which ho had
been asked to speak gave such wide
scopeyu and involved questions of
such momentous interest, that he
was uncertain how to beat begin
his treatment of it ; however, he
would enlarge upon the thoughts
that had occurred to him from time
to time. Capital and labor in the
past had been regarded asantagonis-
tic, dosp,ite, the fact that one was
dependent upon the other for its
existence. Not much difference
existed in their treatment of each
other. Did the employer take an
unfair ladvantago when the .op.por-.
tunity offered, the employed would
do the same when he had the
chance. The result had been the
engendering of a bitter feeling be-
tween the parties concerned. The
aiin of the organization he represent-
ed was to so educate the two classes
—for the employer needed instruct-
ion upon the subject as touch as the
employed—that a new industrial
system might be built upon the
ruins of the present ono, based up-
on.- equity and justice. Str•
wore the result of ignorance and
were jutifiable only iu rare cases, as
a last resort. Even then they
were deplorable, and it behoved
each side to labor to remove the
cause. I Boycotts were as infernal and
as infamous as capitalists described
thein, but the latter wore the first to
maks use of them, and labor had
only followed the example so given.
True, the term given this style of
warfare by the employers was ''black
listing," but this ',was because tho
term boycott had not then been
coined. It had been charged
against the Knights of Labor that it
was merely a vast political machine
designed to hoist aggressive and am-
bitious men into power ; this was
not so. While they did not liesi
tato to discuss political . questions,
because all; in some degree, related
to the greatillabor problem, yet they
had and wonlel continuo to decline
making their ,groat beneficent or-
_ganization-a tail-• to any -politi-cal
kite. The labor question had too
long been treated from a' merely
commercial point of view. It
should now be treated from a hum-
antiarian standpoint as well. Jus-
tice and fail• dealing should enter
into the -settlement of this vexatious
problem. The laborer should re-
ceivo hie -fair share of"th^ wealth he
had created, and be given a chance
to enjoy the good things of life.
Ho should not. be cpmled •to .go
to a home destitute of all but tele baro
necessaries of life. Give him an
equitable sharp that ho alight be
enabled to adorn his home, and en-
joy tele uplifting influences of com-
fortable surroundings, and not pm -
Pei him to take a telescopie,view of
the comforts of life, as was done to-
day. The lecturer concluded with
an eloquent oshortation to the
Knights to -stand firm, and said that
then victory , would eventually
crown their shorts.
— "Urn. Milne, of Whitby, licked
his boy unniercifuly, and will snpjail'
soup in con H qu,lnce for two weeks.
— r. Alex Mills, of the 3rli Con,
of Brooke, it fete nights ago went
out into his y ard and shot one of his
hest cows in nli-tal:c for a burglar.
—George W. Iron.ide, a butcher
ac(1 cattle dealer of l3ratidon, died
in that Place recently from an attack
of typhoid fever. He was •a native
of Newmarket, Ont.
— The Dep,it•tnient of Agriculture
has been apprised that some 300
more Icelanders are en route to Can
oda. Tho 1,500 Om have alre:edy
come out this year have been pro-
perly provided for in \Ianitobit.
— The wheat harvesting is pretty
well over in di.' 1'ro\'inee of Mani-
toba, 'fhe yi„lie will he ay heavy
ici10t.ed: ere quently running
up to 35 bushels per acre. Sarni
hells wise scarce•, and there has been a
hearth iu binding twine.
—An old Mall at Levis, Qu -bee,
fell in a lit of epilepsy on Friday
last and remained in that state until
[Monday, when all his friends gave
him up a8 dead. Tiny had all the
preparations made for the funeral,
but judge their surprise, t,•lrile
"waking” him the old man sat erect
in his eoffin :CMI commenced rut'bing
itis eyes, email to the conn terns tion
of many present., who thought that
the spirit was 1110vineg 111In in death.
Tho 0111 ratan attende11 to his daily
avocations next day.
