HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-24, Page 6;>r i ci Bargains in in Dress Goods ! o.-•:-...-•••• See what we offer in 08E88 GOODS. SEE THE PRICES WE ASK. We are determined not to carry over goods of summer makes if prices will clear them out. Don't fail to see and ask about thein. COTTONS,. SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, and all SUM- MER GOODS at regular KNOCK -DOWN PRICES. GEO. E. PAY & CO., NOTED FOR CHEAP GOODS. Valanstine; inspecting and spreading gravel, $5.62 ; John Ainsley, plans and specification for bridge, G. : Corpoatiou of Turnberry, work on boundary, $9.34 ; J.Gilespie, work on west boundary, $100; A. McKay, work on East boundary, $113.75; R. Burns, inspecting and spreading gravel $12.. 5� ; D. Hogg, gravel, $$10 ; l3. Moon• ey, repairing culverts, $1.50 ; Misses Exford, charity, 1610 ; T. Miskiul- ramp, gravel, $5.38 ; D. Valanstiue, gravel and plank, $10.80; G. John- ston, stone hammer, $1.50; W. Clark, postage, stationery and Road Lists. $16. Moved by S. Caldbick, seconded by E. Bosmau, that J. Smiley be p 20c per rod for cleaning out forty r ds of Municipal dram opposite lot 21, eon. 2. --Carried. Moved by H. 'Mooney, seconded by C. A. Bowe, that the Reeve be instructed to have drain and road opposite lot 14. on G con. line, put into a propor state of repair.—Carried. Moved by E. Bos- man, seconded by F. Caldbick, that the Reeve be jnetructed to have Vaualstine's briTige newly planted.— Carried. Moved by S. Caldhiclt, seconded by E. Bosman, that John • Mooney be appointed Collector at n salary of eighty dollars, on furnish' ing satisfactory security to the amount of $14,000.—Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet again on the 12th day of September next. W. CLARK, Cleric.. NEWS .GRIEFS. Notice of abandonment of the prltitio`n against the return of Hon., E. Blake for West Durham has been given. The National League proclaim, tion is not in force until applied to a particular district by order of the Viceroy. The United Labor Darty have nominated a State -ticket in New York, with Henry George for Secretary of Stato. The Inman steamer City of Mon, treat was burned at sea on the 11th inst. Six of her passengers and seven of her crew, who got, into a boat, are missing. - • In •a speech at - Birminghami on Saturday night Mr. Chamberlain ex- pressed disapproval'of the Govern- ment's course in .proclaiming the League, but denied that he had left . the Unionist party. On Saturday Mr. Browningg, owner of two lots at Morris, Mau., obtain- ed an interim injunction to reetrain the Red River Valley contractors and others from constructing, the railway across his property. The grader worked hard and got the grade across the lots before the in. junction could ba granted. The Chicago Journal says.—"The outlook for the agriculturist:, of "-Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and the southern portions of Michigan and Wisconsin, is bloomy in the extri-a me. Those naturally splendid and fertile territoriea,undoubtedly incluid• ing some of the finest and largest granaries and food stores of the North America continent, have for fourteen months been subject to a visitation of drought to which a paralled cannot be found within the range of the oldest living inbah'. itant's recollection. Alayor Sutton, nitictren Cour., cilnlen and the Street Commissioner of Vi1kesbarre, Pa,, were arrested on complaint of citizens residing in the Third and Sixth Wards? for failing to keep the streets' in those wards in ordtr, and for allowing stagnant water to accumulate, gam- ing foul smells, dangerous to tin health of the community in that part of the city and harmful to pro- perty interests. Considerable excite- u)eet wits manifested when the en, tire municipal body was marched before Alderman Parson and held to answer in $300 each. The Councilmen went bail for ono an• other, and the Chief of Police for the Mayer anti Streets Comtnis- sioner. Richard Coati ono of the early settlers of East Wawanosh, was found dead in 1•etl nn Tuesday morning of last week. Ho wa,t 78 years of age. Mr. L. G. VanEgmond, of Sea - forth, has doubled up with Miss Vanstone, of Seaforth. —Tine apple crop in L'unbton county is likely to be very large this year. The summer apples are now being gathered and a large shipment of thein was made tho last week. The winter apple crop will also be very large, and, with More moisture very fine. The plum crop is slight. Tho poach crop id propectiveiy very large, and will bo very flue. The Bummer varieties are already pieced on the market at good figures. The grape crop for the ;round planted is simply immense. The fruit is likely to be clean anti pretty in hunch end berry. All small fruits have been safely gathered i11 unusual excellence and quantities, notwith- standing the save•e drought. MARRIAGES. • LEGEAR—FISIIER.—At the residench the bride's•' parents, Gocierich,'ion the 16th inst., by the Rev. G. F. Salton,jas• listed by Rev. C;. R. Turk, Rev. J. T. Leif ea of Ethel, to ,Iis.s Addie Fisher, of'iluderieh. I'owell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50ets. a bottle Sold by all druggists. 443.3m. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Too ylny aftorpoon.) . CLINTON Flour $4 00 to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 70 to 0 80 Spring Wheat 0 70 to 0 80 Barley, . 0 4Q to 0 48 Oats .029tui030 Peas 048to048 Appleiglvinter) per bbl 1 00 to l 50 Potatoes 0 60 to 0 70 Butter .. 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs 0 13 to 0 15 Hay 800to900 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef ..000to000 Wool 0 24 to 0 25 At this season of the year every- one should nee Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by. all druggists. :• 443-3m. . NEW 8011OOL BOOKS, I have just received the new books auth•• el'ized for use in 11i h. and Pud,lu: Schools; Collegiate Institutes and ModelClasses, Also, a full stock of &hool S,tl,l,lics, • Stationefyl, Maps, Lesson Tables, etc., etc. WM. COOPER • Beaver Block Book Store. Ii10 'l'Ul LADIES -WHILE THANKING MY 1. numerous Lady customers for their patronage in the. past, 1 desire to inform them that 1 have removed to Clinton, a.8 a more central location witI, Lotter main connections, end to do away with. the, nesessity of c,ulvassing Clinton. I am prepared to 611 orders on very short notice, and satisfactorily, in Ladies', 1Pios' and Children's 'ors•t:s.' ,_boulder 14(1,84 ,n1 Supporters. ('1 III'en•s Waists a specialty. Clinton Indies, who promised fail orders, please;call when it suits and have Letter satisfaction. Stonnall ladles please give orders to Miss hunter. Ile• member the place, over Mr. Twitchell's store. E. .1. COULTER, Clinton, Aug 19. im 'r) TCIIERING BUSINESS -THE UNDER- ! wishes )0 ''4I, to to the people of t•linton •w:1 milli:in:Reg country, that in order. to snitnbh meet the, denrnllil 1 of 1)1e very minter. onseash'lners, Ile has bought out the business of Mr, R. Fitz+l mons, and will carry on the sane, o ith the choicest meats in season. Every effort . wili he ovule to meet the wtintr of all, and he hopes to merit and receive a fair shame of public patronae. Lowest prices for,eQ large, orders. Ferner, trade 11 specialty, ALREnT MAY. CURES Cutiap!a in , 11 i1 in,,.wrc.•'.,•, Impure 11100 1, Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, Skin TII1: QdIU .11 1' Il EGUL,t1'OIL of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. Cures Headache, (lonstipntion, Fannie Complaints, and Builds up the System. head the following : "For yen's pasta Hage suffered from dyspepsia anti 1 irut reen,unendn 1 to try Dr. 1lodder's Compound. 1 raid so and found it a perfect euro -E. 1. CUR. TN, Toren .0, (hit " Sohl ever;% where. Price,75c. Du,llelDitEI(•S Ce81011 ANp LUNG CURE Never Fails (tonic nteed. Price, 25' and 50e. The Unlon Medicine Cs,, Proprietors, Toronto, Ont 0 0 0 Just Opened Out for the Sununer Trade, NEW LAWNS, NEW MUSLINS, NEW PRINTS' NSW STU"FT' Ci -00D8_ C -i -RAND We are Showing a Special Job Line of PRINTS at 8c., worth 12-i Millinery Department Fully Assorted. FIVE -PER -CENT -OFF - F'OR - CA.SH JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. ,rte. s.._.._..... * ...,=,e, FOUND, sometimeago,on the 14th concession, coderieh township, a'nan's overcoat; also within the past month, on the Maitland comes. Bien leading to the Iloln:c::vino bridge, a large bunch of keys. The owners can have these articles by calling at 11111. W. IHERBISON'S, Mount Pleasant Creamery, Coderich Township. SERVANT WANTED. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT Wanted, good wages. Apply to MRS. KENNEDY 456-t4 Royal hotel, Clinton. o—o—o—o Estate J. HODGENS. WESTERJ FJTIR Industrial and Art Exhibition, LONDON, CANADA. 