--allele �t;�t�t. lr' IClti ruHt, justi re,
tttrtled from England to,a blontretal
roMlci>I`lrtt, AN3t� ,----'rI found that Can -
ad lap`o
ao-adlap`o every (1here Were received,.
with the utmost, eepeet. To- be a
Canadian was the password to the
heart of the Engllslt people, and
they received you as a brother.
—John Gain, a well to do farmer
living near Winona, triad to hill
himself on a late afternooti by cutt-
iug hits throat with a 1 utcher knife.
He is nut expected io live. He was
in good eireuttt:.taoces financially.
Melauchuly is supposed to be the
—Mr. A F Mel,aren, buyer for
Messrs. J. L. Grant & Co., of
Ingersoll, recently shipped four cars,
1;272 boxes, of cheese from Listowel
Stations. NI-. McLaren shipped
from several otlii•.•IStations the same
day, the total shipping for the day -
amounting to $19,000.
— At the Woodstock Pollee Court
Joh1, Bone therged his wife Grace
with assault. A few days ago the
Woman, besides assaulting her husb-
and, threw her nine-11)0011s'-11)00161s'robs' old child
into the stove, 111 which was n0 lire.
It transpired at the trial that before
marriage Ilene promised not. to use
tobacco, and his wife fin -ling out
that he was deceiving her became
very aiyry and assaulted him. The
case way dropped on the husband
promising to abstain from the use of
the..we-ed, and the wife proulisieg to
control her temper. . _ •
—A citizen of Thornton, Si111cee
county, went hunting and not own-.
big a powder flask, used his pocket
for that I.prp0se. On the road
home he thoughtlessly knocked the
ashes out of his pipe in his pocket
with the powder, result—an explos-
ion and a blazing titan. Forttn,ately
the accident was HP01) by two. woe
men, who, with pails of water, quck-
ly extinguished the. lire. That
hunter is now both a sadder and'a
wiser elan.
Nelson Montrose, of Vienna, C)nt.,
having used D:. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry in his family for
summer complaints, ,says, "I cannot
speak too nigh of it, for children as
well as aged people tronbled with
diarnccea It lies no equal.",
— On Wednesday Arthur Dale, a
young inaii about 22 ynais of age' in
the employ of Amos Bricker, at
Roseville, Waterloo Co., met with a
most painful and serieue .,accident.
He was in the act of remoting the
driving rein from 'beneath the tail of
one of the horses, when the atdma)
kicked him in the face. His lower
.jaw was frao'ured 511:1 his lips badlyt
cut. 1 -le was rendered insensible'
and has been in a comatose condit-
ion almost continently ever since.
Asthma -cured by thedouble treat
ment of Southern Asthma Cure is a
common remark. 456.41
— Detective Reburn brought to
Toronto Saturday morning Fleury
Hunt, general storekeeper, Balac•
lava, Bruce County. Hunt sold 7G
silk handkerchiefs, a ,.portion of
those stolen recently from Ogilvy, end
Alex:,uder, of Toronto, to a store-
keeper in Owen Sound, which led to
lea ;itrrest.
"I tried every known- remedy I
could think of for rheumatism, with-
out giving me any relief, until I tried
_Burdock Blood Bitters, whieh•remedy
I can highly recommend to till afflict-
ed as l was" henry Smith4Milverton,
Ont. 457-2t
The Toronto carpenter's strike
has been declared off. The men en-
deavored to get a minimum wage of
25 cents per hour and nine hours
per day. The management of the
strike has been bungled, the execu-
tive committee having remade some
grave errors which alienated the
sympathy of other t•etdes. The.
strike lasted ten weeks.
ALWAYS REQUIRED—A good cathar-
tic medicine. National Pills will not
disappoint you. 457-4t '
—.Printers find proof readers com-
bined aro • capable of wonderful
things, as ie 8h0wn by the feet that,
according to theWinnipeg FteePress,
the conlhioation perpetrated tills re-
markable blunder : Solueoile wrote
shout when gold was first ditcover-
e'! i•1 Algoma lime here is Low it
appeared : "\\'heti 64 d wart first dis-
covereei in Algoma." Naturally,
says our couteulporary,ti,e A.Igoinann
are very indignant, and the intellig•
ant compositor is looking for anoth•
er job.
"I was severely troubled with diar-
Alcoa and having used some of the
wonderful Le. Fowler's Wild Straw-
berry, I was in a short time com-
pletely cured. I can recommend it
as a splendid medicine." Wm. A.
Stafford, Sliedden, Ont. 457.21
Itov 17r, Turnbull, of Christ
Church, Listowel, has declined tho
appointment to the Rectory of
Winghain, mads by His Lordship
the Bishop of Huron.
is a safe and reliable worm remedy
for all worms afflicting children or
adults 450 4t
Apr AC TO MQT4000- w4'e you ot1,
to •oe4 at WO; and broken of your rest
:by *sick Child eu erleg.Red cryltrg with
Pvin-ofC11,atrug verb?' If ee .Vauti et.
once and get 4 bottle of 11$r$ Wieelow'p
Sectbiog Syrap" for Ohildreit Teething.
its value fa incalculable. It wi" rel Leve
the poor Little aut1erer immediately. De -
peed upon it, mothers; there ie no mis-
take about it. It cores Dysentery and
Dlarrbees, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, °urea. Wind Colic, softens the
Gums, redures Inflamma'ion, and gives
tone anti energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Wiaslgw's Soothing Syrup" for
children teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the oldest
and best -female -physicians and nurses�in
the United States, and is for sale by ell
druggists tbreughout the world. Price
25c. a bottle. Be sure and nate for "Mrs.
tvinslow'9 Soothing Syrup," and take no
Otber.kind, 4431y
—A lady 94 years old, walked to
the polls in Kingston last week and
cast her vote for an extension of the
wafer works - system.- The try -lacy
carried by 884 to 114.
Pleasing, soothing, healing, reliev-
ing, curing is the description of Nasal
Balm, which is receiving a national
reputation as a cure for Catarrh,
Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, etc.
—Friday afteruoou, during a
iightning storm, the barn, with all
contents, belonging to Mr. Alex.
Ledger wood, iu Greenock, was struck
and turned to the ground. Loss,
about $1,200; no insurance.
FRREMAN'S WORM Yownieits are safe,
sure and speedy to remove worms
:om chidlren or adults. 456 4t
—A young Mall newel Miller
disturbed a Salvation Army Meeting,
iM Wiartou recently, and Reeve
Parke .Iiowed h:n disapprobation by
fining hien $10 and costs.
F. P. Tanner, of Neehing, Ont.,
says he has not only found 13. B. B. a
sure cure for Dyspepsia, but he also
found it to be the best medicine for re-
gulating and invigorating the system
that be has ever taken. B. 13. 13. is
the great system rogulator 457.2t
Low's SULPHUR 'SOAP should be
found with every toilet. It is cleans-
ing and healing. 456-4t
—The fine ;rain warehouse be-
longing to John Shoults at Park',
hill bure.el, to the „round last week
with about 6,000 hushels of wheat
and 2,000 bushels of o,ts. The
cause 'of the tire is at present a my-
stery, Mr. Shoulte' lees is heavy its
the insurance is 9111511.
• A big strike was make when Powell
s Davis issued .their Extract of arsap-
arilla and Burdock. 1t has met with
great success, and it must., for it is the
most powerful blood purifier in the mar-
ket. It is used with the greatest success
in all diseases arising from a debilitated
Condit:o - of the. system, and everyone
needs, and 'should 1180 a bottle or two at
'3 season or the year, of Powell's Ex-
act of Sarsaparilla and Burdock, Bear
in mind one 50c, .bottle co,itnins more
solid medicine thee mestcioliru• tee -Called
Sae :aparilln and bitters. Also remernber•
that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists,
price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
— David Dewar, of .Milton, has
been rob-teedl_ free: jail on the
gro11:,(1s tillti,tf. tl:e time of
convict -
ion the polies wagistraLl had no
jurisdiction in the town of Alilton-
Thissdefect has iiuicc-boon remerlr---
ed bythe Ontario Goverment.