19th to 24th Sept., 1887. LIBERAL :-: PREMIUMS ! —FOR— Live Stock, Machinery, &c. NEW GROUNDS, NEW BUILDINGS, NEW RACE TRACK, are being provided ter the Porth• coming Jubilee Exhibition at an e.tinl:tial cost of 5120,000.00. HALF A MILLION DOLLAItS will be repre- sented by the Live Stock display. GRAND ExtnarrS IN STATUARY AND SCULPTURE. The Committee on Attractions are preparing a splendid programme. Better than ever. Send your address on•a postal card for copy of the Prize List. For all information write to the Secretary. A. W. PORTE, GEO. McBRROOM, 456.3E President. . Secretary. $Decia/ Notice Get your .Notes and Acr•a,(ut.4 collect- ed by Westcott d Sanders, EXETER, - .ONT; They collect Notes and Accounts in any part at Mentos' reasonahlc rate.,. MONEY 'ro LOAN at lowest rates of interest., Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance Agents. Give thein a cull. Office :—James- t., Exeter, 01,tario. • DRESS MAKIN(1.-Mrs. Campbell, of London 7J has opened Dress skim; Rooms over the Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay & Co., with first. class .assistants. - She 15111 a position to turn out wort: equal to any in the city. She respectfelly- asksa trial order. Rooms over (IF.0, E. PAY Fl CO'S, Dry Goods Store. i -FARM FOR RENT . IEING Lot 13, eit1:' 141, (lode'ieh'township, 13 conslstingof Sb'acres, 70 domed, Wc11 water- ed. Good frame house anti bank barn ; good orchard of hearing fruit. -About four miles from - Clinton. For 1,111 particulars apply on the pro. miens, Or address. (180. BURNS, 456.04 Clinton P. O. A. A. B EN N ETT, I—THE LB.t)1Nc— FUNERAL DIRECTOR —AN1)— EMBALM =EE, Red atoeicer Store, ALBERT ST.. Clel15.1TON Farc +.F,ai .r zahl cto ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! Implements ! Implements ! D'1.u(0It 111(.11( S.F.I.E,IlIN DEUS, REAPERS, MOWERS, 8E11:D DRILLS, 110.1iSJ R \K1:i CUTTING BOXES, SIIELLF:IUS, ETC., ETC., And all Implements used on a gain as Good as the Lest, and as Cheap as the Cheapest., at J. . B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WAItERUOb1S,' CLINTON. ONTARIO a,�..onT.., ....... Y:r'� .,.. ML.1',.',i _I I..♦.u. « �:�.r�'F.=L.R�:+. APPLES WANTED. WANTED, 20,000 BARIREi.S OF HARVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CANTELON, 453—tf Clinton. Grand Dominion & Industrial EXHIBITION 1887 TOJO]TTO, Sept. 5th to 17th. $30,000 IN PRIZES. Entries Close A11'„•iist lath. This, being the Dominion and Industrial Exhi- bitions cc ntbined, will be the greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country over held. SZTA Grand Pragrauune of Special Attractions is being preparee. Return tickets at single fare anti cheap excur- sions on all railways during the full time of the Exhibition. 1 rhe greatest event of the Jubilee Year. For Prize Lists and full information address J. J. WITHROW, II. J. HILL, President. Mgr. and Sec., 454 ' Toronto. TO THE FARMERS ! Study your own interest and go where you eau get Reliable > Harness,' I manufacture none lint the BRsT or STOex. Beware of shops that sell cheap, 00 they have dot to live. ire' Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attendbd to '.,HEN , HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLVTIi, ONT. ADIES! You cail•get a pair of BUTTONED BOOTS, Warranted Strictly Solid Leather, —FOP— x'1..25 JACKSON'S BARGAIN SHOE HOL/SE; Opposite the Town Hall. DETLOR & CO'S Great Sniiiei Sale ! NOW GOING O.N. 0 STARTLTNG VALUE IN MANY LINES. LADIES' & GENT'S ARTS AT JOB PRIORS. 0 Orders for Dressmaking receive prompt attention J. C. DETLO-R-&OO. ROBERT MONSTER literati ON'S le Lasts Ten Days Loiiger All should avail themselves of this opportunity to secure BARGAINS before the busy season sots in. Call early and satisfy yourselves as , to' the truth of this advertisement. Robertson's GREAT GASH STORE jamoluessenziemmmaa ABSOLUTELY NEW STOOK BOOTS AND SHOES! o H i 80n P8 Searle's Block, oppn-ite the Market, The Thermometer has dropped 'and so hove my prices. Courteous Treatment. Best Assortment., All Leather Goods. Startlingly Low Prices% No,. • Trouble to show Goods. oa Don't Forget they Place—W. ., Simpson's, opposite the Market, ulintonl. gam" It will pay you to remember the address and giv hiin a call. THE NEWS-RECORD 11'01 FINE JOB PRINTING. iy `.ui6i tee! y.]w CY:.�...