"Having used B. B. 13. for bilious-
ness and torpid. liver, with the very
best results I would recommend it to
all those troubled. The medicine
is.worth its weight in gold." 'Tillie
White, Manitowaning, Ont. 457-2t
— Mr. John Hugill, of Tucker.
smith, father of Mrs. Wilson Cooke,
of Varna, died last weer; aged 68
IsIrs. Allan, one of London's most
respected and reliable ladies, writes
to say:—"My daughter had a corn
under her toe from which she suf-
fered much pini. I applied that
renowned preparation called Balk -
well's Sure Corn Cure, and with two
appltcations I completely removed it
without the slightest pain. I most
cheerfully, and without solicitation,
hand you his testimonial, and hope
many others, may be benefitted -by it
to the extent that I have. 457-2t
—hiss Mary Mories, daughter of
S. B, glories, of \','ingitain, formerly.
of 13russele, was Among the wound,'
ell in the recent terrible railway ac-
cident at Chatsworth, Illinois. She
is recovering all right.
It is said that the Mercier (raform)
government of Quebec has offered
$300 in prizes for a horse race.
And the Now York Sportsman says
the New Brunswick government has
bought two trotting horses.
If so yon can testify to its marvell-
ous powerslof healing and recommend
it to your friends. We refer to Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
the grand specific for all summer
complaints, diarrhoea, cholera morbus
dysentery, cramps colic, sickness of
the stomach and bowel complaints of
infants or ndults. Let its merits
bo known to all who have not used it.
Es Steamship ttCoroo»R"from Antwerp,
0O 111�L,..C.0T.
and those BUILDING will find ibis anj opportunity to get supplied to
advantage.; Also
'Linseed Oils, Paints, dc., &c., at Low Figures
fla�oy4trou-and-Hardwre- Mer-chnt,- - -.
June„ 1887. �:�r,G:�.yriri�;'ii'�ttS•►''�'�':tilts'�``�`�t�S:y'.33r'ri:,iy.._.......-.,
Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness,_
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections the ,Liver and Kidneys,
Pimples, Blotches, Boils, HWTIOTS, Salt Rheum„ Scrofula,
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Alive Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels.
can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
papers . by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,
Newspaper Advertising, Bureau,
10 Spruce St., New York.
Send Wets. tor 100 -Page Pamphlet.
The undersigned has just opened a Dew Drug Store, in JACKSON'S
NEW BLOCK, on 'HURON STREET, two doors west of the City•
Book AStoro, where will 'be found a complete assortment of Pure
Drugs and Chemicals, also Patent Medicines and
Druggists' Sundries—all that the public may ask for in those
• lines.,,
Clinton, lath'Janenry, 1880.
P, S.—Office changed from residence to store
PI V : 1 ±1
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets Loun es Sidebo rd Ch i • S ri g ,
Mattresses, etc., and general .,Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very
l,lest manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JOS,.. IDLEY, one door WW-cst of Dielcsan'sBook Store,•
THOS. ---COOPER----&----SON.-
The largest, cleanest and best assorted stock of
etc., in town. Off. Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest,'and we warrant
everything first class.
War Sole 'agents for the Celebrated "Cooper's Baking Poucler.""WlI
Befit Brands of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manfrs. Prices
Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton.
Give us
a call.
General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware,
I'itO \f
,..A....L.�I 1_10..1.�V r3IO5
Tho wants of every family supplied. Stock always fresh. SPECIAL INDUCE-
MENTS when quantities are ordered.
re A HANDSOME PRESENT GIVEN:AWAY with every 3 or 5 lbs. of Tea. W3
ist-Farm Produce taken at Highest Price.
0 0
In Stook, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Waf:'ons.
The Material we manufacture:is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed
In fact we make it an important feature of our business to use only it t best pro-
curable material and the best workmanship. Those in need of CiJTTERS
and SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and style:) thould noc ail to
call and gee us.
—o --
lar Repairing and Rei aintindr Promptly A.ttert.led to,
FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON